
By Cumm Slutt

Published on Dec 12, 2017


DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.

All the time growing up I had two 'state of minds' - my public state and my pubic state. My public state was open, enthusiastic, very proper, kind, caring, loving. My pubic state was mean, vindictive, sultry, erotic, horny, even belittling and harrassing. But, more on loving, erotic, passionate and sultry vs. the more negative aspects. It was 95% of the former and 5% of the latter.

Once 'coming of age' (18), I knew the laws and could not have sex with anyone underage. I did take out one very pretty girl when she was 17, but only felt her tits (oh fuck they were big and luscious!), but had to cut it off right then; otherwise I would have kept on persuing her. I think now how I shoould have, but... oh well.

But, my secret 'hidden' desires were with other guys; mostly older, but as I went into my mid 20's, I was not adverse introducing m/m play with over-18 younger guys. I'd gotten married by then, but I found out after marraige we were not compatible sexually; my drive was far higher than hers. No oral, no anal, no kinky, no 3-or-more-somes. Oh well, we were in love, regardless of the disconnect and I used my hand very often, like I did when single, and if she didn't want to make love, I'd have her help me whenever she was agreeable. Her idea of lovemaking was once every 10 days to 2 weeks. Mine was at least 3 times a day.....

I'd stop by ABS's (Adult Book Stores) on my way home from work and give and get plenty of blowjobs to satiate me, at least until the next time I felt the urge. And, I'd suck off lots of older guys, some who I'd meet up with privately, too.... Like Eddie....

"OUuuuu fuck that was fucking wonderful! Can I meet you out in the store?" Eddie moaned while I swallowed his load of cum....

"Ouuuu yessss.... lemme..." and I pushed my stiff, aching cock through the glory hole, and Eddie immediately locked lips around it, playing artfully with my balls, and I came in his mouth too! "MMmmmmmm thank you...." I groaned, then left the booth to meet him. Eddie was in his 40's (me in my 20's), pot belly, balding, typical middle-aged nondescript 'normal' guy. "Wanna beer?" he grinned.

"MMmmmm sure..." and guided me to the nearest bar. He told me about his wife, she didn't satisfy him, and he had many m/m encounters before getting married and expected more from her but she wouldn't. He was thinking of divorce, but I talked him out of it. He did confess putting on her things occasionally.

"Hey, let's, um... get together.... wanna?" and I grinned, sliding my fingers down into his crotch where nobody could see.

"You'd wanna get with me, after seeing me?" he said, astounded.

"OUUuuuuu yesss of course, why wouldn't I?" and stroked his hardon in his pants.

"Ummmm... you know I'm wearing panties?" he gurgled, his cock flaming hard.

"Hey, I've got my panel van from work, wanna get comfortable in it?" I groaned. I kept it neat and room for 'playing'. "C'mon....." and we quickly left, getting to it and climbing in the front doors, then scurried to the back, closing the curtain. "Wana see your frilly little panties, darling...." I drawled out like a hot, horny southern belle, running my hands and fingers all over his crotch.

"Ouuuuu fuck yes sweetie darling, I'd love to..." and he slid his pants down, his hard cock leaking in his panties. I pulled them down and pulled his cock to my cocksucking mouth, making love to it passionately! "Ouuuuu fuck yeahhhh..." he groaned.

I stopped for a second, holding his cock and jerking on it for him, mewing, "Now baby, when you're inside your wife's hot cunt, imagine me sucking your cock like I'm doing right now..." and I put his cock back in my mouth, loving it.... "....and it's making you cum, darling... oh fuck you're going to cum!" and started twirling my tongue around and around his cock, shooting his cum all over the inside of my cocksucking mouth! "You don't need to get a divorce, now do you?"

"Ohhhhhh fuckkk......" Eddie groaned, melting..... "Oh fuck no... oh fucking A...."

I grinned, milking his cock of any cum that was left. "No recip this time, ok? I doubt you've got enough energy left to suck off a tadpole, do ya?" and he laughed while I helped him get his clothes together, right and proper so his wife, nor mine, would suspect anything. I dropped him off at his car and we went our separate ways, but not until I had his phone number and talked about we were going to form a bowling team together or some shit like that, giving us a reason to meet again.....


About 6 months later I'd fashioned a 'hideaway' in my construction truck, stretching from the outer front wheelwell to the inner rear wheelwell, 14" wide and 12" deep, one on each side. I filled one with small tools completely, organized and orderly. The one on the other side I divided it in two; the compartment towards the rear I had more hand tools, but the front half compartment held all my gurly clothes - bras, panties, garterbelts, stockings, heels, wigs, bras, makeup, etc. Just thinking about them got me hard! On long drives out of town to a jobsite, I'd get out a pair of old panties and jerk off in them, then hold them up and lick the cum off them, then a little while later I'd jerk off in them again, or after work on the way home! The compartment was just behind my seat and I could reach it easily.

On one particularly long drive, I passed a trucker while jerking off on the way home and he looked in and saw me and grinned. I had a CB and he hollered to me to pull into a rest area; we could get into his sleeper cab.... and ended his request with 'darlin'' I knew he was a big, burly gurlyboi, and when I got into his truck, he'd already put on a bra over his hairy titties and slid down his jeans to show his hot little frilly panties!

"Ouuuu Randi... you look so hot, honey!" I groaned in my best gurlyboi voice, pulling off my pants to show my panties, garterbelt and fishnet stockings, him enveloping me in his arms, our lips meshing together in a hot, passionate kiss!

"Ouuuu babydoll!" Randi groaned, a shiver coursing through him. "I don't hardly ever find anybody who loves to play dressup, especially with a big, gurlyboi bear like me!"

"Oh hey, I just love to play! May I suck your nipples, dear?" I gurgled, latching onto one, Randi groaning as I tongue-lashed it....


Kevin had the same problem. What he said and did in public was vastly different of his thoughts and feelings. He was always happy and outgoing except for one problem.... his constant hardon! Anything and everything turned him on! He had to jerk off 3 or more times a day to quell his 'horny-bone'. He'd jerk off before going to bed, but wake up with a groaning hardon, not just because he had to piss, either - he, again, was horny! He'd had this since he could remember, but once out of school and on his own, it drove him nuts. He found out long ago he had no preference, either. He liked both girls and boys, secretly admiring many of both sexes. He cruised men's rooms, looking for any opportunity; peeking at other guys' cocks when they'd take it out to piss. Many times he'd be invited to go into a stall and he always accepted, eagerly getting on his knees or standing up while his recipient stood on the toilet, getting the benefit of his cocksucking mouth. Sometimes they would reverse, but he didn't care. He would jerk off afterwards, excited by the aromas left on his face from sucking off his 'friend' of the moment!

Then, he got invited to an Adult Book Store on the edge of town by a trucker he'd sucked off in his sleeper at a rest stop. He followed him to the store and they went in separately, avoiding each other to get others to play with. They went into separate booths and when Kevin heard the door slam next to him, he wondered what would happen. He'd seen the hole in the wall and when he saw another guy's cock poking through, he quickly understood and got down on his knees in the puddles of cum and slowly, lovingly took the guy's cock deep in his mouth, slowly drawing it out, then slowly pushing it in again, hearing groans from the other side of the wall! Suddenly he felt the guy push his cock all the way down his throat and started shooting hot loads of thick sperm in his mouth, prompting him to gulp and swallow, eating it all, and he was enthralled by it! Ohhhh fuckkk....! When he left and joined his trucker friend outside, his knees were all covered with cum and his friend laughed and laughed!

Furthering his sexual desires, he played around with cross-dressing, too. He'd gotten a whole box of old women's things at a garage sale, saying he'd take them to his grandmother, but they never made them there.... he took them to his apartment where he could try on and dress up in them in private. Further trips to out-of-town rummage sales yielded all kinds of makeup and lipstick, eye shadow, eye liner, etc., giving him opportunity to dress completely. Of course, every 'session' gave him wild and spurting orgasms all over himself!

For a quickie, he especially liked putting on some sexy panties in the bathroom, squirting cheap hair conditioner inside them and jerking off looking at himself in the full length mirror; rubbing, stroking inside and outside his panties until he shot huge loads of cum! Ohhhhhh fuckkk it felt absolutely delicious!

Then, it was time to explore 'a date'. He put an ad in Craigslist that he was a 23 year old gurlyboi, would any older men like to play? He didn't expect more than one or two replies, but he got dozens! He was getting requests, all nearby! He couldn't believe it! He replied to a few, giving his number to the closest guys living nearby..... and got calls....

"Hi!" Kevin answered in his most femmy voice....

"Um.... Hi, how are you? What are you wearing?" a voice replied furtively, hushed. "Wife's in the other room... gotta be quick. What's your address and when are you free?"

"Your name is....?" Kevin asked. "I'm on 2706 Oak.... wanna cum over and play? I've got on a pink bra and baby blue panties, pulled down, and I'm jerking off..."

"Paul..." he replied. "Oh fuck I'd love to... tomorrow, say at 2?"

"Yesssss....." Kevin moaned. He was jerking off and splattered his cum all over his belly after hanging up!

Promptly at 2 pm his doorbell rang and he let Paul in. Paul was 45, balding and a pot belly, just how Kevin liked!

"MMMMmmmmmm yessss darling.... lemme feel you...." massaging Paul's cock through his shorts enticingly. He drew Paul into his arms and gave him a passionate, loving french kiss while he slid Paul's shorts down, having him kick them off, unbuttoning his shirt and slipping it off, rubbing his fake tits on his chest, then pushing up his bra to rub his real tits all over him, sucking his nipples, tonguing them passionately, smearing lipstick on them, and slowly working his way down to his hard cock.

"Ohhhhh fuckkkk I'm so fucking hard, honey!" Paul said, amazed. He tried jerking off with limited results, barely getting hard and only cumming maybe once every 6 or 7 times, he and his wife not having sex any more than maybe once every 3 months or so. But now, he was like a fucking bull! Kevin's perfume turned him on tremendously!

"Wanna fuck me first, baby, or cum in my mouth?" Kevin purred, in complete control.

"Fuck you... ohhhh fuckkk yesss...." and got behind him, groaning as Kevin wriggled his shaved ass on his throbbing cock, then guided him in and he started fucking him, faster and faster.

"Ouuuu yes darling, cum in me baby.... shoot your hot love juice in my aching asshole, honey!" Kevin groaned, playing with his balls, then pushing a finger up his ass. That did it, he could feel him orgasming and orgasming!

"Ouuuuu sweetheart.... you're so wonderful!" Kevin whispered in his ear like a true slut! He snaked his hand down to cup his cock and balls lovingly, just resting his hand on them.

"Ohhhh shit... that was sooo gooodddd...." Paul moaned. "I haven't fucked like that in years!"

"MMmmmmm... love your nipples...." Kevin groaned, encircling them with his warm, lipstick'd lips, flicking at his hardening nipples. Then, he went lower, tonguing his belly button. Paul had never felt the pleasures of that! It was like a lightning bolt going through him! Kevin's fingers traveled lower, feeling his cock starting to get hard. "OHhhh baby, lemme suck you soft and feel you get hard in my cocksucking mouth!" and took him completely in his mouth!

"Ohhh fuckkk... oh shit, that feels so good, baby!" he moaned. "I'm fucking getting hard again! Oh fuck yess! Finger me... oh fuckkkk..." Paul groaned, raising his ass up, legs spread wide, riding up and down Kevin's two... now three... fingers in his asshole with kevin madly sucking his cock for him! He again was hard as a rock! "Oh baby, you're gonna... you're gonna make me... oh fuckkk! I'm cumming!" Paul yelped and filled Kevin's mouth full of hot cum!

Kevin raised up, his mouth dripping of cum, grinning. "Well, did you like it?"

"Ohhhhh fuck yesss... oh fuckkk!!!" Paul moaned, sitting up groggily. "Want me to help you cum?"

"Oh no... I came when you came, darling!" Kevin giggled, showing Paul the hot mess of cum he'd made.

"Oh please, let me just suck you... I want cock in my mouth!" Paul pleaded.

"Oh if you wish..." Kevin giggled, guiding Paul's head down to his groin, moaning as Paul sucked him. He was good and Kevin was, of course, able to orgasm in his mouth! "Kiss me before you swallow!" Kevin ordered, and they made out voraciously!

Paul asked for another date and they set it up in 3 weeks, he next time his wife would be gone.

Paul left and Kevin was soooo happy he was able to please another man as a gurlyboi!

Then the phone rang, it was Jess.... wheeee!!!


Next: Chapter 2

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