Hes Mine


Published on Mar 13, 2011


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 24 This is Your Final Warning

"I think you're over exaggerating" I said walking to the other side of the living room.

"Why would I over exaggerate about something like this?" Q asked.

"Because you're trying to take him away from Brandon" Terrance said.

"Like you don't want to do the same thing?" Q asked as I looked over at Terrance and he looked at me, "exactly"

"Jayse has made his choice" Terrance said while his voice broke, "the only thing I can do is accept it"

"Terrance if you would have just told me" I pleaded.

"I know Jayse but you're delicate, like a flower, you deserve to be treasured. I just wanted to start off as friends and see where that could lead" Terrance said looking at me as I blushed.

"But I'm the one playing with your feelings" Q said as I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you here Q?" I asked.

"I already told you" Q said frustrated.

"You really want to give your heart to that?" Terrance asked.

"All right fuck this" Q said walking over to punch Terrance. Eric and I tried pulling them off of each other but being that we were weak ourselves it was kind of hard.

"Look just stop this!" I screamed holding onto Terrance.

"This has got to stop! Q I think you should leave" Eric said.

"I'm not going anywhere Eric!" Q screamed.

"Jayse doesn't want you here" Terrance screamed as I held onto him.

"Terrance stop please" I said softly.

"If you ignore everything I tell you Jayse, you're going to be in a world of trouble" Q stated.

"Let him worry about that, it's not your place Q" Eric stated.

"Somebody has to protect him Eric, everyone else is doing a shitty job" Q said looking over at Eric.

"Was that directed to me?" Eric asked.

"Look I'm not here to start nothing all right, we have to protect Jayse" Q said.

"Don't you think I should be the judge of-if I need protecting or not" I said.

"I tried Jayse, but you have no idea what you're getting yourself into" Q said.

"Q just leave please" I said.

"Jayse you never answered me, do you have feelings for me or not?" Q asked.

"Q I told you, I'm with Brandon now" I said.

"That doesn't answer my question" Q said.

"No Q! I don't!" I said looking into his eyes. Q looked heartbroken but I could tell that he still didn't register it into his brain. Just then the doorbell rang.

"I really can't take any more visitors right now" I said walking over to the couch exhausted.

"It may be Max" Eric said.

"I don't care anymore. Answer if you want to but I'm done" I said tired.

I heard Max and Eric talking as they made their way to the living room. Terrance and Q were still standing on opposite sides of the room while I sat down exhausted on the couch.

"I can see already that I missed all the action" Max said out loud.

"If that's what you want to call it" Eric said walking behind Max.

"Cuz, I'm sorry it was Rich and I's anniversary and..." Max said.

"I know, I'm sorry for being inconsiderate" I said not in the mood to argue.

"No I should have dropped everything instead of sending Eric over" Max said.

"It's ok" I said not in the mood for more arguing.

"Well it looks like you need to be alone, guys I'm sorry but it's time to go" Max said.

"Max look, like I told Eric, I can't leave" Q said.

"And why is that?" Max asked getting up to take off his coat and throw it on the back of the couch.

"Because, Jayse's dad told me to stay here and make sure no one bothers Jayse" Q said walking over to face me.

"First of all, I'm family all right, so all that talk about any one being over here does not pertain to me" Max said sitting down beside me as Eric sat beside him.

"But Max I was told..." Q said.

"Q, I'm family, all right. Now look you've done your job, now let family come in" Max said as Q shook his head no, "look hand me my phone please out my coat pocket"

I watched as Eric handed Max his phone and he talked with my parents. The whole time I watched Q squirm and Terrance stood patiently in the corner.

I glanced over at him a couple of times and we made eye contact a few times but I didn't feel like smiling or anything. I just looked down to the ground ready for this fiasco to be over with.

"Well good news, my uncle is happy that you handled things but I'm here now so, bye" Max said getting up.

"Max, look I just want to talk to Jayse" Q said. Max looked back at me as I gave him a look like I wanted to be left alone.

"You said what you had to say Q, it's time for you to go now" Max said grabbing Q and pushing him towards the door.

"Look Max don't do this" Q begged trying hard to stay.

"Do what?" Max asked confused stopping to hear what Q had to say.

"Stop me for telling Jayse what I have to tell him" Q said.

"You already said all that you needed to" Eric said as I shook my head with disappointment at Q.

"C'mon I'm not done" Q said as Max pushed him towards the door.

"Stop Q, look, just let Jayse rest, he doesn't feel like talking" Max stated.

"What about Terrance, you just going to let him stay?" Q asked looking back at Terrance as we all did the same. He looked so cute and nervous but glanced over at me with pleading eyes. I sighed and looked down towards the ground again as Max continued to push Q out the door.

"No he's going too but one at a time, now go ahead" Max said.

"Ok let me just tell Jayse bye first" Q begged in front of the door. Max looked over at me as I sighed and shook my head ok.

"You got 5 minutes" Max said letting go of Q's shirt collar, "ok Terrance, sorry but you have to go."

"All right, but can I say something first?" Terrance asked as Max rolled his eyes walking over to get him, "Jayse no matter what happens I'll always be here for you. I enjoy our friendship and, and, I really don't want that to change for nothing"

I smiled as Terrance smiled back and went walking towards the front door. I watched as he walked slowly looking disappointed but at the same time accepting the fate that he could never have me. At that moment I wondered what life could have been like if we were together? Max came back around and gave Q a look like hurry up.

"Can I have a moment alone with Jayse, please" Q begged looking at Eric and Max as they looked at each other offended. Max sighed and grabbed Eric's hand and walked into the kitchen. Quentin waited until they were in the kitchen and walked over in front of me as I sighed and sat up in my seat, ready for more arguing.

"Look I know I've been a jackass all day but you just don't know how much I care for you" Quentin said.

"Q" I said, "I really..."

"Let me finish please" Q said sitting down in front of me on the coffee table, "I know I go about it the wrong way, I mean especially today but when you care for someone, you fight with everything you got and that's why I'm telling you Jayse I'm not going to give up on you."

I twiddled my thumbs afraid to look him in the eye because who knows what could happen with soft words and eye contact. I can't believe that I fell for this guy, don't get me wrong he's still gorgeous but it's so disappointing with the way he has changed these last couple of months.

"I know that you and Brandon are together, but I can't stand by and let him hurt you, so whatever it takes no matter how long it takes, I'm going to be waiting for you" Q said.

As I started to open my mouth Q threw up his hand and finished talking, "These past couple of months have been the best that anyone could ask for but I just wish I had more time with you. Believe it or not, I feel that we still have unfinished business together. There is so much that we haven't done yet and seen together. You never gave me a chance and that's what hurts so much right now. It almost feels like you played with my heart but I know that Brandon is the cause for you running away from me, from real love, something you will never experience with Brandon. Sorry, sorry, sorry I shouldn't have said that but honestly Jayse, I never cared for someone like you before and...I, I just wish I had more time with you that's all" Q said as I stared at my hands nervously.

"Q...I agree" I said clearing my throat, "that it has been a good couple of months but what's done is done. I'm with Brandon now, nothing is going to change that, and if you cared about me like you say you do, you would respect that" I said as Q looked down disappointed.

"You honestly think that he's capable of love?" Q asked looking up at my face as I rolled my eyes, "I mean I'm sorry Jayse, I'm just having a hard time understanding, what does Brandon have that I don't?"

"Q...look, I really don't feel like talking anymore" I said lying back on the couch, "I'm exhausted and I just want this day to be over."

"In other words you just want me gone...out of your house and your life?" Q asked staring at me for an answer.

"I didn't say that" I said frustrated placing my hands on my forehead.

"You didn't have to, I can see it on your face" Q said as I forced myself to not make eye contact with him.

"Q, why are you making this so difficult?" I screamed.

"Jayse, I'm not making things difficult" Q said reaching for my hand as I pulled it away.

"Yes you are" I said cutting him off.

"No I'm not Jayse, I'm just trying to wrap my head around, why Brandon?" Q said laughing, "I mean the guy doesn't have anything going for him."

"Q..." I said low.

"He sells drugs..." Q said still talking while I was talking.

"It's more than that" I said defending Brandon but Q still wasn't listening.

"His family is crazy" Q said still rambling.

"Q that's enough" I said getting louder.

"Plus he's in jail right now!" Q said talking over me.

"Shut up!" I screamed.

"Quentin!" Max screamed running from the kitchen as Eric followed behind him.

"Jayse I'm sorry" Q said as I started crying. He reached for my hand again as I pulled back even further afraid of his touch.

"Jayse you have to hear the truth, Brandon is not right for you" Q said as I shook my head no and started crying more.

"Quentin stop it" Eric said running over to us as Max consoled me.

"He has to hear the truth, I love you Jayse, I cannot stand by and let you get hurt. Brandon is a bastard, and you need a real man, you need me!" Q said as I had enough and got up to slap him hard on the face. Q's face jerked hard to the right as Max and Eric looked over at us shocked that I would do that.

"Get the hell out of my house!" I said forcefully standing over him. Q got up and was still rubbing his right cheek from the stinging pain as he tried once again to touch me and apologize. I had enough of him and walked towards the stairs.

I ran to my room while Q tried running after me, screaming my name, but Max and Eric grabbed him and shoved him out the door.

I placed my head in my pillow crying my eyes out afraid that if my parents went through with this charge, Brandon would be sent to prison. A part of me thought they wouldn't go through with it but lately they have been surprising me. Who knows the lengths they would go through to so call "protect me?"

"Jayse..." Max said knocking on my door walking in my room.

"Guys just go away please, I wanna be alone right now" I said into my pillow hoping they could hear me.

"Jayse come on, don't cry" Max said walking over to my bed and caressing my shoulders.

"Jayse it's going to be ok" Eric said closing the door and walking over to console me as well.

"No it's not!" I screamed in my pillow still crying.

"Jayse everything is going to be fine" Max said.

"How do you know?" I asked looking up at Max from my pillow.

"Because you and Brandon are meant to be with each other" Max said still rubbing my shoulders.

"I agree" Eric chimed in on the other side of the bed.

"But what about everything that Q said?" I asked getting up and sitting up against my headboard.

"Are you really going to believe everything that that fool just said?" Eric asked sitting beside me on the bed.

"No" I said softly clutching my pillow, "it's just that now that I've made up my mind on which guy I want to be with, everyone is trying to stop it."

"Just like I told you Jayse" Max said sitting on the other side of me, "now is the time when you have to start fighting."

"I've never fought before" I said calmly.

"Well it's time that you start learning" Max said as I smiled softly.

"I just love Brandon so much!" I said placing my face in my pillow as Eric and Max sighed, "I mean I never fell for someone like this before."

"Well cuz that's why you need to start fighting" Max said, "don't let anyone take away what you have and what you want to see grow."

"How can they take away something that's never had a chance to become anything?" I asked sighing heavily as I placed my head on my headboard while Max and Eric looked at each other.

"Jayse let's go out for a while" Max stated as I shook my head no.

"I don't feel like going anywhere" I said sulking.

"I think some fresh air would do you some good, I mean you have been inside this place all day" Eric stated.

"Thanks guys but I just want to stay here" I said clutching my pillow missing Brandon.

"Well Jayse you can't sit in here worrying about Brandon" Eric said.

"I'm not" I lied as I looked over at Eric and then at Max. They both looked at me as if they knew I was lying.

"Am I that obvious?" I asked staring down into my pillow.

"Jayse you were born transparent" Max said as I rolled my eyes and smiled. I slid down to the foot of my bed to get off and walked over to my desk grabbing a picture of Brandon.

"You know he gave this to me a while back after we first started talking" I said stroking the picture.

"Really?" Eric asked surprised bringing his knees to his chest, "I didn't know that."

"Yea" I said pacing around in my room still staring at Brandon's picture, "we exchanged pictures and this is the only one I have of him."

"I wanna see" Max said reaching for the picture as I handed it to him. It was a picture of Brandon sitting on a park bench looking away from the camera with his arms stretched out and his head turned to the right. The sun casted a shade over half of his body and being that it was high noon, his eyes were squinting like he was mad, but it made him look cute. I took it on my phone and downloaded it to my computer and it was my screensaver at first but then we broke up so I took it down. I'm glad I printed a copy to keep because this picture was so beautiful to me.

"Aww he looks cute" Eric said looking at the picture along with Max as I blushed.

"I know right?" I said sitting back on the bed.

"Jayse come on, let's at least just go to the park or something" Max said handing me the picture back as I shook my head no, "I just don't want you in this house thinking."

"I don't feel like going anywhere" I said getting up and placing Brandon's picture back in my desk drawer.

"Well let's play a game or something?" Eric asked until his phone went off, "sorry guys I have to take this."

"Cuz I'm not liking this at all" Max said as Eric walked out the room, closing my door behind him.

"What Eric answering his phone?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"You know what I mean, don't play cute" Max said as I walked past him to the other side of the room.

"What am I supposed to do Max?" I yelled, "go out and have fun while Brandon is locked up in a jail cell?"

"Jayse Brandon is fine, besides he's at a detention center, they are just keeping him over the weekend" Max stated.

"Yea until he faces a judge on Monday, if my parents continue with this charge. I mean I did research last night Max, he could face 10 years or more" I said as my voice trembled.

"That's if you were harmed" Max informed me, "You're still alive Jayse!"

"But my dad already knows about what Brandon selling drugs, what if he goes to the cops about this, that's two charges and Brandon is already 18" I rambled as I got up and started pacing.

"Jayse calm down, I'm telling you, everything is going to work out fine" Max said walking over to me and grabbing my shoulders. Eric walked in the room after finishing his call as I walked away from Max towards a nearby wall.

"You guys have no idea what these past couple of days have been like. I just want to see him, I don't know if I can wait until Monday. My heart aches for him" I said staring out my window.

"Well what if there was a way to see him" Eric said as I turned around and looked at him.

"What?" Max and I asked in unison.

"I said maybe there was a way to see Brandon" Eric said looking at me, "Mario's uncle works for the detention center maybe he can pull some strings or something."

I looked over at Eric as he looked over at Max, then they both looked at me waiting for an answer.

"Guys are you serious?" I asked smiling as they smiled back.

"If it's what you want to do Jayse" Max stated standing up from my bed.

"Oh my gosh, ok, I have to get ready, I have to find something to wear..." I said pacing around in my room frantic.

"First of all, you need to see if Mario's uncle will actually do it" Max said as Eric dialed Mario's number.

"What if Brandon doesn't want to speak with me?" I asked looking over at Max.

"Jayse come on, you know better than that" Max said walking over to my closet and helping me find something.

"But this could be it! He may not want to speak with me anymore! He's facing jail time!" I screamed.

"Jayse it's going to be ok" Max said turning around to face me as I tried to calm down.

"All right Mario said he'll be over here in 20 minutes" Eric said getting off his cell phone.

"All right come on, let's find you something nice to wear" Max said rummaging through my closet as I sat down on my bed.

My heart was beating so fast that I felt it poking my rib cage. I got so nervous all of the sudden that I didn't know what to do.

As Max and Eric found something for me and I got dressed, I thought about what it would be like to see Brandon again. I remember the look on his face as he was taken away from me and as I cried my eyes out from all the pain I felt. What would the scene play be this time?

"Ok that's Mario, you ready?" Eric asked walking over to me from the window after he peeked outside from the horn of Mario's car.

"I don't know..." I said nervously.

"Jayse!" Eric and Max both said together annoyed.

"I'm just nervous now" I said checking myself in the mirror, "I don't know how he's going to react."

"He's going to be happy to see you Jayse, now come one" Max said grabbing my hand.

We ran down the stairs toward the front door, as Mario sat in his car waiting patiently.

"Hi baby" Eric said getting in the passenger side of the car.

"Wassup sexy" Mario said as they reached in for a kiss. I must admit I miss feeling Brandon's lips against mine, "'sup guys."

"Hi Mario" Max and I said together.

"You guys ready?" Mario asked starting the ignition.

"Um...we have to pick up Tony from his parents' restaurant" Eric said to Mario.

"Eric, we don't have time for all of that. My uncle said normally you have to make an appointment and visiting hours will be over soon" Mario stated.

"Well it's on the way there" Eric said as Mario sighed.

"You ready Jayse?" Mario asked, staring at me from his rear view mirror.

I sighed heavy as Max looked at me and Eric turned around to do the same thing. I nodded my head to Mario as he backed out the driveway. Here goes nothing!

We drove by Quentin's house and I couldn't even bring myself to look over there. I shook my head from disappointment at the way Q was acting and waited patiently until I could face my baby again.

"What took you guys so long?" Tony asked getting in and sitting in the middle between Max and I.

"Just get in, we have to hurry and get to the jail house" Max said pushing Tony over and sitting down.

"Sorry!" Tony said offended.

"You ok?" Tony asked me as we continued our drive through town.

"So so" I said still nervous.

"You are going to be ok, trust me, things are gonna be all right" Tony said as I smiled.

"I sure hope so" I said looking out the window. Everyone

Everyone was silent the entire time, probably because they were more afraid than me. None of us had ever been to a jail house before. I must admit, I admired each one of them for taking the risk of doing this. If my dad finds out, all Hell will freeze over! My heart started racing as we pulled into the driveway towards the building.

It looked medium-sized but it was gated and the security guard almost didn't let us in. Luckily Mario's uncle was still pulling strings. I just hope he wouldn't lose his job over this. 5 teenage boys visiting a jail house on the weekend looked pretty odd and unusual.

We got out of the car and walked towards the main entrance where we had to check in and sign our names. Everything was documented and I almost wanted to end everything right there, but a part of me just had to see Brandon's face.

"Wassup Unc" Mario said walking over to a tall man that looked identical to Mario.

"I'm good nephew, hey Eric" Mario's uncle said as Eric waved. He acknowledged us as well as we waited nervously until he told us what to do next.

"Unc, this is Jayse" Mario said grabbing my hand and pulling me over as I stumbled in fear.

"Nice to meet you" the man said reaching out to shake my hand. I shook his hand but I know that he could tell I was nervous because he told me that we had to make it quick and to relax.

"Sorry guys, field trip stops here" Mario's uncle said to the gang.

"Are you going to be ok?" Max asked walking behind me as I turned around to face him.

"Yea, I'm fine" I said still shaking.

"Are you sure Jayse? Maybe you don't need to be exposed to all of this" Tony said looking around cautiously.

"It's ok guys, I'm fine" I said smiling nervously at their sympathetic faces. In all actuality I was petrified. I've never been to a jail house before, not even for a field trip, this was all new territory to me.

"Jayse if you want to go back we can, it's up to you" Mario said.

"No, thanks Mario, for doing all of this" I said as he smiled. Eric walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek.

"All right youngster, there's no turning back after this" Mario's uncle said to me as I turned around to face him. I looked at the tall metal door as it sealed the fate of my boyfriend. I nodded my head as Mario's uncle turned around and grabbed his keys unlocking the door.

I walked behind him as he closed the door and I looked back at the gang as they stared at me with pleading eyes. I smiled nervously and turned back around walking slowly behind Mario's uncle as he unlocked another door.

The hallway was so dark and cold. It smelled horrible and all I could do was pray to God that I don't see anything too terrifying. We finally walked through the holding area and as I walked past some of the men they just stared at me.

Some of them looked so vicious and evil while some looked like they were suffering tremendously. We walked past some old guys, some young guys but all different races. The cells were so small and some had two men inside while others just had one. There was one large cell in the middle, which held about 10-15 guys.

Some of them were cursing and saying things to me as I trembled but Mario's uncle tapped the bars on the cell telling them to stand back and be quiet. I walked behind him in the middle of the hallway afraid that someone would stretch their arms out and grab me.

I looked around to see if I saw Brandon but no one was in there that resembled him. We passed by so many cells that I thought we were going into another part of the building soon. We turned down about three different hallways until I couldn't hear any of the guys no more. It was quiet and a few guys were in there but they all were in separate cells.

I saw Mario's uncle stop and point to an empty cell and I knew that the time had come. I smiled nervously and walked over cautiously towards the cell, looking inside to see if I saw anyone and there he was: lying down on a cot, on his back, in his tank top and jeans staring at a picture of me.

I inched even more towards the cell and placed my hands on the bars as I called Brandon's name softly.

He jumped up so fast and looked around in the room until he saw my face. He jumped from the cot and ran towards me as our hands touched and I felt his cold damp hands.

We both stared into each other's eyes and for the first time I saw Brandon cry. I had no choice but to cry as well because I felt the pain through his hands. The loneliness, the suffering, the feeling of betrayal and hurt were all in his hands. I caressed them as he did the same to mine and he tried to climb through the bars to touch me even more.

I crept up more to the jail cell as he did the same and stuck my lips between two bars. He knew what I was trying to do and reached in for a kiss as well. I missed him so much and even though it was only a day and a half, I felt his hurt, from the way he kissed.

We kissed as best as we could as his tears fell onto my cheeks and I let them soak into my skin. I hated the way he was suffering and I knew that he was scared but it was nothing that I could do.

At some point Mario's uncle left but I don't remember. After we finished kissing, we pressed our foreheads to each other and breathed heavily because we never longed for each other's touch so much, ever since we started talking.

I waited until he caught his breath as he sniffed hard trying not to cry anymore. I managed to break a hand free from his embrace, and wiped his tears as he broke away from me and wiped his eyes with his shirt.

"You probably think I'm a big baby now, huh" Brandon said clearing his throat.

"Of course not" I said wiping my eyes with my hands, "why would I?"

"Because your man is up in here being a punk" Brandon said sniffing his nose.

"Brandon just because you cried doesn't mean that you're a punk" I said as he smiled. I almost melted just from that sight alone. Who cares where we were, the fact of the matter was, my baby smiled at me and he was ok.

Brandon walked over to me and continued to caress my hands. He picked up my left hand and kissed it as I blushed.

"You miss me?" Brandon asked placing his hand under my chin, tilting my head up to face him.

"Did you really just ask that question?" I asked as he laughed.

"I'm serious" Brandon said sincerely.

"Well I'm serious too" I said smiling.

"Even in jail, you can be stiff" Brandon said as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not being stiff" I defended myself as Brandon rolled his eyes.

"Aight, forgive me then for assumin'" Brandon said caressing my hands even harder.

"You shouldn't have come here boo" Brandon said, "I don't want you to see me like this, not even in a place like this"

"Brandon I don't care about all of that" I said facing him, "I just had to see you."

"You're so cold!" I said worried feeling his hands.

"This place is not exactly built for my comfort Jayse" Brandon said as I remembered where we were.

"I know but this is all just so stupid. I'm surprised you're not upset with me" I said looking up into his eyes.

"Why would I be?" Brandon asked as I reached up and pulled some fuzz from his hair.

"Because all of this happened because of me" I said.

"Jayse stop doing that!" Brandon said staring into my eyes, "this is not your fault and I'm not upset with you."

"But you are upset with my parents?" I asked as Brandon looked away from me. I sighed out of frustration, knowing exactly what he was thinking.

"I'm not upset wit yo parents! They're just trying to protect you" Brandon said facing me again.

"But I don't need their protecting since I have you. They don't see you the way that I do" I said pressing my nose against his, "I love you Brandon."

"I love you too baby, but you have to face the truth" Brandon said, "if this thing goes to court I may be sent away..."

"Don't say that!" I said turning my head away from him upset.

"Jayse..." Brandon said as I shook my head no.

"No Brandon!" I said clutching his hands tighter.

"Baby listen to me, your parents love you...and I... I understand what they are trying to do" Brandon said.

"Even it means breaking us up!" I said upset.

"That's not what I mean and you know that" Brandon said.

"You would rather them stop us from being together just to make them happy!" I screamed, "what about me, what about us Brandon!"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, baby calm down, all right, I'm not going anywhere" Brandon said.

"But you just said to face the truth" I said sniffing my nose as my eyes started watering.

"Yea, but...I don't know Jayse" Brandon said letting go of my hands and walking away, "I want to be with you but if the judge rules in the favor of your parents then..."

"Don't you have a lawyer or something?" I asked.

"Yea I do" Brandon sighed turning around to face me.

"And what did he say?" I asked.

"He asked me if it was true" Brandon answered pacing around in his cell, "and I told him, I did not kidnap you."

"Exactly" I said placing my hands on the bars of the cell.

"But he did ask me if I took you without your parents' permission" Brandon stated.

"So what does that have to do with anything?" I asked confused.

"Jayse in the eyes of the law, you're a minor" Brandon stated walking over to me.

"And? I know that" I stated.

"So that means that they have the right over your life right now. You're not old enough to make your own decisions" Brandon said as I walked away upset.

"I am so sick and tired of everyone telling me what to do!" I yelled.

"Jayse" Brandon called out to me.

"Everyone does not know what's best for me!" I said still yelling.

"Jayse get over here" Brandon called out to me.

"No" I said folding my arms crying.

"Quit being stiff and get yo ass over here" Brandon yelled at me as I looked at him, "now!"

I walked over to him slowly as Mario's uncle walked in to make sure everything was all right.

"You guys ok?" he asked.

"Yes sir" Brandon answered grabbing my hands.

"Son are you ok?" Mario's uncle asked me as I nodded my head yes. I had my back turned to him as he looked around and then back at me and Brandon.

"You guys have to hurry up, all right, the night guards will be in soon" he said walking away.

"What in the hell is the matter with you yelling like that?" Brandon asked me upset once Mario's uncle walked away.

"I'm just tired..." I said as Brandon cut me off.

"Yea I know tired of people saying what's best for you, but you're in a jail house Jayse!" Brandon said staring at me upset, "now is not the time for your little spoiled fits."

I started to respond to his comment about my "spoiled fits" but I could see that he was pretty pissed off at what I just did.

"I'm sorry" I said softly as Brandon stared into my eyes and sighed.

"Me too, I'm sorry I yelled at you" Brandon said, "Jayse we have to stick together on this, aight?"

"Ok" I replied.

"I mean it, you have to listen to me and stop getting so defensive every time I say somethin'" Brandon pleaded.

"Ok I'm sorry" I apologized as he grabbed both of my hands and kissed them.

"This isn't easy for me neither" Brandon said as I looked up at him.

"Of course it's not" I said, "you're locked up for something stupid!"

"I know baby but right now I need you to be strong fo' both of us" Brandon said.

"Brandon..." I said choking up on my own words.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, stop that, don't cry right now" Brandon said lifting up my chin to see my face.

"It's just so hard knowing that you're in here because of..." I said about to cry.

"I know Jayse but we'll find a way" Brandon said.

"How!" I asked angry.

"I don't know boo, but you have to be strong fo' me" Brandon pleaded.

"What if I asked Jamie or Giannis to help you?" I asked.

"It's nothing they can do" Brandon said giving up.

"No, that's it! I'll ask them to defend you, baby it has to work!" I said getting excited.

"Jayse it doesn't matter who defends me, you're parents have to drop this suit or else" Brandon said and I knew what he was referring too. If the judge found out that Brandon sold drugs too, my future with him would be kissed goodbye. Brandon rubbed my hands against his as I looked at them together, mixed: his hands and mine.

"Well what are we going to do?" I asked.

"We wait boo, wait and hope!" Brandon said reaching down to kiss me. Just then Mario's uncle came and I knew what came for.

"It's time to go" Mario's uncle said as Brandon and I gripped each other's hands harder.

"You gonna be all right?" Brandon asked me.

"Don't worry about me" I said, "I'm more worried about you."

"I'll be all right" Brandon said as I searched his face. I could tell he was trying to be strong for me but I just was terrified for him. I gave him one last kiss and he whispered in my ear as Mario's uncle told us once more that we had to go.

We broke our embrace and I walked behind Mario's uncle as Brandon called my name. I turned around to face him as he mouthed of softly "I love you." I said "I love you" back and continued following Mario's uncle but still glancing back at Brandon.

The look on his face screamed fear as he watched me walk away. Once we turned down the hall, I tried my best to hold my tears and be strong for once.

"I'm sorry" Mario's uncle said to me as I looked up at him and smiled softly. I knew why he said it and it felt good to know that someone who didn't know anything about the situation, still felt the pain Brandon and I were going through.

I walked out to meet the gang as they waited for me. Once they saw me walk out they all ran over to me.

"Are you ok?" Max asked.

"How did it go?" Tony asked.

"Is Brandon all right?" Eric asked.

"Guys, it's ok, let's just go" I said as we walked out of the building. We walked to Mario's car and I looked back at the building wondering what Brandon was thinking or doing right now.

We drove back to my place and though I kept telling everyone that I would be ok, they insisted that they stay with me for a little while. Turning into my lane, my heart dropped as I saw both my parents' cars in the driveway.

"Oh God, I'm not in the mood for this" I said getting out of Mario's car.

"It got dark so quickly" Eric stated getting out as well.

"You want us to come inside with you?" Tony asked getting out behind me.

"Guys no offense but it's family stuff right now, I'll call you" Max said as Tony and Eric hugged us good bye and I waved at Mario as he drove off as well.

"Max it's ok, I'm fine" I said.

"I know but at least let me there for you" Max said as we walked to the front door.

"Well it's you funeral" I said opening the door and walking inside.

"Jayse...Max" Jamie said running over to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey Jamie" I said as hugging Jamie as Justus came from around the corner to give me a hug as well.

"When did you guys get in?" I asked not surprised that they were there.

"Well the minute we heard, we caught a flight out here" Justus stated as I rolled my eyes at knowing who paid for them to get here so quick.

"It's good to see you guys" I said smiling.

"Good to see you too little bro" Justus said.

"Where's Giannis?" I asked.

"Oh he couldn't make it, but he says hi" Jamie said.

"Cool" I said looking around to make sure mom and dad weren't around.

"So what's up?" Justus asked as we walked into the living room.

"Nothing much, you know, just kid stuff: school, work, you know" I said avoiding what Justus really meant.

"No Jayse, you know what I mean what's really going on?" Justus asked as my mom came in from the kitchen.

"Dinner is almost done guys...Jayse, honey your father and I were trying to reach you all day" my mom said walking over to give me a hug.

"I know" I said upset.

"Well didn't you want to know why?" my mom asked hugging me and then Max.

"No not really" I said as Max slapped me on my thigh.

"Jayse!" Jamie said.

"Jayse don't talk to mom like that" Justus said.

"It's fine" my mom said hurt sitting down.

"Your brother has been acting out a lot lately" my dad said walking down the stairs. I rolled my eyes knowing the drama had just begun.

"I'm not acting out, I'm hurt" I said correcting him.

"Hurt because of what?" Jamie asked.

"Hurt because your mother and I are trying to do what's best for him" my dad said calmly walking over and sitting next to my mom on the loveseat.

"Best for me? What you guys are doing is hardly best for me" I said upset.

"Jayson!" my mom screamed.

"Jayse since when have you started talking to mom and dad like this" Justus asked looking over at me as he and Jamie sat on the opposite couch.

"Since..." I started out as my dad talked over me.

"Since he started dating a thug" my dad said as I glared down at the ground. I wanted to look at him so bad but I was still afraid of him.

"Who?" Jamie asked.

"You know who" I said low.

"Who...Brandon?" Jamie asked as I looked down, "what about Quentin?"

"Q is a friend, or at least was" I said.

"You're still talking to that idiot, after I told you not too" Justus said.

"How are you going to tell me who to talk to" I said.

"Maxwell you may want to go home sweetie" my mother said getting up and walking Max to the door.

"I'll call you later Jayse" Max said leaving.

"Bye" I said disappointed, "first Brandon, now Max."

"You will not sit here and make a mockery of this family!" my dad yelled at me.

"I'm not making a mockery of this family" I defended.

"Yes you are!" My dad said cutting me off, "you are dating a criminal and you're going to end up dead somewhere because you think you're in love!"

"Jeffrey don't say that" my mom said.

"Somebody has to tell him the truth" my dad said, "your life is going to lead to heartache!" The whole time my dad was talking I was biting my bottom lip out of fear and to keep from crying.

"You don't know that!" I defended, "I love Brandon and he loves me."

"Do you hear yourself?" my dad asked, "you sound stupid! You cannot be in love with someone that sells drugs! He's harming himself and society! How can someone who doesn't give a damn about the danger a life can lead to as a result of drugs, possibly be in love with you!"

"Jeffrey, sweetie you made your point, don't be so hard on him" my mom said as I looked over at Justus and Jamie and saw them say nothing to defend me. Of course I wasn't surprised at the way my dad was talking to me. He was always strict with us, lovable one minute but strict nonetheless. He had no idea how much I cared for Brandon. I just wanted to cry but I refused to do it front of any of them.

"I am protecting you, I will protect this family, and I will not let an idiot like him come in and tear us apart!" my dad said still yelling at me.

"You don't know him!" I yelled with tears in my eyes finally looking at my dad.

"I do know him!" my dad said yelling back at him.

"No you don't!" I said, "you're only going by the surface but I know his heart."

"Jayse just listen to mom and dad, leave this guy alone" Justus said.

"Stop telling me what to do!" I screamed.

"Quit acting like a spoiled brat!" my dad yelled, "Jerry has more sense than you right now!"

"I'm sorry dad that I can't be your perfect son!" I said "but the boy I love is locked up for a crime that he didn't commit and I'm going to see to it that he gets free!"

"You're a kid! What can you do? I will do what the cops are too damn lazy and stupid to do!" my dad said, "I will make sure that the judge locks him up and throws away the key."

"Dad no!" I yelled, "you don't know what you're doing."

"You dare defy me in my home and talk to me like I'm your equal!" my dad said getting up and talking over me, "I am your father and you will respect me! You have forgotten that lately but it's time I taught you again! Monday morning the judge will see fit that this menace is locked away! End of conversation"

My dad was still talking over me as I was afraid to look up at him and everyone else sat in their seats not saying nothing neither. The phone rang and Justus got up to answer it as my mom went into the kitchen to check on the dinner.

I waited until my dad walked away from to get up and run to my room where I could cry and be alone in peace until I stopped midway at what Justus said.

"Mom, dad, a Lisa Wallace wants to talk to you guys, she says that she's Brandon's mom" Justus said as I looked over at my dad and he looked at me. We both gave each other this eerie eye contact as we wondered what was about to be said over the phone. Ultimately this conversation between Brandon's mom and my parents would change things, question is for good or bad?

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 29

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