Hes Mine


Published on Aug 2, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 8.2 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

My mom stood there with the wine glasses from her and Terrence's parents on her tray staring at Jamarion and Ebony.

She placed the tray on a nearby side table and closed the screen door afraid for anybody else to hear her.

"Is this true Ebony?" my mom asked walking over to her but Ebony was to afraid to open her mouth. "Jamarion is this true?" my mom asked Jamarion as her hands began to shake.

Jamarion sighed and replied, "Yes mom" without looking back at her.

My mom stared at both of them and then started pacing back and forth.

"I can't believe this, I cannot believe this" my mom said rubbing her hands nervously.

"Mom it's going to be ok" Jamie said.

"How far along are you Ebony?" my mom asked Ebony still pacing.

"Two months" Ebony replied wiping her eyes.

"How could you be two months pregnant? I thought you two just met?" Justus asked.

"I met her at the basketball tournament back in May" Jamarion stated.

"I thought they did tournaments by state?" Jamie asked.

"They do, I have a cousin that goes to Jefferson High, not too far from Sunset Valley High over by..." Ebony stated.

"I know where that is thank you" Jamie said cutting Ebony off. My mom finally sat down and folded her arms, shaking her head.

"We're not going to discuss this any further we have company so we'll finish this later. Giannis and Terrence I apologize. Boys let's get everything cleaned up" my mom said getting up and walking back on the patio.

"I could help" Terrence stated getting up.

"No it's fine we have it uhh...Jayse can you keep Terrence busy while we clean up?" Justus asked.

"Mom said for all of us to clean up" Jamarion stated staring at me upset.

"I know what mom said but we still have guests, why don't you finish up with Ebony. The rest of us have this" Justus said grabbing plates.

I got up from the table and watched as Terrence's eyes followed me. I motioned for him to follow me and he pulled out his chair and came behind me.

"Thank you guys for the meal" Terrence said turning around.

"You're welcome Terrence. I apologize again for the embarrassment" Jamie said grabbing the empty main dishes.

"It's no problem at all" Terrence said.

"Here man we have plenty more of this cake, why don't you take some for you and your parents" Justus stated, "Jayse could you get a carryout and fix some slices for Terrence."

Why do I have the feeling that Justus was trying to set us up or something? The way that he kept looking at me and Terrence and instructing us on what to do, almost felt like he wanted us to be alone.

I walked in the kitchen not realizing that Terrence was still following me. I grabbed the carryout plate and turned around to bump right into him.

"I'm sorry" I said trying to unbend the carryout.

"No it's my fault I shouldn't have walked so close behind you" Terrence confessed.

I laughed and responded, "it's ok"

As I was about to walk out the kitchen, Jamie came walking in with the cake.

"Here you go" Jamie said setting the cake on the counter and walking away smiling.

"How many slices do you want?" I asked walking towards the cake.

"Um it doesn't matter" Terrence replied walking over to me. He got so close that I could feel his shirt rubbing against mine.

"Ok I guess three, since we might not be eating much of it anyway" I said placing the slices in the carryout.

"Ok thanks" Terrence replied grabbing the carryout.

"Wait!" I said grabbing his hands while they were over the plate, "um...I'll add your parents' slices in there as well."

"Oh yeah I forgot" Terrence said handing me the plate back.

"Ok there you go. Hope you guys enjoy it" I said covering the plate back up.

"Is it ok if I grab it now?" Terrence asked smiling.

"Yea" I replied laughing. I gazed in his beautiful eyes finding myself lost for a few minutes until I heard a loud crash in the sink. I turned around to find Jamarion looking over at me with knots in his forehead.

"Sorry didn't mean to disturb you" Jamarion said upset and walking away. I rolled my eyes and grabbed Terrence's hand.

"C'mon we should get out the kitchen so we're not in their way" I said walking away. When I noticed what I just did I looked up at Terrence and let go of his hand blushing. He only blushed back but didn't mind that I was holding his hand.

We walked out the back door to find our parents still talking and laughing but they stopped when they noticed us.

"Sorry didn't mean to interrupt" I said about to turn around.

"No son we were actually about to go inside for a while" my dad said getting up.

"Don't let us rush you" Terrence added.

"It's ok Terrence honestly you two talk for awhile, we'll be leaving shortly" Viola said getting up behind my dad and Bob.

"Ok mom" Terrence said.

"Be good" my mom said walking behind Viola and winking at me. Ok seriously did everybody know something that I didn't because I feel like I was just set up?

"Do you always command people to give you space like this?" Terrence said walking behind me as I walked up the patio.

"Um no, I was just about to ask you the same thing" I said grabbing a chair.

"No I wish I had people doing that for me" Terrence said grabbing a chair to sit beside me.

"What about the kids at the center?" I asked.

"They don't...ok I guess they do stuff for me, but I mostly tell them what to do" Terrence said smiling.

"Uh huh" I said laughing looking at the lightning bugs dance around in the darkness.

"I would spend every night back here if I lived here" Terrence said laying back relaxing.

"Yea it gets pretty nice back here everyone is friendly too" I stated looking around smiling.

"Where are you from again?" Terrence asked looking at me.

"Sunset Valley like four states from here" I stated turning my head to face him.

"Yea I've heard of that place. I've never been but I heard about it" Terrence said sitting up in his chair.

"What have you heard about it?" I asked.

"Um, this and that nothing major" Terrence stated smiling.

"Like what?" I asked smiling back.

"Why do you want to know so bad?" Terrence asked as his hazel eyes sparked in the moonlight.

"Never mind" I said turning my head again and gazing at the pool.

"Do you swim in there a lot?" Terrence asked noticing me staring.

"Sometimes every now and then" I stated not breaking my gaze.

"That's cool I wish I had a pool" Terrence stated.

"What part of town do you guys stay at?" I asked.

"Whispering Oaks. It's like this part of town except it's more of a mixture, you know" Terrence stated.

"Like Black and White?" I asked looking over at him.

"Yea" Terrence said looking into my eyes. He licked his lips and I blushed causing him to blush as well. "So..." Terrence said still looking at me. I didn't respond by this time I think I may have been drooling because my mouth was open the entire time.

I couldn't stop looking at him because of his beauty. He looked like he should have been a model gracing a magazine cover. He could have any guy or girl he wanted for his beauty alone but instead it seemed like he was giving me subtle hints that he was feeling me.

I turned my head embarrassed that I was captivated for so long and relaxed in my chair staring at the moon to forget about the temptation that I almost gave in to.

Just then his phone rang and he picked it up speaking to someone that he kept calling baby the entire time. He got up and walked around the corner for privacy I guess and kept glancing back at me the entire time he was on the phone. After a couple of minutes he hung up and walked back over to me and sat down looking at me.

I wanted to ask who that was but didn't want to be rude but then thought about it and came to the conclusion that he was in my yard at my house.

"Who was that?" I asked looking over at him.

"Um...a friend" Terrence stated nervously.

"Oh sounded like a girl was it your girlfriend?" I joked but Terrence didn't laugh along with me. "Oh" I said noticing the awkwardness.

"I'm sorry we've been going together for a while now and..." Terrence stated.

"Why are you apologizing?" I asked cutting him off, "unless you don't like her or something?" Terrence didn't reply he only placed his head down. "If you're not happy you should say something, you don't want to get caught up in something that is going to make you unhappy" I said looking at Terrence. He looked so depressed and disappointed.

"I know" Terrence said getting up and walking around, "I just I really want to be with someone that makes me happy."

"She doesn't make you happy?" I asked causing Terrence to shake his head in response. "Oh" I said twiddling my thumbs thinking of something to say.

"I mean it's not just her, it's other things too" Terrence said resting his left arm against the patio tent pole. He sighed heavily twirling a small ball in his right hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked getting up from my seat.

"I don't want to include you in my drama" Terrence replied with his back towards me.

"Drama? Have you seen my family tonight? I'm still surprised we acted like this" I said walking over to the pole beside him, "come on" I said nudging his right shoulder surprise me."

"Wow you don't even know me and you want to listen to my problems" Terrence stated looking down at me from his shoulder.

"It's a gift what can I say I love to help people" I stated walking down to the pool.

"Well like I said" Terrence said walking beside me, "it's not my girlfriend it's other things as well."

"Like?" I asked looking at him, "I promise I won't say anything" I said placing my fingers over my lips to signal that my lips are sealed. This made him blush while he took a deep breath and responded.

"Well I don't know if I'm getting the right signals but I can kind of sense that you're gay" Terrence stated looking at me, "If I'm wrong I'm so sorry dude" Terrence apologized.

"Um" I replied laughing, "Yea I'm gay. What gave it away?" I asked.

"Some signals here and there, and see that's what I wish I could do, because you seem free in fact you're whole family is but not every family is this way" Terrence confessed.

"Terrence are you..." I stated stopping in my tracks as we were walking around the pool to face him.

"Jayse you have a visitor" Justus screamed from the screen door. I looked back and saw my baby all dressed up in white. Brandon had on a white dress shirt with matching white pants and shoes that showed well of his black skin. He saw me and smiled the biggest smile I ever seen him give me. I forgot about Terrence and ran towards the house and Brandon came down the steps to meet me. I ran into his arms and hugged him so tight, you would have thought that we were apart from each other for weeks. Sometimes a couple of minutes from him felt like an eternity to me.

I smelled him and he smelled so sweet mixed with soap and Calvin Klein cologne. I felt his arms wrap around me and I wanted to kiss his neck but remembered that Justus and Terrence were still outside looking at us.

"Terrence" I said breaking my embrace from Brandon, "um, Justus this is my boyfriend Brandon, Brandon this is my big brother Justus." I said as the two waved at each other.

"Ok well I'm going back inside. Let me know if you need anything" Justus said walking away and staring at Brandon suspiciously. I ignored that and grabbed Brandon's hand while I walked him over to meet Terrence.

"Terrence this is Brandon my..." I stated.

"Boyfriend. I heard earlier how you doing man?" Terrence asked extending his hand out to dap Brandon up.

"I'm good homie, how you feelin'?" Brandon asked dapping Terrence up. I was still so nervous but tried to remain cool and not give myself away.

"Well Jayse I'm going to go see what my parents are up too" Terrence said walking away. "Don't leave" I said to Terrence.

"No it's cool, your boyfriend is here now, I'll see you around. Nice meeting you Brandon" Terrence said grabbing his plate and going back inside. I looked at Terrence frustrated for two reasons. One-he was about to tell me something important and two-I really wanted him to stay. I hope I wasn't developing a crush on him.

"What was that all about?" Brandon said grabbing me for a hug and scaring me out my trance.

"Um...I don't know he said he had something to tell me" I stated finally turning my head to his.

"Well can't be too important otherwise he wouldn't have rushed off so soon" Brandon admitted.

"You're right, enough about him, what are you doing here? I thought you said that you weren't coming?" I asked surprised to have my baby here.

"Well we got done a little early and I thought I would surprise you boo" Brandon said squeezing my waist.

"Wow really? Dinner is over but we have leftovers if you want some?" I said about to leave.

"Naw I don't care `bout that. I just wanted to see you" Brandon said tightening his grip on me, "you look fine as hell shawty" Brandon stated standing back and admiring me.

"Thank you baby but if you don't care then why did you get all dressed up?" I asked smiling.

"I had to make sho my gear was tite, when I ran into yo moms and pops" Brandon stated, "how I look?"

"Sexy" I said admiring him from head to toe.

"You sho? `Cuz I thought the white would be too much?" Brandon said releasing his grip on me and fixing his color.

"No baby you're fine" I said smiling.

"What you smilin' bout shawty?" Brandon asked reaching for my hand.

"The lengths you would go through for me is really cute" I said staring in his eyes.

"It's funny you should mention that `cuz I wouldn't do this fo' anybody, feel me?" Brandon asked. "I mean sometimes I just..."

Brandon stopped himself as he started walking around in my back yard.

"What?" I asked following him.

"Nothin' boo. I'm good. I got the sexiest shawty on the block" Brandon said turning around to face me. I blushed hard letting his obsession give me the big head.

"No you was about to say something. What is it?" I asked reaching up to stroke his face. I felt his young stubble and goatee feeling the masculine touch of his skin on my fingertips. I looked at his thick lips wanting to feel them connect with mine and leave an imprint on them signaling that I was his property.

"Chill boo, I'm good" Brandon said leaning into me making our foreheads touch. I let the connection last for a minute but I really wanted to know why he never told me things sometimes. I moved my head and he looked down into my eyes.

"C'mon boo, don't look at me like that" Brandon said walking away.

"I'm not doing anything" I said walking behind him.

"Yes you are. You just don't know it" Brandon said not turning around to face me.

"Ok fine I won't look at you" I said turning around with my back facing him and looking back towards my house. I saw someone who was peeking through the blinds quickly shut them. I contemplated in my head who it could be, but just thought it was probably Jamie being nosey, or someone else.

"Don't be like that" Brandon said turning around and wrapping his arms around me. I felt his chest rest on my back and his chin lie on my shoulder blade. I rested my head on his shoulder blade and closed my eyes enjoying the embrace. I let nature take its course with me as I got lost in my baby's arms. I felt his love rising and did the unthinkable by grinding on it to feel more of it against me. We started rocking from side to side enjoying the moment and getting lost in the game of love.

I told myself that I could enjoy doing, but I wanted more. I moved my head from his shoulder and turned around to face Brandon. He had his eyes closed too and he opened them to stare deeply into my eyes. I looked down between his legs and saw the massive bulge that was out and proud. I looked back up to Brandon's face and he blushed sensing what I was looking at. I smiled, grabbed his hand and told him to follow me as we walked behind my dad's tool shed. I threw him against the wall causing him to smile out of shock. I smiled back and admired him in the darkness. The only things that showed were his teeth and his white clothing.

I walked up to him calmly and watched his swagger speak to my lustful soul. I wanted to have him right here and right now, forgetting everyone inside because they didn't matter. The only thing that mattered was me and Brandon naked and exploring each other's body for the first time.

I placed my hands on his chest feeling his pecs and running them down to his bulge. I ran my hands slowly around it playing with it wanting to tease Brandon as he looked surprised by my actions. To be honest I was surprised too, I didn't know I was capable of carrying on like this. I grabbed his hands and placed them firmly on my butt letting him squeeze them as much as he wanted to.

Brandon must have gotten tired of me taking the lead because he switched positions and pushed me against the wall of the shed and started groping my body like he was trying to find something. He grabbed me close and started caressing my butt while I scratched his back with my nails. I threw my right leg around his waist while he used that as a chance to grab more of my butt. I got so lost in our lust that I didn't even hear Jeryn calling my name.

"Jayse" Jeryn shouted looking around for me. Brandon immediately moved from in front of me as I walked around the side of the shed to meet Jerry.

"Hey you were calling me?" I asked meeting Jerry.

"Yea Terrence and his parents are leaving" Jerry said looking around, "what are you doing back here in the dark?"

"Um, I was about to go in dad's shed to get something" I said sounding nervous.

"Get what?" Jerry asked.

"Um, nothing important now" I said turning Jerry back towards the house.

"Hey is Brandon still here?" Jeryn asked looking around the back yard.

"Yea he just went to get something from his car" I lied.

"Oh cool, hey before he leaves I want to ask him for a cd?" Jeryn asked walking as I stopped.

"Ok I will make sure I tell him" I said as Jeryn walked towards the house.

"Aren't you coming?" Jeryn asked.

"Um, just tell everyone that I will see them later. I'm going to wait for Brandon back here so we can talk" I said.

"Ok" Jeryn said walking back into the house. I sighed with relief but then screamed when Brandon came behind me and picked me up.

"Shhh. You want the rest of your fam to come out here?" Brandon said putting me down.

"No I'm sorry" I said looking at Brandon, I cannot believe I almost did what I thought I did.

"It's cool boo" Brandon said looking at me and winking. We stood there for a minute in awkward silence before we both apologized at the same time. We both laughed and Brandon grabbed my hand.

"Look Jayse what we almost did back there wuz close" Brandon said walking me over to the swings.

"I know" I said regretting my actions in my head.

"Don't feel bad it's my fault too" Brandon stated as he placed me on the swing.

"How is it almost your fault?" I asked as he pushed me gently.

"Cuz boo I saw where it was goin' I mean I should have stopped but I don't know shawty you too fine and it be messin wit my head and stuff" Brandon stated.

"Thank you baby" I said holding onto the swing straps as Brandon kept pushing me.

"I want your first time to be special Jayse" Brandon confessed after a small moment of silence.

"How do you know I'm still a virgin?" I asked.

"I can tell. You're just too pure and sweet, and somebody like you deserves more than just a quickie behind a tool shed, feel me" Brandon stated.

"Are you a virgin" I asked nervously.

Brandon sighed and replied, "naw sometimes I wish I was."

"Was it Kris?" I asked shaking.

"How you know `bout Kris?" Brandon asked stopping the swing from moving by placing his hands over mine.

"I heard from the boys" I said still afraid to face Brandon. He came over at sat on the swing next to me, "I'm sorry baby"

"What all do you know?" Brandon asked not looking at me.

"I just know that you both dated for a while and broke up" I lied looking over at him.

"That's it huh?" Brandon asked. I wanted to say no but he looked so upset with the thought of bringing Kris' name up that I said yes.

"They told you about that lyin' bitch cheatin' on me!" Brandon yelled at me. This was the first time that Brandon actually cursed at me. I got nervous and nodded my head yes.

"Baby I'm sorry I, I didn't mean to yell, ok? Honest I would never hurt you" Brandon said stroking my hair. I jumped when he tried to touch me and he moved his hand away. "Babe honestly I would never hurt you. I just hate talkin' bout Kris because he did a lot of sh-I mean stuff that I didn't know bout" Brandon confessed.

"It's ok I've been cheated on too" I admitted.

"See boo I give you my wurd that those other dudes out there ain't got nothin' on you. I care about you a lot" Brandon stated.

"I care about you too, baby" I said looking at Brandon in his eyes.

"No Jayse I mean I care to the point of, of," Brandon stuttered. I looked at him as my heart raced waiting for him to say the words. He looked in my eyes and turned his head blushing. Oh my God, could he be anymore adorable? He looked at me and tried again but still couldn't get the words out. He got up from the swing and paced around digging a trench but stopped in front of me still finding defeat with letting the words come out right.

"I don't want you to think that `cuz I can't say the words that I don't mean it, it's just that I only told one other person this and they kind of broke my heart, boo" Brandon confessed.

"I hear you" I said still waiting.

"I mean I don't want you to think I'm a punk or nothin' like that" Brandon said causing me to laugh, "quit laughin' boo I'm being for real."

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry you want me to go first?" I asked, "because I think I may feel the same way."

"Well let me go first in case you may be thinkin' the wrong thing" Brandon said smiling.

"I'm thinking the same thing you are" I said laughing.

"Naw I doubt it" Brandon said smiling, "yo mind stay in the gutta."

"What-I mean never mind" I said making Brandon blush.

"You remembered that, that word is gone from yo vocab'" Brandon said surprised, "Now I know I can say this." I waited on the swings as Brandon grabbed my hand and got down on both his knees.

"Jayse I know it's been a couple of days but to me it feels like weeks. I go to bed thinkin' bout you, dreamin' bout you, even braggin' bout you to my moms and friends. I just want to say that I love you and I promise to never break yo heart, as long as you take care of mine" Brandon said staring deep into my eyes.

I looked at him and smiled blown away by his honesty. He was right after a couple of days it did feel like weeks.

"I promise to never hurt you neither because I know what it feels like and if this is love at first sight I'm glad that I caught it with you" I said making Brandon blush. I looked down in my lap afraid to face him after admitting my true feelings for him as well, when he lifted my chin up and looked me in my eyes.

I licked my lips to get them nice and moist and he followed suit. We leaned in and was about to kiss when Justus and Jamie came walking outside to meet us. Oh God can I please have my first kiss with this boy before anyone else interrupts us.

"Hey guys what's going on out here?" Justus asked walking over to us. Brandon got up and reached out his hand to pull me up from the swing.

"Nothing just trying to have a little bit of privavcy" I stated upset.

"Jayse please you lived in a house with 4 brothers, we never knew the meaning of the word" Jamie stated, "besides we just wanted to meet Mr. Brandon Wallace here."

"How did you know his whole name" I asked.

"I told them when I came over" Brandon stated.

"So how long you been talking to my little brother?" Justus asked.

"A couple of days now" Brandon said.

Jamie looked Brandon up and down and asked him, "do you have a job?"

"Yeah I work in my uncle's studio" Brandon said.

"Doing what?" Justus asked. I could not believe they were actually grilling him in front of me.

"I'm an underground rapper with hopes of doing it big" Brandon said.

"Ok that's good. Is that how you bought that nice whip out there?" Justus asked.

"Justus please?" I asked embarrassed for Brandon.

"It's cool boo" Brandon stated holding his ground, "I did some landscaping on the side earlier but found out that it wasn't for me, feel me."

"Yea I feel ya, I just ask because see I know a lot of rappers hit big as you say after the fact that they did some other stuff before doing the music thing" Justus said folding his arms.

"What you tryin' to say homie?" Brandon asked. "You pretty smart homie, you tell me?" Justus asked.

"You askin' me if I'm slingin'?" Brandon asked.

"I didn't want to come right out and say it in front of my brothers but yea amuse us" Justus said.

"Naw man I don't do that" Brandon stated lying.

"Landscaping and underground rapping. Seems like my profession is the wrong choice because a car like that would suit me fine, and get this Jamie, I'm finished with high school, college and med school" Justus said.

"Ok guys please stop it" I begged before a fight erupted.

"Jayse your boo, is that right, said he could handle it so I'm just asking questions" Justus stated.

"Ok we asked them some questions now let's go" Jamie said grabbing Justus' arm until Justus snatched his arm away.

"No I'm not done unless Brandon here wants me to leave?" Justus asked.

"Naw homie you good and fo yo information, landscapin' is a good profession I saved up a lot doin' it and with that on top of my mixtapes I saved my money really well" Brandon said.

"Thanks homie for the economics lesson but see here I don't need no project nigga schooling me on math" Justus said getting in Brandon's face. Brandon immediately got back in Justus' face until Justus pushed Brandon causing me and Jamie to break them up.

"Justus stop it ok" I pleaded.

"I'm just looking out for you bro!" Justus yelled from behind Jamie.

"By calling him a project nigga?" Jamie asked, "C'mon let's go in the house" Jamie said pushing Justus towards the patio steps.

Justus was trying to plead his case but Jamie wasn't having it and kept pushing Justus towards the house. I hated that everybody felt like they had to protect me when I didn't need any protecting. I turned around to face Brandon as he fixed himself up.

"I'm sorry baby" I said fixing his shirt, "my brothers really do have something against you."

"I don't care about yo brothers. I can handle them, besides I only want you" Brandon said smiling at me.

"Yea but I'm kind of getting tired of them giving you a hard time" I said upset.

"Boo quit worryin, I can handle it" Brandon said holding my hands as we walked.

"I know but it makes me sick" I said.

"Jayse look at me" Brandon said stopping, "I'm not going anywhere. I love you remember."

I blushed and said,"I love you too, but..."

"Shhh" Brandon said putting his finger over my lips, "You worry too much" he said laughing.

I walked Brandon to his car afraid of anymore confrontations with my family members. He told me one last time that he loved me and gave me a cd for Jerry. I totally forgot all about that. I blushed and watched as he left out of the driveway. I turned around to find my mom standing by the door.

"Mom?" I asked surprised to see her.

"You really like him don't you" my mom said as I walked over to her.

"No mom I love him" I said making her blush.

"Just be safe out there" my mom said as we walked inside.

I walked through the living room passing Justus and Jamie calling me as I walked up the stairs and went straight into my room. I didn't want to deal with any of them. I locked my door and picked up my cell phone calling Brandon.

"Hi baby" I said to Brandon.

"Miss me already" Brandon said on the other end. I sighed to myself, if only he knew.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 10

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