Hierarchy of Needs

Published on Oct 12, 2022


Hierarchy of Needs 3

Hierarchy of Needs

By Wes Dayton

Chapter Three: The Chosen Path

 I inserted the key into the door and braced myself for the worst. With a tentative push, I entered the house and found my parents fighting, momentarily interrupted by my entrance. I had lost track of time.

 "Where the hell have you been?" My mother asked.

 "When you didn't call us at 11 o'clock, we began to worry about you," My father added.

 "What do you think you're doing with that boy anyway?"

 "Leave him out of this!" I shot to my father.

 "You're a damn faggot, aren't you?!" My father shouted.  

 "Look," I began, "I'm 18. I can take care of myself!" I shot my response and stormed off upstairs and slammed my door. My parents fighting resumed, and their angry voices filtered through the closed door. I turned my stereo on and blasted some music to drown out their arguing. I went to my bed and collapsed into one of the pillows and sobbed. I needed to get out of this house if I was ever going to be truly happy. Where would I go? I grabbed the cordless phone from the nightstand and dialed Jeff's number.


 "Hi, is Jeff there?"

 "One moment." I was a nervous wreck waiting to be connected to Jeff. I had to let this out to somebody. My father's voice was getting closer to the door and I heard his footsteps on stairs.

 "Boy? I swear to God I'm gonna teach your fruity ass a lesson!" I quickly ran to my door and made sure it was locked.

 "Hello?" Jeff asked.

 "Hi, it's Curtis," I stammered, trying to talk over my father's shouting.

 "Hey babe, everything alright? There's a lot of noise over there, I can hear it pounding through the phone," Jeff asked with concern.

 "No, I'm not alright. Do you think you can pick me up really soon?"

 "Yeah, I'll be right over."

 "Ok, I'm going to start walking towards your house, just look for me along the way."

 I clicked off the phone, threw it on my bed, and scrambled out the window. I jumped off the roof onto the grass below and started running through the cool night air towards Jeff's house. The events that transpired earlier kept replaying through my mind. Who I wanted to date should be my own business. I shouldn't have to answer to anyone for what I do on my own time and who I hang out with. I let out a long sigh as I quickened my pace putting further distance between my house and myself. A short while later as I neared the end of my road, I heard a car engine approaching from the distance. I looked up and saw the warm glow of headlights, and finally, the car slowed to a halt beside me. Jeff put the car in park, hopped out, and ran over to me.

 "Curtis, what's wrong?!" Jeff asked in a panic.

 "I'm fine, I just had to get out of my house," I said. Jeff pulled me into him and gave me a hug. He gently kissed the crook of my neck and then leaned in so his mouth was right next to my ear.

 "I love you, babe," Jeff whispered softly.

 "I love you, too," I whispered back, pulling Jeff into another hug. "We should get going though, people will start to wonder what we're doing with a car parked in the middle of the road so late in the night," I said, smiling as a tone of happiness returned to my voice, and climbed in the passenger seat. Back behind the wheel, Jeff asked for a destination. I thought for a moment. "The bridge would be nice," I said.

 Without saying another word, Jeff navigated his car towards what had now become our spot, as I'm sure it was other's favorite romantic spot long before us. We were merely carrying on the tradition I suppose. The brief ride was spent in silence, and I could feel Jeff's eyes as they passed from the road, then to my face, and back to the road again several times. Jeff slowed the car to a stop just after the bridge and parked and shut the headlights off. He didn't say a word and didn't make an attempt to exit the car. It was apparent he was waiting for a cue from me as to what should happen next. I slid across the front passenger seat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

 "I just love being with you," I said as if defending myself from a silent questioning in his eyes.

 "Not as much as I do," he said, stroking my hair across my forehead, and letting his hand come to rest on my chest. He pulled me close to him and began to talk freely. "Curtis," he began, "I know you might not want to talk about it now, but just let me say this. You can't keep running from your problems, or your parents. You're going to have to deal with them now, or in the near future, before they become too big to deal with on your own. You won't be alone in this though. I am here to support you. I love you, Curtis, and I will do anything I can to help you."

 I was sobbing on Jeff's shoulder now. I gently kissed his neck. "Thank You," I whispered. "No one has cared enough about me before to say such things."

 "Curtis, I hate seeing you like this. You deserve so much more from this life. People are going to try to use you your whole life; don't let your parents get an early start now." Jeff paused, letting the silence linger while he formed his next thought. "Look at the bridge spanning the distance from the one shore to the next. It only fulfills one purpose, to join the two sides of land divided by the water. The bridge is content doing what it was designed to do. The bridge supports the weight of objects crossing over it in order to get to the other bank. The bridge doesn't care about what flows under it, so long as nothing tries to shake it from its foundation in the center of the flow." Jeff paused again, with a nostalgic look in his eyes. "Curtis," he began, "I want us to be like that bridge. I want us to carry each other through this life together getting from one event to the next without having to worry about hte small details in life. This fight you had with your parents seems huge to you now, but just wait a while. Pretty soon it will all just be water under the bridge."

 I groaned as he laughed at his horrible pun. "You made me wait all that time for THAT?!" I complained.

 "Hey, you know you liked it," Jeff said, winking at me.

 A tired smile stretched its way across my face and I laid my head back down on his shoulder. The silence slowly gave way to the sound of water as it flowed effortlessly underneath the bridge and the rustling of leaves as the summer night's light breeze weaved through the trees around us.

 We remained that way as I drifted off to sleep. When I awoke the sun was beginning to rise, and I realized I had lost track of time. Jeff was awake, and we were in the same position as when we had fallen asleep. "Sorry, I should have moved so you would be more comfortable," I said, feeling guilty.

 "Hush," Jeff said, placing a finger over my lips. "I'm glad you didn't move," Jeff said, kissing me on my lips where his finger had been just seconds before. Warmth flooded my insides as I looked at my man sitting next to me. I instantly said a prayer of thanksgiving to God for blessing me so much to allow me to love and be loved by this man.

 I was so overwhelmed by my love and affection for this man that I needed to show him how much he really meant to me as if he didn't already have a totally complete idea. I reclined my seat and Jeff climbed on top of me and we passionately kissed back and forth. The rolled up windows began to fog up around the edges and I enjoyed the heat of our bodies transferring to each other. Each touch of his hand upon my body was like an electric shock of pleasure that traveled directly up my spine to my brain and emanated throughout my entire body many times over. The leather covered car seats mimicked our groans and moans of pleasure and sexual frustration as my mouth longingly searched for his for yet another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his back and grabbed his ass and pulled his groin into mine. It was as if we were trying to merge two bodies into one, with all the force we were using. Combined with his electric touches, the grinding of our flesh together in a slow and deliberate way was doing purely heavenly things to both of us. I lovingly and gently bit at his earlobe and kissed his neck.

 "I need you," I breathed, "always and forever."

 "I will never leave you," he said, stopping his motions and gazing into my eyes making sure I knew he wasn't just saying it in the moment. I answered in agreement by kissing him strongly on his lips. Our tongues made love to each other, matching the movements the rest of our bodies were inflicting upon one another.

 We held each other closely as our hands roamed over each other, exciting us beyond belief. I started unzipping his pants desperately as he tried to strip my shirt. I paused to help him and then resumed frantically removing his pants. In record time, we were both naked in each other's arms. I was delirious with only one thing clouding my entire vision. I needed this to happen. We grabbed each other's cocks almost instantaneously and started stroking, he with the heavy touch and I with the feathery-light touch which I loved to use. His mouth left mine and started moving downwards my chest, kissing and licking while I stroked him off. He found my nipple, involuntarily biting as my finger entered into him slowly. The mutual sensations caused us both to jump. He looked up, giving me a grimace in apology as I wiggled my way in deeper, slowly stretching his muscles. He looked at me in surprise and I hesitated. I gave him a kiss, looking into his eyes and continued my exploration of his hole, fingering my way gently around and starting to finger-fuck him. He looked stunned at my actions for a moment and went back to licking my nipple, a dazed expression on his face.

 We started moving into a 69 position, still stroking each other. He kissed me quickly, and I maneuvered my face in front of his crotch. I let all the problems and negativity I had been experiencing from earlier just melt away. I was complete. This is what I wanted, what made me feel whole. With the newfound clarity in place, we laid on our sides and I felt him grasp my cock, giving the head of my cock a soft lick with the tip of his tongue. That caused me to shiver and my fingers to jerk inside him, causing him to groan in pleasure. I didn't even bother with licking, I took his cock right into my mouth and started stroking slowly, my lips clamped light around his shaft- and what's more, I felt him mirroring my actions. I didn't want this to end. I couldn't let this end. I had to make this last for as long as possible. I felt his hand slide between my legs, massaging my balls, his fingers squeezing and pulling. I added a second finger into him, causing him to stop sucking me. I looked down and saw him staring at me with a serious look. He grabbed his pants lying in a heap beside him, fished out a condom, tossed it to me.

 I scrambled to my knees and my eyes widened and he gave me a shaky smile and rolled onto his back, keeping eye contact with me and licking his lips. I took a deep breath, tore open the wrapper and rolled the condom onto my pulsing cock. Thankfully, it was already lubed; I had no idea what I would have done without lube. I moved closer to him, picked up his legs and set them on my shoulders. I bent down, kissing him gently, his reassuring smile all the impetus I needed for me to begin. I pushed against his hole, sliding slowly into him. I sat up, breaking eye contact with him, stopping with just the head in him, watching his expression. He nodded; I leaned forward a little, causing me to slide a bit more into him. I started to thrust, going a little bit deeper in with each gentle thrust, letting him get used to my cock in him. I bent down, licked a nipple, watching and listening with a satisfied ear as he groaned in pleasure. I gently entered fully into him, my balls touching his ass, and started thrusting a bit quicker, using my full length, pulling back to just nearly popping out, then shoving back in as far as I could go, feeling his tight muscles clench my cock as I made love to him. I watched as he started jacking in time to my rhythmic motion.  I felt his legs wrap around my back, pulling me closer as I started to pound him hard, our eyes making contact once again.

 His eyes were so beautiful and expressive and showed the pleasure and joy he was experiencing and I knew he could read mine. We continued for what seemed like hours but was, in reality, a short time. I felt his muscles start to tighten around my cock and watched his nipples darken and his body start to flush. I knew he wasn't far from release, and neither was I for that matter. I had to fight hard not lose it, not wanting to cum before he did. I wanted it to be mutual---or at least, as close as we could get. Suddenly, he caught me off guard, cried out and blew spurt after spurt of white-hot creamy cum all over his chest. His muscles squeezed around me so hard that I lost all control and exploded into him mere seconds after he came. Moaning, pounding him hard as I could, our eyes locked on each other the whole time. I knew then we'd not be separated; we were together once and for all, and this had sealed it.

Next: Chapter 4

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