Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Jul 28, 2000


Well, I've included the obligatory wrestling scene into this part. I'd like to thank everyone who has written me with their support...it makes me really happy. Feel free to email me! OOHH! I got to SEE *NSYNC this weekend. They were SO GOOD. Damn! Digital Get Down and Space Cowboy really got me. Damn, if I wasn't a fan before... More special thanks to Sarah for her faith in me...I love you!

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time on "Hey Mickey": Justin stepped out of the shower and onto the tiles of the bathroom floor, which were sticky with humidity. He began looking around anxiously for his towel. "Great, just great! I left my towel in the room. Oh well, I don't think Lance is around, and if he is . . ., well, he won't care," Justin decided. Justin stepped out of the bathroom completely naked, and upon hearing the opening of the door, JC looked up from the bed, his face inches from Justin's genitalia. ________________________________________________________________________

Hey Mickey 3: The Sixth Sense

JC just stared ahead at Justin, not knowing what to do. He was quite certain of what he wanted to do at that moment, but the scared, sad look in Justin's eyes kept JC frozen. Justin's face turned bright red in embarrassment as he realized he had just exposed himself to the man he loved. Something about the way JC didn't move and didn't say anything surprised Justin. JC finally snapped out of it, and shyly handed Justin the towel he was sitting on. Justin quickly wrapped himself up in the towel and returned to the bathroom. Neither of them spoke, as they were too caught up in a whirlwind of embarrassment and lust. Both inwardly decided to not do or say anything about it, because the other probably felt it was no big deal, but JC and Justin were both very affected by the situation. Justin finished getting dressed in the bathroom, trying not to think about what just happened, not wanting to cry. JC's emotions grew to be too much for him, and he left Justin's bedroom, forgetting his original purpose there. He sat on his own bed, his mind completely entranced by the thought of Justin's smooth soft wet body standing naked before him. JC heard a knock at the door. He checked his reflection in the mirror to make sure he wasn't flushed, and opened the door. Standing in front of him was Justin, now dressed in a baby blue muscle shirt and cargo shorts, yet his large pouf of curly hair was still drippy. Every so often a drop of water would fall down his tanned face. JC smiled shyly at Justin. Justin returned the shy grin, and extended his right hand, which held a black T-shirt. "You, um, left this in my room, JC," Justin stammered. JC nodded. "I, uh, yesterday, you said . . . that you wanted to talk. That's why I was in your room. I didn't see anything, Just, I swear," JC lied. "Liar! You were right in front of my -- ," Justin laughed. "OK, well maybe I DID see something! Next time I'll knock first, I swear!" JC joked back, glad that Justin wasn't upset. "Nah, you're welcome in my room anytime, Josh. Maybe next time I'll knock," Justin responded, playfully slugging JC on the shoulder. JC's cheeks burned red at Justin's teasing invitation as he socked Justin's shoulder in return.

"Oh no you didn't! Wanna go, bad boy!??!" Justin yelled mischievously. JC just grinned widely and began to prepare to wrestle Justin. Justin initiated the match by lunging at JC like a tiger. The two flailed around together wildly until they were both on the floor, Justin lying on top of JC. When Justin moved his hands down in order to pick himself up, he accidentally ripped JC's wifebeater. Justin fell back on top of JC, and whispered huskily "Uh, I'm sorry Josh." Their lips were inches apart, and they both began to move towards the other, when the phone rang. JC sprang up and answered the phone, "Hey . . . hi honey!" Justin groaned. It was like Dan had a sixth sense for bad timing. "What's up? Nah, I was just horsing around with Just . . . No, wrestling, silly. . . Dan, you're my boyfriend! He's like my brother. If I wrestled with Tyler you wouldn't care, would you?" Justin got up and left the room disgustedly, slamming the door behind him. "We almost kissed," he realized. "JC will probably forget all of this. Or push it out of his mind. He won't want to talk about it, either. But, I know now . . . I know he would . . . if it weren't for Dan." Justin closed his eyes, a feeling of bliss crossing his body, making his stomach jump. Lance walked out of their room towards Justin. "Hey, Just, why is the bedroom so wet? What'd you do?" "Hey! What? Uh, no . . . I left my towel in the room while I took a shower, so I kinda dripped everywhere. Sorry, Lancey," Justin joked, ruffling Lance's hair. "I'm so glad I was gone then. Heh. That would have been embarrassing, eh, Just?" "Uh, yeah, I guess," Justin said, hugging himself as he realized how uncomfortable JC had been after his shower. JC liked it! Lance looked at him with wide eyes, knowing something was up. "Justin, is there something you're not telling me? You seem lost, or somethin'." "Yeah, I am, I guess. But, it's a good lost." "Care to explain, buddy?" "No, not now. Not until I know for sure. You'll be the first . . . or maybe the second, person I tell. I promise!" "The second?" Lance asked dejectedly. "LANCE! You'll understand. You'll also understand why you're the second." "Oh . . . this involves JC, doesn't it?" Lance asked slyly. Justin just blushed and walked into their room, shutting the door behind him. Lance continued down the hall on the way to his private dance practice. Wade, their hot shot prodigy choreographer, had told him he had to practice when everyone else had the afternoon off. Lance was a little pissed, but he thought Wade was kind of cute, so he wasn't too upset. Lance trudged past JC's door and overheard him giggling onto the phone.

"No, I have a show tonight, Dan. I can't. I know it's my last night in LA for awhile . . . afterwards? We can go clubbing. What do you mean we always?. . . I can't be seen in public with my boyfriend . . . RUIN MY CAREER, that's why! Look, I'll fly back next week. I'll come. I promise you. But can we still do something tonight? Heh, of course we can do that.

Let's watch a video first, OK? We'll watch it with the guys . . . No, I want you to be friends with them. It means a lot to me, that's why. Please, sweetie? . . . I knew you'd say yes! So, come to the hotel tonight, and we'll watch something! I'll think of you tonight during the show. . . I always do. Hee hee hee. See-ya! . . . Mmm . . . I miss you too."

Lance walked into the dance studio alone. He removed his towel from around his neck and placed it onto the bar and began stretching and warming up. Wade walked in shyly, looking at how Lance's muscles moved smoothly with each stretch. His muscular neck sliding underneath his white T-shirt. He sighed quietly before clapping his hands together and saying, "Let's go Lance! You've gotta get more, er, in synch with the rest of the group."

"That was such a bad joke, Wade!" Lance giggled.

"Yeah, I know. Anyway, your pelvic thrusts in 'Digital Get Down' could really use some work. You're not in time with everyone else. C'mon, watch me, then you try."

Wade hit the tape player and then began the suggestive choreography for the song. Lance was so turned on by the fact that he was alone with such a cute guy practicing the steps to such a sexual song. He tried to control his growing emotions. Lance was completely lost in thought when Wade clapped his hands again and said, "Your turn Lance! Now, do the best you can!"

Lance shook his head to try to clear his thoughts. "What? I, uh, wasn't paying attention, Wade, sorry," he apologized.

Wade glared at him. "Well, you've done it enough times without watching me. Just try it, and I'll show you how to fix it. Damn it," Wade instructed, but he managed to smile kindly.

Lance noticed the smile and blushed as the music started and he began fumbling through "Digital Get Down." "LANCE! Haven't you EVER done this before? Geesh!" Wade laughed. "You need to thrust more, like this . . . ," Wade coached, grabbing Lance's waist and pushing him into the provocative thrusts of the routine.

Next: Chapter 4

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