Hes Mine


Published on Jul 21, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

I apologize in advance for the vulgar language in this chapter but this is how I always saw the character and for any fans that are not accustomed to such language, please know that the chances of dialogues and themes like this will be very slim. Please however, continue to enjoy.

Chapter 5 Brandon's POV (part one)

One Year Ago

"Make sure you get all yo shit" I said, laying back in my bed lighting up a joint.

"Brandon I told you nothing happened. Why are you acting like this?" Kris asked, grabbing his clothes and placing them back on his naked body.

"Look I'm givin' you what yo slutty ass had all along for the last time, DICK. You wanna go screw around with older dudes go ahead but yo ass gonna miss this dick" I said grabbing my dick through the sheets of my bed.

"Brandon I was just talking to that dude he meant nothing to me" Kris said crying and wiping his tears with his tank top.

"Shut the hell up and get outta here before my mom gets home" I yelled throwing Kris' socks at him.

"This is how you gonna treat me?" Kris said bending down and picking up his thrown socks off the floor.

"What part of get the hell out you don't understand?" I said, pushing the covers back to get out of bed. I got up and grabbed Kris by the arm pulling him as I walked ahead of him.

"Stop pulling me Brandon" Kris yelled behind trying to break free from my grip on his arm.

"Quit fucking yelling befo' somebody come ova here" I said stopping on the stairs.

"Why scared for everybody to know you fuckin' a gay boy?" Kris stated.

"What you talkin' bout everybody already know I'm gay? You the dumbest dude I know man" I said walking down the stairs of my mom's 3 bedroom apartment.

"Brandon stop it you're hurting me" Kris yelled still trying to break free. He managed to scratch me with his free hand on my arm causing me to react and let go of him. Not thinking clearly Kris fell on the stairs and landed on his back. Lucky the stairs were carpeted.

"Owwww" Kris yelled crying, "Brandon baby I didn't do anything. Why are you so upset?" Kris asked reaching his left hand behind him to rub the carpet burn on his back.

"You fuckin' embarrass me in front of everybody man. I actually loved u Kris and you out here playin me like a fool" I said turning around to face Kris. It didn't even bother me that Kris was hurt. It didn't measure up to the pain that I felt.

"Get the hell up Kris before my mom gets home!" I yelled reaching out to grab Kris' arm, but he reacted quick and pulled both of them behind his back.

"You don't want your mom to see you naked fuckin' a dude" Kris stated angrily. Shit! I forgot that I was naked and ran upstairs to put some gym shorts on. I ran back to find Kris gone from the place he was at on the steps.

"Kris quit fuckin playin, yo! If my mom catches somebody ova here she gonna have a fit" I said looking around the apartment for Kris.

"See that's why I had to get a man. You still a weak little boy" Kris said walking over to sit on the couch.

"I wasn't some weak little boy when I was lacin' yo triflin' ass with expensive shit was I" I said coming over and knocking Kris' feet off the coffee table.

"Please that little drug money was hardly enough to satisfy me" Kris stated honestly, "see the older dudes that I flirted with I didn't have to do anything and they gave me stuff."

"Kris no man gonna give out money if you ain't puttin' out. I done had dudes come up to me from the block tellin' me where they caught you at. So don't front" I said pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Yo bois were just hatin cuz I wouldn't give them any. What kind of friends do you have when they tryin' to holla at their boss' main squeeze" Kris stated pulling a mirror from his pocket. "Look what you did you broke my mirror" Kris yelled.

"I didn't do anything" I yelled back, "you probably broke it lookin' into it."

"Ha ha very original school boi" Kris said rolling his eyes.

"Damn I swear you a hater. Get the fuck up off my couch. You so damn dumb you just told on yo self in two sentences" I said pulling Kris up off the couch.

"Stop pulling me around like a doll Brandon!" Kris yelled.

I quickly turned around, got up in Kris' face and said, "Yell at me one more time and see what I do." Kris cocked his free hand back and slapped me as hard as he could. My head turned quickly to the right almost snapping my neck. I turned around and scooped Kris in my arms and walked to the front door. When I got outside I threw Kris hard on the lawn causing Kris to land on right arm.

"Brandon" Lisa, my mother screamed, "what's going on?" she asked walking towards me in her nurse's uniform with books in her right hand and holding onto Corey with her left. Kris tried to get up but was in a lot of pain.

Neighbors must have heard us arguing because some of them came outside and looked at us.

"Hold Corey" my mom said running over to Kris. "Are you ok Kris?" my mom asked lifting him up.

"Ms. Wallace you don't have to help me" Kris whined, "I'm ok" he said grabbing his arm with Lisa's hand rubbing his back.

I don't know why ma was being so nice to Kris when she hates him.

"Look come inside ok" my mom said guiding Kris back inside.

"What's wrong wit Kris?" Corey asked holding on to my hand and drinkin his juice.

"Nothin' stop askin' questions?" I yelled.

"Brandon, stop it" my mom yelled from the step turning around to face me.

After we got in I closed the door and told Corey to go upstairs and play with his toys.

"What is going on now" my mom said walking into the bathroom to get some medical supplies.

"Nothin' ma. Look can we please let Kris go home. He's fine!" I shouted.

"Brandon Wallace raise your voice at me one more time" my mom said pointing a finger at me, "Now I said enough!" She sat down and bandaged Kris' bruises and petted him up like a baby. I watched him with disgust as he looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you so much Ms. Wallace, Brandon is just going through things right now but I know he didn't mean it" Kris said admiring the patchwork Ms. Wallace did.

"Never mind that Kris. What are you doing in my house I asked you to not come over here anymore" my mom said placing the medical kit on the dinner table.

"Ms. Wallace...I..." Kris started but was cut off.

"The last time you were here you and Brandon nearly tore up my house arguing and fussing not to mention my 4 year old child upstairs crying because he didn't know what's going on" my mom yelled staring at Kris with envy.

"But Ms. Wallace, I only came over here to talk" Kris lied.

"Is this true Brandon?" my mom said getting up and looking at me. My mom was a very thin woman. Dark skinned like me with a short haircut. She was only 5'5'' but if you wanted to rumble with her be my guest because she was a little spitfire.

"No ma, I called Kris over here to get his stuff, not to talk" I said.

"So you couldn't just go over there and give it to him" my mom asked me.

"My dad doesn't want Brandon anywhere near his home or me" Kris said.

"And yet you're over here provoking him." My mom said turning over to Kris with her arms folded.

"But I..." Kris started.

"Kris the last time you came over here my son almost went to jail because your father nearly pressed charges. My boys are all I have now I'm begging you, stay away from my family!" My mother shouted.

"Ms. Wallace I would never do anything to hurt you" Kris stated getting up and walking towards my mother.

"Glad to hear it, you can continue by leaving and never setting foot over here again. If you do I'm going to have to press charges" my mom said opening the door to let Kris out.

Kris hesitated but threw up his hands and left. While he was walking out he stroked my chest with his hand and then began to wrap them around my waist pulling me in to a hug. I pushed him off causing him to bump into the wall.

"All right Brandon if that's how you want to do it" Kris said walking out the door and onto the steps.

I looked at him one last time. The sexy dude that I fell in love with and didn't even know that I could be attracted to was out of my life. That walk killed me as he switched quickly making that apple bottom stand out. I had to admit I will miss smashin' that from now on but it's plenty of hoes out there that want this dick and it's time to find them.

****** 6 Months Later ******

After the heated confrontation with Kris, I just focused on my music career and drug game. I worked hard moving up the ladder in my crew and had little homies running up to me asking for a job. At first I only did this selling stuff to provide for my mom and little brother but after the money started pouring in, I had no choice but to stay with it. This dude I worked for named Krush was a big Cuban guy. He got most of his shipment from Miami and ran it up here. He called me one day out of the blue and asked me to come to his house. I was never invited, in fact, most people weren't because he never wanted to mix business with pleasure. He gave me his address and I hopped a cab to the other side of town. I always knew about this side of town but never came by. It was the elite side of town where only the doctors, lawyers, and high middle class dwell.

The place was so secluded that you had to be invited to get in there. It was called Pickett Way named after this black slave who got free and established a colony for him and his family. He started making a name for himself by providing an escape haven for runaway slaves and not to mention his fascination with medicine. Years later his family kept up with the tradition and the only surviving member of the family is old Mr. John Pickett VI, but he stays deep inside the cul-de-sac on a hill somewhere.

I walked up to the gate and asked the security guard if I could come in.

"Is someone expecting you sir?" the short black man asked looking me up and down. He probably figured by me coming over in street clothes that I wasn't welcomed.

"Yea Krush...I mean Mr. Rodriguez is expecting me. My name is Brandon Wallace sir" I said trying to sound sincere.

"Hold on" he said placing a finger to the glass and dialing a number. I heard him talk on the phone apologizing for assuming that I wasn't invited and hung up.

"You can come on in, would you like me to drive you down there it's a long walk" the security guard said sucking up.

"Naw I'm good thanks" I said walking through the tall steel black gates. After I entered them they closed shut with a loud clank making some of the birds in the trees fly away. I kept my cool and walked down the streets admiring the community. I felt out of place but it wasn't nothing I couldn't handle. It was a lot of black people around and I expected them to be stuck up and snobbish but they waved at me and a couple of young girls flirted with me. I made a note to come back by and holler at them when I was done with Krush.

I kept pulling my pants up and wiping my face in patterns. I almost wished I did take that lift from the security guard because it was like 90 degrees out. An all black Bentley Mulsanne came rolling through with tented windows. I stopped in my steps and looked at the car window as the driver came near me and pulled their windows down.

"Ay man, you Brandon?" the black dude asked.

"Yea" I barked keeping my swagger in check. "Hop in. Krush is waiting." He said pulling his windows up.

I got in the back seat and admired the detail in the car as the driver turned around and headed down the block. While we were driving I noticed not all the houses down here were manisions. Some were just two story homes that looked like they could have 5 or 6 bedrooms. I noticed one house with people moving out and this brown skinned dude that looked my age. He had his hair in cornrows and he was walking around like he was the shit with his tank top on. He looked like he was trying too hard to be a thug and then I noticed his sisters out with him too. The driver was driving too fast but from the little that I saw the whole family looked attractive too bad about the dude though. He looked like he was trying to hard I doubt if he would have given me any play.

We finally got to Krush's house and just like he said the house was surrounded by trees and statues. He had marble steps and waterfalls leading up to the entrance. Not bad for a drug dealer I thought. His two little boys are gonna rule the world with all this stuff. We pulled up to the steps and a butler came and opened the door. I got out and he walked me inside and instructed me to go in the living room and wait for Krush.

I looked around at all the paintings in the house admiring money I wish I had. If I had a house like this I would move my mom and brother out of our small 3 bedroom apartment and into a house just like this one.

"Like what you see man" Krush said walking up slowly behind me in his all white outfit. Krush was a little on the heavy side and because he was Cuban he had curly jet black hair that he kept combed back.

"Yeah man it's great" I said cheesin'.

"Yea the boys love it here man but me and wifey startin to miss MIA a little" Krush said touching a mural with Miami Beach on it.

"What you gonna do?" I asked admiring the blue ocean water in the painting myself.

"I got a game to run man" Krush said walking away to a nearby couch, "I got soldiers that could hold it down for me but I need real soldiers."

"I feel ya man, whatever you decide to do I'm behind you 100%" I said taking a seat on the couch opposite from him.

"I'm glad you said that B, because I want to enlarge your territory right quick. That's the real reason I brought you here. I want you to take the south and north side while I get Stone to take east and west" Krush said getting up and stroking his hairy chin.

"Well where does that leave Flesh?" I asked looking at Krush.

"Flesh gonna be runnin' things while I travel back and forth trying to find new suppliers. I got other things I'm workin' on too" Krush said getting up and walking to a nearby desk, "but I need to know if you would take the promotion."

"Krush I'm honored man, but I'm still in high school I'm not plannin' on being in the game forever" I said sounding worried I walked in a trap.

"You know, I remember when you came to me 4 years ago, bout this high, beggin' to be on the streets cause yo mom just had a baby and you felt like the man in the house now" Krush said walking around not looking at me.

"Yea" I said, "but I..."

"And at first," Krush continued, "I really didn't want anymore kids comin' up to me askin for a job because you know, bad for bidness, this the Grove this ain't B-more."

"I appreciate it Krush" I said, "but man really I..."

"But then you proved me wrong B. You came and hustled like nobody I ever hired. You kinda reminded me of myself back in Miami. Even popped a couple of dudes for me" Krush said finally lookin' at me, "and now you wanna turn yo back on the game, on family."

"Naw Krush it ain't even like that man" I said, "I just wanna..."

"What little homie finish high school? Go to college? Play pro-ball? See I saw you around the hood. Wit ya little boyfriend and shit and goin' to school. At first I ain't gonna lie I didn't like it. Some soft dude up in my camp and shit I ain't even tryin' to hear that. But you walked around not even carin' what niggas thought and shit. I mean all out in the open" Krush said walking up to me, "So I thought ok, maybe I had little nigga pegged wrong or somethin'. Don't get me wrong I ain't down for the shit but I look at you like a son man. I watched you grow in these streets. Helped you and yo fam out."

"I really appreciate all this Krush, but I'm just a kid man. North and south? That's a squad of 20-30 soldiers combined. Half them kats are older than me" I said soundin' worried.

"So what" Krush said standing up upset, "I give you an opportunity of a lifetime and you wanna turn it down cuz you scared."

"I didn't say that" I responded defensively.

"Then what you sayin' huh? Cuz if you wanna leave you can walk out that door right now little homie but don't think about comin' back" Krush said.

I thought about everything he said and everybody know that the only way to get out of the game is dying. I thought about all my dreams and what I wanted to do for my mom and brother. With the little stash that I had planted away that wouldn't get us out of the grove. I had to do something more.

Krush saw me contemplating the offer in my head and started sayin' different things to persuade me. "See those cars out there they could be yours one day, a house like this, name like mine. Give it a couple more years and who knows what could happen. I'm already sendin' Nate Mitchell on his way. I know you saw him packin' his shit up bouncin'" Krush said pouring him a glass of wine.

"That's who that was?" I asked shocked. I always heard of him but never met him. Nate was the DA in the Grove and swore to clean up the streets. He had this big lawsuit against Krush but the judge ruled in favor of Krush. Nate had built everything on the case and now got fired.

"Nobody can't touch me nigga" Krush said takin a sip of his wine, "I'm the king, know what I sayin'?"

He paused and looked over at me waiting for my answer. I turned my head and closed my eyes prayin' that no matter what happens to me, my mom and brother would be ok. I turned my head around and faced Krush. I nodded my head and he went to another desk and pulled out a stack of money that had to be about $20,000.

He threw it at me and said, "Here, that's yo signin' bonus."

****** Present ******

I was walkin' through P-Way with my new dog Rocks about to go see Krush for this big meeting. Rocks was doing good until all of a sudden he got loose out of my hands and went chargin down the street. I yelled at him but he wasn't hearin' me. He ran up in Nate Mitchell's old yard and went chargin' at this sexy dude. Damn I thought and picked up my speed. He knocked the dude down and I went runnin' to make sure he was ok.

He had to be the sexiest dude I ever saw. Sexy brown skin, thin waist and phat ass. From behind you may think he was a female. I picked him up and he looked into the sun causing his brown eyes to sparkle. I couldn't stop starin' at him. My dick got hard instantly and I had on shorts so I started dusting him off makin' sure he was good. A couple of times I patted his butt and I wanted to grab it because it felt so damn soft so I just continued to play it off. When I finished he smiled and looked at me, I was about to introduce myself but he asked if that was my dog. I said yea and went to check on Rocks waitin' for my hardon to go down.

I turned around to get another glimpse of this dude but it really wasn't making it easy. His ass was stickin' out them jeans and judging by the fitted shirt, he was mad then. Man I gotta holla at shawty quick, fuck this hard on. I got up with my dick still up but not fully hard. Just as I was about to holla his brothers rolled up startin' some shit.

Especially his one brother who was tryin' me hard. I got my stance ready about to lay his punk ass out when cutie broke us up. His soft hands touched my chest and I wanted to grab him right there. His brother dragged him away leavin' me to view that sexy ass from behind. Damn! Nobody never had me open like this. I walked away to Krush's house still muggin' out shorty. I had to make sure I saw shawty again and holla'd at him. After kickin' it with Krush for a minute I wanted to hang out with some of my boys so they told me that they were all at Al's. I showered and changed my clothes and rolled up to check my bois out. A couple of shawties knew I was single now and always wanted to roll up on me and ask me to smash them. A couple of them I did and some of them were just so tired so I just gave them hugs and shit and walked over to the back to play pool.

"What's up B?" a kid asked walkin' up to me, "yo you comin out with anymore mixtapes?"

I turned around, looked at kid, and said "Yea man check me back in a month."

"Aight man" the kid said walkin' way.

"Aye Cam, me, you and Polo need to meet at the studio tomorrow so we can finish this mix right quick" I said pulling a pool stick.

"Aye cuz, what time, cuz me and my gurl supposed to be doin' some shit later" Cam said racking the balls. Cam was 6'2", 210, 17 yrs old with long dreds and dark skinned. He swore he was straight but messed with some dudes back in middle school a lot. Him and Polo were my cuzins and we worked in my uncle's studio over his bar downtown. Polo was dark-skinned as well, except he was mad tall like 6'4". He was 18, always rocked a low ceasar, and smoked blunts all day. Out of all my friends and cuzins, I was the only one in the drug game.

I hated what my dad did to my family makin' me step up and be the man now. Sometimes I felt like my future was shot. I would always go in the studio and let my anger flow in my tracks. It felt like my only safe haven sometimes.

"Fuck yo gurl cuz, we gotta finish these tracks man" I said leanin' over to take a shot.

"Man B I ain't tryin' to hear that you fuck around whoever you want, but the minute I wanna smash and hang shit is out the question" Cam said taking a shot after me.

"So it's like that? Pussy is over money?" I asked lookin' over at Cam before takin' my shot.

"Yo cuz go ahead wit all the bullshit now" Cam said sittin' down on a stool.

"Naw nigga I asked you a question. Which is more important to you cuz I can find some other nigga not knee deep in pussy all the time" I said laying my stick on the table.

"Yo man what yo problem is chill" Cam said getting worried.

"I'm cool partna. You over there punkin' out and shit over pussy..." I said takin a step towards him.

"B man chill people startin to look over here dawg" Cam said.

"What ya'll niggas doin over here" Polo said walkin over with Shon.

"Tryin to get this temper mental nigga to chill" Cam said lookin over at Polo.

I didn't even turn around because I hated that Cam always did this shit to me. He knew my dreams and it was his dad's studio. Sometimes I felt like he didn't wanna do shit wit me because I was gay. Not only him but other niggas as well.

"Cut all that shit out B and relax. I'm tellin' you, you need some pussy not ass all the time" Polo said walkin' over to us and dappin' us up.

"Nigga I know what I need. You be fuckin' around with dudes too don't give me that" I said walkin over to get my pool stick.

"Yea but females are my number one priority. Dudes are just a small incentive" Polo said soundin' more ignorant than educated as he was tryin' to come off.

"Whatever" I said takin' a shot.

"You kid kidd" Shon asked walking over to me takin' a seat on a nearby stool.

"Yea man I'm good" I said soundin pissed off. Shon was brown skin, about the same height as me with a low cut. He was tall and slim, with huge baby eyes and big ears. Homie still looked good and had gurls flocking to him all the time. He never stayed with any of them. He always smashed and bounced. The only reason we became best friends is because his mom is cool with my moms. I told him I liked dudes a while back and threatened to beat him up if he told anybody. That was back when I was scared and confused. Now I don't give a fuck. Shon was my ridin' partner and would pretty much do whatever I tell him except sleep wit dudes. His lost I guess.

"Why you all tense cuz" Polo asked checkin' out this gurl walkin' by. "Leave me alone Polo" I mumbled taking another shot after Cam.

"Damn who you ran into that got you all upset" Polo asked walkin' over to me.

"Chill Polo aight" I said walkin' away.

"Ok cuz it's cool" Polo said, throwing his hands up. "I'm gonna get something to drink any of you dudes want something?"

"Yea bring me back a coke" Cam said reachin' in his pocket for some change.

"Me too" Shon said putting his cell phone down to give Shon some money out his pocket.

"You straight cuz?" Polo asked me, grabbing the money from the bois.

"Yea" I quickly answered. Polo then walked off and I saw him stop to holla at some gurls at the bar. I shook my head and glanced at the door to see shawty comin through.

I stopped and mugged shawty hard feelin' my heart stop. A couple of people walked in front of me but I just moved around to get a better view. I noticed how out of place he looked. Shy but confident. He strolled around followin' Max. Damn I hope Max ain't hittin' that.

A couple of wanna be goons walked up to him tryin to holla but he passed them up. Yea Max got that but Max can't handle that. Then I saw Max introduce shawty to everybody and I finally gave up. Forget it I though giving up, but I couldn't stop lookin' over there though.

"Yo cuz you gonna play or what?" Cam asked.

"My bad" I said turning back around to play.

"Who you starin' at anyway?" Cam said lookin over in the direction I was.

"Nobody" I said studyin a way for me to take a good shot. I walked around the table and kept stealing glances at shawty. Man I couldn't stop starin. This was more than a crush, this was infatuation.

"What Kris up in here or somethin'?" Shon asked looking down at his phone. He must have felt me muggin him hard because he looked up and apologized, "my bad B."

I looked back over at shawties table and saw Max get up and walk outside. I ran behind him dyin' to know if him and shawty were together.

"Yo Max" I yelled when I got outside.

"Yea what's up" Max asked not turning around to me yet, "Oh I'm sorry hey Brandon."

"What's good wit you" I asked.

"Nothin just hanging out what you up to?" Max asked texting on his phone.

"Chillin'. Aye I gotta ask you a question. Shawty you came in here with is he wit u?" I asked feelin my heart pound in anticipation.

"Yea he my cuzin. He just moved here. His name is Jayse" Max said.

"Ok" I said remembering his brothers say his name earlier.

"Why you tryin to holla at him or somethin'?" Max asked blushing.

I started to answer but couldn't stop smiling myself. Jayse baby if you only knew how you make me feel.

"Whatever you do don't hurt my cuzin" Max said walking away.

"C'mon Max you know me better than that. You know I don't get down like that" I said walking to the door of Al's.

"I know but that's my cuzin in there and I care about him" Max said soundin' sincere.

"What makes you think I don't" I said walking away causin' Max to blush. His phone rang and I took that as my cue to go. I had to play it cool because I didn't want Jayse to know I was up on him like that.

I walked back over to my crew and waited until the right moment.

"What you went runnin' after Max for? You two doin' something?" Polo asked takin a shot. He probably took over for me. I didn't care much anyway.

"Naw nigga" I said annoyed.

"Yo B relax man you mad tense today. You want me to get u some honeys right quick?" Polo asked. I got annoyed and walked off in the crowd. The music started playin' and soon the dance floor got packed. A dude grabbed my dick but I didn't even respond back. One gurl started backin' up on me but I just moved her to the side, thirsty tricks. Then right there in the corner was Jayse and Max. I walked up slowly and was about to steal him away from his cuzin when Rich rolled up and scooped Max away. Perfect timing. I walked up to Jayse and started grindin on him feeling his soft butt. He jumped and turned around but once he saw me he smiled. I snatched him back in my arms holdin' him tight vowing from this moment on to never let go.

After dancing we went outside and kicked it for a minute, the whole time I was thinkin' about smashin a little bit but it started to get more than that. I actually think I was startiin' to fall for this kid. I'm not one to break easy and after Kris I was just going through dudes. Kris tried hard to get to me because I really wasn't feelin him like that. Over time he got me but now he didn't even matter all that mattered was this cutie that I was gonna make my boo.

We left and the whole night all I could think about was Jayse. I reached under my bed about to pull out my baby oil when my mom came in without knocking.

"Brandon I need you to watch your brother tomorrow. I have to pull a double" my mom said coming into my room and placing my clean clothes on the bed.

Damn I thought to myself, "All right ma" I said as she walked out the room.

The next day I skipped going to the studio and babysitted my brother Corey all day. I texted Jayse early that morning to see what he was up too. I wish he was over here or I was over there. I had to keep everything on the low because if he did find out that I sling drugs I know that he would stop talking to me. He was from a different side of the tracks but that didn't bother me in fact that's what I was attracted too. I never hollered at dudes from my part of town because we were too much alike. I needed a balance somebody to be my equal and I think Jayse may be it.

That night we were flirtin' mad hard over the phone and I could tell in the tone of voice that he was starin' to feel me. He was quick with the comebacks and that shit turned me on. Though it was only two days Jayse wasn't dull at all and talked about more than just clothes and makeup like Kris. Man that dude was fake. I guess that's why you call them exes because they serve no purpose on your life anymore.

Me and Jayse were still on the phone after hours of just playing around until he broke down and hung up the phone. Shit I should have just kept my questions to myself. I didn't mean to hurt him and I tried callin' back every minute but he wasn't pickin' up the phone. I grabbed some clothes and started to head out the door when I remembered that Corey was here. If he doesn't pick up on this last ring then I'm scoopin' Corey up and haulin' ass over there, fuck what ma say.

He finally picked up and I could tell in his voice that he was crying for a minute. I pleaded with him to let me make him happy and to give me a chance to be his man but he wasn't hearin' it. I finally just said fuck it and came from the heart. I knew I had because he paused in the phone and I could hear him breathing. I can't believe I was trying this hard to win someone over. I'll just say that this is all in the game of love because now I gotta hustle even harder for three people- ma, Corey and Jayse because whether he knew it or not he was my baby forever.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 6

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