Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Aug 10, 2000


Hey there! Thanks for all the great responses! I love to hear from everyone. Thanks especially to Nick and Jon, for their advice (and Jon for the info on Wade!). As I told them, though, I know what's going to happen to Dan and JC, so, while I'm very amused by everyone's thoughts on what should happen (usually involving bloodshed), I know where I'm going with that part of the story. MUCHO thanks to AJ (of Josh and Just, which I love!) and Nova Star Fox (of Celestial Journey) for their recommendations. Whew, happiness! I myself would do story recommendations, but there are too many great ones, and I don't think I have that many readers.

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time on Hey Mickey: JC sat in his seat on the tour bus, staring aimlessly out the window. He took in the open road passing him by. The loneliness of the empty highway engulfed him, and he forced himself to confront his problems. 'Why have I been like this? What's wrong with me?' but he knew the answer. He felt alone and depressed, which was why he needed a boyfriend. He didn't love, or even like, Dan that much, but he was there for him. A warm body to come home to, to make him feel good. He really wanted that body to be Justin; he loved Justin. Justin would mean so much more to him, more than Dan ever could mean to him. But Justin wasn't even gay. That thought made the isolation overcome him even more, until he felt like he was being choked. His chest felt as though it was closing in on itself. 'Why is Justin the only one who could take this feeling away from me? Why? Why do I want the straight guy?' JC cried inwardly. He leaned down, putting his head between his arms, which were crossed across the back of the seat in front of him. He did not cry. He hurt too much. ___________________________________________________

Hey Mickey 6: Southern Comfort

JC felt a hand grab his hands, which were still on the headrest of the seat in front of him. Another hand reached across the top of the same seat and massaged his scalp comfortingly. The owner of the hands didn't speak, he just showed he cared with his presence. Justin realized that this one of the moments where JC just needed to know someone was there, and he knew that it would not be wise to probe him about what was bothering him at that time.

JC knew who the hands belonged to. He knew the large, rough, yet soft and warm hands could only belong to Justin. He savored in the knowledge that the one he loved was consoling him, yet he felt even more alone. Alone because he could not tell Justin why he was so upset, alone because he could not let Justin know how much he loved his touch, and alone because he could not grab Justin and thank him with a meaningful kiss.

Without speaking, Justin moved into the seat next to JC, never letting go of his hands. He pulled JC's head to rest on his shoulder, and then continued to rub JC's head with his right hand. Justin's left hand moved JC's hands down onto the space in between their laps, and he just held them there.. JC tearlessly sobbed against Justin until he eventually fell asleep, moving down so that his head was in Justin's lap. Justin was now rubbing JC's head more tenderly, and when he knew JC was asleep, he whispered into the emptiness around them, "I love you Josh."

"Hey, Justin," Chris said softly.


"Why don't you go sleep in your bunk?" Chris suggested sympathetically.

"No. Something's really wrong with JC, and I want to make sure he's not alone when he wakes up. I'm afraid for him," he explained while soothingly rubbing JC's arm with his left hand. Chris just nodded and returned to his bunk, leaving the two in the darkness behind him. Justin did not sleep that night; he kept gently rubbing JC, so that he knew that someone was there for him, even in his sleep.

JC awoke the next morning and swallowed when he saw that he was waking up to Justin's face. 'I wish I could wake up like this every day,' he thought. Justin smiled when he saw that JC was up. JC sat up and Justin pulled him into a hug.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Justin asked quietly into JC's neck.

"I can't. It's hard to explain."

"Well, I want you to know that I'm here for you, and that I love you. I love you probably more than you realize, Josh," Justin spoke truthfully, pulling back from the hug.

"I know. Thank you Justin, I love you too," JC replied. 'WAY more than you know,' he thought.

"JC . . . are you going to be OK? I'm really worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately."

"Well, I won't do anything stupid, Justin, but, no, I don't think I'm all right," he admitted. Justin's eyes flashed a look of fear for JC, but, because JC needed him to be the strong one right then, he pushed the feeling away, .

"OK. Just remember, if you do something stupid, I'm going to have to kill ya," Justin joked.

JC smiled genuinely, "I get the point, Justin."

"Hey Lance, didn't Wade just turn 18?" Joey asked innocently later that morning.

"Did he? Maybe . . . why?" Lance replied suspiciously.

"Well, I was just wondering . . . because that would mean that now he's legal for you."

Lance blushed, "Uh, you noticed that?"

"Well, it's hard not to notice the smile on your face every time Wade suggests a private rehearsal with you. Most people would be pissed, Lancie," Joey revealed.

"Well, nothing's happened. He's just so . . . cute. He really knows how to move," Lance mumbled, his eyes getting all dreamy.

"Whoa there, tiger. 'Aww . . . he really knows how to move!'" Joey mocked.

"Ah, shut up. I listen to you and Chris all day . . . and night," Lance retorted.

"That's different. Chris is so cute!"

"Ahh . . . sure."

"My boyfriend could so totally kick Wade's ass!" Joey yelled, so loud that the entire bus could hear him. Well, everyone heard him except for Justin, who was dead asleep, finally taking a much needed nap.

"Why would I do that, babe?" Chris, who had come over upon overhearing Joey's exclamation, asked Joey with confusion.

"Lance has the hots for Wade, and he thinks he's cuter than you are. I just had to let him know how great my baby is," Joey replied, kissing Chris on the cheek.

"Really? Is he legal? If he is, you should totally go for it! Then we'd all be happy with someone, well, once JC figures out he's an idiot . . .," Chris responded.

"Why am I an idiot now?" JC asked groggily, angry that Joey's earlier outburst had woken him up from the nap he was taking. While he spoke, Lance's cell phone rang, and Lance picked it up and began to talk.

"Huh? Nah, Lance is just making fun of how cute Joey and I am, so I pointed out that you and Dan act all cuddly and stupid too," Chris covered.

"Yeah . . . I should call Dan, shouldn't I?" JC mumbled incoherently.

"Sure, Jace . . .," Chris replied confused.

"Hold on," Lance warned, "I've got management on the line. Something's up."

"OK." JC answered. They all waited for Lance to finish his conversation. While he was on the phone Justin woke up and came over to find out what was going on.

"So, what's up, Scoop?" Joey asked as Lance hung up.

"It seems that part of the stadium collapsed at the venue we're supposed to play at on Tuesday. We have an extra day off . . . right before the two scheduled days off. Score," he reported happily.

"Hey! I can go see Dan a day early! I'll surprise him, to make up for yesterday," JC decided.

Justin looked sadly at JC. "Jace, I don't know if I like the idea of you going to LA alone. I'm worried about you," he told him privately.

"Tell you what, I'll go on Tuesday, and you can have my old ticket for Wednesday. That way I'll have a night alone with Dan, and then maybe we can all hang out Wednesday. You two can be friends. Then you can watch me the whole way home. Cool? Or, should I say, 'money'?" JC joked again.

Justin rolled his eyes. Ever since they saw Swingers, every other word out of the mouths of JC and Chris were 'money,' 'Vegas, baby, Vegas!' and 'beautiful babies.' "OK, JC, it sounds like a plan. I'll meet you in LA, but get a hotel with AC this time, k?"

Next: Chapter 7

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