Hes Mine


Published on Sep 7, 2023


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 35 In The Name Of Love (Brandon, Terrance, and Quentin's POV) Part 1

Brandon "What the fuck do you mean you don't know what happened?" I asked looking at Terrance mad as hell.

"Just like I said man" Terrance said pleading, "I went to pay for my gas and then I heard the horn blare. I looked up and saw two guys kidnapping Jayse."

"Why were you getting gas at night anyway man?" Shon asked confused.

"And in the middle of fucking nowhere" I said pacing around the gas station.

"Look guys, my car ran out of gas right then, what was I supposed to do?" Terrance asked.

"You never look at your dashboard bruh?" Shon asked as Terrance looked at Shon weird.

"I always look, but Jayse and I were arguing and I wasn't really paying attention" Terrance said as I stopped pacing and faced him.

"Hold up, arguing about what?" I asked as Terrance ignored me, "arguing about what?"

"I mean we weren't really arguing, just a little disagreement" Terrance said not facing me as I balled up my fist ready to punch him right here at this gas station.

"What were you guys talking about that led to the little disagreement then?" I asked as Terrance ignored me again, "look man answer me when I'm talking to you!"

"Yo B chill man" Shon said coming between the two of us as I started to charge over and punch Terrance square on his jaw.

"I'm tired of this mutherfucker Shon" I said walking away upset, "him and Q have been fucking things up for me and Jayse for the last couple of months."

Terrance "You think I'm the cause for your problems with Jayse?" I asked having enough of him thinking he could bully me around, "I dealt with you and Q treating Jayse like trash these past few months, arguing about who's the bigger man, all because I didn't want to put anymore strain on him already. Guess what? I'm tired of all that man! Jayse deserves better. He needs someone that isn't going to be getting involved in childish nonsense every five minutes"

"So I guess that's you, huh?" Brandon asked, "you're the one that can solve all these issues that Jayse has been having? You're the one that's right for him?"

"It's not you that's for sure" I said proudly as Brandon came charging after me.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to man?" Brandon asked as Shon held him back, "Naw Shon let me whip his ass right quick I bet he won't have all that mouth then! I promise you he won't."

"Yo B just chill man, relax" Shon said trying to calm Brandon down, "and you too man."

"I'm good" I said fixing myself up, "I'm just not going to be punked down by anyone anymore!"

"You talking to me?" Brandon asked looking at me shocked.

"Yeah I'm talking to you" I said finding my confidence, "I'm sick of you parading around like you're the big man on campus and everyone is supposed to be scared of you just because of what you're doing but I'm done man! I'm done hiding!"

"You better watch who you talking to like that homie" Brandon said walking over to me as Shon got in the middle of us again.

"Or what?" I asked speaking up, "you're going to shoot me? Kill me? Just like you do all of your other enemies! I always hated guys like you who thought that the power of a gun could answer any and all problems you had, while guys like me had to fight even harder to defend our masculinity."

"Look man all this arguing back and forth isn't going to find Jayse" Shon said stepping in before Brandon had a chance to say something, "we need to try and figure out who took him and where he's at."

"Have you called his fam yet?" Brandon asked me calming down, as I shook my head no, "how about the cops?"

"Nope I heard you screaming on the phone in the car so I thought you should know what's going on since he is your boyfriend" I said walking away upset.

"Cool well the less people who know the better" Brandon said as I looked at him confused.

"Somebody had to have seen something, let's call the police" I said reaching for my phone.

"Hell no man, po po will mess this all up, we need to handle this amongst ourselves" Brandon said stopping me and then walking away.

"Are you serious?" I asked, "this isn't a game man! Who cares about your criminal record right now, Jayse is in serious trouble! He could be killed."

"You think I don't fucking know that!" Brandon screamed, "I know that!"

"Then realize that this isn't about you and your pride" I said frustrated, "we need help."

"I'm not trusting Lieutenant O'Grady or any of those shifted cops on that force, if we gonna handle this, then we need to work together" Brandon said.

Brandon "You willing to let me help you find Jayse?" Terrance asked me surprised as I thought about it myself.

"Depends...you helping as a friend or a potential replacement for me?" I asked looking Terrance dead in his eyes, "well...?"

"You don't want me to answer that?" Terrance said shocking me.

"Why not?" I asked getting prepared for round two.

"Because either answer will give you something to go on. I care about Jayse, ok?" Terrance said as I tried to keep my cool, "now you can take that any way you want but if you want my help, I'm here if not then I can find him on my own too."

I thought about what he said and I still didn't trust him completely. He had a motive but we both were after the same goal: finding Jayse.

"Aight you can help but on one condition: when this is all over, I want you out of Jayse's life forever, you got that?" I asked looking into Terrance's eyes.

"You sure that's what Jayse wants?" Terrance asked.

"I know that's what Jayse wants" I said proudly.

"I say we just ask him once and for all who he wants and then we leave it there" Terrance said extending his hand for me to shake. I watched it for a minute then looked back up at his face. I'll be so glad when Jayse let's this fool go forever. I shook his hand and decided to squash the beef-for now!

"All right let's get to work then" Shon said getting in his car as I followed.

"Wait a minute, don't you think we should at least let his family know" Terrance asked as I sighed heavily knowing that the truce died just that quick.

"I thought we were squashing everything?" I asked closing the car door and facing Terrance.

"We are man" Terrance said holding his phone.

"Then what are you contacting his fam for?" I asked confused.

"Because they need to know" Terrance said, "look Jayse was with me anyway so I'll take the fall, all right? You won't be the blame for once."

"Whatever, do what you got to do" I said getting into the car and waiting for Terrance to finish his call.

"You sure you can trust this kat?" Shon asked as I looked at Terrance through the side mirror while he talked to someone from Jayse's family.

"I don't know" I said truthfully, "but I have to find Jayse and I need all the help I can get right now."

Terrance "Look I'm sorry Justus we were just stopping to get gas and all of a sudden two guys came and got him" I said through the phone as I returned to pumping gas in my car.

"Have you guys called the cops? Did anyone see anything? Do you have a description of the guys? What they were driving? Anything?" Justus asked panicking as I could hear various family members in the background screaming.

"Yo you gonna follow us right?" Shon asked me getting out of his car as I nodded my head yes, "what's that sound?"

I tried to listen to what Shon was referring to but I couldn't hear it through Justus and Jayse's family screaming.

"Yo you hear that?" Shon asked me as Brandon got out of the car to see what Shon was referring to.

I watched them walk over to my car as Brandon looked underneath it and saw gas dripping.

"Yo you got a hole in your tank!" Brandon said as I looked at him weird.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Is that Brandon? Where are you guys? What's going on?" Justus asked confused.

"Justus I'll call you back" I said hanging up as I looked under my car and saw the gas leaking, "how did I get a leak there?"

"I'll tell you how" Brandon said as I got up and faced him from the opposite side of the car, "Krush! He set this all up! He put a hole in your tank so you would have to stop here and he could kidnap Jayse."

"What, this guy doesn't even know me?" I said confused.

"He knows Jayse though" Brandon said, "son of a bitch!"

"Yo calm down man!" Shon said as Brandon kicked a nearby trash can.

"He's been watching Jayse since the funeral" Brandon said thinking out loud, "he set it up so I would leave, that way he could keep an eye on Jayse. He knew Jayse wouldn't go home and would want to go with a friend."

"Wow!" I exclaimed, "you think this guy is capable of doing all this on his own."

"Naw he had help" Brandon said looking over at Shon.

"Help from who?" I asked confused.

Brandon "Lots of people but more especially my cousin, Dantae" I said upset, "I should have stayed. My baby told me to stay and I didn't! Fuck man!"

"Look we gotta get out of here because right now, we're just sitting ducks" Shon said.

"What about my car?" Terrance asked as Shon and I got inside Shon's car.

"Just leave it, it's already marked, besides the cops are coming anyway right?" I asked.

"Yea I'm pretty sure Justus has called the cops by now" Terrance said looking at his car.

"Well come on man" Shon said from outside his window as Terrance sighed and got inside the back seat of the car.

"I never should have left" I said trailing off, thinking of the conversation I had with Jayse face to face.

"Relax man, it's gonna be cool" Shon said.

"All of this is a set up!" I said frustrated, "my gun, the docks, the gas station and kidnapping, Krush is setting all this up, just because I want to leave the game."

"He's doing all this because you want to quit being a drug dealer?" Terrance asked from the backseat.

"Not because of that, there's more to it than that" I said not wanting to talk about my past with him.

"Look we need to lay low a couple of hours and we need more manpower if we gonna take Krush on" I said changing the subject.

"You want to scoop up Cam and Polo?" Shon asked driving through traffic.

"Naw ain't no use in getting my whole fam mixed into this shit!" I said frustrated.

"Look B" Shon said, "I'm down no matter what you know that!"

"I appreciate it that homie" I said proud to have Shon on my side through the rough stuff.

"You all right back there pretty boy?" I asked Terrance.

Terrance "That's not my name" I said upset.

"My bad, old habit" Brandon said smiling as I rolled my eyes, "but you good?"

"Yea I'm cool" I said as we turned into an apartment complex. I knew what side of town we were on but I never came over here. I never really socialized with anyone over here and never had a reason to.

"Have you called your folks and told them what's up?" Brandon asked me.

"No I just texted my mom and told her I'll be out for a while" I said looking at my phone as my mom texted me back.

"Cool" Brandon said as we pulled up to someone's apartment.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked worried.

"My cousins' crib" Shon said getting out of his car as Brandon and I followed, "they're not home so we can crash here for a few hours until we come up wit something."

As we walked in, I looked around at the nice stereo system, appliances and other stuff and wondered how they acquired all of this. I felt uncomfortable being around these guys but it was for Jayse's safety.

"You guys want anything to drink?" Shon asked walking into the kitchen.

"I'm good" I said quickly grabbing a magazine from the coffee table to read as I sat down in the corner and Brandon sat on the couch opposite from me.

"Yea you got any beer?" Brandon asked as I shook my head.

"Uh...Corona?" Shon said as Brandon smiled and nodded his head.

"What you over there shaking your head for?" Brandon asked me as Shon passed him the bottle of Corona and sat down.

"Not a thing Brandon" I said aggravated.

I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Shon laugh as Brandon looked at me weird.

"I'm sorry for not being a `good boy' like you" Brandon said setting the bottle down on the table.

"Man that don't have anything to do with it" I said frustrated, "if you want to kill yourself drinking then do it."

"From one bottle dude?" Brandon asked confused as Shon laughed.

"Whatever are we going to come up with a plan or just argue all night?" I asked setting the magazine back down on the table.

"He's right man" Shon said taking a sip from his bottle.

Brandon "Look I know plenty of spots Krush has but it's not going to be easy gettin' up in there" I said.

"Well what do we do?" Terrance asked.

"I think we try and scout out different places to see where Jayse could be" I said standing up and pacing around in the room, "which color van did you say it was again?"

"It was white" Terrance said.

"Anything else about it?" I asked, "did it have a missing hubcap, tinted windows, scratches?"

"It was missing a hubcap on the back passenger on the right" I said as Shon started writing the description down, "it didn't have any windows in the back or the sides and it had a broken taillight on the left."

"Cool man, good job" Shon said excited.

"Thanks" Terrance said feeling good about himself as he looked at me for acknowledgement too.

"Whatever, now you said the gas attendant didn't see anything, were there any other people there while you guys were there?" I asked.

"One guy was at the pump ahead of me and left, but then there was another guy who was paying for his gas ahead of me" Terrance said recalling everything, "but him and I were waiting in line after some guy who was getting lottery tickets."

"Lottery tickets?" Shon and Brandon asked confused.

"Yea we were waiting for him, he kept changing his numbers at the counter" Terrance said.

"You remember how he looked?" Shon asked.

"Barely, I just remember seeing the back of his head" Terrance said as Shon wrote everything down, "he was black, had on a red and black checkered board coat and he had on a black hat."

"A coat in this hot ass weather?" Shon asked looking up at me as I shrugged my shoulders.

"Niggas do some dumb shit" I said, "hey, you remember what the guy in front of you had on?"

"He was dressed in a blue suit, white, clean cut, but he got frustrated about waiting and left" Terrance said.

"You remember what he was driving?" Shon asked.

"Yea a black Jag" Terrance said.

"Dude must have been bold getting gas on that part of town at night" I said laughing as Shon joined him.

"What are you talking about?" Terrance asked as both Shon and I looked up from the notepad, "my side of town is nowhere near as violent as this one!"

"Whoa what you trying to say homie?" Shon asked placing his hand on my chest to calm me down as I stood up, then sat back down.

"I'm saying more crime is on these side of the tracks not ours" Terrance defended.

"Maybe, but on yo side of the tracks, you guys have more corporate and political scandals put together than make our little crimes on these tracks look like elementary antics" Shon said straightening Terrance out, "so lose some of that bass in yo voice bruh, it was just a damn joke!"

I watched Terrance calm down as he realized he was outnumbered. I was slowly starting to rethink this whole damn thing. It's only been 3 hrs and already we were at each other's neck about petty shit!

"What we need to do is get that tape from the store before the cops get a hold to it" I said as Shon nodded his head in agreement.

"You want to go down there right now?" Shon asked as I got up and he followed.

Terrance "Wait a second...how do you guys plan to get a security tape from this man" I asked getting up and following behind the two.

"We got ways" Brandon said tapping his waist.

"That's the only way you know how to solve anything?" I asked as Shon opened the front door and Brandon followed behind him.

"Hell no, we gonna go over there and talk but talking can only do so much convincing" Brandon said as I walked behind him and Shon locked his door.

"Wait a minute, I thought your gun was stolen?" I asked Brandon confused.

"It was" Brandon said getting in the car as I did the same.

"Then whose gun is that?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter Terrance, you want some heat too, we can find you one?" Brandon asked.

"Naw I'm good" I said shaking my head. I couldn't believe him! I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks. He left the game but not the ways.

As we drove towards the station, we found police cars already over there. Shon pulled to the side so they wouldn't see us.

"Shit man!" Brandon said hitting the dashboard.

"If we thought about it, we could have done this before we left" Shon said as Brandon shook his head upset.

"Let's just let them know what's up" I said reaching for my door handle.

"You really think those shifty cops will help you?" Brandon said looking back at me, "they were supposed to be with Jayse at all times until they found out who killed his dad, yet look what happened."

I thought about what Brandon said and he was right. Jayse did tell me that Lieutenant O'Grady promised to protect him and his family.

"Well who can we trust man?" I asked confused.

"For right now...each other" Brandon said looking at me as I nodded my head and he did the same. He turned around and shook his head again, not believing what was happening.

"I left Jayse's phone in my car" I said.

"They'll use that as evidence now" Shon said looking at the scene too.

"Well if they have someone on the inside we should have someone too" I said as Brandon and Shon looked back at me.

"Who you got in mind?" Brandon asked.

Quentin "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked being awaken from my sleep with 3 guys that I hated. I felt my heart racing and my lungs gasping for air as they tried calming me down.

"Yo calm down man" Brandon said.

"Q we're not here to do anything man" Terrance said as Shon stood watch at my door.

"Then what in the hell do you guys want?" I asked.

"We need you to ask your dad for a favor?" Terrance asked.

"What kind of favor?" I asked.

"We need you to ask your dad if he can hook you up with some surveillance tapes from a gas station?" Brandon asked.

"For what?" I asked not following any of this.

"For Jayse" Brandon said after a pause.

"What happened to Jayse?" I asked as my heart started racing but no one would answer me, "tell me what happened to Jayse...is he de..."

"Hell NO!" Brandon said upset.

"Then what is it?" I asked.

"Jayse was kidnapped today by two guys and now we're trying to find him" Terrance said as I looked over at Brandon. I got up from my bed and charged him, trying to strangle him and setting off monitors in the process.

"Yo chill" Brandon said as Terrance tried to pull me off of him.

"Somebody's coming" Shon said as we all hid in various places.

"Mr. Mitchell, are you ok" the nurse asked walking into the room. I wanted to rat the guys out but I decided not to.

"I wanted to gaze up at the moon" I said lying as the nurse walked me back to my bed.

"I know you are going through a miraculous recovery but you still need to rest, you've had a long day today" the nurse said after she was done getting me in bed. Once she was finished, she left out the room as Shon, Brandon and Terrance came out of their various hiding places.

"Miraculous recovery huh?" Brandon asked dusting himself off.

"Long day?" Terrance asked joining in as Shon went to guard the door again.

"Yea I made a huge turn around so much so that I attended Jayse's dads funeral" I said bragging as Terrance and Brandon looked at me surprised.

"Congratulations" Terrance said.

"Congrats" Brandon said joining in as I ignored both of them.

"So what's this about Jayse?" I asked looking at Terrance and then over at Brandon, "and why weren't you protecting him like you were supposed to be doing."

"I was protecting him" Brandon said as I shook my head disappointed, "why don't you ask the knight in shining armor here how Jayse got kidnapped?"

"What happened Terrance?" I asked pissed off at both of them for playing over Jayse like this.

"Jayse and I left the funeral together because Jayse didn't want to be around family or anyone else" Terrance said looking at Brandon as I did the same, "so we went to my house and chilled but I asked Jayse some questions and he got upset and wanted to go home."

"Wait a minute what questions?" I asked, as I saw Brandon walk away not wanting to hear anything.

"I wanted to ask Jayse if he would give me a chance at taking care of him since Brandon was doing a poor job" Terrance said as Brandon turned around upset.

"You still talking huh?" Brandon said as Shon came running from the door to break the two guys up.

"Come on guys keep your voices down" Shon pleaded.

"If you would have stayed and took care of him like you were supposed to do, none of this would have happened" Terrance said upset.

"If you would have just minded yo own damn business man like I told you before. None of this shit concerns you, man!" Brandon said.

"I was taking care of him" Terrance said, "Jayse didn't need to be alone today!"

"He's not your man to take care of dawg!" Brandon said frustrated.

"Guys seriously keep your voices down before someone comes in here" Shon said trying to calm Brandon and Terrance down.

"I wish he was because I would have done a better job than both of you" Terrance said as we all looked at him. He paced around in the room trying to calm down as we kept our eyes on him.

"I knew it" I said speaking up, "this whole time, even when I confronted you and you said that you would move on. I knew it was all a front."

"I knew it too which is why I confronted him a few days ago" Brandon said still upset.

Terrance "Both of you guys screwed up taking care of him" I said trying to hold back my emotions, "look at what has happened this past year, problem after problem. I mean, Jayse has never been taken care of the way he should have. Drama was still following him every step he took and you two were the ones he wanted! Not me!"

"Then why don't you just give it a rest then?" Brandon asked.

"Because I'm tired of letting you guys win and hurt him in the process" I said.

"But if he doesn't want you then why fight for him" Q asked.

"Because he never saw all of me" I said truthfully, "he never had a chance to experience the real me, because you guys were always in the way!"

"You had a chance homie just like the rest of us" Brandon said walking to the other side of the room to face me, "if Jayse wanted you, don't you think that he would have dropped both of us and went running to you?"

"He tried to but you came in the picture every time" I said upset and then turning my head to face Q, "and you came swooping right in and took him when I had the chance."

"Jayse wanted a friend..." Q said as I cut him off.

"Don't you think I know that?" I said staring Q in his eyes, "who do you think Jayse was talking to about his problems with you guys? Not Max and the gang...me! He would text me and tell me how Brandon would yell at him or how Q lied to him and I was the listening ear to all of that! ME! I was his support system when no one else was around!"

The room got so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. Everyone just looked around and was waiting on my every word.

"So Jayse has been contacting you..." Brandon said trying to find the words, "the whole time he and I were talking?"

"Pretty much" I said sighing.

"Me too, huh?" Q asked feeling bad.

"Yea" I said.

"You just enjoying this shit aren't you?" Brandon asked.

"What?" I asked confused.

"If you're dating him or being his friend, either way you're getting what you want!" Brandon said walking away from me as Shon went back to guarding the door.

"Look man I didn't ask Jayse to tell me all of this he chose to do it himself" I said.

"Why not tell him to talk to his boyfriend about problems not you!" Brandon said angrily, "like I said you wanted this to happen. Jayse coming to you for support! You knew what you were doing all along!"

"I agree" Q said chiming in as I rolled my eyes, "you weren't his boyfriend or one of his bff's you had no right letting Jayse tell you what was going on in his relationships."

"Are you guys mad at me or Jayse?" I asked as they both looked away from me, "I did the part he wanted out of me. He needed a friend and that's what I was to him. He needed a boyfriend and tried finding that in you guys but it wasn't enough. You have to be everything and more to Jayse, you guys know that! You both know how sensitive he is and how much he needs to be nurtured and protected!"

Brandon "Don't fuckin' preach to me" I said upset as Terrance shook my head. I was getting tired of hearing him speak.

"This is exactly what I mean" Terrance said, "no one can talk to you without you or him blowing up in their face! You guys are too hostile and violent to talk to."

"I think we're just being men" I said trying to calm down, "I mean think about it, I'm rough and rugged, Q is even rugged, hell you saw Daniel at the damn funeral, even he had a little swagger to him."

"What you tryin' to say?" Terrance asked as Brandon started laughing and Shon joined in as well as Q.

"Jayse wants a man!" I said trying to hold my laugh.

"I'm a man!" Terrance said as Q started laughing harder.

"Take a look in the mirror Princess Lea" I said holding my side, "you would do a much better job as his sister than a boyfriend.

"Because I have natural good looks that makes me feminine?" Terrance asked.

"I don't know you tell me?" I asked trying to stop laughing.

"I always wanted and slept with women before I met Jayse" Terrance said getting upset.

"For real?" Q said chuckling, "how much?"

"More than you can take in one day" Terrance said as Shon and I exclaimed from the diss.

"Whatever man, trust me I gets mine, believe that" Quentin said as Terrance focused his attention on me next.

"So looking like something that fell out of a garbage dumpster with my jeans sagging and my ass showing which by the way, are you trying to invite someone back there or something?" Terrance said as I stopped laughing and balled my fists up.

"I ain't no damn bitch!" I said gritting my teeth.

"Ain't?" Terrance said, "that's another thing learn how to talk and educate yourself for a change! I guess stupidity plus swagger equals masculinity! I'm glad I have one out of two!" As I tried charging over, Shon came and broke us up again.

"We're never going to get to the bottom of all this if we keep trying to tear each other apart every few minutes" Shon said.

"We don't have to do anything...I'll find Jayse on my own. I'm sick of this!" Terrance said walking towards the door as Q's elbow slipped on the remote and turned the TV on.

"Late Breaking News on a kidnapping of a young teen who just lost his father in an unsolved murder" the reporter said on the TV.

"Hey turn that up!" I said as everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at the TV.

"Police are searching for three men who may be linked to the kidnapping of 17 year old Jayson Grier. Grier is the son of deceased Chief of Staff, Jeffrey Grier who was killed a week ago at the downtown courthouse during the trial of Brandon Wallace..." the reporter said.

"Are you serious?" Q asked.

"Shhh" Terrance and I said together as he came and stood by me.

"...Jayson was taken from the funeral of his father by this man, Terrance Abramson, son of Chief Surgeon and member of the Board of Directors at Memorial Hospital, Bob Abramson..."

"I don't believe this!" Terrance said.

"Now do you believe me, police can't be trusted" I said, "they just flipped the whole story around."

"The two were last seen leaving the River Oaks community of Pine Grove by residents in the area, until they stopped at this gas station where Jayson Grier was kidnapped. Police are on the lookout for these two men as well Na'Shon Stephens and Brandon Wallace who were seen with Abramson one last time as they took off and may also be accomplices of the kidnapping. Police are asking for anyone who has the whereabouts of these men to call 555-CRIME immediately" the reporter said as Q turned the TV off.

"They don't have anything about me being in the store, the witnesses or the other guys who actually kidnapped Jayse" Terrance said upset.

"This is what I'm telling you guys, those cops are just as fishy down there" I said.

"Not all of them" Q said as I looked at him.

"This is where you come in" I said leaning over his bed to face him, "If your dad is on the up and up then he won't mind clearing our names. He already has a grudge against me but Terrance and Shon ain't got nothin' to do with this."

"True, but who's doing all of this...Krush?" Q asked as I nodded my head.

"Are you going to help us man?" Shon asked as Q looked at all our faces.

"This is a lot...but I'm in...and I'm doing this for Jayse" Q said as I stopped smiling and so did Terrance.

"As of right now we make the same pact" I said, "a truce is formed from this moment on but the minute this is all over, and Jayse decides who he wants to be with, we all go our separate ways and leave Jayse alone, forever. Agreed?"

"Agreed" Terrance said sighing as I looked over Q.

"Agreed" Q said sadly as we all placed our hands in the middle of our circle on top of each other, signaling the truce and the bond...as for right now anyway.

"Let's go get him" I said.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 40

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