Hiding from You

By Cris Ray

Published on Jul 23, 2005


This story may contain sexual descriptions of two teen males. If you're not into this kind of stuff, you're not 18 +, or it's illegal in your area, please leave while you can or read at your own risk. If you're legal, then I hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think with an e-mail to yarnwahssirc@yahoo.com

Thanks to everyone who e-mailed me about the story. I never expected so many responses. Thanks y'all!

Hiding From You: Part 2

.....After about an hour and a half after Brad had left, I had torn the house apart practically looking for my notebook. Finally, I just gave up. As I went to my room to get my laptop, my phone rang. This time, I knew where it was.

"Hello?", I asked as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey Romeo, how'd the studying go?", asked Ashley.

"I could barely speak and then he asked me why. In other words, really embaressing. You're so lucky to be straight", I said.

"I know babe", said Ashley.

"Hey, download "Long Time Gone" by the Dixie Chicks cause I gotta go", I said.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Bye", said Ash as she hung up.

I put my phone away and just decided to look for the notebook tomorrow. I went to bed for the night and slept pretty good.

Around 7 the next morning, my alarm clock woke me with a rude awakening. Groaning, I got out of bed and took my shower and got ready for school, grabbing a quick pop tart and some coffee before my sister and I left for school. As I made my way in the building, I passed Brad who walked up and winked, smiled, then walking off just as quickly as he'd come. What was even the point of that? I opened my locker and got my english and history books before heading off to my english class as the final bell rang, making it just in time.

"Hey Monica buddy", I said to one of my friends as I sat down in the back.

"Did you read McBeth last night....cause I need to know a few things", she said with a small smile.

"No, but I know the play, so what do you need?", I asked as Ms. Mack got class started.

After 90 minutes of her translating Shakespere, I was about dead to the world and history was the last place I wanted to go to. As I was walking to 2nd period, Brad grabbed me by the arm from behind and I about jumped out of my skin. Turning around, I could see he was laughing.

"Sorry dude, didn't mean to scare you or anything. Orchid said you could skip class today to help me some more. Here", said Brad as he handed me the notes for that class. "Come on", he said as he practically dragged me out to the senior parking lot and got in a 2004 red dodge ram, me having never said a word the whole time.

"...........Where are we going?", I asked.

"Public library. Way easier to study when O'BRIEN isn't hovering over us the whole time", said Brad.

Not in the mood to even try and talk, I sighed as I took out my mp3 player and turned the music up so I couldn't hear too much. Ironically enough, it was the perfect song for the situation. "Bring On The Rain" from Jo Dee Messina with Tim McGraw. As he drove, I started to think how I'd actually be around him for over 90 minutes without losing it. In what seemed like no time, Brad has turned into the parking lot. I turned off my mp3 player and took the headphones out of my ears before rolling it around and sticking it back in my pocket and got out. As we walked in, Brad didn't say a word, he just led me to the second floor near the back which was a favorite place in town of mine. It had the perfect view of downtown. You could see the old court house, a few churches, and the old Plaza hotel.

"I guess I'll...uh....get some books", I said as I got up and walked over to the history part and got about 5 books before bringing them back. As soon as I put them down, Brad moved really close beside me, not something I was comfortable with so I moved over a little as I had last night. The only difference was Brad moved over a little too. I sighed as I picked up the nearest book.

"You don't have to be so afraid", whispered Brad in my ear as though he read my mind.

I froze, not sue how to react to that.

Finally I asked quietly,"Afraid...of what?"

He didn't answer so I just decided to let it go. The further away from things like that, the easier it would be to get through the next hour. After helping him with why the American Revolution was so important to the French Revolution for about 30 minutes, he randomly reached in his bag, pulled out something and handed it to me. As I looked at it, I froze in horror.

"My...notebook", were the only two words to escape from my lips for the next eternity, in what was actually about a minute. Finally, I realized just where I was and what I was doing and said,"I've gotta go", forgetting exactly where I was and what I was doing, not hearing anything Brad tried to say..

I ran down the stairs as quick as my legs would carry me and out the door before I saw Murray Avenue and realized I was stuck. My house was 10 miles away. I sat on a bench just outside the entrance and looked at the bound paper before my eyes. It was just like cutting myself. The pen was the knife and the paper was the flesh of which probably ruined my life. I thumbed through it for a minute, realizing just how much he might have seen of my world. I sighed as I put the notebook on my lap and put my face in my hands, hearing the steps coming from within the building and out....

That's part two. Comments appreciated. Send em to yarnwahssirc@yahoo.com

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