Hiding from You

By Cris Ray

Published on Jul 17, 2005


This story may contain sexual descriptions of two teen males. If you're not into this kind of stuff, you're not 18 +, or it's illegal in your area, please leave while you can or read at your own risk. If you're legal, then I hope you enjoy it. Tell me what you think with an e-mail to yarnwahssirc@yahoo.com

Hiding From You

"Sorry boss", said Brad Copeland as he bumped into me in the halls. All I did was nod as I walked to my locker. As my hand brushed my cheek, I felt warmness there and knew I had blushed. Why'd I always have to do that when he even looked me in the eyes? Why couldn't I ever find my voice around him?

In case you haven't been paying attention, I'm gay and I have the biggest crush alive on one of the hottest guys in school. Hey y'all, I'm Cris Evans. I live in a small city in upstate South Carolina. I'm about 5'9 and weigh about 120 pounds. I have dark blond hair and blue green eyes with cream colored skin. I'm a complete southern boy all the way. My friend Jane calls me a southern prep. My only gay friend Jason says I'm ubber cute, just like a teddy bear. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing And for those of you wondering, Jason and I would never do anything. We both know we don't like each other that way.

Being gay in the south is one of the hardest things to do because no matter who you are, if you're outed, all people will look at is the gayness and not the rest of you. Ever since I realized it when I was 13, I pretty much shut everyone but a few out of my life which explains the weekends home I spend. After almost destroying myself from cutting, I found faith in God again and then re- discovered who I was and accepted it. Even then, I still distance myself from all but a few of my friends.

Brad Copeland is a different story. He's about 6'1 or 6'2 and weights I guess around 170 pounds. He has jet black hair with blue eyes that make me melt. Nice tan and great build in all the right places. He's a really nice guy. He goes to my church. Yeap, you guest it, a southern Baptist church. I heard he drinks a lot though, which is a turn off, but I can look past that. He kind of acts like a dumb jock too. I know for a fact the only way he'll make it to college is through a football scholarship. At least, that's what my sister says. They're pretty good friends, which does me no good.

As I started walking to my second period history class, I passed by my best friend Ashley and gave her a five.

"Ash, have you heard the new Darryl Worley song "If Something Should Happen. That's the song of the day right there", I said with a grin.

I love music to death. For me, it's country mostly. Hey, I already told y'all I was a southern boy. Ash is one of the few of my friends who actually likes it too.

"You're such a dork", said Ashley with a grin as she passed me.

I grinned as I walked into my 2nd period AP US History classes. Don't get the wrong impression of me. History's the only class besides English I know jack about. No one every said 11th grade was easy though. As I took my assigned seat in the front, I noticed Brad was there talking to Mr. Orchid, the best history teacher alive. As the late bell rang, Brad walked past me with no expression on his face. A little curious but not nosy, I just decided not to care. I unpacked my stuff and started talking to one of my friends behind me when class started.

"Alright y'all, we'll be studying how the age of enlightenment helped to shape early America. Can anyone tell me......", said Mr. Orchid for the next 90 minutes as he taught the lesson.

As the final bell ring, I was a little late packing up from finishing some last minute notes. As I put my books in my bag, I stretched my hand. It had started to cramp from all the notes we had been taking when Brad walked back in.

"Cris, could you come up here for a second?", asked Mr. Orchid. It figures that the one time he needed me after class is when I was in a rush.

"I'm kind of going to be late for 3rd period", I said as I grabbed my notebooks under arm and put my bag over my shoulder.

"It'll only take a sec", said Mr. Orchid as I walked up to his desk. "This is Brad Copeland and this is...", said Mr. Orchid as Brad cut him off.

"Cris Evans", finished Brad with one of his cute smiles at me. As usual, I blushed and lost my voice.

"Brad needs help raising his history grade. You're one of the smarter students in history. I figured y'all could study together and get him some help", said Mr. Orchid with one of those you have no choice smiles.

Trying to regain my voice I said,"Uhhhh.....sure".

"Great. If you could stay a few more minutes to make plans", said Mr. Orchid as he began writing down something. "Here, give this to your 3rd period teacher. I gotta run. See you two later", said Mr. Orchid as he handed me the pass and walked out.

"So I guess we should get together. I'll meet you at your house around 6 after practice. See ya dude", said Brad as he flashed another smile and left, me standing there more red than a stick of big red.

I sighed and began to do some heavy thinking throughout the day. There's no way I could do this. I'd actually have to talk for starts. As 6 came around though, I began to get even more nervous.

Finally I heard a knock at the door. At least we'd be alone for an hour and I wouldn't have to worry about my sister laughing at my shyness. I answered the door and there he was, standing there looking all sexy.

"Hey man", said Brad as he came in. "Thanks for helping me out. I need at least a B average to get into Virginia Tech.

".............No problem", said Cris meekly after trying to talk for about 10 seconds. "Uh, come on", I said as I led him into the kitchen.


As I sat down, so did Brad, right beside me, too close for comfort so I moved a little to the side. "Alright, what are you having problems with?", I asked.

"Why you're always so uptight with me. It's not like I bite", retorted Brad.

"Huh?", I said in confusion.

"You always act so uptight with me. That time at Wendy's with your sister, you looked down the whole time you were eating. I don't think you've ever even said a sentence to me", said Brad as he looked me in the eyes. I tried to look away, but he just followed my stare.

"I'm sorry", I said quietly.

"For what?", asked Brad.

"Never mind. So what do you um need help with?", I asked even more quietly, completely embarrassed.

After that, the study session went on okay. He asked a few questions which I barely answered. I don't know what it was, but I just couldn't be around him without being all weird. About the time he started to leave, my cell phone started ringing and I couldn't find it. Looking all over, I finally found it in the pocket of my dirty jeans.

"Thanks man, I'll see you around the same time tomorrow. I gotta run", said Brad as he patted me on the back before leaving kind of quick.

As I looked down, I realized my notebook wasn't there. It wasn't a school notebook, it was a notebook that I kept a philosophy I'd been writing, my journal, and some poetry. It wasn't that big a deal though, it'd probably turn up around the house somewhere......

That was my first attempt of a story in over a year. Tell me what y'all think. If you write, so will I. Send me an e-mail at yarnwahssirc@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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