Hidden Passion

By Nicole Goebel

Published on Mar 23, 2007



When my father's girlfriend moved in I was a very angry, argumentative teenager. He told me that it was only temporary, and not to worry, but I did. That was until I met Paul.

Paul was the oldest of her three sons, and definitely the hottest. He was the kind of guy who had girls crawling all over him. I was amazed and literally fell for him, over a laundry basket; hopefully he didn't see that though. Aside from being the oldest, Paul was the shyest. I watched how he didn't get involved with any of the arguments in the house, and how he only did what he set his mind to. Paul never followed the crowd. I felt kind of weird when I began to classify my obsession with him as "puppy love". That kind of thing was saved for strange porn stories and dreams; it could never happen to me.

If only our parents weren't together, then maybe Paul and I could be...no. That was silly. Paul had millions of girls out there, and I wouldn't have even met him if it hadn't been for his mother asking dad out. Well as my secret crush deepened for Paul over the months, I began to meet other guys in school. There was Ed, and my current boyfriend Devin. One guy, Kip, played me real good. I broke up with Devin for Kip, but it didn't matter to him.

Kip cheated on his girlfriend with me, took my virginity and then left me alone for the rest of the year. Needless to say I was dumbstruck, I had had spent two hours alone with Kip, had learned all of his fetishes, then he left me. Well, I guess I was grateful that Kip introduced me unwillingly to the awesome passion that is anal sex. He kind of had to rape me to get me to ever try it though. Up until then my mind had told me that my first time was "magical" and "special". I wouldn't call two hours of sneaking around my family magical. Kip never called me, he even ignored me. After awhile I figured it would be best to leave him to his girlfriend.

But before I could put Kip behind me, I discovered I was bisexual, and that hit me like a ton of bricks. I was sort of in denial about it for years. It might've been the crushing over my best friend Nichole, but I think after homecoming I new for sure. I'd spent the whole night with my friend Rose. Rose and I only started kissing to make her boyfriend jealous, but by the end of the night we were dating and she'd dumped the boyfriend.

The next couple of weeks were a blur of sneaking around my dad to keep my relationship with Rose a secret. If anyone at home mentioned her name I had to leave the room for fear of blushing or something. Somehow though, Rose and I didn't last. I broke up with her after realizing that Nichole was my only female love. I never felt right with any other girl.

One night the week after I broke up with Rose, Paul came into my room and sat on my bed. It scared the shit out of me. He had the weirdest look on his face, the "I know something about you" look.

"Can I help you Paul?" I asked, putting away my play station controller. Paul stretched himself out and seated himself on the floor.

I sighed, hopefully to myself as I enjoyed those few precious seconds of just him being there. He was, and I know this is childish, the figure of a "perfect" man. Like someone had picked him from a catalogue and sent him to earth. Perfect complexion, just tall enough, great smile, and great attitude. Oh god I was wet just thinking of him. I began to wonder why he was here, but more importantly, when would he leave? I didn't want to have to start salivating with him here, which would be embarrassing.

"You're not a virgin, are you?" Paul said quietly.

Resisting the urge to shriek, I leaned over and ninja-kicked my door shut. But not before checking the hallway and all the windows. No one was home, thankfully.

"How do you know that?" I hissed, leaning against the door.

"I'm not stupid. I can piece things together." Paul smiled. Oh god, the perfect smile. Little angelic sounds began to play in my head like they do in the movies.

"Ok, ok. I'm not a virgin, so what? It's not like I'm sleeping around. And it's not like it'll ever happen again." I muttered, catching a glance at myself in the mirror. I was just too fat, too ugly, and too spastic. What did Kip see in me that time? Easiness? Just simply the fastest target to relive stress?

"You should stop putting yourself down like that." He seemed to blush a little. "I mean, I would...if I could..."

My heart halted in mid-beat. What? I glanced down, just to be positive that I was alive and that nothing from my pants was running down my leg.

"Wha..." I started. Paul stood up and put his hand on the door handle. I scampered away, falling over...something. Onto my bed.

"Seriously. Take me up on that sometime." Another godlike smile. I blushed as he vanished into his room.

As soon as he was gone I locked my door and viciously attacked myself. Unfortunately my curse of never being able to get off came back and I was left feeling defeated on my bed, wishing for someone to show up and fuck me. So many things were running through my head, but most importantly was...was he serious? I soon found out.

I'd been trying to telepathically tell Paul that yes, GOD yes, I did want to fool around with him. Well one afternoon I was sitting in his room watching him and his two brothers play a videogame when the middle and youngest child decided to go outside and throw a baseball at each other. As soon as they were well engaged in their game Paul patted his bed and I silently perched myself there, almost frozen. After some time I climbed over him and leaned against the wall, just gazing at him in all his perfect-ness. He caught me staring at him from the corner of his eye and I looked away. My heart thundered in my chest as I switched into action mode. I just had to see what would happen if I tried to kiss him.

I couldn't believe myself as I leaned down and kissed Paul on the lips. Half of me expected him to slap me, or yell at me, but he seemed just as startled as I was about it. Strangely, however, I couldn't stop. Paul hugged me around the middle and I instinctively tensed. Kip had punched me and hit me, which was slightly arousing for him, but mostly painful for me. Despite my apprehensions, Paul simply let his hands hold me against him. I was baffled and pulled away to stare at him.

His pants were tented, just like Kip's were, so I guess I hadn't done anything wrong. Paul unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. I looked at him to make sure it was okay before taking it in my hand. Unlike Kip's, which scared the hell out of me, Paul's dick looked so...inviting. My curiosity got the best of me and I took Pails cock into my mouth. I tried to remember what Kip taught me, but once again Paul surprised me. He didn't force me to swallow his entire dick, but was seemingly content with as much as I could take. I didn't want to let him down, so I tried to take all of his amazing cock in.

Paul did that thing where he ran his hands up and down my back as I sucked him off. My skin tickled from his touch; everything was so surreal. Outside his brothers were loading into their mom's truck. Apparently they were going to their dad's house for the night. Perfect. With my dad in Tennessee, I could take all the time I wanted with Paul. I stopped sucking him to watch the other's leave. Paul did too.

When they were gone I looked back at Paul and he wordlessly, kinda...pawed at my pants. I took them off as gracefully as possible and sat there, unsure of what to do. My gaze drifted from Paul's face to his cock. He lifted my left leg up and helped me straddle him. I hoped he wasn't going to make me try to ride him. Kip and I proved that I suck at riding.

But no, Paul guided me down onto his cock and my eyes shut from it filling me up. Right then I knew all I wanted was for him to fuck me, hard. I opened my eyes and grinned at Paul. As I leaned down and kissed him Paul began to grind his hips upwards into me and I fought to keep from biting him. I still didn't know the policy on biting, and I didn't want him to kick me out. While I was down on him, with my body on top of his, Paul removed my bra and my double-d breasts hung loose. I pushed myself off of him as he began to drill into me.

"Oh god, Paul..." I moaned, looking down at his eyes.

I lowered myself back down a bit and began to talk to him in his ear.

"Fuck me Paul, harder. Harder. You can go as fast as you like Paul, I won't break."

He switched into the hidden mode that most men will never find as long as they live. It's called Animal mode. Animal mode makes it so the man relies on only his instincts and not the comfort of the woman. Paul was in Animal mode.

I cried out, telling him to go faster and faster. My hands somehow found their way into his hair, but I didn't pull. Had to play nice until I knew the ground rules. Surprisingly still, he still didn't bite me in Animal mode. I still had bruises from Kip in Animal mode. Then Paul came, pulling out just in time.

I still hadn't gotten off, but that didn't matter. The "feel good" of the man is most important. Instead of getting up and leaving afterwards like Kip did, Paul pulled me close and held me there. I lay in shock for quite some time. I was actually going to wake up in someone's arms...and best of all...they would be Paul's arms...

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