Hidden Desires in Ny

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on Jul 24, 1999


Warning: This story involves homosexual and homoerotic topics. If you're reading this anyway, I guess that you're gay or bi or curious so I won't tell you that you'll be offended and all that crap. And about you guys who's not permitted by the law to read this because of age or something, I really can't do anything to stop you, right? So much for my warning.

Note: This is the first time I posted something a wrote so I hope you guys will like it. If not, then there are a lot of other stories here so keep on clicking and you might find something you'll enjoy.

Hidden Desires in NY

By Sliders21

I couldn't believe it when I saw this incredibly gorgeous guy walking towards me. I couldn't look at anything else and I really don't care about anything at moment. All I care about was watching this guy. The guy was definitely drop dead gorgeous. He was stereotypical American Male. Blond hair, Blue eyes, lean muscular body and a smile that could melt an iceberg. His well defined body was clearing showing through the tight shirt and jeans he was wearing. The guy came to a halt just inches from me. He looked down at me and gave me a very goofy smile. I didn't know why but I felt like my heart was about to burst just then.

"I hope this isn't too forward but... " The guy whispered to me before he took my face into his hands and leaned forward and our lips met. I could feel his lips softly brushing against mine. At first it was gentle and slow but then it became more urgent, more passionate, more demanding. I had my eyes closed all this time, ever since he took my face into his hands and kissed me. I opened them and saw the deepest, bluest eyes I had ever seen. Then it struck me, I don't even know what the guy's name is.

"Stephen Marks? " A deep, craggy voice suddenly rung out.

"Stephen Marks? " The 65 year old professor called out. It was the first day of my History class and the teacher had us arrange the seat ina big circle where we can face each other and sort of introduce ourselves one by one.

Ever since I first saw him, I haven't been able to take my eyes of him. I've been stealing glances at him and haven't been listening to the first four guys who spoke. Now that it was his turn, I gave him my full attention. I found out that he was from the mid-west and he was a quarterback in high school. It turns out that he transferred from Stanford and was talking up Business Administration. And from looking at his face, I sort of guessed that he was very nice and very friendly. But then again I'm not exactly the best judge of charcter. For all I know, he could be very arrogant and homophobic.

I told myself then not to continue with this stupid daydream. This was probably the first time I had a rational thought since I saw him enter the room. Fuck! Why did he have to be in this class?!

I had spent the last three years trying to get over Joshua. It's not fair that the last few months I have to spend here, I have to fall hard for a guy I don't even know! Maybe it's not yet too late. Maybe this feeling will go away. I closed my eyes and tried to think of anything other than this Stephen guy.

But no matter how hard I try, all I could see was that stupid goofy grin of his he gave all of us the first time he entered the room. I quickly engaged this guy next to me who I barely know in some meaningless conversation. That seem to be working.

Before I knew it, it was my turn. I stood up and gave everyone a glance, my eyes lingering for a second longer on Stephen's face. " Hi. My name's Jason and I'm a senior just like most of you guys. I'm proud to say that I wasn't elected class president and I wasn't a quarterback or fullback or whatever. But I was a member of a very elite circle. Yup. I was one of the geeky kids who belonged to the science club. " That brought some laughter to the group as Jason sat down.

"Yes, what is it Stephen? " The professor said as I saw Stephen raising his hand rather shyly.

"I was kinda wondering what's Jason's course was, " Stephen said as he gave me one of his goofy smile that I knew will haunt me for the next few weeks if I'm lucky.

"Although I really, really love blowing up the laboratory back at my old high school, I somehow ended taking up Political Science, " I said as I returned his smile. Fuck! I'm starting to hate this guy already for torturing me with that smile of his.

I quickly got out of the classroom the second the professor dismissed us. I was walking briskly down the hallway towards the cafeteria when I heard someone shouting my name. I stopped and turned around and saw Stephen hurrying towards me.

"Jason right? " Stephen smiled at me again as he put up his hand. "Stephen. "

"I already know that, " I said rather lamely as I shook his hand.

"I'm kinda new here and I was hoping you can show me around, " Stephen said as he grinned at him. Who the fuck does he think he is? Does he think that just because he's the most gorgeous guy I have ever seen, I'll just drop all my plans to accommodate him? Yeah, that's it. Get angry at him. That'll help you get over him much more quickly.

"I'm busy right now, " I said in a somewhat brusque manner. Like I'll really show him around! He just probably wants to find out where all the sororities are located so he could find himself some slut to fuck as soon as possible.

"You have another class? " Stephen didn't even flinch at what I said.

"I'm going to grab a bite to eat down in the cafeteria, " I muttered out to him as I began to walk away from him. " See you. "

"Wait! " Stephen said to me as he matched my strides. " I'm sort of hungry also. Maybe we can eat together or something. " I just shrugged my shoudlers as we reached the stairs. We went down to the basement where the cafeteria was located. I ordered a burger and fries and a soda. Stephen ordered the same thing. We sat ourselves in a table in a corner. We ate silently for a while. While I took a big bite from my burger, I saw Stephen smiling at me and sort of staring at me nervously.

"What? " I asked him in an irritated voice.

"You have a Economics class earlier at 7:00, right? " He said to me softly. " I saw you sitting ten aisle away from where I was sitting. " That class was held in an auditorium and probably has over 250 students. I was sort of surprised that he'd recognize me let alone remember where I was sitting.

"So? " I said, pretending to be bored.

"You--You were with a very pretty girl, " Stephen said to me cautiously. " Is she your girlfriend? " I was about to take another bite from my burger when he said that. All I could do for the next minute or so was look at him in shock.

"Fuck! " I groaned out loudly as I threw down the burger on the plate. I stood up and grabbed my bag. " If you want me to set you up with my cousin, forget it, ok? If you really find her attractive, then go ask her out yourself. I have more important things to do than worry about whether you're going to get some or not! "

"Jason, I--- " But I was already out of earshot. Thank God he didn't follow me. I just went up to the library and cooled down there for a bit. I knew it! He probably fell very hard for Sarah and just wanted me to set him up on a blind date or something.

"Isn't it too early for you to be doing some research? " A voice behind me said. I was flipping through a magazine absentmindedly for the last hour or so. I looked behind me and saw Joshua Burns, Sarah's ex-boy friend and the object of my fantasy for the last three years or so.

"Hey, " I managed to fake a smile as he sat down besides me. " How are you doing? "

"Same as always, " Josh said to him. " The frat's throwing a party this friday night. Be sure to be there, ok? And bring Sarah along. "

"I'll try to make it, " Jason mummbled out under his breath as he returned to flipping the magazine.

"How is she? " Josh asked him softly. I stared at him as anger started to rage inside me. Josh was my roommate when I was in a dorm when I was still a freshman. He was the first friend he had made here. They hanged out a lot during the first couple of months. Then he started to date Sarah and they became a couple. We saw less and less of each other especially when I moved out during the second term to stay at an apartment my parents got me in the city. I really wondered now if Josh wanted to be my friend just because he wanted to get close to Sarah.

I stood up, my anger very obvious now. I grabbed my bags and headed out of the library. I was going down the stairs when Josh caught up to me. He grabbed my arms and asked me what was wrong.

"If you're really want to get back with Sarah, then do it on your own, ok?" I said to him with as much sarcasm as I can muster. " I won't help you. I won't be your stupid little messenger and give her all those stupid roses and chocolates and notes. I won't waste anymore of my time and try to set you guys up on a date again or something."

"Hey! " Josh looked at me dumbfoundly. " What are you talking about? "

"Sarah! " I cried out frustratedly at him. " I'm not going to let you or anyone else use me to try to squeeze out a date with her. If you think I'll help you out get back with your ex-girl friend just because you were my roommate before, you're wrong! I'm sick and tired of people pretending to be my friend just to get my souin in bed! "

I saw the shock in Josh' face. I knew that was the time to leave so I ran down the stairs and went out of the building, hurrying to my car which was parked at the side. I revved up the engine and drove out of Columbia University into the city. I headed to my apartment, already made up my mind to ditch the rest of my classes. It was the second day only so it was no biggie.

I parked the car in the basement and took the elevator to the 15th floor where my apartment was. I opened the door with my key and flopped on the couch. I turned on the TV and watched some movie for while. But my mind was still on what Stephen said. Fuck! Why does he always fall for a guy who's only interest in him was his cousin? This is going to be a long term.

To be continued ... hopefully

Note again: This is the first part of my post. I'll try to post the second part very soon. That is if anyone really cares. I really just have a lot of time in my hands and don't know what to do so I'm here in front of my computer typing away. If anyone wants to react my email is: sliders21@iname.com

Next: Chapter 2

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