Hes Mine


Published on Apr 10, 2011


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 26 Where do you think you're going?

I looked at myself in the mirror and made sure that my outfit was in order. This would be the first time that I ever stepped foot in a courtroom, let alone a sentencing.

I stared back at my reflection in the mirror and saw that throughout the last couple of months, I really have changed. Nothing was the same anymore about me. I had a bit of peach fuzz growing and my face was smoothening out. My acne was clearing up and my cheekbones stood out more than they did before. I have to admit that, the reflection in the mirror looked a whole lot different than one in the past.

My cell phone rang and I walked over to see who it was. All morning I've been getting text messages from Tony, Eric, Max, Terrance and Q. Q's text really didn't faze me, his were "I'm sorry" and "call me back" but everyone else just lent their support, in assuming that the trial would go sour. I, on the other hand, had faith that the judge would drop this silly suit, out of lack of evidence. However, at times, I was worried that they may find something more or my parents would open their mouths about Brandon's lifestyle.

"Hello?" I said answering my phone.

"Hey" Max answered with a somber tone.

"Hey" I replied back sitting on my bed and putting on my dress shoes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Max asked while driving.

"I'm sure Max" I said with an attitude. All night and morning Max has been trying to convince me to not go, but I was determined to be in that courtroom this morning.

"Okay, I'm sorry" Max said regretting the statement, "I just pulled through the gate so I'll be there in like 10 minutes."

"Okay...and sorry for snapping at you" I said apologizing as I got up and walked around in my shoes.

"No problem" Max said, "I just want to make sure you're ok."

"I will be" I said looking at myself one final time in the mirror.

"Ok" Max said as I hung up. I walked down the stairs to find Jamarion still at home and sleeping on the couch.

I tiptoed to the alarm system to make sure that it was turned off by pressing the buttons as Jamarion stirred up from his sleep by the sounds.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jamarion asked sitting up on the couch.

"Jamarion" I sighed not in the mood for a fight, "I have to go there."

"Jayse I'm not going to stop you" Jamarion said rubbing his eyes as I looked over at him surprised.

"Really?" I asked walking over to sit beside him.

"Yea, I mean you've made your choice clear, Brandon is your one and only" Jamarion said as I blushed at the sound of that.

"Are you just saying that, or are you really trying to change?" I asked looking over at him as he folded his arms and sat back on the couch.

"I mean Jayse, I guess being a dad makes you look at things differently, I don't know, I mean what I'm saying is, I don't know" Jamarion said confused as I smiled.

"I think I hear where you're coming from" I said as I looked at him and saw the tiredness in his eyes, "you haven't been sleeping lately?"

"No" Jamarion said rubbing his eyes, "your god-niece has been running Ebony and I crazy lately, I'm taking her tonight."

"God-niece?" I said surprised that Jamarion still wanted me to be Adia's god-father.

"Jayse I don't care about all the fighting we've been having lately" Jamarion said, "I still don't want anyone to be Adia's god father but you."

As Jamarion said that, all I could do was get emotional. It showed that deep down he still trusted me, way more than Justus or Jamie.

"I mean you still want to be her godfather, right?" Jamarion asked looking over at me.

"Yea" I said after a pause, "I mean I'm honored and would love to be there for her."

"Cool" Jamarion said still looking at me, "because Ebony and I wouldn't want anyone else to be there for her but you."

"Well I haven't exactly been there for her lately" I said regretting my past actions.

"Well we understand, I mean you have Brandon so of course you're going to be busy with him right now" Jamarion said as I thought about the statement.

"Have I really been that busy lately with Brandon?" I asked finally staring back at Jamarion.

"Kind of" Jamarion said as I turned my head and stared down at the coffee table, "I mean Jayse we're getting older so of course people are going to be in our lives that we want to spend more time with than family."

"Yea but that's the thing Jamarion" I said, "It's always been us, then whoever else outside the family."

"Look I can tell that you're about to start beating yourself up over this" Jamarion said, "and you shouldn't."

"I'm not...I, I just hate how much I've changed" I said, "even when I was dating Daniel, I never was this busy for family."

"Jayse like I said" Jamarion repeated, "we're getting older!"

"I know, I know" I said as the doorbell rang. I got up and let Max in as he smiled nervously.

"You ready?" Max asked walking in as I looked back at the clock on the wall.

"Yea" I said closing the door behind Max.

"Hey Jamarion" Max said as Jamarion got up to hug Max.

"I was just about to ask Jayse how he was going to get down to the courtroom" Jamarion said.

"Well you know me" Max said smiling, "Jayse always gets me into trouble."

"That's not true" I said smiling and now thinking about both what Jamarion said earlier and the statement that Max just made. Am I really getting that bad?

"You're not going to school?" Max asked looking at Jamarion.

"No" Jamarion said sitting back down on the couch, "I'm skipping school today. I had a rough weekend."

"Yea I think we all have" Max said then looked back at me and noticed the expression on my face.

"Yea I think so" Jamarion said checking his phone to make sure that Ebony didn't send him a text or called him.

"So how's my little cousin doing?" Max asked Jamarion, changing the subject.

"She's good!" Jamarion said blushing like a proud dad, "she's healthy, got all her fingers and toes and a full head of hair."

"Awwww!!!! Do you have a picture?" Max asked as Jamarion grabbed his phone and skimmed through his pictures.

"You know I have a picture, here you go" Jamarion said handing the phone to Max.

"Oh my gosh she is so cute" Max said as I walked over to see the picture. I was so embarrassed because this was my first time seeing her too, and this was my godchild.

"You're right she does have a full head of hair" Max said complimenting her, "I guess she takes after he uncle" Max said grabbing a piece of my hair, smiling as I playfully pushed him away.

"Congrats to you and Ebony" Max said handing Jamarion his phone back.

"Thanks Max" Jamarion said looking at the picture of Adia.

"Congratulations Jamarion" I said quietly as Jamarion looked up at me and smiled.

"Thanks Jayse" Jamarion said still smiling.

"Hey we better get going" Max said as I looked at the time, "the trial starts any minute."

"Yea" I said not really sure if I should go now or not.

As we walked out the house, we said our goodbyes to Jamarion and got into Max's car.

"What's wrong with you?" Max asked buckling his seatbelt.

"Nothing, why?" I asked buckling mine as well.

"Because you were all excited and happy, now you look so gloomy" Max said cranking up his car, "did Jamarion say something to you?"

"No Max everything is fine" I stated looking into his eyes.

"You sure?" Max asked again for emphasis.

"Can we please go?" I asked smiling nervously.

"Ok, ok, just asking" Max said backing out the driveway.

While we were driving down the street, I was surprised to see Q's truck was still home.

"Why is his truck still home?" I said looking over at Q's house to see if he was going to be walking out soon.

"Who?" Max asked looking around until he saw where my head was turned, "Q?"

"Yes why is he still home?" I asked upset.

"You don't think...?" Max asked looking over at me while driving as I shook my head upset.

"I can't deal with this right now" I said breathing heavy.

"Jayse calm down, it's going to be ok" Max said reaching over to grab my hand.

"Max if Q thinks that he's going to stop me and Brandon from being together, then he has another thing coming" I said.

"Jayse, he's probably running late or something, don't worry about all of that" Max said driving down the street.

"Turn around Max" I said looking over at him.

"Jayse we're going to be late" Max said alternating looking at me and driving.

"No we're not because what I have to say won't take that long" I said as Max stared at me.

"Jayse..." Max said sighing as he stopped at the stop sign.

"Forget it" I said getting out the car and walking back down the street to Q's house.

"Jayse!" Max called after me but I just ignored him. I continued to walk down the street as Max turned around, until I got to Q's house and knocked on his door.

"Jayse, what are you doing here?" Q said opening the door wearing a suit and tie.

"Where are you going?" I asked looking at him up and down.

"I should ask you the same thing?" Q asked, "but I know already."

"Jayse we have to go" Max said running over to me.

"You got Max going too?" Q asked looking over at Max.

"Why are you all dressed up?" Max asked as Q looked back into his house and closed the front door.

"Jayse go home" Q said walking over to me as I backed away from him.

"Stop telling me what to do" I said angry.

"Jayse I know what you are trying to do but trust me" Q said, "if you go to that courtroom, you're only going to make matters worse."

"How do you know?" I asked staring at him.

"Because my dad is the DA" Q said as Max and I looked at each other.

"Yea we know that and?" Max asked.

"Think about it guys, if the DA is involved now, it can only mean one thing" Q said looking at us.

"What" we asked together.

"Someone must have tipped my dad off about Brandon selling drugs" Q said as my eyes turned red with anger.

I screamed and lunged towards Q hitting him in his chest as Max tried holding me back. I hit Q twice in the chest but I doubt he felt anything given his strength.

"Jayse calm down" Max said pulling me back.

"How could you tell on Brandon like that?" I said with tears streaming from face, "why do you hate him so much?"

"Jayse I didn't say anything, someone must have told my dad about his drug dealings" Q said walking over to me, "Jayse I'm sorry."

"Q how could you?" Max said as I cried on Max's shoulder.

"Max, I swear to you, I said nothing about what Brandon's doing, honest" Q said looking at me as I continued to cry at the thought of losing Brandon.

"This was supposed to be a family dispute Q, your dad has nothing to do with this!" Max screamed still consoling me.

"Max, I know that" Q said walking off his front step after us, "but I never said anything, you have to believe me! Jayse please don't cry."

"I just don't get you sometimes" Max said shaking his head with disgust.

"Max...Jayse please believe me, someone else is behind all of this" Q said as Max and I ignored him.

"It's okay Jayse let's go" Max said turning me around towards his car.

"For what" I said pulling away from Max, "no one wants me to be with Brandon, so I may as well face the truth. If he's that bad for me then I will stop fighting!"

"Jayse you're just upset" Max said.

"No Max it's the truth!" I screamed, "I've never seen people try so hard to stop two people from being with each other as this town. Well forget it, if he's that much trouble I won't even bother."

I threw my hands up and walked towards my house upset and defeated. I've never been a fighter and I didn't have any energy in me to fight a battle that I wasn't going to win.

I heard Max and Q calling out to me but I wasn't trying to hear them. Max did however catch up with me and tried pulling me back.

"Jayse stop!" Max said trying to stop me from walking to my house.

"Why Max?" I said stopping as Max got in front of me.

"Because you're giving up too easy" Max said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not a fighter Max!" I said staring at him, "I've never gotten into a fight in my life."

"Why not start?" Max asked, "why can't you start fighting today?"

"Because..." I said as Q walked over and rolled my eyes and started breathing heavier.

"Because what?" Max said and looked back to see why I got even angrier, "Q look just go home please!"

"No not until I know that Jayse isn't going to this trial" Q said.

"Dammit Q, quit trying to be a guardian and be a friend for once. You cannot stop these two from being together" Max stated.

"I'm not going to stand by and let Jayse get hurt!" Q yelled.

"What the hell do you call what you're doing now?" Max asked.

"Protecting him" Q stated confidently.

"Bullshit Q!" Max said, "You're just doing this to get back at Brandon all those years ago just like Kris."

"I don't give a damn about none of that, I love Jayse and I want to be with him" Q said as I looked back at him and scoffed.

"This is your idea of love?" Max asked.

"I know I'm going about it the wrong way but I'm trying to protect you Jayse" Q said.

"Q please! Stop trying so hard to protect me!" I screamed aggravated.

"Why can't you just let me be there for you, the same way that you let Brandon be?" Q asked.

"Because I love Brandon" I said looking at Q.

"No you don't" Q said softly as Max and I sighed heavily.

"How in the world are you going to tell this boy how he feels?" Max asked looking at Q upset.

"Max Jayse can't possibly love Brandon, because a part of him still loves me" Q said looking at me as I looked at him shock. The audacity of him telling me how I felt. I just wanted to slap some sense in him right there like I did last time.

"Q read my lips" I said walking over to face him, "I...LOVE...BRANDON!" I said as his heart broke. At least I'm assuming, based on the way he was looking at me, something told me that his ears heard that but his heart didn't. A quiet pause filled the air as we heard Q's dad calling for him. I stared at him as he stared at me.

"Don't go Q!" Max said, "if you love Jayse like you say you do, then don't do this."

"Why not!" Q said still staring at me, "regardless of how you feel about me, you're just blinded to the idea of love. Brandon is not right for you and I'm going to prove that. I told you I'm not giving up on you and now it's time that I start proving that to you."

"Q stop it!" Max said calling out to Q as he walked away. I shook my head upset and continued to walk away to my house, "Jayse come back here!"

I walked up to my front door and unlocked it as I walked in behind me.

"Max just leave me alone!" I said as Max closed the front door behind me.

"Jayse I wanted to wait until we got inside so that we would stop making a scene for the desperate housewives this early in the morning. Look you can't give up now" Max said as I sat on the sofa surprised to find Jamarion not in the living room.

"Why not?" I asked looking up at Max, "last night you even tried convincing me not to go to this trial?"

"I just wanted to make sure that you were preparing yourself and were really ready to do this" Max stated.

"Max I love Brandon" I stated.

"Then start acting like it!" Max screamed as I stared in his face upset.

"What are you talking about, I am" I stated as Max shook his head no.

"No you're not" Max stated, "Every time something happens that you don't agree with, you curl up but little cousin, you have got to get out of that safe shell of yours."

"Max I don't feel like talking" I said trying to ignore him.

"See that right there" Max said pointing at me, "I'm trying to give you advice and you're throwing me away. You don't like anyone giving you advice and you hate the fact every statement someone makes about you maybe true."

"That's not true" I retorted back.

"Oh yea, prove it" Max said, "start fighting back and shock people's nerves. Kris already gets under your skin and now Q. They are out to get you and if you don't start fighting back sometimes then they are going to do exactly what they wanted to all along...tear you apart!"

I looked at Max as he looked at me and I started thinking about what he just stated. I mean I'm sure Q wouldn't tear me apart but Kris obviously wants to. Then again, Q is already tearing me apart! I contradict myself whenever I'm around him and he won't take no for an answer because he already sees that I'm unbalanced. Max is right! They are out to tear me apart!

"What are you guys doing here?" Jamarion asked walking down the stairs dressed up, "I thought that you were going to the courthouse?"

"We were but we kind of hit a snag along the way" Max said still standing over me.

"What happened?" Jamarion asked walking over to us as I looked at him, up and down.

"What are you doing all dressed up?" I asked with my arms folded.

"I asked you a question first" Jamarion stated as I rolled my eyes.

"Q's going to the trial" Max told Jamarion ignoring me as I scoffed quietly.

"What? Why?" Jamarion asked.

"Because his dad found out about Brandon dealing drugs and now I don't know, I guess he feels like he has to go or something" Max said.

"This is crazy" Jamarion said and looked over at me, "You all right?"

"I don't know anymore" I confessed as Jamarion and Max looked at me with long faces, "why are you dressed?"

"I was coming to surprise you" Jamarion said.

"Surprise me?" I asked.

"Yea I saw your expressions while we talked and you looked disappointed with the fact that you found love and whatnot, but Jayse that's the thing" Jamarion said walking over and sitting beside me on the couch, "you found love. I mean you may see it as not spending time with us, the family, anymore but, lil brother, you deserve it. Stop worrying about the little things and focus on the big things right now, like getting your man back."

"My man?" I asked blushing at Jamarion trying to change his old habits.

"You know what I mean, quit acting up" Jamarion said nudging my shoulder.

"You mean you approve of Brandon?" I asked with my eyes full of tears.

"I mean I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this drug dealing thing but you seem to love him and he does treat you nice not to mention Jerry not wanting to go to school this morning out of fear that Brandon would be sent to prison" Jamarion stated.

"Might be sent to prison" I said correcting Jamarion

"Might be, sorry" Jamarion said quietly correcting himself.

"Aww Jerry" Max said sadly as I imagined what was going through his little mind.

"Brandon hates selling drugs" I confessed as Max and Jamarion both looked at me.

"Really?" they both asked in unison.

"Yes he told me, the only reason he did it and is still doing it, is because of his mom and brother. She's a single mother and he's only trying to help her out" I said.

"So he wants to get out?" Jamarion asked.

"Yes" I said recalling our talk in my head, "but I think he's in too deep."

"Well first we got to help him fight this charge" Jamarion said, "then we can help him get out of this drug situation."

"You mean that?" I asked smiling.

"I just want to see you happy Jayse" Jamarion said, "and the fact that you said that he wants to quit shows that he's not so bad after all I guess."

I reached over and hugged Jamarion tight and Max got teary eyed from the display of affection. It felt good having Jamarion in my corner again.

"Promise me that you won't turn your back on Brandon and that you will try and make this work" I said looking at Jamarion.

"Jayse come on" Jamarion said not wanting to obey.

"Come on please!" I begged.

"As long as he doesn't give me this tough guy attitude anymore" Jamarion said looking over at me and then sighing really hard, "I guess I can try."

"No, promise me" I said looking at Jamarion.

"Alright, I promise, but you have to tell him to lighten up around me, seriously" Jamarion said as Max and I squealed.

"I love you Jamarion" I said looking into his eyes and hugging him again.

"Love you too" Jamarion said.

"Alright, does that mean you're going to start fighting?" Max asked me.

"Yes" I said getting up as Jamarion pulled on my suit coat and dragged me back down on the couch.

"No, promise us that you will start fighting more" Jamarion stated as I looked at him and Max.

"What?" I asked laughing nervously.

"You heard him" Max stated with his arms folded, "Jayse you give up too easily!"

"I do not" I said turning my head away from Max and looking over at Jamarion as he gave me a look like he agreed.

"You love him right?" Jamarion asked as I waited to respond, "right?"

"Of course I do" I said honestly.

"Then start fighting more Jayse" Max begged, "this isn't going to be easy."

"I know but..." I said stopping in mid-sentence.

"What's wrong? You got us" Jamarion stated as I looked over at him and Max.

"Really?" I asked the both of them.

"Yea" Jamarion said as Max shook his head in agreement, "all the way."

"Ok" I said smiling, "I will fight harder."

"Promise?" Max asked smiling.

"I promise" I said smiling as Jamarion rubbed my shoulders and Max rubbed my legs.

"All right let's go then" Jamarion said getting up and finishing getting dressed.

Once he was finished we all rode in Jamarion's car after Max drove his car back to our house. As we passed by Q's house, we saw that his dad's car was gone meaning that they were already on their way to the courthouse.

My heart started beating fast as I stared out the window, thinking what was going on in Brandon's head. I can only imagine what he's feeling right now.

The drive there was mixed with Jamarion and Max talking about something that I could care less about, and everyone singing along to some of the songs on the radio.

"Stop worrying Jayse" Jamarion said pulling up to the parking lot of the courthouse.

"I know, I know" I said trembling.

"Remember, everything is going to be ok" Max stated as Jamarion parked the car and turned the ignition off.

"You ready?" Jamarion asked looking back at me.

"Yep" I said smiling nervously. We got out the car and walked towards the main entrance of the courtroom as I spotted our dad's car.

"Jamarion look" I said pointing to it.

"Never mind that right now" Jamarion said trying to calm me down as my eyes started tearing up.

"This is pointless" I said turning around as Max grabbed my arm.

"Jayse you promised" Max said as I looked at him in the eyes, "you have to do this for Brandon."

"But he told me not to come today and here I am" I said as my voice broke.

"Jayse you said that you love him, now prove it" Jamarion said looking at me.

I lifted my head and walked ahead of Max and Jamarion as they followed behind me. Once we walked through the main doors, I looked for a sign signaling which room the case would be in, but forgot that this wasn't a carnival where people would announce such things.

"Where do we go?" I asked looking around as Max did the same.

"I don't know" Max said still looking around.

"Hold on" Jamarion said running over to a security guard for directions.

"Where's he going?" I asked out loud.

"I guess asking that guard for directions" Max said.

"Good" I said sighing.

"You can do this" Max said still encouraging me.

"Thanks Max, for everything" I said rubbing his shoulders.

"We're family cuz" Max said as Jamarion came back over to meet us.

"All right he said it's down the hall, third courtroom to the left" Jamarion said.

"Okay" Max and I said together following Jamarion. As we walked down the hall, I looked around to see if I saw Q, my dad or anyone else but no sign of anyone. I guess they were all in the courtroom.

As Jamarion opened the door and held it for Max and I to walk through, I gave him a small smile as he did the same.

We walked in and the first face we saw was my dad's, sitting behind Q's dad, talking to him.

My dad's face met ours with shock, disappointment and anger. He stopped talking to Mr. Mitchell and got up to walk over to us.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" my dad asked in a low voice.

"Dad Jayse wanted to be here and I came to support him" Jamarion said standing up to my dad.

"You two get out of here right now!" my dad said upset.

"No dad, you have to stop this lawsuit. Look at what it is doing to this family" Jamarion said.

"Son you have no idea what you're saying right now and I am going to say this one last time, the three of you, go home now!" my dad said.

"We're not going anywhere!" Jamarion said as my dad walked up to him like he wanted to strangle him. Just then the room door opened and in walked Brandon's mom.

As soon as I saw her I went over to hug her. She hugged me tight and I could tell in her hug that she was scared.

"How are you doing Jayse?" Ms. Wallace asked me.

"Don't worry about me, how are you doing?" I asked noticing the sleep deprived state she was in.

"Not so good" Ms. Wallace confessed.

"I know same here" I said rubbing her shoulders.

"Hi Ms. Wallace" Max said walking over.

"Hello Max" Ms. Wallace said as Jamarion walked behind Max.

"Ms. Wallace this is one of my brothers Jamarion, Jamarion this is Brandon's mother, Lisa Wallace" I said introducing them.

"Nice to meet you ma'am" Jamarion said shaking her hand and looking heartbroken at seeing her like this.

"Nice to meet you too" Ms. Wallace said as my mom came in and walked over to us.

"Mom?" Jamarion asked, "what are you doing here?"

"She was my ride over here" Ms. Wallace said as we all looked at my mom.

"What are you guys doing here? You should be in school" my mom stated.

"Mom I am not going to let Brandon be charged for something he didn't do" I said.

"Well neither am I" my mom said as my eyes opened wide, "Lisa and I had a long talk last night and this morning over here, I cannot go through with this!"

Hearing my mom said that put my heart at ease and made me smile bigger than I ever had before. I wonder how the conversation went between Brandon's mom and my mom. I bet it was good!

"Jazmine what took you so long" my dad said walking over to my mom.

"I had to do something before I got here" my mom said.

"Something like what?" my dad said looking at Ms. Wallace as the two exchanged nasty looks.

"I had to talk to someone and they needed to talk to me" my mom said.

"Who?" my dad asked confused.

"Me" Ms. Wallace said.

"You?" my dad asked shocked, "what on earth could you guys be talking about?"

"Something only mothers would understand" my mom said grabbing Ms. Wallace's hand and smiling at her, "Jeffrey, stop this suit before an innocent boy gets locked away!"

"Jazmine, I am trying to protect this family" my dad said.

"By tearing apart another one?" my mom said as Ms. Wallace got teary eyed, "this is not the man I married. The man I married would find compassion and love in everything that he does and everyone that he meets."

"Jazmine you don't understand..." my dad pleaded.

"No you don't understand Jeffrey" my mom said staring at my dad with a stern look, "drop...this...suit...now!"

We all looked at the both of them shocked at my mother's tone and at the way my dad was still acting.

"Can everyone please take a seat, we're about to begin" the bailiff said as my dad looked at my mom.

"Everyone go home now!" my dad said angry.

"Dad no!" Jamarion said.

"Jeffrey stop this" my mom said looking into his eyes.

"Jeffrey I have something to show you" Mr. Mitchell said as my dad looked at all of us one last time before he walked away.

"I can't believe this" Jamarion said looking at our dad disappointed.

"Never mind your father, you kids should not be here right now, especially you Jamarion, Ebony just had her baby" my mom said upset.

"But my brother needs me to mom" Jamarion said turning around to face my mom as I smiled.

"I guess we better take a seat then" my mom said as we walked down the aisle, "you ok?" my mom asked me as I nodded my head `yes.'

Ms. Wallace started crying as my mom consoled her. I looked over and saw Q sitting right behind his dad as my dad sat beside Q. I looked at Q as he looked at me and I shook my head from disappointment. Max, Jamarion and I took a seat behind the defendant's table as my mom and Ms. Wallace came and sat beside us.

I looked over at my dad and my mom as they exchanged stares at each other from across the courtroom. My dad slid down in his seat making room for my mom as she looked at him. She then turned her head and looked down our side as Max, myself, and Jamarion (in that order) slid down and made room for her and Ms. Wallace to sit down. I never seen so much pain in their eyes before in my life. My heart started beating fast at the thought of me being the cause for my parents getting a divorce. I know couples fight but this was the first time that I ever saw my parents fight in my life. Which proves why I never fought, I was never exposed to it.

We heard the courtroom door open from behind us and saw Kris and Dantae walk in. I rolled my eyes because I knew they would come but still the thought of them there made me sick. A few older men came in and noticed Ms. Wallace, as well as some other people who knew her and I figured that they were probably her family and friends because she recognized all of them, Max too.

Kris saw me look back and rolled his eyes as I scoffed at his behavior. Even in a courtroom, he could be an ugly you-know-what! God I hated him! If I could just...no never mind that, I was here for Brandon not them.

"Of course little miss trashy would come here" Max whispered.

"I know with the ugly toad" I said as Max and I laughed together.

The back door opened one last time as Krush walked in and sat next to Dantae. I thought to myself and wondered, since when did those two become so close?

Krush looked at me, smiled and waved at me. I didn't know what to do so I smiled back out of fear.

"You know that guy?" Jamarion asked me looking back at Krush.

"Kind of" I whispered looking around to make sure no one could hear me, "he's Brandon's boss!"

Jamarion almost got whiplash from how fast he turned around to catch a glimpse of Krush again.

The front door opened and I saw the bailiff bring Brandon out. The first face he caught was mine as he gave me a look like what was I doing there but then he smiled. I smiled back at him as his mom started crying more.

"Is all that necessary?" Max asked noticing Brandon in the handcuffs.

"I don't know, I hate it too" I said watching Brandon's pleading eyes.

Once he sat down next to his lawyer he looked back at me and smiled again. I mouthed out to him "I LOVE YOU" as he did the same thing back. He whispered something to his lawyer because his lawyer looked back at me and nodded his head yes. Brandon motioned his head for me to walk over to him as I got up and crept over everyone to get behind him.

It felt like all eyes were on us, being that we were in the front of the courtroom, but I didn't care, seeing my baby made me feel so much better. Brandon turned around and stared at me smiling more before he said something.

"I thought I told you not to come" Brandon whispered as I got close to him.

"I couldn't let you do this alone" I stated.

"Your head is so hard" Brandon said as I rolled my eyes smiling.

"So is yours" I said as he rolled his eyes smiling too. I had to laugh at that one because I knew that he was only trying to make me feel better. Even when his life was on the line, he was thinking of me.

"You look good" Brandon said complimenting me as I blushed.

"Thank you" I said still blushing.

"You..." I said as Brandon cut me off.

"Don't even say that I look good too" Brandon said as we laughed together.

"I wasn't going to say that" I said smiling.

"Then what were you going to say?" Brandon said smiling.

"I was going to say...that you're very handsome" I said laughing as he joined in too.

"Liar" Brandon said laughing at me as we stared in each other's eyes, "I missed you baby."

"I missed you too" I said as he licked his lips.

"How much did you miss me?" Brandon asked looking at me with those tantalizing eyes. I couldn't help it and went in for a kiss as we kissed in front of the whole courtroom. I forgot about my parents and his family and he forgot about where he was too as he tried climbing over the bannister to get closer to me.

We kissed for a couple of minutes until his lawyer cleared his throat and my mom did as well. We both broke the kiss and looked behind ourselves and blushed.

"Give me your hand" Brandon said before I walked away. I placed my hand on the bannister as he did the same and we stared even longer into each other's eyes.

"I love you, no matter what happens" Brandon said as I heard his mom, my mom and a couple of others in the courtroom sigh admiringly.

"I love you too" I said as he turned around and I walked back to my seat.

My mom and his mom looked at us smiling as Max and Jamarion did the same. I guess it was evident how much we loved each other. As if instinctively, Brandon and I, without even knowing that the other one did it at the same time, looked over at my dad, Q, and his dad, to see what their expressions was. Q's dad didn't look affected by it one way or another but, my dad and Q looked destroyed.

Especially my dad, as he looked down in his lap upset. He really was affected at how Jamarion and my mom both took my side over him and I must admit that I was starting to feel bad for him. Q and Brandon exchanged glares at each other as Brandon turned his head shaking it, thinking the same thing as I was.

The bailiff walked over to Brandon and made him stand up and swear on a Bible to tell the truth as Brandon agreed. I thought to myself, maybe they should take that Bible over to my dad and Q.

"You ready?" I heard Brandon's lawyer ask him.

"Yea I'm ready" Brandon said looking back and waving at me. For the first time he saw Jamarion and their eyes met. Brandon stopped smiling and looked at Jamarion out of fear and possible anger. I looked over at Jamarion as he gave a small wave to Brandon and Brandon looked over at me as I smiled. Brandon waved back and I blushed as he waved at our moms and Max as well.

"All rise, the Honorable Judge Fuller is presiding" the bailiff said as we all stood up and watched the man enter the courtroom, "you may all be seated. Your honor both parties have been sworn in."

"Thank you Morris" Judge Fuller said, "you may all be seated. This is case #54929301: the State vs. Brandon Wallace on the charges of kidnapping. How does the defendant plead?"

"Not guilty your honor" Brandon's lawyer said.

"Very well, Mr. Mitchell, do you have any evidence that proves this is just?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Yes your honor, we have a signed statement from the father of the victim that was kidnapped as well as his written statement clearly stating that the victim was taken from his job without the consent of the parents" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Your honor, my client, was unaware of the curfew Mr. Grier was under and only picked him up from his job to take him home" Mr. Till, Brandon's lawyer stated.

"Your honor that may be, but the defendant should have known that given the party was underage, the city has a strict curfew for the residents under 17 to be home by 10" Mr. Mitchell stated.

"Thank you Mr. Mitchell I am aware of that rule, I am the one who enforced it" Judge Fuller stated.

"I was only stating it your honor with all due respect" Mr. Mitchell apologized.

"Very well continue" Judge Fuller said cutting off Mr. Mitchell.

"Yes your honor" Mr. Mitchell said, "Mr. Grier, the father of the party that was kidnapped, stated to the police that he felt his son was in danger when he could not be reached and when he came home 5 1/2 hours later than he was supposed to."

"Objection your honor it was only 4 hours later after the defendant and the party came home" Mr. Till said.

"When exactly did the party come home?" Judge Fuller asked.

"The party came home 15 minutes after 1" Mr. Till said as the Judge counted in his head.

"That is four hours Mr. Mitchell" Judge Fuller said.

"My apologies your honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Carry on, Mr. Mitchell" Judge Fuller said.

"Yes your honor" Mr. Mitchell said, "the victim's parents..."

"Let me stop you right there" Judge Fuller said, "victim? Mr. Till is referring to him as "the party" and you're referring to him as the "victim" was the young man hurt while being kidnapped?"

"No your honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Was the young man affected emotionally or physically?" Judge Fuller asked.

"No your honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Then why are we referring to him as `the victim?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Because he was taken away from his job without his parents' consent" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Mr. Mitchell, I have that part, the part I am referring to is, if the party wasn't harmed then why is he being referred to as a "victim?" Judge Fuller asked as Mr. Mitchell stood there dumbfounded.

"No reason you're honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Is the so called `victim' in my courtroom this morning?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Yes your honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Where is he?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Over there your honor" Mr. Mitchell said pointing over to me.

"If he's the `victim' then what is he doing sitting on the side of the defendant?" Judge Fuller asked as no one said anything, "I asked a question!"

"I have no idea your honor" Mr. Mitchell said.

"He's connected to the defendant, your honor" Mr. Till said as Mr. Mitchell sighed heavily.

"Connected how, counselor?" Judge Fuller asked.

"They are boyfriends, your honor" Mr. Till said.

"Is this true?" Judge Fuller asked looking at Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Till, Brandon and myself as we all shook our heads `yes.'

"Stand up young man and walk over here" Judge Fuller said as I stood up. The bailiff came and opened the gate for me to approach the bench.

"Have you been physically harm in anyway by the defendant?" Judge Fuller asked me.

"No sir your honor" I said as he looked at me and back at Brandon.

"Very well" Judge Fuller said, "have `victim' removed from the records and placed with, Mr. Grier, the son, instead. You may have a seat son."

"Carry on Mr. Mitchell" Judge Fuller said sighing heavily.

"Your honor the last statement that I would like to make is that Mr. Wallace is no saint" Mr. Mitchell said as my heart started racing and Max grabbed my hands.

"How so counselor?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Well sir he has a lifestyle that is morally wrong in the eyes of the court" Mr. Mitchell said.

"Mr. Mitchell either stop speaking in riddles in my court and get to the point or I will have this case thrown out!" Judge Fuller said.

"Yes sir your honor, Mr. Wallace is a known drug dealer and has been trafficking marijuana since he was 12 years old" Mr. Mitchell said as everyone in the courtroom gasped. I looked at Brandon as he looked down embarrassed.

"Objection your honor, does the prosecution have any evidence to this claim?" Mr. Till asked.

"We don't have anything yet, but if your honor can give me a couple of weeks and I am sure that I will have something?" Mr. Mitchell begged.

"How did we move from kidnapping to drug trafficiking?" Judge Fuller asked.

"Your honor his reputation in the community is known as being a drug dealer" Mr. Mitchell said.

"By who counselor?" Judge Fuller asked as Mr. Mitchell looked back at my dad. My dad looked over at me and my mom as we both gave him pleading eyes.

"Your honor I can't do this!" my dad said as everyone started murmuring in the courtroom.

"Order, order in the court" Judge Fuller said banging his gavel, "sir, you are?"

"I am the father of the young man that was kidnapped" my dad said, "I was just trying to protect my family your honor, please, please don't send this young boy away! He means the world to my son and to his mother. I cannot let this happen."

"Mr. Grier I don't allow outbursts in my courtroom" Judge Fuller said.

"I understand your honor, but I cannot hurt my son any more than I already have or my wife" my dad said looking at us, "I love them both."

My mom and I smiled at my dad as Brandon's mom smiled as well.

"Jeffrey stop this!" Mr. Mitchell said looking back as my dad ignored him.

"Please your honor I beg you, do not send this young man away" my dad pleaded walking into the main aisle.

"With all due respect to your cry Mr. Grier, kidnapping is a serious felony" Judge Fuller said.

"I understand that fully sir" my dad said.

"Are you saying that you want to drop all charges against Mr. Wallace?" Judge Fuller asked as my dad looked at Brandon and then at my mom, me and Ms. Wallace.

"Yes your honor, I drop all charges against Brandon Wallace" my dad said as my mother got up and went over to hug and kiss my dad. Brandon's mom got up and hugged Brandon as well as his family started cheering.

"Order, order, order I say" Judge Fuller said banging his gavel as we all stopped cheering, "I haven't even made a verdict and you people are cheering as though this young man has won the lottery. Everyone take your seats now or I will have you all thrown out!"

"Now Mr. Mitchell" Judge Fuller said after everyone got seated, "you said that Mr. Wallace is a drug dealer, are you prepared to follow up on that suit or has my morning already been wasted enough?"

"Your honor, I would like to go with a full investigation on the grounds that Brandon Wallace is indeed a drug dealer and should be sentenced for his actions" Mr. Mitchell said as we all looked over at him upset. I saw Ms. Wallace left leg started tapping the floor repeatedly and I knew that she wanted to say something.

"Mr. Mitchell you still don't have any evidence, unless you can provide me with a witness that will state that they know firsthand, I will grant you a full investigation otherwise I have no choice but to dismiss this case" Judge Fuller said as I looked over at Q and he looked at me. I looked up at Brandon as he looked over at Q as well.

"Q better not be thinking nothing stupid" Max whispered to me.

I looked at Q with pleading eyes and mouthed `please don't' as he cleared his throat and his dad looked back at him.

I started praying like I never did before as Brandon looked back at me sadly. Please God don't take my boyfriend away!

It was all up to Q because he knew for sure, so did a lot of other people in that courtroom but they weren't going to say anything. I looked back at Krush as he whispered in Dantae's ear and Dantae looked at Q. I saw Dantae nod his head and clutch his waist and by the imprint in his shirt I knew it was a gun.

My eyes got big as I saw Q get up and started to speak.

"Q no! Get down!" I screamed as someone turned out the lights and two shots were fired.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love

Next: Chapter 31

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