Hide in Plain Sight

By Red

Published on Sep 24, 2000


Title: Hide In Plain Sight

Author: Red [redfirewitch@yahoo.com]

Disclaimer: This is just fiction and there isn't an ounce of truth about the sexuality of the Nsync boys in here. At least not as far as I know. If you don't want to read fiction about homosexuality, what are you doing here?

Shout-outs: Hi Wen, Rick, Dara, Sophie, Casey, Tim, Baha-Boy!

Stories You HAVE TO read: 'Why' - I love the Justin angsty thoughts!!!

'Tearing Up My Ass' - Read it and tell me it's not hot! I'll suggest a good doctor.

'Open Arms' - This is the story that got me hooked on Nick of BSB! Something that I never thought would happen! lol!

'Porcelain' - Freaky fantastic stuff! It's damn scary!Plus it has JC/Justin and Nick/Brian!

'No Painless Way' - If you haven't read this, you are missing out on a lot! Of course the writer seems to enjoy making her readers go bald! ::ahem::

Part 7: The Secret

"It was six years ago. After MMC and we all had to return home. I was kind of a mess at that time. I guess we all were in some way. But all I wanted to do was sing and perform and then one day it was all over. Everyone lost contact and it was like the past few years had never really happened and it was just a dream. I was depressed and had to start thinking about what to do with my life. Mom and Dad wanted me to go to college and for a while I actually believed that would make me happy."

Justin nodded as he listened. He had gone through a similar stage. That first year after MMC had been tough. All his close friends were no longer with him and he had to make new ones. Thinking that a normal life was what he wanted, he had been happy to go back to school but that didn't last long. Within a month he itched to get back to show business. Justin knew that it would have worse for JC because he lived to perform.

Justin waited for JC to continue.

"I met Liam during that summer. I was checking out some summer classes and we just started talking. At first I thought he was just a friendly guy. I didn't realize he was a fan until he said so later. I was surprised because he was 19 and two years older than me and I didn't expect him to watch a show like MMC. He was just so cute and star-struck that I couldn't help but like him. At that time, I had no idea that I might be gay. I don't think I would ever have if Liam hadn't made a move on me."

"It was a week after out first meeting. I had been hanging out with Liam, day and night because I didn't want to go home and have to face with reality. When I was with Liam, I couldn't see past him. That should have been my first clue that I was having feelings for him. One night, Liam suggested we go out and get drunk. Just the two of us. I didn't realize that it was actually a date. We had dinner in a fancy restaurant and then headed out to a club, dancing and drinking. He blew about a thousand bucks that night and I didn't even give a single thought as to how he could afford it. I just didn't think. I should have suspected then that Liam wasn't who he seemed to be. He said he was a college student, no parents or a family to speak of, working his way through college. But he never told me what work he did and I didn't bother to ask. I was only too happy to live in delusion. We went to his place to hang out later that night and I think we were a little drunk. Then it happened. One minute I was laughing hard at something he said and the next minute he was kissing me. I was shocked at first but I.......I......it didn't feel bad or wrong. And that scared me so much that I just started crying. And that in turn scared Liam. He got this horrified look on his face that was so funny that I started laughing. So there I was. Laughing with tears running down my face while he stared at me, not knowing what to do."

Justin watched JC's face, seeing a slight smile on his friend's face and couldn't help but smile. His own 'revelation' had been emotional but he had expressed it through his black moods and angry verbal swipes. In retrospect, Justin realized that JC had endured the brunt of his outbursts.

"Liam began to apologize profusely. He practically begging for forgiveness and I just continued laughing. Needless to say, that only confused and worried him even more. Eventually I managed to calm down and we started to talk about what had happened. That night was special. We didn't do anything. We just talked and Liam told me how he felt about me. I didn't know what to say but mostly I was thinking about how good it felt to kiss him. That night was the first night since in weeks, that I didn't go to bed thinking of the end of MMC or worrying about what I was going to do in way of work. That night I was happy because suddenly there was something new about me. Something to discover and possibly someone to love."

"The next few days were spent with Liam and within a week we were lovers. I was so happy. Even as happy as I would've been performing and singing. That was still a dream and I always talked to Liam about it. He kept telling me that one day I'll get what I want. But to tell the truth, it didn't really matter to me. I was in love and that was my whole world."

Justin was taken aback to hear that. As long as he had known JC, music meant everything to him. He didn't think he would give it up for anything. Obviously anything didn't include love. JC was nothing if not romantic. In a way, that was made him so passionate about music.

Justin realized that JC had become silent. "Go on. What happened then, Josh?

JC's lips quivered as he tried to speak. Biting his lips he took a deep breath. For years he had kept it all inside him and now he was going to let it out. He just hoped that he wouldn't fall apart after.

"Then everything went to hell and that bastard Phillip Rondall destroyed our lives."


"Hey you're back! Where's Pirate! Come here boy!" 18 years old JC called out as he stepped out of the kitchen.

The dog bounded across the room to its master, licking his face happily.

"Looks like you missed me! I missed you too, mutt!" the brunet laughed.

"Excuse me! But I missed you too! But do I get a word of hi or thanks for getting that mutt back from the vet?" the tall blond who stood by the doorway, huffed as he stood with a paper bag in his hand and a haversack on his shoulder.

"Hey, no one calls my mutt, mutt except me! Besides, I got your favorite cheesecake as way of thanks!" JC said as he straightened up, grinning at his boyfriend.

"Cake? I cut class, drive downtown to pick up that furball you call a dog from the vet, almost have myself a new set scratches to match the ones it gave me last week and deliver it to you. And all you can offer is cake?" Liam asked, furrowing his forehead.

"What? He scratched you? That means they didn't pare down his nails. I told them to cut his nails!" JC exclaimed.

Liam stared at his boyfriend, annoyed. "I said he scratched me and you're more concerned about whether they did what you told them to do or not?"

JC couldn't hold back his laughter any longer. "I'm sorry! You should have seen your face. Come here. I'll make it worth your while."

JC wrapped his arms around Liam and pulled his face close to meet his blue gaze.

"With more than cake?" Liam asked with a grin.

"Hey, cake can be * very * fun!" JC drawled sexily as he kissed him soundly on the lips.

The bags fell to the ground in a second as Liam wrapped his arms around JC to deepen the kiss. As the kiss became more passionate and hands began to wander, they were interrupted by a shuffling at their feet. Liam pulled away long enough to glare at dog that was scratching at their legs.

"Shove off, mutt!" Liam scolded before reclaiming his boyfriend's mouth.

There was five more seconds of passion. And then.

"OWW!!! FUCK!" Liam yelled as he began to hop on one leg.

JC looked at him in surprise. "What?"

"That mutt bit me!"

JC looked at Pirate who was now shaking his tail and panting happily. He couldn't help but start laughing. "That's what you get for calling him a mutt."

"Whose side are you on?" Liam asked, with a pout as he rubbed his ankle.

"Always the underdog." JC replied with cheesy smile.

"Funny. Haha!" Liam deadpanned.

"So you want cake or not?" JC asked as he moved into the kitchen.

"What's with you and the sudden domestic streak? So we have decided on who the 'girl' is in this relationship?" Liam asked cheekily.

JC rolled his eyes. Then he grinned. "Actually I thought we decided that last night when you cried after watching Of Mice and Men."

Liam blushed. "I wasn't crying."

"Oh please! You messed up my shirt and I had to get you tissues!"

"Hey! It was sad ok! Lennie and George were so close to realizing their dreams and then......" Liam stared to tear up again.

JC smiled as he went to hug Liam. "Oh baby! What am I going to do with you? You're the biggest softy I know!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Am not!"

"Are to!"

"Are to!" Liam changed tactic.

"Good you agree!" JC said, catching on to Liam's trick, and went to take the cake out from the box.

Liam just stuck out his tongue and was about to attack the cake that JC had set before him when the doorbell rang. They looked at each other confused. Liam never had visitors and no one knew that JC and Liam were together so whoever was at the door couldn't be coming to see JC. Pirate went bounding off to the door to 'welcome' the visitor.

"It's probably a salesman. You eat. I'll get the door. Oh. And do you plan on taking off your jacket anytime soon?" JC asked and stepped out of the kitchen.

Liam waited for JC to return and sat there listening to Pirate bark voraciously. The dog really got on his nerves sometimes but it was JC's pet so he put up with it. Pirate seemed to hold a similar ethos concerning him. They just tolerated each other because they both loved the same boy. Liam couldn't help but smile at that thought.

Just then JC stepped into the kitchen with a strange look on his face.

"Who was it?" Liam asked.

"It's your uncle. Or so he says. I didn't know you had an uncle."

Liam frowned in thought for a while, then stood up suddenly as he realized who it could be. "Phillip?"

"That's what he said his name was. So he really is your uncle?" JC asked, wondering why Liam never mentioned him. As far as he knew, Liam didn't have any family at all.

"Y-yes. We're not close. Er...so he's here." Liam was lost in thought for a while until JC had to prompt him.

"Liam, he's waiting in the den. Are you going to talk to him?"

Liam looked up startled. "Yes. Look, JC. Maybe you should go. This is a family problem and it could get uncomfortable."

JC looked hurt. First Liam didn't bother to tell him about this uncle and now, he wanted JC to butt out of his family problem. "Fine." JC said as he turned away.

Liam realized that JC misunderstood the situation. "Wait! Baby! You know that's not what I meant. It's just that......Phillip is rather rude and obnoxious and he'll say hurtful things about us and I couldn't bear to hear him insult you. So please? Just for a while. I'll get rid of him fast. Just bring the mutt for a walk. Please?"

JC thought about it for while and then smiled. "If you still continue to call him mutt, I'm not going to save you the next time he attacks."

Liam smiled and kissed JC once more. "An hour ok?"

JC just nodded and whistled for Pirate. The dog ran to him with his leash in his mouth, knowing that the whistle could only mean one thing. JC opened the back door and giving Liam a smile, walked out of the house with Pirate.

As soon as JC was gone, Liam's entire demeanor changed. A hardness came into his eyes as he took a deep breath. Turning around, he slowly walked into the den.

Phillip Randall was one of those guys who you would rather cross the street to avoid than pass by. He wasn't huge but he just seemed to emanate cruelty. Unshaven and always with a manipulative glint in his beady eyes, he looked dangerous although he was always careful to dress well. The result was a cross between criminal and his lawyer and not attractive.

He had his back to Liam, as he was looking at some of the CDs in Liam's collections.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Phillip! I told you never to come here!" Liam spat angrily.

"And hello to you too, Liam. So where's your boyfriend. Pretty fellow. You always did know how to pick them. So did he buy the uncle story?"

Liam's eyes narrowed at the mention of JC. "Barely."

"Hmmm, got to polish my acting I guess. So is he a model or actor?" Phillip asked as he walked around the room surveying it.

"None of your god damn business!"

"On the contrary, I need to know. Mr. Rodriguez would want me to know who you're mixing with and talking about our business with."

"Don't worry about him. Hew doesn't know I'm a runner." Liam said softly.

"Don't tell me he thinks you're a college student with a trust fund? And I thought he looked smart. Then again, you have a talent for deception so I guess he's not to blame."

"I repeat. What the fuck do you want, Phillip. I don't have to go through you any longer. Mr. Rodriguez has asked me to report to him from now on."

"Oh yeah. I heard. Moving ahead of your mentor aren't you, Liam? Very clever of you. But I won't feel too smug. After all I've been with Mr. Rodriguez for years."

"Years of cheating. I know about your side deals. The only reason I hadn't told on you yet is because of the little help you gave in the beginning. But if I were you, I would stop screwing with the side deals, Phillip. I'm not going to cover for you any longer."

Phillip just grinned as he faced Liam with his hands behind his back. This was the first time he looked at Liam face to face. "Liam my boy. Your kindness knows no bounds. Actually I'm counting on that for a favor."

"No way in......"

"Ok, maybe favor isn't the right word. More like your understanding....oh wait. I don't care about that either." Phillips said as he pulled a gun from behind him, pointing it directly at Liam.

The blond inhaled sharply.

Philips smiled as he pointed the gun at Liam. "Ok, this is the story. A deal went bad and I'm missing a kilo, boy. One of my men stiffed me on the money so I can't replace the stash before Rodriguez sees is. Therefore I need to explain why to the boss. You know he won't be 'happy' with it and I'll be kissing the bottom of the sea before I can say fish-bait. Which means I either need to produce the kilo or I need to produce a body for the blame. Since the package is no where to be found, I guess I'll just have to settle for a body. After a intense selection process, guess what! You've been selected"

Liam's eyes widened in fear. "You bastard! You're setting me for the fall?"

"Better you than me." Phillip smirked.

** JC stood in shock outside the den, hidden, as he heard the conversation. He was still reeling from the fact that Liam was a drug runner. His Liam! Dear sweet Liam was selling the shit that killed young people everyday! He felt anger and disappointment and wanted to confront his boyfriend. The he heard Phillip's next few words and froze.

"Since the package is no where to be found, I guess I'll just have to settle for a body. After a intense selection process, guess what! You've been selected"

He couldn't believe what was happening. He felt as if he had walked into a bad movie. But hearing his boyfriend being threatened made his act without thinking first.

JC stepped into the den. Phillip's back was to him so only Liam saw him. Liam's eyes widened in shock. He knew from JC's expression that he had heard everything. JC met his eyes briefly before fixing his gaze on Phillip's back. He moved slowly, hoping to grab the gun away. However, he made one mistake. He forgot about Pirate.

Seeing his master move predatorily, Pirate barked happily from behind him, thinking it was game. Hearing the sound, Phillip whirled around, revealing the gun he had in his hand. "Well well. What have we here?"

"Josh! What are you doing here?! I asked you to leave!"

"Didn't you think I knew something was wrong, Liam? God! I never thought it would be this!"

"I'm sorry, Josh. I'm so sorry."

"Why?" JC asked, trying to fight back tears of fear and disappointment.

"Aww! Don't blame your boyfriend, Joshy boy. He didn't really have much of choice. It's either sell your body or sell the drugs. He picked the latter. Although I'm sure you know that he would have fabulous at the former." Phillips said with a grin.

Liam felt the tears fall down his face as he saw the look on JC's face. He had kept the truth hidden from him all this while and now JC was in danger because of him. He couldn't let that happen. "Phillip. This is between us. Let him go."

"NO!" JC yelled. "I'm not leaving you alone with this bastard!"

"Language, language. It doesn't really matter to me, Joshy boy. Someone needs to die. Liam is a given but you.......maybe we can make a deal." Phillips said, leering at JC.

Liam felt his stomach turn at the look Phillip gave JC. He would die before he let the creep touch JC. Liam made to move but Phillip quickly turned so that the he faced both JC and Liam at the same time. "No quick moves, Liam. Wouldn't want the gun to go off suddenly, would we? Now where were we? Ah yes. Joshy boy. Let's play a game called, make Phillip happy. Strip."

JC shook his head in disbelief and disgust. Then Phillip turned to gun and aimed squarely at Liam's chest. "NO!" JC yelled.

Phillip just cocked his eyebrows and waited. Knowing what he had to do, JC brought his hands to buttons of his shirt with tears falling down his face.

"Oh God! No!" Liam cried, closing his eyes tightly. "Let him go, Philip! Please!"

"The fun has just begun, my boy. And you get to watch." Phillps sneered. He looked back at JC's hesitant moves and scowled. "Faster or I'll blow his brains out right now!"

Bracing himself against the shame and fear, JC closed his eyes and stripped until he was only in his boxers. Phillips stared lustfully, then turned to Liam. "Very good taste, my boy. Even if he is a bit skinny. But still a delicious ass."

Liam choked from the sobs wrecking his frame. He knew what was coming and prayed that he could stop it.

"Get on your knees, Joshy boy." Phillip instructed.

For a moment, JC thought he was going to be physically sick. He had to force himself not to puke and make Phillip take his wrath out on Liam. Taking a deep shuddering breath, the teenager obeyed the order.

"You know what I want. Get to work."

"Josh! Don't! Please!" Liam cried out.

JC turned to look at Liam, his eyes clearly screaming that he had no choice. Abruptly a blow landed on his cheeks as Phillip displayed his impatience. "I said get to work or I'll make it really painful for your boyfriend!" the bastard yelled.

Hitting JC was this first mistake. Thinking he only had to be aware of JC and Liam was his other mistake. Phillip kept his eyes and the gun trained on Liam for any sudden moves. However, he forgot one more element that could stop him. And it announced itself with a bark and a growl. Seeing its master being hit, Pirate launched itself at Phillip.

Taken by surprise, Phillip yelled as it sank its teeth into his thighs. "Fuck!" he shouted as he managed to shake it off. However, undeterred, Pirate attacked Phillip again. This time, Phillip aimed at the dog.

A shot rang out. JC shouted, "NO!" as he saw the dog crumbled to the floor and lay motionlessly. The only sound it made was a whine before that too died out. All JC could do was stare at the bundle of fur on the floor.

Liam saw the look on JC's face turned to glare at Phillip with burning hatred. "Bastard!" he cried out. Then he pounced on Phillip. Taken by surprise, Phillip's grasp on the gun was now tentative. Liam began to struggle. Another two shots were fired while they struggled for the gun but JC couldn't see who was hit. Just then, Liam had managed to knock the gun out of Phillip's hands. They continued to wrestle. JC saw the gun land near the recliner and tried to get up to pick it up. However, the shock of the events had made his legs weak as he fell to the floor again.

Just then, he heard the sickening sound of bone crunching and looked to see that Phillip had landed a blow to Liam's face. He knew he had to move fast, so JC crawled near the recliner. His hands wrapped around the cold metal and once again he felt sick. But he saw Phillip towering over a felled Liam. "I'm going to enjoy killing you!" Phillip yelled as he turned around to look for the gun.

"Not as much as me." JC said softly.

Just before Phillip could fully face him, the teenager fired. The force sent Phillips stumbling back and falling to the floor. Blood began to flow out from the area of his chest where the bullet had hit him squarely. His eyes slowly closed.

Liam turned to see JC shivering near the recliner.

"Josh?" he called out.


Liam tried to move towards JC. A sharp pain shot through him causing him to gasp. He moved his hands under the jacket he was still wearing and touched the area of his shoulder. When he pulled his hand away he saw blood. However, another pain was radiating from the area of his stomach. He didn't want to think about it yet but felt a weakness evade his entire body.

JC had heard the gasp and looked at Liam. He saw Liam pull his hand away from his shoulders, smeared with blood. "LIAM!" JC yelled as he crawled towards his boyfriend.

Liam groaned as JC pulled him into his arms gently.

"He shot you! Oh my god!"

"Josh, I'm so sorry! I should have told you." Liam apologized even though it was getting hard just to breathe.

"Shut up! I need to know if you're hurt badly!" JC cried out as he tried to pull away the jacket. However, Liam didn't let him.

"It's just my shoulder. I'll be fine. You have to leave now." Liam managed to say as firmly as he could through the pain.

"What? I'm not......"

"My neighbors would have heard the shots and called the police. If the police find you here, you not going to be taken in for questioning and I can't let that happen."

"Are you crazy!? You are bleeding so much! I'm not leaving you!"

"Listen to me! This is nothing! It's just my shoulder. It's look worse than it really is! I'll be fine. But if you get caught up in this, you will never be in show business again!

"FUCK THAT! I need to know you're ok."

"And I'm telling you I am! Look, I'm even standing! If this was bad, I wouldn't even be able to move! There's no point in you getting yourself involved in this shit!" Liam, argued as he stood shakily.

"Why? I didn't do anything. I'll be fine!" JC replied. He didn't want to leave his boyfriend despite the reassurance.

" You will be dragged into a mess with gangs and drugs involved. They won't let you off even if the police do. Please, Josh! I know music is your dream and your life, Joshua. If your name is linked to drugs, you'll never be able to realize your dreams! And I won't let you lose that! Now leave! I'll call you as soon as I can."


"Please, JC! Do this for me! Please!"

JC finally gave in. "I hate this!" he cried out as he carefully hugged Liam.

"I know. I'm sorry, baby. I should have not kept all this from you. I'll explain everything soon." Liam said. Taking comfort from Liam's promise and convinced that he would really see his boyfriend soon, JC conceded. He began to pull on his clothes and shuddered when he remembered why he had taken them off. He saw the dead body of his dog, Pirate lying on the floor and couldn't help but cry. He knelt beside Liam again and hugged his gently once more. "I don't want to leave you. Please don't make me!" JC cried.

"You have to. For me," Liam said placing a gentle kiss on JC's lips and forehead.

Seeing Liam's determination, JC wiped away the tears and stood up. "I'll leave for you. But not for long. We are going to have to talk, Liam but no matter what, I love you."

Liam smiled. "I love you too. Now get out of here!"

JC looked back once more and then with a worried sigh, he left through the backdoor of the house. Not knowing that would be the last time he would see Liam alive.

The moment JC was out of sight, Liam closed his eyes tight and moaned in pain. Pulling aside his jacket, he saw the non-fatal gun-shot bullet embedded in his left shoulder. However, as he brought he looked further down at his stomach, he saw the wound that was going to kill him. The wound that JC had not seen.

** Back in the present.

"He lied to me. Phillip had shot him twice. One hit his shoulder and the other, the fatal one, hit him in the stomach. Liam never let me see his back and I didn't know. I just left him there to die."

Justin moved to hug JC but he stepped away, feeling that he didn't deserve comfort.

"I just abandoned him without question! I didn't know he had died until an hour later. I was going crazy waiting at the hospital where I knew they would bring him! I was expecting to see him alive. Instead they wheeled in a dead body saying he was DOA. He died alone!" JC sobbed, tears falling down his face continuously.

"Josh, he told you to go! At that time, that was all you could have done! You didn't know!" Justin cried out, moving forward once more, wanting to comfort his friend.

"I should have! I heard two shots and I didn't bother to check! I just presumed that, that one shot had missed! Liam died because he was trying to protect me! And I just..." JC cried out his pain and crumbled to the floor.

Justin felt tears running down his face as he saw his friend sobbing his heart out. He couldn't believe the secret and the pain that JC had carried with him all these years. He had no idea that happy face he had on all the time was just a mask. That made Justin feel like he never knew his friend at all. It was time to change that.

Justin knelt beside JC and pulled the brunet to him. JC resisted but Justin didn't let go as he hugged him tight. "It's ok, Josh. It's over. You don't have to go through this alone anymore. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you." Justin said as he placed his cheeks on top of JC's head. He closed his eyes as he felt JC's hand tighten around him too while he cried hard.


Next: Chapter 8: Hide in Plain Sight 8 9

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