Hes Mine


Published on Jul 14, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 3 Get It Right

We danced for hours or at least that's what it felt like to me. I couldn't stop holding on to his strong back. I could actually feel his muscles through his tank top and I kept alternating my hands from his back to his arms. I loved the feel of his rough skin and his tattoos. He just felt so manly and protective. He had the tightest grip on me that was so tight I could smell his manliness. His cologne mixed with his manly musk was intoxicating and I wanted to let go of him so he wouldn't feel my hard on but I felt his all afternoon so I just kept on holding him. I removed my head from his chest and looked up at his face. He looked down at me and smiled. His teeth were white and his smile was so genuine that it would put any man to shame. I hope he is single because I wanna make him my daddy. Did I just say that? Am I actually ready to move on so quickly? I just met this guy and I still don't know his name. He stroked his hands in my hair playing with it and a couple of times he touched the spot where I fell and I kept jumping.

"Are you ok?" he yelled through the music.

"I'm fine" I yelled back. He stopped dancing with me. Oh no. What is he about to do?

"You wanna come outside wit' me boo?" he whispered in my ear softly. Boo? I thought to myself.

"Uh...yea ok" I responded giddy. Play it cool Jayse, I told myself.

He laced his fingers with mine and locked them. He started walking me through the crowd to the front. While we were walking he kept looking back at me checking on me to see if I was ok I guess. While doing this he kept smiling at me. I smiled back but kept hoping that he wasn't about to try anything. As horny as I am I really don't want to lose my virginity with a stranger. I know I am too old to be still holding on to my virginity but I always thought of myself as being the last of a dying breed. Losing it with someone that I loved. I had to be deeply in love with him though because that moment will replay in my head forever. Though it may seem strange I always had this premonition that he would wear blue socks and "If Only For One Night" by Luther Vandross would play in the background on repeat. I'm not saying I have psychic powers but my favorite color is blue and Luther Vandross is my favorite singer. Somehow these things and my lover together would ultimately make the perfect night. If these things don't happen which I'm sure they won't then I'll just settle for candles and rose petals. When we got outside he turned back to me and stared at me long and hard.

"What" I asked, feeling his eyes undress me.

"Nuthin'" he said, real low and cool. He was still holding my hand and now he started rocking them back and forth.

"Say something" I yelled laughing and staring in his eyes.

"You say something you the one following me" he said.

"I'm not following you, I was here first" I stated pointing at my chest.

"I was already here before you got here. I saw when you came in" he said signaling at the door.

"Why didn't you speak then?" I asked looking at all the jewelry he had on.

"You were wit yo crew so I didn't wanna intrude" he said.

"So, you still could have said something before I sat down with them" I said sounding disappointed.

"I was but then you let dudes feel up on you and shit so I backed off" he stated.

"He didn't feel up on me he came to ask for my number" I pointed out breaking the embrace that our hands had and walked over to a nearby bench.

"Why didn't you give it to him?" he asked following me and sitting down beside me with his arm resting behind me on the top of the bench.

"What? How you know I didn't give it to him?" I asked shocked and intrigued.

"Because you turned him down as soon as he came ova" he said giggling.

"Ok if you know all that then why didn't you come up after him" I asked laughing back.

"Because nobody need to be sweatin' you like that" he said smiling.

"Sweating me? What you call this" I asked looking at him.

"You fellin' me" he stated laying back confidently.

"Boy please. Nobody is feelin' you. You cute but you ain't all that" I said flirting with him.

"Why was yo dick hard the whole time we were dancing" he asked trying to play me, but little that he knew I was a master at flirting.

"You're the one that came behind me grinding on me with a hard on" I said crossing my arms and laying back.

"Hol' up. You thought that was a hard on? Boo, I wasn't even hard" he stated back with confidence. His swagger was turning me on so bad.

"Are you trying to tell me that wasn't a hard on?" I asked. He shooked his head no. "Then what was it?"

"You tell me" he asked. I blushed and looked down at his jeans and saw something jump in between his pants.

"Then what is that?" I asked pointing to him. He didn't respond but only laughed. I must have caught him in something because he sat up and straightened himself out. I decided to change topics before we both got in trouble.

"It got dark quick" I stated looking around at the street lights, "What time is it?" I asked.

"Bout 9:15. They gonna be closing soon." He stated looking at his watch.

"Wow I better be getting home then" I said getting up, "I need to go find my cousin."

"There you are we been looking for you...Oh this is where you were" Eric and Tony said smiling, "Hey Brandon" they said in unison.

"What's up ya'll" he said standing up from the bench. I turned around and stared at him.

"Brandon? Your name is Brandon" I asked shocked. This was the underground rapper. That would explain the swagger and all the bling.

"Yea. Why you soundin' so surprised? You heard sumethin' about me?" Brandon asked walking over to us smiling with that swag showing.

"No...I mean yea...I mean no nothing bad" I stuttered.

"Look we're about to head out but we wanted your number before we left so we could get up tomorrow," Eric said.

"Oh ok no problem" I said smiling that I made friends so quick. As I was giving them my number I wondered if Brandon was paying attention.

"Ok well I'm calling you rite now" Tony said and Eric did the same after.

"That's our numbers you got anything planned for tomorrow?" Eric asked.

"No I'm free" I said trying not to look at Brandon but I felt his eyes on me the whole time.

"Ok well we'll give you a ring tomorrow. Nice meeting you" Eric said giving me a hug and Tony came and did the same thing.

"Take care. Bye Brandon" They said and went walking together around the corner.

I looked back at him staring. "When were you going to tell me your name?" I asked softly disappointed.

"Why you sound upset? I'm sorry I was gonna tell you. Our conversation was going smooth." He said looking at me.

"And telling your name would mess it up?" I asked waiting for an answer.

"Shawty, I wuz gonna say sumethin'. I mean we clicking rite now. Why you bugging" he asked reaching for my hand.

"I'm not. I'm sorry. I just wish you would have said your name earlier that's all." I said loving the feel of his hands against mine.

"Ok, hi my name is Brandon" he said bringing a smile from me and before I could say mine, he finished speaking saying, "nice to meet you Jayse"

"How did you know my name?" I asked and remembered my brothers earlier.

"Well your..." he started out and I stopped him by placing my finger to his lips. Man they felt good to touch. He did something that I didn't expect him to do. He opened his mouth and let my finger fall inside as he began to suck on it. This boy was the biggest freak I ever saw. People were starting to come out of the diner and he still had my finger in his mouth. Little Jayse woke right back up instantly. I yanked my finger from his mouth and blushed.

"Yo you bad" he stated looking at me laughing.

"I'm bad you're the one sucking on my finger" I said blushing.

"Well I aim to please" he said confidently staring in my eyes. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I broke from embrace again and reached for it.

"Hello" I said speaking into the receiver.

"Where are you? I'm gonna bounce. I can't find you. You still here?" Max said into the phone.

"Yea, I'm outside in the front. I'll meet you out here" I said looking at Brandon.

"Ok don't move. I'm on my way" Max said and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and looked up at Brandon.

"That yo ride" he asked leaning up against the street light post. He looked amazing posted up there like that. He had one leg up on the post and his arms crossed with his muscles flexing.

"Yea that was my cousin. The one I walked in here with when you decided not to speak to us" I said smiling. He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Whatever shawty. I know Max and quit tryin' to start an argument. We ain't about to argue no more tonight. You could have asked me to take you home" he said sounding disappointed.

"Brandon I didn't know. Besides I came here with Max so I just assumed I would go back home with him" I said softly, "you mad at me?" I asked flirting reaching for his hand.

"Naw you good. I ain't worried about you" he said smiling.

"Whatever cassanova" I said. I wanted to kiss him so bad but decided not to with all these people coming out. They were messing up our groove. At least to me anyway, because I was looking around while Brandon still had his eyes on me holding my hand. I enjoyed this openness of homosexuality in the south when I thought it was frowned upon. We still got some weird stares but it wasn't nothing like I thought it would be.

"Jayse" I heard Max scream from afar.

"I'm over here" I yelled waving my free hand. Max came over and blushed when he saw me holding Brandon's hand.

"What's up Brandon? You feelin' my cuzin?" Max asked nudging me on the shoulder.

"Yea you can say that" he said squeezing my hand and staring in my eyes. I could have sworn I saw them sparkle, "I think he is feelin' me more though" he said confidently.

"Are you Jayse?" Max asked looking at me smiling.

"I thought you said you were ready to go" I said changing the subject.

"Oh you ready to leave me now?" Brandon asked squeezing my hand some more, smiling.

"No but it's getting late" I said knowing how strict my dad was.

"Yea let me get you home before your parents call the cops on me for kidnapping you" Max said, "I'll be at the car" he said walking away smiling.

"What's up boo" he asked, "why you quiet?"

"I'm not quiet, all these people are around" I said looking.

"C'mon. Where Max park at?" he asked.

"Over on the other side of the street" I said pointing.

"Ok" Brandon said and walked with me. After we walked in silence for a while he started talking again.

"Alright we away from the crowd, you still quiet?" Brandon stated smiling.

"Are you annoyed or something?" I asked looking at him.

"Naw but you quiet when you ain't fussin'. That's what I got to do to make you talk...fuss" Brandon asked grabbing my other hand.

"No...I'm just thinking" I said.

"What you thinking about" he asked. Right when I was about to answer my phone started vibrating and I knew who that was. I looked at it and sure enough it was Jamarion.

"Hello" I asked breaking the embrace one last time to pick up my phone.

"Where are you? Dad said hurry up and come home" Jamarion said stiffly.

"I'm out with Max. We're on our way" I whined.

"Well come on home!" Jamarion shouted in the phone.

"Ugh!" I yelled and hung up.

"Yo brother is a trip. He always like that?" Brandon asked.

"No he just started acting like this a little while ago" I said.

"Pssh...Homie be buggin' yo" he said looking at me. "He lucky you cute and that you and your brother was around cuz I was about to hurt him earlier today," he said boxing his fist.

"Wait a minute you think I'm cute?" I asked blushing.

"Out of all that, that's what you heard?" Brandon said smiling.

"Answer my question!" I whined.

"Answer mine" Brandon flirted.

"I'm leaving" I said walking away.

"Ok, ok, ok. Damn shawty! Nobody ever had me cheesin' this hard in one nite," he said grabbing my arm.

"That's not answering my question" I stated playing his confession off.

"Yes Jayse I think you cute" Brandon said sighing.

"Thank you. I think you cute too" I said walking up to him.

"What you wanna do about it?" Brandon asked seductively and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We are out in the open and you tryin' to have sex with me right here?" I asked shocked.

"Why yo mind always in the gutta, shawty? You like thinking about sex?" he asked laughing.

"No I just thought...never mind. I'm going home" I said trying to get out of his grasp but he was holding onto me tight.

"Why you wanna leave me?" he asked seductively licking his lips and staring in my eyes. He still held a good grip around my waist and I placed my hands firmly on his arms trying to break free.

"Stop it" I said laughing. I knew I wasn't in danger because Max was directly across from us in his car waiting. I looked over at him and he smiled at me from his car. I blushed and stopped trying to force my way out of this sexy guy's arms.

"I have to get home before my dad gets upset" I stated sadly looking at his chest instead of his eyes, "I wanna stay but I really have to go."

"'Aight. I'll let you go but can I have a hug?" he asked softly and moved his hands from my waist to my shoulder blades and back down to my waist again but slowly. I was waiting for him to grab my butt but he didn't. I placed my head on his chest and heard his heart beat in my right ear. It had a perfect rhythm and though his back was a little sweaty I still rubbed my hands over it to feel his muscles. His scent was still intoxicating and I let him hold me as long as he wanted because I didn't want to seem like I was running away.

After a couple of minutes he broke the embrace and placed his left hand under my chin. He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I thought he was coming to my lips but he planted a nice wet kiss on my right cheek and I blushed.

He gave me his number and said, "thanks for the dance" and walked away to meet up with some boys that I didn't even realize who were standing on the side of the building behind us. I looked back at him and he looked back at me and smiled. I waved and mouthed "bye" as he waved good-bye back.

I floated in the air to Max's car and got inside. I sat there for a few minutes gazing off into space until Max shook me.

"Are you ok?" he asked looking at me smiling.

"I think I'm in love Max" I said placing my hands over my heart and sinking in the car seat. Could this be love at first sight?

I woke up the next day in my room to the sound of my phone vibrating. I looked at it and it was a text message from Brandon telling me "good morning." I sat up in my bed placing a pillow behind me as I texted him a response. I told him "good morning sexy" back, set the phone back down on my night stand and began blushing from what I actually did last night. How could I be falling in love with someone when I still have feelings for someone else? I looked around in my room and saw that my brothers and the movers placed everything in its right place. My queen sized bed in the middle of the room against the wall. My TV placed on my cherry wood chest at the foot of my bed against the wall. Boxes still stored up in a corner for me to go through. On my right, my mirror placed over my 6 drawer chest and on my left my window with no curtains up yet and my stereo placed right beside over another dresser. The bookcase beside my mirror looked so bare but I couldn't wait to unpack and fill my books up there. I got out of bed and turned my stereo on letting the oldies of Sam Cooke and Anita Baker start my day for me. My phone vibrated again and I rushed to grab it so quickly that I hit my knee on my cherry wood bed post. The pain didn't bother me that much, though it did sting a bit. I grabbed the phone and opened it to read the text message from Brandon. "What you up to?" he asked. I blushed thinking that at 10 in the morning he was over at his house thinking about me.

I texted back "thinking of you" knowing that would put a smile on his face when someone knocked at my door.

"Come in" I said, placing the phone on the bed.

"Hi" my brother Jeryn said coming into my room, "Mom has breakfast started" he pointed out looking at me.

"Ok. Thanks for putting some of my stuff up. You guys did a great job" I complimented Jeryn.

"Yea. You're welcome. Jamarion is still asleep, probably tired from yesterday" Jeryn said walking over to my window. "Mom is taking me to a gym to take swimming lessons you wanna come?" Jerry asked looking back at me.

"Um...I would Jerry but me, Max and some guys were gonna hang out today" I said looking at him from my bed and then my phone started vibrating again.

"But you guys just hung out yesterday" Jerry whined turning around to look back outside.

"I know, tomorrow I promise just me and you" I said getting up and rubbing his back, "ok?"

"Ok" Jerry said walking out my room with his bottom lip dragging the floor. After he closed my door I ran to my phone again and opened it to read the message from Brandon. "Wurd, I wuz doin da same thing" he text read. I blushed again and held my phone in my hand as I went to my closet to grab a face cloth to wash my face. As I was walking out my room, I walked into my brother Jamarion who was wearing his pajama pants and no underwear. Practically everything was showing. He had his du-rag tied around his head and his pecs and 6 pack were out for the world to see.

"Sorry" I said stepping back.

"My bad" he said wiping his face, "you about to go in there?" he asked pointing at the bathroom.

"Yea unless you were...I"ll just use the other one down the hall" I said about to walk away.

"No that's ok I'll go" he said walking away and pulling his pants up everytime he walked. His butt showed everytime he walked which was a view wasted on me because I never thought of him like that. I went into the bathroom and prepared for the day.

After I got out I went into my room and got dressed in a fitted T-shirt with some boot-cut jeans, my favorite jeans to wear. I loved how they hugged in the right places and were loose and some of the other places. I walked down the hall and down the stairs towards the dining room where my mom and dad were already sitting.

"Morning" I announced entering the room.

"Morning baby. Had fun last night?" my mom asked getting up to fix me a plate.

"It's ok ma. I got it" I said patting her elbows as I walked by her to the kitchen.

"You got in a little late last night Jayse!" my dad yelled from the dining room, "forgot about curfew?" I paused in my step forgetting all about dealing with my dad's wrath.

"No dad, I'm sorry" I yelled from the kitchen as Jamarion came down in shorts and a t-shirt. I was waiting for him to laugh or pick on me but he just grabbed a glass of orange juice, a plate and waited for me to get done.

"Just don't make it happen again son. I know we just got here but remember..." he started preaching. I started drowning him out and finished fixing my plate.

I walked back into the dining room and my dad got up telling us that he, my mom and Jeryn were going to the dealership in town to trade in our SUV to get two vehicles for both of them, drop off my brother, and then my dad was going to work to check on some things. My mom added that she wanted to check on her boutique as well sounding like they were gonna be gone all day. That means everyone had plans but Jamarion. I would invite him but I doubt that he would want to be around a lot of gay boys. My parents and Jeryn left leaving me and Jamarion alone and to take care of the dishes. Though we were a little above middle class and could afford a lot my parents still believed in chores and I knew that by moving into the south, they would still keep up with the tradition.

Me and Jamarion sat at the table eating with me on one end and him on the other. I didn't want to get in another argument but I did want to know what he had planned today. I didn't want him to be stuck home all alone.

"You got any plans today" I asked my voice trembling and my hands shaking so bad that my eggs fell off my fork.

"I was gonna walk down to the park that we saw coming up here and shoot some hoops and then maybe go down to the gym and box some. You doing anything?" Jamarion asked. While he was talking he sounded so low but it's the first time we talked casually in months.

"I was gonna hang out with Max" I stated pouring more syrup over my pancakes.

"That's cool" he said continuing eating. I looked up at him while he was looking down at his plate and wanted to ask something else but didn't know what to say. When I finished eating I got up and went in the kitchen to get started on the dishes. Suprisingly after a few minutes he came and jumped right in with the rinsing. We still didn't say anything just washed the dishes in quiet.

The doorbell rang and I stopped to get it but he told me that he had it and walked to the front door. Probably wanting to leave from the awkward situation as well. I can't blame him.

I heard Max's voice saying, "What's up cuz" and finished rinsing the last dish as I walked out to meet everyone. I didn't expect Tony and Eric to come too but was surprised when they did.

"Hey guys" I yelled waving excited to see my new friends. I introduced Jamarion to Tony and Eric and they way they were staring at him, you would think that he was the last guy on Earth. He just smiled and played cool like he always did but I knew he was nervous. While him and Max were still getting caught up I went upstairs to grab my phone and my keys and when I came back they were still talking and laughing. Tony and Eric were still ogling him. I just smiled and met back up with them.

"You finished in the kitchen" Jamarion asked me, probably trying to find a way to escape.

"Yea everything is in the dishwasher" I stated.

"Ok, well see you guys later" Jamarion said and walked upstairs. Tony whispered something to Eric and they both laughed as they kept staring at my brother and licking their lips.

"Why ya'll checkin' my cousin out like that? He ain't gay" Max stated.

"All the better. Those are the best ones." Tony said laughing.

"Those are the best ones" Eric said walking trying to the stairs to get a better view.

"I hope he didn't hear ya'll" I said smiling.

"Wow!" Tony said, "You said you had another older straight brother right? Ya'll daddy must have the magic stick"

We all gasped at Tony's statement but I laughed afterwards from hearing this plenty of times.

"Yea where is your daddy?" Eric asked looking around seductively.

"Will you two horny kids stop" Max said opening the front door and walking out.

"Why, Jayse is used to us now" Tony said walking out behind Max.

"Yea he ain't goin' nowhere. We're too much fun to have around" Eric said grabbing my hand and walking behind Tony.

"I have to admit that I really do like your house" Tony said.

"Yea I'll have to take you guys on a tour when everything is done" I said.

"As long as we get to see your brothers room I'm game" Tony said out loud.

"Oh Lord" Max said placing his arm around me, "I hate I even introduced you to these vultures."

"Be quiet and get in" Tony said from the driver's side of the car. We got in his green tinted window 2006 Ford Explorer. If all of them had cars I needed to hurry and get my own. I forgot you have to have a license to get a car and I only have a permit.

"Nice truck Tony" I said from the back seat, closing my door and strapping my seat belt.

"Thanks I just got it last week when I got my license" Tony said fixing his rear view mirrors.

"Looks like just me and you are without rides" Eric said beside me fixing his seat belt.

"How old are you Jayse?" Tony asked from the front.

"16. I turn 17 in September" I stated.

"Aww you're so young" Eric said sadly, "Max I thought you said he was going to be with us."

"What do you mean with ya'll" I asked worried.

"We're all seniors. We graduate next year" Eric said.

"Really?" I asked sounding disappointed.

"I thought you were a senior?" Max asked turning around to me from the back seat.

"No" I responded sadly.

"It's ok, we'll still take care of you from the stands" Tony said driving.

"Yea you'll be fine" Eric said rubbing my shoulders.

"I guess, so where are we going?"

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 4

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