Hey, Dave!" story

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Dec 13, 2011




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It's hell being on the road! You travel from town to town, a day or two at each one, and every town looks the same after a while, the only constant is, you're the man on the outside looking in. You sit there in the bar at a table by yourself, watching all the other, happy people moving around and wishing, hoping that someone will see you and feel lonely enough to come over and shoot the breeze with you for a while, put a dent in the unending tedium that your life has become outside of your business. It's easy to see why some business men let their business consume them...it's better than the alternative, which is what I was facing, which was drinks in a bar until I could make myself get up and go upstairs to my room and crawl into bed, all alone, unnoticed, unwanted, and unloved. It gets to you some nights, you know?

So that was why I kept silent at first when the guy came over. Misdirected friendliness is better than no friendliness at all.

"Hey, Dave!" was his hearty shout at me when he walked up. "Haven't seen you in a while, man! What have you been doing?"

My name wasn't Dave, it was George, and I didn't know this guy from Adam, but like I said, the friendly sounds felt so damned good! "Traveling a lot." I said. "Sit down, have a drink."

"Don't mind if I do." he gauged my drink. "If you'll have one with me. You still drink tequila with lime?"

"I'm more a Manhattan guy nowadays." I said.

"I had an influence on you after all, huh?" the guy looked over at the bartender, held up two fingers. That appeared to be all it took; the bartender got busy on the Manhattans. "I've been thinking about you a hell of a lot lately." the guy said to me. "Wishing we hadn't ended things like we did back then. You were right, I was being a selfish prick, nothing but!"

Now I was regretting my indulgence. This guy and "Dave" had some issues, from the sound of things! The drinks arrived then, and I turned away from him to take mine from the waiter and drink some. A Manhattan all right, but the proportions were different.

"Can we talk it all through again?" the guy pressed me. "See if we come up with a different answer this time, than your leaving me with no word of where you went or anything. Can we please go somewhere and talk, just talk?"

Okay, so Dave had taken off for the wild blue yonder on this guy, had he? Why, he was a beautiful hunksicle, with curly black hair, blindingly blue eyes, the cutest little pug on his nose, lips that were full, begging to be kissed, I was playing with fire here, but oh, brother, the flame was so damned pretty! "We can always talk, I guess." I said carefully. "But it's been a while, I don't know how much good talking will do."

"I know, I was a jerk." the guy went on. "I told myself, Jake, you really stuck your foot up your ass this time!' I've regretted it every day, ever since."

So his name was Jake, was it? "Well, Jake, we'll go somewhere and talk, soon as we finish these drinks." I took another drink, again was struck by the difference in the taste. "What did the bartender do to these Manhattans, anyhow?"

"Oh, I have the bartender leave out the bitters and substitute a squeeze of lemon." Jake said. "Nice, huh?"

Not my reaction, frankly, sour isn't bitter! "I'd have to get used to it." I turned up the glass and managed to get down the rest of it, I hate leaving a half-finished drink behind. "Let's go!" Before I make what is bound to be a mistake sooner or later.

We were outside when Jake said, "Uh-oh!"

"What is it?"


"Who?" I asked before I could think about it. "I mean, what?"

"Hey, Dave! Forgetting me so soon?" the guy walked up.

"Dave's just visiting town, Brian." Jake supplied.

"And he couldn't take two minutes to call me?" Brian wanted to know. He was another studly work of male art, mustached, hairy-chested inside his half-opened shirt, black leather pants with a studded leather something-or-other on one belt loop.

"I'm only in town for one night." I put in. I didn't want this Brian guy mad at me! "I'm here on a business trip and I didn't call anyone at all, I just ran into Jake at the bar here, is all."

"Well, call me soon?" Brian said after a rather pregnant pause. "I'm in the book."

"I will." I promised.

"You'd better." And Brian strode off.

"Dave, you really don't want to get messed up with him again!" Jake said as soon as Brian was out of earshot. "You remember what he was like."

"Yeah, I remember." I said. If only!

"My car's over here."

We didn't drive very far, less than six blocks. "You know the way up." Jake said to me as he got out.

"I'm not sure." I said. "It's been a long time. Which one is it again?"

"Two oh one!" Jake said, looking at me, puzzled.

"Oh. Sorry." I said and went up. Apartment 201 was at the very top of the first flight of stairs, anyone would remember that, no wonder Jake gave me such a strange look!

I was in deep here! Pretending to be this Dave person was fine for a little while, but this was getting pretty deep, you have to admit. I just wanted to spend a little time with friendly conversation and some good times, but what was I doing to Jake while I was doing this? Soon as he got up here and I could tell him without making a scene, I decided, I'd tell him the truth, all of it.

Jake came up and unlocked the door and went in, flicking on the light. I followed him, and as soon as I shut the door, I said, "Now, look, Jake, there's something I...."

That was as far as I got before Jake was grabbing me. I mean, a lunge with arms around me and lips on mine and crotch pushing against my leg kind of grab. I had a handful of horny stud kissing me and any plans I had to come clean with him was immediately changed into plans for another kind of coming! I began to kiss back and my hand found that hard shaft in his trousers and began to massage him.

"Oh, God, Dave, I've missed you so much!" Jake whispered to me huskily as his lips left mine and he nuzzled my cheek with his own. "Why did you leave like that? Not a word or a message for, God, years! And if I hadn't been in that bar, I would have missed you?"

"I'm here now." I lied intensely. "Don't worry, I'm here now."

"We do have to talk." Jake breathed in my ear. "But first, I need you. God, I need you so bad! It's been so long, I need you, I need you, I need you!"

"Yeah, sure, yeah!" I gasped. "Let's do it, sure!"

"Just like last time." Jake begged me. "Can you do me just like you did last time?"

"I...I'm not sure." I said. "I don't remember...."

"Come on!" Jake broke away from my embrace, but then caught my hand and led me toward the other end of the small apartment and the bed waiting there. "You'll remember."

"Sure, sure." I said. I would have said anything at all at that point. "I'll remember, but you got to help me out now and then."

"We started like this." Jake said as he lay back on the bed, still fully clothed. "I'd had a bit too much to drink, and you undressed me."

"I can do that." I said and climbed partially onto the bed, one foot still on the floor and bent over him, undid his shirt buttons. "Like this, right?"

"Yeah, only you copped a few feels while you did it." Jake went on. "I was supposed to be passed out and I was until you started touching me. The feel of your hands on my body.... Mmmm!"

"Like this?" I had his shirt mostly undone, I reached inside and stroked his chest as I shifted the shirt aside.

"Yeahhhhhh!" Jake murmured. "I had a short-sleeved shirt on that time, though."

"It's okay." I said as I moved to undo his sleeve buttons. "It doesn't have to match up exactly, you know."

"But that last time was so-o-o-o-o-o ni-i-i-i-i-ce!" Jake breathed. "You pushed my shirt off of me and leaned over and kissed my nipples, one at a time."

"You have a t-shirt on." I pointed out.

"I wish you could just rip it off or something." Jake pouted.

"I'll manage." I said. I wormed the shirt off of him, not very gently but got it off him, and then I lifted the shirt off with my hands rubbing his body as I pushed up and cupped his breasts, gave them a couple of squeezes. That won me an "oooh!" from Jake. I peeled the t-shirt off and he was bare to the waist now.

I was on firmer ground now, first those shoes and socks had to go, I took them off (they were slip-ons so they were easy to turn into slip-offs) and took a risk, I saw those athletic toes of his and took one big toe in my mouth and sucked on it. The heart-felt groan I got told me that Dave had done this to him, too. I got him unzipped and peeled jeans and briefs off together, that took some squirming by him, but he wasn't criticizing any longer, he kicked to help me get those jeans off and his cock was tall, surprisingly tall, nearly ten inches, and it was standing upright despite its length and I drooled to look at it.

I grabbed it and I said, "I don't remember just what I did next, but I bet I scarfed this big long pud down!"

"Yeah, yeah!"

I dove onto the pud and proceeded to give him my best rendition of a sword swallower. Jake moaned as I drove him down into me, and I got a good sized blob of precome on my tongue when I pulled back, and God know how much more all the way down my throat.

Jake hunched up at me and I nearly gagged, but my reflexes have been honed by my experiences, I took him all and took him well and he was groaning and suddenly those groans hit the high mark and he was squirting his jizz up into me, I gulped him down as he hunched at my face and more than half of it was too deep to taste, and when he was done, gasping, I said to him, "Now for my turn."

"Uh? Uh, uh, oh, yeah." Jake agreed, breathing heavily. I skinned out of my clothes as quick as I could, with Jake lying on the bed. He seemed frozen and I strongly suspected that this was nothing like Dave had done with him, but I didn't care just then. I got seated on his chest, and fed him my pud and he sucked on it for me. His ardor was genuine enough, his talent was palpable, I rode his chest to a rising tide of glory that ended with me jetting my juice into his hungry mouth and he drank it down and even sucked me after I was done, siphoning out every last ounce of my love-milk.

I panted hard and then slipped off of Jake and down to lie next to him. "Oh, man, that was great!" I moaned.

"Good as the last time?" Jake asked me.

"Uh...Yeah, yeah, I guess." I said.

"I wish it had been like last time, though."

Oops! Well, who can imitate a last time when it wasn't you the last time? "I guess I got carried away."

"We can talk about it all in the morning." Jake assured me.

I did not want to spend the night with this guy, fun as the sex had been. I'd already given away too much as it was, if I stayed to chat about old times with him, he was going to blow my cover for sure. I was just amazed I'd gotten away with as much as I had, if he hadn't jumped me like a crazed weasel the moment I'd walked in the door, I wouldn't even have gotten to first base with him!

"Uh, sure, tomorrow, I have an early morning appointment, but we can get together after that, just before I have to leave."

"But...can't you stay the night?"

"I still have some work to do for the meeting. I need the notes from my room, sorry." I said. I was dressing while I lied my ass off, leaving off both undershorts and t-shirt to get dressed the faster. I was going to regret my actions of this night a hell of a lot, but for now, I had to get out of there!

Jake put on a robe and gave me an ardent kiss and I wrote out my hotel room number for him. I could be "about to go to my meeting" all the way up until I checked out.

Outside, I realized that Jake had left me without a way to get back to the hotel. Well, it was only six blocks, I could walk it. Serve me right, taking advantage of Jake's naive misidentification of me. I consoled myself on the walk, I had been lonesome too many nights, it felt good to be with someone that liked me even by proxy.

I was nearly at the hotel when I heard a voice I recognized. "Hey, Dave! Back already?"

"Oh! Oh, hi Brian." I said to him as he stepped from the shadows. A stoop of stairs up to an office building was there, he must have been sitting on it, watching the hotel entrance for me to come back.

"I was wondering if you'd leave Jake high and dry again." Brian said.

"I have to get ready for a meeting tomorrow morning." I said hastily, sticking to the same lie I'd told Jake. "I didn't come here for a social visit, after all."

"You can spare a few minutes for an old friend, though, can't you?" he said. "Just to say hi and talk over old times?" He stepped too close to me for comfort, I was looking up at him (he was a couple inches taller than me) and his smile wasn't that friendly.

"I got a lot of work to do." I demurred.

"You can do it after." Brian said and took my elbow and I found myself practically dragged back into the hotel. I had my room card with me already, so I had no excuse to blow him off, we went right to the elevator.

"Hey, hey, Brian." I said. "There's something I really need to explain to you, there's been a mistake here...."

"I know there's been a mistake, and it was you taking off like you did." We were at my floor and stepped off.

"No, no, I mean about Jake and meeting him here...."

"I don't care about Jake." Brian growled. "Fuck him."

"But I really wasn't trying to...."

"Look, Dave, I don't give a shit about anything except that you're back. I don't care if it's just for one night, you're here and you're mine, you got that, Dave?"

Hard to argue with logic like that. "I got it." I said meekly.

"Now get us inside."

I did and when we were inside, me still fumbling to find the light switch, Brian grabbed me from behind. "You hot little fuck pig." he growled in my ear. "You had a lot of nerve taking off and never even telling me. You and me got a lot of lost time to make up and you're going to take it, you get me?"

"Ooh, oh, oh!" I gasped. Brian's hand had hold on my crotch and he wasn't being gentle about it. His other hand was rubbing one of my breasts and that wasn't done gently, either. The surprise of that to me was that it felt right, coming from Brian.

"Let's get those clothes off of you so you can show me some proper appreciation." Brian undressed me by sheer force of will, my clothes didn't rip but there was nothing romantic about it, he was stripping me for his own pleasure. His own clothes, I removed timidly at his directions grunted. The light still wasn't on in the room, only the lights from outside lit the room and that was somehow right, too, this animal grunting in the light dim as the last dregs of twilight.

Brian's waggling told me to suck him and I took his dong with the worshipful adoration of a sacred virgin. The fat dong was meaty and filled my mouth completely, I nursed it and hoped for the reward of his salty spunk in return, but he stopped me with a handful of my hair in one broad paw and snarled. "On the bed, all fours. Now!"

I obeyed and he stepped up behind me, standing still and only a slight squatting action by him let him aim his prod at my ass, he touched it and as soon as he felt the soft flesh against his glans, he rammed it into me.

I moaned as he drove it inside my bowels, my ass was splitting from this huge pud. It was too big, too big!

"Ahh, damn, Dave, it's like you're still a fucking virgin!" Brian growled as he shoved it in deeper in response to my howls. "I love how hot his ass is, it feels like fucking warm pudding. Tell me how much you like it, Dave, tell me you fucking love it, tell me, damn you! Tell me!"

"Ah, ah, I love it, fuck me, Brian, fuck me hard, shit, yeah, fuck me, harder, faster, fuck me you bastard!"

"Oh, ah, ah, you asshole, you fucking asshole! Ah, ah, AH-AH-GAHHHH!" Brian roared as his climax hit and he pumped hot steaming clumps of jizz into my ass.

I felt the boiling fluid flood me and I moaned and squirted my own load onto the sheets, squirming feebly as I was assaulted by the intensity of my climax.

"Oh, oh, ah, ahh!" I ended as Brian fell on top of my back, knocking me flat to the bed. "Oh, ah, man, oh, man!"

"Just as hot as you ever were, Dave." Brian breathed. "Shit, I could fuck you all night long."

"Oh, I wish you would." I moaned, and then remembered. Dave. Shit! "But I do have to get to work now. I have an early meeting and then it's on to the next town."

"You come back this way, look me up." Brian ordered. "I'll leave you my number." He wrote it on the pad on the desk, got dressed and left.

I looked after him and sighed. A shame I'd lied to these two hunky studs, but between them, I'd had one hell of a good time. Have to be sure I saved that number.

I went to the desk and picked up the pad and read the note Brian had left in addition to his number. "Jake called me, it was why I was waiting for you. We both know damned well you aren't Dave, but you are as good a cocksucker and fucktoy as he was. Next time you're in town, look us up and we'll make some real memories." Following that was both of their phone numbers.

I looked up into the mirror and smiled at my reflection there. "Hey, Dave." I said to myself.

My trips to this city weren't going to be quite so lonely any longer.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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