Hes Mine


Published on Jul 24, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 7 Family FirstJ

Jamie and I stayed up all night talking about our boyfriends and I couldn't believe that he was here with his sexy boyfriend.

"Giannis is so cute" I stated getting out of bed.

"I know I wonder how he slept last night in my bed?" Jamie said stretching his arms out then folding up his sleeping bed.

"I'm surprised you didn't walk down the hall to see him last night" I pointed out.

"And deal with daddy walking in on us no thanks" Jamie said walking up to my mirror checking himself out, "I need a haircut."

"Whatever your hair is fine" I said making up my bed.

"I just don't like it too high, some black guys don't look good with a lot of hair on their heads, no offense" Jamie said looking at me in the mirror.

"None taken" I said sitting down on my bed turning my ringer back on my phone.

"I mean it fits you because you have small ears mine stand out more like handles on a sippie cup" Jamie said sitting by me on the bed.

"Whatever you're still cute. You worry about your image too much" I said texting Brandon.

"I know you're not talking" Jamie said, "Do you still take hours in the bathroom?"

"No it's only minutes but beauty cannot be rushed" I stated getting up and walking to my window.

"Wow this is a nice house" Jamie said walking over to his suitcase, "better than the 4 bedroom we had back at Sunset Valley."

"I know remember that time Jerry wrote on the wall with that permanent marker?" I said smiling

"And mom made us all clean it up because I was supposed to be watching ya'll, yea I remember" Jamie said, "or the time that Justus was learning to drive and backed into the mailbox."

"Trying to impress that slut Denise" I stated in disgust mentioning her name, "are they still talking?" I asked.

"Yea she stops by the apartment every now and then" Jamie stated unhappy.

I decided to change the subject, "do you know how much the hospital is paying dad?" I asked turning around to face Jamie.

"No...what?" Jamie asked looking through his suitcase.

"I don't know I thought you knew" I said folding my arms.

"No I don't know, but it has to be big to afford a place like this in a neighborhood like this one" Jamie stated laying his clothes out on the floor.

"Yea I said the same thing. I asked Max who stayed here before us, but he just shrugged it off like nothing big" I said running to my phone after it chirped letting me know I had a text.

"Then don't worry about it" Jamie said getting up, "who are you talking to?"

I didn't answer the first time so Jamie asked again, "who are you talking to?" he asked sitting back down on my bed.

"Huh...what did you say?" I asked looking up from my phone.

"You heard me is that Brandon?" Jamie asked reaching for my phone.

"No quit being nosey" I shouted.

"Oooo... you're creeping on Brandon already? Ya'll just met. Plus I didn't know you had it in you" Jamie said smiling trying to reach for my phone.

"Quit it Jamie" I said running across the room, "I'm not creeping it is Brandon" I admitted.

"What are ya'll talking about? Let me see, let me see!" Jamie asked running after me.

"No it's private" I stated holding my phone to my chest.

"Hmmm...I bet it is. The way you guarding it means ya'll are talking about something nasty" Jamie said still not giving up.

"No we're not" I said looking down at my phone after Brandon texted me something else.

"What ya'll doin?" Jamie asked.

"Nothin Jamie!" I screamed smiling wishing he would drop it.

"Hey keep it down in there" Jamarion said knocking on my door walking away.

"Be quiet peanut head" Jamie shouted still trying to get my phone, "let me read one message"

"No it's private. Why you wanna see so bad?" I asked.

"Because I'm nosey, plus the way you described him he sounds cute" Jamie said smiling.

"You're man is right down the hall!" I yelled, "go bother him."

"I will in a minute, now let me see" Jamie said.

"Who you telling to be quiet" Jamarion said coming into my room without knocking.

"I was talking to you" Jamie said looking back at Jamarion.

"Jamarion get out!" I screamed.

"Why ya'll making so much noise in here?" Jamarion asked picking up one of my pillows throwing it at Jamie.

"Because we can do that" Jamie said throwing the pillow back.

"Stop throwing my pillows around" I screamed holding on to my phone behind my back.

"Be quiet" Jamarion said throwing a pillow at me, "since when can we start bringing people over and letting them spend the night?" Jamarion asked laying across my bed on his side.

"Since I became the oldest!" Jamie shouted looking down at Jamarion.

"You're the oldest now in the house but Justus is the oldest" Jamarion stated playing with my bedspread.

"You know what I mean. What's up with you giving everybody negative attitudes lately?" Jamie said putting his hands on his hips.

"Jame don't start that" Jamarion said getting up off the bed.

"No" Jamie said walking over to the door guarding it, "you ain't going nowhere. Why you acting up?" Jamie asked pushing Jamarion back down on the bed.

"Quit Jamie" Jamarion shouted.

"Or what? What you gonna do?" Jamie said walking up to Jamarion in the face, "I dare you to do something." Jamarion just balled up his bottom lip afraid to say anything.

Though Jamie was five years older than us I remember him watching over us more than Justus. Justus was home a lot too but he really didn't watch over us as much as Jamie. Jamie kept us on a short leash and was more sympathetic than Justus. Justus was the type to yell and argue to get his way than easy to let go of somethings.

"What's your problem? I'm still waiting for an answer?" Jamie asked with his arms folded.

"Jamie leave me alone. Your man is down the hall go see what he wants" Jamarion shouted.

"I'll deal with him in a minute, right now I wanna know what is your problem" Jamie said slapping Jamarion on his thigh.

Jamarion still kept his mouth closed and stared off to a nearby wall not facing Jamie.

"Jamie just drop it" I said frustrated with Jamarion's new attitude.

"No I'm not doing anything until he opens his mouth" Jamie said looking at Jamarion.

"But he doesn't want to talk" I stated speaking for Jamarion.

"I don't care Jayse. Let me handle this" Jamie said walking back over to Jamarion and picking him up by the shoulder.

Jamie was only 5'10" and Jamarion was like 6'3" the tallest of all of us and still Jamie felt the need to put him in his place. I was happy that someone was getting on him about his attitude but hated that Jamie was doing it in my room.

"Get up" Jamie said picking Jamarion up.

"What for man?" Jamarion asked frustrated.

"Because Giannis is right down the hall and I don't want to wake him. We going downstairs" Jamie said pushing Jamarion. I was glad this debacle was getting out my room, I thought to myself sighing and sat back down on my bed.

"Get up Jayse and come down stairs" Jamie shouted.

"But Jamie I don't have anything to do with..." I stated before being cut off.

"What did I just say!" Get up!" Jamie said holding the back of Jamarion's t-shirt. Since he don't wear any underwear his butt was showing from his pjs so I quickly turned my head and walked behind them.

Jamie walked down the hall and knocked on Jeryn's room door telling him to come downstairs.

"Open the door Jayse" Jamie said still holding onto Jamarion's shirt.

I sighed heavily and opened the door to find a made up bed and an empty room.

"He's not in here" I said walking back out.

"He must be downstairs" Jamie said, "come on" he said to me and Jamarion.

"You don't have to be holding my shirt and pushing me" Jamarion said aloud.

"Be quiet and walk" Jamie said as we walked down the stairs to see Jerry on the couch watching cartoons.

"Morning Jerry" Jamie said pushing Jamarion on the love seat.

I sat by Jerry because I really didn't feel like Jamarion this early in the morning.

"Morning" Jeryn said eating his cereal.

Jamie sighed when he saw what I did, I looked up at him and asked, "what?"

"Why didn't you sit by Jamarion?" Jamie said putting his hands on his hips.

"Because it's more room over here" I stated.

"I don't want you over here anyway" Jamarion mumbled.

"Excuse me" I said sitting up.

"I said I don't want you over here anyway! Can't you hear!" Jamarion shouted.

"I can hear just fine, punk. Why don't you grow up!" I shouted back.

"Why don't you both stop fighting" Jeryn said frustrated.

"Thank you Jerry. I see what you mean now" Jamie said looking at the both of us shaking his head.

"What are you talking about?" I asked sitting back down.

"Jerry was the one who called and told me about you two" Jamie said crossing his arms.

Jamarion and I both looked over at Jerry, who looked down at his bowl of cereal afraid to look us both in the face.

"Why you telling everybody what goes on around here?" Jamarion asked low with anger.

"Jamie isn't everybody" Jeryn said mumbling still not looking up from his bowl.

"Leave him alone. I'm glad he told me because you two didn't say it was this bad when I spoke with ya'll over the phone" Jamie said.

"I told you" I said biting my tongue after I opened my mouth, making Jerry and Jamarion look over at me.

"So everybody playing operator now" Jamarion said leaning back on the love seat shaking his head.

"Be quiet and quit having such a short temper with everybody" Jamie said looking over at Jamarion.

"We're going to handle this right now" Jamie said turning the TV off and standing in front of it.

"I was watching that Jamie" Jamarion said whining.

"When we finish with Family Circle you can watch it" Jamie said walking to the window and opening the curtains and blinds.

Jeryn, Jamarion, and I all sighed in unison at the thought of this tired tradition. Jamie hated when we would fight with each other so Family Circle was a way of letting it out. We also used Family Circle to just talk and hang out sometimes, but the majority of the time it was intervention.

"I don't care what you guys say. Mom and dad are gone so it's time to get to the bottom of all this tension you guys have been having. How long has it been going on?" Jamie asked walking over to sit by Jamarion.

Nobody answered afraid of escalating another argument. Jeryn started kicking up his feet while I played with my nails.

"We can do this all day" Jamie said leaning back on the love seat.

"There isn't anything to talk about" Jamarion said getting up. Jamie immediately grabbed his shirt tail and pulled him back down to sit.

Jamarion let out a loud sigh and said, "Jamie I'm hungry. I don't feel like this right now."

"I don't care Jamarion" Jamie said letting go of his shirt and folding his arms, "you guys are gonna tell me what's going on."

"Oh boy" Jamarion said leaning back and sighing heavily again.

"Whatever" Jamie said rolling his eyes, "Somebody is going to have to talk sooner or later."

After a moment of silence, I gave in and asked, "what do you want to know?"

"I want to know when did all of this begin? This week? Month? What?" Jamie asked.

I paused again and looked over at Jamarion, afraid he was going to yell at me. He had so many knots in his forehead and he was biting his bottom lip looking like he was going to punch any of us in the next couple of minutes.

"It started after Mother's Day when you and Justus left and went back to your apartment" I said with my voice shaking.

"What happened Jayse?" Jamie asked. I looked over at Jamarion and he looked dead at me with hate. I froze and didn't speak out of fear.

"What happened Jayse? Jamie asked again looking over at Jamarion. I didn't say anything I just put my head down fearing another fight.

"Jerry do you know what Jayse is talking about?" Jamie asked sitting up looking at Jerry and I. Jerry didn't answer either which only frustrated Jamie more.

"What the hell did you do?" Jamie asked shoving Jamarion hard.

"Nothing what you talking about?" Jamarion said throwing his hands up.

"Why are they so afraid to talk?" Jamie asked looking at Jerry and I then back at Jamarion.

"I don't know ask them?" Jamarion said with an attitude.

"I did and they didn't answer. What did you do?" Jamie asked.

"I didn't do anything" Jamarion mumbled and laid back in his seat. Suddenly we heard a car door slam and Jamie went to the window to see who it was.

"Don't none of ya'll move" Jamie said walking away to the door. After he walked away Jamarion, Jeryn and I sat there in silence afraid to look at each other, well Jeryn and I were afraid anyway.

"Ya'll better not say anything" Jamarion said softly through clenched teeth.

"Stop being mean Jamarion" Jeryn whined.

"Be quiet" Jamarion said softly causing Jeryn to fold his arms upset.

"Quit talking to him like that" I said in a low voice.

"Leave me alone. It's your fault all of this is happening" Jamarion said turning his head from my direction.

"I didn't do anything" I said upset.

"Be quiet before they hear us!" Jamarion said sharply.

"Before who hears us" Justus said walking through the living room. We all got up to hug him except Jamarion who sat there with his arms folded.

"Look at you Jerry you getting tall man" Justus said laughing, "what about you?" he said looking at me, "you been behaving?"

"Yes" I said smiling.

"You can't give your big brother a hug?" Justus said walking over to Jamarion.

Jamarion stuck out his hand to shake Justus', when Justus slapped it away.

"Boy you know we're a hugging family get up" Justus said pulling Jamarion up for a hug, "What's your problem?"

"Nothing" Jamarion said with an attitude and sitting back down.

Justus looked back at Jamie and asked him, "what's wrong with him?"

"I don't know I was trying to find that out myself" Jamie said walking over and sitting down back beside Jamarion.

"What's your problem Jamarion?" Justus asked sitting down between Jerry and I.

"Nothing can we talk about something else? Why everybody ganging up on me? How long you gonna be home?" Jamarion asked.

"I'm here for the weekend" Justus said picking up some peanuts from the dish on the table and eating them.

"Ok back to the point at hand, what is going on seriously?" Jamie asked frustrated.

"What you talking about?" Justus asked wiping his hands on his pants with his mouth full—of peanuts.

"Jeryn has been calling me non-stop for the past couple of weeks telling me that these two" Jamie said pointing to Jamarion and I, "have been arguing everyday..."

"We don't argue everyday" Jamarion barked.

"Hey, hey, shut up and let him finish" Justus said sternly looking over at Jamarion.

"But nobody is letting me..." Jamarion said before Justus cut him off.

"Dude chill" Justus said putting base in his voice calming Jamarion down, "go ahead" he said to Jamie.

"Like I was saying," Jamie said cutting his eyes at Jamarion, "Jerry told me that they argue everyday over foolishness. I was trying to get to the bottom of it but nobody wants to answer me" Jamie said looking around at all of us.

"That's why you doing Family Circle?" Justus asked looking over at Jamarion. Jamie nodded yes in reply.

"Ok since mom and dad are gone we got all morning to squash this beef between the three of ya'll" Justus said.

"No it's not all of them, it's Jamarion against Jerry and Jayse" Jamie said correcting Justus.

"I know, I know, but still they all seem to have something on the other because I can see it in their eyes" Justus said.

"All right who wants to go first and I'm not taking no for an answer" Justus said getting up putting a chair in front of the TV. "Whoever gets up has to sit in the chair and speak their mind, without anybody intimidating them" Justus said looking at Jamarion.

"What you looking at me for? I didn't do anything!" Jamarion said low.

"You don't know when to shut your damn mouth do you?" Justus asked jacking Jamarion up by his shirt, "since you got so much mouth right now you be the first one." Justus said pulling him over and slamming him on the chair.

"Go ahead and talk" Justus shouted standing back. Jamarion just looked at Justus breathing hard with his fists balled up.

"Oh you think you bad now? Do something? You get tall and put some muscles on your scrawny ass and you think you the shit! I dare you to hit me" Justus said standing back flexing.

"Stop it Justus! This is why I don't ever ask you to come in the circles" Jamie stated.

"No because ma was telling me about mister soldier boy here copping attitudes with her too. He scared to take on me and dad but he try ya'll, but I'm home now. Come on, you mad?" Justus asked instigating.

"Quit it Justus!" Jamie shouted getting up causing Justus to walk away, "Now go ahead Jamarion."

"And this the last time we gonna tell you to!" Justus said from the corner of the wall.

Jamarion paused and started yelling, "It's ya'll fault" pointing at Justus and Jamie, "ever since ya'll left I had to step up and take care of those two. That ain't easy man. Ya'll barely used to call and visit and ya'll stayed an hour away."

"All you had to do was call and ask us to come visit" Jamie said putting his arm around Jamarion's shoulder.

"I shouldn't have to Jamie. You're my big brother I shouldn't have to be penciled in your schedule" Jamarion said sounding upset.

"But Jamarion we came to visit. You make it sound like we went to school and never came back. I just graduated and Jamie is next year. You guys are about to go to college and go through things too. Things change once you graduate high school" Justus said walking from the corner.

"But why things got to be different between all of us?" Jamarion asked.

"What are you talking about?" Jamie asked sitting down on the coffee table followed by Justus on the other side.

"I'm talking about me having to defend everybody by myself" Jamarion said breathing hard.

"Who do you have to defend?" Justus asked confused. Jamarion looked over at me without saying a word.

"Who Jayse?" Jamie asked confused, "Why do you have to defend Jayse?" Jamarion looked at Jamie with a look like you know why.

"Since when did you have to start defending Jayse?" Justus asked breaking the small silence.

"Since he started talking to Daniel" Jamarion said looking at me.

"Did you ask him to?" Justus asked turning around to face me.

"No. This is the first I am ever hearing this" I said sitting up.

"Defend Jayse from what?" Jerry asked out of the loop.

"What did Daniel do to Jayse?" Justus asked turning around to face Jamarion.

"He would walk around school with Jayse holding hands and some kids didn't like it" Jamarion said.

"So what's wrong with that?" Jamie asked.

"Not everybody likes gay people Jamie" Jamarion said.

"Are you still on that? I thought you got over it?" Jamie asked frustrated.

"I'm not talking about me hating you and Jayse over that. I've learned to accept it. If mom and dad can, I can too" Jamarion said making me smile inside though I still didn't like him right now.

"Then what is it?" Justus asked.

"Daniel came by the school one day I guess to get his transcripts or something and I saw him walking the hall with some white kid. They walked into the bathroom in the school and I followed them thinking they was doing something" Jamarion said looking down causing my heart to race.

"What happened?" Jamie asked.

"I walked in and sure enough they were doing something" Jamarion stated. I got up slowly from the couch.

"Jayse where are you going?" Justus asked coming to me.

"Jayse it's ok, we are all here" Jamie said, but I ignored them and walked over to Jamarion slapping him hard on the face.

"How dare you lie about him like that" I said with tears coming from my face.

"I'm not lying Jayse" Jamarion pleaded getting up holding his face.

"Then what is this, because it's not the truth" I yelled with Jamie holding me back, "let me go" I said trying to get out of his grip.

"You want to fight me after I protected you from that idiot" Jamarion shouted with Justus holding him back.

"Protect me from what? Daniel was good to me, he would never cheat on me" I yelled still crying.

"Believe what you want Jayse but you're my brother, there is no way I'm going to let some dude play you" Jamarion said.

"Then why did you wait 5 months to tell me all of this?" I asked.

"Because of this same reaction. I know you could never believe anything bad about your precious D so I kept it to myself" Jamarion said standing behind Justus.

"You still should have said something" Jamie shouted holding onto my arms calming me down.

"Why he wouldn't believe me that's why I wasn't going to say why he stopped calling" Jamarion said.

"Why did he stop calling?" Justus asked.

"I told him to either tell Jayse or I was and he said he couldn't hurt Jayse and I said me neither..." Jamarion said before I cut him off.

"Then what do you call this?" I asked wiping my face.

"Let him finish Jayse" Jamarion said.

"So he said that he was going to leave and stop talking to you just like that. He claims he didn't want to hurt you so he stopped calling altogether. What kind of man would do something so selfish?" Jamarion said as I reached across Justus, as he ducked his head to slap Jamarion again but Jamarion grabbed my hand. So I threw my other hand up and he caught that one too. He pushed me against the wall as Jamie and Justus tried to get him off of me. I wanted to get free so I kicked him in the stomach with my knee causing him to let go of me in pain. I wanted to hit him again but Jamie caught me and dragged me in the dining room.

"You're so stupid. This is the thanks I get for protecting you from someone who didn't care about you!" Jamarion shouted from the living room.

"I never asked you to protect me. How could you tell him to leave me?" I yelled crying some more.

"I didn't ask him idiot, he offered to go on his own" Jamarion yelled back.

"The both of you be quiet" Justus shouted. I tried to regain my composure but I couldn't and began to cry. Jamie pulled me up in an embrace and hugged me as I cried on his shoulder. How could he just leave me like that? How could he cheat on me? He said he loved me and wouldn't hurt me. Jeryn walked from the living room to rub my back as I continued to cry and feel my heart break from being so stupid.

Justus walked in soon later and replaced Jamie as I cried some more. He kept rubbing my back telling me that it was going to be ok but I didn't want to believe that now. I thought your first love was supposed to treat you right not make you doubt the power of love forever. I felt sick and kept heaving the more I cried.

"Go get him a glass of water" Justus told Jerry. Justus scooped me up in his arms and walked me back in the living room to find Jamarion there sitting. A part of me was upset but then a part of me was happy that he cared that much. Justus placed me on the couch and I sat there shaking my head for being so stupid.

Jeryn came back with the glass of water and I took two sips and gave the glass to Jamie.

"It's ok" Jamie said placing the glass on the table, "We're here for you ok" he said stroking my hair.

I thought I cried over him enough but I guess I didn't. I just shaked my head and looked down embarrassed that I was cut so deep.

"Hey baby what's going on?" Giannis asked walking down the stairs.

"Oh baby I'm sorry did we wake you" Jamie said walking over to Giannis. Jamie grabbed Giannis' hand and brought him around in the living room.

"Baby this looks like a family deal. I don't want to intrude" Giannis said softly.

"But you're not intruding your family..." Jamie stated before cutting himself off.

"What?" Justus asked getting up looking at Jamie and Giannis.

"Married?" Jamarion asked.

"Yea" Jamie sighed but don't tell mom and dad it's going to be a surprise.

"How the hell..." Jamie started before the front door opened.

"Oh good, everyone is home" my mom said walking in the living room, "you guys can help me with the groceries in the car."

"Why?" Justus asked.

"Because we have company coming tonight from your father's job" my mom said.

Great, I wonder who could be coming over, I thought. This should be interesting.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 8

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