Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Aug 3, 2000


Hmm...ok, I really need emails to kick me in the butt so I'll actually work on the story. Just a suggestion. The only emails I received for the last part were from people I actually know. Not that I don't love them for that, heh. So, anyway, email me! Not to be desparate, or anything.

Yes, I'm obsessed with the song and dance for "Digital Get Down."

Hey, I'm sorry about the formatting problems on the last episode. The paragraphing didn't translate well when I changed from Word to .txt. Bleah.

Hopefully, this one's better!

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time on Hey Mickey:

Lance noticed the smile and blushed as the music started and he began fumbling through "Digital Get Down." "LANCE! Haven't you EVER done this before? Geesh!" Wade laughed. "You need to thrust more, like this . . . ," Wade coached, grabbing Lance's waist and pushing him into the provocative thrusts of the routine. _______________________________________________

Hey Mickey 4: Let's Get Digital

Lance really enjoyed the private dance tutoring, but he didn't want to say anything. Wade was his choreographer . . . and so cute.

"Well, you seem to be a little better, Lance. I don't think I'll ever get through to you completely though!" Wade laughed.

'Oh, you can get completely through me anytime,' Lance thought, staring at the ground to avoid Wade's eyes. "Yeah, well, I was hired to sing bass, and the whole dancing thing's hard for me," he replied aloud.

"Hey, that's cool. But you gotta promise to work on the steps with me more, OK? I just want you to be doing your best. I think you could nail this routine."

'That's not all I want to nail . . . oh my God! Did I really just THINK that?!' he mused. "Can do, boss. I guess I'll just have to spend all my free time dancing for you," he teased.

Wade looked confused, but smiled, "Well, good luck on the routine. And remember how we moved during the Digital thrusts, k?"

"I'll try," he said, but he thought, 'How could I ever forget?'

"Damn! That was a good show tonight! Lance, I've never seen you move like that for Digital!" Chris congratulated Lance.

"Hey! You were checking out LANCE during Digital? What about ME? Wasn't I sexy for you baby?" Joey asked with a pained tone.

"Hey, I had to tear my eyes off of you so that our fans wouldn't get any ideas, sweetie!" Chris explained while leaning in to kiss Joey on the forehead.

"I need more than that," and Joey grabbed Chris, pulling him onto his lap. He then kissed him passionately on the mouth.

"Lover boys . . . just remember not everyone is as happy as you are!" Justin giggled, throwing a pillow at the two making out on the chair.

"Not our fault you can't get . . . uh, any . . .," Joey covered, as he realized he almost revealed Justin's sexuality to JC.

JC noticed nothing. He seemed to live in a little world of oblivion a lot. Justin just looked at him, awaiting the day he could penetrate that world.

"Hey guys! This is our last night in L.A.. Let's watch a video!" JC suggested as four pillows simultaneously hit him in the head.

"'This is our last night in LA . . . Let's watch a video!'???? Dude, you really ARE the boring one!" Chris laughed. "Let's go clubbing. Catch some real celebrities!"

"Hey, you better not 'catch' Jude Law or Vince Vaughn!" Joey retorted. Chris kissed him again, proving that Joey was the only celebrity he really wanted.

"Well . . . I sort of promised Dan that we'd watch a video tonight. All of us. It would mean a lot to me if you were all friends. He means so much to me," JC replied seriously.

Everyone turned to Justin, showing him that they'd do what he wanted. None of them wanted him to be hurt seeing JC and Dan together. "I'm in. If something means that much to you, you know I'm there for you," Justin answered sincerely, tenderly placing a hand on JC's shoulder in order to show that what he said meant that he'd always be there for him, not just tonight.

JC smiled up at Justin, who stood over him. He moved his own hand up to Justin's shoulder, looked him in the eyes, and said, "Thanks man."

"We're all in too," Lance brought them back. "But we gotta take some showers, 'cause we're foul!"

"AGREED!" Joey yelled, grabbing a towel and Chris's hand. They disappeared into the bathroom together.

"Hmm . . . if they're showering together, I guess we all should leave," Lance mused. "I really don't wanna be in their room when they get out!"

"Uh, definitely," Justin laughed, and the three of them walked out of the room to take their own showers before Dan came.

"DAN'S HEEEERRRRRREEEEEE!" JC yelled as Dan's silver Porsche pulled up to the valet parking area of the hotel.

"Great," Justin mumbled sullenly, suddenly wondering why he had agreed to this. He hated Dan. Dan had what he wanted. Dan had JC. Dan would be staying in JC's room tonight, doing the things that Justin could only think about. Lance saw the frustration on Justin's face and began to scratch his back soothingly for him. That was always Lance's way of comforting a friend . . . a back scratch. Justin turned around and smiled at Lance, thanking him for his concern. His expression also made it clear that he did not want JC to even think that something might be wrong.

JC was almost jumping up and down. He was so nervous about the idea of Dan hanging out with the guys. What if they didn't like him? Well, they'd have to. Dan was his boyfriend, so they'd have to accept him, right? They'd be able to see in him all those wonderful things he saw in him, like . . . a knocking at his door interrupted his thoughts.

"DAN!" JC exclaimed, pulling his boyfriend into a hug, and then kissing him, allowing Dan's tongue to slip into his mouth. He pulled away after a few moments. "Hey sweetie! We're gonna watch a movie in the common room of the suite. It's gonna be cool, I promise."

Dan's eyes clouded, "You were serious about all this, weren't you? I mean, it's cool that you want me to be friends with the guys and all, but I want to have a night to remember you by. I thought we'd really be having a romantic dinner or something."

Now it was time for JC's eyes to darken. "I'm sorry honey. But this means so much to me. Next week when I visit I'll make it up to you. And there'll still be time to make this a night to remember," JC whispered, while brushing his lips against Dan's before deepening the kiss.

"You're forgiven," Dan laughed huskily.

"All right then," JC responded, his face lighting up into his celebrity smile, but with a genuine joy behind it. Dan couldn't help but to giggle and lean in for another kiss.

JC grabbed Dan's hand and pulled him into the suite. All the guys were sitting around the coffee table of the common room, facing the entertainment system. Chris and Joey shared an oversized arm chair, that was really only meant for one person. Chris took advantage of that and sat partially in Joey's lap. Lance sat on one end of the large couch, leaving plenty of room for JC and Dan at the other end. Justin sat on the floor in front of Lance, knowing full well he couldn't handle the idea of looking at JC and Dan fooling around during the movie.

"Hey guys! This is Dan! Isn't he beautiful?" JC announced absent-mindedly.

"Oh, he's the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen, JC! I think I'm gonna faint. Look out, Joey; you have competition," Chris joked. Joey glared mockingly at Chris.

"Uh, well. Yeah. Anyways, Dan, this is Justin, Lance, Joey, and the idiot is Chris."

Chris stuck his tongue out at JC, and Joey pulled Chris in for a kiss. Dan just looked around at everyone. He knew he'd never fit in. He didn't really care, either; he just wanted JC to himself. He protectively put an arm around JC, while looking directly at Justin, who cringed a little. 'The little punk seems somewhat self-assured tonight, though,' Dan noted carefully. 'Well, I'll just have to make sure that ass knows that JC is mine tonight,' he thought while taking a seat on the couch next to his boyfriend.

________________________ Yes, I like cliff-hangers.

Next: Chapter 5

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