Hes Mine


Published on Jul 28, 2023


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 32 Open Your Eyes

"Hello?" I asked picking up the phone nervous.

"Hey Jayse it's me Genesis" Genesis said sounding excited to hear my voice, "I'm not interrupting am I?"

"No you're not interrupting, Genesis, what's up?" I asked as Brandon gave me a look like what kind of name is that.

"Cool...I wanted to ask you a question, if you don't mind?" Genesis said.

"Um ok" I said getting more nervous.

"It's about Brandon..." Genesis said as I looked over at Brandon and he looked over at me confused. My heart dropped as I hoped and prayed that another secret wasn't about to be exposed.

"Ok, what about him?" I asked nervous.

"I just wanted to know how did you know that he was the one? I mean the reason I'm asking this, is because there's this boy at school I kind of like but...I don't know if he likes me like that" Genesis said as my heart started back beating normally and I sighed with relief.

"Um...well the way we met was kind of weird, his dog attacked me" I said as Brandon looked over at me, with an expression saying, "why are you saying all of that" as I shrugged my shoulders.

"So you guys just started talking right there?" Genesis asked.

"Who are you talking to?" Brandon whispered as I told him to be quiet.

"Well we um...yea we started talking right there. I mean I just couldn't stop staring at him and that's how I knew" I said as Brandon was still trying to figure out who I was talking to.

"I'm sorry for asking a personal question like that" Genesis said, "it's just that..."

"Brandon..." I said as Brandon snatched my phone away from me.

"Who's this?" Brandon asked, "...Genesis? Who are you?"

"Brandon give me my phone" I whispered, trying to grab my phone.

"Jayse I'm driving, stop!" Brandon said as I sighed and gave up.

"Oh ok I feel you lil man" Brandon said smiling, "yea...well it's cool...all right, here I'll let you speak back with Jayse. Yea...yea...yea I got you...its cool, aight."

"I'm sorry about that Genesis" I said hitting Brandon on the arm as he reacted to the hit.

"Ow what was that for?" Brandon said rubbing his arm.

"It's ok" Genesis said, "I mean I'm not trying to come between you two, I have a crush of my own, I just want to know, how can I get him to like me?"

"Yea I know, you're fine, I mean the biggest thing is just be yourself Genesis" I said.

"I know but I'm a nerd and a preacher's kid at that?" Genesis said.

"So what?" I asked, "that doesn't mean that he can't talk to you nor that he shouldn't, just because you're all those things."

"Well there is more..." Genesis said trailing off.

"Really?" I asked sounding intrigued.

"I just...I want to tell you, but I'm afraid that if I do, then you'll know about him" Genesis said feeling guilty for talking too much.

"Genesis, I'm new here and I hardly even know the kids in my graduating class" I said as Genesis and I both laughed, "I know I wouldn't have any idea who you're referring too."

"You'll know him, trust me, everyone does" Genesis said lowly, changing his tone.

"Well if you don't want to tell me it's cool, but just remember what I said, be yourself first"

"Please promise me you're not going to say anything?" Genesis begged.

"I promise Genesis but remember you're telling me on your own, if you don't want to it's cool" I said as Brandon turned into his apartment complex.

"His name is Timothy, Timothy Carson" Genesis said as I thought why the name was so familiar.

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" I asked out loud.

"Maybe because he's on both the football team and basketball team" Genesis said, "you now Slim..."

"Oh my Gosh, you mean Slimmy Timmy" I said referring to the nickname he had in the city for being really slim and fast. After I said that out loud Brandon looked over at me with a confused look trying to find out what I was talking about.

"Please promise you won't say anything" Genesis begged as I looked over at Brandon with a surprised look, "he would kill me if I told on him."

"I won't I promise" I said as Genesis started giving me more background about he and Timmy's relationship. I was just surprised that he was confiding in a total stranger like me. I assured him that I wouldn't speak about it and saw this as a way to block out all the drama that I was going through lately.

"You coming inside or you goin' to chit chat on the phone all day?" Brandon asked me as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Genesis, why don't you come by my house tonight and we can talk some more, oh never mind I forgot about your parents" I said feeling bad for bringing that up.

"No I can come by I'll just tell them that I'm going by Timmy's house. That's the only way I can get out anyway" Genesis said.

"Yea but I don't feel right with you lying to your dad" I said as Brandon got out his car.

"It's cool, I still want to come over and talk with you some more" Genesis said.

"Cool" I said, getting out the car as well and closing my door, "talk to you later, bye."

"Bye Jayse" Genesis said and hung up as Brandon walked over to me.

"Since when have you been known to be an expert at helping people?" Brandon said pulling me in for a hug and a kiss.

"Since I started talking to you and can tell everyone what real love is" I said as Brandon kissed me more.

"Who was that kid anyway?" Brandon asked me, as he stopped hugging me and walked to his apartment door, unlocking it.

"My next door neighbor. This kid is going through so much baby, you thought we had drama" I said talking to Brandon and noticing that he was reading a note left on his door, "what's wrong?"

Brandon ignored me and walked into his apartment to find it all smashed up, with stuff thrown everywhere. The walls had spray paint all around, the cabinet doors were broken, living room furniture was ripped open and mud thrown all in the carpet.

"Oh my Gosh" I said walking into the apartment as Brandon, went into the kitchen to look around.

Brandon still wasn't speaking, the look on his face was more anger than shock. He walked past me as he ran upstairs to see what else was ruined. By the looks of the damage, nothing was stolen, just vandalized.

I stood near the doorway afraid to walk any further but it was unbelievable to see something like this. The television set was thrown on the floor and the dining table was broken in half.

I heard a gun click and then saw Brandon run back downstairs to grab me. He pushed me out of the apartment as he closed the door and walked around the back of the apartment.

"Are you going to call someone?" I asked as Brandon ignored me. I started looking around, afraid someone was going to come and snatch me up. I walked to the back of the apartment following Brandon but he was already walking back to the front.

"Is there anything broken into back there?" I asked as Brandon continued ignoring me, "Brandon answer me!

"What Jayse?" Brandon asked annoyed turning to face me, "what?"

"What's going on?" I asked softly afraid to talk. The look on his face screamed anger, I was afraid to even move.

"This is all Krush" Brandon said, "he's trying to scare me! Fat mutherfucker!"

"Brandon don't talk like that" I said grabbing his hand to calm him down, "aren't you going to call the police?"

"Later" Brandon said walking away from me and pulling his hand away.

"But you need to report this" I said walking behind Brandon as he walked to his car.

"And tell them what Jayse?" Brandon asked looking at me over the car hood, "an ex drug dealer and killer wants to put a hit out on his old boss, get the fuck out of here with all that."

"Brandon, he knows you won't report it, that's why he did all of this" I said as I followed Brandon inside his car.

"All these people around here and nobody could have called the police" Brandon said looking around as I did the same, "somebody saw something."

"Let's just call the police please" I begged.

"Jayse no!" Brandon said cranking up his car, "put your seatbelt on."

"You can't just leave like this" I said as Brandon backed out the parking lot and drove out the apartment complex.

We rode in silence as I occasionally looked over at Brandon. He had the scariest look on his face and I knew that a million things were going through his mind right now.

"I have to take you home" Brandon said finally speaking.

"For what?" I asked, "don't you have to get your mom and Corey?"

Brandon started dialing numbers on his phone and I just waited in silence until he was done.

"Yo Polo, I need you to do me a favor, pick up my mom's and Corey for me today" Brandon said driving, "dude you ain't doing nothin'. Well tell your moms or something and bring them over to Jayse's house, my mom knows the address. Yea, yea ok, aight."

"So you're not going to pick up your mom?" I asked trying to make conversation.

"Nope" Brandon said bobbing and weaving through traffic.

"I don't know what to say to you right now, but it's going to be ok" I said as Brandon laughed.

"And how do you know that?" Brandon asked sarcastically.

"Because I love you and love trumps hate" I said looking over at Brandon.

"I don't hate you Jayse" Brandon said softly.

"I know you don't but you do hate Krush" I said as Brandon gripped the steering wheel tighter.

"This fat mofo is doing all this just because I want to leave the game...and because of what he did to you and your fam" Brandon said looking over at me as our eyes locked for a second before he turned his head back to the road.

"You still think it was him that shot my dad and Q?" I asked softly.

"Yea" Brandon said, "don't you?"

"I still think it's Dantae" I said, "I mean I saw him with the gun at the courthouse."

"Did you see him holding the gun or did he have it tucked away somewhere?" Brandon asked me.

"I saw him grab his waist and then I saw the imprint of the gun" I said, trying to recall everything.

"Babe but that doesn't mean that he shot your dad and Q" Brandon said, as I looked over at him upset, "look, like I told you, I'm on your side, always."

"Then why doesn't anyone believe me?" I asked whining.

"Jayse come on, don't do this right now" Brandon said driving as I sniffed my nose from crying, "please don't start crying."

"I know what I saw and I know what I believe, Dantae DID kill my father" I said looking at Brandon as he concentrated on driving. I folded my arms and sat back in my seat as we drove the rest of the way in silence.

A couple of times, Brandon's phone rang but he didn't answer it. I ignored all the texts I was getting as well because nothing really mattered right now.

Brandon looked over at me after another awkward silence but I didn't bother to face him. He started stroking my shoulder while driving but I just held my stance of being upset with him.

"You gonna sit over there quiet the rest of the trip or you gonna say somethin' to me?" Brandon asked still running his fingers up and down my shoulder.

"Why should I" I asked staring out the window with my head leaning on the head rest, "you never believe anything I say anyway."

"Jayse I'm really not in the mood for your lil attitude right now" Brandon said frustrated and moving his hand away from me.

"I don't have an attitude!" I screamed facing him.

"What the fuck you screaming for?" Brandon asked looking at me, as I turned my head, "huh? You always getting' so sensitive every damn time."

"Because you never listen to me" I whined.

"Jayse, I never listen to you?" Brandon asked me surprised that I even said that, "here you go sayin' stupid shit."

"What?" I asked turning my head back over to face him.

"Nothin'" Brandon said taking the exit to get to my house, "I'm done. I'm takin' yo ass home before I do or say somethin' I regret."

I looked over at Brandon as he had knots in his forehead and decided to not make matters worse.

"Looks like you guys are already getting' a crowd" Brandon said as we pulled up to my house.

I sat in the car because I was not in the mood for another argument and I didn't want him to go and do something terrible.

"So where are you going?" I asked facing him.

"Check on somethin' right quick" Brandon said stroking his chin and not facing me.

"Well then let me just tell my family where I'll be then" I said about to get out the car.

"Jayse come on I'm not in the mood to fight, babe" Brandon said frustrated as he sat back in his seat.

"Well why can't I come with you?" I asked sadly.

"Because..." Brandon said as I waited for him to finish.

"Because what?" I asked as Brandon finally looked over at me.

"Jayse I can't let anything happen to you" Brandon said feeling bad.

"Nothing is going to happen to me" I said, "come inside with me."

"I can't babe" Brandon said shaking his head.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked getting upset, "go and shoot someone yourself and retaliate in some way?"

"What are you talking about?" Brandon asked as I felt his waist for his gun.

"This" I said referring to his gun on the left side of his waist, ironically the same place where Dantae had his, the day my dad and Q got shot, "you and Dantae are cousins."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Brandon asked as he looked at me confused.

"Nothing, my point is you're about to go and do something you're going to regret" I said as Brandon turned his head away from me.

"Don't worry about me Jayse, I'm good" Brandon said looking around at the people that were coming, "the whole town really loves your fam. Everyone is comin' over here."

"I don't care" I said as Brandon sighed deeply, "the one person that I want to be here overpowers everyone here right now."

"Jayse don't do this man" Brandon said feeling guilty.

"Don't do what?" I asked still facing him.

"Make me feel worse than I already do" Brandon said.

"It's because you know you're wrong for what you want to do right now" I said as Brandon sighed.

"Just let me be a man babe" Brandon said agitated, "I can't let his punk ass get away wit somethin' like this."

"You can be a bigger man by walking away" I said, "you already said that you're trying to change your lifestyle, change everything with it too."

I watched as Brandon sat there thinking about what I just said. I know that he wanted to go over and hurt Krush but it wouldn't solve anything. I cared about him too much to lose him, I already lost my dad.

"When is all this drama going to end?" I asked looking at Brandon.

"As soon as I take care of it" Brandon said.

"You're only going to make matters worse" I said whining.

"Jayse!" Brandon yelled annoyed as I stopped talking and looked away from him, "stop telling me what to do."

"Fine I won't say nothing else, go have fun shooting each other's brains out, it's not going to solve anything" I said as tears filled my eyes, "my dad is dead and Q is fighting for his life, but go ahead Brandon and play hero. I hope it's worth it in the end."

As I was prepared to get out the car, Brandon grabbed my hand and I sighed deeply. I slowly turned my head to face him as he faced me.

"I just wish you understood Jayse" Brandon said hoarsely.

"Brandon I understand that you have to protect me and your family" I said grabbing his hands, "but there are other ways than this. I can't lose you to this man. I don't have anyone else."

Brandon looked up at me and rubbed my face as he sighed harder, from hearing what I said. He swallowed really heavy, then looked away from me as he shook his head.

"Hand me that case under your seat" Brandon said as I grabbed the case and handed it to him. I watched as he pulled the gun from his pants and placed it in the case.

This was the first time that I was ever exposed to a gun before in my life. Brandon looked up at me as I forced a smile out of my nervousness. He closed the case and slipped it under his seat.

"You need to be careful with that thing" I said not feeling too safe with it around my house.

"Yea I know" Brandon said as he sighed and dialed a number on his cell phone, "911, I'd like to report a break in."

I smiled and squealed a little as Brandon explained what happened to the operator. I know he felt like he was less of a man doing all of this but he needed to do this. I waited until he was done to hug and kiss him.

"I'm so proud of you" I said rubbing my nose against his.

"I feel like a punk" Brandon said giving me a small smile.

"But you're not one" I said giving him another kiss, "you're amazing."

"Yea, yea, yea" Brandon said pulling me closer as he French kissed me. I moaned inside his mouth and stroked his face as he let his right hand slide to my butt and squeezed it.

"Nuh uh" I said with my lips pressed to his.

"I know" Brandon said kissing me one last time as we got out of his car.

"Jayson?" Someone said behind me as I grabbed Brandon's hand to walk towards my house.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to face the woman.

"Hi my name is Abigail Philips, your dad performed surgery on me several months ago" Abigail said as I extended my hand out to shake hers.

"Wow ok, hi" I said as she shook my hand with excitement.

"Yes nice to meet you, I remember your face because when I came in for a consult before the surgery, he had a picture of you and your brothers up" Abigail said as I fought back the tears.

"Wow thank you so much for telling me this" I said as Brandon placed his arms around my shoulder, he must have heard my voice break, "please come in."

"No I'm actually on my way home to my own family but I just had to speak to at least one of you kids and tell you guys how much of a good man your dad was, he saved my life" Abigail said trying to hold back her own tears.

"I really appreciate you saying that Miss Philips" I said.

"Please call me Abigail" Abigail said as I nodded my head and said ok.

"Well please come back by and speak to my mom, she would love to see you" I said.

"I will, take care" Abigail said shaking my hand again, before leaving.

"You ok?" Brandon asked as I snapped back into reality.

"Um...yea, I just can't believe the lives my dad touched before he died" I said as Brandon continued rubbing my shoulders.

"He was amazing babe, regardless of what happened between him and I before he died, he really was a good man" Brandon said as I looked over at him and gave him a kiss.

"Come on let's go inside" I said as Brandon breathed in deep, "it's going to be ok."

"Yea I know" Brandon said holding my hand and walking behind me.

As we walked inside, we were immediately bombarded with all the people that came up and spoke to us, well me especially.

My coworkers surprised me and spoke with me as I formally introduced them to Brandon. There was no sign of my mom, but I just assumed that she was in her room with aunt Camille.

"So how are things going?" Jamie asked me after I excused myself to get something to drink in the kitchen.

"Um...good, why do you ask?" I asked Jamie as I poured some juice for Brandon and I.

"I don't know, just noticing something different about Brandon" Jamie said.

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said grabbing the cups and about to walk into the living room when Giorgio and Yasmine met me.

"Hey Jayse we're going to get going but we'll be back tomorrow" Yasmine said, with Giorgio behind her.

"Oh don't go yet" I said disappointed.

"No we have to go but it was nice meeting your boy toy" Yasmine said playfully as I blushed.

"Very cute" Giorgio said as Yasmine slapped him playfully on the shoulder.

"Stop he's taken" Yasmine said smiling.

"I was just complimenting him" Giorgio said as I smiled, "Jayse knows I'm not like that."

"I do, thanks for coming guys" I said as they left. I walked back into the living room to find Brandon gone.

I looked around to find him but there was no sign of him anywhere. I went to the window, to find his car was outside so that meant he was still here somewhere.

"Hey stranger" Eric said behind me as I set the cups down on a coffee table and hugged him tight.

"Oh my gosh I missed you" I said.

"I know me too" Eric said returning the hug, "Tony and I said that we would give you your space, I know it's not easy."

"No it's not" I said, "where is that devil at anyway?"

"Outside arguing with Omar" Eric said as I rolled my eyes, "but anyway do you need anything? Are you doing ok?"

"Yea I'm good" I said looking around as I talked, "you haven't seen Brandon have you?"

"No not since I got here" Eric said looking around, "but this place is so packed, I probably passed by him and didn't even recognize him. Is something wrong?"

"Huh? Oh no, everything is fine" I said still looking around, as Max walked over.

"Oh God, I'm tired" Max said as he hugged Eric, "what's up with you? why do you look so scared?"

"Who me?" I asked staring at Max, "I'm fine."

"You sure?" Max asked searching my face for an answer.

"That's the same thing I asked him" Eric said.

"Guy's I'm ok, honest" I said looking around as they looked at each other.

"Is someone here that you don't know or like?" Max asked looking around to see what had my attention.

"No, look let's just sit down and talk" I said trying to take my mind off Brandon, although it wasn't working, "catch me up with school, what's been going on?"

As Max and Eric sat down and started talking, I spaced out and wondered where Brandon was. I prayed that he was still here and not out doing something drastic.

"Can I join?" Tony asked, walking over to us finally, as I got up and hugged him.

"Of course you can" I said making room for him to sit.

"Where's Omar?" Eric asked.

"Outside talking to somebody from school, who cares" Tony said annoyed and then looked over at me, "where's Jamarion at?"

"Anyway about school..." Max said ignoring Tony as I shook my head at him.

As we caught up, I didn't even notice Genesis walking in until he came over and stood awkwardly behind me.

"Jayse?" Eric said to me and pointed behind me.

"What?" I asked and turned around to see Genesis, "Hey, glad you can make it meet the gang."

I thought this would be the perfect time to excuse myself and look for Brandon.

"This is Eric, Max and Tony, my friends, guys I would like for you all to meet Genesis, my next door neighbor."

"Hi guys" Genesis said waving as they all said hello together.

"I'm sorry guys I'll be right back I think I see someone that I need to speak with right quick, I'll be right back" I said, "Genesis these guys will make you feel comfortable, ok?"

"Ok no problem" Genesis said sitting down.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I heard Max ask as I walked away still scoping out the room.

I know he couldn't be far, he had to still be inside this house somewhere, because his car was still outside, unless...

I looked around to make sure no one saw me walk outside as I went over to Brandon's car. A few people spoke to me and I spoke back but I didn't stop to hold a conversation, I was a man on a mission.

Once I got to Brandon's car, I jiggled the handles to only find out that the car was locked, figures! I searched around still frantic, that he was doing something stupid. I knew I should have stayed with him, instead of leaving.

I searched around the whole front and back yard of my house searching for my boyfriend but to no avail. I was certain that Brandon was out doing something stupid.

I bit my bottom lip out of fear and to hold back the tears as I rubbed my shoulders and looked around one last time outside before walking back into the house.

"Hey where were you, your friends have been looking around for you?" Justus said as I walked back into the house through the patio door.

"I told them that I had something to do" I said as I closed the door behind me, and walked away.

I walked through small crowds as they smiled and spoke to me and all I did in return was give them a fake smile back.

"Jayse, where were you" Max said as I walked back over to find them sitting without Genesis, "you were gone for a long time."

"I got caught up doing something...sorry" I said having a seat next to Tony as they all looked at me with strange looks, "what happened to Genesis?"

"His dad called about something and he said he had to go" Tony said as I felt bad for just throwing him off to my friends.

"That sucks, did you guys talk to him?" I asked looking around at their faces.

"Yea we did, I seen him before, but never knew who he was" Eric said as I nodded my head.

"Well I haven't but I mean, he seems like a great guy" Max said.

"Yea I think so too" I said, as everyone paused and looked at me.

"Are you ok?" Eric asked softly.

"What?" I asked looking around at their sympathetic faces, "I'm fine, yea everything is fine."

"You sure Jayse, I mean we're your friends" Tony said rubbing my back.

"Yea I'm sure" I said lying with a smile, "tomorrow's the big day."

I looked at all of their faces and could see the hurt in their eyes, which only made me want to cry even more.

"You know what, let's talk about something else" Max said changing the subject as Tony rubbed my back trying to console me.

"How are things with you and Brandon?" Eric asked as I froze.

I stared at the carpet, afraid to look them in the eyes because then they would know what I was so upset about. I prayed to God for a distraction or something to happen to change the topic.

"Hey Jayse, sorry about your dad" Omar said walking over as we all snapped back into reality.

"Thanks" I said as Omar passed me a card. I got up to hug him as I say Tony not even acknowledge him. After I finished hugging him, I sat back down and waited for Tony to make room for Omar to sit next to us, but he didn't. Those two were too much at times.

"It took you this long to come in here and speak?" Tony asked embarrassed.

"I was coming in, but I got caught up talking outside Tony, chill!" Omar said upset as some people started to look over at us.

"Forget those dudes outside, my friend is mourning" Tony said looking up at Omar, still rubbing my back.

"Guys come on, not now" Max said annoyed as Tony sighed and Omar shook his head upset.

"Jayse I'm not going to upset you right now, but I hope that you and your family gets through this" Omar said.

"Thanks Omar, that means a lot" I said smiling.

"Can we talk outside right quick?" Tony said to Omar as he got up from the couch.

"Guys..." Max said aggravated, lying back in his seat.

"Max chill alright we'll be outside" Tony said walking away as Omar walked behind him. Eric, Max and I all shook our heads as I chuckled to myself.

"Do they ever get along?" I asked Eric and Max as they laughed themselves.

"Who knows...back to you and Brandon?" Max said as I stopped laughing, "where is he? I would have thought that he would be here, I mean his car is outside."

"I don't know" I finally confessed, "he was here a minute ago and now he's disappeared.

"I'm sure he's ok" Eric said noticing the worried look on my face, "you want me to get you something to drink?"

"No I'm fine" I said nonchalantly.

"You sure?" Eric asked again as I gave in and told him to just bring back a glass of water. After he left I went over and sat next to Max.

"You have to promise me that you won't say anything" I said searching his face.

"Ok...I guess" Max said giving in as I sighed and looked down at my lap, twiddling my thumbs.

"Someone broke into Brandon's apartment today" I said as Max's eyes grew big out of shock.

"Are you serious?" Max asked sitting up and facing me, "What happened? Who was it?"

"We don't know" I said, "we were going to go back to his house and chill when we saw a note on his door and all the stuff in his apartment all over the place."

"Oh my God" Max said covering his mouth, "did they steal anything?"

"I don't think so, Brandon thinks it's Krush and I do too but it gets worse" I said looking around the room before continuing.

"Brandon had a gun and was on his way to do something to Krush" I said as Max still looked at me out of amazement.

"Do you think that's where he is now?" Max asked.

"I don't know, I'm just worried" I said nervously, as Max grabbed my hand and started rubbing it.

"Jayse you don't need to be worrying about all of this right now" Max said as I sighed, "I mean I like Brandon, but maybe you two need to give each other some space right now."

"What?" I asked surprised that Max would say something like that.

"I'm not saying break up, just you know...space" Max said as I removed my hand away from his.

"You of all people who has been the main cheerleader for Team Brandon and Jayse, now all of a sudden you want me to just leave him when he needs me the most" I said hurt.

"Jayse he's in the middle of a drug battle while you're over here mourning, I mean don't you think this is too much?" Max asked me as I looked at him confused.

"No I don't" I said as Max looked away defeated, "I know what I can handle Max, and I don't need anyone telling me otherwise."

"Jayse calm down that's not what I'm saying" Max said upset.

"Then what are you saying Max?" I asked confused.

"Jayse he's not here obviously he's out doing what you're worried about" Max said, "you're burying your dad tomorrow, now's not the time to be worrying about Brandon and his problems."

"Here's your water Jayse" Eric said coming over just as I was about to say something.

"Whatever" I said getting up and walking past Eric, to go outside.

"Jayse wait a minute" Max called after me as I made my way through a small crowd to the front door.

I heard Eric and Max behind me trying to stop me but I was walking outside towards Brandon's car when I noticed that his light was on. I stopped in my tracks as Eric and Max caught up with me.

"Jayse please just listen to what I'm saying" Max said as I ignored him.

"What's going on?" Eric said holding two bottled waters in his hands.

I walked slowly over to Brandon's car, completely in shock that the lights inside his car was on when earlier when I came outside it wasn't.

I went to the passenger's side and opened it, to see if anything was out of place.

"Jayse what are you doing?" Max asked me, but I was still ignoring him.

I leaned inside the car, under the driver's seat, and felt Brandon's gun box. I got in and heard Max and Eric inhale deeply, both knowing what it was.

"Oh my gosh" Eric said.

"Jayse put that thing back it's dangerous" Max said looking around to make sure no one was over here.

I opened the box and found it empty. My heart sank as I started thinking where he was. I shook my head and closed the box, placing it back underneath the seat as I backed out of the car and closed the door.

I leaned against the car, with my back resting against it as I placed my hands over my face and started crying.

"Aww cousin it's going to be ok" Max said pulling me into a hug, as I cried on his shoulder.

Poor Eric was still lost but rubbed my back consoling me as I thought about Brandon's safety. I was stupid to believe that Brandon would actually not give in. I thought he had changed...at least for me, but I guess I was wrong.

Just then, we heard sirens in the distance as police cars and 2 ambulances came rushing through our street and up towards the far end of Pickett Way, no doubt to Krush's house.

I stopped hugging Max and looked at the amazement, praying that something bad didn't happen to Brandon.

"Why Brandon, why couldn't you just stay here" I said out loud.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 37

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