Hes Mine


Published on May 20, 2011


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 27 Say it Ain't So

"Q no! Get down!" I screamed as someone turned out the lights and two shots were fired.

Everyone screamed as I was pushed on the floor by Jamarion.

One by one cops came from the main doors with guns, turning on the lights and asking everyone to remain still.

"I have to make sure he's ok" I said trying to get up.

"Jayse stay down" Jamarion said laying on top of me, "Max are you ok?"

"I'm fine" Max replied

"Mom, mom can you hear me?" Jamarion called out to our mom.

"Yes sweetie" my mom answered.

"Are you ok?" Jamarion asked.

"I'm fine, so is Ms. Wallace" my mom said as I sighed with relief.

I tried getting up as Max grabbed my arms and pulled me down back to the floor.

"Everyone freeze, no one move" some of the officers said pointing guns at everyone.

"I want everyone to remain calm, put your foreheads to the floor and put your hands over the back of your heads" an officer said slowly as some officers came around and patted us making sure no one had any weapons.

"This is officer Stevens we have a 10-31 at the downtown Courthouse on 1235 Main Street. Requesting a 10-24 over!" he said on his walkie.

"10-4 over" the dispatcher said as she repeated what was said again. I was shaking the entire time as one of the cops patted me down.

"Keep your foreheads to the floor people and remain calm!" another officer said scoping the room to make sure no one made any sudden moves.

"All clear over here" one officer said.

"All clear" another officer said.

"Clear" one last officer said from the far side of the room, "but the window's open, probably a possible escape."

"Officer Richards requesting a 10-52 on two victims one is a 10-45b while the other is a 10-45c over" the officer said on his walkie.

"10-4 over" the dispatcher said.

"Stay down Jayse!" Max said still lying on the floor as I tried to get up.

"I have to make sure he's ok" I said worried.

"Stand down guys" an officer said as the officers slowly placed their guns in their holsters, "All right I need everyone to remain calm and rise up slowly. Bullock and Myers check the window, Green and Cullen check the perimeter."

"Who?" Max asked confused as we got up.

"I'm fine" Brandon said getting up on the other side of the bannister in the courtroom.

I looked over at Brandon and hugged him tight as I felt his body to make sure that he was ok, problem was I wasn't worried about him, I was worried about Q, but why?

"Are you ok?" Brandon asked still holding me as I broke the embrace and looked in his eyes.

"Yea...I'm fine" I said as I heard my mom scream, "mom what's wrong?"

I looked back at her as she ran over to my dad who was sprawled out over Q with blood oozing from his back.

"Daddy!" I said running out from Brandon's arms. Brandon tried to run behind me but his lawyer held him back.

"Jeffrey!" my mom screamed as Mr. Mitchell turned my dad over on his back and we all saw his eyes rolled into his head.

"What happened?" Max asked.

"He must have tried to block whomever was trying to shoot Quentin" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Somebody call 911!" screamed Jamarion as Max grabbed me and Brandon's mom came and got my mom.

"We already did son" an officer said walking over to us.

"Then what's taking so damn long" Jamarion screamed.

"Max what if my dad..." I said stopping myself as I started crying.

"Don't think like that Jayse" Max said rubbing my shoulders.

"Did you guys see who shot these men?" one of the officers asked us as Max and I shook our heads no.

I looked down and saw that Q was shot in his chest as his dad tried to stop the bleeding.

"Q..." I said calmly about to walk over when I felt eyes piercing me in my head. I looked back and saw Brandon staring at me as the bailiff took him back to his cell.

"Where are they taking Brandon?" Ms. Wallace asked.

"They have to take him back to his cell, Lisa" one of Brandon's family members said.

I watched Brandon as he walked away, he slowly looked back at me and we stared for a couple of minutes until he was gone. I looked down at Q and felt bad for him. Sure he was about to rat Brandon out but now he was shot and I was scared for him.

Q looked around the room while he was still lying on the floor and once he saw my face he just stared into my eyes.

My feelings toward him are so conflicted right now because I'm mad at him for what he did but scared that he may die.

He wouldn't blink his eyes even as he was spitting up blood. I looked away from him over at my dad who wasn't even conscious. The EMT's finally came in and separated to both of them.

"Is he going to be all right? Is he even conscious?" my mom asked as the EMT's continued doing their job.

"Be strong Jazmine, you have to be strong now sweetie" Lisa said consoling my mom.

"Jayse let's go outside ok" Max said trying to take me away from the scene.

"No I can't leave him" I said not moving.

"Jayse who are you talking about?" Max asked as I turned my head to look into his eyes. Max stared into mine and gave a gasping expression when he found out who I was talking about.

"Jayse this boy is the reason your dad may be dying and you're over here thinking about him?" Max said with disgust.

"Not like that" I said angrily as Max shook his head, "just the fact that he may be dying as well."

"Jayse, Brandon is facing kidnapping charges" Max pointed out.

"I know that" I said annoyed.

"We were on our way here to fight for the possibility that you and him could still have a future" Max said.

"Max I know all of that" I said frustrated.

"Then stop tip-toeing around this and focus on who you really want to be with: Brandon or Quentin?" Max said as I looked around to make sure that no one heard our exchange. Lucky enough, everyone was still enthralled in the scene.

"We have him conscious ma'am but we need to get him to a hospital now!" one of the EMT's said to my mom about my dad. I watched his body being loaded up on the stretcher and the pure white sheets now covered in red blood. My heart sank because he was about to change and fight for this family.

I couldn't believe how these last couple of weeks have transpired. If only things were different then my dad and Quentin would be ok.

"Excuse me ma'am, I'm Lieutenant O'Grady of Pine Grove Police Department and I was wondering if I could get a statement from you" a tall white man said speaking to my mom.

"Why are you questioning her, everyone here may know something, no one is innocent?" Mr. Mitchell said as the second stretcher took Q away.

"Mr. Mitchell, two men are wounded in a court of law, it's my job to find out who and why" Lieutenant O'Grady said as Mr. Mitchell walked away.

Q still looked dazed but as he was being pulled in front of me he mumbled in his oxygen mask for the EMT's to stop in front of me.

I stared at him as he stared back at me and he motioned with his finger for me to come closer towards him. I shook my head no as he lifted the mask from face, turned his head slightly and begged "please" with his hoarse voice.

"Quentin you have to get to the hospital son! You're losing a lot of blood" Mr. Mitchell said.

"I...know...dad" Q said hoarsely as he lifted out his left hand for me to grab. I still wouldn't walk over but Q looked so helpless. I looked over at Max as he rolled his eyes and I knew why. I sighed and walked over slowly to Q as Max scoffed.

"We really have to get him to the hospital" one of the EMT's said.

"Ok" I said as Q grabbed my hand and caressed it softly.

"I...just...want..." Q tried saying through short breaths.

"Son please..." Mr. Mitchell said.

"I'm...sorry...Jayse...for...everything" Q said as I stared into his eyes.

"Ok guys we really have to go" another EMT said taking Q away.

I looked down at my blood stained hands and back up as they wheeled Q out of the courtroom. I didn't know what to say or do but just stand there.

"Excuse me son, are you Jayson Grier?" Lieutenant Grady asked walking up behind me.

"Yes sir I am" I said turning around to face him.

"I have some questions to ask you if that would be all right?" the Lieutenant asked.

"Sure" I said looking up at his face.

"Ok I have received this from various people here that you screamed out before the shooting" the Lieutenant stated.

"That's correct" I said looking around at everyone in the courtroom.

"Can I ask you what brought that loud outburst?" the Lieutenant asked.

I thought about it before responding. What would happen if I ratted out Dantae and Krush? Would they target me next? How would this affect Brandon? Or worse, our relationship?

"I just...uh...was afraid that he was trying to sabotage my relationship" I stated trying not to make eye contact with the Lieutenant.

"Your relationship with whom?" the Lieutenant asked writing down on his notepad.

"With Brandon Wallace" I stated looking down at the notepad.

"I see" the Lieutenant said still writing, "so you and Brandon were in a relationship?"

"Not were sir, we still are" I said offended.

"But why would you scream out Quentin Mitchell's name just before the lights went out and he got shot?" the Lieutenant asked with the cap of his pen placed on his lips.

"Sir like I told you, I thought he was trying to sabotage my relationship with Brandon Wallace" I said frustrated.

"And you had no intention of staging this whole thing, I mean you're making it sound like a silly love squabble?" the Lieutenant asked me.

"What?" I asked shocked, "my father was just shot and you think that this is all a silly love squabble?"

"That's what it seems like to me" the Lieutenant said, "I mean homosexuals love to get overboard with things."

I looked at him with disgust as I walked past him.

"We're not finished young man" the Lieutenant said.

"Yes we are" I said walking away as one of the officers walked over to the Lieutenant and showed him some evidence.

"Where's mom?" I asked walking towards Jamarion and looking around.

"She went with dad" Jamarion said stopping an officer to ask her a question, "excuse me are we free to go now?"

"As far as I know" the officer said.

"Come on" Jamarion said grabbing my hand and Max's.

Once we got outside reporters were out waiting to ask questions.

"Excuse me can you tell us what just transpired?" One reporter asked.

"Are any of you gentleman related to the victims in any way?" Another reporter asked.

"Is it true that this shooting is connected to narcotics or is it something else?" one last reporter questioned.

"No comment" Jamarion said pushing through the crowd while still holding me and Max's hands.

"You guys ok?" Jamarion asked as we started running to his car.

"Yeah" I said as I looked over at Max. He was still sulking but I hope he wasn't upset with me.

Once we got in, reporters were still trying to get an interview from us but we wouldn't talk. Jamarion cranked up the ignition and we sped out the parking lot.

"I cannot believe what just happened!" Jamarion said as me and Max sat in silence.

I looked up at Max from the back seat and all he did was stare out the window.

"I hope dad is all right, oh my God, please let dad be all right" Jamarion said driving through traffic.

"Are you guys sure you're ok?" Jamarion asked again.

"I'm fine, just thinking about dad" I said as Max still sat in silence.

"Max?" Jamarion asked.

"Yea?" Max asked looking over at Jamarion.

"You ok?" Jamarion asked.

"I'm fine" Max said looking back out the window. Max grabbed his phone and looked at it.

"I forgot I turned this on vibrate" Max said adjusting the settings on his phone, "I have 7 missed calls."

I looked at my phone realizing that I did the same thing and realized that I had 10 missed calls and texts. I listened to the voicemails some from Tony, Eric, Yasmine, Terrance, Justus and Jamie.

"Hello?" I said answering my cell phone.

"Jayse what the hell is going on down there?" Justus asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's all on the news, `Killing Spree in Downtown Courtroom' is everyone all right? Every one of you guys' cell phones are going to voicemail" Justus said upset.

"Justus um I have to tell you something" I said scared.

"What the hell happened?" Justus asked.

"Jayse is that Justus?" Jamarion asked looking back at me as I nodded my head yes, "hand me the phone."

As Jamarion explained to Justus what was going on, I tried talking to Max.

"Max?" I said softly.

"What?" Max said not looking back at me.

"Are you mad with me?" I asked confused.

"No Jayse" Max said still not looking at me.

"Then why aren't you saying anything and not looking at me?" I asked.

"No reason I just have a lot on my mind, I mean your father was just shot, aren't you worried at all?" Max asked as his phone rang and he talked to Rich.

I stared out the window and wondered to myself, what did I do this time?

When we finally turned into the parking lot, my heart started beating even harder than before as I thought of the possibility of death for both my dad and Q. I pray that my dad is ok because I can't imagine my life without him. We were fighting like cats and dogs lately and to be honest it was silly the entire time.

We parked and walked towards the emergency entrance in silence, me and Max that is. Jamarion was still trying to calm Justus down but the way Jamarion was yelling, I could tell Justus was not happy at all. When I saw my mom I ran towards her and hugged her. I could tell by the look on her face that it wasn't going well for my dad.

"Yeah I hear you Justus" Jamarion said talking to Justus on my cell phone, "look calm down, calm down, I'm here with Ma now. I'll call you back all right? Calm down Justus, I'll call you back."

"Was that Justus? Did you tell him everything?" My mom asked as I rubbed her shoulders consoling her.

"Yea mom" Jamarion said walking over to hug her, "How's dad doing?"

"They don't know yet" My mom said as her voice broke, "he lost a lot of blood and the bullet was 8cm from his heart."

"Oh my God" Max said as my eyes got full of tears.

"They said that he was trying to protect Quentin" my mom said as tears flowed down her cheeks, "he heard Jayse's scream and looked back. I saw when he got up but by then the lights went out."

"So when Q turned around he got shot in the chest while dad got shot in the back?" Jamarion asked as my mom nodded her head, "How's Q doing?"

"They said that he's going to be ok" my mom said sitting down on a nearby chair and Jamarion sitting next to her, "he didn't lose as much blood as your father and his gunshot wasn't as severe."

"I'm so sorry aunt Jaz" Max said walking over to hug my mom.

"It's ok Max" my mom said, "you should call your parents and tell them what's going on."

"What about Jerry?" Jamarion asked.

"You're right baby, he'll be home from school any minute" my mom said panicking, "Max ask your parents if they would..."

"Already on it, auntie" Max said walking away calling his parents.

"It's going to be ok" Jamarion said consoling my mom. I could tell by the look on her face what she was thinking.

"Jayse baby come over here and sit down" my mom said patting on an empty seat next to her.

"I'm ok mom" I said folding my arms staring out the window.

"Have you had anything to drink yet?" Jamarion asked looking at my mom.

"No but I'm fine" my mom said.

"I'll go and get something" I said.

"Baby no I'm fine" my mom said.

"No I need to, I'll be right back" I said walking away. I looked back and saw Max looking at me while he explained to his parents what was going on. I needed to clear my head. I had so many things running around in there that I couldn't think.

I wandered around aimlessly down the halls and bumped into Ebony.

"Jayse!" Ebony said looking at me and grabbing me for a hug, "oh my God, are you ok?"

"Yea I'm fine" I said after our release.

"I'm so sorry about what has happened" Ebony said apologetically.

"It's ok" I said trying to hold back the tears.

"How's your dad?" Ebony asked.

"We don't know yet" I said as a tear fell from my right eye.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked" Ebony said as I wiped the tear stain from my cheek.

"It's fine" I said clearing my throat, "besides I'm the one that should be apologizing, I haven't really been there for you lately."

"Well a lot has happened these last couple of months" Ebony said.

"Yea, congratulations I saw the pictures of Adia, she's so beautiful" I said.

"You have to see her" Ebony said cheering up.

"I can't wait" I said smiling.

"Where's everyone else at?" Ebony asked.

"Down the hall in the waiting room" I said pointing.

"Why are you down here?" Ebony asked and then thought about her statement before I could respond, "oh never mind."

"Yea I just have to clear my head for a couple of minutes" I said.

"Ok well if you need anything let me know" Ebony said grabbing my hands as I smiled.

"Thanks" I said as she broke the embrace and walked away.

I continued my walk and stopped in front of the delivery room window. I looked at the cute kids who were clueless about the world they were just born into. Some of them will have hopes and dreams while others will just be here to run amuck and make trouble.

One of the nurses placed a newborn into an empty bed and smiled at me. I faked a smile back and looked at the baby. I couldn't believe how tiny they were. If only we could pick when we wanted to be brought into the world without our parents' consent or even God's, I wonder how selfish the world would be then compared to now?

I walked away and back towards the emergency room, forgetting what I even left for. I walked by Q's room and stopped right in front of his door. He was hooked up to so many wires that he resembled a computer. Poor choice of words I know, but he looked helpless. I looked around in his room making sure that no one was in there before I walked in.

I walked closer to his bed and stared at him. He was sleeping and with the mixed emotions in my head, I didn't know if I wanted to spit on his body or caress him.

He was still handsome even in his helpless state but I wasn't concerned with the outside right now. I wanted to know the inside. Why all the hate? Why the pain and the arguments? Why did he have to stand up and open his mouth? Why did my dad have to save HIS life?

"I can't believe you Q?" I said talking to him, hoping that my words could reach him in his sleep.

"It's because of you that my dad may die. All you had to do was stay away from the courtroom like I asked. I begged you, I begged you not to go, but you also begged me too. Why can't you see we could never be together? We're too much alike: stubborn. You wouldn't take no for an answer and neither would I. Yet you're alive while my dad is fighting for his life. I can't even stand looking at you. The sight of you makes me sick."

"Then why did you come?" Max asked standing in the doorway with his arms folded.

"Max what are you doing here?" I asked wiping my eyes from tears.

"I knew you were coming down here" Max stated walking over to me, "I waited on the other side of the hall and saw you walk in. Jayse your dad is fighting for his life and you're playing see-saw with Q and Brandon again?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked upset.

"You should be there consoling your mom, but all you can think about is this jerk" Max said looking at Q with disgust.

"Don't talk about him like that" I said defending Q.

"Oh my gosh look at you" Max said surprised, "you're defending a guy that has terrorized your relationship with Brandon."

"Max I'm not defending him" I stated.

"Then what the hell is this?" Max asked pointing at me and Q, "Your mom is worried, Jamarion is panicking, Justus and Jamie are on their way here, Brandon is locked away still and you're over here thinking about Q."

"I could care less about Q" I said.

"Prove it" Max said stepping to the side, "I dare you to walk out of this room and don't look back, ever!"

"It's not that simple" I said.

"It's whatever you make it Jayse" Max said.

I looked down at Q and balled up my fist preparing to go until Q grabbed my hand.

"Please Jayse don't go" Q said hoarsely.

"Oh my God" Max said upset throwing up his hands.

"Max stop" I said aggravated, "Q are you ok?"

"Jayse are you serious right now?" Max asked me as I ignored him.

"I'm fine Jayse", Q said still holding my right arm, "please don't leave me. I'm so sorry for everything."

"Q...I" I said stuttering.

"He has to go" Max said pulling my left arm.

"Max stop!" I screamed.

"Jayse you're family needs you right now" Max said as I turned away from Q and looked at him, "Brandon needs you right now."

"Jayse I never meant to cause all of this" Q said in a low voice as I turned my head back to face him.

"What are you talking about?" Max asked as I gave him a look.

"Jayse if something happens to your dad I'll never forgive myself" Q said sadly.

"You should have thought of that before leaving your house" I said as Q looked away sadly, "I mean honestly Q, did you even think about anyone else this entire time other than yourself?"

"I did Jayse" Q pleaded.

"No you didn't" I responded.

"I actually felt sorry for you" I said regretfully.

"Please Jayse" Q said still holding my hand.

"No Q!" I screamed removing my arm from his hand, "let go of me. I wish you a speedy recovery Q but this is goodbye."

I walked away from his bed as Max walked behind me. We started walking towards the door until Q started talking again and I stopped in my tracks.

"But...I...care...about...you" Q said gasping for air as he started flatlinning.

"Oh my God!" Max said as we both turned around and stood there in shock.

"Code Blue, Code Blue" a nurse yelled from the hallway as nurses and doctors came into the room.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as Max pulled me back.

"I'm sorry but you have to leave now" a nurse said escorting Max and I out of the room.

"His lungs are deflating" one nurse said.

"He's losing oxygen doctor" another nurse said.

"BP over 190" A doctor said.

"What's wrong with my son?" Mr. Mitchell said running into the room.

"Is everything all right?" Mrs. Mitchell, his wife asked.

"Nurse will you please remove this people from this room now!" a doctor said.

"I'm sorry but you all have to leave" the nurse said pushing us out of the room and closing the door.

"Oh my Goodness" Mrs. Mitchell said clutching her hands to her chest praying.

"What happened?" Mr. Mitchell asked walking over to us.

"We were just talking to him" I said staring at Q through the outside window.

"Talking about what?" Mr. Mitchell asked upset.

"Nothing important" I said panicking, "we just came to..."

"What are you kids doing over here anyway?" Mr. Mitchell asked looking at us upset with his hands on his hips.

"Excuse me!" Max said upset.

"You kids shouldn't even be over here" Mr. Mitchell said turning his back on us and consoling his wife.

"For your information, we came to check on YOUR son, where in the hell were you at?" Max asked.

"Maxwell how dare you?" Mrs. Mitchell asked turning from the scene in the room to face us.

"Maxwell who do you think you're talking to?" Mr. Mitchell asked facing us as well still consoling his wife.

"Max calm down" I said behind him, "let's just go."

"No not yet" Max said, "it's because of him and his weak planning at vindicating some weak plot of ridding the city with criminals that an innocent man is fighting for his life protecting your sorry son."

"Maxwell!" Mrs. Mitchell said.

"Max you're out of line" I said.

"No I'm not" Max said turning around to face me, "you're just confused as to knowing where to stand with this whole thing. His family is the reason your dad is in that room dying. Wake up Jayse!"

"I want you kids to leave" Mr. Mitchell said, "NOW!"

"Gladly, I can't stand to be anywhere around you for one more minute anyway" Max said walking away.

"I'm so sorry" I said apologizing after Max walked away but Mrs. Mitchell turned her head away from me.

"Please leave" Mr. Mitchell said not even facing me. I bit my lip and walked away down the hall. Once I turned the corner I saw Max sitting on a bench alone.

"I think I should go home" Max said.

"Why?" I asked sitting down beside him.

"Because...I'm messing everything up being here" Max said apologetically.

"Max no you're not!" I said, "I need you!"

"No Jayse" Max said facing me, "you need to be with your family. Your mom needs you right now."

"But I..." I said.

"Look I'll come by first thing in the morning" Max said cutting me off, "I already called Rich he's on his way to pick me up. I'm sorry for getting upset with you earlier. It's your heart! You should be able to give it to whomever you want."

"But Max I..." I said.

"Go ahead be with your family" Max said.

"But you are family" I stated.

"Yea but not immediate family" Max said patting me on my leg getting up.

"But what if I need to talk to you?" I asked sadly with my head down.

"That's what cell phones are for" Max said lifting up my chin as I got up, "I don't care what time it is, call me no matter what."

"Thanks for everything" I said hugging Max tight.

"That's what I'm here for cuz" Max said as his voice broke, "again call me if you need anything. I will be here quicker than Speedy Gonzalez."

We both laughed and continued hugging each other while crying softly.

"Whatever you decide to do" Max said breaking the hug to look me in my eyes, "I'm here for you."

"Max I'm not" I said as Max pressed his finger to my lips.

"Just think about what I said ok?" Max asked, "That goes for present and future."

"Ok" I said as Max turned around and walked away.

"Aren't you coming?" Max asked turning around.

"In a minute" I said as Max smiled and continued walking down the hall.

I thought about what Max said and I knew what he was referring to but honestly I just went into Q's room to vent. I had no inclination of trying to rekindle something that was already dead. I just wish that my feelings weren't so varied all the time.

I felt so alone and all I wanted, was to be held right now. I thought of Brandon and what was going through his head right now. He was probably still alone and scared. He deserved someone that could give them everything they had not someone who had up-and-down emotions.

Why do I always have to fall so easily? Why can't I just stand my ground and stay true to the one guy that I love? Am I in love with Brandon? Or Q?

Q's the reason my dad is d-...Q's the reason for everything, but his intentions are coming from a good place, I think. No, Q's not the one, Brandon is. I can't believe I'm sitting here contemplating a chance for a future.

I looked at my phone and saw that I had missed 4 more calls but didn't care who it was. I sighed deeply and got up to walk down the hall to my family.

"Baby are you ok?" my mom asked as I walked into the waiting room.

"I'm fine mom" I said as she got up and hugged me.

"Is everything ok with dad?" I asked worried. My mom didn't answer me which made me even more nervous so I looked around and saw that Jamarion was gone.

"Mom what's going on?" I asked staring at her, "is dad ok?"

"They still don't know baby, but it's not looking good" my mom said with her eyes full of tears as I walked her back to her seat.

"Mrs. Grier you should relax" Ebony said helping me sit my mom down.

"I'm fine" my mom said to us.

"No you're not and where is Jamarion?" I asked crouching down in front of my mom as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"He went looking for you" my mom said weakly.

"There you are" Jamarion said walking into the waiting room, "why haven't you been answering your phone?"

"Because I turned my ringer off" I said standing up.

"Any more news?" my mom asked Jamarion.

"No but I got you something to eat and drink" Jamarion said looking at me as I stared at him embarrassed.

"Did Max pick up Jerry from the house?" my mom asked as Jamarion placed the food tray in front of my mom.

"Yes" Jamarion said opening up the packet with her spoon, fork, and napkin.

"What time are your brothers getting in?" my mother asked as Jamarion opened the lid covering the food which showed a turkey sandwich, a slice of chocolate cake and applesauce.

"Late ma, they just left" Jamarion said trying to poke the straw in the milk carton but he was having difficulty getting it in so I grabbed it from him. I smiled at him softly as he gave me a small smile.

"You guys should go and get something from the cafeteria too" my mom insisted.

"Stop worrying about us and eat something, you haven't eaten all day, it's getting late" Jamarion said.

"I can't stop thinking about you father" my mom said in a dazed state as we paused and looked at her.

"We were all against him, we were at odds against him, ALL OF US! No one was on his side! Now he's in that room fighting for us: his supposed FAMILY! My husband!" my mom said as tears flowed down her cheeks.

"It's ok ma" Jamarion said.

"No it's not!" my mom said crying.

"Ma please" I said as I crouched down in front of her to rub her legs and Jamarion rubbed her back comforting her. Ebony walked over at sat on the other side of my mother and rubbed her left shoulder as we sat there comforting her.

We didn't know what to say. We didn't know what to do. All we could do was be there for her and for my dad even though he didn't know we were probably there. No one knew what was going to happen. We all had a general idea but didn't want to accept it. The possibility of a future without my dad was too much to think about but at the rate things were going it looked that way. Now the question is who was to blame: Brandon, Q or myself?

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 32

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