High Falls Academy

Published on Aug 2, 2020



High Falls Academy. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

High Falls Academy is an expensive private school for young men who needed to mature before they went to a real college. Our students were the ones who couldn't get along with their mother or father's third or fourth mates. Many had been to multiple prep schools, but the education didn't stick. Most were plain old fuck ups.

I am Rollo Mathews and am the school's Chief Maintenance Engineer, the head janitor. I can fix things. I know the campus like the back of my hand and know what needs to be done and when it needs to be done.

The professors and administrators treat the students with kid gloves. They regard them as wealthy customers, not as students. The normal punishment for infractions is to be assigned to me as part of the janitorial-grounds crew. I happen to be six-feet-four tall and 250 pounds of muscle. I also have pronounced brow ridges, a muskrat sized beard, and body hair covering everything other than my eyeballs and fingernails.

I am scary, but ten years earlier I had saved four students from being burned alive. The young intellectuals were trying to burn down the science building not knowing that the door in the room where they set the fire locked automatically and trapped them inside. I knocked down the door and carried them out seconds before the flames reached them.

When you reached my grounds crew, the students knew they had been bad. I was known to be hard, but fair. Most of the students were twenty or older. Most had been expelled or flunked out of several schools before they reached High Falls Academy.

The Academy was fenced and gated. It was originally associated with the True Gospel Church. That church no longer existed, but the President realized the religious association enhanced the money-making potential of the school. The Academy had a faculty that was not top of the line, but most of them intended to teach something to the students.

I happen to be gay and have a private sex life with old friends. I use the college gym and pool for exercise. While I am not good looking, I tend to sparkle in the showers. The gym showers are old style with no stalls or curtains. While the students nicknamed me the Missing Link, and Atilla the Janitor, my cock is no joking matter. It was called D.O.D., the dick of death, by the students. Everyone looked and some got hard. I am strictly a no funny business guy. I'm careful to avoid any entanglements and I'm careful to avoid slipping on the students' drool.

I had been at the Academy for four or five years when I had my first encounter with the High Falls Alumni Association. The members I knew were in their mid to late twenties and I was surprised when two of them, Newton and Bertie came to see me. I live next to the campus in a cottage in the woods.

Newton was one of my bad boys, but I eventually got him to almost act like a normal human being. Bertie was an intelligent boy, who had incredibly bad taste in friends. Bad influences attracted him like magic. Both were employed now and had done well.

We talked some, and Newton out of no where asked, "Did you notice all the guys looking at your cock in the showers? Some guys actually got hard."

"Of course, but I'm not into students, and I'm not like a fish that responds to any sparkling bait," I replied.

"We're not students anymore," Bertie said.

"I'm into man sex, hot, messy, and heavy. I like to top and I'm not into crybabies," I said. "I'm not right for guys who still have their training wheels on." The conversation went on for a little while, and I was eventually naked in my chair as Bertie and Newton shared my cock. Bertie was a thin, tall guy with a big cock. Newton was a stocky guy with a wrestler's body. Newton was soon sucking me as I sucked Bertie.

Sex with men is strange. You can intend to be polite and just do a social suck, but Bertie was oozing primo precum. They seemed more attractive when they were hard and sexually engaged. A little later, Newton took my load in his mouth and continued to suck me dry. Bertie popped and I took every drop. They went off to their motel and I went to bed.

The next day was of class meetings and a golf tournament for alumni. That was good for me since I had had little to do. I had to set up a big tent for a Sunday luncheon on the last day of the weekend. I had done this before, and I did it quickly, so I was home by five. I had a few beers and made dinner. The evening was free so the Alumni could have dinner with friends.

At eight someone knocked on my door. It was Newton, Bertie, and Calvin. I didn't know Calvin well since he was a good student and I usually knew only the more problematic members of his class. I did remember that Calvin seemed to shower at the same time I did. He was never fully erect, but I had noticed his cock was interested. I was feeling mellow and asked them in.

Newton said he had enjoyed the night before. Calvin remembered me. "I never formally met you, but I noticed you," Calvin said. "Bertie told me that we share common interests."

"Is that common interest cock sucking?" I asked.

Calvin said it was, adding, "Bertie said you liked the top? I guess you could say I like the bottom."

"My cock might be too big for a guy who only sort of likes the bottom," I remarked.

"I confess, I've been thinking about your cock ever since I saw for the first time in my sophomore year. I really didn't know what you could do with a cock then. I now know, and I want it up my ass shooting your man seed into me," he said.

"You might be disappointed," I said.

"I would rather be disappointed than spend the rest of my life wondering what it would be like," he said.

"Are Newton and Bertie your cheerleaders?" I asked.

"Bertie's ass is well used, but he's never taken one like yours," Newton said. "Sometimes I have an itch in a hard to reach place in my ass."

"I don't half fuck a guy," I said. "I take my time, but I want to get it all in you." They smiled and we went to my bedroom. The upstairs had originally been two bedrooms and a bath. It was now one large bedroom and a big shower-bath room.

We showered and I soon realized the boys were more experienced than I had guessed and much more enthusiastic. I poked at Calvin's behind and discovered his ass was lubricated. I slipped in, passed through the sphincter, and went deep. Calvin was five feet six so once I was in, I stood up and his weight was supported by my cock and one arm around his chest. My free hand played with his rock-hard cock. We broke apart, dried off and went to my bed.

I was on my back and Calvin skewered himself on my cock. I later found out that while the boys were sexually active, it had been gentle, with rich, pretty boys. I am not rough and I'm not into pain, but I admit my cock gets where it wants to go. I had a taste for introducing macho guys to feelings they didn't know existed.

After ten minutes, Calvin shot off half his body weight covering my chest in sperm. He dismounted and Bertie took his place. Two minutes later Bertie discovered he was a bottom and a size queen. He discovered true love when he was fully impaled. Luckily, the love only lasted as long as my cock was in him. I'm not much into long term relationships, and ten or twenty minutes of love and a minute of an orgasm was good for me and Bertie. Bertie moaned each time I ejaculated in his ass.

Newton was a bystander, but he licked some of Calvin's sperm from my gut and seemed to like it. After Bertie got off my cock, Newton fucked him and quickly shot off. I was surprised when Newton seemed to enjoy tonguing Bertie's ass and licking my sperm as it drooled from Bertie's ass. We played around for another half hour and then they left.

Summer was my time to take care of the major repairs that would be disruptive during the academic year, so I was busy. The President of the Academy asked me to meet with him. That was odd. He didn't like to talk with anyone who didn't have a PhD. He told me he had a relative who needed work and asked if I would hire him. "This isn't an order, but it would help me a great deal," he added. I am no fool; it was an order.

Two days later a guy named Sandy appeared at my office. He was an average guy, but I recognized the signs of alcohol abuse and malnutrition. At one time he might have been handsome, but he looked used. He was polite. I asked him if he was on any medication. He told me no, he was done with all of that. I got him to help in the greenhouse. We grew our own flowers and the Greenhouse manger, Billy, was recovering from a heart attack. Sandy rented a room from Sandy, who needed some help around the house.

A few days later Billy told me Sandy was doing well. Sandy and Billy ate their meals at the cafeteria which was open for Summer School. Billy's wife had died a year earlier, and he couldn't cook. Everyone liked Billy so he and Sandy got special treatment from the cafeteria staff.

Sandy looked much heathier three weeks later. Regular meals and getting in the sun improved his physical appearance. I found out that Sandy was the brother of the Presidents' wife. He had fallen on hard times.

Unlike the President, his wife Elizabeth was a leader of men, and it was generally assumed she ran the day to day operations of the school. Life was much easier when I explained things to her, rather than to her husband. She was good in an emergency. She tended to be domineering, but reassuring to parents when their son got sick or was injured.

Elizabeth came to see me and explained that Sandy was her favorite brother. All was well, until her father found out Sandy was gay. He was kicked out of the house and forced to leave his hometown. She hadn't seen him in 15 years until a hospital called her as next of kin when he almost died due alcoholic poisoning. She took charge and thus he was working in the greenhouse.

"Sandy needs some friends who share his interests. I was hoping you might help him with that," he said.

"I'm not a dating service," I said.

"I'm not trying to get him hooked up," Elizabeth said. "He needs someone to talk too. My family has done as badly as possible. At one time I idolized my father. He was the great moral leader. His morality turned into persecution. He became a hate filled man. Eventually, hate and persecution became the core of his religion. Sandy was the focus of his intolerance. My husband is almost as bad. In his case it is fear of the Academy Board. I was just hoping you could help. I just hope you can do what you can."

"Some of the boys we stuck you with turned in better men. I thought they were hopeless. Sandy needs a normal relationship with likeminded men," she said. "By the way, this is a genuine request, not an order. It is not like my husband's requests."

I laughed. "I understand, he's just a guy, not your brother."

A week later Billy came to me and said he had to retire. He told me that he thought Sandy might be a good replacement. Sandy was smart and seemed to enjoy the work in the green house. I said I would think about it and told Billy to keep on training him.

When summer school ended the cafeteria closed so Billy and Sandy came to eat with me. Billy was always cheerful and funny. Sandy was looking a lot better and heathier. When Billy went to visit his daughter in New York, Sandy came to live with me. He took the couch, but we shared the shower.

I talked with him to see if he was comfortable on his own. I was worried about back sliding. He told me he thought he was okay. A day later he said he wasn't so sure. Drinking had been a problem for years, and avoiding the problem was easier when he was with someone. I told him I thought that was a good decision. We met in the shower a few times, but it was purely look but no touch.

Just before students returned, I was invited to a party by old friend Dr. Mike and his partner Jim. It was at Dr. Jim's cabin in the woods. I told them about Sandy, and they told me to bring him along. Jim was a recovering alcoholic, so their parties tended to avoid temptation. I told Sandy about it and said it was all gay, and sex was optional. He asked me if many guys took the option.

"It is no stress and no pressure, but as far as I knew, everyone opted for sex," I explained.

Sandy laughed. "I guess that is a gay man's normal reaction," he said. "Are they all old friends? Would I be the new meat?"

"Let's just say there is no pressure, but a lot of opportunity," I said. I wasn't surprised when he decided to come with me.

We left at noon on Friday and got to the cabin at four. Dr. Mike was a semi-retired General Practitioner; Jim was a nurse. Rev. Dennis was there with his friend Louis, the choir director. Howard, a schoolteacher, was with his special friend Dudley, who was the school janitor and Jackson, the football coach. Most of the men were older than Sandy, but Jim, Louis and Jackson were closer to his age. Sandy was looking much better than when he came to work for me, so he was in good shape.

We had dinner at little pond behind the cabin, Dr. Mike and Jim cooked at a stone barbeque as some of the men went skinny dipping. They provided towels, but most of the guys wrapped the towels around their shoulders, not their waists. After an hour everyone had been in the water and was naked.

I am not everyone's image of a beach bunny, but I have noticed I am much more attractive naked than dressed for some men. Sandy was attractive and his seven-inch cock just added to the attraction. Dinner was excellent with steaks, corn on the cob and a salad. Rev. Dennis was partial to imaginative fruit drinks. The were refreshing and had some zip. They were exactly right for a muggy night.

As it began to get dark lust began to rise. Jackson and Louis were talking with Sandy. "The guys here are mostly partnered. They don't cheat, but they like a little variety once and a while. Cheating is doing something behind your partner's back. Having a little fun is okay as long as it's open and you're not hiding anything," Louis explained.

"At one time taking a guy's cum in the mouth or shooting off in an ass was a bit too far. Somehow the guys acquired a taste for a man's home brew so that is fine," Jackson added. "Some of the men like sloppy seconds or thirds. You're new here, it's up to you." Louis leaned over to suck Sandy's cock. Jackson came closer to Sandy so Sandy could suck his cock.

I was near Dr. Mike and I sucked him while Rev. Dennis worked his thick tool into my ass. His cock was a little too thick for my sphincter, but it was the perfect battering ram for my prostate. I had been getting together with these men for years. When Rev. Dennis's cock got to be too much, Dudley would replace him. Dudley had a long, thin cock that slid into easily. It seemed relaxing until Dennis made a return visit. My ass had time to relax and the Reverend's cock seemed pleasant.

During a break I saw Sandy with Jim. Sandy was fucking Jim and Dr. Mike was advising Sandy on Jim's hot spots. Sandy asked if Dr. Mike wanted to fuck.

Dr. Mike said no. He like watching his partner squirm on another man's cock. Jim clearly enjoyed a new cock exploring his ass. Sandy asked Dr. Mike if he liked sloppy seconds. A minute later Sandy let loose and rear loaded Jim. Sandy had the attractive trait of twitching each time he ejaculated. You knew exactly what was happening in Jim's ass. Jim moaned with each spurt. Dr. Mike was rock had as he watched. A soon as Sandy pulled out, Mike was deep in the sperm filled ass.

"I'm not used to being watched," Sandy said.

"Don't worry. You are star material," I said. The weekend was a success and Sandy made some new friends. Louis and Howard introduced him to some of their friends who were closer to his age. Sandy moved into Billy's house when Billy left. he had a roommate Tony, who was a friend of Jim. I think Elizabeth helped with the rent.

Back at High Falls Academy the new students were mostly lost and confused. As was typical, several had problems having roommates for the first time and making new friends. Being courteous and accommodating was a new skill for some of them.

High Falls had conventional dormitories; there were no luxury suites, and all rooms were dual occupancy. This year was somewhat better than most since no one tried to set a dormitory on fire. That was a good news-bad news situation. The parents of the arsonists payed big bucks to keep their darlings out of jail and we used the money to renovate the dorm. The school did require that the student be institutionalized.

I surprised that locking up the student didn't seem to bother many of the parents. Living with a timebomb that might explode at any minute was difficult for them.

We had several new faculty members. Working for High Falls was easy and paid well, but it wasn't a stop on the path to academic advancement. One of the new men was Roger Miller who taught Latin and Greek. He was a jogger and seemed to be obsessive about weight training. I ran into him in the showers. By the odd standards of Latin and Greek professors he seemed normal.

After a few weeks I noticed that he seemed to be in the showers when I was there with regularity. He didn't get hard or anything overt, but he tended to get shower heads that were closer to me over time. Roger had average good looks, but his body was impressive, defined but not bulky.

The shower and locker rooms were located between the gymnasium and the pool. You entered the pool through the showers. Roger and I were showering when we heard screams for help from the pool. We ran to the pool and saw a student thrashing around and then sink. Roger dove in and got the student out. I was trained in first aid and did mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. As I revived the student, Roger called 911 and the rescue squad was there soon. The Academy had it own little squad. It was there immediately, and the town squad arrived five minutes later.

Roger and I were nude, but in the excitement, I didn't seem to notice. One of the Phys Ed coaches brought us towels. Roger was well equipped, and I am horse hung. Even in an emergency situation, the rescue guys and police noticed.

The student was taken to the hospital for observation. He didn't know how to swim and didn't want anyone to know about it. Somehow, he didn't grasp the difference between the shallow and the deep end of the pool and he made a bad choice.

Roger was the hero of the day. For the students that was enough to make up for being a Latin professor. Apparently, it was assumed that rescuing students was part of my job. A few days later the President had a little ceremony to thank us, the Rescue Squad, and the Police for our quick action.

The Chief of the school's rescue squad was Grant Davis. He was a 23-year-old, late blooming student. Being recognized for doing anything good was a new experience for him. The men in the Town's Rescue Squad treated him as a man, and he liked that. I think he was more used to being the village idiot.

Grant talked with me after the event. He mentioned he knew Jackson, the local football coach. There was no way for a High Falls student to meet him other than sexually.

"Jackson told me you were a good guy and lots of fun," Grant said.

"How long have you known Jackson?" I asked.

"About a year," Grant said. "We aren't that close, but I enjoy getting together with him. He said since I like big men, I might like you. Actually, he said I would like you a lot. You live just off the campus, don't you?"

"It a little cottage, but it's comfortable," I said. I didn't ask him to see it, but he followed me home. For some reason, my common sense was inactive, and I didn't object. Grant liked my cottage a lot.

Grant's pants were tented as soon as he entered. "Jackson told me about your cock, but when I saw it at the pool, it was hard to believe it was real," Grant said.

Grant was a pudgy, tall man with an ineffectual beard and a supercilious expression on his face. He also turned out to have an ass that was made for my cock. Ten minutes later I realized my cock made a direct connection to his brain. I was shocked but not as much as Grant was shocked. We went at it for a half hour when we both needed a break.

Grant eventually told me that had no idea what real sex was until I fucked him. Jackson tended to fuck and climax quickly. "What I had been doing was kid stuff. I feel like I was going T Ball and I suddenly found myself in the world series," he said.

I lifted his legs and re-entered his ass. "I have a feeling there is still some cum left in your balls," I said.

"Oh baby," he moaned. A second or two later my cock reestablished the connection to his brain, and all was well.

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