Hierarchy of Needs

Published on Oct 11, 2022


Hierarchy of Needs Chapter 2

Hierarchy of Needs

By Wes Dayton

Chapter Two: beginnings

I was full of joy and anticipation as the sun gently caressed my face. I casually turned to look at the clock which indicated it was 10:30 am. Undressing, I headed for the shower. I let the warm water soothe my skin as I reminisced about the experiences of yesterday. I went from tutoring my crush to kissing him.

Things just don't get much better than that. Of course, I would have to keep our little affair covered up to my parents. I lived in a small town with a population under 3,000. People just aren't ready to accept gay teenagers in my town, so to my parents, I would need a cover. I stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and slipped into dark blue jean shorts, suspended by a black belt, and a nondescript navy blue t-shirt.

As I descended the stairs, I informed my parents that I would be studying again today with Jeff for the final exam in psychology. It was the perfect cover, and of course, my parents bought it without question. The time was now 11:30 am, and as I grabbed a light breakfast/lunch, I eyed the clock again, watching as twelve o'clock noon was approaching. I grew more and more nervous as time inched forward ever so slowly. I began to doubt that Jeff was going to pick me up. Maybe it had all been some deluded dream or just some cruel sick joke by Jeff. Just as my doubts were reaching their climax, I was distracted at 11:50 am with the blast of a car horn from our driveway. A huge smile immediately appeared on my face and placing my dishes in the sink, I bolted out the door.

Jeff was sitting inside his car and he locked eyes with me as I exited my house. His face was beaming and his smile was perfect. My soul cried out in joy as I saw him again. I ran down the front steps and Jeff got out of his car and went over to me.

"Hello, again," Jeff said. Not wanting to give our parents something to talk about, Jeff resisted kissing me. However, I was shocked when he opened the passenger door and motioned for me to get inside. A perfect gentlemen.

"You keep that up, and I'll start to think we're on a date," I said to him as he climbed in the driver seat.

"Oh, I was under the impression that this is a date," Jeff said, looking down at the steering wheel, a little dejected.

Realizing he had misunderstood me, I leaned in to kiss him and reassured him, "I was just checking," I said. He immediately forgave me and began kissing me back. "We better get out of here if you want to continue this," I said.

"Oh, right," Jeff said and shifted his car into reverse. Before I could ask, I found the car navigating towards the covered bridge again. As he parked the car I realized it was even more beautiful in the light, and details I had missed earlier in darkness were now made crystal clear. The bridge was painted a magnificent red and the murky water flowing underneath was a festive olive green. Inside of the bridge were carvings and markings immortalizing relationships, friends, and specific moments in time. I walked down the bridge and scanned the markings.

There were serious ones, such as "Kelly -n- Sam Forever" which was carved inside the image of a heart. Other ones were funny mantras, like: "Life's a bitch, then we die; fuck the world, let's get high!" Jeff watched me as I connected with other people's memorialized history inside this structure. I turned to look at his face and it was one of intrigue. He enjoyed watching my reaction as I read the inscriptions he must have memorized by now.

As I was studying one of the markings, Jeff wandered off a little further down the bridge. I kept studying the section of the bridge in front of me for the next five minutes, moving close to Jeff as I went. Jeff came up behind me and encircled my waist with his hands, and kissed my neck. I moaned softly in agreement and leaned back into him. I tilted my head back and kissed him with renewed passion.

"I want to show you something," Jeff said, as he broke the kiss.

"Ok," I said, grinning back at him. Jeff was definitely one for surprises. He led me by the hand a few feet, and then stopped.

"Close your eyes," he whispered softly into my ear. I complied in silence. Waving his hand in front of my face to make sure I really wasn't looking, he carefully lead me down the bridge farther. He turned me to the left and lead me closer to the wall of the bridge. "Ok, open them," Jeff said, with baited excitement in his voice.

As my eyes snapped open, I saw the most beautiful inscription yet. Inside of a brazen red heart with a thick black outline, white letters seemed to pop out from the heart that demanded to be read:

"Alone I thought I'd be throughout life and eternity.
But one day two lives came entwined,
and true love did my heart then find.
From this day forth till end of time,
I vow to love his heart like mine.
Forever he and I are one
Curt and Jeff, 2001."

My eyes were gushing tears as Jeff had finished reading the inscription to me. His arms drew tight around me, supporting my weight as I leaned into him. Oh, how I wanted to be one with him forever, as we were now. In an effort to match his proclamation of love for me, I turned around a began kissing him deeply on the mouth. My tongue brushed against his and we dueled for a minute until I finally won. I searched his mouth with my tongue, running it over his teeth, and inside of his mouth. I kissed him with a yearning I have never felt before, and doubt I will ever feel again. My arms held onto him for dear life as I felt myself craving to touch every inch of him all at the same time. Eventually, we ran out of breath and we broke the kiss simultaneously.

"That is," I began, taking a breath, "the most beautiful thing," I stopped to breathe again, "anyone has ever done for me." Jeff tightened his embrace on me again, and I felt like we would melt together any instant now. My life was finally complete. I had found someone who loved me, and who I loved in return. Nothing was more important to me than love, and it was what I had been missing for so long. "When did you write this?" I asked.

"This morning," he replied, "before I picked you up. I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"It's very, very beautiful," I said.

"I'm glad you like it. I would have to paint over it if you didn't." Jeff said, chuckling. I took his hand in mine and we walked out the other side of the bridge and sat on a huge rock that was embedded on the shore.

"I love you," Jeff said, leaning his body into mine as we sat together on the rocks.

"Not as much as I love you," I whispered into his ear. I encircled my arms around Jeff's torso and kissed the crook of his neck gently. I began sucking on his flesh and running my tongue over it; savoring its taste. I released him from my mouth and looked at my work. A pink oval was present on his neck where I had kissed him--I had given Jeff a hickey.

After his moaning subsided, Jeff began to playfully protest: "Great, Curtis, now how am I supposed to explain that in the locker room showers?"

"Just lie to them and tell them you had a hot date," I said grinning.

"But then I would be telling the truth," Jeff responded.

"Damn. Sometimes you're just too sweet, you know that?"

"Better get used to it," he said.

We sat there for a while, and time slipped away from me. The feeling of Jeff's body leaning against mine, and the bliss I felt with my arms contently around his torso was enough to sustain me indefinitely. Conversation ceased and the sounds of our surroundings assaulted our ears in the most pleasant and peaceful way. As the daylight slowly drained away we watched the sun set into the horizon. Just as the sun was on its final descent, Jeff turned to me and kissed me hard on the mouth. Our tongues began a feverish quest for each other and I was once again refreshed with passion.

Jeff gently pushed me back against the ground, and straddling my hips he leaned down and continued the kiss. We kissed for what seemed like five minutes. I never wanted it to stop. When I became focused on my surroundings once again, we were in darkness. Jeff ran his hands down my torso and found the waistband of my pants. I moaned softly as he fumbled with my belt and zipper, and arched my back to assist in the removal of my clothes. Once I was naked he stood and slowly stripped his clothes seductively. In the dim light of the moon, I watched him steal my heart once more. The heat of our bodies flowed like electricity through both of us and as soon as he laid down on me again the kissing resumed.

"I love you so much," I panted, alive with a love I had never felt before. Jeff kissed his way down my torso, taking my nipple in his mouth and massaging it with his tongue. Then he took the other and repeated the process.

He kissed, licked, and sucked on my skin as he continued his relentless assault on my awaiting flesh. I was rock hard by now and I quietly begged for my release from this torture. Giving in to my begging, I moaned loudly as Jeff took my dick in his mouth. A warm wetness surrounded my penis as he began sucking my dick slowly. I ran my hand over his head and rested it gently on his neck. Jeff then licked my balls and then probed his tongue around my ass and began rimming me. No man had ever made me feel this on fire before.

Wanting to return the emotions, I turned around so that Jeff's crotch was in line with my face. We began to suck each other off simultaneously and I grabbed onto his back with my hands. I wanted him to become one with me in a most desperate way. I sucked him deep into my throat and moaned around his dick as he did the same to me. Time was suspended for both of us as we each had one objective in focus--getting the other off first.

I quickened my pace, and then Jeff quickened his. It soon became obvious that we both wanted the other NOW. I couldn't hold back any longer. I called out loudly "I'm cumming!" Even then, Jeff didn't release his grasp of his lips from my cock. I exploded inside his mouth as rope after rope of hot semen hit his throat. Just then, Jeff did the same and I found myself swallowing a sweet hot load of Jeff's cum. After we finished Jeff rolled over so that we were side by side and we collapsed in the afterglow, trying to get our breathing to return to normal.

I was the first to move, turning to Jeff and kissing him. I could still taste cum in his mouth as my tongue caressed his. I stood up and started to dress. As I was sitting tying my shoes, Jeff began to dress himself. Jeff broke the silence: "Time flies when you're having fun, huh?"

"Yeah," I said, grinning at him in the darkness. "I would spend eternity with you," I affirmed.

"Unfortunately, your parents are going to put out a missing persons report if we don't get you home soon." Jeff took my hand and in silent protest, I followed. We kissed goodbye in the car and agreed to see each other again tomorrow.

I could hear the yelling from inside the house before I even put my key in the door. For a second I contemplated not going inside, and just going to a friends house--anything but what I had to do. I knew, however, that if I ever wanted to live my life on my own terms, I would have to face my parents.

Next: Chapter 3

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