Hes Mine


Published on Jul 29, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 8.1 Guess Who's Coming To Dinner

"Mom what are you talking about guests? Who else is coming over?" Justus asked walking in the kitchen behind my mom with grocery bags in his arms.

"Your father is bringing one of the doctors at his job here tonight. I thought your father told you?" my mom said as she started pulling the vegetables out the grocery bag.

"No. If I had known I was going to be on display I wouldn't have flown 900 miles over here" Justus said placing the steaks in the kitchen sink.

"Besides does dad know anything about this man to be bringing him over?" Justus asked walking out to wash his hands in the washroom to help my mom in the kitchen.

"Sweetie your father is trying to make friends here just like me. I'm thinking about hiring some help for the boutique" my mom said wrapping an apron around her waist.

"Ma we just got here you need help already" Justus argued coming back into the kitchen.

"Sweetie a lot of people came by my store recently and commented on my designs. I need help running the store while I do errands and other things. It's too much for just one person" my mom said chopping the vegetables on the counter.

"Mom get Jerry and Jayse to help, they're not doing anything" Justus argued, while Jerry and I looked at each other.

"They are going to be staring school soon sweetie. I need some people full time and maybe even part time. Who know with the way my clothes are selling, I may need a whole staff" my mom screamed happily. I was so happy that people were taking an interest in her clothes because she really had an eye for fashion.

"Just be happy for me sweetie okay" my mom said walking to the sink, "Jayse, you and Jerry go set the table for me, and Jayse make sure that the classical music is set in the stereo, please."

"Classical music. Are ya'll trying to make friends or make an impression?" Justus asked walking to the cabinet to find herbs and spices for the steaks.

"Justus please not now" my mom said walking to the cabinet to grab a mixing bowl to start on her Tuna Noodle Casserole. Since my mom and dad had Justus when they were both fresh out of high school, Justus always felt like he could talk to them like an adult, problem with this is that, that same macho attitude got him in trouble.

My mom always had us in the kitchen helping her out. We all loved to eat so she taught us all how to cook. Because of the fact that she didn't have girls we would make dinner and clean up the house making us perfect stay-at-home dads. Just joking!

My dad would be in the kitchen occasionally but because of his job he would rarely be home and because my mother was a designer she sometimes worked long hours too but I guess their minds were at ease knowing that all their sons knew how to cook. We never complained when it came down to cooking in fact we cooked so much that whenever my mom came home with groceries we put the ingredients together in our heads and started cooking without her telling us what the menu was.

"Well if you need me I'll be on the grill with these steaks" Justus said walking out the siding door onto the patio.

"Who do you think dad's friend is?" Jeryn asked me while we were setting the table in the dining room.

"I don't know" I said folding the napkins, "but I hope it's not someone boring."

"Are...you feeling better?" Jerry asked me nervously.

"Yea I am it still hurts but I guess I'm ok" I said not looking up at Jerry's face.

"This is all the stuff out the car ma" Jamarion said walking through the dining room into the kitchen. He looked at me but I didn't even acknowledge him. You know when you can feel someone's eyes on you, I felt his but I still wasn't ready to talk to him. He gave me the cold shoulder for months, now it's time for him to feel the iciness of his own wrath.

"Thank you baby, can you get started washing and steaming those asparagus' in that bag" my mom said continuing stirring in her mixing bowl.

"Everything ok?" she asked Jamarion as he placed the bags on a nearby empty counter.

"Yea mom everything is fine" Jamarion said as I walked in the kitchen to grab the silverware. Jamarion looked at me with pleading eyes and this was the first time I saw him since the argument. I rolled my eyes toward him and walked over to the drawer with the silverware. Jamarion placed his head down in defeat and walked out the kitchen to wash his hands.

"Jayse..." my mom called after me as I was about to walk out the kitchen.

"Ma'am?" I asked turning around to face her.

"What's going on between you and Jamarion?" my mom asked wiping her hands in her apron as she went to answer the phone. I started to answer but she threw her finger up telling me to hold on.

"Ok, baby I'll tell the kids. See you tonight. Love you too, bye bye" my mom said placing the phone back on the hook, "make sure to set plate settings for 12 people."

"12 people? Who all is coming over I thought it was just a friend of dad's from work?" I asked shocked.

"It is but he is also bringing his son and wife" my mom said turning her back to me to grab a casserole dish.

"Well that only makes 11 including Giannis" I stated walking over to the bar in the kitchen.

"Well don't tell your brother but I invited his little friend as well. I hired her part time as my assistant" my mom whispered.

"Who Ebony? Mom you don't even know her!" I said with disgust.

"I know but she came in looking for an outfit to wear to one of her cousins wedding and we got to talking. After hours of conversation, I was asking her if she wanted a job" my mom blushed.

"But she is a senior in high school" I said sitting down on a stool leaning over watching my mom cook.

"Yea I know baby, but she has plans to be a model. I could use her as a model for some of my clothes plus she could be my assistant" my mom said still smiling.

"Don't get your hopes up. I think you may be putting too much trust in this stranger" I said.

"Hold on I thought I was the mom, since when do you and Justus give me advice?" my mom asked getting defensive.

"But ma..." I said.

"Don't but ma me. Hurry up and set the table because I want you to make the Creamy Smoked Salmon Cups" my mom said forcefully cutting me off.

"Yes ma'am" I said walking away just in time for Jamarion to walk in the kitchen. I hope he heard everything so it would spoil his surprise. Since when does he get to have surprises?

"Where is mom at?" Jamie asked walking into the dining room with Giannis following behind.

"She's in the kitchen cooking" Jerry said walking over and grabbing the silverware out of my hands.

"Hey baby I'm going to go outside with Justus" Giannis said placing his hands on Jamie's shoulder and kissing him on the cheek.

"Ok, baby" Jamie said watching Giannis walk away, "ooh God I love that man. Why are ya'll setting so many plate settings?"

"Because mom is trying to invite the whole Pine Grove over for a meal" I stated upset.

"Jayse..." Jamie pleaded, walking over to me. He probably assumed I was still upset with Jamarion but I wasn't. I just wanted to get out and away to think for a minute. I wanted to see Brandon. Jamie placed his hands on my shoulders trying to soothe me but I walked away.

"I'm fine Jamie" I shouted.

"Sweetie it's okay to be upset. You got a lot of heavy news today" Jamie stated putting his hands over the back of a dining chair.

"I know but I'm fine" I said placing extra dinner napkins on the table.

"Well you know where I am" Jamie said before being cut off by mom.

"I thought I heard you in here. Come in here and help me cook this food" she said walking away.

"I'm coming mom. Remember what I said" Jamie said to me walking away, "That goes for you too Jerry."

"Ok" Jerry said walking away to the china cabinet for the plates.

"Who else is coming over?" Jerry asked me after Jamie left.

"As far as I know dad's friend, his wife, their son, and Ebony" I said placing a bowl of lemons as a centerpiece with candles on the sides.

"Ebony? Did Jamarion invite her?" Jerry asked loudly.

"Sssshhh" I stated walking over to him, "he doesn't know mom invited him."

"Oh. Like a surprise?" Jeryn asked and I nodded my head with a response as I walked to the china cabinet to grab the glasses.

"Well if Jamarion is getting a surprise maybe we will get one too" Jerry stated excited.

"I doubt it. Mom and Dad don't know about Brandon, well they do but I haven't introduced them yet, so...it's ok" I said slowly.

"You want me to go find out?" Jerry asked. "What! No! It's ok I'll just see him later" I said wondering what Brandon was up too.

"But tonight could be the first time to introduce him to the family" Jeryn said fixing the chairs behind the table.

"Yea but with Jamarion and Justus not to mention dad, Brandon would feel uncomfortable all night" I said placing the glasses on each plate setting.

"Yea you're right. It was worth a shot" Jeryn stated walking away to the kitchen. I agreed and thought that I should still call him and let him know what I was up too. I picked up my cell phone from my pocket and started dialing Brandon's number.

"Yo" Brandon said answering the phone with music blaring in the background.

"Is that how you answer the phone?" I asked walking from the dining room to the foyer.

"My bad boo" Brandon said turning his music down.

"Where are you" I asked walking outside.

"In my car, drivin' to the studio. What you up too?" Brandon asked.

"Nothing thinking about you" I said walking around in circles on the front lawn.

"Wurd! Where you at?" Brandon asked.

"At home" I answered.

"You up in yo room?" Brandon asked seductively.

"No" I laughed, "I'm outside."

"Why you laughin' shawty?" Brandon asked.

"Because you sound like you trying to do something" I said kicking my feet against our stone walkway.

"What if I was?" Brandon asked low.

"I thought you was on your way to the studio?" I asked smiling.

"What you think is mo' important to me?" Brandon asked me. I responded by blushing.

"Blushin ain't an answer boo" Brandon mocked.

"I thought you were speaking hypothetically" I responded.

"Naw I'm serious" Brandon stated.

"I guess me" I said blushing even harder.

"You guess?" Brandon asked.

"I'm sorry I know" I said waving at a neighbor jogging.

"I GUESS I gotta change yo mind on second guessin where you stand wit me" Brandon stated.

"No you don't" I tried to assure him.

"Naw I do boo. I have to show you wha' time it is" Brandon said turning his car off and opening his car door.

"You made it to the studio safe" I asked changing the subject.

"Yea, how you know you listenin' that hard over there? Brandon asked laughing.

"No I heard your car door chime" I responded laughing.

"Oh, but don't try to change the subject" Brandon laughed making me laugh as well. "You don't like nobody to show you up, and when they do you change the subject" Brandon stated making me blush.

"No I don't" I stated.

"Yes you do" Brandon mocked. I paused and laughed softly to myself.

"Hello?" Brandon asked.

"Yes. I'm here" I said shielding myself from the sunlight as I looked down the road.

"Why you got so quiet?" Brandon asked.

"You know why" I stated walking towards the garage.

"Naw I don't" Brandon said playfully.

"Whatever. You do" I said walking away.

"Naw shawty quit playin" Brandon said in his sexy voice.

"Brandon you quit playing. I have to say it?" I asked.

"Say what boo?" Brandon asked.

"Whatever. Because you called me out" I said giving in.

"I called you out" Brandon asked flirting.

"Yes you did!" I shouted.

"Oh my bad" Brandon said smiling.

"Whatever" I said again about to walk back inside the house out of the heat.

"Whatever me one mo' time" Brandon stated smiling.

"What..." I started before being cut off.

"Jayse..." Brandon said laughing.

"Ev..." I continued.

"I dare you to finish" Brandon said.

"Or what, it's only 2 more letters" I stated.

"Ok then finish" Brandon stated causing me to blush. I paused afraid to finish so I laughed.

"Go `head. I'm waitin'?" Brandon said. I wanted to so bad but was afraid of what he might do so I gave up.

"Ok I won't say it anymore" I said giving up in defeat.

"Good. Whatever is no longer in yo vocab" Brandon stated.

"Says who?" I asked laughing.

"Says me because you didn't finish" Brandon said.

"What if I did finish?" I asked.

"You could have kept it but you gave up" Brandon stated.

"So because I gave up, you would rather me be a punk?" I asked.

"Naw you did what yo man said and I respect that" Brandon said making me blush even harder. "You ova there blushin'? Brandon asked. I didn't respond, I only laughed harder. "Yea you ova there blushin" Brandon stated smiling.

I walked inside the house through the front door to find my mom walking towards my direction looking frantic.

"There you are. What happened to making the Salmon Cups?" My mom asked.

"I gotta go Brandon" I said closing the door behind me.

"You cookin' ova there?" Brandon asked smiling. "Yes I know how to cook" I stated smiling back.

"Where my invite at?" Brandon asked.

"I was going to" I stated walking through the foyer.

"All right what time is it?" Brandon asked.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yea what time is it? I'm hungry" Brandon said.

"6:00" I informed him worrying that I didn't even ask my parents yet.

"Ok. I gotta bring anything" Brandon asked.

"Uh...no just yourself and it's formal too" I said still worrying.

"Aight see ya tonite boo" Brandon said.

"Jayse, kitchen, NOW!" my mom shouted.

"Ok bye" I said.

"Bye boo" Brandon said hanging up.

I walked towards the kitchen wondering how I was going to ask my mom if Brandon could come over but I thought about it. Isn't 13 an unlucky number? When I got in the kitchen I saw how frantic my mom looked and thought to wait before I asked.

"All right the table is set, Justus has the steaks, Jamarion has the asparagus steaming and you're about to get on the mashed potatoes."

"Yes mom" Jamarion responded.

"Ok Jerry you have the cheese shredded for the macaroni and cheese, while the macaroni is boiling."

"Yes mom" Jerry responded.

"Ok, Jamie you're making you're Peaches and Crème cake and that should be done soon."

"Yes mom" Jamie said placing the cake in the top oven, while my mom's casserole was baking in the bottom oven.

"OK now you can help Jerry and Jayse you're about to make the Salmon cups and that will be it boys. I'm going to go upstairs and get ready."

"Ok mom" we all said together as she walked away. I really hope this evening goes by smoothly, I thought as I wrapped an apron around my waist and joined everybody in the kitchen.

I looked in the mirror and combed my hair trying to relax myself. I had to admit that I looked good. My crinkles in my afro were shining, I had a solid blue Alfani dress shirt with matching pants and a blue Paisley tie to match the whole outfit. I should probably mention that blue is my favorite color if I didn't give it away already.

I smiled in the mirror as I was tying my tie smiling at the handsome creature that was made to perfection. I walked to my bed to grab my shoes when Jamie walked in my room.

"Ooh look at you. You look nice" Jamie said buttoning up his purple vest.

"Thanks. You do too" I said causing Jamie to twirl around in a circle so I could get a view of the whole outfit.

"You talked to Brandon yet?" Jamie asked looking at himself in my mirror.

"No. I'm nervous dad is already here and I still haven't asked him or mom for permission yet" I said putting on my Navy suede Oxfords.

"Jayse you had four hours to talk to them and to Brandon!" Jamie pointed out with his back turned to me.

"I know, I just thought that I would get some alone time with them" I said standing up and walking around in my shoes.

"Well you might need to go now, dad's company is going to be here any minute" Jamie said walking out my room to check on Giannis.

I sighed, grabbed m cell phone and walked out my room, ready to face the music. I closed my room door and walked out my room as Jamarion came up the stairs to walk to his room. He stopped when he saw me and tried to talk to me.

"Jayse..." Jamarion started and grabbed my arm but I yanked it away.

"Leave me alone Jamarion" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed me again and pushed me against the wall.

"Look we are going to have to talk ok. I'm sorry for what I did but I was trying to look out for you" Jamarion stated.

"Since when have I asked you too? Now move!" I stated trying to push him from in front of me.

"No Jayse quit acting like a bitch!" Jamarion said with anger. I was shocked and looked him dead in the eyes out of hurt. I couldn't believe he said that to me. "I'm, I'm sorry Jayse I didn't mean too..." Jamarion said apologizing.

"No it's ok. I've been acting like one so I guess it's good you called me on it. After me and Jerry kept out mouths closed about the abuse you gave us when Justus and Jamie left not to mention the other thing" I said trying to hold back the tears.

"It was verbal I never laid a hand on neither one of you and I told you not to say anything" Jamarion stated backing up.

"Verbal abuse is just as worse as physical idiot" I stated getting back in his face.

"Don't call me an idiot Jayse. I've had enough of you lately" Jamarion said meeting me.

"I've had enough of you too" I said balling up my fists ready for round two.

"Will you two cut it out" Jamie stated walking down the hall in between the two of us.

"God you just get on my nerves" Jamarion stated walking away towards his room.

"You get on mine too" I shouted as he slammed his door, "Ugghh!"

"Don't you have something to do?" Jamie asked me as Giannis and Jerry came out the guest room. I sighed heavily and walked down the stairs toward my parents room until my phone chirped telling me I had a message.

"I'm sorry boo, I'm tied up at the studio so I won't make it" the text message from Brandon said. I sighed with relief knowing that no more animosity would be fueled to the fire tonight. I heard the music playing and found my dad making drinks in the kitchen.

"Hey dad you look nice" I said reaching for a glass admiring his tailored black Tasso Elba suit with matching shoes. His hair was cut low and his beard was lined up nice, he must have went to the barbershop after work.

"Thanks son, unh uh, that's not for you guys" my dad said reaching for the glass.

"Oh sorry" I said embarrassed.

"You look great yourself. How long have you had that outfit?" my dad asked me admiring my taste.

"Umm...a couple of weeks" I stated admiring my outfit myself.

"Looks good, wow honey you look beautiful" my dad said as my mom came into the kitchen.

"Thanks baby. One of my originals" my mom bragged walking over to my dad to give him a kiss. I always dreamed that I would have the same amount of happiness that they possessed. They have been together since high school and still act like newlyweds. I know it grosses most kids out to see their parents making out but to me I found it adorable.

"Look at my baby" my mom said walking over to me, "you look handsome."

"Thanks mom you look lovely" I said admiring her ivory sleeveless satin halter tiered evening dress that came to her knees showing off her stunning legs. My mom had long pretty hair to her back that some people swore even to her face that it wasn't hers. She had it in curls with small studs and ivory Clova evening sandals. My dad was 41 while my mom just turned 40, and with their beauty, they could make fashion models envious of how well they looked.

The bell rang and we all knew it was showtime. I got nervous immediately and checked my breath to make sure it was ok.

"Jayse Bob's son should be close to you and Jamarion's age. I talked with Jamarion so I want you guys to make him feel at ease" My dad said reaching for his suit coat off a nearby stool.

"Ok" I answered walking to the hors d'oeuvres that I made. I wonder if this was the reason Jamarion was walking up to me earlier.

"Boys come on down here. They're here!" my mom shouted walking out towards the stairs. "Justus can you grab the champagne from the kitchen and serve it to our guests after they get settled" my mom said as everyone came down the stairs.

"Got it mom" Justus said walking into the kitchen to meet me. "Jamie I want you and Jamarion on food patrol to serve our guests when it's time to serve and Jerry I want you to help out as well" my mom said walking behind my dad to the front door. I walked out the kitchen, through the dining room, and into the living room with everyone else.

"Bob come on in" my dad said as I saw a white man, a black woman and...

"Terrence" Jerry said out loud, "what's he doing here?"

"Judging by his parents I would say he's their son" Jamie said. Oh my God! I thought to myself. Not the guy I flirted with yesterday.

"Glad you could find the place, this is my lovely wife Jazmine" My dad said shaking Bob's hand along with his wife and Terrence.

"Jeff, it wasn't that hard at all. Viola actually spotted it" Bob said hugging my mom.

"I actually remembered this house a while ago when the previous owners stayed here" Viola stated. I couldn't help but notice Terrence as he was in a gray striped suit with gray loafers. He looked so handsome and his curly afro was combed back showing his face more. He was the most beautiful biracial kid I ever seen. Wait a minute he's not my type. I'm attracted to rugged, tough men, besides I have a boyfriend, so why couldn't I stop looking at him?

"You're in real estate?" my mom asked hugging Viola.

"I was but went back into teaching. I only do real estate part time" Viola said.

"I guess we should have looked you up before moving here. We probably could have gotten a good deal on this house" my dad said laughing causing everyone to laugh as well.

"Please meet my family," my dad said walking over to us, "This is my second oldest son Jamie and his friend Giannis, my middle son Jamarion, my baby boy Jeryn, my oldest Justus and my second youngest Jayson" my dad said as Bob, Viola and Terrence came by and shaked our hands. Terrence actually hugged me and Jerry but held his hug with me for a couple of minutes.

"We don't sing like the Jackson 5 unfortunately" Justus said making Bob and Viola laugh.

"But we do dance very well" Jamie said making everyone laugh and me and my brothers blush.

"I was going to comment on that. With 5 sons Jeff you could start out a new pop group" Bob stated laughing.

"They are all interested in the business world although I have thought about Bob" my dad said laughing.

"Don't you teach swimming lessons at the Y downtown?" my mom asked Terrence breaking his gaze on me.

"Yes ma'am I do" Terrence said looking at my mom.

"I thought he looked familiar as well" my dad joined in.

"Son I didn't know you were already familiar with this family?" Bob asked Terrence.

"Well not everybody dad, I teach Jerry at the gym and I just met Jayse recently" Terrence said putting extra emphasis on the part about me and looking back over at me. Am I the only one that is noticing all this?

"Very nice. You have a beautiful family Jazzmine" Viola stated.

"You too, Viola. Terrence is a sweetheart with Jerry" my mom said.

"Thank you Jazzmine. We try to teach our only boy the right way, to bad I think I have him a little spoiled" Bob said reaching his arm around Terrence laughing.

"I know all about that category, please come and sit down" my dad offered as everyone moved into the living room.

"This house is simply beautiful. I almost forgot how big it was" Viola said sitting down next to Bob on the couch.

"Yes it is very nice thank you" my mom said sitting down beside my dad on the loveseat.

"This couch is very comfortable" Bob said moving around in it.

"Thanks we got it as a gift set back in Sunset Valley. Are you guys thirsty?" my dad asked.

"A little bit, Vi, Terrence are you two ok?" Bob asked.

"I could use something" Viola responded.

"Me too" Terrence stated standing beside me. Justus tapped me on my shoulder and I followed him in the kitchen leaving Terrence there staring at me as I walked away.

We returned with wine for the adults and punch for everyone else. I started passing out on the hors d'oeuvres which everyone loved.

"Jayson actually made these" my mom bragged causing Terrence to look over at me from the couch.

"Very good Jayson" Bob said wiping his mouth.

"Where did you learn to cook dear?" Viola asked me.

"My mom ma'am" I stated looking over at her as she blushed.

"Jazzmine this is delicious" Viola stated finishing off her Salmon cup.

"Well I was gonna wait for my surprise guest to arrive but why don't we go ahead and eat" my mom said getting up.

"Jazzmine if you want to wait we don't mind" Viola stated.

"Sure why not" Bob said getting up, followed by Viola and Terrence.

We all went into the dining room and had our meals. Terrence sat across from me, while I sat in the middle of Justus, Jeryn, Jamie and Giannis. Terrence sat in the middle with his parents on his right and an empty seat separating him and Jamarion. My parents sat on the end of the table while everyone at their food and talked throughout the meal. Viola and Bob were still commenting on the food and every time I looked up Terrence was looking at me. One time when I looked up I blushed causing him to blush as well. I really need to stop doing this.

The doorbell rang and my mother offered to get it but Justus got it instead. I wonder how Jamarion was going to act once his girlfriend walked in.

"Hello everyone sorry I'm late" Ebony said walking into the dining room with Justus following behind her.

"No problem sweetie, everyone this is Ebony my new employee, Ebony you already know my sons and this is my husband's friend from work, his wife Viola and their son Terrence" my mom said getting up.

"Nice to meet all of you" Ebony said.

"Sit down over here sweetie" my mom said as Ebony sat between Jamarion and Terrence, "help yourself to some of this food."

"Employee? You didn't tell me you worked for my mom?" Jamarion asked upset.

"I was going to, I just got hired yesterday" Ebony said as Justus poured her some cranberry juice in a glass, "thank you."

"I mean you could have told me this morning that you were coming over for dinner..." Jamarion stated upset before being cut off.

"So Ebony, this is my first time meeting you. I'm Jamie, Jamarion's older brother behind Justus and this is my friend Giannis" Jamie said patting Giannis on the elbow.

"Hello" Ebony said trying not to look at Jamarion who was clearly upset.

"Dad can I be excused?" Jamarion asked from across the table.

"Son, your friend was just invited for dinner" my dad said taking a sip of his wine.

"I know but I'm finished" Jamarion said looking over at Ebony causing her to put her head down.

"You haven't even tried my cake yet" Jamie said getting up.

"Yes sweetie, grab your cake please" my mom said to Jamie then looking over at Jamarion upset.

"Oh Jazzmine I don't think I could eat another bite. This has been the best meal I have had in a long time" Viola said wiping he mouth into her dinner napkin.

"Thank you Viola but I can't take all the credit my boys pretty much did everything I only made the casserole" my mom stated as Jamie brought the cake on a cart and began cutting it to be passed around.

"Jeff you should be commended excellent food, great family, this has really been a great night" Bob said grabbing his glass of wine for a drink.

"Thank you Bob and I would like to thank my lovely wife and my sons for making this meal possible" my dad said as we all thanked him as well.

After dessert Bob and his wife went with my parents onto the patio and finished their talking their while everyone else stayed around the dinner table talking.

"Guys this has really been a great meal for me too, thank you for having me this weekend" Giannis said.

"No problem man we're family it's what we do, take care of each other" Justus said fixing everyone a refill on the cranberry juice.

"I'm sorry I came late everybody I wish I could have talked with you all more" Ebony apologized looking around at everyone.

"It's ok you'll have more time to talk with us" Justus stated.

"What you mean I thought you were leaving Sunday?" Jamie asked.

"Um actually I was going to surprise mom and dad about this but I'm staying here. I am going to do my residency here with dad" Justus said.

"What? So you're not coming back to Strathmore?" Jamie asked getting upset.

"No I'm not Jamie" Justus said grabbing his seat.

"When were you going to say something? What about the lease?" Jamie asked.

"The lease will be up in a couple of months and you know I barely be home anyway so I thought that I would find a job somewhere" Justus said grabbing his glass of juice.

"And Pine Grove is somewhere?" Jamie asked glaring at Justus.

"I don't see why you are so upset, I mean you and Giannis are married now so I'm giving the two of you you're space" Justus said.

"It sounds like you made this decision months ago Justus, I just don't know why all of the sudden, and at dinner of all places" Jamie said throwing his napkin down on the table.

"Like I said it was going to be a surprise for mom and dad, not to make you upset. I will pay up for the rest of my half of the rent ok" Justus said.

"How you don't even have a job, what happened at Henry Hospital anyway, because it all seems to sudden for me?" Jamie said.

"Babe just drop it ok" Giannis pleaded.

"No he has all the answers all of a sudden" Jamie said pushing me back so he could get a view of Justus.

"You wanna know? Jamie since you always got to rub shit in everybody's faces. I got fired ok for sleeping with my superior" Justus stated causing everyone to look at him shocked.

"Are you serious?" Jamie asked, "you mess up your future to sleep with some wrinkled old cougar."

"Shut up ok you don't know what really happened" Justus defended.

"You're right I don't and I don't want to know" Jamie said in disgust, "Terrence and Ebony forgive us for this family altercation. I'm so sorry."

"It's cool" Terrence said looking at me.

"It's ok, we all have secrets" Ebony said regretting opening her mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Justus asked.

"I just mean we have secrets in my family too, it's ok" Ebony said.

"Uh huh, say refresh my memory how did you two meet?" Jamie asked leaning over the table.

"What are you getting at Jamie?" Jamarion asked.

"I just want to know a little about the two of you" Jamie stated.

"See what you did" Jamarion stated to Ebony upset.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say anything" Ebony apologized.

"Say what?" Justus asked.

"Go ahead you already opened your mouth" Jamarion said to Ebony.

"I'm sorry Jamarion I didn't mean to say anything" Ebony cried.

"Oh my God tell me that you aren't what I'm thinking?" Jamie asked placing his hands over his mouth.

"What" Jerry asked leaning up from his seat.

"Ebony is pregnant!" Justus said dropping his fork on his plate and sitting back in his chair upset while Jamie shook his head.

"Ebony you're what?" my mom asked walking into the dining room from the patio.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 9

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