Hes Mine


Published on Jul 2, 2023


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 31 Not Easy Bein' Green

I woke up from the sound of my phone as it rang. I looked over at it and saw that it was Brandon.

"Hello" I answered groggy.

"Wat up Babe, did I wake you?" Brandon asked.

"No" I lied.

"What you doin' then?" Brandon asked.

"Um..." I said trying to think on my toes but my brain was just waking up as well, "just in bed..."

"You just woke up" Brandon said as we both started laughing, "what you lyin' for?"

"I wasn't" I said sitting up in bed, "I mean I was about to get up anyway."

"Well I just wanted to check on you" Brandon said as I sighed happily, "I'm on my way to run some errands for my mom and then we're going to talk to the principal this afternoon and see if I could start school tomorrow."

"That sounds good baby" I said cheering up and realizing that it was Wednesday.

"Yea" Brandon said, "I'm starting to feel like you, I don't know if I want to go back to school now."

"Well what happened to all those things you were telling me about `not caring what those kids at school think" I said.

"I don't care about what they think!" Brandon said.

"Well why are you rethinking school?" I asked running my fingers through my comforters.

"Because you won't be there" Brandon said sadly as I held back my tears.

"I know" I said feeling bad, "well I'll be back next Monday."

"Yea but now I have to go two days of school without you" Brandon said sadly.

"I know baby I'm sorry" I said matching his tone. It was sweet to hear him this sad because he hardly shows his vulnerable side.

"Well do you guys have a lot planned today?" Brandon asked changing the subject.

"We're going down to pick a casket for my dad and Jamie and I are picking up my grandma from the airport" I said trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry babe" Brandon said lowly.

"It's ok. It has to be done" I said.

"Well call me when you get some free time, ok?" Brandon said.

"Ok baby, I love you" I said about to hang up.

"I love you too" Brandon said as I kissed him through the phone and hung up.

I stared at my wall and realized that today was the first day without my dad. I bit my bottom lip to stop crying and tried to think of something else.

Nothing was helping! I looked around and everything made me think of him. I couldn't believe that he was gone. I never felt so empty in my life.

I pulled back my comforter and my sheets to get out of bed. I put my slippers on my feet and walked towards my door wanting so badly to get out of the house for some fresh air.

I cracked my door open and listened to see if anyone was up. It was 7:30 in the morning so I was sure someone was up. The hall was quiet so I assumed that meant they all were downstairs.

I sighed and opened my door creeping out of my room so that I didn't make a sound, just in case someone was still sleeping. I walked down the hall towards the stairs and listened again to find silence.

I crept down the stairs trying to not make a peep and once I looked out in the living room, sure enough no one was in there. Guess everyone was trying to sleep the pain away.

I turned off the alarm and opened the front door, staring outside as the sun was slowly rising. Outside looked beautiful with not one cloud in the sky.

I walked out the front door and went to walking toward the mailbox to grab the paper. My dad loved reading the paper, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come outside. Everything I do and did, made me think of him.

Just as I was about to walk back in the house a kid from next door spoke to me. I always saw him around school but my parents told me how strict his parents were and I never saw him much at home, so I never bothered to open up for conversation. I never saw him at home until today.

"Hey Jayse!" the kid said. He was a little darker complexion from me but same height, with strong cheekbones and a slim figure.

"Hey" I said feeling awkward. He was dressed for school, while I was still in my pajamas with my hair looking terrible and my face was probably matching it.

"I know you don't know me, but I'm Genesis" the kid said walking up to me and shaking my hand.

"Hi" I said feeling bad that he knew me and I didn't know him.

"Weird name I know, but that's what you get from being a preacher's son" Genesis said smiling.

"No it's a nice name" I said smiling as he smiled as well, "I like it."

"Thanks" Genesis said, "Sorry about your dad, my parents were telling me about it last night."

"Yea" I said not wanting to talk about it this early in the morning, "thanks."

"Sorry I know you don't want to talk about your dad right now" Genesis said feeling bad.

"No it's cool" I said, "hey I like your outfit."

"Thanks" Genesis said looking at himself, "I try to not dress so convincing."

Once Genesis said that I knew what he meant. Being the son of a preacher meant-zero tolerance for homosexuality! I could tell just looking at him that he was gay. His face was perfect and his overall appearance screamed perfection. Not that all gay guys look this way, it was just something about Genesis that stroke out to me.

"Well it's ok, I can hardly tell anything" I said as Genesis looked up at me and I winked my eye.

"You mean...you know?" Genesis asked me getting worried.

"A little" I said smiling as Genesis started shaking, "hey it's ok. Your secret is safe with me."

"I mean I try to not show too much because I know my parents will have a fit" Genesis said pulling down his shirt and his pants a little.

"Hey, hey" I said stopping him, "It's ok honest!"

"Thanks for being so understanding" Genesis said, "how old are you?"

"I'm 16" I said as Genesis started smiling.

"Me too, well I'm 15 but I'll be 16 this year" Genesis said excited, "how come you're a senior? Did you get put up or something?"

"Yea" I said, "um, my classes at my old school were on the advanced level compared to the ones over here so they promoted me."

"Wow that's a blessing" Genesis said as I blushed. I'm slightly religious but I never heard someone my age talk the way Genesis was doing.

"Yea I guess" I said smiling.

"I've always wanted to come over and say hi to you, but my parents are..." Genesis said as I cut him off.

"Not too welcoming of homosexuals" I said as Genesis smiled nervously.

"Yea...sorry" Genesis said.

"You have no reason to be sorry for your parents Genesis, everyone is entitled to their own opinion" I said.

"Even if it means condemning people like us for what they believe in?" Genesis asked.

"Well only God can judge us and frankly I could care less about what anyone thinks, you shouldn't either" I said.

"Well I don't, just my parents" Genesis said looking back at his house, "my dad is so strict! He hardly lets me even go to school functions because he thinks that certain things will plague my mind" Genesis said upset while making hand gestures.

"I'm sorry" I said, "but you're 16. Pretty soon you'll be going to college and living it up!"

"Well I intend to go far away from the South" Genesis said proudly, "like New York or Philly!"

"Good for you but just remember that the grass is never greener on the other side" I said as Genesis stared at my face, "bigots are everywhere!"

"Yea I guess you're right!" Genesis said, "thanks for talking to me."

"No problem" I said.

"Well I guess I should get going to school" Genesis said looking at his watch, "I'm going to be late for first period, besides my dad will be up soon anyway."

"Ok, hey here's my number" I said ripping a side of the newspaper off and writing my cell phone number down.

"Wow thanks Jayse!" Genesis said excited.

"No problem" I said happily, "call me for anything!"

"I'll remember that" Genesis said, "got to go, take care and God bless."

"Thanks" I said smiling awkwardly, about to walk away, "same to you."

I turned around and walked towards my house feeling good about what I just did, that is until I saw a picture of my dad and Quentin on the front page with the headline, "Courthouse Shooting: Justice at its Best?"

I was so upset that I didn't even hear Genesis toot his horn at me while he was passing by.

I stormed in the house and closed the door behind me while walking towards my mom's bedroom door and bumping into Jamie.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Jamie asked as I stopped and showed him the paper, "Are you serious?"

"I mean I know they were going to put a story of dad in there but not like this" I said upset.

"Does mom know?" Jamie asked.

"No, I just got the paper just know" I said upset.

"Well calm down Jayse all right, I'm about to call the paper" Jamie said turning his back and walking away from me. He was saying something else but I continued my walk to my mother's room.

I walked in upon noticing her door was cracked and figured that she would be sleeping but she was standing at her window looking out of it.

"Morning mom" I said softly.

"Morning baby" my mom said turning around slowly to face me. I saw her face from the distance and could tell that she didn't sleep well last night and was crying all morning.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked walking over to her as she sat down in her chair.

"No" my mom said softly, "I was up all night. I think I made the mistake of going online and watching TV to see what everyone said about your dad."

"So you already know" I said feeling awful.

"I cannot believe that they are actually making your father's death about some silly drug event and even a courthouse spectacle" my mom said hurt, "his killer is still out there somewhere and poor Quentin...is fighting for his life as well."

I thought about Q being in the hospital barely able to breathe and fighting for his life. I felt sorry for him but I couldn't be that invested in him right now, out of fear that Brandon may think the wrong thing.

"He's going to be fine" I said sitting down on her bed, facing her.

"I was looking through old photographs and pretty much anything that reminded me of your dad" my mom confessed.

"Mom, you shouldn't have put yourself through all of that" I said.

"I know, I know but I had to feel his presence here" my mom said as I sighed.

"He was so proud of you boys" my mom said as her voice broke, "I can't believe he's gone."

As my mom started crying I got up and walked over to her and hugged her tight. I felt so bad for her. Now she was going to have to live her life without him.

I waited patiently as she cried and tried my best to fight back my own tears. I wanted to cry but I had to be strong for her right now.

"I have to get up and get ready to go down to the funeral home with you boys" my mom said as I stopped hugging her.

"Mom maybe you should stay here with Aunt Camille" I said as my mom looked at me as if I was crazy.

"I'm going to pick out my husbands' casket!" my mom said getting up and walking into her walk in closet as I walked behind her.

"Mom I'm just saying maybe we could pick some caskets we like and bring you some pictures back then decide later as a family" I said trying to sound more apologetic.

"Jayson I am not going to stay here trapped in this house!" my mom said angrily again.

"You won't be mom" I said as she started picking out an outfit, "I mean there will be other things to do too later on, but you need some rest."

"Your grandma Bea will be here very soon, who's going to pick her up?" my mom asked turning around to face me.

"Jamie and I" I said, "while Jamarion and Justus meet us at the funeral home."

"Jayson I know what you're trying to do but I'm not staying here" my mom said sternly.

"Is everything ok in here?" my aunt Camille asked walking into my mom's closet.

"Yes everything is fine" my mom said smiling as she looked over at me.

"Jayse, you mind leaving your mom and I alone to talk for a couple of minutes?" my aunt Camille asked.

"Ok" I said walking out the closet and closing the door. I wanted to listen but decided not to and walked out the room.

"Well I'm just saying we can meet the two of you then" I heard Justus talking as I walked into the kitchen to find him and Jamie talking as Jamie was making breakfast.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked sitting down at the bar.

"Justus still wants us to pick up Grandma Bea and then bring her along with us" Jamie said mixing his waffle batter in a bowl, "I'm trying to tell him that she needs to come here and stay with mom."

"Mom will be fine here with Aunt Camille" Justus said.

"No she won't" I said cutting in as Justus and Jamie looked over at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" Justus asked.

"Mom didn't sleep at all last night. She looks terrible" I said as Justus stopped drinking his orange juice and Jamie looked over at me from the skillet, "she said that all she did was look at old family albums and surf the web for every article she could find about dad."

"Are you serious?" Jamie asked setting the bowl to the side, "I'm going to go and talk to her."

"You can't" I said stopping Jamie in his tracks, "her and aunt Camille are talking right now."

"Talking about what?" Justus asked taking one final sip of his orange juice.

"I don't know, aunt Camille asked me to leave" I said playing with an apple from the fruit bowl.

"She's getting worse" Jamie said staring off into space.

"It's still early guys, mom is going to be fine" Justus said putting his dirty glass in the sink.

"She just lost her soul mate Justus" Jamie said looking over at Justus upset, "you don't just bounce back from that easily."

"I'm not saying she needs to" Justus said turning around to face Jamie, "I'm just saying that she's going to be ok. You guys are expecting her to be all roses and everything right now. She's still hurting yes, but after awhile mom is going to be ok."

Jamie and I just looked at Justus and shook our heads. Sometimes I couldn't even believe that he was the oldest with all the silly things that came out of his mouth.

"Look I'm going to get the guys up so we can run these errands and meet you all at the funeral home later" Justus said about to walk out.

"And what about Grandma Bea?" Jamie asked returning to cooking, "I guess she's coming with us?"

"Look if mom wants to get out so bad have her and Aunt Camille pick up grandma but she doesn't need to go to that funeral home right now" Justus said.

"Then will you tell her because she's pretty adamant about getting there" I said taking a bite out of my apple.

"I thought you said her and Aunt Camille were talking?" Justus asked standing in the kitchen doorway.

"They are but I don't know if they're talking about that" I stated chewing loudly as Jamie looked over at me with disgust, "sorry."

"It can't be that good?" Jamie said walking to the refrigerator to grab a carton of eggs.

"You don't know?" I said getting smart, "when was the last time you spoke to my mouth?"

"Ew" Jamie said making an ugly expression, "I'm not Brandon!"

"Thank God!" I said taking another bite.

"Alright, whatever, I'm going to talk to mom" Justus said walking over to mom's bedroom.

"Stop worrying" Jamie said cracking some eggs and putting them into a bowl.

"How can I not?" I asked taking another bite out of my apple, "you're doing the same thing."

"Yes I am" Jamie said sighing, "I hate that Justus and I are still living in Sunset Valley, with all of you guys here."

"You can always stay" I said softly as Jamie smiled.

"Giannis and I were talking about all of this last night" Jamie said beating his eggs.

"And?" I asked still chewing the last bit of my apple.

"Well he's established over there and I'm going to school over there too so I can't come if I wanted to, but my family is over here" Jamie said checking on his bacon in the oven.

"That's true" I said sarcastically getting up to throw my apple away.

"I just hate that all of this is happening" Jamie said flipping his pancakes on the griddle, "mom and Jerry are going to be the only ones in this big old house soon."

"I was thinking about that too" I said sitting back down at the bar, watching Jamie cook.

"You already applied to some schools?" Jamie asked.

"I did all of that months ago" I said feeling confident that one of them will call me soon.

"Good" Jamie said smiling and pouring his eggs in the frying pan, "I asked Jamarion the same thing and he told me that this baby may put a wrench in his plans."

"I thought he was going to stay on campus at PG University?" I said twiddling my thumbs.

"He was but Ebony wants to get a place and everything" Jamie said.

"Well that's understandable" I said as Justus walked into the kitchen with Aunt Camille behind him, she was the splitting image of my mom and Grandma Bea, only younger.

"Yea I said the same thing" Jamie said turning around and noticing Aunt Camille and Justus, "so what did she say? Is mom ok?"

"She's taking it really hard kids" Aunt Camille said standing over the bar beside me, "I think she needs to get out of the house for a few hours. I mean more people are going to be coming here tonight and she needs to be out and breathe so she doesn't have to worry."

"So are you guys going to pick up Grandma Bea?" I asked.

"Yes" Aunt Camille said, "Your mom and I will go to the airport and pick up Grandma, then we'll meet you guys at the funeral home."

"The pastor from the church called and asked what time can he come over to discuss the funeral arrangements" Jamie said placing the eggs in a dish.

"Do you have his number?" Aunt Camille asked.

"Yes it's over there by the phone" Jamie said walking to the sink to rinse his frying pan off.

"Ok I'll give him a call right now" Aunt Camille said dialing his number on the house phone and walking into the other room.

"Smells good in here Jamie" mom said walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks mom" Jamie said walking away from the sink to give her a hug, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm here" mom said forcing a smile, but she looked exhausted. She didn't resemble her elegant and classy self.

"I know" Jamie said returning to the oven to get his bacon out, "this is not the easiest thing to deal with."

"Well I guess we should have breakfast. We all have another long day ahead of us, not mention a long week" mom said with a fake smile as she walked away into the dining room.

Justus, Jamie and I looked at each other as I went into the dining room to set the table for breakfast.

Once breakfast was served and everyone came down, it was quiet at the table, but that should come as no surprise. Justus sat down at dad's spot to the table as we all ate in silence. No one wanted to say anything or even mention dad's name but the thought of him was evident on our faces.

We all kept waiting for someone to say something but no one was bold enough to speak. Once we all slowly finished eating, everyone excused themselves to get dressed while Jamarion and I offered to clear the table.

"Why didn't you say anything during breakfast?" Jamarion asked me, stacking the empty plates on top of each other.

"Same reason you didn't" I said grabbing the empty glasses in my hands and walking into the kitchen.

"This is going to be harder than I thought" Jamarion said walking behind me and placing the dishes in the sink, "dad's presence was a huge imprint in this family."

"I know" I said sadly, "why didn't you tell me about you and Ebony?"

"I started to but we weren't talking and stuff" Jamarion said making a funny face, probably because I changed the topic so fast, but I didn't want to talk about dad right now, "but to be honest, right now I'm just confused."

"Confused about what?" I asked running water in the sink.

"I don't know if I want to leave mom and Jerry here alone but it is time for me to step up for Adia and be a dad" Jamarion said placing some of the dishes in the dishwasher.

"You can be a dad to her here" I said walking back in the living room to grab more dishes.

"I know that but I don't know if mom will feel comfortable with Ebony staying here" Jamarion said scraping leftover food in the garbage disposal.

"Mom will enjoy her over here" I said rinsing off the dishes, "she still let Ebony work for her after she found out about you two."

"Yea I guess" Jamarion said in a low voice, "but mom's not the type to hold grudges."

"Yea you're right, question is there another reason you want to leave real badly?" I asked looking over at Jamarion as he placed the silverware in the dishwasher.

"I mean I just thought about what dad would do, you know?" Jamarion asked me, staring into my eyes, as I nodded my head in agreement, "and I don't think he would be happy staying with his mom with a baby and his girlfriend."

"Honestly I don't know what dad would have done but I see your point" I said agreeing with Jamarion, "you do have a big responsibility now."

"Yea I do" Jamarion said walking back into the living room for more dishes, "I have to get a better job and everything because I'm not quitting school."

"That's why I don't understand why you just can't stay here?" I asked confused wetting a dishcloth to wipe the table down.

"Why can't you?" Jamarion asked upset, as he fixed the chairs to the table, "where are you going? And what's up with all the questions?"

"I don't know yet" I stated, stopping to face him, "I want to go to school but I want to make sure mom is ok."

"Then stay here and go to PG University" Jamarion said.

"And drive an hour and 30 minutes every day?" I asked.

"Well Jayse your problems aren't as big as mine" Jamarion said rudely, "I want to be with Ebony and start a family, you on the other hand..."

"What?" I asked upset as Jamarion sighed and closed the door of the dishwasher.

"Did Brandon put you up to this?" Jamarion asked facing me as I sucked my teeth.

"Why does everything have to be about him all the time?" I asked frustrated as Jamarion turned the dishwasher on.

"I'm just asking a question" Jamarion said.

"NO!" I screamed, "he actually wants me to go to school but I don't want to!"

"Really?" Jamarion asked surprised, "wow! Kind of surprising, but ok."

"Yes" I said calming down, "Brandon wants me to finish high school and go to college."

"What about him?" Jamarion asked, "is he going to college?"

"No he wants to get into the music business with his uncle" I said.

"That's cool as long as he knows what he wants to do, I mean selling drugs isn't exactly the best profession" Jamarion said regretting what he said, "Jayse I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that honestly! That came out by mistake ok? I'm sorry"

"It's ok" I said knowing deep down that he didn't mean to say that.

"I mean I know he's trying to change and he gave all that up" Jamarion said, "I'm still trying to get along with him, that's all. Bad habit!"

"I know" I said, "I forgive you, you know we should double date one day, you, me, Brandon and Ebony."

"Um...yea I guess that's cool" Jamarion said as I regretted getting excited.

"You just said that you were trying to change" I said feeling guilty.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I guess I can try" Jamarion said as I started smiling.

"Cool" I said. Once we were finished cleaning the kitchen, we went upstairs to get dressed and headed out the door to run the errands that mom wanted us to do for her.

"Ok first stop is the florist then on to the funeral home" Jamie said as Justus drove us in dad's SUV. We decided to let Jerry stay home with mom until Max's parents got off from work to stay at home with him. Mom figured that picking a casket would be too much for him, although the rest of us, thought it would be ok.

"Ok everyone, I'll be right back" Jamie said as Justus pulled up to the florist's shop.

"Hold up I'm coming in with you" Giannis said unbuckling his seatbelt, and getting out the SUV.

"Me too" Justus said getting out as well, "you two coming?"

"Why you're just picking out flowers?" Jamarion said texting Ebony on his phone.

"No thanks" I said not feeling too great as Justus closed his door and walked into the store with Jamie and Giannis.

"So what do you want to do for dad?" Jamarion asked me, putting his phone down as we sat in the SUV.

"I don't know, Jamie and Justus have already asked me to write a poem" I said looking at Jamarion.

"Yea they wanted me to create this video montage of him and add music to it so they can play it at the funeral" Jamarion said looking outside.

"That's nice" I said smiling as he looked back at me smiling too.

"Yea I'm going to look through the albums when we get back home and put it together."

"Was Jamie serious about singing earlier?" I asked as Jamarion looked at me and tried to not laugh.

"I don't know I thought he was joking, that's why I smiled" Jamarion said.

"Me too but he said that he was serious" I said, "I mean we've heard him sing around the house."

"Yea he's good but I just never heard him sing in front of people" Jamarion said, "and Justus playing the piano?"

"News to me too" I said shocked, "I didn't know he could play!"

"Me neither" Jamarion said, "what is Jerry doing?"

"They said that they would let him decide what he wanted to do" I said looking out the window. We waited several minutes until they came back to the SUV.

"Ok you two this is the flower that we're picking" Jamie said, "this is from all of us so if you two wanted to try something different then we can go back and change it. Mom said that she is picking something especially from her."

Jamarion and I both looked at it and it was beautiful. It was a giant heart spray with white roses and the second one said "DADDY" in blue roses with our pictures under the different letters in daddy. It was different and unique I liked.

"I like it" Jamarion said smiling.

"Me too" I said still staring at the picture.

"Cool" Justus said as we drove off to the funeral home. Once we got there, I got a call from Brandon.

"Hello" I said getting out of the SUV and walking to the side of the building.

"Jayse you coming?" Justus asked as I told him to "shhh."

"Wats up baby, just thought I would check on you" Brandon said sounding excited.

"Hi baby" I said smiling, as everyone got out the SUV and walked into the funeral home, "I'm good, but you sound excited. Did everything go well today?"

"Yea the principal just told me to stay out of trouble but he's giving me another chance, I think he just felt bad for me or somethin'" Brandon said.

"That's not the case babe, you're a great guy, you deserve this! I'm so happy for you" I said smiling really big.

"Where are you at now? I wanna see you so we can celebrate?" Brandon said.

"Um...we're at the funeral home waiting for my mom to do...you know" I said pausing, not feeling comfortable saying it now that I was actually outside the funeral home.

"Oh yea I forgot" Brandon said changing his tone.

"But you can still stop by. I'll need to take my mind off of this for awhile anyway" I said.

"You sure you guys don't have any other plans today?" Brandon asked, "I don't want to intrude or nothing."

"No baby it's fine, please come, I'll text you the address" I said as my mom pulled up with my aunt and Grandma.

"Ok babe, be strong ok?" Brandon said.

"I will thank you, I love you" I said as my grandma got out the car.

"Love you more baby" Brandon said and hung up.

I walked over to my grandma to give her a big hug as she smiled upon seeing me. She was a heavy set woman, who was born with one leg a little longer than the other. She looked just like my mom, and had the same complexion as her. My grandfather died when Jerry was born so the only grandkids he saw were me, Jamarion, Jamie and Justus.

"Grandma Bea!" I said hugging her as she squeezed me tight with her left and supported her body with her right hand gripping her cane.

"Jasey!" Grandma Bea said, "Oh baby you look adorable. I miss you!"

"I miss you too grandma" I said as I stopped hugging her and tried to not cry.

"Don't you do that" Grandma Bea said hugging me.

"I know it's just so hard" I said crying on her shoulder as my mom and Aunt Camille rubbed my shoulders.

"You two go on inside we're coming" Grandma Bea said as we sat down on a nearby bench.

"I'm sorry Grandma" I said wiping my eyes.

"Jasey you have nothing to feel sorry for baby" Grandma Bea said as I stared at the ground sniffing my nose, "you just lost your daddy, so of course you're going to be hurt baby."

"Why couldn't he just stay sitting in his seat? He didn't have to save Q's life" I said upset, wiping my face.

"Well honey your dad was a doctor, saving lives was a part of his job" Grandma Bea said.

"Yea Grandma in the waiting room, not outside of it" I said looking over at her.

"Jasey he's still saving a life, he did it in his own way" Grandma Bea said.

"I guess, I just wish he was still here, things are so awkward now" I said.

"I know baby but now is the time for you guys to step up and continue to do the right things" Grandma Bea said.

"Everyone says that but they don't know how hard it is" I confessed.

"It's only hard because you're making it hard Jasey" Grandma Bea said, "you boys have always been good kids and now it's time to carry that on into adulthood."

"I know Grandma" I said as she patted me on my back smiling.

"That's a good boy" Grandma said as I got up and she was still sitting down.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked Grandma Bea.

"Oh no honey, I don't like funeral homes, I'll just wait out here until you all are done inside" Grandma Bea said opening her purse for a mint candy. I stared at the door of the building and back at Grandma as I sat back down.

"Honey you don't have to stay out here with me" Grandma Bea said putting the candy in her mouth, "I'm just fine out here."

"I really don't want to go in there neither" I said as she smiled and put her arms around me.

"It's going to be okay Jasey" Grandma Bea said, "here you go."

"Thanks Grandma" I said taking a candy she gave me from her purse.

"You welcome baby" Grandma Bea said sighing, "sure is nice out here today."

"Yea it is" I said noticing the weather and some people passing by in their cars, "how was your flight?"

"It was good" Grandma Bea said, "a little cramped but it was good."

"Yea I know the feeling" I said sucking on my candy, "oh I forgot."

"Forgot what?" Grandma Bea asked as I started texting Brandon the address for the funeral home.

"I forgot to text my boyfriend the address of the funeral home" I said blushing. It felt good to say that.

"Who is he?" Grandma Bea asked smiling as I was hard down texting.

"Who?" I asked not paying attention.

"Your boyfriend Jasey?" Grandma Bea asked.

"Oh sorry Grandma" I said laughing from embarrassment, "his name is Brandon, we've been talking for awhile now."

"Good for you baby" Grandma Bea said smiling.

"You want to see a picture of him?" I asked her.

"Sure honey" Grandma Bea said as I scrolled through my pictures as Brandon texted me back.

"This is one of us together at the park, this is one I took when he was sleeping, this is one with us at school and this is one of him sitting down on a bench looking cute" I said scrolling through the pictures fast.

"Baby you going too fast" Grandma Bea said as I focused on one with us sitting down and Brandon had his arms around me, "I like this one, he is a cute little thing."

"Isn't he?" I asked smiling, "I love him."

"I'm happy for you dear, glad to see you moving on from the other boy, what's his name?" Grandma Bea asked as my mood changed.

"Daniel" I said solemnly.

"Yes Daniel" Grandma Bea said placing her hands on her cane, "that's someone who I hope never crosses your path again."

"Me too Grandma" I said wishing she didn't mention his name.

"Oh I'm sorry honey for upsetting you" Grandma Bea said.

"It's ok Grandma" I said as we sat and talk for a couple more minutes until Brandon showed up. Once I saw him I had the biggest grin on my face, and Grandma Bea noticed as she chuckled at me. I was so happy to see him!

"Who's this?" Grandma Bea asked me, acting confused, as Brandon got out his car.

"It's Brandon Grandma" I said smiling like a little kid. I watched as he slowly walked over to me, wearing a Beige 8732 button down shirt that was opened, so you could see his tank top and 8732 denim jeans to match, with some Brown Forces. He also on a fitted cap that he had turned backwards and some shades on, which all made him look so sexy. I had to stop myself from drooling.

"What's up baby? What you doing outside?" Brandon asked worried, walking over to me and giving me a hug and kiss.

"I'm out here with my grandma" I said as Brandon quickly removed his eyeglasses, shades and hat. He even pulled up his pants, something that I told him constantly about. Still it was cute to see him being respectful in front of my Grandma.

"I'm so sorry, I'm Brandon, Jayse's boyfriend" Brandon said extending his hand for my Grandma to shake.

"Hello Brandon, I'm Beatrice but everyone calls me Bea" Grandma Bea said, shaking Brandon's hand, "Jasey has told me all about you."

"Jasey huh?" Brandon said smiling, looking over at me as I nudged him in the arm, "he's told me all about you too Ms. Bea. This sun isn't too hot on you? You sure you don't want to go inside or somethin'?"

"No honey I'm fine" Grandma Bea said, "so sit down here and tell me all about yourself"

Grandma Bea pulled Brandon down and made him sit beside her as I sat next to him on the bench.

"You smell good and you're so tall" Grandma Bea said as I smiled and Brandon blushed.

"Thank you ma'am, I like to smell good for Jasey" Brandon said as Grandma Bea blushed and I did as well.

"Manners is always a plus in my book. Nice car too so, you go to school Brandon?" Grandma Bea asked Brandon.

"Yes ma'am and thank you about the car. I go to the same school as Jayse" Brandon said.

"That's good where do you work?" Grandma Bea asked as my eyes got wide.

"I used to do a little constructing but now I work at my uncle's studio" Brandon said as I sighed.

"Nice, very nice, nice strong man" Grandma Bea said as I blushed.

"Thank you ma'am, I'm aight" Brandon said as Grandma Bea laughed.

"So at this studio, you do anything special there?" Grandma Bea asked.

"I'm trying to get my rapping career started and one day I want to have my own studio" Brandon said as Grandma Bea's eyes got wide.

"Jasey you picked a good one this time" Grandma Bea said as everyone slowly started walking out the funeral home.

"I know Grandma" I said blushing as Brandon turned around to face me and then made eye contact with Justus.

"Hey Brandon" Jamie said speaking along with Giannis, my mom, Aunt Camille and even Jamarion nodded his head at Brandon. Justus didn't even bother to speak. He just got in the SUV.

"Hello everyone" Brandon said speaking.

"Came to see Jayse" my mom said walking over as Brandon got up to hug her. I could tell that everyone had shed a tear inside because they all looked a little bit sadder. I'm a little happier that I didn't go inside now.

"Yes ma'am" Brandon said after he hugged her, "just wanted to make sure he was ok, how are you doing?"

"That's good, I'm okay sweetie" my mom said looking down at me smiling, "you're always taking good care of my baby. Are you coming by the house tonight?"

"Yes ma'am, I just have to go and pick up my mom and Corey, they wanted to come tonight too" Brandon said as my mom started smiling.

"Good I would love to see Lisa and Corey" my mom said, "ok guys let's get back to the house before the people start coming by."

"I'm going to ride back with Brandon" I said to Jamie.

"Ok" Jamie said as Giannis and Jamarion got in the SUV.

"Be careful guys" my mom said as her and aunt Camille got inside her car. I watched as Brandon helped my Grandma get inside my mom's car and blushed.

"Thank you baby" Grandma Bea said closing her door.

"You're welcome" Brandon said grabbing me by the hand and walking me to his car as they all left, "So I got you alone for a couple of hours."

"That's true" I said smiling, "and you did say that you wanted to celebrate."

"Yea I do" Brandon said smiling really hard as we kissed.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked smiling after we finished kissing.

"Get in the car and I'll show you" Brandon said smiling as I blushed. He opened my door as I got inside and closed it to walk over to his side.

Once he got in and buckled his seatbelt we drove out the parking lot and down the interstate towards his house. After a couple minutes of more flirting, my phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" I asked picking up the phone nervous.

"Hey Jayse it's me Genesis" Genesis said sounding excited to hear my voice, "I'm not interrupting am I?"

"No you're not interrupting, Genesis, what's up?" I asked as Brandon gave me a look like what kind of name is that.

"Cool I wanted to ask you a question, if you don't mind?" Genesis said.

"Um ok" I said getting more nervous.

"It's about Brandon..." Genesis said as I looked over at Brandon and he looked over at me confused. My heart dropped as I hoped and prayed that another secret wasn't about to be exposed.

***Look for Genesis' spinoff "Not Easy Being Green" coming soon! ***

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 36

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