Hes Mine


Published on May 31, 2011


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 29 Past Life

"Starting here babe" Brandon said, "you have to let your past feelings go. I should be everything you need at all times, that's what I'm here for."

"You're right" I said kissing him softly on the lips, "new beginnings!"

Just then someone came by in a limo and tooted their horn at us. The driver stopped in front of us and the passenger in the back seat pulled down his window. My heart froze and I jumped back as I saw who it was.

"Brandon you're home...hello Jayse" Krush said smiling.

"Babe what's wrong?" Brandon asked as I started trembling. The look on Krush's face just screamed that he knew something. I wanted to lunge at him and strangle him but with all the people he knew I would be dead in hours. He looked at me and smiled the entire time.

"Jayse you ok?" Brandon asked me staring into my eyes but I wouldn't blink. I couldn't even move, my dad is dead because of him, "Krush what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything to this boy" Krush said smiling.

"Babe answer me, you're starting to scare me ok" Brandon said looking at me, "baby!"

"Jayse mom needs you!" Justus said yelling towards me from the front door.

"We need to talk Brandon" Krush said to Brandon, ignoring me.

"Not now Krush" Brandon said ignoring him as he was tending to me, "babe your brother is calling you."

"Who do you think you are?" Krush asked looking at Brandon as he saw Justus peeking to see who he was and slowly walking towards the car.

"Krush!" Brandon yelled, "like I said we'll talk later aight!"

"Driver take me home, we're not done Brandon" Krush said upset putting on his shades as they drove off.

"Jayse baby are you ok? Do you need to sit down?" Brandon asked walking me to my front door. I still wasn't hardly breathing. I was just frozen and then I started hyperventilating. I didn't know what to do.

"Jayse didn't you hear me calling you?" Justus asked walking towards us in the front lawn, "mom is calling you! What's wrong with you? What's wrong with my brother?"

"I don't know, he just froze up" Brandon said as he was pushed forcefully aside by Justus.

"Get out of the way" Justus said to Brandon as he scooped me up in his arms and took me into the house. I was still hyperventilating.

"What's wrong with Jayse?" Jamarion asked from the living room as Justus laid me on the couch.

"I don't know Brandon must have done something to him" Justus said crouching over me.

"Whoa bruh, I had nothing to do with this" Brandon said upset.

"Well BRUH, you and him were the only two outside" Justus said turning around to face Brandon.

"Brandon what happened outside?" his mom, Lisa, asked him.

"Nothing ma, I mean, we were talking and Jayse froze up" Brandon said looking down at me and walking over to my side, "baby just relax ok."

"Hey back up man" Justus said pushing Brandon again away from me as Brandon stumbled.

"What's your problem bruh?" Brandon said straightening his clothes on himself and walking back over to my side.

"Justus stop it!" Jamie said walking over to me as well, still consoling Jerry.

"Justus why are you acting like this?" my mom asked embarrassed.

"Guys, just give Jayse some air, all right" Jamarion said pushing everyone back.

"Baby look at me" Brandon said as I made eye contact with him, "breathe slowly ok."

I slowly started to calm down as I gazed into Brandon's eyes. Brandon grabbed my left hand and started caressing it.

"Do we need to call a doctor?" my mom asked placing her hand on her chest.

"No ma'am, he's fine" Brandon said never taking his eyes off of me, "just relax and breathe, I'm here for you."

"Relax Jayse" Jamie said rocking Jerry who was still crying hysterically as the phone rang and I slowly started to calm down.

"Jayse you gave us a scare baby" my mom said sighing and walking away to answer the phone.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Jamarion asked me as I nodded.

I felt embarrassed that everyone was concerned for me as I had a small panic attack from staring in the eyes of my dad's potential killer.

"I guess everyone in the town has heard the news" Giannis said looking through the blinds.

"Why?" Justus said looking away from Brandon angrily.

"Why?" everyone asked collectively.

"Reporters are outside" Giannis said.

"Oh my God are you serious!" Jamie asked still consoling Jerry who had dark red eyes from crying so much.

"And it begins" my mom said hanging up the phone, referring to the calls and the reporters as the phone rang again.

"What are we going to do?" Ebony asked from her seat.

"I'll be right back" Jamarion said getting up from the couch and walking towards the door.

I slowly sat up on the couch as Brandon sat in front of me taking care of me the entire time.

"Jayse let me get you something to drink" Lisa said as I thanked her.

"Jamarion don't go out there, it's a circus" Giannis said stepping in front of him, "they will eat you up man."

"Giannis is right, Jamarion" Jamie said, "just relax and remain calm."

"They can't just have a field day on our lawn" Jamarion said to Giannis upset.

"I'll take care of this" Justus said.

"Guys look you can't go outside" Giannis explained to them, "this is what they want you to do."

"My dad just died and reporters are treating this like it's something to play around with" Justus said as his voice broke.

"J, I understand man, but you got to be strong for your mom and your brothers right now" Giannis said, "they just want to know what's happened."

"I know that" Justus said.

"Then start acting like it. Just relax!" Giannis said grabbing his cell phone and calling the cops as my cell phone rang. It was sitting on the couch as Brandon reached for it and grabbed it. He looked at the screen and saw a picture of Terrance signaling that it was him calling.

Brandon handed me my phone and looked away upset. I looked at the phone and decided not to answer it right now. This was already five times that I have ignored Terrance in the last two days. The phone rang again as Jamarion got up to answer it this time.

"This damn phone is going to drive us crazy" Jamarion said.

"Watch your mouth" my mom said from the living room, "you know better than that."

"Brandon it's not what you think, remember we're just friends" I explained about the phone call.

"I know, I'm cool" Brandon said sitting back watching TV as his mom passed me a glass of water.

"Thank you Ms. Wallace" I said grabbing the glass.

"No problem sweetie" Lisa said, "anyone else need anything?" Everyone shook their heads no as I sipped my water slowly. I looked over at Jerry, who I ignored from the moment I walked in. I set the glass down on the coffee table and signaled for him to come and sit between me and Brandon.

He got up from hugging Jamie and came to hug me as he continued crying. I felt him trembling as I wrapped my arms around him and Brandon began rubbing his back.

"It's going to be ok Jerry" Brandon said consoling Jerry as I looked over at him. He stared at me for a while and turned away. Just when I thought things were getting good, someone continues to mess things up for Brandon and I, with myself to blame as well.

"What did the police say?" Jamie asked Giannis walking over to him.

I watched Jamarion and Ebony sit back down on the couch opposite of Brandon, Jerry and I as Justus continued staring out the window at the reporters.

"They said that they were on their way over here to talk to everyone anyway but they do have some officers about to come and break up the mob" Giannis said.

"Wow look at this guys" Justus said as Jamarion, Ebony, Giannis, Jamie, my mom and Lisa went over to the windows to see the neighbors trying to get rid of the reporters.

Brandon and I sat down consoling Jerry but I did want to know what was going on.

"Hey guys what's happening?" I asked as Jerry started coughing from crying so much.

Brandon handed him my glass of water as he slowly drank it trying to calm his nerves.

"The neighbors are telling the reporters to leave" my mom said smiling, "I can't believe this."

"Wow!" Jamarion said smiling as well.

"You have some nice neighbors Jazmine" Lisa said sniffing.

"I know, `some of the best' as Jeffrey would call them" my mom said walking away crying, "excuse me."

"I'll go after her" Jamie said turning around from the window.

"No sweetie, I'll go" Lisa said walking after my mom as they went upstairs.

I smiled at how well they were getting along. Normally this would signify to a couple that things are going great but lately I just felt like I was messing things up with me and Brandon.

"Your mom is so great!" I said looking over at Brandon smiling.

"Yea she is" Brandon said with a bland attitude.

"What's wrong?" I asked still holding Jerry who never stopped crying.

"Nothing" Brandon said not looking at me as I sighed.

"Where's Corey?" I asked.

"Over at my aunt Gladys'" Brandon said, "you all right Jerry?"

Jerry shook his head no as Brandon continued to rub his back.

"It's going to be ok man" Brandon said to Jerry, "it's all right. Just let it out."

I watched as Jerry left from my grasp and went hugging Brandon. Brandon didn't even make a face. He just grabbed Jerry and hugged him. I looked at them with tears in my eyes as Jerry cried on Brandon's chest. I felt so bad for my little brother because he was the closet to dad. I just knew he would take it the hardest.

I looked over at Justus as he looked at Brandon and Jerry. He walked over like he was about to say something until Jamie stopped him.

Everyone walked back over into the living room and sat down as we waited for the police to come.

"Dad would have called a family meeting right now" Jamarion said as we all agreed.

"Something about us not doing what we were supposed to" Jamie said rubbing his shoulders.

"Or what he wanted from us in the future" Justus said shaking his head trying to not cry.

"That's why Jamie likes to have these silly meetings" I pointed out wiping my eyes.

"Hey they work!" Jamie said wiping his tears away as well.

"Sometimes Jamie" Jamarion said, "but not all the time."

"Well they worked when we wanted to find out who spilled blue paint all over the carpet in our old house" Jamie said as we all groaned.

"If Jayse would have just confessed" Jamarion said looking over at me smiling.

"Me?" I asked pointing to my chest smiling, "you were the one that asked me if I wanted to paint my room a different color?"

"Yea and you agreed" Jamarion said looking at me smiling.

"Only because I wanted it so badly" I said laughing.

"So conceited" Jamie said walking by me as I pushed him softly, "Brandon one thing you have to know about Jayse is that he's very conceited, even though he's shy."

"Um" I said giving Jamie a look, "please don't be airing out my business like that. Giannis, Jamie is the one! I remember coming out to him before everyone else and he asked me `am I supposed to help you with that?"

Everyone looked shocked even Giannis as I laughed.

"Really honey?" Giannis asked wrapping his arms around Jamie.

"No" Jamie said facing Giannis, "don't believe Jayse."

"I'm telling the truth" I said smiling at everyone's expressions.

"Jayse do not sit here and tell that lie" Jamie said sitting down on a nearby couch facing me as Giannis sat next to him, "I asked you if you told mom and dad THEN I asked if you want me to help you with that?"

"Jayse is always twisting things around. That sounds better anyway Jamie" Jamarion said.

"Thank you Jamarion" Jamie said smiling confidently as I gave him a sour look.

"What?" Jamarion asked me smiling.

"How do you know, you weren't even there?" I asked as Jamarion threw a pillow at me lightly.

"Because I know you" Jamarion said as I threw the pillow back, "you always twist things up."

"I remember the time when Jerry started walking and mom and dad tried to tape it but Jamarion and Jayse were throwing water balloons at each other in the house" Justus said laughing as Jamie joined him.

"Dad was pissed!" Jamie stated as Jamarion and I laughed.

"Really?" Jerry asked softly.

"I'm surprised by you Jayse" Ebony said as I smiled.

"Me too" Brandon said as I blushed.

"I agree, I expect something like that from Jamarion, no offense" Giannis said, "but you Jayse, you just seem like the innocent one."

"Please that's a front" Jamarion said.

"Major cover up" Jamie said.

"Well Jayse had his moments but when he got paired up with Jamarion they were always trying to steal the fun out of everything" Justus said as Jamie nodded his head in agreement. I looked over at Jamarion smiling as he smiled too.

"That's not true Jerry" I said looking over at Jerry as he smiled.

"They were always jealous of how great Jayse and I got along" Jamarion said.

"Jamie and I get along great too" Justus said.

"Yea right! Mom and dad told us of how much you guys were fighting all the time" Jamarion said.

"They said that you guys fought so much that they wanted to actually try again for better kids" I said laughing as Jamarion laughed hysterically.

"See just like I said" Justus said pointing to Jamarion and I as we laughed hard.

"Always been this way" Jamie said referring to us as we ignored them.

"So we know who the bad kids were and still are" Giannis said as Jamarion and I caught our breaths, "I want to know out of all of you, which one of you was the nicest?"

"Jerry" we all said together laughing as Jerry joined in.

"Jeryn could do no wrong in dad's eyes" Jamie said looking over at Jerry.

"Mama's baby" Jamarion said smiling as I tickled him.

"I did some bad things too" Jerry said.

"Like what?" Justus asked intrigued as everyone looked at him.

"Well I can't say it now everyone is looking" Jerry said as we all laughed and someone knocked at the door.

"I got it" Justus said walking towards the door.

"Guess it's time to face the music" Jamie said sighing as everyone changed their moods for the cops.

"Mom the police are here!" Jamarion yelled.

"Good evening officers" Justus said welcoming the officers into our house from the front door.

"Brandon would you mind um..." Jamie said referring to Jerry.

"Hey Jerry you want to go outside and talk for a bit" Brandon asked as Jerry looked around at our faces, "or play hoops, whatever you want to do."

"Yea I guess" Jerry said sadly as Brandon bit his bottom lip. I reached over and grabbed his hand telling him thank you. He smiled and told me I was welcome as he walked outside with Jerry.

"I guess I'll go outside too" Ebony said getting up from her seat.

"Ebony you don't have to do that" I said as Jamie came to sit next to me, making room for the police officers.

"Please have a seat, my mother will be right out" Jamie said as the officers sat down. I looked back nervously making sure that Brandon was out of the house. I didn't want the police questioning him right now.

"No it's ok" Ebony said smiling, "I need to call my mom anyway and check on Adia."

"Ok" Jamie said softly as Jamarion walked over to talk to her.

"Good evening gentleman and lady" my mom said walking down the stairs with Lisa walking behind her.

"Good evening Ms. Grier" Lieutenant O'Grady said standing up from his seat as well as the other officers as my mom and Lisa walked into the room.

"Where did Brandon go?" Lisa asked me whispering in my ear.

"He's outside" I whispered back as Justus sat down on a nearby couch opposite of the officers. Jamarion finished talking to Ebony and sat down next to him.

"You have a lovely home ma'am" Lieutenant O'Grady said as I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you but I'm sure you didn't come here for decorating tips" my mom said changing the subject.

"No ma'am unfortunately I didn't" Lieutenant O'Grady said sitting down as one of the officers handed him a folder.

"First of all I would like to extend my condolences again on behalf of the PGPD" Lieutenant O'Grady said as we all said our thanks collectively.

"Right now we have 3 suspects that could be linked to the death of your husband: 18 yr. old Dantae Wallace, 36 year old Santana Rodriguez known to the local drug game in the area as `Krush'" Lieutenant O'Grady said as I cringed, "and 17 year old Kristopher Galiant."

"How do you know this?" my mom asked staring at the photos of the guys.

"I know this guy!" Justus stated as my heart raced.

"This is the guy that" Justus said, as everyone shushed him. I don't know if they were doing that to protect Brandon or quiet Justus.

"Ma'am these men were at the hearing for Brandon Wallace and have been linked by witnesses that say he's connected with each of them in some way or form" Lieutenant O'Grady stated, "They were also the only ones that weren't around after the shooting. Mr. Wallace is indeed the 1st cousin of Brandon Wallace, Mr. Rodriguez has been seen with Brandon Wallace on occasions though no one can confirm if he's working for him or not and Mr. Galiant is an ex-boyfriend of Mr. Wallace, if you want to consider that."

"What do you mean consider it?" my mom asked confused.

"Well ma'am it's a homosexual relationship" Lieutenant O'Grady said as Jamie and I looked at each other offended.

"And?" Justus said.

"Are you homophobic?" Jamarion asked Lieutenant O'Grady.

"I'm not homophobic but I" the Lieutenant said.

"But you just don't like homosexuals" Jamarion said.

"Sounds like a confused homophobe to me" Justus said.

"Or a closeted one" Jamie said crossing his arms upset.

"Excuse me?" Lieutenant O'Grady asked offended.

"Boys! Boys! That's enough!" my mom said trying to calm us all down, "now sir if you are trying to find my husband's killer then I would like to hear what you have to say but if you have any malicious feelings towards homosexuals then I suggest you grab your things and leave. I have two proud gay sons and I love them. My family has embraced change and walked away from the negative stereotypes that men like you have had plagued in your head by society and your bigoted families."

"Ma'am" the Lieutenant said, "you don't know..."

"You're right Lieutenant!" my mom said cutting him off, "I don't know your family nor do I want to! My prime objectives are to protect my family and find my husband's killer and if you're not going to do that then remove your arrogant, opinionated, and small minded views from my home NOW!"

We all looked at the Lieutenant as he looked down towards the ground embarrassed. We waited for him to leave but surprisingly he stayed.

"I apologize Ms. Grier and to your sons" Lieutenant O'Grady said, "I..."

"How dare you even come in a widows home with such feebleminded and nonsensical views claiming to protect and serve?" my mom asked as the Lieutenant sat there dumbfounded.

"You show compassion and safeguard people that YOU find are meritorious and deserving than the ones who hunger for it the most, just because of their sexual orientation" my mom said staring at the Lieutenant with hateful eyes as did the rest of us, "you carry the same juvenile views that have been passed down for centuries and climbed up the ranks at your jurisdiction with inhumane thoughts about a person's right to love whomever they choose too. I feel sick to my stomach that you breathe the same air that I do. I am repulsed and embarrassed for YOU that my sons have to witness mediocre insanity at its best in their own home. I want you to pick up your things and kindly remove yourself from property while I report you to your superiors over the phone."

We watched as my mom got up to walk over and to the phone as the Lieutenant stood up and apologized.

"Ms. Grier, I apologize! No one has ever spoken to me like that before and you're right I do need to change from what I was taught by my father years ago. Please! I would like to help you and your family if I may" the Lieutenant said as my mom stared at him.

"I guess everyone deserves a second chance" my mom said walking back over to her seat.

"Yes ma'am" the Lieutenant said sitting down, "I am sorry once again."

"I'm doing this to find my husband's killer and to hear what you have to say" my mom said not facing him, "this doesn't mean that all is forgiven."

"I understand Ms. Grier" the Lieutenant said looking at my mom.

"You can continue sir" my mom said as I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.

"Yes ma'am" Lieutenant O'Grady said, "my team and I are in the process of examining the bullet that ruptured your husband and still tracing the courtroom for any clues. The judge has released Brandon Wallace as a result of the prosecution's lack of evidence."

"Yes I'm aware" my mom said.

"After analyzing evidence that we have compiled thus far, we have reason to believe that the shooter was trying to kill Quentin Mitchell" Lieutenant O'Grady said, "If this was the original intent or not, Quentin Mitchell was indeed the intended victim for the bullets. Now is there any reason that your husband felt compelled to save the life of Quentin Mitchell?"

"My husband had a big heart" my mom said clearing her throat, "and he always admired Quentin."

"How long have they known each other?" one of the accompanying officers asked while writing on her notepad.

"For about a couple of months" my mom answered.

"Do you know how the relationship started?" another officer asked.

"I dated him Quentin Mitchell briefly" I said responding before my mother could.

"Jayson right?" Lieutenant O'Grady asked me as I nodded my head and rolled my eyes, "I recall you stating that at the courthouse, how long did this relationship last?"

"A couple of months no more than 3" I said as they all wrote on their notepads.

"I see, where you dating Mr. Mitchell before or after Mr. Wallace?" Lieutenant O'Grady asked.

"I dated him before" I said feeling uncomfortable talking about my personal life with a complete stranger.

"What does all of this have to do with anything?" Jamie asked.

"We're trying to find out why the killers wanted to attack Mr. Mitchell" Lieutenant O'Grady said, "so far it seems like once again this is a lover's quarrel."

"Lieutenant just like I told you at the courtroom this has nothing to do with a lover's quarrel" I said upset.

"Then please explain to me the reason behind Mr. Mitchell being shot and your father's death?" Lieutenant O'Grady asked me.

"Brandon and I dated briefly and we broke up" I said opening up, "Quentin and I dated afterwards and this only fueled a long time rivalry between the two, without me knowing."

"Ok now we're getting somewhere" Lieutenant O'Grady said writing, "please continue."

"Brandon and Quentin were best friends but to make the long story short" I said, "things happened between them and they've never been able to resolve it."

"Were they old lovers?" one of the officers asked me.

"No" I said with disgust, "like I said they were best friends but became enemies as the years grew."

"Well Ms. Grier" Lieutenant O'Grady said, "I think we have enough information to start questioning individuals. We will start with Brandon Wallace and work our way through the list. Jayson, would you mind coming down to the station for more questioning later on?"

"No I don't have a problem with that" I said looking around at everyone's faces.

"Um...Lieutenant we do have something to add that may help with the investigation" Justus said.

"Ok" Lieutenant O'Grady said.

"Jayse stated to us, in confidence, that he saw Dantae Wallace with a gun during the hearing" Justus said as I bit my bottom lip.

"Jayse is this true?" my mom asked shocked.

"Yes mom" I said as the officers wrote down on their pads, "I looked back and saw Dantae holding the gun but I don't know if he shot my dad and Quentin or not."

"So that's why you yelled for Mr. Mitchell to get down when the lights went out?" one of the officers asked.

"Yes" I said as they continued writing, "I was afraid that he was going to get shot and my dad must have sensed something which states why he got up and pushed Quentin out of the way."

"This makes more sense now Jayson, I apologize for insinuating that it was a lover's quarrel" Lieutenant O'Grady said as I nodded my head, "thank you all for your time and again I'm terribly sorry for your loss."

"Thank you sir" my mom said getting up as the officers got up as well, "I just hope we can find the killer or killers" my mom said.

"Ma'am we won't stop until we do" the Lieutenant said, "thanks again for your time. We also have squad cars patrolling the area as well as officers on your every call whenever you guys feel the need."

"Thank you so much Lieutenant" my mom said walking them to the front door.

"Do you feel better now Jayse?" Justus asked.

"Not really" I said upset as I folded my arms over my chest.

"What's wrong? Lieutenant O'Grady said that we will have protection at all times" Justus said looking over at me.

"Yea but for how long?" I asked as Jamie consoled me.

"Why don't you ever think before you say something?" Jamarion asked looking over at Justus upset.

"Who? Me?" Justus asked turning his head away from me and over to Jamarion.

"Yes you" Jamie said rubbing my back, "we were supposed to do this as a family."

"We did" Justus said, "mom was here and so were we."

"Yea but look at how mom was ambushed just now with the news" Jamie said.

"Look, we have nothing to worry about" Justus said as we all rolled our eyes, "they will find the killer and everything will get back to normal."

"Are you sure?" Jamie asked, "are you sure that you haven't just made our family even bigger targets than before?"

"How's that Jamie?" Justus asked upset.

"By labeling someone as a killer with very little proof" Jamie said.

"Jayse saw the guy with his own eyes, Jamie!" Justus yelled.

"But without proof idiot!" Jamie said upset, "now it's Jayse's words against theirs."

"Jayse you're going to be ok all right" Justus said ignoring Jamie as Jamie shook his head upset, "nothing is going to happen you."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked afraid.

"Because we're family and we're not going to let anything happen to you right guys?" Justus said looking at Jamarion and Jamie.

"Jayse knows that I have his back at all times" Jamarion said not looking at Justus.

"I agree, same for me" Jamie said hugging me, "besides we know how to outweigh the outcome before doing something that could break this family."

"Well I'm sorry for messing things up for this family like I always do" Justus said, "and why did everybody silence me earlier? Are you guys protecting Brandon? The cops are going to find out about his little life! And Jayse let me ask you this and be perfectly honest with me, is Brandon working for Krush?"

"You can ask me that yourself man" Brandon said walking into the house with Jerry, Ebony and his mom. Brandon and Justus stared into each other's eyes with hate, ready to fight. They had the same look that Jamarion and Brandon always shared months ago. Thank God that chapter was closed.

"I peeped in through the window and saw that the officers were gone is it ok to come in now? Or are you guys still talking" Lisa asked.

"Sure Lisa it's fine" Jamie said patting down on the couch signaling for Lisa to sit down.

"No it's getting late we need to go" Lisa said getting her things.

"You're not leaving already are you?" my mom asked Lisa, walking into the living room, after escorting the police out.

"I have to check on my baby too" Lisa said laughing, "my sister is probably worried sick."

"I understand, thanks for everything" my mom said walking Lisa into the foyer as they continued talking.

"Guys not now!" Jamie said talking to Brandon and Justus after our moms walked away.

"No we are doing this right now! We're protecting a criminal. This family is not safe because of him" Justus said looking at Brandon.

"Justus give it a rest man" Jamarion said aggravated as Ebony called him over in a corner to talk to him.

"Look, I care about your brother all right" Brandon said, "I would never do anything that would hurt him."

"You're still in the drug game Brandon" Justus said laughing at Brandon, "what are you going to do, run from the law your whole life?"

"Show's how much you know" Brandon said upset, "I left today right after I got out of jail."

"Brandon really?" I asked surprised.

"Yes baby" Brandon said as I got up and walked towards him, "I'm not going to let anything happen to you. I care about you way too much."

"You don't leave the drug game" Justus said sitting down, "everyone knows that there is only one way out."

Right after Justus said that he made a look like he wanted to retract what he just said. Everyone looked at him shocked that he would even say that given what we were going through with dad.

"I can't believe you" I said looking at Justus upset as Lisa called Brandon.

"I'll call you, ok?" Brandon said feeling awkward as we all did. He said his goodbyes to everyone as he left with Ebony and Jamarion leaving as well.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" my mom asked walking into the living room.

"No reason" Jamie said shaking his head still shocked at the statement Justus made.

"Well your aunt Camille will be here any minute" my mom said referring to her little sister. No one said anything as we all sat in silence.

I got frustrated and went upstairs amidst all of the awkward tension. I took a shower to get out of the dirty clothes I've been wearing for two days and went into my room. I couldn't even recall what happened afterwards. I remember Jamie coming to talk to me and I told him that I wanted to be left alone.

I woke up a couple of hours later to find Max hovering over me.

"When did you get here?" I asked sitting up on my bed.

"Just now" Max said looking at me, "my mom and dad are downstairs with everyone else."

"Everyone like who?" I asked.

"Mostly your family and a couple of neighbors" Max said as I shook my head not wanting to be bothered by anyone, "I knew you were going to do that which is why I told Eric and Tony to come by tomorrow."

"Aww they could have came" I said feeling bad that they weren't there.

"No they understood besides it's late anyway" Max said as I looked at my watch and saw that it was after 7:00.

"Wow I must have been sleeping longer than I thought" I said getting up from my bed.

"Yea because you had a lot of visitors" Max said watching me as I looked out the window to see the cars in front of our house.

"Who came by?" I asked turning around to face Max.

"Um Brandon called and some people that came by were your coworkers, teachers, Mr. Mitchell" Max said as I rolled my eyes, "sorry he's still downstairs and Terrance came by as well, pretty much the whole town is downstairs."

"Terrance is going to start thinking that I'm avoiding him" I said feeling guilty.

"I don't think so, he's downstairs with his mom" Max said as I perked up.

"I have to be careful though" I said, "Brandon got upset earlier when he called."

"Wow, I knew it wouldn't be long" Max said.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"Well your exes including crushes are going to be on Brandon's list of hated people, you know all boyfriends are like that" Max said playing with his shoes, "Rich was like that for a while."

"What did you guys do?" I asked intrigued.

"Nothing much I mean he still has that jealous streak" Max said popping his gum, "I mean how many male friends do I have other than you, Tony and Eric?"

"Not much" I said thinking.

"Exactly" Max said noticing the look on my face, "look at me giving bad advice again, you guys are going to be fine."

"I want to be friends with Terrance too but if Brandon is going to be upset then I have to cut ties with Terrance" I said looking around in my room, "did you know that Brandon left the drug game?"

"Are you serious?" Max asked surprised.

"Yea he said so earlier today" I said smiling, "he said he did it for us."

"Aww Jayse I'm so happy for you guys" Max said hugging me.

"Me too" I said after we finished hugging, "I just wish he was here." As soon as I said that someone knocked on the door.

"Come in" I said as Justus walked in.

"Glad you're up" Justus said, "someone has been waiting all night to talk to you."

"Who?" I asked as Terrance walked in my room, "Terrance hi."

"Hi Jayse" Terrance said smiling as Justus cleared his throat.

"Um Max you want to give these two some privacy?" Justus asked as Max looked over at me before leaving. I took in a deep breath and nodded my head, telling Max it was ok.

"Sorry if it seems like I've been avoiding you lately" I said as Justus and Max walked out my room, closing my door.

"It's cool Jayse, I just wanted to make sure you're ok" Terrance said still standing up.

"Um, please" I said getting up and pulling my chair from my desk, "have a seat."

"Thanks" Terrance said sitting down on the chair. He looked gorgeous as always and smelled really nice too, "I'm sorry to hear about your dad."

"It's ok" I said, "we're trying to make it."

"I can only imagine" Terrance said sadly, "your dad was a great man."

"Thanks" I said smiling to hide the pain as Terrance did the same thing, "so how are things between you and your dad?"

"Well" Terrance said taking a deep breath as I felt bad for bringing up the issue, "he and my mom are getting divorced next month but we're still not speaking. He's still being a jerk towards me but I mean it's nothing new. I'm starting to get used to it now, sadly"

"Terrance I'm so sorry" I said feeling awful for touching on the subject.

"Yea nothing hurts like losing a family member" Terrance said smiling nervously as I nodded my head in agreement, "although in your case it's much worse. I just wish I knew what to say to you right now."

"Well we can talk about anything else" I said as my voice broke. I grabbed one of my pillows and started playing with it, to take my mind off of thinking about my dad.

"Ok, um...everyone from work misses you" Terrance said trying change the subject.

"Max told me that everyone came by earlier" I said excited, sniffing my nose and fanning my eyes to try and stop the tears.

"Yea they said that they would come back tomorrow" Terrance said as I smiled happily. I couldn't wait to see everyone again. So much has occurred these last couple of weeks.

"I can't believe I still have a job" I said referring to me missing so many days.

"Well everyone from work understands that a lot has went down lately" Terrance said, "plus they were bragging to your mom about how great of a worker you are, even Mr. Lipton came by."

"Really?" I asked surprised, referring to my uptight boss.

"Yes!" Terrance said laughing at my expression, "he really wanted to see you."

"Oh my Gosh, I thought he hated me" I said still in awe.

"Guess not, no one could hate you, you're too adorable" Terrance said staring at me. I felt uncomfortable at the way he was staring, not to mention the awkward silence so I decided to change the subject again.

"So what have you been up to?" I asked as he licked his lips and I turned my head to face my closet.

"Nothing much really, just trying to work hard" Terrance said, "I decided that I like the hospitality business so I'm thinking of getting a degree in hotel management!"

"That's exciting Terrance!" I said smiling, "I'm happy for you."

"Yea I guess being a doctor really wasn't for me, I think I may have found my calling" Terrance said smiling as someone knocked on the door and came in.

"Justus told me you were up" Terrance's mother said walking into the room, "I'm sorry for interrupting but I just thought I would speak to you before you guys got into too deep of a conversation."

"Ma" Terrance said embarrassed.

"It's ok" I said as she walked over to hug me.

"Oh you look good" Vivian said hugging me, "I'm so sorry sweet pea, if you need anything just let us know."

"Thank you Mrs. Vivian" I said as she finished hugging me and walked out the room. She gave Terrance a wink as Terrance blushed and she closed my door. Terrance and I both looked at each other and laughed, "what where we talking about?"

"My career change" Terrance said laughing, embarrassed again by his mom.

"Right, well I'm just glad that you know what you want to do" I said.

"What about you?" Terrance asked, "you're graduating in a couple of months, any idea what you want to do?"

"Um..." I said thinking out loud, "I really want to become a writer, making novels about romance."

"Wow that's big!" Terrance said amazed, "I always knew that there was something special about you."

"Thanks" I said blushing.

"No problem. I know that you're going to do great things" Terrance said smiling at me as I looked away again.

"I miss this" Terrance said as I looked back at him, "I missed the days when we used to laugh and talk. I still want that."

"But Terrance I'm with Brandon" I said.

"I know" Terrance said hurt, "that doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Well..." I said as I heard voices outside of my room down the hall.

"Look I told you" I heard Justus saying, "he's in his room talking to someone."

I saw the door open and Brandon standing there with Justus trying to stop him. Soon after I saw Giannis and Jamie running into my room as well as Brandon looked at Terrance and I.

"Brandon" I said jumping from my bed and standing still.

"I told you he's talking" Justus said trying to push Brandon out the room as Brandon knocked Justus down.

"Guys please relax!" Jamie said as Giannis helped Justus up.

"You mother..." Justus said about to attack Brandon as Giannis held him back.

"Justus stop it!" Jamie screamed.

"I didn't come here to fight all right" Brandon said as Giannis held Justus back, "I just want to make sure Jayse is ok. That's all! I'm not here to start anything."

"Calm down man and let him speak" Giannis said still holding Justus as he gained his composure.

"What's up Jayse?" Brandon asked upset.

"Nothing baby" I said smiling nervously.

"How come you can't answer my calls?" Brandon asked.

"Baby I just woke up from my nap" I said staring into his eyes as he sized me up.

"What's up man?" Brandon asked looking over at Terrance as he got up from his seat. Terrance had a look on his face saying not this again as did I, thinking about the confrontation between Q, Terrance, Max and I.

"Nothing much Brandon" Terrance said looking back at me and over at Brandon, "we're just up here talking."

"Brandon please we really don't need to have any drama right now" Jamie said.

"I'm not here to cause any drama" Brandon said turning around to face Jamie, "I'm just here to take care of my baby."

"Then why all the commotion downstairs?" Jamie asked.

"I just walked in and asked if I could speak to Jayse" Brandon said.

"And I told you he was talking with someone" Justus said as Giannis finally let him go.

"Right, and I told you that I would wait downstairs until he finished" Brandon said facing Justus.

"And like I said Brandon, he was in a conversation with someone could you come back tomorrow" Justus said.

"Like I said Justus" Brandon said agitated, "I didn't mind waiting, but you shoved me outside then Giannis saw me walking towards my car and told me that Jayse was up here talking to Terrance."

"Which is why you exploded?" Jamie asked from my doorway standing behind Giannis as Justus walked near my closet.

"I didn't explode, I asked your brother AGAIN, if I could please talk to Jayse or just wait for him downstairs until he was through talking" Brandon said frustrated. I could tell he was getting angrier by his expressions and his tone.

"Brandon I told you to come back" Justus said, "you should have respected my wishes."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute" I said before Brandon could speak, "why is there so much secrecy around when Brandon wants to talk to me but when Miss Vivian came up here a couple of minutes ago nothing happened?"

"I wasn't even aware of this until just now" Jamie said as Giannis agreed.

"I didn't know that she came up here" Justus stated.

"What?" I asked confused, "she said that you told her we were up here talking, Justus!"

"Right but I didn't know she came up here after I told her that" Justus said as Brandon shook his head upset. I grabbed his hand and brought him over to stand by me.

"Look this right here" I said pointing to Brandon and I, "is what everyone needs to get inside of their heads and remember. Brandon and I are together and everyone needs to either accept it or just ignore us but STOP trying to break us up! This is getting exhausting!"

"Jayse no one is trying to break you guys up" Jamie said.

"Then why all of this friction every time Brandon comes by" I said as Brandon sat down on my bed.

"I don't have a problem with Brandon" Jamie said, "I like Brandon, I just don't like the drama around here."

"Are you saying I'm the blame for the drama?" Brandon asked hurt.

"No Brandon but this animosity between you and this family needs to stop" Jamie said looking at Brandon and back over at Justus.

"Justus?" I asked looking over at him with my arms crossed.

"I'm done with this" Justus said walking out my room, "do whatever you want."

"Justus wait" Jamie said walking after Justus as Brandon and I shook our heads.

"Are you guys going to be all right?" Giannis asked Brandon and I as we nodded our heads yes and he walked down the hall.

"Guess I better get going" Terrance said about to walk out the door.

"Naw man" Brandon said, "I think we need to get something straight before you go."

"Brandon" I said whining.

"It's cool babe" Brandon said getting up to lock my room door, "now let's sit down and talk for a lil minute."

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions atjaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 34

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