Hes Mine


Published on Jul 1, 2023


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 30 Brandon's POV (Part 6)

"Guess I better get going" Terrance said getting up.

"Naw man" I said, "I think we need to get something straight before you go."

"Brandon" Jayse said whining.

"It's cool babe" I said getting up to lock Jayse's room door, "now let's all sit down and talk for a minute."

"Talk about what?" Jayse asked worried.

"Just talk babe" I said as I looked over at Terrance, who looked uncomfortable.

"Go ahead man sit down" I said to Terrance as he looked at Jayse. As he sat back down on the computer chair, I sat down by Jayse on his bed. I could feel their eyes glued on me as I smiled to hide my frustration.

"What are we going to talk about Brandon?" Jayse asked looking at me.

"So Terrance what you been up to man?" I asked not hearing Jayse, "I haven't talked with ya in a while!"

"Uh...nothing much Brandon, just working" Terrance said nervously.

"That's cool man" I said staring at his face. Pretty boys like him got on my nerves. They always used their looks to get ahead in life. I knew he still had a crush on Jayse. I could tell by the way he was so nervous around me, not to mention the fact that he wasn't making any eye contact with me.

"Brandon..." Jayse said as someone knocked on his room door.

"Hold that thought" I said getting up to answer the door, "yo."

"What's going on in here?" Max asked standing at the doorway, "and why is the door locked?"

"No reason. We're just having a little convo" I said to Max as he peeked in the room and saw Jayse and Terrance.

"Is everything ok?" Max asked Jayse ignoring what I just said.

"Max..." I said sternly as Max jumped and looked up at me, "we're cool aight!"

"Ok then" Max said smiling nervously, "I guess I'll go back down stairs."

"Cool" I said, "oh and Max...make sure no one else comes up here for a while."

"Ok" Max said awkwardly.

"Thanks" I said closing the door and locking it back, "all right now where were we?"

"Brandon, what's wrong?" Jayse asked as I walked back over and sat down on his bed next to him.

"Nothin' boo" I said as he stared into my eyes. I turned my head away from looking at his face and looked over at Terrance, calling his name out loud, "Terrance!"

"Yea" Terrance said nervously.

"Why are you so quiet over there man?" I asked smiling, "lighten up!"

"I'm good" Terrance said lying.

"Uh huh" I said looking at him as I smiled to myself on the inside. He didn't have to say much, just the way he was acting was saying enough for me.

"I'm glad the three of us can have some time alone fo' a minute" I said as Jayse and Terrance sat in silence, "I mean from what I have seen, I think you may still have a little crush on Jayse here, Terrance?"

"I did..." Terrance said slowly looking at Jayse, "but it's gone now" Terrance said looking away from Jayse.

"You sure?" I asked getting upset.

"Yea Brandon!" Terrance said agitated and finally looking at me in my eyes. I wanted to punch him right there because I knew he was lying but I had to play it cool and get him to admit it on his own. I bit my tongue so hard until I felt it going numb!

"You talking to any one right now?" I asked changing the subject as Jayse nudged me on my shoulder.

"Brandon!" Jayse said as I looked over at him.

"What?" I asked upset that he was coming to Terrance's rescue.

"I think that is a little personal" Jayse said as he and I both looked over at Terrance, who was now scratching his neck. Bingo! I said to myself smiling.

"Babe it's just a simple question" I said still smiling on the inside, "I mean we're all friends, right Terrance?"

"Yea man" Terrance said smiling nervously.

"So you can tell us the truth" I said getting comfortable on Jayse's bed, "you talkin' to anybody?"

"Jayse I think I should go" Terrance said getting up.

"Why you trying to leave so bad?" I asked standing up as well.

"Because you obviously want to talk to Jayse, so I'll just let you two stay here and talk" Terrance said walking towards the door.

"I do wanna talk to Jayse but like I said bruh, we're all friends here, no secrets, right?" I said still standing by the bed.

"Well I don't have any secrets but I think that I should still go" Terrance said putting his right hand on the door knob, reading to walk out the room.

"Why" I said as Terrance was walking, "because his boyfriend is in the room there isn't much you can say?"

"Brandon please" Jayse whined walking over and grabbing my right hand.

"Jayse sit down" I said removing my hand from his as I turned my attention back to Terrance.

"Look I don't want to argue" Terrance said tired as Jayse sat back down.

"Who's arguing homie?" I said walking up to Terrance and facing him. He was slightly taller than me, but I didn't care. I was getting tired of this little crush he and Jayse had with each other.

"Brandon don't do this now" Jayse said still whining.

"Jayse I'm not doing anything" I said looking over at him and changing my tone to be more sympathetic towards him.

"Yes you are Brandon! Don't you see how you're acting?" Jayse asked as I sighed.

"I just want to know what's up between you two?" I asked staring at the both of them.

"Nothing Brandon, you know that" Jayse said getting up from his bed and walking over toward us.

"Are you really about to do this?" Terrance asked surprising me, "Jayse just lost his dad and you want to start an altercation? In his parents' home?"

"Just like I said bruh" I started out saying as I stared back at Terrance, "I just want to know what's up?"

"I told you nothing all right" Terrance said getting a deeper tone with me as I picked up on his frustration.

"What's up then man?" I asked getting my defensive posture ready if we were about to scrap.

"I can't believe you" Terrance said laughing at me.

"What in the hell are you talkin' about?" I asked upset.

"I'm talkin' about the fact that you getting all hot about a little crush" Terrance said as I balled up my fist.

"So you do have a crush on Jayse?" I said getting ready to punch him as soon as the words came from his mouth.

"Guys please stop" Jayse said standing on the side of us, "Brandon please don't do this! My brothers would want something like this to happen and that would only make things worse!"

I thought about what Jayse said and sighed hard letting the steam exhale from my chest. Once again Jayse saves someone from being confronted. I wasn't about to let Terrance get off that easy.

"What you meant earlier by `a little crush?'" I asked calmly.

"Nothing ok" Terrance said upset, "what's with you man? You're starting to act like..."

"Like who?" I asked after Terrance stopped talking. Terrance stared back at me and then over at Jayse as I looked at him too. Jayse looked helpless and scared. I forgot that today was all about him. Before Terrance could say who he was talking about I stopped him.

"Forget it man" I said unlocking and opening Jayse's door to let Terrance walk out. A shadow ran down the hall and I could only imagine who that was.

"You're letting me go?" Terrance asked surprised.

"Yea man" I said upset that I still wasn't able to get Terrance to admit that he still had a crush on Jayse.

"Um...ok" Terrance said looking back at Jayse, "Jayse again I'm sorry about your dad and if there is anything I could do, just let me know, and I'll be here."

I couldn't believe this son-of-b- said that in front of me. I shook my head and grit my teeth trying hard to not say anything. I watched Terrance as he looked like he wanted to hug Jayse but Jayse extended his hand out for him to shake it. I smiled to myself and watched Terrance shake Jayse's hand. He turned to me and looked at me before he walked off.

"Take care of him" Terrance said, "he's really going to need you."

"I will" I said turning my head to Jayse and winking my eye at him as he blushed, "he's in good hands."

"Cool" Terrance said hurt by the display of affection, "good night guys."

"Good night" Jayse and I said together as he walked out of Jayse's room and I locked the door behind him.

"What was that all about?" Jayse asked me as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"What? Locking the door?" I asked trying to change the subject and kissing his neck, "I just want to be alone with you for awhile."

"You know what I mean" Jayse said pinching me on my shoulder as I continued to kiss his neck.

"C'mon babe" I said as I ignored the pinch and sucked his neck, "I just got out of jail."

"I know that" Jayse said as I alternated to the other side of his neck, "but..." Jayse didn't say another word! He gave into my kisses and made his body vulnerable to me. I continued sucking his neck and nibbling on his ear as he gave in and moaned softly.

I walked him backwards towards his bed and laid him down softly on his back. I stared at his face as he smiled at me a little and I did the same. I winked my eye at him as he licked his lips, getting them ready for me. I licked mine as well as I slowly laid my body on top of his and we continued kissing. He smelled good as always and I gently caressed his tiny frame as he moaned in my mouth.

"How does this feel?" I asked between kisses.

"It feels good baby" Jayse said softly, "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too" I said as Jayse stopped kissing me. I looked down at him as I saw his eyes water, "baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing I'm sorry" Jayse said as I got off from being on top of him. Jayse sat up on his bed as he started crying and I knew what it was for. I sighed softly and grabbed him as he cried on my chest.

"It's ok baby" I said hugging him as he continued crying.

"I'm sorry for thinking of him right now" Jayse said.

"Babe it's ok" I said staring at his face and wiping his tears away.

"I mean I just thought about, you know" Jayse said looking at me as I nodded my head, "and with you being in jail, the reason why you were in there and then my dad's face came up."

"Babe you don't have to be sorry about anything" I said staring into his eyes, "your dad just died, of course you're going to feel bad right now. It's my fault for trying to do this anyway. I should be consoling you."

"But I should be taking care of you too" Jayse said as I laughed at how sweet he was being.

"What's so funny?" Jayse asked hurt.

"Even in the midst of hurting" I said wiping his tears, "you can always find time to care for someone else. This is why I love you so much."

"I love you too" Jayse said as I leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him softly and rocked him in my arms as he continued crying. I really wanted to do more but we were in his parents' house and his dad did just die. I guess I had my priorities mixed up but I just missed him so much.

After kissing we laid down on his bed, on our sides facing each other talking. Mostly Jayse catching me up on what I missed over the weekend.

"So what about Prom?" I asked changing the subject as Jayse played with my fingers.

"What about it?" Jayse asked not looking at me.

"Quit bein' a smart ass and look at me" I said smiling as Jayse looked at me, "do you want to go?"

"Not really" Jayse said as I laughed alone.

"Wait a minute?" I asked after I noticed Jayse was serious, "you're seriously not going?"

"Brandon I don't want to face all those people after all of this" Jayse said getting up as I grabbed him.

"Whoa sit down and let's talk" I said, "you still got to go to school."

"I don't know about school right now" Jayse said as I grabbed his face.

"Babe I know you're hurting but you got to go to school" I said as Jayse moved my hand, "what about college? I thought you were going to school to be a writer?"

"Why should I?" Jayse asked upset sitting back down on his bed, "nothing matters anymore."

"What do you mean nothing matters anymore?" I asked upset as I sat back down on his bed next to him.

"Why should I go Brandon?" Jayse asked getting up from his bed again as I tried grabbing his hand, but he slipped it from my grasp.

"Jayse..." I said trying to grab him as he walked by me towards his closet.

"Stop Brandon!" Jayse said annoyed as I walked behind him. I sighed and stood behind him thinking of what to say and not making it into an argument. I knew he was hurting but I still wanted him to chase his dreams.

"Can you look at me please?" I asked as Jayse sighed and turned around to face me, "What's up?"

"Nothing!" Jayse said walking away to the other side of the room.

"Quit walking away from me and talk to me!" I said sternly as Jayse stopped walking, "I know you're hurting but your dad wouldn't want you to put your life on hold."

"I'm not putting my life on hold!" Jayse screamed at me, "I'm just..."

"Jayse..." I said talking to him calmly and walking slowly to him as I saw his eyes fill up with tears, "Babe I'm sorry about your dad ok? Honest I am! But listen to what you're about to do."

"I know what I'm doing" Jayse said as his voice broke and he crossed his arms over his chest, "I thought about it for awhile now."

"So you're going to quit school?" I asked softly as I walked closer to him and backed away again, "baby please stop walking away from me and talk to me."

"What?" Jayse asked annoyed as a tear fell from his left eye.

"What about high school?" I asked wiping his face, "we only have a few months left until graduation?"

"I was just going to get home schooled" Jayse said looking towards the wall as I turned his face to stare into mine.

"Have you told your mom?" I asked as Jayse sighed and never responded, "ok, um, do you know what all you have to do in order to get homeschooled?"

Again Jayse never responded and looked at the wall again as I grabbed his face and held it straight so that he could look into my eyes.

Man, he looked so helpless! I felt like I couldn't help him. What do you do when the person you love is hurting so badly inside? When they feel so alone, how do you reach out to them and let them know you care?

"Come here babe" I said grabbing his hand but he pulled away again, "Jayse quit fu-..., look baby...alright, for real...I'm trying ok? Stop pushing me away, please?"

I sat on the bed and extended my arm so that he could grab it. He looked at my arm and then up to my face as he slowly walked towards me and gave me his hand. He was prepared to sit on the bed but I sat him down on my lap so that he was sitting sideways to me.

"Look at me" I said as Jayse slowly turned his head to face me, "I know this is a lot to take in right now, but don't forget I'm here."

"I know you're here" Jayse said whining and cutting me off.

"Let me finish boo" I said as Jayse sighed and looked down at his lap, "Hey look at me! I'm here for you ok? I don't give a damn about those kids at that school and neither should you."

"But Brandon..." Jayse said as I sighed annoyed, "I'm sorry, sorry, go ahead."

"Go ahead and say what you want to say" I said as Jayse shook his head no.

"No! I'm listening" Jayse said looking into my eyes.

"You sure?" I asked again, "or do you have something else on your chest before I finish?"

"I promise I won't speak" Jayse said smiling and cheering up. I know that he was growing up and basically putting his foot down with everybody. I found it cute but the shit had to stop when it came to me.

"Like I was saying, forget about what all those kids think, even your family members and friends" I said caressing Jayse's butt, "you have hopes and dreams. I just want to see you accomplish them. I have faith in you baby!"

"I hear you" Jayse said blushing.

"You sure?" I asked pinching his butt as he screamed a little.

"Yes Brandon" Jayse said trying to move my hand away as I tried to squeeze his butt, "stop it!"

"Don't tell me to stop!" I said as Jayse laughed and continued moving my hand.

"Stop my family is downstairs!" Jayse whined.

"You didn't care about your family earlier" I teased as Jayse rolled his eyes, "look this attitude of yours has got to stop, for real, I told you about this before!"

I picked Jayse up in my arms and dropped him on the bed nicely as I tickled him with everything I had.

"Stop...it...Brandon...please" Jayse said between laughs trying to push my hands away.

"Nuh uh" I said still tickling him furiously. I tickled him so much until he was crying from laughing so hard. His laugh was so affectionate that I had to laugh as well. I stopped tickling him and rubbed his stomach feeling his soft skin. Jayse slowly started to calm down from laughing and looked into my eyes.

I stared back into his eyes while I continued rubbing him and he slowly rubbed my thigh. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was so f-ing sexy.

I reached up under his shirt and pinched his left nipple as he let out a moan. I bent down to lift up his shirt and suck on his nipples as he continued moaning softly.

"You like that?" I asked as my tongue was circling Jayse's nipple, but he just softly let out a "hmmmmm."

I positioned my body so that I laid on top of him as he started pulling for my shirt.

"You want me to take this off?" I asked as Jayse nodded his head yes. I smiled and obliged while peeling my shirt off and throwing it on the floor.

I went back to sucking on his nipples with my tank top on while Jayse wrapped his legs around my back. That was a huge turn on for me. My dick was practically poking through my jeans as Jayse pulled at my tank top trying to get me to come up and kiss him.

We started kissing for a couple of minutes while I kept trying to stick my tongue in his mouth. Once Jayse opened up his mouth to let me glide my tongue around with his, I started grinding on top of him.

Jayse still had his legs wrapped around mine and now I could feel his hard on against mine too.

"I missed you so much" Jayse said between kisses.

"I missed you too babe" I said out of breath. Jayse was getting even wilder as he pulled at my tank top trying to get me to take it off.

"You tryin' to get me naked?" I asked smiling as Jayse blushed. I got up from kissing him, about to take off my tank top, when someone knocked on door. Jayse and I both let out a loud groan from frustration and from being extremely horny.

"Let's just ignore them" I said returning to kissing Jayse and leaving my tank top on as the person knocked again.

"Jayse it's Jerry, is Brandon still in there?" Jerry asked as Jayse and I stopped kissing and looked at each other in the eyes.

"Yes he is" Jayse screamed pulling his lips off of mine.

"Babe!" I said hearing Jayse scream loud in my left ear.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said smiling and kissing my ear as I blushed.

"Can you tell him that someone is downstairs for him" Jerry said from the other side of the door.

"Thanks man" I said as Jayse was about to say ok. We both laughed at each other as I got off of him and wondered who wanted to see me. I walked over to his window and pulled back his curtains to see Dantae outside looking right at me, standing in the driveway.

"Who is it?" Jayse asked sitting on the bed.

"Um nobody, look babe, I'll be right back, ok" I said walking over to get my shirt, "stay here."

"What's wrong?" Jayse asked hearing the anger in my voice as he tried to get up.

"Don't look out the window!" I said putting my shirt back on and walking over to him, "just stay right there."

"Brandon what's wrong?" Jayse asked again nervous.

"Babe just stay here aight, please, I'm gonna be outside for a minute" I said looking Jayse in the eyes. Once he nodded his head I kissed him and walked out the door.

As I walked downstairs I looked around amongst the crowd of people and saw Max.

"Max!" I yelled across the room trying to get his attention. Once he saw me he walked over.

"What's up?" Max asked me.

"Look go upstairs to Jayse's room and make sure that he doesn't leave all right?" I asked.

"Ok" Max said confused, "what's going on?"

"Nothing I just need to go outside for a minute" I said as Max nodded his head and walked upstairs. I looked around the house to make sure that none of Jayse's brothers saw me as I walked outside.

There were a few people outside but not a lot. They were all minding their business anyway and didn't bother to notice Dantae and I talking. I saw Dantae and walked up to him calmly while he had a huge grin on his face.

"Cuzzo, they sprung you out!" Dantae said.

"Shut up" I said upset, "what in the hell are you doing here?"

"Came to see you" Dantae said giving me a hug but I wouldn't return the favor, "I was in the neighborhood and thought I would see what you were up to."

"Dantae look" I said looking around, "there are a lot of people around here so I'm going to say this nicely, go home man and DO NOT come over here again, EVER! You hear ME!"

"B, look I just came to see you man" Dantae said still smiling and patting me on my back, "relax! I'm not here to steal your little prized possession."

"Don't...!" I said sternly, looking around again to make sure no one was paying attention to us, "don't even mention Jayse's name aight!"

"B..." Dantae said looking heartbroken.

"Dantae I'm not fucking playing man!" I said angry.

"Aight, aight chill! I feel you" Dantae said, "besides I know things might be a little rough on lil shawty right now wit' his pops gone and shit!"

"Yea it is" I said feeling bad for Jayse.

"Yeah man" Dantae said trying to sound apologetically, "at the courthouse was my first time seeing his pops."

"Yea...wait a minute, you were at the courthouse?" I asked surprised.

"Yea man you didn't see me?" Dantae asked.

"Naw I saw Krush" I said recalling the people I saw yesterday.

"Yea, man, me and Kris were there" Dantae said as I thought about everything.

"Wait a fuckin' minute" I said looking at Dantae, "You mean you..."

"Brandon is everything ok?" Jayse asked walking outside with Max following him and closing the front door.

"I'm sorry Brandon" Max said as I looked at him angrily, "he wouldn't stay inside!"

"Jayse get back in the house, alright!" I said walking over to him as he froze up like earlier with Krush, upon seeing Dantae.

"What are you doing here Dantae?" Max asked confused.

"Sup Max" Dantae said as I consoled Jayse, "I was just riding in the neighborhood and thought I would stop by.

"You?" Max asked confused, "In Pickett Way? Who do you know over here?"

"Same people B does" Dantae said smiling as I looked back at him upset.

"Jayse what's wrong?" Max asked as Jayse made eye contact with Dantae.

"Hi Jayse" Dantae said as Jayse tried to lunge forward to attack Dantae. I gripped his waist as soon as he tried to run away towards Dantae.

"You killed my daddy, you did it! I know you did it! You killed him, you killed my daddy!" Jayse screamed.

"Baby calm down" I said holding him back.

"No Brandon let me go" Jayse said trying to get out of my grasp.

"Come on let me take you in the house" I said as Dantae looked at Jayse confused.

"No I don't want to go in there!" Jayse screamed as I picked him up, covered his mouth and took him in the back yard.

No one was outside, most of them were either leaving or went inside, but soon everyone would leave and I didn't want them to see this.

"Jayse calm down!" Max said following me.

"What are you talking about?" Dantae asked walking behind us.

"Dantae did you really...?" Max asked Dantae as I sat Jayse down on one of his parents' patio chairs in the back.

"Hell no Max!" Dantae said as I stared at him wondering the same thing. This whole time I thought it was Krush but now that Dantae was there, this changed everything.

"Then why weren't you there after the shooting?" Jayse asked with tears in his eyes.

"Babe calm down" I said trying to get Jayse to relax.

"Don't tell me to calm down Brandon" Jayse said upset looking at me then turning his head over at Dantae, "I saw you with a gun, just before the lights went out."

"I didn't have a gun on me" Dantae said getting upset.

"How could you stand there and lie to my face" Jayse said hurt, "my dad is dead because of you."

"I didn't even know your dad" Dantae said as Jayse rolled his eyes, "how could I kill someone that I don't even know.

Those words stung to me as I thought about the two people I killed who owed Krush money, and I didn't even know a damn thing about them. Dantae even looked at me when he said that, obviously trying to get at me on the low.

"It didn't matter" Jayse screamed, "you were there to kill Quentin because you were afraid he was going to talk too much."

"Talk about what?" Dantae asked getting more frustrated, "you don't even know what the fuck you're talking about!"

"Yo Dantae man don't talk to him like that" I said jumping in.

"But B I'm sayin' man, he's accusing me of something that I didn't even do" Dantae said upset, standing on the lawn.

"But you were there at the courthouse Dantae" Max said standing by Jayse on the patio as I stood on the other side.

"Yea I was Max, but I didn't have a gun on me" Dantae said as Jayse shook his head and tried to get up.

"I'm calling the police" Jayse said as I stopped him.

"Jayse wait a minute do you really want the cops around here right now?" I asked as Jayse looked at me confused.

"Are you protecting him?" Jayse asked me hurt.

"How could you say something like that?" I asked looking into his eyes, "I love you and you know that."

"But he is your cousin Brandon" Jayse pointed out.

"I know that Jayse but my loyalty is to you" I said looking at Jayse and then over at Dantae, "not him."

"So it's like that cuz?" Dantae asked hurt.

"Dantae, you know that we have never been close man, don't stand there and feed these guys this bullshit" I said facing him and grabbing Jayse's hand in case he tried to run in the house.

"True, but we are fam cuz" Dantae said.

"Whatever man, look why did you come to the courthouse yesterday?" I asked changing the subject.

"To support you man" Dantae said, "why is that even a question?"

"You came to kill Quentin" Jayse said behind me.

"I didn't come to kill no one" Dantae said getting more upset, "quit fuckin' say shit like that!"

"I told you to stop talking to him like that man" I said having enough as I walked down from the patio towards Dantae.

"Yo you gonna take his bitch ass words over mine?" Dantae asked stepping back and getting ready to fight me.

I got my hands up to punch Dantae with my right hand but he knew what I was coming to do so he ducked my blow. I was quick to think, so I punched him in the stomach with my left hand and punched him again on his right cheek. He stumbled to a nearby tree as I grabbed him and put him in a sleeper hold.

"Brandon stop it" Max said, "he can't breathe!"

"I'm going inside to call the cops" Jayse said.

"Jayse!" I yelled as he stopped and turned around to look at me, "I told you no!"

"But Brandon..." Jayse said whining.

"What did I say!" I yelled cutting Jayse off.

"Jayse just listen to him" Max said walking over to Jayse as he sighed frustrated that he couldn't have his way.

"Apologize!" I said as Dantae was trying to remove my arms from his neck. Dantae choked and struggled to be let go but I knew that he wasn't ready so I gripped his neck harder closing his windpipe.

"Brandon..." Max said worried.

"Stop Brandon!" Jayse screamed worried as well, "before you kill him!"

Once I saw Dantae flailing his hands, I knew that he was ready to talk. I let go of him as coughed out loud from his lungs inhaling fresh air again. We all waited as he finally caught his breath, but I was still holding onto the back of his shirt, in case he wanted some more.

"Sorry" Dantae said still coughing and finally looking up at Jayse.

"Cool" I said letting him go and walking back on the patio with Jayse as he held my hand and stood behind me, "you can go now!"

"Look cuz I didn't have nothin' to do with it and I'm not a snitch" Dantae said, "you put it all together."

"I don't believe you" Jayse said.

"I don't give a fuck what you believe!" Dantae said upset.

"You want some more man?" I asked.

"B, he's startin' wit me man" Dantae said hurt and grabbing his stomach.

"Because his dad just died dawg" I said, "we just want to know what went down yesterday."

"Like I said I ain't no snitch so you put it all together" Dantae said annoyed, "I'm out!"

I watched Dantae walk away but he stopped and walked back over to the patio looking like he had something to say.

"I thought you were leaving?" I asked.

"Yea I am" Dantae said, "I just remembered why I REALLY came over. Krush said he needs to speak with you."

"Tell Krush he knows I don't work for him no more" I said getting upset that Krush was using people to relay his messages, "I'll see him when I see him. He got my damn number!"

"All right cuz" Dantae said smiling, "I hope you know what you doin'!"

"Don't fuckin' worry about me man" I said to Dantae, "worry about yourself. If Krush did have something to do with all of this and I know he did, he's gonna pay, and you can tell him that I said that."

"Brandon" Jayse said terrified behind me.

"Calm down babe" I said not facing him.

"Aight" Dantae said still smiling as he walked away.

"Brandon, are you sure you should have said all of that?" Max asked.

"It's cool Max" I said turning around to face Jayse, "both of you stop worryin' so much."

"How can I not?" Jayse asked as I grabbed his hands, "I just stared at my dad's killer!"

"Jayse I don't trust Dantae anymore than you do, but maybe he is telling the truth" Max said as Jayse sighed and rolled his eyes, "but listen to me, I'm on your side. If you believe he did it, then I'm with you."

"What about you?" Jayse asked me.

"What?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"What do you believe?" Jayse asked me, looking sadly into my eyes.

"I just want you to be safe" I said as Jayse sighed again, "and if Dantae is the one that killed your dad then he's going to pay!"

"Brandon you don't have to do anything" Jayse said.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because you just got out of jail" Jayse said, "I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Nothing is going to happen to me Jayse" I said pulling him towards my body for a hug, "stop worryin' so much."

I kissed Jayse softly on the cheek as he squeezed my body closer to his. I looked down at him again as we kissed for a couple of minutes and by that time Max excused himself, to go back in the house.

Slowly everyone was starting to leave and I figured that was my cue to leave as well.

"Babe I gotta go" I said looking inside the house and noticing everyone slowly saying their goodbyes.

"Wait no" Jayse whined noticing the same thing, "don't go yet!"

"Babe your family is not going to let me stay here" I said as Justus came outside with a bag of trash in his hands.

"What's going on guys?" Justus asked.

"We're good" I said looking at Justus.

"Cool" Justus said putting the bag down by the door, "so um, everyone is leaving."

"We know Justus" Jayse said annoyed.

"Can you give us a minute please?" I said as Justus looked at me, bent down to get the trash and walked down the steps to the trash bin.

"Yea I see what you mean about not wanting to stay" Jayse whispered to me as Justus walked back on the patio and into the house.

"Yea babe I want to stay but I don't think it will be a good idea" I said.

"Yea you're right" Jayse said holding my hand as we walked down from the patio and towards the front of the house.

"Thank you for today" Jayse said squeezing my hand.

"Are you kidding?" I said squeezing his hand back as he blushed, "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else right now!"

Once we got to my car, we saw a note taped to my window. I quickly grabbed it and looked around to see who could have left the note. I read it real fast, crumbled it up before Jayse could see it and threw it inside of my car.

"What did it say baby?" Jayse asked as I turned around to face him and smiled nervously, "did Dantae leave something?"

"No, it's nothing babe, come here" I said hugging him tight while I still looked around.

"So you're not going to tell me what the note was about?" Jayse asked.

"Jayse!" I said annoyed.

"What?" Jayse asked as we stopped hugging and faced each other, "is Dantae threatening you...or was that from Krush?"

"It's nothing like I said. Stop worryin' so much" I said.

"But honey..." Jayse said.

"Look I want you to go in the house, take a long hot bath, relax and get in to bed" I said as Jayse ignored me, "you had a long day Jayse, and you don't need to be worryin' about anything else other than you and your family!"

"But I love you" Jayse whined as I sighed, "can't I worry about you too."

"Yes babe" I said grabbing his hands, "but I'm gonna be ok."

"Ok if you say so" Jayse said as I kissed his hands.

"Cool, now give me a kiss" I said as Jayse and I kissed.

After a couple of minutes I broke the kiss and told him to go inside. He still looked worried but I stayed and watched him walk inside. Before he closed the door he blew a kiss at me as I smiled and slapped my face lightly, pretending the kiss had landed on my cheek.

Jayse closed the door slowly as I got into my car. I looked towards the house and saw him peeking through the blinds as I made a hand gesture telling him to go upstairs and do what I told him. He closed the blinds and walked away as I smiled to myself and shook my head at how stubborn he was. I reached for the paper that was on the floor and opened it up. I read the note again as it said "BIG MISTAKE!"

I knew it was from Krush as he was trying to get to me. Little that he knew I had no fear in my heart and I was ready for whatever he wanted to throw at me. I pulled a lighter from my ashtray and lit the note up. Once it was started catching I opened my door and threw it on the ground.

I watched it burn along with everything I knew about the game. I wasn't a drug dealer no more and I wasn't a killer anymore. I'm sure my past was going to catch up with me but being the man that I am, I'm prepared for it-no matter what!

"Big mistake Krush!" I said laughing as I turned my music up and drove down the road towards my house.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions atjaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 35

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