Hey Beautiful

By M Quincey

Published on Jun 9, 2006


Matthew made his move much more assertively than he ever had before with a guy. About ten minutes into the movie, Matthew lightly touched Jon's spiky black hair and then stroked the back of his neck. Jon froze instantly, staring intently at the television, apparently shocked. Matthew could see that Jon's heart was racing and beating hard just by looking at the arteries on his neck. Matthew was not hard yet, but as he felt Jon shiver with pleasure, he hardened quickly to his full eight inches. He could see Jon's penis swelling beneath his jeans -- it wasn't large but it was ready. Jon turned slightly and, with an expression of hopeful confusion on his face, he clearly wanted to say something, but Matthew cut him off by moving close and leaning in as if to kiss Jon. Matthew gave a small smile and spoke. "Jon, I know you like my body." Matthew's stomach churned only slightly -- definitely lacking emotional intensity -- but his penis was the center of it all -- feeling very hot and very stiff, almost uncomfortably eager. Jon, on the other hand, seemed woozy. There was a clear difference in emotional experience here. Matthew felt slightly disengenious but craved a good pulsating orgasm -- the kind of orgasm that Matthew had come to think could only be pulled from his shaft by another man. He just wanted to fuck Jon. Matthew decided it was time to push his own boundaries, maybe long past time. "I think you are good looking and since we're together, I'd like to mess around with you." Matthew said. "It's nothing serious, if that's ok?" Jon stammered something and nodded, so Matthew gripped the back of his neck and pulled him in for an aggressive kiss on the lips. Matthew almost forced Jon to open his mouth and gave him a deep tongue. Jon was wide-eyed and they continued to kiss and Matthew gripped Jon's arms in his hand firmly. Jon received the attention passively, trapped by an uncertainty of what to do next. Matthew took his own shirt off, feigning an easy grace and gave the appearance that he was comfortable. Jon's desirous eye's fell instantly onto Matthew's six-pack and the top of his hips and then to the head of his penis that poked out of his pants. Matthew pulled Jon to his feet. "Come over to my bed." Matthew said firmly. Jon walked over uncertainly and Matthew pulled off Jon's shirt. "I've never been a guy before." Jon finally said in nearly a whisper, clearly nervous. He was pale and seemed ashamed of himself for some reason. "That's ok. We'll use protection if we get that far." Matthew said, kissing Jon aggressively on the neck and then biting him lightly. Matthew was startled by his own forcefulness, but pushed it to the back of his mind, not wanting feel nervous, because that would get in the way.

Jon fell backward on the bed and finally made his own contact with Matthew by gripping his back and arm. Matthew grabbed at Jon's small but defined pectoral muscles and squeezed firmly. Jon arched his back. "What do we do now?" Jon whispered. "Relax," Matthew said, "you ok with this?" Jon nodded and Matthew responded by squeezing his nipple. After some time exploring each other's bodies, Matthew undid his own pants and pulled down his own boxers. His penis sprang out, hot and engorged, pulsating for a release. Jon undid his own pants, as he lay on the bed and Matthew quickly stepped in to pull down his pants, underpants and socks in one go. Jon looked at Matthew' penis and then his own, which was only half the size of Matthew's. Matthew could see Jon looked insecure, so rested on all fours over Jon's erection and licked it and then pecked at the tip before licking down to his scrotum. Jon unmoving, watched Matthew. "You look good." Matthew encouraged Jon. After some time groping and kissing, Matthew could see that Jon might come just from being licked, so he quickly grabbed at Jon's torso and turned him over. After wetting his own penis with his own saliva, Matthew reached one hand under Jon and rested his sticky palm over Jon's penis. Then Matthew put his penis on Jon's buttock. "Uh," Jon said, looking back quickly, "I'm not ready for that." Matthew so wanted to just push his penis into Jon so hard and fast and orgasm, but he knew that he himself was not ready yet either. It did not feel right. "Relax, Jon," Matthew smiled, "I haven't put a condom on. I'm just going to press on your body, like this." Matthew pushed his hips forward and the flat of his penis pressed at the partly base of Jon's back and partly on the tailbone. That felt so good, so Matthew pressed again, and in so doing, pressed Jon's penis against his hand. Jon started to quake. Matthew pressed again, then again, and he heard Jon moan -- fearing he didn't have enough time before Jon came, Matthew slammed hard and fast, moving his other hand to Jon's penis so his full body-weight was on Jon -- Matthew's pecs squishing onto Jon's shoulders. Matthew kept slamming and he felt Jon coming. "Aggh." Jon exclaimed as his penis pulsed and Matthew felt Jon's juice on his hand. This made Matthew hammer faster and harder until he was about to come. Matthew quickly pulled his hands out from under Jon and put one hand next to Jon's head to support his own weight. He grabbed Jon's upper arm with his other hand and gripped hard -- harder still when Matthew came with more sperm than he had for a long time, in waves spurting out over Jon's back, all the way to his shoulder blades. Finally, Matthew collapsed unto Jon. They were both breathing hard and coated lightly with sweat. Matthew looked at Jon who was flaccid and watching Matthew carefully. "Thanks." Matthew said. He waited half a minute and rolled off of Jon, giving him a big friendly smile on the way. "Sure, thanks also." Jon smiled back. They lay there looking at each other. Then Jon rubbed his upper arm which was red. "Oh, shit man," Matthew uttered, "that's going to bruise. Are you ok?" "Yeah." Jon replied, and with a timid smile continued, "I got um ... all over your bed." "Yeah, don't worry about it. It was fun." Matthew said. They looked at each other for a few minutes and then Matthew got up and put on his trousers. Jon took this a hint and also dressed quickly. Before Matthew knew it, Jon was at the door, and Matthew was opening it for him -- wanting him to go. "It was fun." Jon repeated to Matthew with a half-smile. "Yeah, have a good trip and break, Jon." Matthew said, hoping Jon didn't have any feelings welling up. "You too," Jon said, edging out of the room, "see you later." "Later." Matthew said. He shut the door and then shut his own eyes. His mood sank and he felt empty, so he grabbed his toiletries and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a shower.

Matthew got dressed and walked out the courtyard. He tried to forget the night before and started making tracks in the crusty Northeastern snow. He zig-zagged a little just to makes some odd footprints -- a heel to an insole or a tip-toe on a heel, relishing the crunching sound. He exhaled forcefully to watch the steam jettisoned from his lungs. After a short while, he sat on one of the benches in the courtyard. He was not especially motivated to start working, and eventually he found himself thinking about the night before and he realized that he was glad that Jon was on a plane by now and would not be walking through the courtyard. Matthew wondered how different it would have been if he had somehow found a way to invite someone else over, like Greg. Greg Beynet was a tall, gorgeous tennis player with a soft demeanor and gleaming green eyes, dirty blonde hair and a triathalete's build. Matthew saw Greg occasionally in the athletic facility and, although he had never actually talked with him, Matthew overheard Greg converse with some friends in the weight room a few times and was struck by Greg's eloquence and sneaky sense of humor. Sometimes, if they passed in the hallway, Matthew would swallow his own sudden rush of attraction and smile very slightly and nod at Greg. Greg would usually nod back. Since Matthew nearly always acknowledged anyone he recognized in college with a small nod or something and Matthew suspected that Greg behaved the same way, Matthew was sure it did not really mean anything. What am I thinking? Matthew thought. He stood and brushed the slushy wet snow from the bench off his dark gray overcoat. He looked around the courtyard and breathed in the cold air. He realized he was really hungry for some good breakfast and considered skipping out on the dining hall and walking to the greasy diner a few blocks away, but thought better of it when he remembered how much the books had cost him this past semester. So he walked to the far side of the courtyard and opened the entryway door that went to the dining hall. The dark hues of the wood paneling along the walls of the dining hall conspired with the gray stone floors and vaulted ceilings as well as the wintry conditions outside to make the dining hall seem especially dreary. There were very few people eating this morning and they dotted the hall far apart from each other, huddling like hermits or zealots over books or notes, preparing for their final tests. It was the last day of exams and most of the other students were already finished and either asleep or somewhere between college and home for the winter holiday break. Matthew grabbed some cereal and orange juice and bagels that were usually stale and hard as rocks -- dorm doorstops, as he liked calling them. He shuffled over to a small table in one of the further recessed alcoves away from the long central table that sat squarely in room like the centerpiece of some hunting manor of some European king. Matthew had one paper left to finish and he usually would have outlined some thoughts on a napkin -- to be efficient, but instead he watched the crows outside, leaving his breakfast untouched. "Hey, Matthew," he heard Tracy's tired voice and was warmed by it. She put her tray down in front of him and sat down. He smiled as best as he could, gearing up to pretend he felt fine. "Sometimes I don't get you." Tracy said matter of factly. "Uh," Matthew was caught off guard as he regarded the merging of the nubile and the athletic figure in her figure. She wore jeans and a woven sweater, a departure from the t-shirt and sweatpants that were her normal clothing during finals week. Her words cut into him and as it seemed she might to liberty with the boundaries of their friendship, an unwelcome possibility for Matthew, at least this morning. "Sometimes I think I really know you and other times I don't get you. You're a master of disguise, Matthew." She blurted in a friendly but rather forceful manner. "Uh," Matthew stuttered, "yeah...well...thank you." She chuckled and shook her head. "I didn't mean it as a compliment, silly." She squinted and shook her head at him over a raised fork. He gave her his best shit-eating grin. "You're not exactly a zip-lock bag yourself, Tracy." "I'll take that as a compliment." She smiled and shook her head. "No, no," Matthew really wanted to keep here smiling, "well, you're definitely better looking than a zip-lock bag, but what I mean is that you're also a complicated person -- in a good way." "Uh huh," Tracy rejoined. "Don't turn this on me, Mister." Tracy continued in a mock stern voice, "We're talking about you here." "I'm the center of attention?" Matthew asked in mock disbelief, "Did they take a vote this morning or something? Is it pick on Matthew day?" She jabbed him playfully, "no voting, it's by royal decree..." They laughed and their eyes met and Matthew felt a sudden surge of something, a mix of happiness and attachment to Tracy, and it made him swallow hard and look away. "I just..." Tracy's voice was serious now, "well, it was weird because you seemed upset last night and the way you acted reminded me..." Matthew looked back at her and was startled by the intensity in her hazel eyes. She just looked back. "Reminded you?" Matthew asked with a soft smile. "Yeah...Damn it, Matthew, you turned the tables on me again! Nothing." she chucked wryly, "You're just too damn handsome." "Handsome? Or cute?" Matthew gave his best snuggle-me look and blinked few times for effect.

"Look," Tracy said shook her head with a smile, "I just wanted to know that you were ok this morning." "Can you go back to that handsome part?" Matthew asked, twirling his index finger in the air. They both laughed, but Matthew was a little startled by their whole conversation. "Yeah, Tracy, I'm fine." Matthew reassured. "I've got one more paper to finish." "Good. One more? I'm finished this morning. That's why I was up late last night." They talked for some time about their papers and underneath the words was a certain electricity. Matthew ate sparingly and then, as the dining hall started to fill with the students fighting hangovers, Matthew realized that he had only eight hours to finish his paper. "Tracy, I should go." He smiled, "But I'd really love to know of what I reminded you." Tracy scowled ever-so-slightly, recalling something that clearly made her uncomfortable, but she soon smiled. "We'd have to be dating for that kind of reminiscence." She joked. "That could be arranged." Matthew said as he stood up with his tray. She laughed. "But, then again," Matthew continued with an erudite accent, "I prefer other things to reminiscing when I date, like soul-searching or taking the mutual trek towards spiritual enlightenment..." "Oh really? Isn't that kind of serious?" She asked. "Yes." Matthew replied with a wink, standing up with his tray, "but that's the kind of guy I am." "But you are a guy," Tracy moved her index finger seductively to her own lips and teeth, "isn't there something else you'd prefer when you date? That hit a chord with Matthew as he felt a sudden, jolting sexual twinge from her beautiful body and then it hit the strings of his coiled ball of sexual confusion and he did his best to smile. "Absolutely." Matthew said as he took a few steps away from the table, until his back was almost facing her, then he turned and looked at her. "Know anyone free for dinner in two days?" Matthew asked her. "After the climbing gym?" "Yes." "That could be arranged." She smirked. "Oh, I see. Well, let me know the details of `the arrangement' when it's made." He felt suddenly very happy. "See you later." Matthew went and bused his tray on the aluminum cart in the corner near the trash cans and saw, out of the corner of his eye that Tracy was smiling like a little girl from ear-to-ear and even bouncing slightly in her seat. He waved to her on his way out of the dining hall and she waved back.

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