Hes Mine


Published on Jul 22, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 6 Um...Sure

I couldn't believe the words he said to me last night, "Because I wanna be yo man." I can't fall in love with Brandon. I have too much baggage to bring to the plate. I got out of bed and walked slowly to my closet door opening it and scrolling through my outfits trying to find something nice to wear.

My phone chirped signaling that I had a text and my heart dropped knowing that it could only be Brandon. I walked over to my nightstand with my pj pants legs dragging on the carpet. I looked at it and it was a text from Max, "Give me a call when you wake up."

I placed the phone back down ignoring the request because if it wasn't for the promise I made to Jerry, I had plans to just stay in bed. It was Thursday and though we have only been in this new neighborhood for a couple of days I wanted to disappear, finding my new welcome to be worn out.

I heard a knock at my door and replied, "come in."

"Morning" Jeryn said poking his head in my room, "can I come in?"

"Yea come on" I said signaling with my hand and grabbing an outfit from the closet.

"Where are we going today?" Jeryn said excited plopping down on my unmade bed.

"I don't know wherever you want to go Jerry" I said with a bland tone.

"I wanna to the mall, then I want to get some ice cream, see a movie, go to the skating ring..." Jeryn stated going on and on. I decided to interrupt him because that sounded like more than enough for two people to do in one day.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on Jerry why don't you name what you want to do most importantly" I suggested grabbing my ironing board out of the closet.

"I don't know whatever you want to do" Jeryn said looking over at me as I was setting up my ironing board.

"Jerry today is your day whatever you want to do is fine with me" I said walking over to my mirror looking at him, "look I'm gonna take a shower and get dressed and come back to get you so we can go out."

I walked out the room and took my morning shower feeling tempted to relieve myself but remembered what I had on the agenda today. I let the hot water bathe my brown skin and start my body anew for whatever I had planned today.

Today was actually my parents first day of work so neither of them were home. I changed and walked down stairs to find Jamarion laying down on the sofa in his boxers on the phone. He must have been talking to Ebony because his hands were down his boxers and that was a view I didn't want to see.

I wish I had my own car but I grabbed something quick to eat and called a cab to come and pick me and Jeryn up. While we were leaving I didn't bother to tell Jamarion where we were going because I didn't feel like anymore fighting.

Our first stop was at the local swimming pool where Jeryn showed me some of his new moves. He then introduced me to his swimming instructor Terrence. He was tall and light skinned which looked like the product of interracial mixing. He had this light brown afro and hazel eyes. He only had on some trunks which hugged his body and showed some things. He had the tall, lean build of a swimmer.

"Jayse this is my instructor Terrence" Jeryn said walking me over to meet him.

He turned around and introduced himself, "Hi nice to meet you" Terrence said reaching out his hand to grab mine.

"Hi I'm Jayse" I said feeling his soft wet hand against mine.

"Your brother is a quick learner. One of the best I have around here" Terrence said walking over to his lifeguard booth. I couldn't stop staring at his muscular butt. The way his cheeks lifted and separated turned me on.

"Uh...thanks" I stuttered snapping back into reality, "he brags about you at home all the time."

"Well truth is I brag about him all the time too" Terrence said looking over at my brother as he got in the pool, "so how long have you guys been down here?" Terrence asked grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his neck.

"Um...a couple of days. It's great out here" I said finding something to stare at other than his perfect abs.

"Yea the Grove is quiet yet still has the feel of a big city. You in high school?" he asked slipping his feet in some thongs.

"Yea I'm a junior how about you?" I asked noticing his perfect toes.

"No I'm actually a sophomore in college" he said staring at me as we walked around the gym.

"Wow you look so much younger, I'm sorry" I said. He smiled and showed his pearly whites. Oh my gosh is he blushing hold on...am I?

"Thanks I get that a lot. My baby face gets me in trouble sometimes" Terrence said blushing.

I looked at him and smiled, if I wasn't in love with Brandon I would flirt with him some more.

"What are you studying?" I asked.

"Biology" he stated proudly.

"Really?" I asked surprised I pegged him for business, "what are you trying to become a doctor?"

"Yea a surgeon like my dad. He kind of drilled it in my head when I was younger" He stated.

"Tell me about it. My dad does the same thing to me. Is this a summer job?" I asked placing my hands behind my back.

"Yea and no" Terrence stated smiling, "I'm doing this as community hours for a scholarship and because I like to swim. I surf a lot in my spare time."

"But the beach is like 3 hours from here" I stated.

"Don't remind me" he laughed, "I miss the waves, but it is so far to go over there. During the summer I try to go over there as much as I can. Do you surf?"

"Me oh man no" I said honestly throwing my hands up.

"With a lean body like that I thought you were a swimmer or something" Terrence stated looking at me up and down.

"I swim a little" I blushed, "but I don't surf."

"Do you know how to?" Terrence asked.

"Surf? No I don't" I said watching my brother play in the water with some kids.

"Well I should teach you sometime. It's fun you would love it" Terrence said.

"I'm sure but I'm black so swimming is a big leap for me" I stated making Terrence laugh.

"I'm black too. My mom is Black and Puerto Rican mixed and my dad is white. Jewish really. So I got the whole `we are the world' thing going on right now" Terrence said. I laughed at how cute and true it was.

"Really what's that like?" I asked regaining my composure.

"Well other than the whole Christmas thing is actually cool" Brandon said bending down to pick up a kid's goggles.

"Hey who's in the pool without their goggles?" Brandon shouted. The kids all look around at this kid in the corner.

"Noah if you're not going to put on your goggles then you can't get in the pool" Terrence said walking over to the kid.

"But Amber had let me come in here yesterday without them" Noah pleaded grabbing the goggles from Terrence.

"I don't care what Amber did, I'm here today and you have to wear your goggles. You know the rules" Terrence said standing up after handing Noah the goggles.

"Aw man...ok" Noah said and placed the goggles on his head and went back to swimming.

"All right guys five more minutes and we're going to practice strokes" Terrence yelled.

"I should go, you're teaching right now and I don't want to interrupt" I said about to leave.

"No stay, I mean we're only going to be here another couple of hours. Besides you should see how much your brother has learned so far" Terrence stated.

"C'mon Jayse please stay. You promised" Jeryn whined in the pool. I didn't even see him behind us.

"Please Jayse" Terrence whined as well poking his pink bottom lips out making me blush.

"Ok" I said making the both of them smile at me. I took a seat on a nearby bench and watched both of them in unison. Jeryn really was the best kid there and that was saying something since he was black. I leaned over and placed my elbows on my knees watching Terrence. He was so patient with the kids and seemed to enjoy himself a lot with them. His personality was so friendly that you had no choice but to reciprocate off of whatever he was giving you.

"Alright guys that's enough for today your parents should be here any minute. Come on out and change and I'll see you all next week" Terrence said while blowing into his whistle. One by one the kids got out and Jeryn came over to me and gave me his goggles to hold.

"How do you think I did?" he asked out of breath and smiling.

"Great kid. I'm surprised. I didn't know you liked swimming this much. You were the best one out there" I said making him blush.

"Thanks Jayse. I'll be back I'm going to go change" Jeryn said walking away.

"Enjoy the show?" Terrence asked picking up some balls on the side of the pool and placing them in his bin.

"Yea it was better than I expected. I forgot how much fun you could have swimming" I said walking over to meet him.

"These kids are great. You know we could use some help here" Terrence implied pushing the bin around.

"Oh I admire kids from a distance. My patience is very thin, trust me" I said helping him gather all the stuff the kids left behind.

"You're patience isn't thin with me" Terrence stated flirting, I think.

"But you're not a kid" I stated looking at him.

"But I have kid tendencies and somebody stated earlier that I look a lot younger than my age" Terrence said stroking his hairless chin and looking up to the ceiling.

"That doesn't imply you're a kid" I stated blushing.

"True, but I can't grow facial hair so I guess I'm qualified as a kid" Terrence stated rubbing his face. I started laughing at how cute he was and how much fun I was having today.

We were alone and everytime we talked I heard our echo in the quietness of the gym. After we gathered the last item, the kids started pouring back out, walking up to Terrence telling him bye before leaving.

"You ready" I asked Jeryn as he came back out with his gym bag.

"Yea see ya later Terrence" Jeryn said shaking his hand.

"Take care buddy" Terrence said shaking Jeryn's hand, "Nice meeting you Jayse" Terrence said shaking my hand next.

"Same here" I said looking into his eyes.

"See you around?" Terrence asked not letting go of my hand.

"Um...sure" I said still noticing the grip he had on my hand. We both stood there with our hands interlaced with each other, looking into each other's eyes until Jeryn cleared his throat.

"Oh, oh, ok. You guys take care" Terrence said pulling his hand out of mine and starting to walk away.

"You too" I said walking away behind Jeryn. As Jeryn held the door for me, I turned around hoping that Terrence wasn't looking but he was. He quickly turned his head though when I turned around and I thought that was so cute.

"So what do wanna do now?" I asked Jeryn.

"I don't know I'm kind of tired now from swimming what do you say we go to the park and hang out" Jeryn said holding onto his bag straps looking at me.

I nodded my head ok and we walked to the park nearby. It was only two blocks down so it wasn't that far.

Me and Jeryn walked in total silence until he broke it by asking a question, "Do you have a crush on Terrence?"

"What...no. Why would you ask that?" I asked shocked and looking down at him.

"Because of the way you was looking at him and talking to him" Jeryn said picking up a stick and rubbing it along a fence as we walked.

"Jeryn you don't know what you are talking about" I said with my heart beating.

"It's ok Jayse" Jeryn started, "I mean I'm glad you're moving on from D..." I looked over and glared at him with anger. "I mean glad you have a crush on someone" Jeryn said correcting himself.

"Thanks. I think he's cute but I don't think we would mesh well" I said putting my hands in my pocket.

"Why" Jeryn asked.

"Because he's a pretty boy. I don't dig pretty boys like that" I admitted looking down at the ground as we walked.

"Well I think you guys make a cool couple. I like him" Jeryn said honestly.

"Enough about me. I saw the way you were playing with that little girl in the pool" I said looking down at Jeryn.

"Who Nishay" Jeryn asked blushing.

"Is that her name. The one with the long hair?" I asked with Jeryn nodding his head yes.

"Yea I think she's cute. Don't you?" I asked making Jeryn blush. Jeryn only shrugged his shoulders giving the cop out.

"It's ok if you do" I stated making him feel better.

"Well I do kind of but she hardly pays attention to me" Jeryn confessed.

"But you guys were playing so well together today" I said walking through the gate of the park.

"That's only because Trevor was on my team. She has a crush on him. I heard it from Mina her friend" Jeryn said walking up behind me.

"I don't think so. Mina may be running interference for Nishay but she likes you. Trust me" I said sitting down against a tree. Jeryn followed and sat beside me.

"Interference?" Jeryn asked.

"Yea trying to feel you and see where you are coming from" I said relaxing against the tree feeling the wind blow against my skin.

"I don't know maybe. I'm not like the rest of ya'll, you, Jamie, Justus, and Jamarion" Jeryn confessed putting his head down.

"What do you mean?" I asked sitting up.

"I mean you guys can get anyone you want off your looks alone. I feel I have to try harder sometimes" Jeryn said picking up some acorns from the ground and throwing them.

"Jerry you're cute just like the rest of us..." I started.

"No I'm not" Jeryn said quickly cutting me off.

"Yes you are" I said grabbing his chin and turning his head to make him face me, "but you're more than your looks. You're smart, tough, and an incredible swimmer" I said making him blush.

"Don't ever put yourself down or compare yourself to anyone because everyone has flaws but yours are what makes you unique" I said letting go of his chin and stroking his hair.

I listened to my own advice that I gave Jerry and thought about how I let myself get down so quick over some guy. I missed Brandon. I'm surprised that he didn't call me at all today.

"It feels good out here doesn't it?" Jeryn asked reaching in his gym bag for a towel, "here you want one?" he asked handing me one.

Jeryn stretched his towel across the grass and laid down on his back while I used mine as a pillow and placed one behind my head.

I enjoyed the peace and calmness that nature was surrounding me with and actually felt good about spending the day with my little brother. I felt a kid tap me on the shoulder and I opened my eyes to see who it was. I looked at the kid and noticed his pretty dark skin and looked around to see if any adults were nearby.

"Hi" the kid said to me.

"Hi, buddy are you lost?" I asked getting up worried.

"No my brother is over there" he said pointing but I didn't see anyone.

"Jayse who is this?" Jerry asked me getting up as well.

"I don't know" I stated, "hey why don't I take you to your brother" I said grabbing his hand, "Jerry stay here and don't move."

"Let me come with you Jayse" Jeryn said getting up to walk with me.

"No stay here ok" I said and walked away with the young boy.

We only got far as the next tree until the boy stopped, "what's wrong" I asked bending down to the kid.

"He's not over there" the kid said, "he's right here" the kid said pointing to the tree. I assumed the kid was crazy until I looked behind the tree and saw Brandon with the biggest grin on his face.

"God you were behind this the whole time" I said hitting his chest.

"I'm sorry babe, but I saw you over there and I thought that I had to get ya" Brandon said reaching out for my hand, "you mad at me?" he asked kissing my hand.

"Yea I'm mad with you" I said snatching my hand from his lips, "I was scared for this little boy."

"Boo you actually think I would put my brother in danger come on now" Brandon said walking up to me, "I missed you."

"I missed you too" I said calming down after getting hypnotized by his swagger again and pulling my face into his for a kiss. Right before we were about to share our first kiss, Jeryn walked over.

"Jayse what's going on?" Jeryn asked.

I sighed heavily, "I thought I told you to wait back over by the tree" I said upset.

"I got worried, is this the guy..." Jeryn stated before I cut him off.

"Yea this is Brandon. Brandon this is my brother Jeryn" I said.

"Whats up lil homie" Brandon said reaching his hand out to dap Jerry up. I thought that Jeryn wasn't going to but he did. I smiled and sighed with relief.

"This is my lil brutha Corey. Corey this is Jayse and his brother Jeryn" Brandon said. I loved the way he said my name. I couldn't believe how much I missed him. It felt like forever since we seen each other when in reality it's only been two days.

"Hi Corey" Jeryn said shaking Corey's hand.

"Nice to meet you Corey" I said following behind Jeryn. He was so adorable, even more adorable in person. Brandon and Corey did look alike but with Brandon's slight mannish looks you would think that Corey was his son.

"What's up I didn't know you wuz down here? How long were you here?" Brandon asked holding Corey's hand.

"We just got here. Jeryn was taking swimming lessons and we decided to come by here and rest afterwards. I didn't know you were coming by here?" I asked looking at Brandon.

"Yea I called and texted u a while ago and thought that we could meet up here" Brandon stated sounding disappointed.

"I'm sorry but I didn't get anything" I said reaching in my pocket for my phone.

"I called you Jayse. All day" Brandon stated. I looked at my phone and saw the missed calls and texts not to mention the voicemails. My heart dropped because while I was flirting with some guy here my baby was calling me.

"I'm so sorry Brandon, I didn't know" I said apologizing.

"It's cool you wuz hangin'wit yo brutha. It's nuthin'" Brandon said. I still felt terrible for what I did and placed my head down in embarrassment.

"It's cool boo" Brandon said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Brandon I wanna play on the jungle gym" Corey said interrupting our love connection.

"Hold on Corey" Brandon said pulling his arm. Corey kept trying to break free which I thought was hilarious except I couldn't smile.

"You wanna walk wit me over there?" Brandon asked. I lifted my head and nodded yes and walked beside him. Jeryn trailed behind to and went on the swings. Corey broke loose out of Brandon's grip and went playing with some of the other kids.

"Quit runnin' Corey. Damn that little boy bad" Brandon said looking over at me, "Boo cheer up it's cool."

"But you were calling me all day. I should have took my phone off of silent mode" I confessed.

"Look it's all good. We here now together right?" Brandon asked grabbing my hand.

"Yea" I said blushing.

"Cool let's enjoy it then" Brandon said. We took a seat on a nearby bench where we could look at Corey and Jeryn play. I still felt bad but the cool way Brandon was acting made me feel better.

We even went and played with Corey and Jeryn some and I noticed the way that Jeryn was slowly getting used to Brandon. I smiled to myself wondering if everybody would slowly start to like Brandon too. The last time they got attached, well whatever, I want to be with him forever.

"Aww look at that sunset" I said wrapped in Brandon's arms.

"I know I could stay like this forever" Brandon said as he kissed my cheek. I tilted my head and looked in his eyes.

"You are so beautiful boo" Brandon said.

"Thanks baby, promise me you won't hurt me" I said stroking his goatee.

"You ain't got to worry bout that" Brandon said kissing my adam's apple.

"Say the words" I whined.

"Baby I promise to never hurt you" Brandon said pausing, "I..."

"Brandon I'm hungry" Corey said walking up us.

"Man you always hungry," Brandon said sounding upset.

"Stop talking to him like that" I said pinching his thigh.

"Oww chill babe" Brandon said laughing.

"He's a growing boy" I said getting out of Brandon's embrace.

"I know but every 4 hours boo" Brandon said upset putting his legs down from the bench on to the ground.

"Brandon your brother is right here. Stop it" I said feeling bad for Corey.

"What do you want to eat Corey?" I asked crouching down to him.

"Chicken" Corey said excited.

"I'm hungry to Jayse" Jeryn said walking up to us.

"Ya'll wanna roll with us to grab something to eat?" Brandon asked.

"Yea if that's cool with you Jayse?" Jerry asked me.

"Yea it's fine" I said getting up.

"Cool my car is over there" Brandon said pointing to a yellow '98 Crown Victoria with 24" Magnum Davins. I couldn't believe that he had a car and one that looked this nice. I noticed bees on the side of it with shades on and didn't understand the concept until I thought for a minute. Bees = B's. When we got in I noticed the TVs in the headrest not to mention the butterfly doors.

"How can you afford a car like this?" I asked getting in the passenger side of the car.

"Working hard boo" Brandon said behind me strapping Corey in his seatbelt.

"This car is hot Brandon" Jerry said from the back smiling.

"Thanks little man" Brandon said hoping in the drivers seat. He looked over at me and smiled, "what's up?"

"Nothing" I said, "just admiring your car. Where do you work?" I asked as Brandon pulled out the parking lot.

"I work in a studio wit my cuzins and my homeboy" Brandon said wiping out into traffic.

"You're a rapper?" Jeryn asked from the backseat with excitement.

"Yea locally right now but hopefully nationwide one day" Brandon said looking over at me smiling.

"Wow" I said looking out the window, "good luck."

"You sayin' that like you ain't gonna be a part of it. I thought you was my boo?" Brandon asked watching me and driving at the same time.

"I am" I said admiring his car.

"Aight, cool. You startin' to scare me" Brandon said reaching over to grab my hand.

"I'm sorry" I said looking down at our hands locked together. Peanut butter and chocolate, what a perfect combination. Our hands looked like they could be blended to make something wonderful in the future.

We pulled up to this local burger joint and chilled there for a minute eating, talking, and laughing. I stole glances of Brandon while he was chewing because he looked so cute. The way his mouth moved, and his juicy lips stood out, even though he was packing his mouth, it was still adorable to me.

"What?" Brandon asked me laughing as he caught me stealing glances.

"Nothing" I said spreading ketchup over my fries.

"Let me get one" Brandon said and reached for a fry before I could even respond.

"Why didn't you just buy your own?" I asked not liking to share. Bad trait of mine I guess it comes from being spoiled.

"Cuz, I bought it so I could do whatever" Brandon said, grabbing his cup from the cup holder and taking a sip.

"Yea but you bought them for me so they're mine" I said taking a bite out of my burger.

"Yo you are cute the way you chewin' rite now" Brandon said with his mouth packed full of food. I blushed and turned my head. I took another bite of my burger and looked over at Brandon who was looking right at me.

We both laughed and I said, "What why are you staring at me?"

"You wuz muggin' me the whole time and now when I get a chance to, you don't want me too" Brandon said grabbing another fry from my plate.

"I was watching the mayo on the side of your mouth" I said causing Brandon to stick his tongue out to the corner of his mouth, which he shouldn't have done because I never saw the full length of it before.

"You are over there studying me or something" I said causing Brandon to blush.

"Whatever" Brandon said, "did I get it?" He extended his tongue back out and this time it seemed to get longer as we wiped it side to side making me get an instant hard on. I turned my head and kept eating.

"I guess I did" Brandon said causing me to smile, "People don't like to tell ya nuthin' these days just walking around with stuff on yo face..."

"You have a mirror right there" I pointed.

"I don't want that, I want you to tell me" Brandon said looking over at me.

I looked over at Brandon staring at the corners of his mouth and then admiring his face. His thin mustache, long sideburns, heavy eyebrows, thin goatee, strong cheekbones, medium sized nose, big brown eyes, full juicy sexy lips that drew you in. I didn't even notice that I got up close to him. He just sat there knowing exactly what game he was playing. I stared in his eyes searching for an inclining of doubt that could tell me not to trust this boy. Everything about him screamed masculine and his pheromones were giving mine signals to get down to business.

"What's up" Brandon said breaking the silence.

"You tell me? You feeling me?" I asked inching closer to his face.

"Hel-I mean yea" Brandon said, "I got you wet over there?"

I blushed giving him the answer he wanted. I looked over and he had his game face looking like he wanted the business.

I looked down at my cup and he lifted my head up by placing his finger under my chin. He stroked my hairless chin and stared deeply into my eyes.

I looked away and he said, "Uh uh. Keep yo eyes focused on me."

I was poking in my jeans by now, thank God, because if I had on something else I know I would sporting a big wet stain right now. The sexual tension between us was getting greater everyday we got together I feared what would happen in the future. Then again, I look forward to the future.

"Why you breathin' so hard" Brandon asked.

"Because I'm nervous" I stated.

"What you nervous bout?" Brandon asked feeling against my soft skin, "Damn you're beautiful" I only blushed and continued to stare in his eyes.

"If I kissed you would you get mad?" Brandon asked staring at my lips.

"No" I said quickly and I waited for him to make the first move. God I hated that I ate that burger my breath was probably kicking right now.

"I can't stop starin at you" Brandon said and I brought my hand up to touch over his while was still stroking my face. I kissed his hand and got close to him as he came up to me some more and our noses touched.

"Are you guys about to kiss?" Corey asked from the backseat.

We both stopped and looked back at him to find him wide awake and Jerry knocked out cold.

"What you know about kissin' bad boy?" Brandon said grabbing his feet playfully. He looked back over at me and blushed while I followed doing the same thing.

"I better take you and your brother home" Brandon said sitting back down in his seat.

"Yea judging by Jerry sleeping, it's getting late" I said balling up trash. We scrambled around cleaning up and bumped heads once causing us both to react to the pain.

"You ok" Brandon asked rubbing his forehead.

"Yea I'm fine" I said rubbing my forehead as well.

"You got a hard head boo, but then a hard head does make a soft..." Brandon said before I cut him off.

"Don't finish that" I said out loud.

Brandon laughed and looked over at Corey, "yea you right" he said.

After cleaning up we drove off to my house with Brandon and I still stealing glances at each other and blushing.

When we pulled up to my house I noticed a rental car in the yard but it was too dark to make out the tag number.

"I had a really good time today" I said looking at Brandon.

"Me too" Brandon said leaning back in his car seat.

"Come on Jerry let's go" I said reaching back and shaking his legs to wake him up.

"See ya Jerry it wuz fun hangin' out wit you today" Brandon said turning around to face Jeryn.

"Thanks same to you Brandon" Jeryn said rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Good night" I said looking at Brandon and grabbing my trash.

"Nite boo. Hold on you don't have to do that" Brandon said grabbing the bags.

"But I can throw it in the trash baby" I said stepping out the car.

"Its cool I'll throw it out later" Brandon said putting all the trash together.

"Ok" I said getting out and closing my door. I walked to the back seat and gave Corey a big hug.

"Bye cutie" I said hugging Corey.

"Bye you gonna come by to see me?" Corey asked sitting up in his seat. I looked over at Brandon and he stopped to look at me.

"Umm...sure. Just let me know when and I'll be there" I said making both of them smile but I don't know which one smiled the most.

"Bye again baby" I said closing Corey's door.

"Bye" Corey and Brandon said together. I had to laugh because that was so adorable. I walked behind Jerry and kept looking back at my baby. If only he knew I said making it to the front steps. I walked in the house and looked back while Brandon tooted his horn. I waved back and blew a kiss.

"Who was that?" Jamie asked from behind me. After I yelled and hugged him crazy I told him that was my boyfriend. God it felt good saying that again.

I got a text from Brandon saying- "We have to go on a real date w/o our bruthas"

I smiled and texted back- "Name the time and place."

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 7

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