Hide in Plain Sight

By Red

Published on Feb 1, 2001


Title: Hide In Plain Sight 19/20

Author: Red (redfirewitch@yahoo.com)

Dedication: To Joie, who made me cry! To Dara who made me smile! To Wen who made me like JC's wierd haircut! :D

******************************** Chapter 19 - Time Is Running Out ********************************

He was in a room. There were three walls. The fourth was missing and so the room opened up into a lush forest. There he saw everyone sitting around a table, having a picnic. His family was there. His mom was laughing as she talked to Lynn and Heather. His dad was saying something to Chris and Tyler. Joey and Lance were busy playing with Jonathon and Steven. Where was...Justin was leaning against a tree, watching everyone.

He wanted to go to Justin but he could not move past the point where there should have been a wall. It was as if the wall was there but was invisible. He stared to bang on it hoping that someone would see him. He tried to call to Justin but no sound came.

Then suddenly Matt appeared right in front of him. Matt was on the other side. Matt grinned at him and turned around, heading towards Justin. He started banging on the wall frantically. Then he froze. Someone was in the room with him. He turned around slowly and saw Phillip...and Liam. Phillip had his arm around Liam's neck. Liam, pale and with dead, dead eyes was reaching for him but to no avail. One twist and Liam fell to the ground. Dead.

He couldn't scream. He couldn't move. Phillip walked towards him but he couldn't move. Just when Phillip reached him, Phillip walked past and through the invisible wall. But how?! He tried to follow but the wall was back. Phillip sneered at him from the other side and continued forward.

He could only watch helplessly. Matt was standing beside Justin and Phillip was heading right for them.



JC's eyes flew open and he looked around frantically. It was a dream. But all of it? He could feel that his hands were still tied behind his back and as were his feet. No, not all of it was a dream. He was still living his nightmare.

JC noticed that something had changed. It took him a moment to place it and then he knew. The van had stopped moving.

He lifted his head off the grimy floor of the back of the van and listened hard. He didn't know whether to be relieved or afraid. On the one hand he was glad to be able to get out of the cramped quarters of the van. His hands and legs were tied so tightly that they had gone numb. The dried blood that had trickled down his face was itching. He couldn't take deep breaths because his chest hurt and the musty air in the back of the van made him want to puke. He didn't know how much longer he could stay there without starting to scream. And screaming was a bad idea as Matt has earlier been quick to point out to him by punching him.

However, now that they had stopped moving, he had to face Phillip and Matt again. Just the thought made him want to cry. But he couldn't cry.

He scooted up against the wall of the van. /I can't give up and let them win./

JC felt for it with his hands as they were tied behind his back.

/I have to get out of here./

It was just within his reach.

/If I died now, Justin would be in danger./

He grasped it.

/Matt is a fool./

He braced himself against the pain and moved his arm from its awkward position to a bit higher.

/He's going to get Justin hurt../

JC slipped it into the back of his jeans.

/I have to get out of here and warn Justin. I have to warn Justin. Got to warn Justin./

The door of the van slid open suddenly.

"Come on boy, time to move." Phillip said and pulled JC out of the van till his feet rested on the ground. Matt had the gun aimed at JC while Phillip squatted down to untie the wire around JC's legs. "We've got some ground to cover."

JC saw that they were in the midst of a heavily wooded area. As far as he could see, there were only trees. His worst fears were confirmed by Matt.

"No one to hear you scream for miles and miles," he whispered in JC's ear, smiling smugly.

Phillip grabbed JC's arm and pulled him up make him stand. JC's leg gave way immediately and he fell to the ground. The circulation was just coming back to his limbs. Matt kicked at JC's side. "Get up!"

"Hey! Don't damage the goods." Phillip said as he pulled JC up again, this time making sure he didn't end up on the ground. "Grab his arm."

Matt gave Phillip a glare but did as he ordered all the same. JC wished he could walk on his own because it made his skin crawl, to be touched by either of them.

They walked for a few minutes and soon came within sight of a cabin. JC for a moment looked around hopefully for signs of other people but he knew that he was just fooling himself. There wasn't going to be anyone here. And even if there was, they were probably in cahoots with Phillip and Matt.

Phillip and Matt dragged JC into the cabin and dumped him on the cot in one of the rooms.

"Where did you find this place?" Matt asked, looking around suspiciously.

"Why the fuck do you care? It's quiet, secluded and far better than that rat hole you got for me!" Phillip answered as he carefully tied JC's arms and legs to the bed.

"I just want to know that no one will come here and find him and you." Matt said.

Phillip sneered at Matt. "Oh, someone will find him all right. But not so soon and definitely not alive." Phillip said and headed back to main area of the cabin to light the fireplace.

Matt looked at JC and smiled. "Good."

JC kept his expression neutral even though on the inside he was screaming and shouting. However he couldn't hide the trembling in his body and Matt immediately saw it.

"Oh, don't' worry JC. You won't die so soon. Phillip has plans for you."

Just then a melody played in the silent room. Phillip rushed into the room and looked around in search of it.

"It's mine. Gag him!" Matt said as he pulled out his cell phone. Phillip took out a handkerchief from his pocket and approached JC. JC tried to pull away but it was no use as Phillip forced his mouth open and stuffed the cloth in, effectively silencing him. For extra measure he squeezed JC's throat, warning him to be silent.

Matt then answered the phone cautiously. "Hello?"

Matt looked surprised and immediately perked up. "Justin?"

JC's gaze flew to Matt. Justin was on the line with Matt. If only he could hear Justin's voice. If only he could speak to him. Just for a moment. Just for as second.

"How are you holding up, baby? Oh. I'm sorry that you still haven't found JC." Matt said, smiling at JC.

"Oh, his whole family is there? They must be worried sick." JC's eyes widened.

"I'm sure he will fine, Justin. You will find him soon. I promise." Matt lied as he listened. Or maybe it wasn't a lie. Soon was a matter of opinion and in his opinion, of course JC would be found...soon.

Matt listened for a while and gradually his face lighted up. "Oh really? It makes me so happy to hear you say that." Matt said and suddenly brought the phone to JC's ears, such that both could hear what was being said. JC tensed when he heard Justin's voice. He wanted to yell to warn Justin but he couldn't even make an audible sound as Phillip squeezed just a little more So he just listened to Justin's beautiful voice.

"I realize that I've been pushing you away when I needed you most. I let JC confuse me about the one sure thing in my life. I love you so much, Matt."

JC closed his eyes tight. He felt something within him die.

Matt grinned.

"Matt? I'm so afraid. I need to see you."

Matt put the phone back to his ears "I'll be there as soon as I can, Justin." Matt paused and looked at JC. Then without taking his eyes off JC, he said. "There's nothing more important to me than you. I'll do anything for you. I'll be right there. Give me an hour, k?"

Matt hung up the phone and grinned.

"You see! It's already working. Justin needs me, wants ME when you're not there. And when you're permanently gone, he'll need me forever."

JC just kept his eyes closed and waited for the familiar pain. But there was nothing. He didn't feel a thing. Not a thing.

"I'm going back now." Matt told Phillip and turned to leave. "Make sure he's dead by the time I come back."

"You're not going anywhere till I get my money!" Phillip bellowed and blocked Matt's way.

Matt's eyes narrowed. "I don't carry that much money around with me, Phillip. I need to go get it now. Come on. I'm in this with you. I want to see his dead body so I WILL come back."

"All right but remember. If you try to cheat me, you're gonna die." Phillip warned. "And I'm not killing him until I get the money."

Matt stared at Phillip for a moment then just nodded curtly and headed out the door. "I'll take the van."

"No you won't. I not gonna risk being stranded here." Phillip replied.

"Then how the fuck am I supposed to get back to town! It's miles from here!"

Phillip glared at Matt. "You're getting on my nerves, boy! Fine! I'll drive you!"

"And him?" Matt asked, gesturing to the room JC was in.

"He's not going anywhere. I tied him up good. Come on. I want to have my fun and the faster I get rid of you the faster I can get back here!" Phillip said and pushed Matt towards the van.

JC listened as they drove away. There was a peaceful silence broken only by the call of the insects and birds. He was totally alone. For miles and miles.

JC began to arch his back and squirm on the bed. His hands were tied to the cot as were his legs and it didn't give him much space to move but he strained until the ropes cut into his skin. But the pain didn't register in his mind. He just needed to get it out. After several impossible long minutes, JC managed to dislocate the sharp piece of glass that he had hidden in the back of his jeans and it fell onto the bed. That small jagged edge was going to get him out of there. He began the arduous process of getting the glass within the grasp of his hands.


Justin hung up the phone and turned to face everyone who were watching him.

"He's coming here." Justin said.

"Good. We'll be waiting for him. Thank you, Justin. I know that was hard for you." Elli said.

Justin nodded even though he knew that they didn't have a fucking clue. It had made Justin nauseous to tell Matt that he loved him. He had had to conjure up all his strength and go through with it when all he wanted to do was curse at the bastard and threaten to kill him if anything happened to JC. But he had closed his eyes, pictured JC's beautiful face, pictured JC safe in his arms, pictured saying those three words to JC, and calmly and convincingly uttered those lies to Matt.

"So the moment he gets here, he's going to be placed under arrest?" Joey asked. Personally he wished that he would at least get a shot at Matt before the cops took him. His fist was itching bad.

"Temporarily. We have the warrant and can hold him for only so long because we don't have evidence against him yet. There hasn't been an actual crime committed yet. That evidence will come only after we find JC." Detective Pasco said.

"Then how are you going to get him to talk? He won't willing tell us where JC is, will he?" Roy asked.

"He might if Justin asked him," the detective said.

Justin shook his head. "I don't know if I can do that."

"I know that he's your boyfriend and that..."

Justin stood up abruptly, his blue eyes shooting flames. "I don't give a shit about him, Detective! He's not my boyfriend! He's just scum! I don't know if I can talk to him not because I'm angsting over him but because I don't know if I can even look at him without wanting to wrap my hands around his throat and squeezing the life out of him! I can pretend over the phone but the moment I see him...I don't know if I can stop myself from killing him."

Everyone looked at Justin in shock. Those words coming out of Justin's mouth were frightening and for the first time they truly understood how psychologically scarred Justin was because of this. It went beyond guilt. There was so much anger too.

The detective nodded. "I understand but this may be the only way. But it's your choice. I hope it won't come to that."

"There may be another way even if Matt refuses to tell us where JC is." Elli spoke up.

All eyes turned to him.

"The odds are not good but it just might work."

Elli went on to explain.


Matt Vance got out of the cab and stood outside the house. Things were going so well for him now. There had been moments when he doubted he could carry out his plans without getting caught but now he was sure that he could. There were just some loose ends to tie up. Like Phillip.

Matt wasn't stupid. What JC had told him had stuck in his mind. He knew that he couldn't trust Phillip. He was a danger to him and Justin. Once Phillip had killed JC, Matt had to get rid of Phillip. There was no other way. No honor among thieves. But first, he had to see Justin and show him why he's the one for Justin and not Joshua Scott Chasez. Because for once, he was going to be the one that Justin turned to.

He walked towards the house, noting the cops and other members of security mulling around the lawn. He was surprised that no one stopped to ask him for his ID but he figured that they already knew that he was expected. Justin had told him over the phone that he had told his family and the guys all about him. That he was Justin's boyfriend. Maybe even these cops knew that he was Justin's boyfriend. Matt smiled to himself at that thought. It was about time. Maybe the whole world should know that. That's right. He and Justin should come out as a couple. After this little problem with JC was over.

He didn't even have to knock on the door. The door was opened by Chris just as he was about to knock on the door. That should have been his first clue. The moment he stepped in, he saw Justin glaring at him with reigned hatred. That was his second clue.

"Justin? What..."

The door slammed shut and suddenly Matt found himself pinned against the wall by two men. He struggled to look over his shoulders. He stared at Justin in shock.


"Matt Vance, you're under arrest for aiding and abetting the kidnap of Joshua Chasez." Detective Pasco said as he approached Matt was being handcuffed by the two cops.


Justin eyes burned with loathing as he looked at Matt. "Where's JC? Where did you take him?"

Matt hesitated only a moment before starting to deny everything. "How should I know!? I don't have anything...Justin! You said you needed me here! You said you loved me! Why are you doing this? Why are you letting them do this?!"

"We know that you were behind the letters, Vance. You wired the money to Jacob Hottenburg, the bellboy at the Marriott, so that he would deliver the letter for you. We traced the money to your private account." Elli said.

Matt froze. "That doesn't prove anything! Someone's trying to frame me! Don't believe them, Justin!"

Elli smiled coldly. "We also have footage of you talking with Phillip Rondall, a wanted felon. And we have a dozen people willing to testify that you have been investigating Rondall so there is no way you didn't know about him. Give it up, Vance. We know everything. Now you can stop digging your grave further by telling us where JC and Phillip are!"

Matt desperately turned to Justin. "Baby, you don't believe these lies, do you? They are all trying to confuse you! They want to tear us apart!"

"Shut up! Just shut up!" Justin hissed.

Matt looked at Justin and knew that it really was all over. Those blue eyes didn't hold one hint of the affection and warmth it had held before when it had looked at him. Now, there was only hatred and disgust. It hit him. Justin didn't love him anymore. And he never ever would. He had lost and JC has won. "I'm sorry, Justin! I'm so sorry! All I wanted was you and your happiness."

Tears begin to flow down Justin's cheek. "Don't say that! Don't fucking say that!"

"I did it all for you!" Matt cried. "JC was trying to take you away from me! I couldn't let him!"

"You didn't do it for me! You did it for yourself! And I actually chose you over him. I'm just as pathetic as you are!" Justin cried. Lance and Chris tried to calm him down. Justin took a deep breath. "Where is he, Matt? What did you do to him?"

Matt looked down and shook his head but didn't say anything.

"TELL ME! WHERE IS HE?!!" Justin screamed.

Matt looked up, his eyes cold and maniacal. "No. I can't. I can't let him have you, Justin. I won't lose you to him."

Justin lunged at Matt but was held back by Chris and Lance. However, Joey had free access to Matt. Joey had his hands wrapped around Matt's throat before Elli and another cop could pull him away.

"YOU BASTARD!" Joey yelled struggling against the hold the two men had on him. "WHERE IS HE!?"

Matt just smiled at Joey and looked at Justin. "He must suffer for stealing you from me, Justin. He has to pay."

Justin looked at Matt with utter devastation in his eyes.

Just then another cop came into the room and whispered something to Elli. Elli immediately smiled. "Yes! It's about time!" He turned to the rest in the room. "We don't need this asshole anymore! We know where JC is!" Elli said.

Matt whirled around in shock to look at Elli. "YOU'RE LYING!"

Elli smirked. "And you're going to jail. When Justin called you, the signal from your phone was tracked. I've only just received confirmation of the location. "

Matt's eyes widened. Could they do that?! "No! You can't know..."

"We've already called the forest ranger. They are searching for him." Elli said, smiling smugly.

Forest ranger? Matt realized that everything was over. They knew! They knew where JC was! All was lost. Phillip won't kill JC until he got the money so they will find JC...alive! No! He couldn't let that happen!

"The only problem is that we'll take a while to search the whole area." Elli added. "But we'll find him."

This was his chance. "But not soon enough!" Matt spat and sneered. "Silver Springs' a huge area. Phillip's got business with JC and by the time you get to him, JC's going to be truly fucked up!"

This time the cops had to hold back all four of the Nsync guys. Elli was grateful that Roy and Tyler had been told to wait upstairs.

"I'm going to kill you!" Justin threatened and tried to get at Matt but was shoved back by the cop.

"It doesn't matter, baby. You can hate me but I will always love you." Matt replied, looking at Justin with a smile.

Justin wondered how was it that he never saw how obsessed and evil Matt really was. Where was this monster hidden all this while that he had known Matt? Justin's skin crawled when he thought of ever touching Matt.

"You can save your ass from a lifetime in prison if you cooperate, Vance. Now's your chance." Detective Pasco said. "Lead us to Phillip and JC."

Matt looked at him as if considering the offer. Everyone held their breath waiting for his answer.

"Ok. But I want it as a written statement that I'll get the lightest sentence." Matt said.

Elli smiled while Detective Pasco nodded. "Ok. But we move now. I'll get the DA to agree. Tell me exactly where the place is."

"I can't tell you. I can only show you. I can recognize the path he took." Matt said.

Detective Pasco was hesitant but knowing that they didn't have the time to argue, he agreed. "Get him to the car. Radio for a swat team. This may get messy," he told his officers.

The cops pushed Matt to the out the door and to the waiting car. Matt looked at Justin longingly as he left.

As soon as Matt was out of hearing range, everyone began to talk at the same time.

"Oh my god! I thought your plan was gonna fall flat when Matt refused to believe the tracking story!" Lance said.

"How did you know!? How did you know JC was being held in a forest?" Joey asked. "You told us that you're just going to make him believe that his call had been tracked and that hopefully that alone will make him think that we knew where JC was!"

"I took a lucky guess and he bought it. His shoes. The moment he came in I saw that it had dirt on it. The kind you pick in forests trails. Plus he said he will get here in an hour. By my calculation, the closest forest I know is Ocala National Forest. But I wasn't sure. Besides Ocala Forest is huge and it would have taken us too long to find JC."

"But he thought you already knew it was Silver Springs and he spilt the beans!" Chris said excitedly.

"Yes. That's why I lied about tracking the phone call. He didn't know that we couldn't do that because he was using a cell phone. If he didn't tell us, we will be wasting hours searching the area."

Joey looked at Elli in wonder. "Man! You're like Matlock, like Perry Mason, like...Superman!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah! I take back all the comments about you being a hard ass, bastard!" Chris said, grinning.

Elli shook his head and rolled his eyes. Pop stars. Nice guys, sure. But boy were they weird!

"I want to go with them."

Everyone looked at Justin who had been silent the whole time.

"That's not a good idea, Justin." Elli began.

"Please." Justin said, softly, his eyes begging.

Elli didn't know what made him agree but he nodded. "Ok, but only you. And you have to promise to keep out of the way at all times until everything is safe."

Justin nodded and turned to Chris. "Tell them, I'll bring JC back."

Chris pulled Justin into a hug. "I know you will. Everything will be ok, Curly. It will be."

Lance and Joey joined the group hug and prayed.

"We have to move now." Detective Pasco said.

Justin pulled away from his friends walked out the door with Elli and the detective.

Lynn, Karen and the rest came down from upstairs.

"We saw them taking him away. Did Matt tell them wheer JC is being kept?" Karen asked, hope shining in her eyes.

Chris smiled. "Yes, he's going to show the cops exactly where JC is."

Karen cried out in relief and hugged her husband. Tyler and Heather hugged each other. Lynn smiled and looked for Justin.

"Justin, honey, are you......where is Justin?"

Chris, Lance and Joey looked at each other silently urging the other to tell Lynn. Lynn's eyes narrowed.

"Christopher, where is Justin?" Lynn asked again.

"Well you see......er...." Chris stammered and in his mind threatened to kick Justin's ass if the boy didn't get back safe and sound.


Next up: The Final Chapter.

Next: Chapter 18

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