Hi Mommy

By Cathe

Published on Dec 20, 2007


Hi Mommy.... By Cathy Evans (cathe_cd@yahoo.com)

Chapter 1 Prologue

"She" stood before me - a vision of pure beauty, if not innocence. Her chocolate brown hair was pulled back and up into a sexy ponytail which joined the rest of her gorgeous, silky hair as it tumbled over her shoulders and halfway down her back. She stood and walked easily in her 5" high heeled sandals. Her delicate ears glistened from the dangling diamond earrings I bought her on her 16th birthday 2 years earlier, and matched the large diamond studs left to her by her mom. Her real mom.

Her mom has been gone for 10 years now - a beautiful and strong willed woman - who killed herself when the reality of what she had done to her son and husband had finally struck home.

Her son and husband? Yes, her son and husband. You see ... the vision standing before me in a gorgeous babydoll nighty was her son James - except his name was now Jill. And me - her husband? You'd never guess my real name was also James because I too was wearing a diaphanous negligee, high heeled slippers, and my shoulder length chestnut brown hair was worn in a dramatic upswept style. Everyone knows me as Monica now.

She was 18 years old now - the image of her mom. Much of her clothing was in fact her moms. The beautiful lingerie she wore; the beautiful dresses, classic suits, cocktail and evening gowns. Remarkably, we were all the exact same size - which of course made sharing all her moms clothing that much easier. We weren't always, of course.

The story begins ...

Many years ago ... about 20, in fact ... I was a regular guy plodding along, trying to get my life in order after being discharged from the navy. I was on the small side for a man - about 5'6" tall, around 135 pounds. Pretty much what I am now - except I no longer look like a small man. Now I look like an average sized woman, thanks in large part to my late wife Linda.

Truth be told, I didn't fight her much. In fact, I rather enjoyed our "dress-up" games. They started as a lark (I thought) one night when Linda and I were sitting on the couch watching a cable TV show in which men and women - husband and wives - were given the opportunity to change roles as part of an experiment. I didn't know that Linda had put that show on intentionally. I also didn't know that Linda was unsatisfied with the progress I had made in my career - or the lack of progress to be precise. She had been making veiled comments to me for a while about my lack of manhood. Hurtful comments. Her career as an advertising executive was flourishing. She made more than five times what I made as an electrical engineer, and she rarely let an opportunity to remind me of it slip unsaid. Oh, we loved each other to be sure. All couples have disagreements and clashes of personalities from time to time. Most of the time over finances, if what I read is true. Almost all ours were, that much is certain.

Linda was a truly beautiful woman. Striking is probably a better word. We were the same height, had the same shoe size, the same color hair, the same green eyes. As a result of her high profile job, she wore only top of the line clothing from the best stores and top designers - many given to her by clients. One of the many perks of her job. It was not unusual for her to leave the house in the morning wearing a $1000 suit, $200 shoes, and fine jewelry. Since another perk was a limo at her disposal - her safety was not an issue. I wore $100, off the rack suits from J.C. Pennys.

She had her hair done twice a week without fail, and again if she had to be at an affair for business. She had her nails - hand and toe - manicured twice a week also. Her hair was one of her best features, in my mind. Certainly it was a major factor in my attraction to her. I've always had a major fetish of beautiful hair. Long or short, blonde or brunette ... it didn't matter as long as it was silky, shiny, and immaculately kept. When we first met shortly after we had both graduated from college, she was just leaving an upscale hair salon in mid-town Manhattan. I was walking back to my office after lunching at a corner deli. I saw this vision in front of me, wearing perfectly cut jeans with a cropped top, tossing her just styled mane of gorgeous brown hair in the wind. It was nearly half way down her back, slightly wavy, and glistened in the noon sun. It slid upon itself like sheets of silk. I was mesmerized. Too busy staring at this gorgeous creature in my path to watch were I was going, I promptly walked straight into a light pole - nearly knocking myself out cold. Dazed ... I partially regained my senses to find this beautiful woman on her knees leaning over me - the hair that first attracted me falling over her shoulders and brushing my face. I vaguely recall hearing her ask if I was okay.

After I came to my senses - such as they were - she asked if I would like to join her for a cup of coffee. Does a bear shit in the woods? Still somewhat unsteady on my feet, she helped me to a sidewalk cafe seat only a few feet from where we stood.

"That's quite a bump you have on your head", she said. "Are you okay?" Her concern for a total stranger made me feel better.

"Yes, I think so", I said, wincing as she gently touched my forehead with a cool wet napkin.

"They put those poles in the most inconvenient places, don't they?"

She knew, dammit - she knew I was looking at her instead of where I was going! I saw she was looking at me with some amusement. Smiling devilishly, but genuinely concerned.

"I'm sorry - I don't mean to be unkind. I saw you staring at me out of the corner of my eye before you walked into the pole. I must say I don't recall ever having that much of an effect on a guy before. It's rather flattering, actually. I hope that doesn't sound too conceited of me. You were staring at me, weren't you?"

Hugely embarrassed, I barely managed to mumble "yes, I'm afraid I was. Your hair was ... I ... oh damn ..."

"Please don't be embarrassed", she whispered. She reached across the table and gently touched my cheek. "I really am flattered by your attention. You're a very handsome guy, you know. Maybe it was fate that we met this way. Do you really like my hair? I just had it done there for the first time and probably the last. All these hair stylists ... I think they really hate women, you know? The first thing they do when you walk in with long hair like mine is want to cut it all off! Can you imagine?"

No - I couldn't imagine any man wanting to cut all that glorious hair off. I would want to pull it over my body like a blanket and luxuriate in it! As she talked she had run her fingers through her hair and brought it over her shoulder and played with it. I had to fight the urge to reach across the table and run my fingers through it as well.

This was obviously a very sharp young lady. She moved her chair around the table so it was next to mine and leaned close. Using her fingers, she again swept her hair over her shoulder so it hung like a veil across her face next to mine. "You can touch it if you like, ... I'm sorry - I never introduced myself. My name is Linda. And yours?"

"I'm sorry too ... my name is James. Yes - I would very much like to touch your hair. It's so beautiful! Not that you aren't as well, but ...."

She laughed softly "That's okay, James, I know men are attracted to long hair like mine. Women know these things. I love to play with it, too. Go ahead ... I know you want to touch it."

She leaned even closer. Her hair was now brushing my face. I breathed in the smell of her shampoo and unconsciously groaned softly in her ear. I wanted to lift it with my hand and drape it over my head and neck. I wanted to close my aching eyes and go to sleep covered by it. She sighed softly herself. "Were you on your way someplace, James? Would you like nto come up to my apartment with me and rest a bit? When you feel better, maybe we could have dinner together tonight. I only moved here a few weeks ago and I don't really have any friends. In fact, I don't know hardly anyone at all yet."

"Actually, I was on my way back to my office after lunch, Linda. But I'm not sure I can collect my thoughts enough to go back now. Maybe I should just call in sick and go home."

"Why go home? I live right around the corner here. Listen ... why don't you give me your work number. I'll call for you and tell them you've had an accident. I'll tell them you were concerned about work and asked me to call your boss for you before they took you to the hospital. How does that sound? You come to my apartment and relax a while - I have a few things to tend to - and we'll have dinner, okay? Please say yes?"

"I don't know how I could possibly refuse an invitation like that from a beautiful woman, so I guess the answer is yes. I don't know if my boss will believe you, though."

"Oh, trust me, James ... I can be very persuasive when I want to be."

Her laugh left no doubt in my mind that she could do exactly what she said she could. I was to learn first hand years later exactly how persuasive she could be.

So Linda took my number and excused herself to walk to the corner phone. She came back minutes later wearing a smile and giggling. "Your boss said to tell you he hoped you feel better soon, and if you need to not to worry and take tomorrow off too. Let's go, handsome!"

She took my arm and led me around the corner, to a new loft building. We took the elevator to the top floor and exited into an enormous loft space, decorated with what Linda referred to as "early eclectic."

"Wow", I whispered, "my apartment would fit in your living room area!"

She laughed. "I do okay - I'm in advertising. They recruited me out of college, offered me more money than I had any right to expect this early in my career, and threw in this loft as part of my compensation. Sit down anywhere ... I'll get us a drink. Then you can lie down while I do some computer work on a project I have going. That's another perk of my job - I can work at home most of the time and send my projects in by computer. Great job if you can get it!"

As Linda turned to get us a drink, I sat on a soft leather couch by a wall of windows. I almost immediately closed my eyes and started to drift off. Linda had returned, and seeing my with my eyes closed left my drink on the coffee table. She leaned over and kissed my forehead, and whispered "you rest a while. I'll wake you in a few hours." When she kissed me, that marvelous soft hair again fell about my face, immediately causing a physical response in my pants. I heard Linda giggle softly as she walked away and I fell into a deep sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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