Hi Mommy

By Cathe

Published on Dec 20, 2007


Hi Mommy ... Chapter 3

Where to begin ....

When I roused myself from sleep, Linda was calling me to come into her bathroom. Till unsure what awaited me - or indeed if I should go through with it at all - I walked through her bedroom and noticed a collection of underclothing laid out on the bed. If nothing else this would be interesting.

"Get in here, you!" I heard her calling,"we have a lot to do this morning!" I noted some amusement in her voice.

"There you are! Come on, sweets - I drew a nice bath for you. It smells so nice, doesn't it? You will smell exactly like I do, and I know you love the way I smell because you've told me so."

There was more hint of amusement in her voice.

"But first - let me wipe this hair remover all over you so you're nice and smooth."

Linda spent about 5 minutes spreading pink hair remover cream all over me - and I mean ALL over - including my privates and my butt. I would be as hair free s the day I was born..

"Now leave this on for about 15 minutes, and then get in the shower and wash it all off with a cloth. Then you can climb into the tub and have a nice soak while I tend to other things. And be sure to shampoo your hair using my shampoo and then condition it properly. Call me if you need help. I'll let you enjoy your soak for about a half hour so you're nice and smooth. I've left some body lotion - my own perfumed brand - there on the vanity. Smooth a nice amount all over yourself then join me in the bedroom. You're going to love this, darling"

Well ... in for a penny as they say. I spent the 15 minutes waiting for the hair remover to do its job standing in front of the vanity mirror, considering what as to come next. I have to admit I was more than a little excited at the prospect. How would I look? Would I be an attractive woman, as Linda seemed to believe? My size and body was certainly in my favor, as was my longish hair and somewhat delicate facial structure. Sure I'd be a cute girl!

I stepped into the shower as directed, and was amaze to see every speck of hair wash from my body. What an amazing feeling, I thought! So much better than feeling all that hair - little that I had to start with. These gals may have something here. I felt myself all over and was pleased with how smooth I felt. I then picked up the bottle of shampoo Linda left for me and lathered up. I didn't know what was in that stuff but it felt amazing! Little did I know it had a lightening agent in it that would leave my drab brown hair loaded with shiny chestnut highlights! After rinsing and shampooing again - as per the directions - I rinsed again with cool water and applied the indicated amount of conditioner. My scalp again began to tingle as it did its work of repairing the years of abuse we men gave our hair. Rinsing again in cool water, I was struck how smooth and soft my hair felt already. Then I stepped from the shower and into the soaking tub - to be enveloped in clouds of sweet smelling bubbles. I noticed the tub had a "heat" setting on the apron that would allow you to soak as long as you liked without the water getting cold. Money was certainly not a problem for Linda.

"How are you doing in there, darling?" Linda yelled. "I can't wait to get started on you!"

"10 minutes, hon!"

I climbed from the tub feeling absolutely wonderful - my skin softer than I've ever felt it before. I wondered what awaited me in the bedroom. Surely a new experience that would be at least a fun time. I wrapped myself in a heavy terrycloth robe Linda left for me and was immediately struck by how different my now hair free body felt against the fabric. I wondered how the silk lingerie I wore the previous night would feel now. Well ... lets go find out!

"How do you feel without all that ugly hair, James?" Linda asked with some amusement.

It didn't take me long to whisper "wonderful". I walked up to Linda and took her in my arms for a kiss.

"You certainly do smell good!", and slipping her hands into my robe and feeling around added "and you feel good too! Come on, now - lets get started. I nee to do something with your hair first, then we'll d some makeup, and finally I'll let you choose an outfit from my closet to wear."

"I thought you were going to pick something simple for me to try, Lin?"

"I considered that", she said, "but then I thought it would be more fun and "girly" for you to pick something on your own. I want to see what kind of taste you have. Besides - you can't get an idea how the other half lives unless you live it yourself! Now go sit at my makeup table so I can get started."

I sat at her table as she pulled a small cart next to me.

"Slip your robe off your shoulders so I can work with your hair, will you darling? Okay ... now what I've decided is to give you a little trim. Your hair I not quite long enough to give you a decent style, so I got a beautiful human hair fall for you. The color matches the tint I had you put in your hair with my shampoo."

"What?", I said with some alarm, and turned to face the mirror - which was covered with a towel. "You colored my hair?"

"No darling - you did", she said with some amusement. "And it looks wonderful! Trust me - you'll love it, and your hair feels magnificent. Feel it!"

I reached up and ran my fingers through my still damp hair. Linda was right - it felt amazingly soft and smooth. Where I used to find my fingers snagging knots and tangles, they now slid right through my hair.

"Okay, now I'm going to trim your front a bit so I can make some nice sweeping bangs across your forehead - which will also help conceal that nasty bruise you have. I won't take any length off - in case you want to let it grow after you see how cute you look! Then I'll blow you dry and do your makeup. Lastly, I'll attach the fall. Okay?"

"Like I have a choice?" And what do you mean "in case I like my self as a girl?" I just agreed to let you have some fun because you asked me at a vulnerable time.

"Sure, hon," Linda giggled - "I really had to force this on you! Listen ... if you really want to chicken out, just say the word - but judging by that stiffy you have sticking out of your robe ... I think you're enjoying this more than you let on!"

Her hand lightly caressed my erection as she taunted me. "Go ahead, darling ... say stop and I will, and you can get dressed in your drab, nasty, guy clothes and go to work or whatever."

Oh damn, I thought. "No - don't stop" I whispered. It had gone too far anyway, and I really was curious to see what I'd look like as a girl.

"Wonderful. I knew you wanted this! Here ... let me take care of that little problem you have", and she slipped to her knees, lifted her hair over my lap, and sucked me deep into her mouth. "I don't think this will take too long to fix" she giggled before her lips wrapped around my cock.

It didn't take long at all, in fact. I was so excited I emptied into her mouth in less than a minute, which she swallowed down.

"Your seed is so delicious, James. I do love it so. Kiss me and taste yourself - you'll learn to love it too." And she lifted her lips to mine. I was surprised to feel her tongue covered with my cum - she hadn't swallowed all of my ejaculation as I had thought. Now being higher than I was, her mouth opened and allowed a generous amount of cum to pour into my mouth.

"Swallow, darling - it's good for your skin! You don't want all those terrible wrinkles men get, do you?"

So I did - I swallowed a mouthful of my own seed. The first load of many more to come.

"There now" Linda said. "Lets get going." With that, she ran a large comb through my hair and reached for her scissors.

She hummed softly as she snipped here and there, combing my hair down over my forehead and snipping it at an angle - very expertly I might add - to create the very important swept bangs. She also snipped a bit along the sides in front of my ears. It was mostly dry already, and when she picked up her dryer to finish up it didn't take more than a few minutes before she pronounced "Done!"

"Take my word for it, James, once I finish your hair not a sole will be able to tell - not even your own mother. And boy - would I love to see that! I bet she'd love to have a new daughter, don't you? And by the way ... what would you like to be called when we finish - we can hardly call you James, can we? Well - we can wait a bit for that"

"Okay now your makeup! I don't want to mess your hair , so makeup first and then I attach your fall."

She proceeded to open a large makeup kit and began applying various concoctions with sponges and brushes. The smell of the makeup as she worked was quite nice, really. It also felt kind of nice on my face as she worked.

"Open your eyes and don't blink, hon", she said as she applied a few coats of mascara on one eye then the other. "Two coats, sweetheart - I want big long lashes! You don't need false lashes because you have great lashes already. A waste on a guy!"

A few minutes later, Linda pronounced my makeup done.

"Okay! Honey, you are not going to believe how good you look. In fact - I hardly believe it myself! When you hair is on you will look amazing. You're going to love it!" And with that, Linda opened a box sitting near the table and took out the rest of "my hair". It was gorgeous, shiny, and moved like silk around her wrist as she turned the form to show me all sides.

"Now this", she said, "is really more accurately called a 'demi, or 3/4 wig. See - it has these combs underneath to hold it to your hair, and you attach it then blend in your own hair. It's going to look wonderful on you, darling.

I was struck by the color of the piece - a beautiful shade of brown with chestnut highlights, gleaming in the sun through the window. According to Linda, my hair was tinted the same color! How will I ever explain this?, I wondered.

"Before I pull it back so I can attach the piece, darling ... feel how soft your hair is now."

I tentatively reached up and touched my hair. Good gosh! I then ran my fingers through the long parts in the back. I didn't want to stop playing with it - it felt like silk. It felt like Linda's own hair. I tossed my head from side to side exactly like I've seen girls do. Now I understood why. I got chills as my hair brushed my ears and shoulders. I got another erection immediately.

"Nice, huh?" Linda giggled. "Wait until I get this fall on!"

She pulled the back into a small bun on top of my head, then took the piece from its form and began to fasten the combs.

"Ouch! Take it easy, willya?"

"Oh shut up you big baby - girls do this every day! It will be worth a little pulling when I'm done!"

She then took her brush and began to arrange the hair this way and that until she was satisfied. There was no doubt I now had a lot of hair - it fell to my shoulders and covered my ears in what I recognized as a classic "flip" style - which coincidently was one of my favorite styles on girls. Could she have known that? No - impossible. She had arranged my own hair in bangs that swept across my forehead at an angle - covering the bruise completely. I couldn't wait to see how I looked with full makeup and the hair.

She reached past me and pulled the towel covering the mirror off. "Okay ... look!"

And it was. Worth it, that is. In fact, I had a difficult time believing that the girl I saw in the mirror was me! I turned my head from side to side and felt silky hair sliding over my shoulders, neck, and ears. When I blinked my eyes, my bangs touched my lashes. In my peripheral vision I could see the soft brown hair - MY hair - surrounding my face. It was stunning, and a strange feeling indeed. Linda stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders - still arranging the hair as I played with it. In the mirror, I could see her smiling at my delight. As I stared at the mirror, I realized who I was reminded of, and who gave me the name I used then and today. Monica Lewinsky. Yes - I looked like Monica. Not facially so much, but the hair - it was exactly like she wore hers. When I looked at that luscious young girl - famous for taking a presidents semen in her mouth - I immediately got a hardon. Her hair was so gorgeous it left me weak. I loved the "flip" style anyway - but she kept her hair so beautifully soft and shiny I could hardly blame that jerk for wanting to feed his cock into her mouth so he could feel it. That alone would have made me cum in her mouth!

Yes ... I would be Monica now. It fit how I looked. I was to learn it would fit me in other ways.

"Let's get you dressed now, darling ....."

Next: Chapter 4

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