Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Jan 19, 2001


Wow, this part came easy. Maybe it's the JC and Justin marionette dolls holding hands above my desk. ;) Thanks to those people who continue to send me emails. They rock and they make my day!

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time, on Hey Mickey: "I'll think about therapy. Maybe Dan messed me up, but I really think I'm alright now that I have you." Justin snuggled into JC and they fell asleep on Justin's bed in each other's arms. __________________

Hey Mickey 16: Is Anybody Home?

"I want to tell her."



"Shouldn't you tell your mom about us in person, Justin?"

"You didn't."

"My mom knows I'm gay."


JC rubbed Justin's stomach gently from his position behind him on the bed. They had just awakened from the previous night, when they had celebrated their new relationship with the other guys and then JC told his mom that he and Justin were now a couple. "It'll be alright, sweetie."

"I want to tell my mother today. I'll fly her out here." Justin picked up the phone. "Mom? Hi Mom! . . . I want to tell you something . . . no, not now. Not on the phone. Is it alright if I fly you out here tonight? You can catch our show later, too . . . Please, mommy? Yes!!!"

Justin hung up the phone and turned to JC. "Well, that was easy. She's thrilled to visit me, but she has no clue what's coming."

"Maybe she does. My mom had suspicions."

"My mom doesn't ever think that someone would be gay."

"Really? But all the rest of us are gay."

"But no good little Christian boy from Tennessee."

JC nodded in understanding and continued to rub Justin's stomach.

"So, do I now have my own room?" Lance asked over group breakfast. "You haven't set foot in the room we're supposed to be sharing, JC."

"Yeah, go nuts. Justin and I will be sharing a room from now on, right?"

"No," Justin answered.

JC turned to him, "What?"

"My mom's coming tonight. You stay with Lance while she's here."

"Ohhh, yeah."

"Your mom's coming, Justin?" Chris asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah," Justin answered around a mouthful of cereal. "I'm flying her out here to see our show and tell her . . . that I'm gay. And dating JC."

Joey looked out a low whistle. "That's serious. You nervous?"

Justin began to look scared. "More than I've ever been. You'll be with me, right JC?"

JC looked at him lovingly and nodded, "Of course, if you want me to be."

Justin looked like he was about to hyperventilate, "What if she doesn't accept it? What will I do? My mother is so important to me. Oh God oh God oh God! I have to figure out what I'm going to say to her. Tell me when it's time for sound check, guys. I'm going to work on my speech." Justin rushed out of the room with JC following carefully behind.

"Hon?" JC asked his stressed boyfriend as he entered the room.

"Mmph?" Justin replied before looking up from an empty sheet of paper and tears began to stream down his face.

JC rushed over to Justin's side and Justin clutched him like he was drowning. "I think I'll die if this doesn't go well. What will I do? JC, I love you. I love you more than anything, but what if she doesn't accept it?"

JC knew there was a chance that Lynn would not accept their relationship, "I don't know, baby. But will figure it out together . . . if we have to at all."

Justin looked into JC's eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too, baby," JC replied before kissing his tear stained cheek.

"Sit with me while I figure this out?"

"Of course." JC settled down next to Justin on the bed so that he was lying against Justin's back while Justin faced out, scribbling on the paper. JC rubbed his hand soothingly over Justin's hip while he pondered what to say to his mother.

"Justin OK?" Chris whispered to JC during sound check.

"He's completely freaked out. Completely out of his mind with stress about coming out to his mom."

"Poor kid. What do you think she'll do?"

"I really don't know. She loves Justin a lot, but he's right; she tolerates our homosexuality, but we're not her Justin. She might not take it well."

"Well, hope for the best, right?" Chris offered, putting his hand on JC's shoulder, showing his support for them.

JC managed a weak grin. "Yeah. But I'm not the one who needs to be comforted now."

"Go to your man."

JC smiled genuinely. "My man," he whispered wistfully. Chris giggled at JC and his clear love for Justin while he walked toward Justin.

"You gonna make it, sweetie?"


"Justin, you going to be OK?"

"She'll be here soon. She's meeting me here."

"She's meeting US here," JC reminded Justin.

Justin smiled, "That's true. You don't mind?"

"Don't mind? It's what I want to do more than anything. I want to back you up, and I want to be here for you. You've been such a help to me, but even if you hadn't I'd still be at your side."

"Chris is right. We're a soap opera."

JC laughed, but he knew Justin's jokes were covering his real fear.

"Juuuustiiiiiiiin!" a women's voice yelled.

Justin jumped up and stood stiffly while a blond woman in her mid-forties came running through the backstage area. She was petite and Justin easily lifted her up in his arms in a massive hug. "Mom!"

He let her down and she straightened her suit. "So, why am I here?"

"Uh, hold on," Justin told his mother. "Johnny? My mom's here. JC and I are going to talk to her now, OK?"

A muffled growl of agreement came from the room Johnny was in, talking to some of the tech people.

"Umm, OK. Josh and I want to do this together. We considered telling you at a nice restaurant, or something, but that might not be the best place-"

"JUSTIN!" JC and Lynn, Justin's mother, cut in at the same time.

"Why am I here?" Lynn asked calmly. JC shook his head sadly because Justin was so nervous. He gently put his hand on his back while Justin led Lynn to a small dressing room with a few arm chairs and a couch in it. Justin motioned for Lynn to sit in one of the chairs while he and JC sat next to each other on the couch.


"Son? What's going on? Let me guess . . . "

"Mom, no!" Justin was close to tears now. JC grabbed his hand; he hated to see him falling apart like this.

Lynn looked uncomfortably at their hands. "I don't understand, what are you trying to tell me?"


"And you do realize that JC's gay and he's holding your hand, don't you?"

"Yes, mom, I do. I'm gay too!" Justin exclaimed in exasperation.

Lynn shook her head in disbelief. "No you're not."

"Yes, I am!"

"No son of mine is gay! The Bible tells us it's wrong. It's right there! Justin, God will punish you for this. And you like girls. You've dated so many of them. You're wrong!"

Justin began crying in desperation. "But I love Josh. He loves me. How is that wrong?"

Lynn's eyes turned to JC. He saw in them the same white anger that was in Dan's eyes all those times. "You did this to him! Look at him! He's crying! YOU TURNED MY SON INTO THIS! If you really loved him, you wouldn't have turned him gay. Get the hell away from son!"

JC still clutched Justin's hand. He stared blankly at Lynn, paralyzed with fear at the anger in her eyes. He felt Justin's sobs next to him and snapped out of it. "I love Justin, Mrs. Harliss. I'm sorry." He grabbed Justin's hand tighter and began rubbing his back soothingly.

"Stop touching my son, you faggot!" Lynn yelled.

"Mom, no! I LOVE JC! He didn't DOanything to me, but love me! Stop yelling at him!" Justin shouted, returning JC's tight grip with his hand.

"Choose," Lynn stated quietly.


"Choose between me and JC." JC let his head drop as he stared at the floor, tears now streaming easily down his face, but he didn't let go of Justin's hand.

"Mom! That's not fair!"

Lynn smiled. "Choose."

"Fine, bye, Lynn!" Justin shouted angrily, pulling JC up roughly and leading him out of the room.

Lynn stood in the room in disbelief for a while before she stormed out of the arena and into her rental car.

"Justin?" JC whispered gently into his ear. "I would have understood if you chose her. She's your mother. I'd still love you, and I'd know that you loved me. She's your family."

"Not anymore, JC." Justin kissed his cheek. "You love me no matter what I do, right?"

"You know that."

"Right, you love me unconditionally. She apparently loves me as long as I'm straight. You're my family, Josh. I'll miss her, but I'll be much happier with you."

"Oh, Justin!" JC pulled Justin into a desperate embrace. "I'd never ask you to choose."

"I know."

"Maybe she'll change her mind," JC said hopefully.

"I know my mother, and I know when she's serious. That was serious."

"Yeah, I guess it was."

"I thought she was going to punch you."

"So did I. I still can't believe she made you choose."

"Me either. Thank you, Josh."

"I love you, too." JC hugged Justin again and kissed his forehead.

There was a timid knock at the door.

Next: Chapter 17

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