Hes Mine


Published on Feb 28, 2011


The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 23 How You Gonna Act Like That

It should be no surprise that I was still in the dumps over what went down last night. School was a bummer and work didn't make the pain any better. I just sort of dragged the entire night not really caring what was going on. Everyone tried cheering me up, and I laughed of course but, it still hurt knowing that Brandon was locked up for stupid charges.

"Jayse I really can't stop saying how sorry I am to hear about what happened" Max said driving as we sat in his car on my way from work.

"Whatever, I don't feel like talking about it" I said laying back in my seat staring out the window.

"You want me to do anything?" Max asked sincerely.

"No" I said softly.

"Me and the guys are planning a sleep over on Saturday you want to come?" Max asked trying to make conversation but I just ignored him.

"You know Rich and I will be?" Max said looking over at me and seeing me sigh hard, "sorry, so how was work?"

"Ok" I said quickly.

"Anything good that has happened there?" Max asked looking over at me while driving.

"Kris came by along with Dantae" I said sighing.

"I said good Jayse, not bad" Max stated rolling his eyes at the mention of their names.

"Did anything happen?" Max asked nervously.

"Just the usual, Kris threatening me, Dantae giving me these weird looks, he actually told Carla that I was doing a good job as their waiter" I said.

"Really? Max asked surprised.

"Yea, I only went over there once to take their order, I had Yasmine handle the rest of the stuff" I stated.

"Wow" Max said still driving.

"I don't know, it's something about Dantae that gives me the creeps" I said shivering.

"You and everyone else" Max said shivering as well.

"I mean isn't it so ironic that even though Dantae and Brandon are cousins, they are so identical" I said.

"Yea it is very scary" Max said.

"And Kris, OMG, the guy comes in and flaunts Dantae around like he's the sexiest thing on the planet, the guy just works my nerves" I said.

"That's Kris for you, a hot mess" Max said.

"What made it even worse was that when I took their order, Kris said 'I'm sorry to hear about Brandon.' Max it just happened last night" I said upset.

"Well they are family so it wouldn't surprise me that they already knew" Max said.

"Well what are you gonna do, Kris has a man and I don't" I said exhausted.

"But you do have Brandon, Jayse!" Max stated.

"No I don't, at this rate, my family is going to push him away from me forever" I said as tears filled my eyes.

"I don't think they can do that" Max said.

"Can?" I asked looking over at Max, "they already have, Max! I finally made up my mind about the guy I want. Out of Terrence, Quentin and Brandon, Brandon is the one! Q and Terrence were just crushes, I couldn't see myself being with them."

"Well why are you giving up so easily?" Max asked quietly.

"I'm not giving up" I said looking out the window, "my dad has made it out to be my only choice."

"No your dad has given you and Brandon a hurdle to jump, it's up to you and Brandon to do with it what you want" Max stated as I pondered on what he just said.

"Max, it's not that simple, this charge could go big, all the way to court" I stated.

"Do you honestly think that your parents are going to have Brandon locked up for kidnapping?" Max asked looking over at me. I thought about it and wondered.

"Right now, I'm not sure what they are capable of" I said softly.

When we finally got to my house I said thank you and walked to what used to be my home. I felt like a prisoner as everyone I knew and loved turned their backs on me, wanting what they thought was best for me.

I walked into the house and saw Jamarion and Jerry watching TV. I didn't feel like speaking with them and went for the stairs as Jerry spoke to me and said hi.

"Hi Jerry" I mumbled real low. I'm not sure he heard me but I couldn't care either way.

"How was work Jayse?" Jamarion asked me as I gave him a look and kept going upstairs.

My dad was walking downstairs and as he saw me in the hallway, I felt an ice cold hatred for him. I didn't even acknowledge him. I looked past him as he said "good evening son" and went up to my room.

I closed my door behind me and locked it, not wanting any visitors. Just as I was turning my phone off, Terrence called me but I didn't want to talk to him. Sure he was a friend but I didn't even feel like talking to friends right now. I threw the phone on my nightstand and curled into a ball on my bed with my uniform still on.

Before I drifted off to sleep, I looked down at my promise ring from Brandon, and twisted it on my finger softly, trying to etch the inscription in my skin, "always and forever."

I woke up the next morning with the house completely quiet. Knowing this house, on a Saturday morning, it was nothing resembling quietness. I got up took a shower and got dressed to go downstairs facing whatever would become today.

Once I got downstairs, I saw Jamarion all dressed up looking like he was ready to go somewhere but didn't even bother to ask why. As far as I was concerned he could go and I really could care less.

"Morning" Jamarion said as I got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Morning" I said softly, really not in the mood for an argument. I walked into the kitchen and looked at the breakfast my mom made.

"Mom made that just for you" Jamarion said walking into the kitchen quietly behind me.

I looked at the spread of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, muffins, strawberries and juice and walked outside. I wasn't in the mood for her trying to make anything for me. Not the way she threw me under the bus like that in front of dad. She knew how I felt about Brandon and here she was trying to make it up to me.

The cold air hit my body as I felt the wind blowing in all directions. I wish that it would pick me up and fly me to the jail house to see Brandon but we all knew better.

I sat on the patio chair and stared out in the back yard, reminiscing on the time when Brandon surprised me by coming over. I laughed to myself softly remembering how cute he was all dressed up. The level of effort he went through in impressing my family and they still wanted to take him away from me. I shook my head in anger and looked over towards my dad's toolshed and recalled what almost happened back there between me and Brandon. I had to shudder at the thought of him alone in jail with anyone.

I looked down at my lap and saw a puddle and realized that I was crying. I've been doing it so much that I didn't even know when it started. Why does everyone think that they know what's best for me? No one knows anything and could care less what was going on, they think they do but they don't. I just want to be alone?but with Brandon.

I heard a lot of scrambling in the house and decided to ignore it but it was sounding like running. I rolled my eyes and went inside to see what was going on. I saw Jamarion trying to put on his coat and talk on the cell phone at the same time.

"Yea, I'm on my way! Are your parents with you? Are they taking you to Memorial? Ok just don't panic Ebony! I'm on my way!" Jamarion said hanging up his phone.

I rolled my eyes knowing what was happening but couldn't bring myself to get happy.

Jamarion may or may not have seen me in the kitchen but before I knew it, I heard the door slam and his car crank up. I listened as the garage door opened and his car back out the drive way.

I shook my head and walked slowly into the dining room, walking past the breakfast on the counter. I was not about to eat that mess! I would rather starve than scoff down that betrayal.

As I sat and watched TV, surprisingly, Romeo and Juliet was on and I felt compelled to watch it. For the first time, I saw the connections that my life had with Juliet and how her relationship with Romeo was identical to mine with Brandon. Her family was at odds with Romeo's and after what has happened with Brandon, I can only imagine what will happen next.

As the movie was going off, and I was sitting with more tears in my eyes, the house phone rang but I didn't even bother to see who it was, because it was ringing through the entire movie. I got up to get something to eat, minus the cold stale breakfast from this morning, when the doorbell rang. I rolled my eyes and ignored it until the person started banging on the door.

I scoffed and walked over to the door ready to give the person a piece of my mind until I saw who it was.

"Your parents told me to come by and check on you" Quentin said from the other side of the glass door.

"I don't want to talk to you" I said.

"Please Jayse, your family is at the hospital and they told me to come and see if you're ok" Q stated.

"Is someone dying?" I asked.

"No" Q responded.

"Is someone hurt?" I asked.

"No" Q responded again.

"Then Ebony must be giving birth and I'm really too upset to care about anything right now" I said about to walk away.

"Jayse how could you say that?" Q asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked looking at him like he was crazy.

"How could you say something so messed up?" Quentin asked surprised.

"That is not messed up! What is messed up, is you going behind my back and telling my parents that I was kidnapped" I stated.

"Jayse what I did?I did it to protect you. You have no idea what problems that guy can get you into" Quentin stated as I rolled my eyes.

"THAT GUY is my boyfriend!" I stated finally making up my mind.

"And what am I?" Q asked looking at me as I stared into his eyes.

"Q please leave" I said ready to close the door in his face.

"Jayse please just talk to me" Q said.

"I thought you came over here to tell me about Jamarion and the baby, oh I'm sorry to see if I was ok, well I'm fine, I'll see them all later, good bye" I said about to close the door.

"I came over for that and to explain what I said yesterday and why I said it" Q said.

"Explain what, Q" I said clutching the door handle.

"When I said that I love you, I meant it" Q said, "those last couple of months we shared together, something was there."

"I don't know about all of that" I said as a tow truck came to haul Brandon's car away. I opened the door and ran towards Brandon's car, completely ignoring Q, as the guy who came to haul it away backed up in front of it.

"What are you doing" I asked running over to him.

"I have permission to impound this car while the owner of this vehicle is in jail" the guy said unloading his stuff from his truck.

"Wait a minute, permission from who? You can't do this!" I screamed.

The guy huffed real loud and reached in his back pocket for a piece of paper and read, "Mr. Grier has filed that this vehicle is parked in front of his house and being that the occupant is in jail, he wants it removed immediately." I rolled my eyes upon knowing that my dad was still out to hurt me.

"They can't do this" I said snatching the paper from the guy's hand and reading it.

"Jayse just let the man do his job" Quentin said walking up behind me.

"Leave me alone" I said with my back to him, "sir please, don't take this car away, I'll deal with it."

"Sorry kid, orders are orders" the guy said snatching his papers back out of my hands and resuming his job.

"Jayse stop it!" Quentin said grabbing my arms.

"Let go of me" I said trying to get my arms away from his.

"No, now get over here" Quentin said pulling me back onto the front yard.

"Q, get your hand off of me" I said struggling to get away.

"No Jayse, now look, you have to face facts. We are all trying to protect you, Brandon is not the right guy for you" Quentin said still holding onto my arms.

"How do you know?" I asked looking into his eyes, "how do you know what is right for me? I don't even know what is right for me, but I know that I love Brandon"

"Jayse listen to me, stop it now before you get hurt" Quentin said.

"Just leave me alone" I said still trying to break free as the guy started hitching Brandon's car. I watched the process of him chaining it and loading it onto his trailer in silence. I replayed the last moments I shared with Brandon inside of that car as anger finally started to boil instead of tears.

The guy finally towed the car away and I watched it drive down the road. I felt hatred fuel my heart more and looked down my right arm to see Quentin still holding onto it.

"Can you let me go please" I said softly not feeling like arguing or fighting.

"Jayse I'm sorry you had to see all of that but I have to take you to the hospital" Quentin said.

"I'm not going" I said quickly.

"But your family is there, you shouldn't be missing out on this" Quentin said.

"Stop telling me what I should do!" I screamed.

"Jayse?" Quentin said before I cut him off.

"Just leave me alone Q, God! I am so sick of all of this" I said frustrated.

"All of what?" Quentin asked.

"You, my parents, my family, you guys are driving me up the wall, just leave me alone! You guys have no idea what I am going through right now" I said as Q still held onto me.

"But Jayse we're just trying to?" Q said as I cut him off again.

"Just leave me alone please" I said softly.

"Jayse I'm not leaving you alone" Q said still not giving up. I sighed and looked at him as I rolled my eyes in disgust. How could I ever find him attractive?

I walked towards my house and Q followed me, which is probably what he wanted anyway.

I walked through the front door and let Q come in behind me. I closed the door behind him and walked past him towards the living room to sit down on the couch. Once Q came down and took off his coat to sit next to me, I sighed with frustration.

Just then the phone rang and I knew who it was but I didn't bother answering it.

"Aren't you going to get that?" Q asked looking at me.

"Is this your house?" I asked looking at him. God, I hated him. Q got up and answered the phone as my bottom lip dropped to the floor. I listened as he talked to my dad on the phone and walked over to me.

"Your dad wants to talk to you" Q said handing me the phone. I looked at him and at the phone as I reached for it. Once I grabbed it, I hung up.

"Jayse what is wrong with you?" Q asked surprised by my actions.

"I don't want to talk to him and I don't want to talk to you" I said upset as the doorbell rang and the house phone rang at the same time.

"Will you get the door please?" Q said as he picked up the phone. I sat back in my seat as he scoffed and went to answer the door. Who in the ____ did he think he was?

"Is Jayse home?" I heard Terrance say from the other side of the door.

"Yes sir I will, I'll take care of it right now, ok, bye-bye. He's busy" Quentin said with an attitude.

"Don't talk to him like that" I said running over to see Terrance.

"Terrance I'm sorry, I really don't feel like talking right now" I said.

"Oh?" Terrance said looking over at Q.

"No it's not what you think, Q was just leaving" I said looking over at Q upset.

"Your dad told me to not let anyone in his house" Q said.

"My dad is not here and Terrance is not anyone" I said.

"Jayse I just came to see you because you weren't answering your phone" Terrance said. I forgot that I had turned my phone off last night.

"I'm sorry Terrance, I uh, turned my ringer off last night" I said looking at him.

"It's cool" Terrance said smiling at me as I smiled back at him.

"Ok you can go now" Q said to Terrance.

"Dude what is your deal?" Terrance asked.

"Look Jayse's dad wants me to keep Jayse out of trouble" Q said.

"Since when is Terrance trouble? And since when did you and my dad become so buddy-buddy all of a sudden?" I asked looking over at Q, "you know what Terrance you can come in"

"Jayse I?" Q said as I pushed him aside and brought Terrance in.

"Let me grab your coat" I said reaching for Terrance's coat as he took it off. I heard Quentin sigh heavily behind me but I just ignored him.

After placing Terrance's coat in the closet, I went into the living room to sit down again as Terrance and Q both followed me. This was not how I planned my day would go.

I sat down on one of the couches as Q sat on the same one opposite of me and Terrance sat on the loveseat that was next to me.

There was an awkward silence between all of us as we all avoided eye contact with each other hoping not to say the wrong thing to each other.

"Jayse do you want me to get you anything?" Q asked as I ignored him.

"Terrance do you want anything to drink?" I asked looking over at him.

"No I'm fine" Terrance said smiling that killer smile at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked again trying to be a gracious host.

"Um?well I could use something to drink" Terrance said.

"Sure, I'll be right back, excuse me" I said getting up to call Max in the kitchen.

"Hello?" Max asked picking up the phone.

"Max I need you to come over to my house right away" I said whispering.

"What? Why? Are you ok?" Max asked worried.

"I'm fine, but I need you to come over right now!" I said looking around to make sure Q or Terrance didn't walk around the corner.

"Jayse, me and Rich are out right now, um?" Max said as I rolled my eyes.

"Just forget it" I said hanging up the phone.

"Who were you talking to?" Q asked walking behind me.

"Q!" I screamed startled, "could you please leave me alone"

"Look Jayse, I'm here because I care about you all right" Q said.

"Care about me? Keeping me locked up in my house is not caring about me" I stated grabbing a pitcher of juice from the refrigerator.

"I asked you if you wanted to go to the hospital you said no" Q said.

"Because I want to be alone" I said pouring a glass for Terrance.

"No you don't" Q said.

"Will you stop telling me what you think is best for me" I screamed banging the glass on the counter as some of it spilled.

"Jayse quit screaming" Q said walking over to me to clean up the mess.

"Jayse is everything ok?" Terrance asked walking in to the kitchen.

"Yo man everything is fine" Q said annoyed wiping the counter and what little spilled on the floor.

"I told you to stop talking to him like that" I said handing the glass to Terrance.

"Thank you, no Jayse it's cool, what problem do you have with me Q, because I really don't know you like that" Terrance said walking over to him.

"Look T, I've seen the way you have been looking at Jayse and acting whenever he's around, I mean let's face it, you have a crush on him" Q said looking over at Terrance.

"What! Terrance doesn't have a crush on me, he's straight, besides we're just friends" I stated looking over at Q.

"Jayse come on, you can't be that blind" Q said.

"Q what are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"The guy quits school, gets you a job where he is, stalks you every five minutes I mean, the list goes on" Q said as I looked over at Terrance. Terrance looked uncomfortable and took a sip of his drink but this still wasn't adding up.

"First of all, Terrance's situation is a little more difficult than that, he dropped out of school for personal reasons, my job for your information was earned on my own merit, not because of Terrance; and the whole stalking situation, Q please, let's not go there, because for the past couple of weeks you have fit the description perfectly" I said.

"Ask him?" Q said looking at me.

"Ask him what?" I asked.

"Ask him if everything I just stated is true or not" Q said. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Terrance as he still looked nervous and set his glass down on a nearby counter.

"Is all of this true, Terrance?" I asked as Terrance avoided eye contact with me, "Terrance!"

"Everything but the job, I didn't know that you applied at Liberty Towers until I saw you, but after you left I begged Carla to give you the job" Terrance said.

"Wait a minute, Human Resources already gave me the job before I even knew Carla" I stated.

"Yea they did, which is why I begged them to give you the job" Terrance said.

"But why?" I asked.

"I don't know I guess I really wanted you to work there" Terrance said finally looking at me.

"Well thanks I guess" I said.

"What about the other stuff?" Q asked.

"Q will you please stop it" I said annoyed.

"No Jayse, he wants me to speak up then I will. Yea, I stalked you for a while, until I saw that you were back with Brandon" Terrance confessed.

"But why would you stalk me, you're straight" I said looking at Terrance as he stared back at me, "Oh my God!"

"Jayse please, I didn't lie to you about my sexual orientation, I was confused" Terrance pleaded as I tried to walk away from him.

"Just stop it!" I said as I stopped in my tracks.

"Yea right" Q said.

"Q just shut up please!" I screamed, "how could you Terrance? Out of everyone, you were the only friend that I could talk to and the only one that didn't lie to me."

"I didn't lie Jayse, when I first met you at the gym, I thought you were attractive, I mean I still do obviously, but I was confused" Terrance confessed.

"So tell me this did you really drop out of school because of your parents or was it really for me?" I asked looking into his eyes.

"I partly left because I was tired of school and because of you" Terrance said as Q scoffed.

"Terrance you threw your dream away for me?" I asked.

"Jayse becoming a doctor was my father's dream, not mine" Terrance said.

"But when we talked, you were so passionate about it" I stated.

"I was because that's what I trained myself to think like. I never knew what I wanted to be. I knew I wanted love and when I saw you, I thought that you were it" Terrance confessed.

"Why did you wait this long to tell me?" I asked.

"I never had a chance to be alone with you long enough" Terrance said.

"I don't know what to say" I said still in awe.

"I know that I don't have a chance now but did you have any feelings for me, at all?" Terrance asked as I looked at him and then over at Q. Q stared at me waiting for an answer too and I must admit that it felt kind of awkward with him there.

Just then the doorbell rang and I sighed with relief, knowing that I was just saved once again from an awkward situation.

I ran to the door, past Terrance and Q, and opened it to find Eric on the other side.

"What are you doing here?" I asked excited to see a friendly face.

"I was at the mall, when Max called and said that you were in trouble" Eric said walking in and taking off his coat.

"No I'm fine, but you didn't have to come" I said.

"Well first of all, I'm a little hurt that you didn't call me, and second Max is on his way after his date with Rich. Tony's at work" Eric said as I felt bad for neglecting him.

"You're still my BFF" I said hugging Eric.

"Sure, so what's up?" Eric asked as Terrance and Q came walking into the living room. Eric looked back at me as I gave him a look like help me.

"What's going on guys" Eric asked walking over to them.

"Hey Eric" Q said, followed by Terrance. I walked behind Eric over to the rest of the party praying that it would end soon. I sat back down in my original spot, as Eric sat next to me, with Q and Terrance in their normal spots.

"So what did I miss?" Eric asked looking around. I looked over at Terrance as he looked at me. Q was looking at me also but I didn't bother to even look at him.

"Well I was trying to get Jayse to come with me to the hospital to see his brother but he doesn't want to go" Q said looking over at me as I rolled my eyes.

"I thought you said nothing happened?" Eric asked looking over at me.

"Nothing did happen, I mean, Ebony is having her baby today" I said as Eric squealed.

"Why are you here then?" Eric asked me.

"Thank you" Q said as I looked over at Eric and he put two and two together.

"Well have you called them?" Eric asked me as I looked at him again.

"Oookkk, so what are you guys doing over here?" Eric asked.

"I'm over here checking up on Jayse, his dad asked me to" Q stated.

"Q will you stop saying that, God!" I said annoyed.

"Jayse it's the truth, why don't you call him" Q said handing me the phone knowing that I wasn't on speaking terms with my dad. I rolled my eyes at him as he put the phone back on the charger.

"What about you Terrance?" Eric asked.

"I'm over here to check up on Jayse too, but because I want to, not that anyone made me" Terrance said looking over at Q.

"You got something to say playboy?" Q said getting up.

"Yea man, I do" Terrance said getting up as well. I must admit I was kind of surprised by Terrance's behavior. Not turned on, just surprised.

"Guys let's just calm down please" Eric said as I just sat back and watched them argue. They both sat down slowly, still looking at each other hard, ready to fight.

"What are you even doing here anyway? Jayse is too young for you? Shouldn't you be looking for someone your own age?" Q asked upset.

"I'm only two years older than Jayse, besides I know where he stands now" Terrance said looking at me heartbroken, "at least I'm not out trying to get something that's already taken."

"I'm trying to protect Jayse from hurting himself in the future. Brandon isn't capable of love. The sooner Jayse sees that the better" Q said.

"Q who do you think you are?" I asked irritated.

"Jayse you can't possibly still have feelings for that thug?" Q asked.

"That thug is my boyfriend, and I will be so glad when you finally figure that out!" I yelled.

"Look Jayse, get it in your head, this life of Brandon's is always going to lead to crime, I'm just glad that your parents have opened their eyes to his lifestyle" Q said.

"My parents only know about his lifestyle because of you!" I screamed, "you're the reason that Brandon is in jail right now."

"Are you serious?" Eric asked looking over at me, "Q how could you?"

"C'mon Eric, the whole town knows about Brandon, you being his friend, I thought you would care more for Jayse than that" Q said as Eric eyes got big.

"I do care about Jayse" Eric said defending himself.

"Eric get outta here! You, Max, and Tony knew all along about Brandon and you still wanted your so called friend to get hurt" Q said.

"Wait a minute, you have no idea why we did what we did" Eric said as Q looked off into space ignoring Eric, "We cared enough about Jayse to let him make his own decision. Who are we to stand in the way of love?"

"Love? Is that what you call this thing, love?" Q said getting up and walking around in the living room, "guys get this through your skulls now. Criminals don't love they lie, cheat, steal and kill."

"Q I am surprised by you, since when did you hate Brandon this much?" Eric asked.

"I hated Brandon since middle school" Q said low.

"But he used to be your friend" I stated.

"You guys don't know what Brandon is mixed up in, I know more things than you think you know" Q said still walking around.

"Like what?" Eric asked as Q looked over at me.

"I'm not going to say" Q said.

"No, Mr. High and Mighty! You had so much to say earlier, go ahead, what else do I need to know?" I asked getting up.

"Jayse listen to me" Q said walking over to me as I backed up against the wall and he stopped, "I care about you a lot, don't let this guy ruin what you have."

"I'm confused" Eric said as I looked away from Q, "are you speaking as a friend or as someone who still has a crush on Jayse as well?"

I looked over at Q waiting for an answer as well as Q stared into my eyes.

"I don't have a crush on Jayse?I love him" Q confessed.

"I'm with Brandon" I said folding my arms.

"Can Brandon love you like I can?" Q asked.

"I wouldn't know, because every time he gets close to me, people who think they know what's best for me, always get in the way" I said upset.

"Jayse?" Q said.

"Don't Jayse, me" I said cutting him off, "I hate that you and everyone else think you know what's best for me when you don't. Everyone needs to just mind their own business" I said turning away from Q.

"You're right, I'm sorry ok" Q said staring into my eyes, "just don't get with this guy Jayse, I'm warning you"

"Brandon is not that bad, he chose this lifestyle for different reasons" I defended.

"Does he want to leave?" Q asked me as I thought about what Brandon said.

"He wants to but he says that it will be too hard" I said as Q groaned.

"Jayse don't you see, the guy is making excuses. Soon he's going to be saying that no other job is going to accept his past. It's always going to be excuses. Get out now, while you have a chance." Q said as my eyes started watering at the thought of a future with Brandon making up excuses or worst lying to me all over again.

"I don't think that Brandon will do any of that" I said wiping my eyes.

"You see Jayse, you're crying because you know it's true, Brandon is going to play on your innocence. He's going to take advantage of you" Q said walking over to me, "give me a chance again. I promise that I will protect you"

"Are you serious?" Terrance said getting up from his seat.

"Yo man stay out of this!" Q said.

"No I sat down throughout all of this and I can't anymore. Jayse I know that you're hurting right now, but I'm man enough to know that you shouldn't be taken advantage of in this situation" Terrance said looking over at Q.

"I'm not taking advantage of him" Q said.

"Q listen to yourself" Terrance said pointing to his ears, "you say that Brandon is taking advantage of Jayse but what in the hell are you doing? You're taking advantage of Jayse while he's down right now."

"I agree" Eric said.

"No I'm not" Q said.

"Then what is it then?" Terrance asked.

"I am trying to help him, you guys, Brandon and his whole family is trouble. Eric you know! Dantae is an unstoppable force and if Jayse gets mixed in with all of that including Brandon's lifestyle he's going to experience Hell on Earth" Q said.

"I agree about Dantae but Q, this is not your fight. You're pressuring Jayse to choose between the two of you, it's not fair if Brandon cannot defend himself" Eric said.

"So I should wait until he gets out of jail and plead my case, fuck that! Jayse I love you and regardless of what these guys think, you have to leave Brandon, NOW!" Q said.

"Or what Q?" I asked.

"Or everything and everyone you love will be hurt" Q said.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 28

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