Hey Dude!

By MaNiAc / Exmon

Published on Oct 4, 1995



Hey Dude!

Intro.... (b/b teen cons rom)

TO all my NetFriends... please read this short intro...

THE FOLLOWING STORY is a story, work of fiction, a conceit of my imagination. It bears no connection whatsoever with any persons, places, or events in the 'real' world. Any similarities are coincidental. This work is given freely to the internet community and is in the public domain. No copyright is reserved. Do with it as you wish....

This STORY (it's not real.. I made it up... I really did..) comprises a chronicle of some major events occuring in the protagonist's life that, due to their convergence and timing, have a seminal and beneficial effect upon his life and the lives of those he will touch, for the rest of his days. In this fictional, not-real story, some characters are depicted as adolescents, and some scenes contain descriptions of the expressions of their sexuality at the time in their lives in which this made-up story is placed.

IF YOU are prohibited by ANY laws, canons, rubrics, philosophies, mores, religious beliefs or personal preferences, from reading material as described above, then you are advised to skip the ensuing fourteen (14) chapters of the work of pure fiction associated with this disclaimer.

IF YOU are below the age of majority in the jurisdiction within which you are reading this intro, you MUST obtain the permission of those responsible for you, before you may proceed to read the subsequent chapters of the story associated with this intro/disclaimer.

I trust you have been given enough information to form a mature opinion concerning whether or not to proceed further with the work of fiction that follows. The Author accepts all comments, replies are possible, no reposts will be sent to private e-mail, any destructive criticism, flames, moronic drooling, bigot-spew, &tc, will go to the bit-bucket. (Now that it's getting into Fall... I might print your flame and use it to light my fireplace... an appropriate activity, IMHO) Please direct any comments to alt.sex.stories.d (.d = discussion) and conserve a.s.s bandwidth for story postings.

Thank you, truly! to those who have written to me; your comments and feelings have influenced the Current Work. The theme is: Love is Good, no matter what. Love always helps, in the long run. Love is not interested in artificial morality, bigotry, or misguided legislation. Love is sometimes rare, sometimes difficult, sometimes painful... but it always makes folks better, if it's the real thing. If you love, care for, or know of, a person who might (coincidentally) have similar feelings or characteristics to those of the the beings depicted in this story... assure them that they are not alone! Assure them that there is someone for all of us out there... The world is Big and their life has unique meaning and frequently unexpected value.

Finally (about time!) this tale is for gavroche, who has touched me deeply more than once.... dude: You go, boy!!

Hey, Dude!

part 1

(for: gavroche)

Ronald Frank caught sight of the three kids running toward him in the mall, but then he was distracted by a shop window with several dozen cool shoes. A high call from one of them returned his attention, and then they were twenty feet from him, three boys of maybe junior high school age, running crazily through the crowd and laughing and shouting to each other. Ronny paused in front of the Wherehouse outlet, trying to place the thump of the dance tune playing loudly within.

Then, there was a strange fluttering noise followed by a 'FFRTHRUMP' and a muffled shriek... and next thing he knew he was watching the vaulted glass and structural beams of the mall roof glide silently past him. He could not hear anything, and the floor seemed oddly soft. He was very, very tired, but... if he went to sleep.. would he be home in time for dinner? and Mom would really be pissed....

The ceiling was different all of a sudden. Now it was low and light grey, though the floor under him was still soft like a bed. He tried to shake his head to clear it, but something was holding him down, and his neck hurt like a son of a bitch. Oh Jesus Sweet Christ... what time is it? Mom's gonna have a fit..... "Well, young man.. awake at last?" A strange man's voice spoke to him from somewhere outside his rather vertical line of vision. "Sure I'm awake, what's going on, where...." But all that came out was a really scary croak, like the noise the assistant demon would make in the bad sci-fi pictures he loved to rent. "Just give it some time, Ronald, it'll come back slowly."

He, with supreme effort, turned his head over about ten degrees and located the voice. A man he'd never seen was standing over him, by his bed. But, but, it wasn't his bed, this wasn't his house... panic rose like a whirlwind. The man came at him! Ron tried to get away, but he couldn't move, he couldn't talk, he was gonna cry, oh, no....

"Ronald!" the man sort of barked at him.

"Hhhhu.." he gasped.

"Do you know where you are?"


"Don't be scared, son.. do you remember anything?"


"You remember your mom, Ronald?"

"Yeh. Wher' she...?" He was starting to get the hang of talking with this tube up his nose...

"She's gone home for the evening, but we'll call her in just a sec, kiddo. You're in a hospital. Do you remember getting here?"

A HOSPITAL.... A HOSPITAL... What am I doing in a hospital, where'd the mall go, where are those kids.... Ron stared at the man, completely stunned for the first time in his life. "Whhhaaatt, what, wh..." Tears began in his eyes. Sixteen-year-old boys were expressly forbidden to cry in public, but he had forgotten that. Along with a number of other things, it seemed.

"Someone ran into you at the mall last weekend, and when you fell you cracked your noggin a good one on the sidewalk. You've been sleeping since you were brought here. I'm Doctor Martin, I'm a neurologist that Dr. Penzsman called in. You remember any of the last four days?"

FOUR DAYS! FOUR DAYS!! NO FUCKIN' WAY, DUUDE!!!! "I remember the kids." he whispered. "They were running, then there was this noise, then I could see the roof of the mall, and now I'm here." He was really trying not to cry, but Ronald needed his Mom more than any boy on the planet just then, and she wasn't there, and he was utterly terrified.

"The Oscar boy ran into you and knocked you backwards. Like I said, you bumped it pretty hard on the way down. I'm going in to phone your parents, be right back."

"Whh.... what time is.."

Dr. Martin checked his watch. "It's two-thirty AM, kiddo."

"Well, she's sleeping." he whispered, still completely disconnected from the present reality. "Don't wake 'em.."

"Ronald, if I waited till later to call them, your Mother'd have my ass and my license, in that order. I'll be right back."

He tried to think, tried to feel where four days had gone. But there was nothing, no sense of time, nothing at all, between then and now. "Fucking weird shit, man.." he thought to himself.

"Ronnie, honey, you awake...?"

Mom was always bugging him to get up. "Sure, Mom, I'm fine, except it's two-thirty or something." Relief flooded him.

"Um, no, dear, it's nearly four, you must have dozed off again. You feel alright, Darling?"

"Mommy, is he talking?" Darcie was here, too, but Ron couldn't see her. "Sure he is." said Dad's voice."Hi, Squeeks, what's up..?" Dad was here; but he hadn't called him 'Squeeks' in more than five years. Darcie sniveled and buried her face in Mom's dress.

"Nothin', Dad. This is real weird.. I lost four days.." They were standing around the bed. The familiar faces seemed to give him strength. It was starting to make some sense now. The running kids had knocked him down, and he had hit his head. Okay, I can deal with this. "Good morning, again, young man." Dr. Martin was here, too. "Let's sit you up and see how you're doing.......

So it went for the next day, into the evening. They cut him loose, drew out the tubes, fed him some soup. Mom and Dad stayed around, and then Dr. Martin asked him if he wanted to try walking. They helped him out of the high hospital bed, and after a wobbly start, he managed to make it to the bathroom on his own. He had been pissing in a tube for five days, and it was a relief not to have to be helped. "I wanna go home, Doc. I need to get home" he said, after his folks left to get some rest.

"I think tomorrow afternoon, we'll let you out of here. How's your focus?" Ronald glanced over at the books on the table. After a moment, they pulled in sharp. "Better, Doc, it only takes a sec, now."

"Alright, kiddo, I've other patients. You get back in the sack and get some more sleep, and we'll start processing you tomorrow. Cool?"

"Way Cool!" That was the little game they had been playing all day; 'Cool?/WayCool!'.. Doc wasn't such a bad dude. Ron climbed up into bed, and was overwhelmed by dizziness for a moment. He stayed on his hands and knees till it passed, then rolled the blanket over him and slept. He even dreamed, this time.

He had been awake for some while, and it was about ten thirty on Friday morning. Dr. Martin walked in with some papers. "How do you feel for some visitors, kiddo, Cool?"

"Sure, Doc, fine, you know that."

Dr. Martin sat on the edge of the bed and gave him a grave look. "Ronald, the boy who accidentally ran into you is here with his parents. You okay with that?"

"Well, um, sure, Doc, he didn't mean to...."

"They're absolutely scared shitless, Ron, especially the boy. Be real nice and gentle to them, this isn't easy. You sure you want to see them?"

"Yeah, no problem, Doc. He didn't mean it."

"Okay, Ron. The boy's name is Geoff Oscar. He's twelve and very, very nervous. Be patient with him. Cool?"

"Way Cool!"

They must have been right outside. A couple and a kid walked in. Ron stared at the boy. For a minute, he thought it was the kid on Home Improvement, Jonathan what's-his-name. He had the same hair, cut the same way, the same dimples, the same eyes... God, his eyes were cute. Ronald was suddenly very aware of how long it had been since he had beaten off.... five days: a record!

They shuffled up to him. No one was smiling, so Ronny did his best. He stuck out his hand to the man. "Hi, I'm Ronny Frank."

The man took it. "I'm Greg." he said. "Greg Oscar. This is my wife Carla and our son Geoffrey." ("Who did this to you..." Ron could hear them thinking.)

"Hi, Geoff!" He said as warmly as he could. Greg pushed the cowering youngster closer to the bed. The boy's hands were twisted together and his thin shoulders hunched up. A stray lock of golden brown hair skewed out from underneath the strap of his baseball cap. He met Ron's gaze for a second and then went back to staring at the floor.

"Geoffrey, say hello to Ronald.." said his Mom.


"Geoff, dude, I'm okay, okay? I'm goin' home this afternoon, I'm goin' back to school Monday. You didn't mean it...."

The boy's marvelous clear hazel eyes raised to his for another moment. His chin quivered, his teeth chattered for an instant and then he tried to speak.

"I... I'm so, so sorry, I'm so sorry, I....awwwww..." He went to his knees beside Ron's bed and started to bawl. Both parents bent down to pick him up, still crying piteously. ".....s-s-s-sorry, s-sorry,..." he whimpered.

Ron reached over and got the kid's sleeve in his hand. "Hey, Geoff?"

"....hik! y-yeahhh...?"

"Geoff, you wanna be friends?"

"I dunno."

"You think I hate you?"

"I dunno."

"You don't gotta apologize, Geoff, you didn't mean to, didja?"

"If Geoffrey hadn't been running in a crowded mall, none of this would be happening!"

Geoff responded to his mother's unnecessary observation by starting to cry all over again. Ron knew how to handle parents. "Um, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar, could I talk to Geoff for a minute?"

"Of course Ronald."

"Um, like, private, for a minute..?." The man and woman looked at each other. "Sure." the father said. Then it was just the two boys.

"Dude, yer takin' this way too hard, it's just an accident, and I'm okay, now, I'm fine. I really am! We can be friends, maybe, cool?"

"I'm twelve..." whispered Geoff, shaking his head.

"I'm sixteen and a quarter." said Ron.

"How can we... how can we be friends? I'm a kid..."

"Dude, chill, okay? I kinda like you."

"You don't even know me, I could be a complete dork!"

"Naw, I can tell. If you want, we could be friends. It's up to you."

Ron had Geoff's interest. The boy looked puzzled. "What would we do?"

"Well, I could take you places in my car."

"You gotta car?"

"It's my Dad's, but I can use it. We could trade cool games.. what kind of computer you got?...."

And so it went. Fifteen minutes later, when Geoff's parents came back in to collect him, the two kids were chatting like they had grown up together. Geoff didn't want to leave. "Mom, five more minutes, pleeeease" he whined.

"No, Geoff, Ronald has to get ready to go to his house. You can maybe talk to him later. Say goodbye, now."

"Um, Ron? I gotta go. You sure I can call you? I wanna see your computer and your R.C. racers."

"Call me Saturday, Geoff, okay? Nice meeting you, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar. I know it was just an accident, no one's to blame."

They said goodbye and turned to go. Just as they left and the door was closing, Mr. Oscar said something sharply to Geoff and his mother slapped him, really hard, across the face. Shocked, Ron heard the boy wail and begin to sob loudly. Then the door shut tight. The persistent image and the remembrance of what had happened in the hall completely doused the exquisitely hard boner he'd popped beneath the blanket, just from being near to so adorable a boy as Geoff. "I gotta help that kid.." thought Ron. "They're bein' mean to him, and it wasn't his fault. I gotta help him...."

Hey, Dude!

part 2

Ron slept most of Friday and Saturday. About ten o'clock Saturday evening he realized with a start that Geoff had never called. A stab of disappointment went through him. The kid was cute, and funny, too. Ron really like the few minutes they had spent alone in the hospital. He did not fail to notice that, once Geoff's parents were out of the room, he became a different boy. Ron could not forget hearing the slap and Geoff's wail as they left. How could they hit so gorgeous of a kid? If Geoff were my little brother I'd be nice to him, teach him things, do stuff with him... Ronny began to think of the private stuff he could do with Geoff. It had been an hour since Mom had last been in to check on him... maybe he'd keep it under the covers....

He was jacking off even before he knew it. All he could think about was lovely Geoff, Geoff standing in front of him while he sucked the boy's stiff little cock, Geoff's hands in his hair, Geoff's thighs straining toward him, Geoff's nuts bouncing on his chin.... The orgasm, when it came, was not what the teenager had expected after six day's abstinence, and it made his head pound fiercely. But Jesus! did he come a gallon! His dick pumped and pumped and pumped, like one of those impossible porn movies he watched with his friends. It also relaxed him, and he fell asleep planning to do it once more, 'cause it had been so long.

The phone ringing woke him up. He had gotten his very own phone for making Honor Roll in tenth grade last year. He had modified the bell in it with some cotton so no one outside of his room could hear it. He picked up the receiver, squinting against the Sunday morning light, still half asleep.

"....Ullo...." he said.

"Hey Crash, Dudeski, whutup? Whutup?"

It was Libowitz, Mr. Cool-wannabe himself. "I just woke up, dude, whatcha doin'?"

"Fuckin' yer girlfriend, dude, but she ain't that good."

"Josh, th' closest you've been to pussy in your life is when you were born, son. And that don't count."

"Like you're sex-god number one of (click! boooop) so you think you have experience. (click-boooop)."

"Josh, hang a sec, I gotta 'nother call."

"Duuude, you gotta go beat th' meat, I know you (click-booop)."

"JOSHUA LIBOWITZ, shut the fuck up a minnit!" (click.) "Hello..?"

"Um, yeah, hi, may I please speak to Ronald Frank, please?"

Ron's heart stopped. It was Geoff, cute Geoff!

"Hey, dude! Geoffster, I'm on the other line, hang on a sec, 'kay?"

"Um, sure, Ron!" The boy sounded happy on the other end. (clickclick)


"How was it, Ron, that was fast..."

"I gotta take this other call, I'll call ya later, cool?"

"Who is it?"

(Fucking nosy Libowitz!) "It's YOUR girlfriend, and she can't get enough of my ten-inch trouser pole, Joshua, so she wants it again, 'cause she says she ain't ever satisfied with you...."

"Yeah, right, Ronald, so who is it?"

"Josh, don't piss me off, I gotta go."

"No, just tell me who it is..."

"Josssshhhhh, godammit!" (Just hang in there, Geoff..)

"Okay, okay, aren't we touchy....."

"Bye, Josh.. (click)

(Voices in background: "Geoffrey, are you on the phone?") "Yes. Mom, can I talk for a few minutes?" ("Just be quick, someone might be trying to get through.") "Mom, we have call-waiting." ("Just be quick, Geoff.") (sigh) "R-Ron..?"

"Hey, dude!"

"Hey, dude! I called you like I said."

"That's cool. Whatup?"

"Nuthin'. How are you feeling?"

"Cool. Better; my headache's goin' away. Whatcha doin'?"

"Just hanging around the house. Can I still come over there someday?"

"Why not this afternoon? Ya doin' anything? Church? Relatives?"

"Naw, we're Jewish. You want me to come over?"

"Sure, after lunch, cool?"

"Your parents aren't mad at me, like?"

"Naw, my Mom's all worried about how you feel, I told her you took it kinda hard."

"You.. you didn't tell 'em I was, like, that I kinda..."

"Dude! I ain't stupid. Nobody knows you were cryin'. That's private."

"Cool, Ron, thanks!" Ron could hear the relief in the boy's high alto voice. "What time is cool?"

"About three or three thirty. Is that all right?"

"Um, yeah, I think I can come over then. If I can't I'll call ya. But I think it's no problem."

"Hey, dude, cool!"

("Geoff, get off the phone now, and go outside and play. It's a nice day.") "I gotta go now Ron, sorry. Can I call you later, maybe?"

"Call whenever you like, Geoff, this is my own phone in my room."

"Coool, Ron, I wish I had my own phone." ("Geoff! This minute!!")

"Hey, dude, see-ya.."

"Bye Ron..." (click)

Ron laid back in bed against the pillows, savoring Geoff's voice and searching his apparent enthusiasm to come over there. Oh, God, please let him be cool, please let me teach him stuff, Elliot hurt me so fuckin' bad, God, and I like Geoff so much already, he's everything I want, please, please...

Ron was still tired and under some pretty weird drugs that Dr. Martin had given him for when his head hurt. So Sunday afternoon rolled around quicker than usual, it seemed. Ron was dozing with the TV on when the doorbell rang. He sat up. Oh, please, let it be Geoff, let it be..

"Ron? Ronnie? You awake honey? Someone's here to see you..."

"Send him up, okay Mom?"

Instead, good ol' Mom escorted Geoff up to his room, and came in with her hand on his shoulder. "Ron, Geoff's here. You two have a nice time. Geoff, are you staying for dinner?"

"Um, I dunno, Mrs. Frank. I don't wanna be any trouble."

"Of course you're no trouble. I'll call your Mom and ask her. You two get to know each other..." She turned and went back downstairs.

(Mom, you have no idea how well I'd like to know Geoffrey..) "My parents are afraid your parents are gonna sue 'em 'cause I... 'cause we, you know..." the twelve-year-old began.

"They aren't, don't worry. My folks aren't like that. It's over with. It's cool you could come over. So, whataya think of my room?"

Ron watched as the fascinated boy moved around, picking up things, looking at Ronnie's books, his computer, his CD collection. Ron glanced down at Geoff's tanned calves above his white socks. It reminded him of his lost Elliot.

Elliot had been twelve, and Ron had just turned fourteen, when they met. They were riding bikes together with some of the other kids on the block. The younger boy had mentioned that he was planning a backyard sleepout, and that Ron could check out his tent. That evening, Ron had snuck out of his house after eleven, and gone down to Elliot's. What he hadn't expected was that Elliot's friend had gotten sick, and so Elliot was alone. Ron was already attracted to the boy's straw-white blond hair and tanned, freckle-sprayed small nose... it seemed Elliot had similar thoughts. He had started dropping little hints and innuendos, and before Ron even thought about it, they were snuggled up beside each other in the sleeping bag, Elliot rubbing Ron's already hard boner while Ron tried to undress them both. They spent that first night jacking each other off and, kissing, which Ron had never done. The two of them became inseparable, and over that summer managed to find a lot of private time together.

One afternoon, when Ron's Dad was working and Mom had taken Darcie shopping, Elliot had surprised Ron by asking him if he wanted to "... suck my dick a little, Ronnie, please? It feels so good, I'll give you one too, I promise....." They had been kissing like crazy, and Ron was incredibly horny, so he just went down on (very happy) Elliot and clumsily sucked him off. He gagged a little when Elliot bucked and yelped and came, but the boy was only twelve and not that much shot out. Ron spit out as much as he could on the edge of his blanket. Elliot then returned the favor. At first Ron wasn't that impressed, and Elliot's buck teeth kinda hurt the top of his bone, but soon he got into watching the cute boy, his eyes closed, mouth wide with Ron's shaft, the feel of the small tongue... before he knew it, an orgasm straight from teen-boy heaven took him completely. Had he been less delirious he would have noticed that Elliot swallowed his load, but Ron was lost in bliss and never thought about it. More time went by and the two kids found many other opportunities to be alone and 'close' with each other.

Then, the highlight event of his sex life up to that time had happened... They had been messing around in Ron's room for a quite a while without getting dressed, which was something that Elliot liked to do. He had found Ron's Vaseline stash and popped the top off, smearing it on his then-soft boyhood. Soon, Elliot's four-incher was ready for some more action. He sat down by Ron and playfully greased him up too, getting them both stiff as boards. Ron laid back with the beautiful boy beside him, feeling each other's dicks pressing into their tummies, like they had so many times before. Ron kissed Elliot deeply, who then, without any warning, said: "You can fuck my butt if you want to."

Ron was shocked. Just shocked! But oddly, his instincts took control and he rolled Elliot under him. It was something Ron knew about but never thought he'd get to try. Elliot spread his legs out and scootched to the edge of Ron's bed. Ron got on the floor and leaned over his young lover. Elliot swabbed a dollop of the Vaseline beneath his small kid-balls, covering his pink pucker. Ron was no longer thinking clearly. He hunched forward, pressing the slit of his prick into the gooey warm nest of the twelve-year-old's ass. He and the boy had done it a few times between each other's soft thighs, but this had taken Ron completely by surprise. Elliot pulled Ron's hips in close to him and said in a strange, husky voice, "Go slow at first, okay Ronny?"

"S-Sure, help me in dude... help me... oh!"

He felt the head of his penis pass through a barrier of sorts and Elliot moved beneath him and made an odd little grunting sound. Ron kept up the pressure. In sensory-flood overload, it was impossible for the young teenager to tell exactly what was happening to him, till suddenly there was something blunt pressing on his pubes, just above the hair. It was Elliot's straining hard-on! He was in! Elliot was still grunting and writhing slowly beneath Ron, every part of his smooth body in slow motion around the firm teendick in his young bottom. A deep viscous warmth surrounded Ron's rock-hard adolescence. It seemed to draw him closer in to Elliot's pale abdomen. Ronald held his pelvis pressed to the backs of Elly's encircling legs. Nothing had prepared him for the magnitude of the good feelings gripping his essence. "O-O-Okay, uh! Ron, uh! uh, uh!... slow, dude, uh! do it slow...uh!" The boy's voice was raspy and cracking. Ron pulled out a little and went in, then his hips took over and nirvana began manifesting in his crotch.

"OhmyGodElliotohmyGod...!" panted Ron as he and the boy beneath him swiftly got synchronized and Elliot relaxed. Ron looked incredulously down between them, seeing the boy's fist go to his small rod and begin to jack it off while Ron's own wet shaft plunged steadily and quickly up under Elliot's nuts. "God!" groaned Ron. "I'm gonna come, Elly, I haveta come, I have to..."

Elliot's left hand was clasped around Ron's right bicep, and the grip tightened as he said "Meee...ahhg!... tooo...uh! uh! I'm...ahg! ahg! ...oo!...oo-oo!......ooooooocommming, Roneeee....."

Ron felt the kid tense up and shudder powerfully under him. Something warm and wet sprayed up from the younger boy onto his taut stomach. Elliot bucked and surged. That was all the fourteen-year-old could take. His need to come overwhelmed him and he drove himself to the hilt in Elliot's butt as jet after jet of boysperm erupted from him, each pulse of his dick a new wave of unbelievably intense pleasure.

"AWWooAWooAWWWoooAWWWoooh!oh!oh!oh!oh!" chanted Ronald as they writhed and trembled. "Ohhhh, David......" whispered Elliot softly, still humping lightly under Ron, his warm legs locking them together. They remained joined and motionless for some moments afterward, until Ron's boner went soft and slipped smoothly free. Ron had meant to ask Elly what 'David' meant, but then they cuddled and kissed and fell asleep for a while, and Ron had forgotten about it.

Hey Dude! Chapter 3

Geoff giggled, bringing Ron back from his reverie. He had found the clay toad that Ron had made in ninth grade art class. It was the first time Ron had ever tried any kind of art, and it had gotten second prize in the end-of-class competition. It was really quite good, just a five-inch green glazed little clay froggie with a whimsical grin on it's face.

"You make this?" Geoffrey was still giggling.

"Sure, in ninth, in Mrs. Anderson's class. I got an award for it, but it's not all that much."

"It's funny!" said the laughing boy.

"You, um, Geoff, you want it?"

"Huh? Ron? I can't take this, it's yours, you made it..."

"That's right, it is mine, and that means I can give to who I want to, and I just thought if it makes you laugh, you should have it, bro."

The boy said nothing, but there was a light in his eyes and and tender grin had replaced the giggles. "Awww, Ron, that's so coool... thanks!"

"Hey, dude!"

"Hey, dude, what?"

"You still think we can't be friends?"

"Naw, I was just scared, 'cause some guys don't want a kid hangin' around, and well, after we got to know each other I kinda..."

"Geoff, do you like, stay by yourself a lot?"

"Huh? No, my Mom or Dad never let me alone, hardly."

"No, dude, I mean, you don't have a lot of friends, huh?"

The boy looked down at his sneakers. "Nope. Nobody likes ol' Geoffrey."

"Hey, dude...."

Geoff looked over at Ron. "Geoff, I like you. Believe it!"

The boy spun quickly back to the shelf with all Ron's R.C. cars. He was silent for a short time, then the skinny shoulders heaved in a deep sigh. "Ron, you wanna take your cars out to the dirt lot? We can play with 'em there...."

"Okay, kids, get washed for supper!" came Dad's voice up to them, as if on cue. "Shit!" said Geoff, then he giggled and blushed. "I gotta call my Mom and ask her..."

"Wait, let my Mom do it, then they can talk and your folks won't be so worried. You stay here a minute, I'll be right back." Ron went down and explained the situation to his Mother. It was easier than Ronald had thought, especially after his Dad and Mr. Oscar had gotten over the 'we're not gonna sue ya' hurdle. Ron jumped back up the stairs to tell his friend the good news. When he opened his door, Geoff was sitting in his chair, holding the froggie statue up in the air and staring at it. The boy quickly put it down on the desk and stood up with his back to Ron. When he turned around, there was the unmistakable outline of erect kid-dick, pushing out down one leg of Geoff's shorts. Ron stared at it transfixed for a second, and then he realized Geoff was looking at him. The twelve-year-old went as red as a beach ball.

Ron's mouth and throat dried up. "Uh, um, dude... you can stay, it's cool, our Dads talked and everything's... uh, cool. I'm gonna wash up. Hurry down, I'm starvin'."

Dinner went uneventfully. Geoff was shy around Ron's parents, and Darcie, who was eleven, made a complete geek out of herself trying to get Geoff to notice her. But Geoff had the chair right next to Ron, and all during dinner their bare knees had touched lightly, separated, touched, parted...

Geoff had to be home at eight, (it being a schoolnight) so after desert they had gone back up to Ron's room for a minute. Geoff got his frog wrapped in an old rag. "I don't wanna goooo..." whined the boy, feigning a tantrum. "I don't wannna go hoooommmmme..."

"Aw, poor little boy, I'll protect you, there, there..." Ron put his arm around Geoff's shoulders, and Geoff reached up for his hand and held it for a second! The youngster sighed again. "This's great, Ronnie, I hope we don't get into a fight.."

"Why would we do that? I don't fight with my friends."

"I don't either, but my best friend Max last year all of a sudden got really weird on me, and started punchin' on me and tripping me, and then he told me if I ever came over there again, he was gonna kick my ass, like for no reason..." Geoff's voice had gotten quiet and plaintive. The boy gripped Ron's hand tighter and looked up to him, searching his eyes.

"What an asshole, Geoffster, I'd never do that to a neat dude like you. I have friends for life, man. That's why I don't hang out with a lot of people, just a few I can relate to. Like you, for instance."

"I gotta go, Ron. And, like, I got Hebrew school two nights a week and homework up the kiester, so I don't know when I can come over here."

"I'll help ya with yer homework.. kinda like a tutor, if you want."

"Huh? Really, Ron? Really?"

"Sure, anytime, what are friends for, dude? Let's set it up."

"Okay, dude, I gotta go.. I'll call ya later, okay?"

"Cool. Hey, dude?"

"Hey, dude."

"I'll walk ya downstairs...."

Ron stood on the porch watching Geoffrey ride away into the deepening evening. The smaller boy paused several times to look back and wave. Then he turned the corner and the street was deserted. Ron went back inside. The rest of the family was watching 60 Minutes and eating popcorn. Ronald got a handful and declared his intentions to got to bed early.

"Okay, darling, we'll see you in the morning. Your little friend is quite a nice young man. It's nice of you to help him, I'm sure it must be hard on them to have gone through this. It hasn't been easy for us, that's certain."

"Well, I don't like him, he's a dork!" announced Darcie.

"Then don't have his baby, Darcie..." Ron advised her.

"EEEEEWWWWW, MOMMMMMM!" she shrieked.

"Rrrr-onald, young man, that will be quite enough...!!"

"Sure, Mom. 'Night, guys! 'Night, Mrs. Oscar.."


Ron climbed up to his room and closed the door. He shed clothes haphazardly and got in bed in just his briefs. He was well on the way to be completely turned on as he had undressed, and now he needed it, and needed it bad. Geoff was just too much! Ronnie ached inside whenever he recalled the expressions in Geoffrey's beautiful eyes. Hearing the boy's pure voice was like music. And he'd seen him with a hard-on!! Ron pulled himself laboriously out of the fly of his shorts, letting the cloth support his nuts. He held his dick pointing straight up at the ceiling and jacked off furiously, his imagination filled with Geoff. Almost too quickly the teenager whispered "Oh, yessss..." to himself as his lithe body jackknifed and he gave himself a wonderfully powerful orgasm. He opened his eyes a little and watched the warm sperm pumping out onto his stomach. He could hardly wait 'till he saw Geoffrey coming along side of him, hear Geoff's cute voice announcing the arrival of his pleasure.... like Elliot always did. Oh, Elly.... Jesus, Elly.....

Ron painfully recalled, once again, the almost two years he had spent with Elliot; best friends, boyfriends, lovers. Although they only fucked once more after that first unforgettable time (Elliot said it made his butt hurt too much) they still managed to get each other off at least once during the week and lots of times on typical weekends, unless family or schedules intervened. In retrospect, Ron realized that Elliot seemed to know a lot more about sex than Ron did, though Ron was two years older. Elliot always seemed to have 'practiced' things that were completely new to Ron. Ron lacked the experience to realize he was being used by someone. Ron loved Elliot, strongly and deeply, and while Elliot would many times say he loved Ron, it wasn't the same....

Then, right after Ron's sixteenth birthday, Elliot came over when no one was home. Ron opened the door wide for the very blonde boy, who was fourteen and getting nearly as tall as Ron. "Hi..." said Ron, but Elly just stood there, not looking at him. Ron noticed that Elliot's bike was out by the curb, and that two kids Ron didn't know were out beside it waiting. "Hey, um, Ron, don't take this wrong, okay..." Ron would forever hear, in his mind, the sound of Elliot saying those awful words.

"...but, I kinda don't wanna mess around like we do anymore, 'cause I can get laid by girls now. I gotta girlfriend who's like nineteen and she's been talkin' to me about Jesus and stuff and she says boys should only do it with girls, otherwise its a sin, so I'm not that kind of boy anymore, and anyway I like it a lot better with her cause I love her and maybe we're gettin' married when I'm outta high school (the boys in the street whistled and waved impatiently) so I gotta go, I just wanted you to know I ain't got no hard feelins', I just don't wanna do no more fag stuff, and like, when you get to do sex with a girl you'll know exactly what I mean, so I guess I gotta go now, see you later Ron..."

And then he was running away over the lawn, jumping on his bike, and riding down the street. During the whole thing, Ron had a shocked frozen smile on his face. He numbly closed the door, trying to understand what was happening to him. He was still grinning absurdly. "I'm okay, there's other boys, maybe he'll get lonely and come back, I'll find another guy to be in love with, I'll..." Ron drifted into the bathroom, convinced that he was fine, and had no real reason to be sick. He was quite wrong. After ten minutes of retching and running water, he somehow found his bedroom and lay back on top of the sheets. He groaned himself to sleep, in the middle of the day, from sheer depressive exhaustion. He ate next to nothing for two days after that , prompting a trip to Dr. Penzsman, who, not recognizing the symptoms of 'first broken heart' gave Ronny some vitamins and told him to rest.

Ron rolled over after cleaning himself up and sighed "Oh, God, please, please let Geoff love me, he's so perfect, so perfect......." Then his fucking phone rang, scaring him half to death. Whoever it was knew better than to call after ten.....

He ripped the receiver off the cradle and snarled "What?!?" in a whisper. He was ready to lay into which ever of his dickheaded friends had called him.

"...Ron..?" A boy whispered back. GOD! It's my Geoff, it's Geoff..!

"Geoffrey, hey dude!" he whispered.

"Um, is it, is it too late..?"

"Yeah, kinda, I could get in trouble. You okay?"

"Sorta. My Mom and Dad are fightin' and I'm scared, I hate it when they fight. You know?"

"Yeah, dude, my parents get into it once in a while. It sucks."

"I tried to make 'em stop but my Mom hit me...."

Ron was speechless again. "That's not cool, dude, not cool at all."

"I know. I wish they wouldn't do that. It just hurts so much Roneee.."

Geoff started to cry over the phone. Ron felt his own tears gathering. Shit! Now what do I do? "You want me to come and get you?"

"Yeah, but you can't. My parents (hup!) got a security system."

"You okay? You bleeding or anything?"

"N-no, I'm fine, just scared. Oh, Ron, thank you!"

"Fer what, dude?"

"For this little froggie, I'm callin' it Clarence Frogmiester. It always reminds me of.... of you, dude."

"Hey, dude?"


"I like you dude. I mean it. It's way cool we're friends. I mean that, Geoff. It's cool."

(snif) "This's great, Ron. I'm going to sleep now, can I call ya tomorrow?"

"If you don't, I'm gonna be pissed."

"G'night, Ron."

"Good dreams, dude."

"Same here. Night." The phone hung up on Geoff's end and Ron put his down. "Oh, Jesus, Geoff, I like you so much.." he whispered as he fell asleep.

Hey Due! Part 4

"Ron-neee, Ron-neee..! Breakfast, honey..!"

Ron was awake, motionless, in his bed, in his room, in his house. The sixteen-year-old lay for a moment, just savoring the familiarity after all he had been through the previous week. Then he stretched and rolled over. He had a piss hard-on, and it reminded him of Geoff's phone call last night. He tucked himself in his briefs (though there was no one there) and went into his bathroom to clean up. His mind whirled with Geoff, his loneliness on one hand, Geoff's seeming affection for him on the other, his very real fear of having another 'Elliot' happen to him, how he hated the thought that Geoff's folks were abusing him... and then the realization that he had lost a week of school and homework, and it was going to be a bitch, man....! Nothing would matter if he could just know that Geoffrey felt the same way about Ron that Ron felt about Geoffrey. The way he had felt about Elliot, and that had been wasted. "Oh, God, please let him need me, he's so perfect.." Ron whispered to himself as he went down to breakfast. He didn't know that God indeed had plans along those lines, but She wanted a little drama, first......

"Hi Mrs. Oscar" Ron said to Darcie as she glowered at him. ("Ronnn.." his Mother chided him.) "I'm going to be a lady astronaut and I'm not getting married until I come back from space, so there, Ronald."

"Well, you are a space cadet, Lil' Miss Piglet."

"Mom! Mom! Make him stop..!"

"Wait!" said Ron suddenly, closing his eyes. "Where am I? Where is this place? Who are you people?? I've... I've Lost My Memory, Oh NO!!"

"Dumb." said Darcie. "Don't quit your day job, darling." advised Mom sweetly, while Darcie laughed triumphantly. "You kids finish up and get to school, I have to go to work."

Ron saw Josh first when he got off the bus.. surely an evil omen. Josh would never know how secretly wonderful it was to be seen either. Ron would have months of dealing with the psychological damage of his 'lost' four days. The usual round of taunts, put-downs, and insults ensued, but it was familiar and comforting, in a weird sort of way . Ron went to his classes, gave endless explanations of his experience, and got home just after four that afternoon with a truly fearful stack of work. No one was home yet. Ron trudged up the stairs and dumped the mountain of books on to his desk, switched on the light and the computer, put a Silverchair CD on and descended to forage for snacks. He remembered to ask Geoff for a yearbook picture or something. He had burned Elliot's in a fit of rage about three weeks after getting dumped so cruelly, but something told him Geoff was different. Elliot had practically molested Ron, but Geoff had never even mentioned the subject, though Ron hoped to find out his feelings as time went on...(Pleeeeeease, God....). Ron had decided that Geoff didn't look a whole lot like Jonathan Taylor Thomas, just his skin, which was light but tanned, and his eyes, which were the same, and his hair, which was the same uncertain blond, and cut the same way. But Geoff's nose was different, and his mouth smaller, teeth bigger, and no actual dimples. Ron was too stressed to jack off, even. He got right to work, and the time flew until Mom scared the fuck out of him by walking in his room to tell him dinner was ready. "Ok." he sighed and saved the report he was working on.

Dinner was dinner, nothing different. Ron was distracted and quiet, and answered "Killer Homework!" to his parent's questioning glances. As he returned to his room, he saw a phone message waiting on his machine. He pressed play and stood in rising fear and worry as he heard Geoff saying:

(heavy road noise background) "....Ron....? .....R-R-Ron, um.... are you like, listening.....?" The high voice coming through the speaker was fading and wavering, as if Geoff was looking around while he was talking. "...my p.... my parents got into a huge fight...... (the boy was whispering, barely audible over the noise outside the payphone) ....a big fight, Ron. (silence, the boy's audible, labored breathing) .....I don't know who else..... to call. I wish you were.. (siren going by) so I could talk to you. I'm at the store over by th......(click). The answering machine timed out early and dumped the call. Ron went berserk. The phone rang again. He snatched it to his ear. "Geoff?? Geoff???"

(Road noise)".....God, Ron..... (gulp!) God, I'm... am I buggin' ya? I can call back..."

"Geoff...you okay, dude?"

".....yeah, she hit me again, and I ran away. I hate them.... Ron, I just..... (gulp, sniff..) I don't know what to do now...." Geoff ended in a squeak of fear and pain.

"Dude, where are you, I'm comin' to get you... where are you?"

"I'm at the liquor store by school."

"My school or your school..?"

"Mine... Ron, you sure? I don't wanna be trouble..."

"Geoffrey...you stay right there...don't go anywhere, dude, I'm on the way...okay?"

(sniff, sniff, hic)....." 'kay, Ron.... I'll be here..."

"'Kay, dude, hang in, I'm comin'. Bye!"

Ron ran down the stairs. "Dad! Dad, I need your help!...." He explained the situation briefly to his Father, who after a little thinking, got the keys and said "Let's get over there.." Ron was relieved, but still worried. The drive over to the Middle School took only a few minutes, and as they rounded the corner, there was a small, lonely figure sitting in the middle of a bus bench, a backpack beside him. They pulled up next to Geoff, who looked up uncomprehending for a moment until he recognized Ron getting out of the car. "RON!!!" the boy screamed and jumped at him, wrapping his skinny arms around the older boy and squeezing the wind out of him. "Whoa, dude, chill... let's get home!"

"Okay, I'm scared out here all by myself."

They rode home in silence. When they got back and got into the living room, Ron was shocked to see the boy's left nostril clotted with blood, blood on his shirt, and dark bruises on his delicate wrists. Ron's Mom took control. "Let's get you cleaned up a little, young man." she said as she led him into the guest bathroom. Ron's Dad looked at him. "I wonder if we should call the police, Ron. Geoff's been beaten up pretty badly. Maybe his parents are looking for him. I don't want to get into trouble for trying to help someone." "I know Dad. Let's see what he says when he comes out."

"He's out." said Geoff, his face still damp. "My folks do this a lot. I'm gonna call 'em and tell 'em I'm spending the night somewhere.... oh, I....." Geoff stopped, wide-eyed.

"What, dude?" asked Ron.

"Can I... can I..."

"Of course you can, dear. Are you sure your parents aren't worried about you? You can use the guest bedroom or sleep on the floor in Ronnie's room. We can sort this out in the morning. You want us to call your parents, Geoffrey?" Boy, thought Ron: Mom sure can be efficient sometimes.

"Yeah. If it's no trouble.."

It was done. Mr. Oscar got a tinge belligerent until Ron's Father asked him if he knew the twelve-year-old's nose was bloody. Geoff would be spending the night. Ron didn't know what to think. He just went with it. Stuff was happening way too fast to figure out. Cowabunga, duuude!"

They fed the famished boy and then he joined them watching some television, much to Darcie's disgust. After ten, Mom shooed them up to bed. She got (from some deep storage vault) some of Ron's clothes from junior high. "Try these on, Geoffrey, they might be a little big, but that's the style, anyway... at least they're clean for in the morning."

"Cool, Mrs. frank, that's really nice of you. (yawnnnn)."

"Hey, dude?"

"Yeah, dude?"

"I'm tired, let's get some rest."

"Goodnight, boys." said Mom. "Geoff, will you be alright?"

The boy gave Ron a complex look, part admiration, part dependence, part security. "Yeah, I'm fine. now. Thank you Mrs. Frank."

Ron got out the sleeping bag and unrolled it on the floor next to his bed. "I'm gonna take a shower, you wanna?" he asked.

"Sure. With you?" asked Geoff innocently.

"Um, no, dude, but I'll just be a minute. You can mess with the computer."

"Okay, Ron. I really appreciate this."

"Cool." said Ron as he closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower. Geoff had wanted to get in the shower with him!!!! Boing! went his boner as the thought sunk in. Ron considered beating off but decided to wait. He managed to control himself as he dried off and went out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Geoff was half-undressed, his tanned upper body and bare feet reminding Ron just how cute the kid was. "I'm takin' my shower now." announced Geoff as he stood and slid his pants off. The boy then just walked into Ron's steamy bathroom in his underwear while Ron stared at his butt. Boing! went the bone again. Ron was a pretty average kid, five-eight, a hundred twenty pounds, with a swimmer's build, brown slightly curly hair that he kept long on top and thinned a little at the sides, not too radical. The erection which was now pushing out the towel was cut, and a good five and a half inches, but slim and slightly curved up. His balls were walnut-sized, and his pubes dark brown and surprisingly soft. He had hair under his strong arms, on his ankles, and just the start of a patch on his chest. He heard the shower go off. He quickly got his briefs on over his rod and slipped under the covers just as Geoff appeared in a towel like Ron had done. The younger boy was just five-two, about ninety pounds, and at the heavy peach-fuzz stage of beginning puberty. His hair was still wet and darker than when it was dry. "Hey, dude!" he said, giving Ron a toothy grin.

"Hi, dude!" smiled Geoff. Ron's dick started to ache. Oh, God, please.

"Get in the sleeping bag, I'm gonna turn the lights out."

"Um, Ron...?"

"Yeah, Geoffster?"

"Can I... no, forget it."


"I don't wanna sleep on the floor, Ron. I get scared."

Ron thought furiously. He was truly concerned for Geoff, and not thinking selfishly. Neither would it be the first time he had slept over in the same bed with someone. Ron patted the other pillow. "Right here, dude."

Hey Dude Part 5

"Cool... Ron, thanks...." said Geoff as he shed his towel and climbed in dressed in white baggy boxers. Ron switched off his lamp and they were alone in the dark together. "You doin' all right...?" asked Ron.

Geoff sighed and turned to face him. "Yeah, sorta. They been fightin' more and more, and I'm worried." He sighed again. Ron was struck with the fact that there was a person next to him, not a little kid, not another face at school... here was an individual, complex and apart from him, with hopes and fears and dreams of his own; yet they were friends... Ron could share this other person's life, could maybe help this guy that he genuinely cared about... then Geoff reached over and gently placed his warm small hand on Ron's chest, holding it there and moving his fingers slightly. "I can't believe you're my friend, Ron." He rolled to the boy and hugged him close. Geoff gazed into his eyes as their arms went around each other. Geoff snuggled up to Ron under the covers. Ron felt the tears start, and try as he might, couldn't stop them. In fact, trying to hold back made it worse, and a sob choked out of him. Geoff flinched back and shook his head, confused. "Ron... Ron... are you.... cryin' ? Why? What's wrong, Ronny, don't cry, dude..."

"Geoff.... it's 'cause, it's like, you mean a lot to me, and I been lonely, and I really, really wanted someone like you to be my friend, and then they hit you and hurt you and I just want to go over there and...." Ron broke completely down, rolling away from his friend and sobbing into his hands. Geoff began pulling insistently on Ron's shoulder, trying to get him to turn back. Ron got himself together and when he faced Geoff again, tears were leaking down the smaller boy's face into his pillow. "Don't worry, Ron, don't worry. I'm not hurt. I been thinkin' how weird it is, 'cause I been really happy lately, and this evening in the car I figured out it was, it was because... Ron.... oh, thank you!" cried the boy. Ron cradled him in his arms. "I love you Ron." said the boy, his face still pressed into Ron's chest. Ron bent down and kissed the kid's forehead and eyebrows.

"Don't say that if you don't mean, like, that for real. I had a bad experience, Geoff, and I'm not going through that again."

"I do, Ron, I know I do. You've, like, been better to me than anyone. I always wanted someone like you....you know? I know I love you."

"Geoff, you're so important to me. You sure you want us to be in love?"

"Oh, Ron, yes... yes! You're all I think about, like in school I can't concentrate, I get bo... (Geoff flushed and was silent for a beat. Ron held his breath) I think about you a lot..." finished Geoff.

"Dude...can I ask you a real personal question? You don't gotta answer if you don't' want to."


"You had sex-ed?" "Sure." "You know what an erection is?" "Duh! Sure I do! It's a boner." "Yeah. Do you, um, know what masturbation means?" Ron's throat dried up and he started to shake.

"Yeah. Do you, like, um, sometimes guys, you know... Do you do it?"

"Well, yeah.. I'm sixteen. I do it." For very nearly the first time, someone was paying attention to Geoffrey, actually listening to what he had to say, interested in his thoughts.....

"Its called beating off, right? My cousin calls it strokin'. I also heard jackin' off, beatin' it, and finger-job."

"Yeah, and whackin', and spankin' th' monkey, a lot of things..."


"Yeah, Geoff?"

"You really do it? Like with your hand?"

"Um, yeah, dude, all guys do it, it's natural. I do it a lot. Feels good and relaxing."

"Yeah.." said Geoff, thinking. "Feels good...." suddenly the boy gasped, realizing he had just admitted to what they were talking about. Ron's heart was about to burst. He had grown another bone, and he was trying to keep Geoff's shins from discovering that. First he had to get Geoff over his pre-teen fears of ridicule and exposure.

"Geoffrey, dude, we're friends. I love you, dude, like we were brothers or something. That means we can talk about stuff that we couldn't talk about with other people. It means I trust you, like."

Geoff was silent for quite a while, staring at Ron's chest while Ron absentmindedly ran his fingers down Geoff's neck and along his skinny shoulders. "...Yeah. Makes sense..." he said to himself.

"Dude, what makes sense?" asked Ron.

"You sure you won't tell this to anyone, Ron?"

"Dude..." snorted Ron. "What's between us is private, okay?"

"Okay, okay... I just.... this is embarrassing.."

Ron hugged him a little closer. "I know. But you can trust me."

"I... when I like, do it, you know? And I kinda think about you and me... God, this is embarrassing....!"

"Then forget it, Geoff... you're makin' me feel bad!"

The boy was suddenly contrite. "Oh... Ron, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I I... never said this to anyone before..... don't be mad..." he ended on a whisper.

"Geoff, I love you. Ron loves Geoff, dude. We can talk about anything. Just tell me..."

"I think about you and me and us bein' best friends and I beat off and it makes me feel stupendous and I go, like, totally crazy when I get the best feeling and my juice squirts out...." Geoff paused to inhale.

"Dude. Me too. Okay?" The younger boy gaped at him, mouth open.

"You...you think about us when you do it..?"

"All the time, dude. I'd be like, honored if sometime, you wanna like...you know, we could...." It was Ron's turn to get tongue-tied.

"Really? You mean like, do it in each other's presence?"

"Right now, If you want to..." Ron could hardly talk.

Geoff stared at him again. Ron could see the boy sorting out his feelings. Almost with a mind of it's own, Ron's left hand glided smoothly down Geoff's silken body and came to rest between the boy's warm thighs, gently cupping his extremely stiff five slim inches. Geoff drew a sharp breath and jerked, and then arched his back into the older boy's sensual caresses. The lovely eyes closed and a sweet grin lit up his face.

"Ooooo, yeahhhh.... just like I figured it would feel, only better!" whispered the twelve-year-old as he relaxed up against Ron's trembling body.

"Roll on your back, Geoff..." husked Ron.

Geoff flipped over and Ron pulled the boxers down to the boy's peach-fuzzy ankles and off. "You use Vaseline?"

"No, I do it dry... more friction that way..."

"Geoff, check this out...." Ron started jacking the boy off as tenderly as he knew how. Geoff lay back, hands to his sides, eyes closed. He giggled. "Whoa, Ronnnn... this is stupendous.." That was the second time Geoff had used that word. Ron knew why he loved kids. The boner in his hand throbbed and pulsed, as Geoff began to lift his hips. Ron reclined beside the boy, propped up on his left elbow, while he kept the little hard-on molded to his warm palm. For a minute or so, the only sound was hand-rubbing-dick and occasional short exclamations while Geoff's aroused body prepared for pleasure.

"Feel good, dude?" whispered Ronny, watching the incredible expressions playing over the kid's cute face.

"Ohhh, yeahhh, Ronnny... go faster!"

The boy began to pant as Ron put some elbow into it. "Shit. Gonna squirt, Ron... it's coming out... it's.. uh, ahhhhhhhh, uh! ahhhh... eeee-yessssss...!! Geoff's little dick stood out away from his firm nuts and delivered it's few triumphant shots of thin cream into Ron's thankful hand and onto Geoff's heaving belly. Ron closed his fist just under the flaring head of his boyfriend's shaft and gave him short quick strokes. The boy arched up and went "Ahhh, ahhh, oh, yesssss..." and then lowered his butt back to Ron's bed. Ron slowed and stopped, holding the boydick motionless as it's owner puffed and made small squeaking noises. A small bit of sperm rose to the slit and rolled languidly down to Ron's wet finger. Geoff took a deep breath and Ron wiped his hand off on the towel he had slipped into bed with them. The seventh-grader turned to Ron, still panting, and lovingly caressed Ron's cheeks, with happy love and security in his eyes, a big smile on his face. "Oh, Ron, yesss...! I had the best feelin', Ron it never, ever felt that way before... it was just so coooool!"

"Was it stupendous?" asked Ron as they cuddled.

"Yeah, dude. Um, Ron?"

"Hey, dude..."

"Someday, can I do it to your dick? I've never touched a big kid's dick before..."

"Dude..." Ron swept back the covers and ripped off his underwear before Geoff's astonished eyes. The boy started at Ron's (aching) erection, his fuzzy balls, his legs. "Whoa, dude, you gotta lotta hair on yours!"

"You will too, when you're my age, Geoff."

"Yeah. I got some fuzzy hairs, on my dick at the base, but it's not like yours."

"Geoff... I think yours is beautiful. It turned me on to be able to make you come."

"Make me ...what?"

"Come. Have an orgasm, you know, feel stupendous.."

"Oh, yeah. I heard that, I didn't know what it meant. Can I....."

"Touch mine? Sure, you can. You can jack me off if you want to.." Ron was certain he was going to explode at any moment.

"Can I? Cool! But, I've just done my own, and you're bigger.."

"Just do it like yours, it'll make me happy. It'll make me squirt like a son-of-a-bitch. I need to come, Geoff."

Then they were together, hugging, Geoff squirming naked against him, still hard even after his orgasm, and as they separated, Ron felt the warm small strong hand around the base of his teencock. Geoff was pretty good at it, and Ron... Ron was sixteen, horny, in love, and alone with the one person he had been praying to be alone with. He reached out to hold the younger boy in an intense grip. In only a short time, actually quicker than than Geoff's climax had taken, Ron knew something extraordinary was happening to him. A low moan escaped from deep in his tense throat. Geoff whispered "Feel really good yet, dude?", his voice modulated by his arm motions. The reality of what was happening dawned on Ron and he said, through clenched teeth, while the steady rhythm drove him completely nuts:

"O-kay, G-Geoff, comin'! Comin' like mad, dude...." A sexual tsunami rose within the frantic teenager and roared up the slopes of his soul. He spasmed and humped and just as the most intense pleasure of his life peaked he whispered, low and clear.. "My God, Geoffrey, I love you so much..." Sperm shot out of him in wave after wave of unbelievable intensity. Ron was not aware that a boy his age could come that hard. It was an exquisite blend of pleasures so great it was nearly painful. Geoff just kept chugging away, up-down-up-down, until Ron gasped "Okay, dude, cool.... stop for a sec."

Geoff inspected his right hand, which was literally covered in Ron's thick warm joy. Geoff smelled it. "It ain't like mine." he observed. Ron felt like he was back in a coma.

"Geoff... that was the best I've ever had. That was the best feeling I ever had. That was so cool. I hope yours felt that good.."

"It did, Ron, it did... I was scared but then it started feelin' so good.... then it was sorta like my wiener was thankin' you, and then I got the main feeling and I couldn't believe it... I never got it done by anyone else before, except once, about three years ago, at camp. But I was too young to do it, so it just tickled and annoyed me. Your's was so good to me, Ron, can we do it again sometime, maybe?"

Hey, Dude! part 6

Ron held Geoff to him and smiled at the boy, whose dark blonde hair was down all in his face and eyes. "Sure, dude, we can do it tomorrow, and like, the next day, and the next...." Geoff laughed happily and cuddled up warm and soft. Ron felt sleep overtaking him.

It had been a long, stressful day. Ron still hadn't gotten a start on his homework, and as Geoff snuggled sleepily up next to him, he saw the clotted blood in the boy's left nostril. It was a sobering reminder of just why Geoff was here in the first place. Ron had been on the verge of unconsciousness, especially after what the kid had just done to him, but as he remembered Geoff crying to him all alone in a payphone, he knew he had to do something. He rose from under the rumpled covers, waking Geoffrey a little. "Where'ya goin'....?" Geoff whined plaintively. Ron threw on his bathrobe and bent over his friend.

"I'm just goin' downstairs a minute, dude, don't worry, I'll be right back." Ron brushed Geoff's messy hair back and kissed him, so tenderly! right between his eyes. Geoff giggled. "I love you Geoff." said Ronny. "Me too, dude...." and Geoff was asleep again.

Ron went down, hoping Dad was still up, and he was, semi-dozing on the couch. Mom had already gone to bed, which suited Ron too, although he got along pretty well with his folks, all things considered. Ron sat down next to his Father on the couch, watching what was on the TV.

"You worried, son?"

Ron shook his head and smiled. He guessed that was what parents were for. "How'd you figure that, Dad?"

"What do you think the best thing for us to do now is?"

"I dunno, Dad. I know Geoff's a really neat little kid, and it's strange, I like him for a friend even if he is sorta Darcie's age. I hate them for beatin' him, Dad, that's just not cool. They slapped him in the hospital when they came to see me. And I don't think he deserves it. Does that make sense?"

"Sure does, son. I just don't know whether we should get involved, or call the police, or..."

"Dad, can you talk to Geoff's father? Like, intervention or whatever it's called? I think Mr. Oscar's kind of a wuss, anyway. It's Geoff's Mother that slaps him around. I mean, their son did injure me, so maybe if you..."

"That's not really fair, is it Ronald..."

"It's not really fair he has a bloody nose and bruises all over him either, is it Charles..."

"Just calm down, kiddo, I'm on your side. Okay..?"

"Yeah, Dad, I'm sorry. I'm tired and stressed and worried."

"Is Geoff asleep?"

"Yeah. It was kind of a long day for him."

"We'll take him to school tomorrow, and I'll think about this. He can stay here when ever he wants, and you look out for him a little, too. But, son, this isn't a movie of the week or anything like that. I've probably already broken the law by letting him stay here.. he is technically a runaway right now..."

"Yeah I know. I'll be cool. I like the little guy, he's like a little brother. I feel like helpin' out."

"I'm glad you came down here to talk with me, kiddo..you know that?"

Ron was suddenly close to tears again. He sensed things were changing, that he was growing up in some unfathomable way. He felt pretty good about things right now. He kissed his Dad's stubbled cheek. "Love you."

Strong arms reached up from the couch and held him fast for a moment.

"Love you too, son. Have a good sleep.."

"Night, Dad..."

Ron awoke out of the extravagant dreams of adolescence to find himself almost off the side of his bed onto the floor. Geoff had commanded the center of the bed as well as the lion's share of the blankets, and was curled up in a cannonball with one arm around Ron's neck. He was soundly asleep. The clock told Ron that it was about fifteen minutes earlier than he normally got up. Ron was tired, but awake, so he slipped out from Geoff's embrace and tucked the blankets back around the sleeping boy. He was doing his thing in the bathroom after his shower when Geoff walked in, his soft hair flying all over the place and half of one eye open. Ron just stood there while Geoff hitched his boxers down and pissed unashamedly in front of Ron. Then Geoff stretched hugely and walked over to him, pressing warmly up against him.

(yawnnnn) "Hey, dude... whatsup?"

"Nothin'. I gotta shave."

"You shave already??"

"Just my lip, about once a week. But it's gettin' darker. See?"

Geoff looked at the indicated part of Ron's face. Ron smeared on some shaving cream and was done 30 seconds later. He rinsed the plastic razor off and handed it to Geoff to check out. Geoff peered at himself in the mirror and made like he was shaving, too. Ron draped his arms around his boyfriend and lowered his chin to his shoulder, smooshing their ears together. They watched each other in the mirror.

"You sleep good?" asked Ron.

"Yeah, after what we did...." Geoff giggled naughtily.

"It wasn't the last time we'll have fun like that, dude.."

"Cool, Ron, I hope not. I liked it. I like you!"

Ron was unable to resist giving the kid a quick feel. The twelve-year-old was half-hard anyway, and as soon as he felt Ron's hand on the the fly of his boxers he pressed his pelvis into the front of the vanity, trapping Ron's big hand. Geoff ground his hips slowly, as his boner rose into the warmth of Ron's grasp. Geoff turned his face up to Ron's.

"Do it, Ronny, huh? I always do it in the morning, it relaxes me for school...."

Ron pulled Geoff back a bit and let his shorts slip down around his ankles. The boy was grinning and quivering in Ron's arms. Ron watched himself jacking Geoff off in the mirror. It was truly erotic. He had not had a chance to check Geoff out much, but now the boy was standing naked before him. Ron kept his left arm around the boy's chest, and Geoff wrapped his own skinny arms around Ron's. He closed his eyes and leaned back into his older friend's warmth, cooing and flexing his hips. Ron felt him getting harder and harder. Geoff gripped Ron strongly as the tickles and tingles and pressure in his pink nuts rose and rose, then with little warning the boy gasped and sighed "...aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh...." and pumped another couple of jets of thin boycome onto Ron's bathroom rug. Geoff shuddered rigidly and then giggled. Ron loved his giggles, too. The boy turned to face him, a thin web of sperm still leading from the tip of his 'wiener' to his knee. He hugged Ron.

"Cool one, thanks, Ronnie. I liked it!"

"Do me quick, Geoffster, before someone comes up here...."

"I just came, up here...." Geoff said with a mischievous grin. It took Ron a second, but he was quick, too.

"Good stuff comes to those who wait, dude..."

Geoff's lithe small hand was already stroking Ron...oh God this feels so goooood... a guy could really get used to this on a regular basis! Ron stood back against the vanity, holding the lip of the counter with his hands, while Geoff stood beside and in front of him bending slightly forward and cranking him off. It was still so new, and he loved Geoffrey so much, that in no time Ron was up on his toes, arched back over the vanity, biting his lip to keep from moaning out loud as yet another hard, strong orgasm rocked his teenage psyche. Geoff stopped and hugged him as his boner softened between them. Ron looked down into those hazel, trusting eyes.

"It was good, dude. I love you."

"Love you too..."

Ron was going to kiss Geoff's forehead, but those lips! Geoff's lips were so cute, such a beautiful boy... Ron took a chance and pressed his lips lightly to Geoff's. Geoff inhaled slightly and then pressed back. The kept it going for a few seconds, with Ron holding the back of Geoff's head. Geoff tried to say something.

"Yeah, dude?" whispered Ron.

"Ya wanna try frenchin'?"

"You wanna?"

Geoff shrugged. "Sure, why not?"

"You boys get a move on, breakfast is ready.." called Mom through the bathroom door as she knocked on it.

The two kids sprang apart as if a snake had appeared between them.

"O- Okay, Mom... uh, okay.." said Ron lamely, so freaked out that his voice cracked like a thirteen-year-old's. Geoff was in a panic as well. But Mom didn't come in, and five minutes later both boys were seated at breakfast, just normal all-American kids. Darcie kept glancing at Geoff out of the corner of her eye, while Geoff sat by Ron, oblivious of the attention he was getting from a young lady who was developing fantasies of her own about him. This was going to get interesting!

The school day passed normally, Ron struggling to cram way too much work into every spare minute... (well, maybe not every minute..) and it went pretty okay for Geoff as well, except for the massive bone he'd popped in math, daydreaming about his best friend when he should have been reading about boring complex fractions. He looked down at the tent in his walking shorts just as Frankie Wong did. Geoff was mortified, and there was nothing he could do. "Who's the lucky lady, Geoffrey...?"

"Um, uh....Frankie, mind your own business!"

"Wooo, Geoff, next time wear a jock or something..."

Geoff thought fast. "Frank, you see Species?"



Frankie's face lit up and he cupped his fist and stroked the air for a split-second. "Me too, dude, she's awesome...." he whispered to Geoff.

"Yeah. Shit, here comes Mr. Mason...."

Hey, Dude! Part 7

And so it went. Ron got home, got a snack, and plowed into more work than he ever dreamed a guy could have. It gave him a residual headache just thinking about it. He worked until dinner, ate something, and kept jammin' until he finally couldn't see anymore, around ten-thirty. He had made good progress. Geoff called him.

"So, Geoffster, everything cool at your house?"

"Yeah, pretty much, my Mom and Dad aren't talking, but at least they ain't fightin'."

"They say anything?"

"Naw, they knew I spent the night at your place, and that was fine. Nobody cares." Geoff was quiet a second. "Nobody but you, dude.."

"Oh, Geoff... I, I'm glad you knocked me down in the mall... you are just so cool of a kid..."

"....Ron.... I hurt you, I can't stand it..." Geoff was suddenly in tears again.

"Geoffrey, if you don't stop it, I'm gonna kill you, dude.. it wasn't your fault, and right now, I think it's the best thing that ever happened to me... how else would we have met?"

"....I'm sorry, Ronnie, sorry... I got a bloody nose, too, then, you know that? It bled for an hour. They thought it was broken.."

"From what?"

"From running into you with my face. I got blood on my Green Day shirt and like, wrecked it. Then I wanted to go with you in the ambulance but they wouldn't let me 'til my Mom came for me, then they took me home. I was so worried, Ron, you were all white and still..."

"Why were you runnin'?"

"My stupid friend Eric stole this little piece of jewelry from a store and so we ran, I was trying to get him to take it back, but him 'n Ryan were just laughing and wouldn't listen to me. Then I hit you and they like, disappeared on me."

"Little fuckers....."

"Yeah, Eric's crazy, he smokes marijuana and steals beers from his Dad. Ryan's okay, though. He wants to be a lawyer like me."

"You gonna be a lawyer?"

"I think so, I really like it, and all my tests say I read good and I'm real logical and stuff. I kinda like it. Plus you can get rich."

"Yeah. I don't know what I want to be. I guess I'll go to college and find out. It's neat you know already, like, what you want to do.."

"If you were a lawyer we could be in the same office... that would be bitchin'..."

"Dude, Oscar and Frank, Attorneys at Law..? The hot dog lawyers... I don't think so...."

Geoff went into hysterics over the phone. The younger boy laughed for the better part of five minutes, before Ron could get a word in edgewise.

"If yer wiener's in trouble, we'll get it out... hee hee hee heee.."

Oh, God... thought Ron. This is what you get for liking seventh- graders. "Hey Geoff... Geoff... hey, dude.."

"Yeah...?" asked the boy, still snickering and giggling.

"When's your birthday?"

"Four weeks. When's yours?"

"Eight months. What're we gonna do special for your birthday... you'll be a teenager like me.."

"Finally!!" agreed Geoff.

"What shall we do in honor of Geoff being thirteen?"

"I can think of some stuff, but we'd need, like, privacy...."

Ron felt his dick stir in his jeans. God, thank You so, so much.. I really do love this kid, Lord... I'm tellin' the truth...

"No, let's do something like, go somewhere, or a concert maybe... we can do the 'private' stuff anytime."

"Right now?" asked Geoff.

"You mean, over the phone...?"

"Um, no, wait.. the phone?? How would that work?"

"Well, I do something and tell you what I'm doing and you do it and tell me what you're doing, and we like do it together.."

"No way, my Mom'd pick up the phone and I'd be busted big-time!"

"Yeah, you need your own phone, for privacy."

(sigh) "I miss you, Ronnie..." The tone of Geoff's voice melted Ron in his seat. "I miss you too, Geoffster. I wanna spend some more nights with you.."

"Yeah! I'm getting addicted to your hand, dude. Mine's not the same. I done it three times since I got home from school, but I can't make it feel good like you do."

Ron was popped in a flash. He stripped his zipper down and worked his pants open. "You like it when I do ya, huh?"

"Yeah. It feels so good, I like start shakin' and get all dizzy. It's nothing like at camp when I was nine and Elliot tried to do it."

Ron froze, suddenly not breathing. "A guy named Elliot jacked you off, dude?"

"Yeah, this guy named Elliot Dunbar. He was like, twelve or something. He was always tryin' to get kids to do shit with him. I didn't want to, but he kinda forced me..."

A hot, sour bolt of lightning had struck Ron square on the forehead. Geoff was chatting away but Ron's ears were roaring and he couldn't hear him. He was very nearly sick to his stomach.

"Ron....? Ronnie... you there?"

".......Yeah. Hold on a sec..."

"Cool, I though you went to piss or something, so anyway..."

"Geoff, shut up a sec, okay?!?!" Ron was instantly sorry, and he heard Geoff's shocked gasp.

"....Um, sure, cool, ... Ron..... "

"Sorry, I had to think about something."

"Ron. What's wrong? I'm worried now, dude, I'm only a kid, but I wanna help you, you're my best friend..."

"Geoff, I can't explain it, it would take too long. But if you come over for some homework help, I tell you all about it. Deal?"

"... Ron, I'm worried, I'm scared... tell me just a little..." Geoff was whining and it was killing Ronald to hear the pain in the boy's voice.

"Dude, this hurts, okay, but I don't want you to worry... this has to be between us, okay?"

"Duh, like I'm gonna tell someone anything..."

"Okay, God, Geoff, I... shit. Okay. (sigh) A long time ago, me and Elliot were friends.."

".....Friends... like us???"

"Yeah, kinda. But I was younger and I didn't know what kind of dude Elliot was until it was too late. Then he dumped me for this nineteen-year-old chick, and it hurt me, Geoff... it still hurts..."

"....Oh, Ron. Did he force you, too?"

"No, he was twelve and I was fourteen, but he was always gettin' me to do sex stuff with him, and I was too young to know that he was just usin' me, he didn't love me, Geoff, he lied... he lied..... he li...." Ron cried quietly, head down over his desk, tears dripping down onto his notebook.

"God, Ron, that's awful."

"... Not since I met you, Geoffrey... You don't know what you mean to me, dude, you are so cool of a person..... I'll always love you."

"Ron, my Mom's been yellin' at me and hittin' me all my life. I thought everyone's parents did that until I got into seventh. Before I met you, I knew a guy whose cousin killed himself with a gun, and I started thinking about it, you know?"

"Yeah, dude, I know."

"And then when you said we could maybe be friends, even after I put you in a coma for four days, it was like I had something to hope for again. But I didn't think a kid like you would want to be friends with a seventh-grader, so I got all sad again. But I was wrong, and now, Ron, I'm happy. I like it how you listen to me, Ron. I like it we can talk. I like bein' in your room, 'cause it's like, your personality in there. I like your racers.... I wanna take 'em out and race 'em, dude. That make sense?"

"I wanna see your room, Geoffster, I bet it's cool."

"It's messy, that's for sure."

"Geoff, I gotta go, I got school tomorrow, you too. Call me when you get home?"

"I got Hebrew school... hey, dude!"


"You're coming to my Bar Mitzvah... that's an order!"

"Um, yeah, cool.. I'd like that. When is it?"

"Four weeks, the weekend of my birthday. I'll have my suit on, you can laugh at me."

"Okay, Geoff, I'm goin' to bed. Call me tomorrow."

"What'ya gonna do in bed, dude?" asked the boy with a leer.

"Dude, I'm jackin' it. You?"

"I'll try, but it's got a sore on it from all the rubbing.."

"Vaseline, dude, give it a try. Night!"

"Night, Ron." (whisper) "I love you."

"I totally love you, Geoffster, get some sleep. Night!"

Hey, Dude! Part 8

Ron turned in, but any thought of 'doing it' had vanished in the mental stink of Elliot resurfacing in his life again. Ron lay for a long time in the dark, hands folded beneath his head, staring at nothing. Elliot would be at Marshall next year, and Ron was not looking forward to having to see him, even infrequently. Finding out that Elliot was more of a dirtbag than even (rather naive) Ron had figured, was just more stress on the boy's emotions. He longed for the days before 'love' had meant anything to him. How he wished he was Geoff's age! How cool it would be to wake up one morning and be twelve again! Ron smiled to himself, closing his dark, liquid brown eyes. It'd be cool to have all my memories, though... then I could kick some butt.... Ron was sleeping as he imagined that, and woke up the next morning, feeling marginally better.

But Fate seemed determined to keep Elliot in his life. The day had gone normally, and Ron, by working way too hard, had reduced his homework to almost a manageable level. About five-thirty, his phone rang... it was his Geoffster!

"Hey, dude!" said Ron happily.

"Hey, dude, what'cha doin'?"

"Homework, still. I'm gonna be doin' this year's homework when I'm in college, dude, this suuuuucks...!"

"Yeah, I hate it when the teachers give ya tons of it in every class, like they don't think of anybody else.. it's not fair."

"You got it. What are you doin', Geoffrey?"

"Nothin'. I just got back from bein' at Temple, practicing for my Bar Mitzvah. I'm bored!"

"You wanna go to the mall and get something to eat and maybe hang out for a couple' hours?"

"Really? You mean it?"

"Sure, go ask...."

"Cooolll....." Geoff threw the phone down and raced off yelling "Mommmmm! Mothherrr...!"

Thirty seconds later Ron heard him crash back into his room, drop the phone, find it again.... "....Ron, huh, huh, huh (gulp) Ron, you there?"

"Sure am dude."

"I can go, but we gotta be back at nine-thirty."

"I'm comin' right over, get ready.."

"Oh, Ronny, this's sooo coooll... hurry!"

"See ya, Geoff."

Ron went down and explained himself, and was (as expected) granted the use of the car. His folks knew he was trying to help Geoff, so it was no problem. Ron was suddenly struck with the fact that he had a pretty good family. He thanked his Dad for the keys and tried to drive sanely until he got to Geoff's house. Geoff was waiting for him at the curb, dressed in faded (kinda tight!) blue jeans and a Lollapalooza t-shirt with a light blue windbreaker under his backpack. Ron was transfixed for a moment, realizing how handsome a boy he was. The twelve-year-old threw his pack over the back seat and slid in next to Ron, smiling and quivering in his excitement.

Geoff buckled his seatbelt as they drove away. "Hey, dude!" he said.

Ron looked over at him. "You hungry?"

"I'm starvin' Ronny, let's go to MoJo's in the Mall, okay?"

"We're there, Geoffster. I wanna check out some new CDs."

Geoff was actually bouncing up and down in his seat like a little kid, grinning nonstop. "This is so coooolll, Ronny..."

Ron was filled to overflowing with a peaceful kind of gratitude. This was too good to be happening to Ronny Frank, the boy kids love to hate, the guy voted most likely to be forgotten... then they were in the parking lot of the mall, and Geoff was out of the car and racing ahead of him in his haste to get there. "Dude, like, wait up.. Geoff! Geoffrey...! You forgot yer pack, dude!"

Geoff ran back. "Thanks, dude.. let's go.."

They walked into the noisy Mall and headed over to MoJo's, a typical shopping center burger-and-tacos-joint. Both of them ate like hungry teenagers, and Geoff was obviously touched when Ron paid for both their dinners. "Aww, Ron, you don't gotta.."

"If I thought I had to, I wouldn't, dude. Let's go check out some tunes."

They went into the music store. Geoff stayed close to Ron the whole time. Nothing obvious was happening, but Ron certainly noticed that, no matter where he moved, Geoff was within touching range of him all the time. Ron could feel the boy next to him. It was comforting and wonderful at the same time. He showed Geoff lots of new music, and they picked out some to take with them. Then, right before leaving, they rounded a corner and Ron's blood froze solid in his veins. Five feet away from him was Elliot Dunbar, with another guy Ron didn't recognize.

Ron was stunned, but his adolescent facade kicked in. Geoff sucked in his breath as he saw Elliot. Ron lifted his chin in acknowledgement, a neutral smile on his face. Elliot had grown! The boy was now as tall as Ron, and he had filled out, his once flaxen hair darker, his features coarser, with a few zits here and there. The dude he was with was shirtless and tatooed, a bandana around his skull and wisps of goatee on his chin. Elliot looked from Ron to Geoff, from Geoff to Ron, and then smiled the ugliest smile Ron had ever seen.

"Whutup?" he asked, his voice deeper and raspier than Ron remembered.

"Jus' kickin' it, dude." Ron wanted to be far, far away, ASAP.

"Who's yer bud?" Elliot's murky eyes glinted at Geoff. Geoff actually moved half behind Ron, as if for protection.

"This is Geoff, Geoff, Elliot.." The other dude with Elliot inclined his head slightly and said "Carlos."

"...Hi..." whispered Geoff, terrified.

"Hey, man, check you later.." oozed Elliot as they sauntered past Ron and Geoff. As they passed, Elliot turned and gave them another look. Ron's heart sank to his Reeboks and stayed there. He discarded the thought of leaving right then, that would have been obvious.

"I HATE him, motherfucker!" Geoff growled suddenly. Ron was surprised by the boy's vehemence. Geoff usually didn't cuss much.

"I hate him, he hurt you bad.. I hate him!!" Geoff whispered as they watched the two youths fade into the crowd and disappear.

"You okay, Geoffrey..?" asked Ron.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You okay?"

"Yeah. I wish I didn't have to see him anymore. But oh, well.."

"He's in ninth at my school, but he gets in trouble a lot and has to go to the alternative classes. All his friends are criminals."

"You wanna go back to my place for a little while? It's only eight-thirty.."

"Yeah, let's get out of here."

They managed to stay away from the spot where the had 'met' last week, and soon they were at Ron's house. His Mom said 'Hi' to them and seemed glad to see Geoff. Darcie was over at a friend's house. They went up to Ron's room to play one of Geoff's CDs. As soon as the door closed Ron's arms were full of boy. Geoff reached up on tip-toes and Ron bent down to him. "Oh, Ron, I missed you!" Geoff whispered as their lips touched. Ron's hands went to Geoff's waist and the Geoff just opened his mouth wide and practically sucked in his tongue. Ron's eyes flew open and he pulled back in surprise. Geoff looked dismayed. "Did I do it wrong?" he asked. "No, dude, I, I just wasn't expecting you to... I just.., here, let me show you.."

They sat down on Ron's bed and turned to each other. Geoff was shaking slightly. Ron took the boy's warm head in his gentle hands and said "Okay, dude, do what I do..." And then, they were kissing! It took Geoff a few moments to get the hang of it, but soon both boys were lost in each other, discovering love and affection, a small bubble of goodness in an increasingly hostile world. Geoff pulled back, staring into Ron's eyes, his fingers intertwined with Ron's. "Oh, Ron, I got a boner so hard, it hurts... I gotta do something...." Geoff was serious, not being coy. Ron was pretty much in the same state. They didn't have that much time, either, and Mom still had the habit of just walking in on him at odd moments.

"Dude, we gotta be careful, you want me to jack you off?"

"Oh, please Ronny, that'd be so cool, you make me have real good feelin' ones... where can we do it?" Geoff was practically panting. Already Ron's dick was stiff as a board, pressing insistently up under the waistband of his Jockey shorts. Ron got up, stepped over to his door, and listened for a moment. The TV was on downstairs. They were probably watching it together. Ron turned back to Geoff, sitting next to his friend. Geoff's arms went around him. Ron popped open the boy's faded jeans and worked the buttons apart. Geoff was also wearing briefs, and the slim lump of his hard boycock sprung up in them as his pants fell away. The wonderful scent of warm kid wreathed itself around Ron.

"Hold your shorts out dude, I'll do ya.."

Geoff pulled his clothing away from his body, but as Ron started to do it to the boy, Geoff whispered "Hurts my balls, Ron, hurts..."

Ron sighed and grabbed Geoff's' jeans on either side and pulled them down along the boy's thighs, taking the undershorts with him. "Mom had better stay downstairs..." thought Ron grimly.

"Ahh, yeah... freedom!" said Geoff as he leaned back on his elbows. Ron knew what he wanted to do. It was risky, but he loved this kid, and now was as good a time as any... He reclined next to Geoff, holding the aroused boy's warm stiff dick in his hand, rubbing the soft pink nuts with his little finger. Geoff, dude, thanks for kissin' me, I'm gonna show you something new. You know what a blowjob is?"

"Um, yeah, kinda.. the guy puts his dick in the other guy's mouth..?"

"You got it. I want to show you what that feels like... it's really cool, you'll like it."

"Ron! You mean me put my dick in your mouth? Isn't that gross?"

"No, it's just skin, dude. Wait till you feel what it feels like. You'll never want it to stop."

"But, what if I, Ronny, I could squirt my juice in your mouth!"

"Yeah. I'd kinda like that, Geoff. You will, too, that's like the best feelin' part of it. Okay?"

"Um, yeah... yeah! I trust you Ronny, you wouldn't hurt me... I want you to show it to me...."

That was all Ron wanted. He lay beside the trembling boy, rubbing his palm along the soft curves of the hairless balls, getting a good look at the arc of dark fuzz around the root of Geoff's stiff five inches, and then he leaned over and took the kidshaft in his mouth. Geoff groaned and bucked up to him. Ron continued to rub the boy's nuts, laid with his left ear down onto the warm pale abdomen, and then went right to work with his tongue under the delicate sculpted head of Geoff's bone. "Ohhhh, God, Ron.... stupendous!!!" moaned the boy. Ron could feel his lover's arousal in the stiffness of the cock between his lips, and the twitches and tremors running through the boy's body. Geoff was silent, breathing deeply for a while, and then it happened.

"...R....R....Ronnnnn..... oo'oo'oo...Ronnnnnyyy...HUH! HUH! HUH!"

Hot salty/sweet come spurted into Ron's mouth as Geoff shuddered and bucked up and down. Ron was laying next to Geoff, pressing his crotch up against the boy's knee, and suddenly Ron was coming too, hunching his teendick on Geoff's leg and trying not to bite Geoff or scream out loud. The kid under him twisted and moaned and squeaked, holding Ron's head to keep him motionless as the intense orgasm peaked and slowly faded, leaving Geoff panting and satisfied. Ron was aware of the major mess in his pants, but damn! it had felt good! It wasn't the first time he'd shot it in his shorts, so he'd just volunteer to do laundry this weekend, simple! He scooted up to Geoff. Geoff opened his eyes, looked at the ceiling, looked over at Ron, and started to cry!

Hey, Dude! part 9

Ron was nonplused. Why was Geoffrey crying? And the kid wasn't just whimpering, either... the boy was whining and blubbering and trying to talk, all at once. Ron could only hold the youngster until he calmed down a little bit. Geoff's pants were still down around his knees, and Ron had horrible visions of Mom or Dad walking in on them like this.

"C'mon, dude, gotta get ya dressed...."

One of Geoff's hands flopped down to his jeans, but that was it. Ron sat the sobbing boy up and got his shorts back on, and his pants mostly up. Then Geoff grabbed him and hugged him so tight he couldn't move.

"Geoffrey, Geoffrey, what is it, dude? Let me help you... huh?"

"Oh, Ron! I need you so bad! I just realized nobody loves me but youuuuuu....." Geoff buried his face in Ron's shoulder and began to groan and make little mewling sounds that tore Ron's tender heart into bits. "Oh, Geoff, I'll always love you, and other people love you too, dude, your parents love you, they just.."

"THEY DO NOT!!!!" Geoff raised his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "You don't know, Ron, they wish I was dead so they can have their fun without a kid in the way. My Mom... my Mom, said... my Mom said that to meee......."

"Awww, Geoffster, I..." Ron didn't know what to say. He just held the kid close until he was done crying. Geoff's eyes were wet and bleary, and his nose was running. "...Ron...?"

"Yeah, dude?"

"Are we... are we fags? I gotta know..."

"Geoff, not now, not now, I can't......"

"Ron, I gotta know, right now, it's important, pleeeease.."

"Okay, get dressed first, okay?"

"You wanna, you want me to...?"

Ron didn't reply, he just showed Geoff the expanding wet spot near the top of his zipper. "Couldn't help it, your leg did it for me.." Ron got up as Geoff finished buttoning his fly, and went to his closet. He got new underwear, and pants sort of the same color as the wet ones. He stepped out of his sneakers and undressed while Geoff watched him. "Wow, I like all your hair.." whispered Geoff as Ron pulled on his clean clothes. "Thanks, Geoffrey. I really like how you look. It makes me feel lucky to be friends with you.."

He sat down on his chair facing his friend. He was scared, but this had to be done. He got both of the trusting boy's hands in his.

"Would it matter to you if I was gay?"

Geoff made a derisive little noise. "'Course not, it'd still be you, you're my best friend!"

"Well, I am, Geoffrey, I'm a 'fag' and there's nothing I can do about it, and I never knew until this summer.... it's kinda weird."

"Your Mom and Dad know?"

"Naw, I can't say anything yet... I guess I'll tell 'em when the time comes, but right now.... It's so strange, Geoffster, I just thought I'd start dating like all my friends, but after Elliot hurt me so bad I started thinking, and I realized what was happening."

"Motherfucker! I HATE him! He hurt you!"

"Yeah, he did, really badly! But I was stupid, I shoulda seen it coming. Geoff, why do you have to know if you think you're gay, right now?"

Geoff stared at him. Ron could see the boy thinking. It was so awesome to Ron, because Geoff was the most intelligent person he had ever met, and Geoff usually thought things out much better than Ronny did. "When I was in fifth, I had a teacher, Mr. Atwell..."

"Yeah! I had him! He taught us math and science studies!"

"Yeah, him. Well, I wanted to be friends with him real, real bad, and I kinda got crazy, I was going after class to talk to him and sending him little cards I made... finally my Mother and the principal had a big conference and I had to go to a doctor and take a lot of tests, and then I wasn't in Mr. Atwell's class anymore for the rest of the year. So then in sixth, my cousin came out to stay with us for two months, he was like fifteen then, and I felt the same way about him, only I was scared 'cause of what happened to me in fifth. He told me what jacking off was, but I did it and nothing happened, so I got bored and stopped. But I wanted to be just like him, and I followed him around, and he got all mad at me and I got grounded till he left. Then I was really sad for days, but I didn't know why. And, Ron, like something in me's been sad and I've been really lonely, until...."

Geoff gave Ron a look that told the older boy his prayers had been answered. "Nothing in my life is as important to me as you, Geoff. I swear it. I swear to God."

Geoff hugged Ron and snuggled. "So, I gotta know, Ron. Are we fags? I won't mind as long as I have you for my friend, but I have to know."

"Geoff, we're gay, not 'fags' 'Fag' isn't a nice word, people use it when they want to hurt us. But, yeah, I'm gay. You gotta figure it out for yourself, though."

"You won't... you won't help me, Ron?" Geoff looked pained again.

"No, no dude, of course I'll help you. But some guys think they're gay because they do stuff with their friends some, but then later they get girlfriends and do stuff with them."

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Nope. You?"

"Hell, no! Girls suck!"

(Ron chuckled) "Yeah, probably, but, so do I..."

"Yeah... It felt radical. But, Ronny, I really, really think I'm gay, too, 'cause I feel the same toward you that I felt toward Mr. Atwell and my cousin Greg, but it's totally different, 'cause you feel the same way, it's awesome, I can't get used to it, I... God I love you, Ron! That's why I was cryin' so hard! I used to be so lonely, and now there's you!"

Ron glanced over at the clock. Nine-fifteen. "C'mon, dude, I'll walk with ya home.. cool?"

Hey Dude!

part 10

They walked out into the cool evening, two kids in coats and long pants, from a distance big and little brothers, maybe. One would have reinforced that opinion by observing the incredible patience the older boy showed to the younger, by the casual huglets, by the obvious affection the kids had for each other. And they were, after all, brothers in a sense....

"I'm really gay, Ronny, I'm really gay..." Geoff continued the discussion once they were safely outside and away from prying ears. "I'm almost thirteen and I'm not stupid... I kinda figured it out last year, but now it's important to me. I.. I didn't bug ya, did I....?"

"Naw, I'm just scared some, Geoffster... a part of me got burned by you-know-who, and you're so wonderful it's like a dream, and I..."

Geoff waited for a moment. "You what?"

Ron jammed his hands in his coat pockets and stared ahead into the night, walking slowly next to all his dreams. "I want us to be friends for a long time, Geoffrey. Like after we're grownups. It's not fair to you, and if you go across the country to college, I'll fucking die without you, so it's not fair to me." Ron sighed. "You see?"

Geoff stopped and they sat on a bus bench for a second. "You're right, Ronny, I understand. But you might go to college, and I'll only be fifteen then, and I'll miss you too... shit. What're we gonna do?"

"We have time, maybe we can figure something out. But I love you, Geoff, that's important." Geoff was silent as a couple out walking their dog passed by.

"I think I'd change schools to be near you, Ron."

"No, I'd come to live where you were. I'll be twenty-one and I can do what I want then."

"Oh, Ron... you mean that?"

"What do you think, dude?"



"..... 'M gonna cry."

"Don't cry, Geoffster, we cry too much, I didn't bawl this much when Elliot..."

"Don't mention his name anymore, Ron, okay? He can go to hell."

"Yeah. Well, you gotta get home."

"Yeah. Um, Ron?"


"Is he the only other dude you did it with?"

"No, one other guy, but we just beat each other off, nothing fancy."

"Who was it?"

"You know my friend, Josh Libowitz... or maybe his brother Sam?"

"Oh, yeah, I know him! Sam's in sixth this year, he goes to my Hebrew School..."

"Josh gets these porn videos from somewhere, and when we were in eighth grade we'd watch 'em and jack off a lot. But we weren't, like, you know... we didn't have feelings for each other, it just felt good."

"You liked the pornos?"

"No, I liked Josh gettin' all turned on next to me."

"Yeah. I understand. Ron?"


"I don't know if we.... I been thinkin', about you blowjobbing me, I kinda..."

Ron's heart filled with mud and sank into his stomach. Now what? He shook his head. "I gave you a blowjob, I didn't 'blowjob' you."

"Oh, yeah. But I'm scared, Ron."

"What's there to be scared of? You liked it didn't you?"

"Um, sure, yeah, but in s-school they told, they said you, Ron, they said that a guy could give someone...."

"Oh, Jesus, Geoff... I see what yer bugged about. Okay. This is the truth. If you still are scared, we ain't gonna be doin' it much other than by hand, if you want to...okay?"

Geoff's eyes were big with worry. He was trembling next to Ron. Ron put an arm around the thin shoulders. "After me 'n Elly broke up, I got to thinkin' the same thing, and I got really, really scared, 'cause he was doin' stuff with other dudes, and not telling me... I didn't know to ask, I was sooo stuuupid...! But I finally couldn't stand it any more, so I went into my counselor, but they wouldn't help me, they said I had to get a form signed by my parents....yeah, right! So I was bummed for days, until I saw an ad for one of those teen hotline eight-hundred numbers, and I called them, and they referred my to a place who tested me, tested my blood."

"Oh, Ron... I'm so s-s-scared..." The boy leaned into him. Ron rubbed his arm. "It's cool, dude... It was an, um anymom, uh.."


"Yeah... anonymous... no one knew. So I like died every day for two weeks until the dude called me on my phone and said stage one was negative, then they called later and said I was clean, no problem, Elliot just broke my soul, he didn't kill me, too. So, like, I got more chance of catchin' something from you, because like, since then, you're the only person I've done anything with."

"Ron, Elliot tried to jack me off once three years ago, but like I said, I was too little. My cousin just talked, he didn't do anything but watch me rubbing my dick. He let me watch him once, and that's where I learned what sperm-juice looks like. And then you did it for me, and Ron, I just, it was the best... okay? It was so right for us to, like... for us to be doing that with each other... you know? This make sense?"

"You satisfied I ain't got no STDs? I still have the paper they sent me, hidden in my room. I'll show it to you.."

"Ron, I trust you, I trust you.... Shit! It's nine-thirty-five!"

"It's cool, I'm with you.." Ron said as they rose and continued on to Geoff's house. "Dude! Wanna see my room?" the boy asked excitedly.

"Sure, if it's cool with your folks!"

They were in front of Geoff's house. Ron looked at the yellow light coming from the windows. "My boyfriend lives here." he thought to himself. "Geoff's been in there all this time and I just didn't know it..." The aforementioned boyfriend ran in yelling 'Mommm! Daddd! I'm hommme!" Then there was silence for a few minutes while Ron waited on the front porch, peering inside the half-opened doorway. The smell of Geoff's house was strong and different from his house. It smelled woody and warmish and...."

"You can't come in, I gotta go.." said Geoff glumly, suddenly appearing in the door.

"It's cool, Geoff, we got time..."

"Okay." the boy sighed. "I'll call you later."

"Geoffrey, what if I just come in and beat the shit out of your Dad?"

Geoff raised smoldering eyes to Ron's. "I'm gonna first, when I'm bigger. I gotta go. (quiet whisper) iloveyouronny."

Ron kissed his fingertips and blew it toward his love. It made Geoff smile as he closed the door. Ron stayed for a few minutes, ready to run in and fight on Geoff's behalf, but there was no noise save a faint television from the other side. Ron turned back to his place, then a whisper hissed above him, scaring him slightly.

"Ron, I'll call you tonight, cool?"

"Cool, Geoffster, I'll be waitin'." he said quietly. Geoff was leaning half out of his bedroom window, elbows on the sill. Ron noticed how easy it would be to get a ladder and get the kid down, should the need arise. He waved, and the little stinker blew his kiss back to him and mouthed "I love you Ron" again. Ron grinned all the way home.

Hey Dude!

part 11

Ron glowed happily all the way back to his house. It was crisp and clean out, and the teenager was suddenly struck with the thought that life was pretty good right this second. He imprinted the street, the smell of fireplaces, the streetlights, the houses... he would always remember this particular scene, and it would unerringly return him to the days when he was sixteen and his boyfriend, twelve.

He got in and sat on the arm of the couch watching "Picket Fences". Zack had been his fantasy kid for a while, but now... Ron yawned, said goodnight to his family, and trudged upstairs. His phone rang as he closed his door. He picked it up with a thrill of anticipation.


"Hi, Ron. Can you... can you talk for a second?" It was Josh, not his cute little Geoff. Ron was disappointed, and at first he didn't hear the serious tone in his friend's voice. Josh was usually loud and obnoxious, but now he sounded quiet and down.

"Josh, dude, everything all right?"

"Yeah. Ron, can I ask you something private, but you just gotta say the truth?"

".....Yeah, Josh.... what's up?"

"You know how we always talk about chicks and stuff like that?"

"Yeah, sure. Most of it's bullshit, I know, but everybody does it."

"Yeah. Ron, did you..... did you ever get laid, for real, like, I mean, really in her and coming and all...?"

"Um, no Josh, I guess I'm still a virgin, but what's the big deal? I'm only sixteen, it'll happen, I guess..."

Josh sighed hugely and was quiet. Ron could hear Sam complaining about something to Josh's parents. "Well, dude, I'm sixteen, and I got laid, like all the way, for real, last weekend." Then he was quiet again.

Had they been at school, Ron would have made a big show of congratulating the boy, yelling, hooting, and all the other adolescent rut-rituals. But Josh's voice told him that something was wrong. Josh was so seldom 'himself' with Ron that it usually meant grave things when Josh was serious. "I'm right here, Joshua. You know that. I'll come over there if you want me to. We've known each other since third grade, and you can talk to me about anything." Ron was sort of amazed with himself as he said these things to his buddy. But he knew that Josh was in trouble, and Ron tried to help.

"Oh, God, thanks, Ron, dude." Josh was even quieter. Ron secretly hoped Josh wasn't going to start bawling over the phone. Ron had had enough tears for one week! But Josh just started talking, and Ron listened.

"Okay. Dude, I went to like, this party, okay? over at Monica Selman's, and there were some girls there I knew. And we were drinking some beers, maybe two or three. I didn't want to get drunk. So, anyway, I was talking to this one girl, about a lot of stuff, we were really, like you know, 'talking' talking, and she was fascinating to me, and we went out in the garage 'cause the music was too loud. So we talked and it was kinda cold and so was she, so I let her under my coat for warmth, and then we just got going, I guess... we were kissing and talking and I got popped bigtime and she wanted to feel me, so I said okay, because, it was like curiosity, not bad sex, you know Ron?"

"Yeah, dude, I know exactly. She sounds like a neat lady, Josh."

"She is, man, so like, then, we were talking about our fantasies and what our experiences were, and she let me kiss her, her.... I got to kiss her tits, Ron, and she jacked me off and I shot my wad all on the side of Monica's Dad's Mercedes..." Josh snickered for a moment. "It felt so good, and I said 'Oh, thank you' when I was comin'. So I thought, cool, I got a little, but she started takin' off her clothes and me too, and then we were actually naked and I didn't care, so we hugged and kissed and stuff and she just wiggled around up under me and put all of me in her and I had to fuck, Ron, I couldn't stop, I fucked her up against the car and came my brains out inside her, Ron, dude, I was burnin to come, I was doin' it automatically. It was over with in a minute or two, and now I'm, Ron... I should be happy but I'm miserable, and I want to call her but I can't, but she said I could after we, when we were... done. She said she liked it and told me to call her, but I feel awful, Ron, I don't get it.... It wasn't anything like in the videos at all, it smelled funny, and I couldn't do a bunch of positions, I came way too early, Ron..." Josh sighed again.

"Dude, like, no rubber?"

"I know man, she said she was on the pill, and that her last boyfriend had a test and was safe, and Ron, I wasn't, like, thinking about it right then, I just had to do it."

"I think you feel bad 'cause you didn't, like, get to love her first, you only just met her, and you guys did it. I bet you been dreamin' of this since we were twelve, and then it's nothing like you figured."

"Oh, man, Ronny, you're right..."

"And you're bugged 'cause you couldn't fuck her for twenty minutes straight until she was beggin' ya for it, like in the pornos."

"Yeah. I guess I had way too many expectations."

"Josh, are you, like guilty because you did it with someone you hardly know?"


"Maybe it's best. You know, maybe it's better than with someone you have all these memories with, you know? Like, if you don't want to, you never have to see her again. But if it was, like, Marcella, she'd be in all your classes... and this girl asked you to call her, right?"

"Yeah. You think I should?"

"Was she interesting to talk to?"

"Yeah, man, Ron, I never knew a girl I could actually talk to like I can talk to you, like, I, I been thinkin' about that a lot."

"Josh-ster, it's ten-fifteen. Call her now, tell her what you told me. Tell her you feel bad, see if she is your friend or not. You've got nothing to lose... even yer cherry's gone."

"Ron, you know how we've been friends for ever? I never told you how much you've helped me, but I always meant to, 'cause you're one of the few people I know who listens to me. Lotsa kids at school say that about you, you know?"

"Huh? Josh... I don't understand."

"You, like, help people, Ron. They can come to you for help and you make them happier. Even people who don't like you in public, you'll help them if you can. You're really good at it Ron. I think you'd make a good psychologist or doctor or something. You really do help people when they feel bad. I gotta go call Sherry, I hope she ain't mad at me, Ron?"

"Yeah, Josh?"

"I can't thank you real well, Ron, I can't say how I feel, but this was so important to me, and now I don't feel bad. Ronnie, thanks, man."

"Cool, Joshua. Later days!"

"Later, dude." (clicclick, hmmmmmmmmm)

The boy sat in a fog on his bed. An entire world of possibilities was suddenly open before him. Josh had triggered the avalanche. Ronald Frank knew right then, without doubt, what he wanted to do with his life and his hands and his mind. Ronny was going to surprise the hell out of his family and become a doctor, probably a shrink, like Josh had suggested. It was all true, he'd been solving kids' private problems since he was eleven: might as well stick with what ya know, dude!

The phone rang again. He picked it up and said "Yup?"

"....Hi, it's me, can you talk?" It was Geoff, whispering. Ron melted.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Are you really happy or something?"

Ron stared at the phone in disbelief. "Um, yeah, dude, like....."

"I was gonna beat th' meat, and I was thinking of you, and all of a sudden I knew you were happy about something, so I called to see."

"Geoff, this is amazing! I, it's a long story, but I just now figured out what I want to do for a living! I mean like just this second!!"

"Are you gonna be a psychiatrist or a psychologist? 'Cause if you are, you'd be a really good one, Ronny."

"........Geoff, are you bugging my room, because if you are..."

"No, I can just do this sometimes, mostly with my family, like my Grandmother always knows when I'm sick, and I know when she's thinking about me, stuff like that. It runs in my family."

"Hey, dude?"

"Hey, dude!"

"I fuckin' just love you, Geoff, you know that?"

"I'm completely, one-hundred-percent love you, Ron, you've made my life so great, I'm like a totally new kid now..."

"Geoff, you still got a hard-on?"

"No, but I can get one really quick, why?"

"Think of us doin' it, Geoff... think of what it feels like for me to suck you off.... to make you feel 'stupendous'..."

".... Um.... yeah.... oh, yeah, hard now, Ron.. I gotta big boner!"

"Okay, Geoff, jack off and listen to me, okay?"

"... Yeah..... I'm, I'm doin, it, n-ow... "

"Okay, Geoffster, imagine us, naked, together, in my room, there's no one home, just us, and we're frenchin' each other like crazy, and you're getting so horny, you need to get that good feeling, and then I kiss your neck, and then your chest, and then your stomach, and your dick-shaft, and then I take your balls, one at a time, in my warm, soft, wet mouth and I..." Ron was suddenly aware of Geoff's whispered pleasure.

".... nnnuh! nnnnn! (gulp!) hhh! nnnnnn, nnn.... awww-ahhhhhhhh..."

Ron stopped, listening to Geoff panting like he always did. He heard the rustle of the boy moving on his bed. Geoff sighed and giggled.

"I shot my sperms four times, Ron, it was excellent! That really felt good!"

"I'm glad you liked it, dude. It was for you 'cause I love you!"

"Oh, Ron, I'm a lot in love, it's so weird... would you, would you actually...."

"Would I actually what?"

"Would you really do that to my balls sometime? I'd go crazy if you did that!"

"Dude: next time we're alone, I'm gonna suck your nuts till you scream out loud. You can count on it."

"I almost yelled when my sperms were shooting out, Ron, it felt so awesomely gooood... I still got a boner mostly."

"Geoff, I gotta get to sleep, I'l talk to you tomorrow."

"You want me to tell you about us doin' it while you jack off?"

"Naw, I gotta think about what you felt I was happy about, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. (Eww! it's wet now!) I'm gonna call you in the morning so you can tell me a story when I'm jackin' my dick off before school."

"And I will kill you for that, I'm never awake then..."

"I know, I know. I can't wait to see you some more, Ronny, I love you, I love you, I love you so much.."

"Me too, Geoff, you know how I feel about you, nothing will change that. I gotta go night-night now..."

"Yeah. I'll call you tomorrow, night-night.."

Ron walked into his bathroom and disrobed in front of the mirror where he and Geoff had stood as he made the boy come. Ron wrapped his fist around just the head of his rock-hard cock and began to go slowly, hoping to get the timing right, but the thought of Josh's skinny hips thrusting away into a girl, and the fresh memory of his lovely Geoff making all those neat kid-having-cool-orgasm noises was way more than the tired boy could deal with and he suddenly was spurting and groaning as wonderful relief washed over him. He woke up the next morning in bed, and guess what he found on the mirror that morning?"

Hey Dude! part 12

Ron wiped the disgusting cold slime off his mirror in the morning, half grossed-out by it and half turned on by how it got there. He shaved the encroaching traces of manhood off his upper lip and got ready for school. He felt that today was going to be cool and smooth. Boy was he wrong!

Ron would often remember this day, when his life blew up and the pieces all fell back together better than before the explosion. School itself went unremarkably... he had completed more than seventy-five percent of his backwork, and the end was in sight. He saw Josh at lunch. They found a little privacy off to one side of the lunch quad.

"Ronny, I called Sherry after I hung up with you, and we talked until four-thirty this morning... and I'm not tired! You were right, dude, she was scared I was mad at her, and I was scared she was mad at me, and now we're goin' out Friday or Saturday, and Ron we have so much in common, I just can't stop thinkin' about her, and it's.... it's... Ron....?" Josh looked up from his sandwich, his eyes intense and wet.

"I know, Josh. Ya love her, dude, and it's totally awesome."

"Ron.... yeah." Josh took a huge breath. "Yeah. And I owe it to you!"

"Naw, I just helped you see some things, Josh. I know how you feel."

"Ronny, I'm never gonna forget you, ever. I mean it."

The bell rang. "It's cool you're happy Josh. That's what I like."

They saw each other in passing, and then when Mrs. Libowitz came to pick Josh up. Sam was in the car, in the back seat, and Ron said 'Hi!' to him too. Sam looked just like Josh did back when they were in junior high, and recently Ron had had more than one fantasy about the boy. But now Sam just reminded him of his Geoff, his cute Geoff, his for-real boyfriend Geoffrey. He hurried home in case Geoff called him.

There was, in fact a message on his machine. He pushed the 'PBK' key.

"Um, Ron? It's me, Geoffrey... are you there? I wanna talk to you... Ron are you there......? No?.... Okay (sigh) call me back, no one's home till after six. Thanks...."

Something was wrong with Geoff again. Ron's guts tightened in fear as he quickly dialed his friend. The phone hardly rang. Geoff said "That you?"

"Yup, dude, you okay?"


"Oh, Geoff... what's up, dude?"

"Um, Ron, you know how I told you Elliot Dunbar's in my school?"


"Well, today, they... some of his friends and him, they were... they got around me and some guys I know and they...."

"Geoff! Stop stuttering! Just tell me what they did!"

"(gulp) Sorry, Ron. They said bad stuff about you and like, they knew, Ron! They knew what we did... they asked if I screamed when you blowed me, and if my ass hurt after I went over there.. and I don't even get that Ron... but they were laughin' and now my friends won't talk to me and every time we're in the halls in between classes the older kids call me 'Oscar Fag' and 'Gaylord'... and Ronny... Ron..."

"Geoff.. don't cry... Don't you even cry. I'll take care of this."

"(snif, sniffff) Ron, I'm doomed there, and I'm only in seventh, what'm I gonna do? If my Mom finds out she'll kill me... someone at her work has a son your age who, like, admitted to it, and when my Mom found out about it she said if it were me she'd disown me and make me go live with my Grandparents... oh, God, Ronnneeee, what'm I gonna do...?"

His beloved Geoffrey broke down anyway, and Ron was suddenly, frighteningly, angry. He even thought of taking his hunting knife over to Elliot's... "Geoff, I'll call you back." he said through his teeth. He didn't wait for a response. No car was available, either, so he ran, hardly noticing it, until he turned a familiar corner. He stopped in front of Elliot's house. Faint strains of Metallica floated out from somewhere. Ron strode into the open garage and banged on the door. The music dropped a little in volume and then the door opened and there stood Elliot, in a t-shirt and shorts. A billow of marijuana smoke followed him out the door. The boy gave Ron a little smirk. "How's your little kid-buddy, huh dude? I heard you guys are..."

Ron had Elliot by the collar of his shirt and up against the wall of the garage before he could continue. "Fuck you, Dunbar!!" he snarled and then drove his fist deeply into the ninth-grader's stomach. It was absolutely the first time Ron had ever hit anyone since childhood. Elliot's eyes went wide and the breath whooshed out of him. Ron kept him pressed up off his feet with his left forearm under Elliot's chin as he drew back and slugged him again. "That's for hurting a nice kid who never did anything to you, motherfucker!" Again the fist slammed into the squawking boy, driven by years of pain and repression. Each time he hit him, Elliot gave made another "HWRRAAAAK!" noise. Ron let him slip gasping to the greasy garage floor. He considered kicking him around the place but Elliot gasped "Ron... dude... okay, I give... I give, swear to God..." and then threw up nastily into the spot of oil under him. Ron waited for him to quit gagging and then hauled the boy upright again.

"Dunbar, I'll never forget what you did to me, and I'll never forgive what you've done to Geoff. The next time anyone, I mean anybody says shit to Geoffrey, I'm comin' over here and fuck you up, I don't give a fuck how many dudes you get to protect you. You got that??"




"Look at me, motherfucker!"

"Yeah, yeah..."

"You need any more proof to tell you I'm fuckin' serious...??"

"No, Ron, no, please, I apologize, man, we were just fuckin' around.."

"Dude, no more warnings. Geoff is more important to me than anything I know, and if you hurt him again I'm fuckin' killing you man, you fuckin' asshole, and I could give a shit what happens afterward... you got that?"

"Yeah. I swear, no more."

Ron released him and was gratified when Elliot collapsed and rolled onto his back in the grease and puke. "You got his phone number?"

"No, I swear it, Ron, please.."

"Okay, here it is... you fucking call him and apologize or I'm comin' back over here tonight and finish this..." Ron gave him the number, and then turned and walked back home, feeling pretty good about himself.

Fifteen minutes later, Geoff called him, in shock.

"Ron, that dude, you know, Elliot? He, he just called me and like, apologized all over the place, he said it was a mistake and they meant some other kid, and like, would I forgive him and stuff..."

"Did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Forgive him?"

"Well, yeah, sure, I just lied and told him I wasn't gay and that was really mean and could get a kid into lots of trouble, and he said don't worry it won't happen again and hung up... Ron, what'd you do??????"

"Oh, I just went over there and negotiated a little."

Geoff laughed. Ron was totally addicted to his friend's laughter, Geoff had a bubbly infectious laugh.. he laughed from his gut, and always fell against Ron when they were happy together. It was sweet and pure and it healed Ron to be laughing with his Geoff. "Ron, is he bleedin'?"

"Um, no, maybe internally..."

Geoff went into a paroxysm of merriment. "Oh! Dude! Ronny! I forgot!!" he said when he had calmed enough to speak. "My parents are going out of town to see my Dad's aunt who's sick in the hospital, and they're tryin' to find a sitter for me. I told 'em maybe I could spend the weekend with you guys.... cool, huh?"

Ron's knees went soft under him, as the adrenaline surged once again. "Oh, dude... really? You really think you can?"

"I dunno, Ronny, our Moms gotta talk first."

"After dinner I'll ask my Mom to call yours... okay? I'd be totally stoked if you could come over here for a whole weekend!"

"Yeah, Ronny... you could do it, umm, to my balls, like we said.."

Ron stopped, speechless. "...Um, Geoff, you... you like that idea?"

"I jacked off this morning and once in school and all I could think about was us in love and you doin' things to my wiener and my nuts."

"You did it in school Geoff??"

"Um, yeah I had to, this kid in P.E. was popped in his track shorts and he looked kinda like you, sorta, and I went crazy, dude, I had to shoot my sperms, or I woulda had a boner all day, so in English I went into the bathroom in a stall and did it. I did four squirts, it was intense! Then my boner went down and I felt better. I was thinkin' about us kissing, Ron, and me and you, and how we feel."

"What.... what did you think about, I mean, about us.."

"Ron, you gonna do it?"


"I remembered you kissin' me for the first time, and how I was scared it was gross and then I got all dizzy and cool feelin' and my dick went hard as a rock and then the time you did that blowjob for me, and it was, like, a new level or something, 'cause I never knew anything could feel that good, and while you were doin' amazing things to my dick with your mouth I was thinkin' about you sayin' we love each other and I just kinda blew up down there and you were so gentle with me Ron..."

"... huh!, huh,huh.... oh! G-Geoff.... H'AH!!......" Ron's entire body jerked and throbbed with the intensity of his teenage orgasm. The brown-haired youth had laid back onto his bed as Geoff had begun, and the powerful jets of hot kidcream roped out on his belly, filling his navel and lubricating his speeding fist. It was quite a few seconds before the stunned boy could gather himself up enough to speak.

"Hey, dude..?"

"Hey, dude."

"That was fuckin' bitchin', Geoffrey. I came like crazy, I can't believe how good you made me feel."

"Yeah, now I gotta do it, too... I'm like, mega-popped. Oh, Ronny! I wish you were here... ooops! My Mom's home, shit! I gotta go, I'll call later, Ron, bye....." (clickclickhummmm)

Hey Dude! part 13

Ron briefly considered beating off a second time, but it was getting close to dinner and he didn't want to press his luck. He had to have Geoff over for the weekend, or else, volunteer to go over there for the time... wouldn't that be hot? No parents, no school, all that time to be together with Geoffrey, so much in love, so cute...

"Ronny! Time for dinner, honeyy!" called Mom up the stairs.

"Yeah, Ronnyy honneeyyyy, dinner time!" taunted Darcie. She was really getting to be a pain in the ass since Geoff had been there. Had Ron been a little older he would have recognized immediately what her agenda really was. The middle finger of her right hand might as well have had "Geoffrey Oscar" tatooed on it. Ron wasn't the only kid in his house in love with a certain twelve-year-old.

Dinner went quick and uneventfully. Ron asked to talk to Dad after dinner, and they went into the study. Ron explained that Geoff might need a bunk for the weekend, and wouldn't it be a cool thing if we...

Ron was pleased when his parents consulted for a second and then found no problem with the idea. "Dad, could you... could you, like, call Mr. Frank? I could stay over there with him, too, maybe..." Ron tried not to drool when he said that, but Dad said "No, I think it would be better if you guys were over here... if something happened I'd be responsible anyway.. you see that, Ronny?"

"Yeah Dad, that's a good idea." (As long as you stay out of my room no matter what, Dad...)

"What's the Oscar's number?"

Ron gave it to him and then held his breath. The two boys' fathers began to talk, while Ron perched nervously on the edge of the desk, tuned in completely to the flow of the conversation. It was as if Dad had forgotten what he had called about! They seemed to be talking more about each other, and some about Ron's Mom. C'mon, dude, ask them!! I need my Geoffrey!!! Ask! Ask! Then Dad put his hand over the receiver. "Ron, you still need something?"

Ron looked at his father as if he was braindead. "Um, well, yeah, Dad, can Geoff come over here Friday and stay here with us?"

"Oh..." His Dad had forgotten! Weird! Then as the question was raised between the two adults, Ron simply held his breath. It took thirty-two seconds. "Ok, fine, Greg.. no, no problem at all.... of course not.. no, we'll get him to school Monday and you can pick him up Monday evening or Ronny'll take him home... fine.. just a minute... "

"Okay, son, Geoff's staying here until Monday evening.. you go get your room ready, I want to talk to Geoff's father some more...now scoot!"

Ron was absolutely the happiest sixteen-year-old boy on the planet. It was all he could do to contain himself and appear casual to the family as he walked out to go upstairs. He passed Darcie in the living room in front of the TV. He leaned over her. "Your husband is coming over here Friday and not leaving till Monday... maybe you guys can go to Vegas and get married there...." Darcie went a strange shade of pink-gray and snapped "No way, Ronny.. that's not true!"

"Sure is, his folks are leavin' for the weekend, and we're keepin' him here. Just thought you'd like to know..." Ron trailed off as he climbed the stairs. Darcie folded her arms over her chest and pouted at the television.

Ron went upstairs and sat on his bed, overcome. He looked up at his ceiling. "Oh, Jesus, God, thank you! Thank you so much!" he whispered. Big clear tears gathered in his gentle brown eyes and he wiped them away on the back of his hand. "Too cool!" he said to himself. "I can't wait to tell my Geoffster."

But that took, strangely, another forty minutes. In the meantime, Josh called him again, to tell him more stuff about Sherry, his new love, and what they had talked about and how wonderful she was, and what she liked, and where they were going to go Saturday night, and on and on and... Ron realized that Love couldn't change everything about Josh overnight. Then Josh had to call Sherry again and just as he hung the phone up it rang again. Was it Geoff? No! It was... Elliot!!

"Hey, Ron, can I talk to you?"

"Sure, I guess.." Ron was too surprised to think.

"I ain't no good at this, man, but I fucked up and I'm sorry. You had a right to do what you did, but I feel bad 'cause I made you do it. After you left I called that kid and you're right, he's a really nice dude. It made me think about us, back then... (sigh) you know, man."

"I know, Elly." Ron unconsciously used their 'pet' name.

"I just want you to know I'm sorry, Ron. I don't know why I was pickin' on him. It won't happen again, I swear it. Friends, man...?"

Ron could hear the quaver in the boy's coarse voice. Now was his chance to hurt back, now Elliot was as vulnerable as he had been, now he could thrash him...

"Yeah, of course, Elliot, no hard feelins'. Friends, dude."

"Puh!" exclaimed Elliot over the phone. He was apparently struggling to keep from getting emotional. "Uh, c-cool, I, (squeak!) ..... thanks, Ron, I gotta go now, Ron, Ron, I .... bye."

Ronny put down the phone. He was getting dizzy. Shit was coming at him like ninjas in a bad karate movie. Even if it was good stuff, he needed some time to sort it out... the phone rang again... better be Geoff, dammit!

"Ronny! Ronny! Guess what, duuuuude!!!"

"Hey, dude, you met the girl of your dreams and she's having your baby and you named it 'Ron'?

Geoff stopped dead, completely confused. "...Huh, Ron? I ain't got no girlfriend, dude... I mean, you and me... I .... Ohhhh... Ronnn! Eat shit, dude...." Geoff had finally realized Ron was joking. "No, wait, Ron, wait till you hear this, duuude, it's Way Cool Excellent, Ron..."

"Let me guess, Geoffster... you're stayin' over here this weekend?"

"That's only part of it, Ron... you can't believe what happened, your Dad and mine had this long talk, and I couldn't hear all of it, but my Dad was crying, Ron! While he was talkin' to your Dad, and then he called me down to talk, and I was scared, but my Mom and Dad were, like sitting together on the couch hugging and crying and I went over there and they were huggin' me and I was cryin', too, Ronny and the said they apologized for bein' mean to me, and my Mom said she was goin' to a doctor to try and figure out why she hit me all the time and my Dad was sayin' how your Dad made him realize that they could change stuff and then we were all bawlin', dude! I cried and cried 'cause I was happy and I love them, Ron! And all I was thinkin' was that I love you, too, and then.... then they said I could stay there with you guys!!! I was gonna faint I was so happy Ron, I just ran around and yelled in my house and its cool, Ron, it's cool... I see how come you can help kids like you do, you musta got it from your Dad....." Geoff finally came up for air.

Ron's head was quite literally swimming now. He couldn't deal with the pressure anymore. All of this was so vitally important to him, things happening so fast, too fast! "Dude, Geoff, I hope..."

"Ron, I love you!" the boy whispered.

"We're gonna be friends forever, Geoffrey."

"I want that so bad, Ronny. My Mom ain't gonna hit me any more! Ron, now you can see my room... Ron...."

"Geoff, can you call me later? I gotta think about some heavy shit, dude."

"Is everything okay, Ron?"

"Yeah, dude, just stuff's happenin' faster than I can deal with it, you know?"

"I know I love you, Ronny, I'll call you later, okay? Bye.."

The poor boy flopped back on his bed, totally flummoxed. He flung his arms up over his eyes and tried to calm down. It was all so wonderful, all at once... he was kinda scared, in a way... what if shit all goes wrong again?? What if my folks find out I'm gay and then Geoff can't stay here... what am I gonna do if Elliot goes crazy or something... What am I... Ron grabbed his pillow and bunched it over his head and yelled "SSSHHHIIIIITTTTT!!!!!" at the top of his lungs, threw it across his room, and then laughed at himself.

He was too happy to beat off, too confused to know what to do, to tired to run and scream like he wanted to do. Ronald Frank found himself standing on the plateau of his new life, having abruptly left his old one two weeks, just two weeks! past. It seemed like two years to Ron. He turned out his light and lay in the safe warm darkness of his room, just letting his thoughts flood all over the place. Nature's checks and balances came into effect, and he was asleep before he realized it.

Hey Dude! part 14

Ron slept through the night and woke up the next morning in the wreck of his clothes. Although not a 'morning' person, he nevertheless got up and got in the shower smiling, and went downstairs almost feeling like a human for a change, looking forward to the weekend.

Finally! it was Friday. Then, Friday afternoon, and soon, though it had seemed like forever to the sixteen-year-old, there was a knock on the door, and the Oscar family were there. Geoff almost ran inside, and for a moment Ron thought the boy was going to jump into his arms or something. Geoff's parents stood in the hallway, talking briefly with Ron's Dad, trading phone numbers and other adult importances. Geoff's Dad shook Ron's father's hand as they said goodbye. It took a long time, and the two men sort of stared at each other for a while. Greg held their grip with his other hand, and so did Ron's Father... just when Ron thought sure they were going to hug each other, Greg said.. "Okay, Chuck, we gotta go catch a plane... maybe when we get back...?"

"Any evening, Greg, you and Carla come over and we'll go have dinner. I think I know a good sitter for your son..."

Ron smiled and waved absurdly. Geoff giggled. Darcie made a face. The Oscars left, and Geoff and Ron went upstairs to wait for dinner to be ready. As soon as the door closed, Geoff snuggled up into Ron and gave him his best bear-hug. The younger boy buried his happy face in Ron's shirt and said "Love you, Ronny, love you!" as Ron massaged his back and ran his hands down the long dark blonde hair. "Oh, Geoff, oh, God, Geoffrey... this can't be happening!"

"It, is dude, I'm so happy, I feel like laughin' and cryin' at the same time.. my Mom is acting all different, and I feel better, and all kinds of stuff like that... it's so totally awesome cool.."

"Yeah.. kiss me, dude, I'm needin' it real bad.." The boy bent down a little and Geoff offered him his cute face. They kissed until Geoff was panting and humping Ron's thigh. "Don't come yet, dude... save it for later when we're alone..."

"I'm tryin', Ronny.." said Geoff breathlessly, "but I didn't beat it this morning and now my balls feel all weird.."

"That's cool, dude, I'll take care of ya... let's go see what's keeping dinner..."

"But, Ron... I... I've got a major problem..."

"Hey dude, if Elliot could control himself, you can too."

"I hate that bastard... I can do better..."

Ron had shamelessly taunted Geoff and it worked! The boys went down stairs. His Father greeted them.

"Ron, Darcie is staying with her little friend tonight, and your Mom and I are going to a movie.. you boys want to go somewhere? You want to go with us, maybe?"

"Um... gee, thanks, Dad.. but maybe me and Geoff can go to the Mall for a while.. they got movies there, too, and we can get something to eat.."

"Yeah, I'm starvin'..." added Geoffrey.

Ron's father laughed. "Okay, you two, here's the car keys, and stay out of as much trouble as you can. We'll be home around midnight or so, and I want you boys here when we get back. You don't have to go to bed any certain time, but I think you ought to be in the house before then. Sound like a plan?"

"Works for me, Dad!" said Ron happily.

His folks got a few things together and then they were out the door and driving away. The two kids waited for a moment and then Ron asked Geoff what he wanted to do.

"Ronny... can we, I mean, I know we got all night, but.."

"Huh, Geoff? Don't you wanna go to the Mall?"

"Yeah, sure I do, Ronny, but I'm, like, I kinda...."

Ron moved over close to his boyfriend and put his hands on the kid's skinny shoulders. "Whatever you want, we'll do it, Geoff. I love you."

"I want you to do my balls, just a little, please, Ron? I gotta!"

Ron nearly fainted. "Down here or up in my room?"

"Your room, Ron, is that okay?"

"Let's go, dude..."

They were hardly behind Ron's closed door when Geoff ripped his shoes off and jumped out of his pants and underwear. The half-naked boy pulled Ron to him and they kissed again. Ron found Geoff's steel-hard boyhood and began to stroke and caress. Geoff unzipped him and slipped his wonderful hand into Ron's crotch, gently squeezing his tingling boner and warm, soft balls. Ron laid Geoff back while they were still frenching and then whispered in the twelve-year-old's ear "Lay back and spread your legs out a little... "

Geoff did as he was told, and then the boy felt the incredible sensations begin to flood through him as Ron kissed his neck, his collarbone, pulled up his t-shirt and kissed each hard little nipple (causing Geoff to moan and grab Ron's hair), and then down the boy's ribcage, his soft belly, his pale hipbones... Geoff was more aroused than he had ever imagined. His favorite sexual fantasy was about to come true! The boy stared blankly at the ceiling, holding Ron's warmth to him as he felt his love's wet mouth discover the impossibly delicate skin of his full young balls. The kid went "Yrrrgghh!" as he circled Ron with his legs, to try and keep the teenager from ever moving away. Geoff gasped and whined as Ron carefully inhaled the twitching boy's left nut, as he wrapped gentle fingers around the throbbing penis. Geoff was, for the first time in his life, utterly focussed on making love. He would forever after remember this night... the experience that taught him the difference between just sex and shared love. But right now the boy was overwhelmed with the unbelievable things that his lover was doing for him. Geoff was breathing in short gasps, his body shaking and undulating on the bed beneath Ron's loving oral ministrations. Now both his balls were in that warm, wet place.. and he could feel Ron's breath on his crotch, along his inner thighs... and his dick! Ron was stroking his dick AND doing totally awesome things to his balls...

Ron was sprawled out over Geoff's heaving, twitching body, on his knees on his rug beside the bed. As he made love to his boyfriend, his own hard underwear-tenting boner bulged out through his open fly against the mattress and soon Ron felt his own climax approaching. He tried to change positions but the frenzied kid beneath him locked his legs even tighter and hissed "nnnnooo, nnnoooo!" through his clenched teeth. Oh well! thought Ron as the orgasm rose and then he pressed his hips into the edge of the mattress and shook slightly as his teendick delivered warm joy and deep pleasure. It was only the fourth time in his life that the boy had come in his shorts. He was getting to like it, kinda... Ron held moaning Geoff's nuts in his mouth and gently swished his tongue back and forth, causing Geoffrey to arch off the bed in ultimate ecstasy.

"NOW!" bellowed Geoff suddenly. "RON, N-NOW!!"

Ron got the boner in his mouth and Geoff went insane, as he had predicted. The boy thrashed crazily under Ron and then yanked the poor kid's head down to his crotch and positively exploded into Ron's throat. Geoff tried to squeal but every muscle and cell in his body was involved in his enormous coming. Geoff's rigid boyshaft continued to pulse and throb in Ron's hot mouth long after the jets of sperm had ceased, and it was the better part of a minute before Geoff would let Ron up enough to take a breath. He still had Ron in a scissor-lock grip with his legs.

Geoff s-l-o-w-l-y relaxed, and Ron crawled up next to him and cuddled. Geoff's eyes were clamped shut, his hair messed up, and his mouth was open and panting like a dog on a summer day. Ron got the boy's shoulders under his arm and rolled the inert kid to him slightly. "I love you, Geoffster!" He said, brushing the boy's temple with his moist lips.

Geoff took a huge breath, held it in a moment, and let it go. He opened his hazel eyes to slits and got Ron's hand in his.

"Can I rest a little, Ronny?" he asked, sounding like a ten-year-old.

"No problem, dude... you need it!" But Geoff was already breathing slower, and was soon sound asleep in Ron's arms. Ron was more in love with this beautiful person than he ever figured he would be. But if they were going to catch a movie, he'd better change his sticky wet clothes! He slid his arm out from underneath his sleeping boyfriend and got up to change. He looked back on the still boy, and realized again just how deeply he felt about him. Geoff was lying naked and soft, a slight smile on his lips. Ron was fine. Ron was healed. Elliot was no more... Geoff! Geoffrey! Oh, God! You listened! Thank You!.

Geoff rolled over and coughed as Ron finished buckling his belt. He got down beside him and whispered "I love you, Geoff!" in the boy's ear. Geoff turned back to him and stretched, massaging his limp boyhood with one small hand and cupping Ron's cheek with the other.

"Dude, I think I'm still having the feelings.... I'm still coming a little.."

"I don't doubt it, Geoffrey... you tried to drown me, dude!"

"I can't believe we did that, Ron... it was awesome, I almost had a heart attack from you making me go crazy like that, it was fuckin' intense, Ronny.... dude, I can't describe it..."

"I know, Geoff... it's 'cause we love each other... that's what the difference is."

"C'mere and I'll give you a nice blowjob, Ronny, I bet you're needin' it, huh?"

"Dude, I came before you did... I was up against the bed and you had me trapped, and I couldn't help it, I just had to shoot it. I got cleaned up while you were sleeping. But tonight, when we get back, dude: let's get nasty... cool?"

"Way cool, Ronny! I wanna go see a movie with you, can we?"

"Sure, I'll help you get dressed..."

The boys got themselves presentable and set out for their date.

Darcie was surprised that evening, when her friend Brenda invited Sammy Libowitz over, but after some initially tentative fooling around, she found out several important bits of information about early adolescent sexuality, though they all remained virgins that time. She began forgetting about Geoff and started moaning "Sammy!" as she came, and late that summer, when they were both twelve, they managed to give 'it' a try, and then continued the activity sporadically until they graduated high school. Sam's big brother Josh, after dinner and a movie with his wonderful Sherry, found himself alone in her house, and she tore into him like a tigress... his first orgasm was on the floor in the front room as she held him down astride his up-thrusting hips, the second (and her fourth) in the shower, the third (her sixth) in her bed, this the one that Josh thought best since it felt so intense it made him moan continuously, and then hours later when they woke up Josh mounted her tenderly, and with her wise and patient instruction, fucked her for twenty minutes straight until they both melted into each other in teenage sexual bliss. Elliot Dunbar, stoned and drunk as usual on a Friday night, stood out in his backyard clad only in a post-coital Black Sabbath t-shirt, looking up at the stars and wondering if he maybe should be more like Ron, maybe Ron would let him be friends, maybe he could talk a little about how much it hurt to be Elliot sometimes.... "Aw, fuck it!" he said, flicking his cigarette into the pool, where it valiantly stayed afloat for a moment until the cold dark water claimed it and it hissed out. Elliott ducked back into the doorway to find more beer and pussy. He closed the door behind him.

Ron and Geoff were back before midnight, as promised, and Ron's parents still were not there. He wanted to get off with Geoff, but they were both exhausted.. in fact Geoff had fallen asleep on Ron's shoulder in the movie. They got undressed and got in bed, the sleeping bag at the ready in case anyone asked. Ron knew that tomorrow they could fool around, and he knew that's what his Geoffrey was thinking, too. Ron saw Geoff's glowing eyes in the dim room, and Geoff held out his arms to him. Ron folded the boy, warm and soft, into his embrace, and they kissed lightly, carefully, gently. Geoff pulled back slightly.

"...... Ron......Ohhh, Ron!......"


(and so it goes......)

-- laters... Rodney aka MaNiAc

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