High Flying

By Joe Ballard

Published on Sep 1, 2020



Hi--I just wanted to take a few moments to say hey to everyone and talk about my new story. When I wrote In the Blink of an Eye, I finished the story before I ever posted a chapter to Nifty. This time, I'm writing chapter by chapter. This will allow me more interaction with you guys and will hopefully produce an awesome story. I have a few ideas of how to progress with this story, but I haven't planned an ending and am open to all suggestions.

So, here goes, I hope you enjoy it. Take care, all the best, Joe

High Flying

Chapter 1

"Oh shit!" I yelled as my best friend Scott landed on top of Colton and knocked him to the mat. Scott wasted no time pinning Colton down. I performed the three-count and then dragged Scott to his feet and held his arm up in victory.

"In record time, Scott Baker defends his World Championship title and extends his winning streak to 14 matches," I called out as Scott paraded around the ring celebrating his win. Colton laid on the mat groaning and holding his ribs. Scott jumped into the audience--some guys from school--and high fived everyone. I nudged Colton with my foot.

"Get up, chump, you lost again," I said. Colton is the nerd who takes all the punishment we throw at him and still comes back for more. I'm pretty sure he considers us his best friends even though we've never really given him any reason to think that. He shows up at Scott's house every afternoon and takes his lumps and does everything we tell him to do. If not, he's got to go and he knows that so he does our bidding so we don't send him away.

"I think my ribs are broken," Colton moaned.

"Last time it was your knee and the time before that it was your elbow. And it always turns out that you're fine. Get up you whiner!" Scott yelled at him from outside the ring.

"Seriously, you guys, I'm really hurt," was the answer. I looked over at Scott and shrugged.

"C'mon, dude, get up," I said, offering him a hand up. Colton groaned as I grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. The other guys gave him a mocking round of applause and then we all headed into the house for sodas. It took Colton a few minutes to maneuver his way out of the ring and come inside.

"Can you call my dad?" he asked.

"Fuck that, dude. I'm not getting in trouble because you can't keep from getting hurt," I said, refusing.

"Yeah, you gotta learn how to take a hit, dude," said Trace, one of our friends from school and another aspiring wrestler. Colton just moaned again.

"Go lay down on the couch and watch TV until we're done with practice," Scott told him and shoved him toward the living room.

"Owwwww!" Colton cried out. We all looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

"C'mon, I wanna try that move from the top of the ropes again," Scott said and we all went back to the home-made ring in the backyard.

"Man that guy is such a fucking pussy," Will said. Our group is me and Scott, Trace, Hakeem, and Jose and we spend most of our spare time in Scott's backyard practicing our wrestling moves. And Colton, I guess. Gotta have a jobber and he's ours. A few months ago, Scott's dad helped us build a quasi-regulation wrestling ring in their backyard. Before that we bounced on the trampoline or anything else we could use to pretend that we were big time wrestlers.

"I hope he doesn't call his dad," I mumbled as I got in the ring to get ready for Scott's big jump off the top rope. We're high-fliers and we've been working out a new routine that ends with Scott doing a moonsault off the turnbuckle and pinning me. We've been practicing moonsaults hoping to switch up to some more exotic moves. A few days ago Scott almost pulled off a 450 splash--almost meaning that he landed on the side of his face and ended up with a friction burn down his cheek.

"You ready, Shay?" he called down to me. I nodded and he bounced enough to get some momentum and then leaped. He went high in the air and then landed on me and together we fell to the mat and he pinned me.

"One, two, ohhhhh!" Trace started the three count but I managed to pull up a shoulder just in time. I scrambled out from under Scott and climbed the rope. I really want to pull off a dragonrana--this super cool flip from off the top turnbuckle that ends in a pin. If I can ever get that move to work, it's going to be my super move. I squatted on the turnbuckle waiting for Scott to stagger into position.

"Here it comes," I heard Jose whisper as I stood up and held my arm in the air like I was shooting a gun. I took a deep breath and then leaped into the air, propelling myself into a forward roll. My legs landed perfectly on Scott's shoulders and I pulled him onto his back, held his legs, and made the pin. Trace called the three count and everyone was screaming. I did it! I landed the dragonrana perfectly. Scott was so excited that he forgot to be pissed off that I just pinned him. We were hopping up and down and reliving the moment.

"Oh my God, dude, that was the coolest fucking thing I've ever seen!" Hakeem screamed while he pulled himself into the ring . He's usually the quiet one, but even he was cheering at the top of his lungs. I was laughing and trying to catch my breath.

"That was amazing!" I breathed out as Scott pulled me into a bear hug.

"That was better than amazing. You fucking rule!" he shouted into my ear. I couldn't stop grinning. I ended up hugging the other guys before we noticed that we had an audience.

"Shay, that was incredible. Can you do that consistently?" a voice sounded from the back porch. We all whipped around to see Colton's dad standing there.

"Oh, uh, no, Mr. Thomas," I managed to say. We got quiet really fast. Fucking Colton must have called him the instant we went back outside.

"Wow. If you can pull that move every time, I think you really have a good shot at getting into a decent wrestling school after you graduate," he told me. I hopped down from the ring and joined him on the porch.

"Really?" I asked. That is my dream. We graduate from high school in less than six months and Scott and I are planning on applying to three or four wrestling schools. I don't have a clue if we are any good, but Colton's dad just said that we may have a shot.

"Definitely. Have you guys been filming yourselves?" he asked after we shook hands.

"Naw, none of us have the equipment," I said. Scott joined me to talk to Mr. Thomas while the others hung back in the yard. As many times as Colton got hurt, we were concerned that his dad was going to ream us out, but he didn't seem to be worried about that right now.

"Colton! Get out here!" Mr. Thomas shouted to his son who was hiding inside. I'd seen him peeking out the kitchen window a few moments before. Sheepishly Colton appeared at the sliding glass door and came outside. He was still holding his ribs like the wuss he is.

"Yeah, Dad?" he said, his voice breaking. I don't know how he can be eighteen years old and yet his voice is still breaking like he's at least four years younger than that.

"When we get home, get out the camcorder and the tripod and make sure that there's a couple of blank tapes so you can start recording Shay and Scott," Mr. Thomas told Colton. Scott and I exchanged disbelieving looks.

"But Dad, I don't want to film the guys. I want to wrestle," Colton whined. He finally dropped his arms from his side in an attempt to look uninjured.

"What's up with your ribs?" Scott asked with a twinkle in his eyes. Even though Colton's our jobber, we could really use some tape to send out with our wrestling school applications.

"They're okay," Colton snapped.

"You get hurt too often. Maybe watching the guys doing the moves properly will keep you from getting injured. Yes, I'm thinking you should be the videographer here instead so I don't have to keep taking you to the emergency room," Mr. Thomas said. I couldn't help but snicker and Scott joined me. Colton shot us a dirty look. Before he could reply, Scott interjected.

"That's so cool, Mr. Thomas, thanks!" he said.

"Yeah, that would be great," I added. Colton's face fell. He knew that he was stuck behind the camera for the time being. Scott draped an arm over Colton's shoulders. Colton winced again, obviously in serious pain.

"Thanks, Colt," he said, jerking him into a side-hug. Colton squealed.

"You're welcome," he mumbled trying to pull away from Scott's hold.

"Do you need x-rays again?" Mr. Thomas asked his son. Colton shrugged and the two headed toward the front yard.

"Thanks again, Mr. Thomas," I called out.

"Yeah, thanks," Scott said and the other guys called out their appreciation as Colton and his dad walked to their car. Mr. Thomas waved to us and Colton called out a goodbye that none of us replied to.

"It's going to be so cool to have film," Scott said as we walked back to the ring to join the other guys. He grinned at me. He looked so cool with his crooked grin and I just grinned back at him. He put his arm around my shoulders.

"Too bad we weren't filming when I hit that dragonrana," I said.

"No doubt. But now that you've hit one, you'll hit them all," Scott said. He's always so positive. He pulled his arm away and pushed his scruffy dark brown hair from his eyes. I looked away and tried to calm down my dick. Scott gets me so fucking hot sometimes. I'm gay, but he isn't so I have to keep my attraction to myself. In fact, I've never told anyone that I'm gay. I date girls the same as all my friends. We're going to be wrestlers so I doubt that I will ever tell anyone that I'm not into chicks.

"Try the dragonrana again," Scott said, breaking me out of my depressing thoughts. I nodded and hopped up onto the nearest turnbuckle.

"Alright, move over about six inches," I told him with a wave of my hand. He moved over and I bounced a couple of times and then made my move. Just before I came out of the forward roll, Scott moved for some reason and instead of my legs meeting up with his shoulders, I somehow kneed him in the face and we collapsed onto the mat. This was the normal result of trying that move but I was pissed that he moved.

"Why did you knee me in the chin?" he yelled. I rolled over on top of him and pounded his shoulders into the mat.

"Why did you move, you asshole?" I yelled back. The other guys started cheering and egging us on. Scott reversed my move and I ended up on my back with Scott's forearm across my throat.

"Because you were fucking up the move and I didn't want to get hurt," he growled in my face. We rolled around on the mat yelling at one another for another couple of minutes but all the bodily contact we were making was having an adverse reaction down below for me--I was getting hard. Like really hard. I struggled out of his hold and slid out of the ring.

"I'm going to take a piss. When I get back, you'd better be ready to do the move right," I threatened.

"Oh, yeah? Or what?" Scott called out after me.

"You'll see the next time we practice your 450 splash, bitch," I returned. Scott looked at me as I backed up toward the house. There was no way I was turning my back to him until I got inside, even if my cock threatened to tent out my shorts. Scott scowled at me for a moment, but then he started laughing.

"Touche bitch!" he yelled and he turned to the other guys. I breathed a sigh of relief as I headed to the bathroom. My cock had gone down enough to piss, so I took care of business and took a few deep breaths. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair is almost to my shoulders and is looking pretty greasy after wrestling all afternoon. It's a dark blonde that gets sun bleached every summer but since it's almost December it's lost most of the lighter tones. Scott and I are opposites in that regard--he's all dark hair and skin from his Italian heritage and I'm all blond and light skin from my German heritage. He gets me so riled up I can barely keep it together around him sometimes, but I could hear the guys all cheering about something so I decided to head back out to the yard. Hopefully, I can keep my boners to a minimum for the rest of the day.

When I got back out to the yard, the guys were standing around chatting. Whatever got them excited had passed and it looked like we were wrapping up for the night. I grabbed my backpack and joined the guys.

"You headed out?" Scott asked me as I approached. I nodded.

"Yeah, we'd better get out of here, too. Spanish test tomorrow," Trace said, frowning. He and Hakeem bumped fists with all of us and the two of them walked out to the street. They both live two blocks away. Jose hopped on his bike and took off toward the river. His family lives in some crummy apartments just at the edge of the school district. I turned to Scott.

"Ya wanna do homework together after dinner?" I asked, looking at the ring behind him. I always feel nervous around him when I've had a `moment' like earlier.

"Totally. Come back around 7:30 or 8:00," he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. "Hey, are you staying over Friday night? We can get up early and drive to the city," he said. We're going to see an independent wrestling company do a show Saturday night. If we get into the city early, though, we can fuck around town and maybe score some weed or booze.

"Yeah, definitely," I said, shrugging out from under his arm. "Your dad's still letting us borrow his car?" I asked, discreetly adjusting myself. I've got to get over this attraction to my best friend. I'm going to have to jack off like six times before that sleepover Friday night.

"Yeah, but we have to fill the gas tank and wash it in the next week or so," Scott said as we walked to the gate that separates our yards.

"Cool, well, I'll see you in a bit," I said and we fist bumped. He turned and walked back to his house and I went to mine. I turned back and checked out his ass before he was out of sight. Fuck. I'm never going to get over this. And he's never going to be attracted to me in the same way, so I'll just suffer in silence, I guess.

"Hey, I'm home," I called out as the screen door slammed shut behind me. I could hear my younger brothers squabbling over some video game in the living room, but they said nothing back to me.

"It's about time, Shay," my oldest sister Charlotte yelled from the kitchen. "It's your turn to start dinner and it's going to be late..." she kept going but I threw my backpack on the bench by the door and walked upstairs and couldn't hear her anymore. She takes her role as the oldest entirely too serious. My parents are both civilians working at the Naval Air Base here in Jacksonville and with five kids--I have two older sisters and two younger brothers--all of us have a lot of responsibilities around the house. But my sister thinks that she's in charge of us and makes sure that we all know it. She and my other older sister, Maisie, both still live at home. Charlotte attends community college part time and Maisie is in some cosmetology program. I can't wait to get the fuck out of here--out from under Charlotte's iron fist, out of shithole Jacksonville, and hopefully, into wrestling school.

"Do you hear me, Shay? I'm going to talk to Mom about this," I heard Charlotte bellowing. Jesus. Does she ever turn it off? It's no wonder she doesn't have a boyfriend. That and she's such a fat fucking cow. Bossy, overweight, probably prude--some dude is going to be very unhappy with her some day. It's no wonder I'm not into chicks.

"Whatever, Char. I'm making spaghetti and it doesn't take that long to cook, so chill the fuck out and find someone else to annoy," I said, walking into the kitchen. Charlotte came up behind me faster than I thought she could and punched me in the arm. As more of a reflex than anything, I grabbed her arm and pulled her over my shoulder and started to slam her into the floor. I caught myself before I hurt her, but she did hit the ground with a thud.

"What the fuck are you doing, Shay? I'm definitely telling Mom about this!" she screeched and then I saw her grab her phone to either text or call our mom. I grabbed it out of her hand before she was able to contact Mom. I held it over her head while I deleted the text she was about to send.

"You tell Mom about anything that I've done or not done and I'm telling her about you and Bobby LaGrange fucking on the couch in the living room and the mystery stain that appeared afterward," I told her. She stopped jumping up and down to reach the phone.

"You wouldn't dare!" she yelled in my face.

"Let's see here, maybe Mom would like to see some of the texts that you and Bobby sent to one another..." I pretended to open a text from her ex-boyfriend. Her only boyfriend. Only she was super embarrassed to date him because he was younger and even fatter than she is. So she kept telling people that they were `just friends'. Ha. I didn't really want to see any of their texts and actually, I had no idea whether they sexted or whatever--just the thought of that is totally grossing me out right now--but if my sister ratted me out to our mom I probably wouldn't get to go to the wrestling show on Saturday.

"Don't you dare!" she yelled at me and kicked me in the shin. I buckled over in pain and she grabbed her phone from my hands.

"You worthless slag!" I screamed at her and soon had her in a full nelson. "Drop your phone or I'll fucking destroy you," I added. She held out for a few moments but then dropped her phone in defeat.

"Screw you, Shay. I'll get you back, mark my words," she said. I let her go after kicking her phone under the oven. She scrambled over and ended up using a broom to sweep her phone out from under there. It was covered in whatever grime had accumulated under the oven after all these years. She took off for the bathroom, mumbling words of hate and revenge. I shook my head and pulled out the big pot to cook pasta in.

"That was a low blow bringing up Bobby like that," Maisie said walking into the kitchen from the mudroom where she witnessed me and Char's argument.

"She just pisses me off so much," I said quietly as I stirred some Ragu into a sauce pan. I dug around in the fridge and found the makings for a pretty half-assed salad.

"Me, too. She's so judgmental lately," Maisie said, applying some lip gloss in her compact mirror.

"Probably pregnant," I said, not really thinking about it. We heard a gasp and both turned to see Charlotte burst into tears.

"How did you find out? Have you been spying on me?" she ran at me and started hitting me over and over again with her fists.

"Find out what?" I said, holding up my arms to protect my face. I'm nearly 5' 7" feet tall and she's only 5'3" but the way she was swinging her fists around, I didn't know whether to cover my face or my package.

"About the baby," Char wailed and then collapsed in a big heap on the floor. I shrugged and turned to the stove where my pasta water was bubbling over and my sauce was boiling big burps of sauce all over the stove.

"Oh, Jesus Char, not Bobby's, please tell me it isn't Bobby's," Maisie said, clearly trying to keep from laughing. I threw some pasta in the pot and turned down the temp on the sauce and then took off for my bedroom. I figured that Maisie would sort this all out, but I was getting the hell out before the shit hit the fan. My parents are going to freak out when they find out about this and I don't want anything to do with that.

"Of course it's Bobby's. He's the only boy I've been with," I heard Char whine. I grabbed my books and my backpack and headed out the door to Scott's house.

"He's only a senior in high school Char, how the hell is he going to help you raise a baby?" I heard Maisie ask before the screen door slammed shut. Hmmm. Maybe Maisie isn't going to sort this out after all, but my being around wasn't going to make things any better. I practically ran through the gate into Scott's yard hoping no one saw me before I got inside.

"Sup, dude," Scott said as I stealthily made my way into the kitchen. I started closing the curtains and window blinds so I wouldn't be discovered too easily. I really don't want to be involved in a family war.

"Sup," I said, peeking out the front window and seeing my dad's car pull into the garage.

"Whatcha doin'?" Scott was suddenly right behind me and I yelped and jumped about a foot in the air. He started laughing so I punched him in the gut. He kept laughing and holding his stomach.

"Fucking Char is pregnant by that doofus Bobby LaGrange and shit's about to go down. I got the hell out of there as fast as I could," I told him. I pulled the front curtains closed and we went back to the kitchen.

"You know that my house is the first place they'll come looking for you, right?" Scott said, still laughing at me.

"Yeah, but I don't need to make it easy for them to find me," I retorted. Then I started laughing. "I'm not much of a ninja, huh?"

"No, you are not," Scott answered. "I can't believe that fat fuck knocked up your sister," he said and we both started laughin again.

"I know, I've barely gotten to feel up Stacy McDaniel's tits and he's gonna be a daddy," I said, pretending to be straight for like the millionth time. I think Stacy McDaniel would have let me fuck her brains out, too, but I was the one who was like, let's wait. She, of course, went down on some junior guy like two days later and I didn't have to worry about `waiting' anymore, but at least I had a story about a chick to fall back on.

"Man, your dad is going to lose his shit," Scott said. We sat at the kitchen counter on barstools and pulled out our textbooks for English. Neither one of us is much of a student, but we need to get our diplomas if we want to live at home, so we're sticking it out until graduation.

"No kidding. I'm sure that they were counting the days until there were no more kids at home, but now there's gonna be a baby," I said, flipping my textbook open to our assignment.

"Maybe my parents can adopt it. They seem all broken up about me moving out in a few months," Scott said.

"Man, that would suck to adopt a baby with two fat, dumpy parents like Char and big' ol' Bobby," I said and Scott and I snickered. We got to work and finished our homework just as Rose, Scott's mom, walked in the door.

"Here ya guys go," she said shoving a bag from Five Guys burgers at us. "How was your day, hon?" she asked Scott and gave him a hug. He shrugged out from under her affections.

"Better than Charlotte's," he said, grinning at me. I started laughing while I put my school stuff in my backpack.

"What's wrong with Charlotte?" Rose asked, looking concerned. Charlotte has that effect on adults--she seems so mature and well put together that parents and teachers think she's so great. Little do they know what a bitch she is.

"Preggers," Scott said with a huge bite of burger in his mouth. I nodded and took a huge bite of my own.

"Oh my. I take it that her pregnancy wasn't planned?" Rose asked while digging through a drawer to find a bottle opener. She'd also brought home a 12-pack of Heineken beer. She popped the top and stood across the counter from us while we devoured the burgers and fries.

"Nope. She's not even with Bobby anymore," I said in between bites.

"Oh, not Bobby LaGrange," Rose moaned and Scott and I started laughing.

"Only boyfriend she's ever had," I said.

"Poor girl," Rose said, almost under her breath. I could tell she was trying to be diplomatic, but even she had trouble trying to put a silver lining on this cloud.

"Poor Bobby," Scott blurted out and he and I guffawed like we were so clever.

"Oh, now hush, Scott. Charlotte's going to have a difficult time now that she's with child and isn't with the father. I'll have to call your mom, Shay," Rose said and opened another beer and headed upstairs.

"Scott? Shay?" Sean, Scott's dad, called out from the door to the garage a few minutes later.

"Yeah, Dad?" Scott answered but didn't get up from his barstool.

"Can you boys come out to the garage?" Sean said in a stern voice.

"Fuck me, what the hell does he want now?" Scott hissed out before he hopped down and the two of us slowly walked out to meet Scott's dad.

"C'mon, move it," Sean demanded and we picked up the pace slightly. This didn't sound good for us. I wondered what we were in trouble for. Scott and I spent nearly every minute of our lives together and had since I was born. Sean and Rose were as much my parents as his and I knew that the tone of voice Sean used wasn't fooling around. Fuck me is right.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Sean said, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me into a headlock.

"What did I do?" I gasped out. His forearm blocked my trachea and I could barely breathe, much less talk.

"You body slammed your pregnant sister!" he yelled at me. Oh that.

"I didn't know she was pregnant and she hit me first," I choked out.

"You can't body slam girls. Never, ever, not in this lifetime," Sean shouted in my ear not letting up on his grip around my neck.

"I didn't really slam her or anything. I stopped before she hit the ground and then she just sort of...plopped down," I defended myself. Scott raised his eyebrows at me, looking like he was going to start laughing at any moment. Sean released his death grip and I sucked in air.

"Seriously Shay, you really could have hurt her or her baby," Sean said, leaning back on the hood of his car.

"C'mon, Dad, Char has at least 50 pounds on Shay and probably hits harder," Scott said, a hint of mischievousness lurking in his expression.

"Not helping, dude," I said and Sean reached out and smacked him in the chest.

"Shut up, son," he said. He stood there rubbing his forehead like we'd given him a headache.

"Honest, Sean, I've wrestled with Char a million times and she can hold her own. And like I said, I didn't let her fall hard. She just landed heavy," I said, still trying to defend myself.

"Look, Shay, I know that your sister is, well, a big girl, but she's still a girl. Basically, you have to assume that every girl you know is pregnant at any given moment so you can't treat them like you would boys," Sean finally said to me. I nodded and then stared at the ground wondering how much trouble I'm going to be in when I get home. This sucks. I'm totally going to be grounded for the wrestling show this weekend.

"Well, I guess I'd better go home and apologize, or something," I mumbled. My lameass sister gets me busted again.

"Hold on, Shay," Sean said as he reached out and grasped my shoulder.

"What's up?" I asked in surprise.

"It's just that, so I talked to your dad," Sean said, trying to carefully pick his words. I looked at Scott in confusion and he shook his head and shrugged.

"Yeah?" I said when Sean didn't continue.

"Your mom and dad would like you to stay at our place for the next few months...maybe until graduation and you boys head off to school," Sean said quickly. It took me a second to grasp what he was saying.

"Wait, they're kicking me out of the house?" I blurted out angrily. Fuck them. They always take Charlotte's side.

"Not really. I mean, yes, you'll be living over here, but you'll get to see your family all the time since they are next door and all. And really, it's probably for the best that you aren't around since they are going to be dealing with the new baby coming..." Sean trailed off at the end. Yeah, he wasn't having an easy time putting a silver lining on this shit cloud, either.

"But," I said and then stopped. I couldn't really think of anything to say. As much as I wanted to take a stand and defend myself or whatever, I saw the logic of what Sean said. Charlotte is the queen bitch when she's not pregnant, so the next 9 months or whatever she's got left until the baby comes are going to be hell. And I don't want to get conned into babysitting or changing diapers. I was lucky I wasn't old enough when my younger brothers were born to have to do that crap. All of the sudden Scott whooped loudly.

"Hell yeah, dude, you can move your shit into my room tonight. This is going to be awesome," he said excitedly. I grinned at him, but then caught sight of Sean giving us a disapproving look. I wiped the smile off my face and tried to look grim.

"Scott, this is a serious matter," Sean said but even he couldn't keep a straight face and we all started laughing. "Shay, you know that you're always welcome in our home. I don't think you did anything that warrants this kind of reaction--and your parents may change their minds as soon as some time has passed," he said once we'd calmed down a bit.

"Thanks, Sean, I appreciate it," I said. Sean pulled me into a hug and slapped me on the back.

"No problem. Now, you boys want to share a beer with your old man?" He asked, putting his arms around both of our shoulders and walking us back to the kitchen.

"Sweet," Scott said and I nodded enthusiastically. I'm already enjoying living at Scott's house more than I ever liked living next door.

"You can pick up your gear this weekend. There's no reason to send you into the lion's den until things quiet down a little," Sean said as he opened the beer bottles and handed them to us.

We stood around talking about the NFL season and how the Jaguars had flushed another season down the toilet. After Scott and I downed three beers each, Sean sent us to get ready for bed. Scott and I took care of our bathroom stuff and then watched some wrestling videos on his laptop.

"That dragonrana you hit today was fucking fly, dude," Scott told me while we watched Rey Mysterio land a few of the most amazing high flying moves ever performed.

"Thanks, man. You're gonna hit that 450 splash for sure," I said, slurring a little. I don't drink hardly ever, so three beers got me tipsy.

"Fuck, yeah," he said and when the video ended he slammed down the top of his laptop. "Oops," he said, giggling. I guess we're both lightweights. We stripped down to our briefs and got in bed. I don't know why it didn't occur to me until this very moment, but I'm going to share a bed with Scott for the foreseeable future. How the hell am I supposed to keep my boner to myself when the sexiest guy alive is in bed a foot away from me? How are we supposed to share a bed, a bedroom, a bathroom, and every waking minute together and I don't let it slip that I want to feel his cock in my mouth. And other places. I'm so screwed. And not in the good way.

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