Hey Mickey

By Christine Murphy

Published on Jan 17, 2001


Here ya go. Hope it's not too short. I LOVE feedback. It makes me feel special. :) It was really cool to have like five people I know in person tell me they like my story. It's a power trip. :)

****DISCLAIMER: This is fiction, I don't own anyone, I don't know anyone in the story. Therefore, I don't know their true sexuality, and I don't mean to imply that anyone is something they're not. Also, if it's illegal where ever you are to read this, then don't. Hmm... and if you're against male homosexuality, then don't read this.

Last time, on Hey Mickey: Justin rolled off JC, his pout returning. "WHAT, CHRIS?!?" he yelled to the door.

"Ahh . . . wasn't there something you and JC were going to tell us?"

Justin rolled his eyes and grabbed JC's hand, pulling him towards Joey and Chris's room. ____________________________

Hey Mickey 15: Got You Where I Want You

"So . . . what the hell went on with you guys? Why is Justin being so weird? And why do you both look like you had the crap beaten out of you? Did you try to kill each other?" Chris asked when JC and Justin stepped through the door into the room he shared with Joey.

"Whoa, Chris!" JC laughed. Justin just glared at Chris, still angry that he was trying to act like one of his parents.

"Would you let us tell you Chris, and then we can have twenty questions, if you still have any?" Justin asked venomously.

"This is true," Chris responded.

JC and Justin took the couch across from the bed where Joey and Chris were lying while Lance lounged in the armchair to their right. "I guess I should begin?" JC asked Justin, his eyes showing fear. Justin rubbed his knee encouragingly. JC slowly proceeded to tell the guys about finding Dan in bed with another man, and then how he tried to forgive him only to be beaten up. Justin continued to rub JC's knee. Then Justin told the guys about how he had confessed his feelings to JC, their evening together, Dan's return, and JC's heroic fight with Dan to save Justin.


"That was profound, Chris," Justin laughed.

"Well, that's like an entire soap opera!"

"We're not that interesting!"

"So, are you going to press charges?" Lance asked.

JC looked visibly upset. "No."

Justin looked at him with concern, but kept quiet.

"Uh, guys, what's all this business with an HIV test? Should we be concerned?" Joey cut in.

Now Justin looked upset. JC grabbed Justin's hand and said, "No, probably not. Dan and I were always careful, but I don't know how many people he has slept with, and I don't want to hurt Justin." He pulled Justin's hand to his own lips and lightly kissed his palm before continuing, "I want to be sure."

Joey smiled at the love between his two best friends, "Good. I'm glad you're not worried about it, and I'm glad you're smart enough to be careful."

Lance and Chris smiled warmly at their friends. "We're happy for you two," Chris said, Joey and Lance nodded happily. "We've been wondering how long it would take JC over there to realize what he and Justin had going on."

Justin smiled, "In his defense, I didn't know I was gay until right before I left for L.A."

"Yeah, but you've had the hots for Jace for a while!" Joey laughed.

"It's not 'the hots!' It's love!" Justin exclaimed. JC stroked Justin's hand with his thumb a little and smirked.

"What, no hots? JC ain't cute enough for ya? You really want some Joey-lovin,' don't you?" Joey laughed. Chris glared at him and swatted him with a bed pillow. Amazing how many pillows get thrown with these boys.

"Well, there are hots . . . but it's more than that . . . Josh!?!" Justin pleaded, looking to the amused JC for some help.

"What? I'm enjoying this . . . I like seeing you frustrated like this," he laughed.

"Whoa! That's too much information for us, here. I don't think Lance can handle this kind of talk."

"Shut up Chris. I think JC and Justin are cute. And I'm not that innocent!" Lance laughed.

"Oh, dear God, he turned into Britney! He's quoting 'Oops I Did My Crazy Baby One More Time,' or whatever," Chris said.

Joey rolled his eyes, "You shut up now! Can't you just focus on one thing at a time? JC and Justin just had a momentous trip to LA, and we should either share some champagne after the show or spread rose petals on their bed and leave them alone."

"How about you give us the Champagne and leave us alone?" Justin asked mischievously.

"Uh uh! Package deal, Justy. Us and the Champagne!"

"Fine Joe. You pop the cork," JC agreed.

"No drinking now," Johnny Wright said, while entering the room. Lance coiled back a little, but Johnny gave him a friendly look, trying to ease their earlier tension. "Hey guys. You are all late for sound check." He looked at JC and Justin, who were now clasping hands and smiled. "Welcome back, JC and Justin. Glad you seem to be happy. Now, all of you, GET TO SOUNDCHECK!"

"Yessir," they chorused as they left the hotel room. Lance wondered why his relationship with Wade was wrong, yet JC and Justin and Chris and Joey were fine.

Johnny put his hand on Lance's shoulder, "Sorry, Lance. It's just that Wade is an employee and isn't in the same situation as you five. We don't know if he can keep the secret. It just can't happen."

Lance smiled appreciatively at Johnny, indicating that he understood.

After everyone showered and changed into their pajamas after that night's concert, Joey called for room service so that the five of them could celebrate the new relationship. They spent the rest of the night drinking, celebrating, and telling stories about how they all knew about Justin and JC before they did.

"Jace?" Justin asked timidly when they were alone, back in Justin's room again.

"Yeah babe?"

"Uhh . . . why aren't you going to press charges?"

JC looked uneasy, "Why do you ask?"

"Well . . . I'm worried about you. You always look upset whenever anyone mentions it."

"I'm not leaving you for him, ever. That's not why, if you're worried."

"I know," Justin replied, even though his eyes contradicted that with a shimmer of relief in them, which did not go unnoticed by JC. Justin knew that JC loved him, but he also knew that Dan had some weird control over him that would make him occasionally forget what JC really wanted.

JC brushed his lips across Justin's. "I love you. Dan can rot in Hell for all I care, and if I see him again, it will be too soon. That's why I'm not pressing charges. I don't want to have to see him again. Ever. Also, the press would find out, and have a field day with it. 'Pop Star Presses Domestic Violence Charges on X-Boyfriend.' It's not a stress I want to deal with, nor do I want you to have to deal with it either. Dan's gone. We're together. That's all that matters to me."

"Me too," Justin replied, burying his curly head into JC's chest. JC rubbed the back of his neck for a little bit.

JC's cell phone rang from inside his coat pocket on the chair next to the bed.

"Hello?!" Justin answered before JC had a chance to reach for it. JC playfully thwacked at him, trying to get his phone back.

"Hey, Mrs. Chasez! It's Justin!" JC laughed that Justin still called her Mrs. Chasez after knowing her for so long.

"You'd like to talk to JC? I don't know, where is JC?" Justin teased JC, looking around blindly, as though JC weren't there.

JC tickled Justin just enough so that he squirmed and he grabbed the phone out of his hand. Justin stuck his tongue out at JC and JC pretended to nip at it with his teeth.

<Hello?> came the muffled sound of JC's mom over the phone.

"Hey mom! It's kind of late for you, isn't it? . . . Yeah, I've told him a hundred times to call you Karen . . . We're just goofing around." JC blushed while his mom continued to talk. "Yes, I did finally realize . . . and we are together . . . this weekend, mom . . . Mom! We haven't had time to tell you yet! There were some issues. First Dan cheated on me, then he hit me, and then Justin told me his feelings for me, and then Dan came back and started to hit Justin and I kicked him out. But we're perfectly fine now . . . I can handle it, Mom . . . Therapy?!? Can we discuss this later? It's late . . . I love you. What? Yeah, he's right here." JC covered the mouthpiece and spoke to Justin, "She wants to talk to you."

Justin's eyes widened. JC had just told his mother about their relationship and now she wanted to talk to him? "Mrs. Chasez-I mean Karen . . . Mm-mm-Mom? OK," Justin smiled easily now, his nervousness gone. "A secret? Yeah, of course, Mom." He glanced mischievously and lovingly at JC. "Heh heh. I know. And I will. Yes, he is lucky," he flashed JC a cheesy smile. "My mom? We haven't told her yet . . . she doesn't know that I'm gay, even . . . yeah, I will tell her. Tomorrow, though . . . you sleep well, too, Mom! G'night!" Justin turned off JC's phone. "I love your mom.

That was so easy."

JC smiled. "I know! She's so great. So, what was the secret?"

Justin looked at JC in mock horror. "It's a secret, Josh! I can't tell you.

Geesh! Trying to get me to go behind your own mother's back. What kind of son are you?!" Justin teased.

JC looked uneasy, though. "She didn't say anything about -- ,"

"Therapy?" Justin cut in. "No."

"Good. I don't have time for that, and I don't need it."

Justin looked at him, studying him carefully. "You sure?" he asked casually.

"Why? Do you think I need it?"

"It's not up to me. It's up to you. You have gone through a lot, lately, though. And that night on the bus when you just cried and cried. You feel alone a lot."

JC hung his head. "I know, but I have you now. You're my light. I don't feel alone anymore; I've got my baby," JC said while enveloping Justin up into his arms.

"I really don't have an opinion on it. It's all your mother's idea, I just don't think you should automatically dismiss it, hon."

"I'll think about therapy. Maybe Dan messed me up, but I really think I'm alright now that I have you." Justin snuggled into JC and they fell asleep on Justin's bed in each other's arms.

Next: Chapter 16

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