Hes Mine


Published on Aug 10, 2023


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 33 Goodbye Daddy...Hello Drama

"I was dreading this day all week" Jamie said looking at himself in the bathroom mirror as I shared it with him, "but it's finally here."

I really wasn't speaking. I was still worried about what all happened last night and where Brandon was. He never came back to my house and after the ambulances came through, my friends sat around with me for awhile and went home.

"You ok?" Jamie asked me while washing his face.

"I'm fine" I said drying my face off with a towel and hanging it up on the rack.

"Still no word on Brandon?" Jamie asked rubbing facial cleanser on his face.

"Nope" I said solemnly opening the door of the bathroom and walking down the hall to my bedroom.

I went to my closet and got my suit out and examined it over and over. I looked out my window and saw that Brandon's car was still there which meant he was out somewhere doing God knows what.

"Jayse I'm sure he's ok" Jamie said walking into my room, with his face covered in his beauty mask, "I mean his car is still out there, and the police have identified the men shot last night. None of them was Brandon! Maybe he's just laying low right now. He really needs to because you both have been through a lot lately."

"Which tie do you guys think goes best with this suit?" Justus said barging in my room. Even though my door was wide open, everyone felt the need to come in.

"I like the brown one" Jamie said rubbing his face and turning back to face me for my opinion, "what you think Jayse?"

"The brown looks fine" I said uninterested.

"Cool" Justus said smiling, "is everything set at the church?"

"Yea everything is fine..." Jamie said walking out my room with Justus. He was probably telling him how much I was worried about Brandon but I didn't care right now. I walked behind them and closed my door.

I walked over to my phone and read all the text messages from friends and coworkers, who sent their prayers and sympathies. I fought back the tears and decided to respond to them later, until I got a call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi Jayse" Quentin said sounding hoarse.

"Hi Q" I said not wanting to talk to him right now.

"I know it's a bad time but I just wanted to say how sorry I am about your dad and to let you know that I'm praying for you and your family" Q said as I tried to remain civil and not hang up the phone.

"Thanks Q" I said in a nonchalant tone.

"I know you still blame me and you're upset with me but I never wanted this to happen" Q said before coughing really bad, "I just wanted to make sure you're ok."

"I'm fine" I said, contemplating if I should hang up the phone now or not.

"Ok well, take care and I hope you and your family get through this" Q said about to hang up.

"Wait Q" I screamed into the phone, "sorry um...how are you doing?"

"It's hard to talk" Q said still hoarse, "but I'm getting better."

"That's good to hear" I said, "you sound good, I mean minus the coughing."

"Yea the doctor's don't want me talking that much but I really wanted to call you" Q said as I sat down on my bed.

"You didn't have to do that" I said playing with my tie on the bed.

"I know...but I wanted to" Q said before coughing, "I feel terrible about all of this."

"Well you didn't have any idea that this would all happen" I said as Q tried to talk and started coughing.

"Well you did warn me at the courthouse remember" Q said as I nodded my head, "as a matter of fact you warned me all day but I wouldn't listen, guess I got what I deserved, huh?"

"Don't say that Q" I said upset, "no matter how much of a pain you were, you didn't deserve this."

"It's the truth Jayse and you know it" Q said coughing.

"It is not!" I said as Q continued coughing, "look I'm not going to argue with you besides, you sound like you're getting worse so I'm going to let you go."

"Wait a minute...before you go, I just want to say this and you don't have to answer anymore if you don't want to, but I hope Brandon is treating you good and I hope he's going to your dad's funeral with you because you need him there" Q said as I didn't respond for a couple of seconds.

"Take care Q" I said as Q said goodbye and I hung up.

I sighed heavy and shook my head. Old feelings were starting to swell up but I couldn't give in. I was committed to Brandon now! I got up and went towards my window to see that Brandon's car was still there. Some of our family members were starting to show up so I guess that meant that I had to finish getting ready.

Once I was done, someone knocked on my door and I knew who that was.

"Come in Max" I said as Max opened the door and walked in.

"How did you know it was me?" Max asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Because I saw you and your parents pull up, as well as the rest of the family" I said tucking my shirt in my pants.

"Oh ok, well Rich is downstairs too. How are you holding up?" Max asked me as he straightened my tie for me.

"Not so good...I had a phone call this morning, thank you" I said after Max was finished.

"From who?" Max asked, turning around and checking himself in my mirror.

"Q" I said sitting on my bed and putting my shoes on.

"Q?" Max asked surprised, turning around to face me, "what did he want?"

"He said that he was sorry" I said, "and that he was praying for us."

"Really?" Max asked surprised, with his hands on his hips.

"Yes" I said standing up and walking around in my shoes, trying to make they felt comfortable.

"Did you buy into that?" Max asked sitting on my desk.

"Um..." I said turning around to face him as he gave me a look, "what?"

"Jayse you can't be serious?" Max asked upset, "you can't just go to everyone one of these boys every time they say something good to you."

"Who said that I was going to him, Max?" I asked upset myself.

"Look, I'm sorry, I'm not trying to get you upset today ok? I'm just saying" Max said throwing his hands up.

"You were the one that told me, Brandon and I needed to have space" I said walking over to put on my suit coat.

"So you were considering it?" Max asked getting up and crossing his arms.

"Considering what?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Jayse..." Max said frustrated with my answer.

"Between you and Jamie it almost seems like you both are just as confused as me" I said stopping in my tracks.

"Jayse..." Max said still annoyed, "please tell me you're not considering leaving Brandon."

"Where is he Max?" I asked as tears came in my eyes, "the one day I need him and he's not here! I begged him, I begged him to stay here and to not go anywhere but he just had to play vigilante."

"Oh cuz, don't cry right now" Max said walking over to console me.

"No" I screamed walking away from him, "he should be here doing this! Not you! He needs to console me right now!"

"Jayse he's trying to protect you" Max said sympathetically.

"When will this end, Max?" I screamed, "everyone loves taking care of me but I can take care of myself!"

"I know" Max said agreeing, "but you're special and you know that. These boys see that and that only makes them want you more. Brandon, Q, and Terrance see something in you and they are attracted to it. You protect what you care about, you know that."

"I'm just tired of being treated like I'm this poor, defenseless person, that needs to be hidden from the bad guys" I said folding my arms trying to console myself.

"I know Jayse" Max said sighing heavily then walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"Why isn't he here?" I asked as I cried on Max's shoulder. I continued crying as Max consoled me for awhile, until Jamie came in my room without knocking.

"Oh sorry" Jamie said, "but the funeral car just pulled up." I looked outside and saw the cars while sighing heavily.

"You ok?" Jamie asked as Max nodded his head for me.

"Yea just give us a couple of minutes" Max said as Jamie closed the door.

"Time to face the music" I said sniffing my nose and wiping my eyes as I walked to my desk and grabbed my poem.

"It's going to be ok" Max said rubbing my back trying to console me.

As we walked downstairs to the join the rest of the family, I watched everyone's sad faces and tried my best to not cry. My mom and Jerry were already breaking down, as Jamarion was trying his best not too and Jamie and Justus were both wiping their eyes as well.

The funeral director asked us to join hands in a circle then said a quick prayer over us as we all left the house and loaded up into the limos. I sighed heavily as Max continued consoling me when I saw Brandon's car.

"Jayse!" I heard a voice say. I looked over and saw Brandon getting out of a car, dressed in his Sunday's best. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him and I just ran over to him as he lifted me up in his arms. I cried again, this time on his shoulders as I felt his body, making sure that this wasn't a dream.

"Where were you?" I asked upset, "I was worried sick!"

"Jayse calm down" Brandon said.

"Don't tell me to calm down" I said as Brandon turned me around with his back to the family as they watched us.

"It's a long story but I'll tell you about it later" Brandon whispered.

"Are you in trouble?" I asked worried as Brandon looked around not giving me eye contact.

"Come on, we'll discuss this later" Brandon said walking me back over to the family car as I shook my head from disappointment.

"Are you with the family?" the funeral director asked.

"Yes he is" my mom said speaking for Brandon as he got in. The driver closed the door as Brandon sat beside me trying to comfort me. He sat up and hugged my mom across the other side of the limo. I didn't know whether to be happy or worried. I already had enough on my plate, to now have him mixed into some more drama.

The drive to the church was mixed with tears and silence. My mom couldn't stop crying as my aunt Camille consoled her along with my Grandma Bea.

"Oh God you have to help me" my mom said wiping her eyes.

"Let out that pain child!" Grandma Bea said as my mom shook her head.

"I'm just tired of crying...he's not coming back!" my mom shouted.

"It's ok Jazzy" Aunt Camille said, rubbing my mom's shoulders, trying to console her.

"You ok?" Brandon asked me, with his arms around me.

"Yea I'm fine" I said answering him coldly.

"You sure?" Brandon asked again as I nodded my head, not even facing him.

Once we got to the church, I got even more nervous as I saw the amount of cars that were outside. Reporters were on the outside of the church being blocked off by police as they stopped in front of the doors.

"Is this what life is going to be like for us?" my mom asked referring to the reporters outside.

"Don't worry about them baby" Grandma Bea said, "you just go with the good Lord."

We sat in the car waiting for the driver to finally open the doors and once he did, all we could hear were reporters shouting at us for an interview.

I just had a feeling Justus and Jamarion were in the other limo fuming at this scene. I walked out behind my mom, aunt and Grandma Bea as Brandon reached for my hand.

I decided to let things go and respect my father, the way he should be honored and grabbed Brandon's hand.

We walked in the church slowly as the organist played a slow solemn song. I looked down at the floor, afraid to face all of the people in the church, as some of them said "I'm sorry" or patted us on our shoulders. Brandon held me tight as I felt my legs giving up on me the closer we got to my dad's casket.

All of sudden my mom just started crying hysterically, as Justus and Jamarion came from behind Brandon and I, to console her. My mom was crying harder than she did before, I guess from seeing the casket lined up with so many decorations. It was almost hard to see the casket with the beautiful decorations lined up around it.

My grandma was next once she saw the flower arrangement that my brothers and I gave him, which had "DADDY" and a picture of us under each letter. My aunt Camille consoled her as we finally made it to the front pews and one by one everyone started crying and venting out their pain and frustration from the loss of our patriarch.

I sat down as Brandon sat next to me, with his arms around me as I fought back the tears. I didn't want to cry. Crying wouldn't solve anything. My dad was still dead because of something stupid.

A hardworking, decent man was taken from his family because of senseless violence. I was the only one in my family not breaking down. Everyone was crying and screaming while all I did was sniff my nose. I wanted to cry, I really, really, wanted to cry but I couldn't. Crying wouldn't bring my daddy back.

"We ask if you're not with the family to please remain standing and sing hymn #281- No Not One" the pastor said from the pulpit as the choir and the congregation sang.

I shook my head, still fighting the tears as the church sang and my family continued weeping. Brandon was rubbing my shoulders, asking me if I was ok and I just nodded my head yes. I was sitting in the middle of the pew while the rest of the family sat in this order from my dad's casket: Justus, my mom, Jamarion, Ebony, Brandon, myself, Jamie, Jerry, and Giannis. Grandma Bea, Aunt Camille, Max, aunt Terri and uncle Roger all sat on the next row as the rest of the city and local police officers filled the congregation.

Ushers came by and passed us boxes of napkins as I took a few and passed the box down. I just crumbled up the paper in my left hand as I reached inside my coat pocket to retrieve my poem.

I felt a tap on my left shoulder and looked up to see Jamie asking me if I was ok and I nodded my head yes. His eyes were red and so were Jerry's. I rubbed his back calming him down as he placed his hands over his face and cried some more.

How dare Dantae? Or Krush? Whoever was the blame, I just hope they got what they deserved. Then again, I was in the house of the Lord, so I shouldn't be thinking like that. I was just so hurt and confused I didn't know what to do, but I knew that I wasn't going to cry.

After the church was finished singing, the minister asked everyone to be seated. As we went through the program, with prayer, scripture, and more songs, we finally made it to remarks. First up was my uncle Roger, Max's dad, who was my dad's brother.

While he was talking, I couldn't help but notice the shaking in his voice as he tried to fight back his tears. As he was wrapping up, he walked to his seat crying.

I looked back and saw Max and his mom, Aunt Terri, consoling his dad. Next up, were coworkers and friends, as they all spent their 3 minutes remembering my dad.

Just as they sat down and Justus stood up, signaling to me and the rest of my brothers that it was time for us to speak, we looked back and saw someone trying to get past the cops that were at the doors.

I squinted my eyes to see who it was and to my amazement I saw a white boy, as my heart started beating fast from the anxiety of the person's identity.

"Who is that?" Justus asked Jamie as they walked up to the podium. All of a sudden one of the officers holding the boy spoke in his earpiece and one of the officers at the front of the church came and told my mom who it was. I saw my mom look at me as she called me over to her and whispered in my ear who it was.

I looked up from the front pew of the church and couldn't believe my eyes...Daniel!

I saw one of the officers looking at me for approval to let Daniel go, as I nodded my head and Daniel slowly walked down the aisle of the church towards me as everyone looked at him weird.

I looked back over at Brandon and saw him stand up from his seat, no doubt probably already knowing who this was. Brandon looked upset and looked at me to see what I was going to do. I sighed and looked away from him as I watched Daniel walk up to me and smiled. I gave him a small smile as everyone in the congregation just stared at us.

"Hi Jayse" Daniel said as I stared at him for the longest time without speaking.

"Daniel?" Justus said in shock.

"You look great Jayse" Daniel said as I looked away feeling uncomfortable that he said that.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I heard my voice echo around the church.

"I wanted to say how sorry I was to hear about your dad and say some kind words about him if I could" Daniel said sincerely.

"I don't think so Daniel" I said about to walk away, as Daniel looked heartbroken.

"Jayse please!" Daniel begged as he grabbed my arm.

"Hey man it's not a good idea" Brandon said walking over upset.

"Brandon not now!" I said as my brothers got upset with the way Brandon was acting.

"Daniel we're in the middle of our dad's funeral right now" Jamarion said frustrated.

"Yea please leave" Jamie said chiming in upset as well.

"Guys I know that, I'm not here to cause a scene" Daniel said looking over at my brothers as he turned his head back over at me, "but if it's ok with Jayse, I'd like to say something about Mr. Grier."

I was still in shock as old feelings resurfaced. None that made me want to be with him again, but just all the hurt that I endured for such a long time.

I looked at my mom as she looked up at me waiting for an answer. I decided that this was a place for forgiveness and motioned for my brothers to let him speak.

As we all sat back down, I could feel the coldness from Brandon. As if I didn't have enough problems, here comes Daniel. He still looked the same except he was much thinner and taller. He cut his hair, whereas now it was more of a cropped look. He was still attractive, but there was no way I was getting back with him.

"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman" Daniel said after clearing his throat as the congregation responded, "my name is Daniel Alder, and I am a friend of Jayson's. Once I heard about Mr. Grier's passing I had to come back and visit. You see it was because of your dad Jayse, that I had to leave."

Everyone immediately looked over at me as I felt uncomfortable. I looked at Daniel confused as he walked over to stand in front of me.

"Your dad told me that I wasn't good enough for you" Daniel said as I looked at him shocked, "after Jamarion witnessed me, I tried coming by your house but to escape from giving too many details, I had to go to a doctor and your dad treated me. After I confessed he told me that I was never good enough for you, based on what I did to you, and to leave you alone for good! I had no other choice, Jayse! Your dad told me to leave your life. He really knows what's best for you because I changed up my act because of him."

"Mr. Grier..." Daniel said, turning around to face my father's casket, closing out, "may you rest in peace and thank you for making me open my eyes and grow up into the man I am now."

As Daniel finished he hugged my mom, came walking my way as I extended my hand for him to shake as he obliged and walked back up the aisle, towards the doors. I didn't even bother to go after him because that chapter was closed, still it was good to see him after all these years. Justus got up as did the rest of us, as we walked over to the podium one more time.

"Thank you Daniel for those kind words" Justus said adjusting the microphone, "and now we would like to pay tribute to our dad in our own way."

As Justus played the keyboard and Jamie sang his song together, I looked at my poem, glancing over my words, as some ushers came with the AV equipment for Jamarion.

I looked over at Jamarion as he looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and reached for his hand as he grabbed mine. It felt good to not be fighting with him right now. I was glad to have my big brother in my corner again.

Once Justus and Jamie were through, I took my place to the podium and got ready to recite my poem as the projection screen transcended down from the ceiling in front of the congregation. As the lights got dimmed, and the video started playing of the family photos, I began my poem.

"Good evening everyone" I said starting out, "I would like to read this poem as you all watch pictures of my dad and our family. The title of this is called Through Time:

I awaken from a deep sleep, Images flashed in my mind, I recall your voice seep, As I race through time.

The ferryman asked my wager, I inquire how much the fine, As my life fills with danger, A price to pay through time.

Hold fast your gentle heart, Let its tick resemble a sign, Let this journey now start, As I travel through time.

This part I don't recall, I beg you to stop and rewind, I fear my devastating fall, End this through time!

I study not fear, I want to be kind, As I cry my last tear, Hoping to beat thru time.

No longer am I strong, My strength I cannot find, My life is no longer long, I am defeated through time."

As the last picture flashed and the lights slowly came back on, I looked around and saw the tears in the audience. I still held back my own, as I fought them throughout the entire reading of my poem. I walked away from the podium as Jeryn came behind me.

"My brothers are way more talented than me" Jerry said, "but I just wanted to come from the heart."

As Jerry spoke of dad, we all stood to the side of him and watched him. He looked so helpless and I felt even sorrier for him than me. He was the youngest and now he had to grow up the rest of his life without dad.

As he continued speaking, his voice started breaking more and more. Before we knew it, Jerry dropped the microphone on the floor and turned around to hug my dad's casket.

We feared that he would tip it over so we grabbed him off of it and sat him back down on his seat. Jerry was still crying hysterically so Jamarion and Justus took him in the back to calm him down.

That was the straw that broke the camels back for me. To see Jeryn in that much pain made my heart ache and all I could do was cry. Brandon placed his arms around me and pulled me close to him but it didn't work. I cried and cried as Jamie patted my shoulder. You could still hear Jerry screaming and my heart just sank more and more. I think the whole congregation did. Those were the cries and shouts of a broken-hearted little boy.

The preacher got up to the pulpit, started saying some words and went into his sermon which was very beautiful based on what I could hear from crying. I just couldn't stop crying for the life of me. Brandon whispered in my ear and asked me if I wanted to go in the back but I shook my head no.

After a couple minutes of preaching, the boys finally came back out and sat down, but Jerry looked rough. My mom called him over to sit by her as she hugged him and tried to make him feel better. I shook my head upset that my brother had to endure that much pain.

Once the preacher was done, he asked everyone who was not with the family to stand up as my mom's classmates took the flower arrangements to the burial site and the pallbearers were my dad's classmates as well.

As they removed the casket, one by one my brothers and I each said goodbye daddy and that only made the pain even more heartbreaking. We all started crying more as we had the realization that our father was gone forever.

As the congregation viewed my dad outside, the time finally came for us to view his body as well. One by one we saw him for the last time and cried the hardest we ever did. I cried so much that my head started hurting. My mother collapsed as they wheeled her to the burial site.

"I can't go back there" I told Brandon walking away.

"Whatever you feel like doing babe" Brandon said walking behind me in the church yard.

"How could he do something like this? How could he kill someone that he doesn't even know?" I asked still crying as Max, Rich, Eric, Mario, Omar and Tony came over to me.

"Jayse, are you ok?" Eric asked me.

"You need anything to drink?" Tony asked.

"Come on, Jayse you need to sit down" Max said.

"Let him breathe Max" Brandon said stopping Max as he got closer to me.

"What are you talking about Brandon?" Max asked upset, "he needs to sit down and calm his nerves."

"I know that" Brandon said raising his voice, "but let him do what he wants to do."

"Come on guys let's just relax ok" Rich said chiming in.

"I'm cool man" Brandon said walking behind me and putting his arms around me, "but let Jayse do what he wants to do."

"How about let Jayse speak for Jayse" I said annoyed everyone was speaking for me as usual.

"Look it's too many people over here anyway let's all just go to the burial and wait for Jayse there" Max said as everyone started to walk away, "Brandon will you please take care of Jayson while I let everyone know what's going on, they are not going to start without Jayse. You know that right?"

"Max please" Brandon said annoyed as Max rolled his eyes.

"Guys please stop arguing" Eric said away from us.

"Come on babe" Rich said sighing and grabbing Max's hand as they walked away followed by Eric, Mario, Tony and Omar.

I paced around in the church yard as I saw everyone walking under the tent. I couldn't walk over there and see them place my dad in the ground. That would officially be the end of everything. My dad would be here no more! I couldn't face that ending, not now!

I stopped pacing around and looked over at Brandon as he had his hands in his pockets staring at me. He looked so gorgeous in his all black suit, with his gray shirt and black shoes. I wish I had a camera to take a photo of him, because he looked like he deserved to be on a cover of a magazine right now.

"You ok?" Brandon asked me as I looked at him and rolled my eyes, "Jayse what did I do now?"

"Where were you Brandon?" I asked looking at him as he turned his head from me.

"I'm not about to do this at yo dad's funeral" Brandon said not answering me.

"Answer me" I said walking over to him and turning his head to face me.

"Jayse calm down" Brandon said grabbing my hands as I tried to pull them away from his.

"Why won't you answer me then?" I whined.

"Because this is not the place, I just told you" Brandon said as I sighed deeply. "Honor your dad right now" Brandon said as I looked up at his face.

"I can't" I said turning my head away from Brandon's.

"Why not?" Brandon asked turning my head back to face his.

"Because he's dead" I said as my voice broke and tears fell from eyes, "I can't hear him say how proud he is of me anymore. How can I honor him, if I don't know what pleases him anymore."

I cried onto Brandon's chest as he hugged and comforted me. I didn't even realize Justus walking over to us, coming to grab me.

"Jayse come on, we're waiting for you" Justus said as I stopped crying to face him.

"I'm not going" I said wiping my eyes as Brandon stopped hugging me.

"Come on babe" Brandon said rubbing my back, "I'll come over there with you."

"I'm not going!" I screamed about to walk away as Brandon grabbed my arm.

"Jayse come on don't walk away" Brandon said as Justus grabbed Brandon's shoulder.

"Don't touch on my brother like that" Justus said as Brandon shrugged his arm away from Justus.

"Don't touch me like that dawg" Brandon said upset, "you don't know me."

"Brandon..." Jayse said terrified.

"You been a thorn in me ever since my brother started talking to you" Justus said walking up to Justus.

"I'm not about to fight you at yo pops funeral man" Brandon said backing up as I got in front him.

"Justus stop it, Ok?" I said not wanting to cause a scene, "ok I'm coming, just please don't do this right now!"

"Let's go then" Justus said grabbing my arm as I pulled it away from his and grabbed Brandon.

Justus looked at Brandon as Brandon walked by him, with his hand holding my hand as we walked to the burial.

"I got you babe ok?" Brandon said rubbing my back as I nodded my head. As I walked under the tent, I sat between Jamarion and Jamie, as Brandon stood behind me with his arms around my shoulders.

The preacher prayed again as well as said a few scriptures. The funeral director, let go of a dove as my mother started crying more. Lastly, we all received a rose as they let my dad's casket transcend into the burial plot.

I shook my head and started crying as did the rest of my family, realizing that daddy was gone. One by one people came and spoke to us, but I was being very nonchalant about the whole thing. I didn't feel like speaking, I just wanted to leave.

Once the crowd slowly cleared, we all left and went into the dining hall to eat. Brandon sat by me as the gang came over as well.

"You do know that family is supposed to sit at this table right?" I asked Eric and Tony as they looked at me puzzled.

"I'm just playing" I said as they all started laughing.

"Oooh this is exactly why I don't like you now" Tony said smiling as I kicked him lightly under the table. I saw his smile diminish once Omar came and sat beside him. I gave him a look like stop it and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Your mom looks great" Eric said as I looked down the table and saw her cheering up a little.

"Among others" Tony said as Jamarion came walking behind our table to grab some people in the kitchen and ask for more drinks. Eric nudged him in the arm as I shook my head. I wonder if Omar caught that. I looked over and saw him, as he was looking around too with a wondering eye.

I looked up and saw Terrance who was sitting directly diagonal from me as I looked away and kept eating. I didn't want to start anything with Brandon right now. Too much has been said and done already, and I was tired of the drama.

After awhile, the people started clearing out and I needed to use the restroom. I excused myself and went walking down the hall, when someone snatched me and threw me into one of the vacant rooms. I looked up and saw that it was Daniel.

"What is wrong with you?" I said straightening myself up.

"I'm sorry Jayse, did I hurt you?" Daniel said walking over to me from the door as I backed away from him and he stopped in his tracks.

"Don't come any closer to me" I said, "what do you want?"

"Just to talk" Daniel said sitting down on one of the chairs and motioning for me to do the same.

"I'll stand...but there are other ways to talk to someone" I said upset.

"I know" Daniel said, "but your boyfriend looks upset with me, you must have told him about us...about what I did to you?"

"I don't like secrets" I said facing him as he looked down embarrassed.

"Guess I had that coming" Daniel said, "I can't get over how much you've changed. You look so different."

"Well new town, you know" I said not really wanting to talk.

"Yea I guess you're right" Daniel said looking at me, "you miss me?"

I looked at him like `are you crazy?' as he threw up his hands apologizing.

"It was just a joke Jayse" Daniel said, "I'm not surprised that you moved on."

"After what you did to me, I should have done a lot more" I said standing in the corner upset.

"I know, but I was just a kid" Daniel said looking over at me.

"Whatever, that is such a lame excuse" I said pacing around in the room, "and it was a year ago."

"Well you changed in a year, I mean look at you, you look beautiful" Daniel said as I rolled my eyes and ignored his compliment.

"I changed for the better and had to mend my broken heart" I said as Daniel looked away from me sadly.

"You're right" Daniel said looking at his lap, "I never meant to hurt you...you were my first love, and I know I was yours too."

I stopped walking and looked at him as he looked at me. I turned my head away from him, refusing to give in to his sappy words.

"That's true but you outgrow your past Daniel" I said, "you never cared about me, if you did you would have never cheated on me. Why now? A whole year has went by and you wait until my dad dies to reach out to me?"

"I told you why Jayse" Daniel said looking at me, "Your dad didn't want me anywhere near you."

"Whatever" I said annoyed, "there are ways to let me know what was going on. You just got up and left."

"Your dad was very persuasive and let me know in very few words that if I didn't leave he was going to make my life hell" Daniel said.

"I don't believe you" I said.

"Jayse it's the truth" Daniel pleaded.

"Even if it was" I said, "too much has been said and done in a whole year to make me forgive you."

"Jayse I was stupid ok!" Daniel said getting up, "I admit what I did was dumb, but I just want to apologize for what I did."

"Ok apology accepted" I said ready to leave.

"But you just said..." Daniel said as I cut him off.

"I said apology accepted, I didn't say anything about forgiving you" I said correcting him.

"Do you mean that?" Daniel asked me.

"I mean whatever will end this conversation early" I said as Daniel gave me a look like I hurt him badly by saying that.

"Wow you really have changed" Daniel said noticing my difference, "you look happy, you have friends, guess there is no need for me anymore."

"No there isn't" Brandon said walking into the room and closing the door.

"Brandon...how did you?" I asked as he walked over to me and placed his arm around me.

"You were gone too long, I had to come and check up on you" Brandon said as he looked Daniel up and down, "so this is Daniel huh?"

"Babe please" I begged.

"Look I'm not here to start any trouble" Daniel pleaded.

"Then what were you and Jayse doing in here?" Brandon asked.

"Just talking" Daniel said nervous.

"Talking about what?" Brandon asked.

"Just the past man" Daniel said, "I just wanted to apologize to Jayse one more time."

"You mean one last time!" Brandon said as Daniel shot him a look, "his dad wanted you out of Jayse's life. I mean it must have been more to it than what you said during the service."

"Like I said man, I cheated on him and I caught a VD so I guess I got what I wanted in the end" Daniel said as Brandon looked at him with disgust.

"I think you've done enough here man, it's time for you to go" Brandon said as Daniel looked at me.

"He's right Daniel, I don't think we have anything more to discuss" I said as Daniel looked heartbroken.

"I know you've moved on Jayse but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for everything I did to you" Daniel said.

"Ok like I said, apology accepted, but just remember I will never forgive you for cheating on me" I said as Daniel stared at me. He looked like he wanted a hug goodbye but saw Brandon and decided to just walk out the room.

"Sneaking into rooms to talk to exes?" Brandon asked me as Daniel closed the door.

"I was on my way to the bathroom, Brandon" I said facing him, "he snatched me up and brought me in here."

"What?" Brandon said upset, "why didn't you say that before?"

I grabbed Brandon as he was about to run and get Daniel. I turned him around as I pulled him into a hug and he returned the favor.

"Calm down babe, this is what I want right here" I said as Brandon squeezed me.

"You sure?" Brandon asked me as I placed my head on his chest, "you've been acting cold to me all day."

"It's because you won't tell me where you were last night" I said looking up at Brandon as he sighed and pushed me away slowly.

"You really want to know where I was?" Brandon asked me.

"Yes" I said.

"You better sit down then?" Brandon said as my heart started racing.

"Oh God Brandon, is it that bad?" I asked worried as I walked over to nearby chair.

"Depends on the way you look at things" Brandon said as I stared into his eyes and saw the worry in them.

"Ok I'm ready" I said sitting down, regretting that I even opened my mouth.

"Where do you want me to start?" Brandon asked.

"Yesterday after I walked away and you were gone" I said and Brandon sighed one last time and started talking.

"After you walked away, I called Shon and asked him to scoop me up right quick" Brandon said as I cut him off.

"Without even telling me that you were leaving?" I asked hurt.

"Will you just let me finish?" Brandon asked upset, "I called Shon and lucky for me he was in the neighborhood. He came up and I told him to take some stuff out of my car and give them to my moms."

"What kind of stuff?" I asked as Brandon got upset.

"Clothes I had in my trunk Jayse" Brandon said.

"Brandon you're not giving every detail" I responded back angry, "don't get upset with me."

"What are you yelling for?" Brandon asked me as I sighed and tried to calm down, "I told you a million times, you get too excited over stupid stuff."

"Are you going to lecture me or tell me what was going on?" I asked as Brandon threw his hands up and started walking towards the door.

"I'm done" Brandon said as I got up and stopped him one last time.

"Ok ok I'm sorry" I said as Brandon turned around and faced me.

"Your friends are a bad influence on you" Brandon said as I looked at the ground, "this new attitude of yours needs to chill Jayse, I'm serious!"

"Ok, please I want to know" I begged.

"After that, Shon told me to take a drive with him" Brandon said as I listened to him, "Shon ran me down to a dock where his uncle works and showed me Krush and Dante down there chilling. They looked like they were just talking until I saw them dump a body in the river. I shook my head as I knew what they were doing. Only thing is Krush never gets his hands dirty so I knew it was something more. We piped out and were on our way back over until a cop pulled us over."

"Did you guys get charged with anything?" I asked worried.

"No but he said that he got a tip about our car being near the docks and that there was some strange activity going on over there" Brandon said, "next thing I know we were being searched and everything."

"What happened after that?" I asked.

"The officer got a call and told us that we were free to go" Brandon said, "I didn't know that they got called over to Krush's place. That's when I was going to call you but my mom's got on the phone and wanted me to come over so that we could talk about what happened with the break in. After that I was about to leave but everybody advised me to stay at my grandparents house in case the cops were looking for me."

"Was Dantae over there? At your grandparents house?" I asked.

"No" Brandon said sighing.

"Figures" I said as Brandon walked over to me.

"Now do you feel better, since you know everything that has happened thus far?" Brandon asked me.

"A little" I said as Brandon hugged me close, "I just don't understand who called the cops on you and what happened to your gun?"

"What do you mean?" Brandon asked as he stopped hugging me.

"Your gun babe" I said, "I got worried about you and went looking in your car making sure that you didn't go out and seek revenge on anyone. I looked in your car and found your gun gone."

"Why didn't you tell me this before, Jayse" Brandon said reaching in his pocket and grabbing his phone.

"I thought you knew" I said as Brandon started dialing someone's number, "who are you calling?"

"Yo Shon, come and scoop me up man" Brandon said, "yea I'm at Mount Moriah on 16th and Andrew. Alright I'll be outside."

"Brandon where are you going?" I asked following him as he walked out the room, "Brandon answer me?"

"Jayse we're leaving" Jamarion said as we passed him in the dining hall, holding Adia.

"Um" I said stopping as Brandon kept walking, "I'll catch a ride with Brandon."

"Brandon came with us" Jamarion said laughing at my comment, as I saw Brandon grab his coat and started walking towards the door.

"I know but he was someone coming to get him" I said.

"Hi Jayse" Ebony said walking over with a bottle, "are you ready to hold your goddaughter for the first time?"

"I may have to get a rain check guys" I said walking away, trying to catch up with Brandon.

"Jayse!" Jamarion called after me.

"Jayse" I heard my coworkers call after me as I kept walking.

"Jayson!" I heard Max and the crew call after me, but I ignored them as well as I ran out the door towards Brandon, "Baby wait for me."

"Jayse go back inside" Brandon said.

"No you're not leaving me again!" I said angry.

"Babe this is nothing to play about all right" Brandon said looking over at me as we stood to the head of the road.

"I know baby, I'm not playing neither" I said.

"Jayse!" Justus called after me coming out the dining hall.

"Oh boy" I said turning around as Justus stood by the door.

"Go see what he wants" Brandon said.

"No, tell me where you're going?" I asked.

"Jayse..." Brandon said not wanting to tell me anything.

"Brandon tell me" I said.

"I have to see who has my gun..." Brandon said upset, "someone is out there framing me for something I didn't do."

"You think it's Dantae?" I asked.

"Why are you so stuck on Dantae?" Brandon asked annoyed.

"Why are you so stuck on Krush?" I asked searching for the same answer as Brandon stared at me. Right on time, Shon came and picked up Brandon. Brandon and I stared at each other for a couple of minutes as he looked like he was going to say something.

"Brandon let me go with you, please?" I begged one last time.

"Jayse I'm doing this for us" Brandon said.

"Then why are you going without me?" I asked as Brandon bit his bottom lip.

Brandon walked over and kissed me softly on the lips as I kissed him back. He tried backing away from me but I only followed him.

"Babe come on don't do this" Brandon said as his voice broke.

"No don't you do this!" I said as my eyes started to water.

I watched Brandon as he got inside the car and wined the windows down to stare at me. I stared into his eyes as he stared at mine. He motioned with his hand for Shon to drive as they left the church parking lot, with me standing there. I felt my heart broke as they drove down the street.

I reached for my phone in my pocket as Brandon sent a text saying `I Love You!' I texted back telling him "you're no different from Daniel" and pressed SEND. I turned around and saw Terrance standing at the doorway as I placed my hands over my face and cried.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 38

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