Hes Mine


Published on Feb 13, 2011



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

In honor of Valentine's Day this chapter will have a two-part based on POV through Jayse and Brandon's eyes. HAPPY VALENTIINE'S DAY FANS!! Enjoy and as always thank you for reading my story!!!!!

Chapter 22 Come and Talk to Me (part 2) Jayson & Brandon POV


"What is it Brandon? What secret have you kept from me this time?" I asked getting tired of him not being real with me.

"Jayse I'm really getting sick of that tone of yours" Brandon said gripping the wheel.

"I'm just getting sick of you period. All you do is keep things from me. Why can't you just be real with me?!" I screamed.

"Be real with you? Boy that's all I've been trying to do" Brandon said looking over at me.

"Since when?" I asked, "because if you mean..."

"If you start up about me selling drugs one more time Jayse" Brandon said cutting me off as I looked away from him, "now I told you I did that to protect you."

"Protect me from what Brandon?" I asked throwing my hands in the air, "everyone always feels the need to protect me like I'm so vulnerable. I can take care of myself."

"Oh yeah?" Brandon asked surprised by tone.

"Yeah!" I screamed folding my arms.

"My cousin just came back in town, you know how dangerous he is?" Brandon asked me, "yea I didn't think so. You have no idea what the crazy mofo is capable of doing."

"Brandon I never asked you to take care of me" I said softly after the moment of silence that came between us.

"Who said I wanted your permission? I thought protecting someone was what people do when they are in love" Brandon stated as I looked over at the side of his face. He was staring out the window into space but didn't even bother to face me evnthough I know he felt my eyes on him.

"Brandon I'm tired of this rollercoaster that we've been on lately. One minute we're trying to work it out, the next we don't want to be with each other, I mean what's going on here? What do you want from me?" I asked frustrated. Just then Brandon buckled up his seatbelt and told me to do the same.

"Why?" I asked trying to read his expression, but he had so much hate written over it that I didn't know what to do. I took his warning and buckled up my seatbelt as he sped out the parking lot.

The drive towards my house was quiet as Brandon just drove. I looked out the window and at the reflection that it gave of Brandon's face. I was too afraid to look at him so I just continued to stare in silence.

The music was turned down low and Brandon was driving so fast that I was fearful of our lives not to mention a speeding ticket.

"Brandon you just missed my exit" I said noticing us speed by it.

"I'm not taking you home yet" Brandon finally spoke.

"Then where are you taking me?" I asked afraid but Brandon didn't answer me.


I really wasn't feeling Jayse's new attitude at all. I don't know how far shit got wit Q but I'm about to nip all that in the bud. It seems like he got a voice from out of nowhere. Not to mention that it started making him even sexier than he already is.

I glanced over at him like I was trying to look out my side mirror and caught him poutin'. I must admit that lil Brandon jumped at that view. Maybe after I show him what made me choose this lifestyle he would really understand. I don't even know if I should do this. Jayse might can't handle what I have done and what I'm doing.

Jayse is mad sensitive and the fact that he broke up with me for being a drug dealer imagine what he would do if he knew I was a hitman. A part of me really wants to tell him but then if I do, and the shit hits the fan, MORE DAMN DRAMA!

I turned down the heat earlier during the drive and saw Jayse fold his arms and started rubbing his shoulders.

"You cold?" I asked Jayse looking over at him as he was still poutin'. The boy had his little adorable swag on lock.

Jayse didn't answer me, he just looked out the window. I turned the heat up and watched as he started to slowly unfold his arms and let them fall to his lap.

"All you had to say was that you were cold" I said softly but Jayse still wouldn't respond.

"What you got planned for Valentine's Day?" I asked as Jayse sighed heavily, "Jayse?"


I don't know why Brandon was playing these little games of his. One minute he wants to talk and the next he wants to shut me out. Who does childish things like this? I just ignored him, hoping he would drop the subject, tell me where we were going and take me home.

"You know it's a school night right?" I asked reminding him of the time but he didn't answer me. He just did that sexy thing he always did of pressing his teeth together so that it punched his jaw.

I turned my head away from him and continued to look out the window. It's not like I was scared of him taking me somewhere and doing something to me but still it was getting late and I didn't want to face the wrath of my dad when I got home.

"Brandon where are we going?" I asked hating the silence that we were putting each other through but Brandon still ignored me. I sighed heavily and leaned back in my seat, frustrated with how he was acting. If he doesn't start talking to me I'm really going to go off on him.

"Brandon...?" I asked looking at him again as he kept his eyes on the road.


I knew that it was buggin' him that I was ignoring him but Jayse's new attitude needed to be handled, especially when we got back together. I know I probably don't need to be lookin' that far into the future but Jayse knows that I am his and vice versa. I guess I'm going to have to show him that I mean business and that Q's ass his outta the picture.

"I'm taking you to see somethin'" I said finally.

"Something like what?" Jayse said with an attitude.

"Keep it up!" I said annoyed.

"Brandon I'm not doing anything" Jayse said looking over at me.

"Something like what" I said mocking Jayse's tone, "since when did you start showin' out?"

"I'm not showin out, you just never saw the real me" Jayse said cutting his eyes at me.

"If that ain't the pot callin' the kettle black" I said regretting commenting.

"What?" Jayse asked turning back to look at me.

"I lie so you won't see the real me, and you keep the real feisty you inside and get angry wit me?" I ask looking over at Jayse and the road.

"Brandon are you really trying to equal out my traits with your lies?" Jayse asked shocked.

"Don't make it sound like that, you know where I'm going with this" I said upset.

"No I really don't, because me being `feisty' is just because I'm tired of everyone walking over me and lying to me, you with your double life is another thing" Jayse said turning his head away from me.

"Jayse cut that shit out! You don't know a damn thing about me" I yelled.

"Then help me understand, why the secrets Brandon? I never once lied to you, not once!" Jayse said as his voice started breaking.


Why do I always have to get so emotional? Just when I'm starting to speak up my feelings get in the way and I back down every time. All I'm doing is showing how weak I am. For once I wish I didn't appear this way all the time.

Brandon sounds like he doesn't really like this part of me but who cares? I have done nothing but be real to him and this is the way that he repays his gratitude, by lying.

"I know that you never lied to me Jayse" Brandon started out saying after a moment of silence "but you really don't understand why I did it? I mean seriously let's just be real, you don't get why I lied?"

I sat there and thought as Brandon took an exit and pulled up into an old cemetery. I guess I understand but it hurts that he didn't tell me. Out of everybody that lied to me, his hurt the most.

"I understand a little Brandon, but it still hurts" I said as Brandon sighed, "you just don't know how much I cared about you. When we started talking I felt something instantly. I just wish that all this drama never came."

"You always make it sound like the end when you talk about us" Brandon stated turning the car off.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I mean the way you always define what we had, and that's it right there" Brandon said looking over at me, "you always state it like we're done and there is no chance for us to get back together."

"But Brandon explain to me what you think we can do because honestly I thought we were done" I said.


"Jayse we both said some things that we didn't mean" I said grabbing his left hand and leaning back in my seat, "but I don't want this to be the end."

"Brandon..." Jayse said as I cut him off.

"You still love me right?" I asked staring into his eyes.

"I never stopped" Jayse said instantly as I smiled.

"Then stop saying `what we had' it never left. It only took a break" I said stroking his face.

"Brandon..." Jayse started out again as I stopped him.

"What's it going to take for you to leave Q?" I asked as Jayse rolled his eyes.

"I'm not with Q" Jayse stated upset.

"Ok, ok my bad, calm down" I said noticing how his breathing picked up.

"You're not listening to me" Jayse whined.

"Yes I am baby" I said stroking his left hand.

"No you're not, and stop calling me baby" Jayse said removing his hand from under mine.

"I'm sorry" I said sitting up upset.

"You're always sorry Brandon" Jayse said looking over at me, "doesn't it get old singing that same tune all the time?"

"It gets old because the words never hit your heart, they just stop at your ears" I said angrily.

"Brandon I gave you so many chances to open up to me. I told you my most embarrassing secret about Daniel and you couldn't tell me about this" Jayse stated putting so much emphasis on "this."

"Wait a minute why are you puttin' so much emphasis on `this' like it's nothing?" I asked as Jayse rolled his eyes and looked away, "and that shit right there is really workin' my nerves!"

"First of all the `this' is because your lifestyle shouldn't be a secret to me if everyone else in town knows about it" Jayse said as I was about to say something and he cut me off, "second if you're referring to my new so called attitude, I told you already welcome to the real me!"

"Well I don't like the real you" I lied, "I missed the Jayse that would..."

"That would what, back down? Sit there and let you say or do what you felt? Brandon you were going to be in for a world of hurt, if you think that I was that soft" Jayse said looking at me. I turned my head quickly trying to not get mesmerized by his attitude but I must admit he wore it well.

"Glad I see the real you now" I said under my breath.

"I'm glad too, just wish I could see the real you for once" Jayse said as I balled up my fist.

"Get out the car!" I said forcefully unbuckling my seatbelt.

"What?" Jayse asked afraid.

"I said get out the car" I said opening my door and slamming it as I got out.


I looked at Brandon as he got out of his car and closed his door behind him but we were in the middle of nowhere at a cold and spooky graveyard. I think I remember seeing this movie before.

"Get out the car Jayse!" Brandon said angrily from outside after he closed the trunk from getting something out of it.

"Brandon what are you doing?" I asked from inside the car.

"What you scared? Where's all that moxy and shit now?" Brandon asked from the other side of the car as I rolled my eyes. He opened my door and extended his hand to help me out the car.

"Come on" Brandon said as he caught a glimpse of my fearful expression and changed his tone, "please Jayse get out the car. I'm not going to hurt you but this will answer all the problems that we have been facing lately, trust me."

I looked at his face and saw his innocence. Not that he was innocent by a long shot but it was there for that quick second. I paused and searched his face searching for the man I loved. Correction...the man I love! Something about Brandon makes me weak every time and I...I...I just can't let him go!

I unbuckled my seatbelt and placed my right hand in his left as his right hand was holding onto the flash light.

"You trust me right?" Brandon asked looking into my eyes.

I looked at him and shook my head yes as he closed the door behind me and held my hand. It was so long ago that I held his hand, I almost forgot the ruggedness that it exemplified.

While we were walking through the cemetery I had goosebumps all on my neck. I started shaking out of a nervous anxiety and Brandon picked up on it.

"You ok?" Brandon asked shining the flash light on my face.

"Yea" I said walking closer beside him.

"It's ok Jayse, I'm not going to let anything happen to you" Brandon said sincerely.

All I could do was smile in response but I was still nervous and terrified. Just then Brandon stopped at a tombstone and stared at it. I looked up at his face and saw anger cloud his angelic face as he bit his bottom lip and gripped the flashlight even harder.

I read the tombstone and it said "Edward "Eddie" Bridges: 1975-2006 US Veteran Beloved Friend Gone Too Soon." I looked around and saw the flowers on his grave and US flags as well. They were still fresh which meant that someone just came here not too long ago. Brandon still wasn't talking so I decided to wait patiently until he was ready.


It took everything in me to stop me from spittin' on this bastard's grave. All the hell he put me, my mom, and Corey through the short while he was in our lives.

I clutched the flashlight in my hand just like the bat that was in my hand 4 years ago when...

I looked down and felt Jayse squeeze my hand waking me up from the day dream I was having. If you want to call it that, it felt like I was reliving a nightmare.

I looked at Jayse as he turned his head slowly my way. He looked so beautiful, so I reached up and played with his hair and stroked his face. He gave me a soft smile as his lips parted and he showed his beautiful teeth. I gazed upon his beauty and let out a deep sigh remembering why I brought him all the way out in the boonies.

"Jayse, before I tell you everything promise me, please promise me, that you will still love me" I begged as my voice cracked.

Jayse paused and looked down at the ground, contemplating his answer as I looked away and waited.

"I promise that I will still love you" Jayse said as I looked over at him and smiled.

"Ok, um...um...shit, I'm sorry I mean, uh, ok" I said stammering. I couldn't gain my confidence back all of the sudden. I looked down at Eddie's grave and remembered why I chose to do what I'm doing. My dad had something to do with it too but Eddie was to blame for a big part of it.

"Brandon it's ok" Jayse said rubbing my shoulder and believe it or not that calmed me down some more.

"Ok this man that we're in front of is, sorry was, my mom's boyfriend, oh God, this shit is hard" I said choking up on my words.

"Brandon is it that hard for you to be over here because we can go back to your car" Jayse asked sweetly. I thought about it and shook my head no, knowing that I wanted him to know exactly who was the blame for who I am.

"Jayse, baby, this piece of shit..." I said as Jayse stopped me.

"Brandon, baby maybe we need to go back to your car" Jayse said pulling my arm.

"Naw you need to know" Brandon said as his voice broke, "you need to know Jayse! I'm tired of the secrets too. I don't want to lose you. If only you knew how much it killed me to see you and Q at that dance together, or hugged up at school or Al's. Damn I felt like dying." I looked over at Jayse as tears streamed down his cheek

"I mean I can't get too upset because I pushed you away. I pushed you into Q's arms but it's because you didn't try to understand where I was coming from" I said pourin' my heart out, "you forgave everybody but me, your man. You know how hurtful that is. You never even tried to hear me out."

Jayse opened his mouth to say something but I spoke cutting him off because I knew what he was going to say.

"I know, I know, you was upset, you was hurt, but dammit Jayse so was I. I needed you right then. After everything we did together, do you honestly think that I would hurt you intentionally?" I asked staring at Jayse as he wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve.

"No" Jayse said still crying.

"I was all alone just like I was 4 years ago. Eddie saw that and used that to his advantage. Max, Kris, Q and I were close and they would always come over to my house and play and shit. Eddie saw how feminine Kris and Max were and called us butt buddies. I was young I didn't know what he was talking about but I knew that it hurt" I said turning my back to Jayse and staring at Eddie's grave.

"Whenever he brought his friends over he would make jokes about me calling me a faggot and a punk but still I didn't know what he meant and I hated the way his friends were laughing at me. He was in Iraq for four years and came home but he was in the military since he was 18. He got honorable discharge met my mom right after she gave birth to Corey and took advantage of her lonely heart" I said shaking my head as I relived the worst years of my life.

"He would come home drunk and get into arguments with my mom. He would never hit her but they would be arguing all night over stupid shit. With me being in the room next door I heard everything. One day he wanted to see how far he could push my mom and told her about me. He taunted my mom and told her that I was going to grow up and be a girl and give men blowjobs in dark alleys. I heard my mom yell for him to be quiet but he wouldn't and he came behind her and kept taunting her in her ear."

"She finally had enough and pushed him off of her and he went flying against the fridge and fell to the floor. My mom apologized but that wasn't enough. He got up and placed his hands on her shoulder, shaking her like a rag doll."

"I was sitting down in the living room playing like I was watching TV but I really was looking at them. My mom got a free hand and slapped Eddie which sent him flying away from her. This ticked him off the most as he walked to her and pushed her against the fridge. My mom's back hit the fridge so hard that she slid down until she was sitting on the floor. I got up and ran into the kitchen to defend her."

"Eddie saw me and pushed her to the ground like he was about to rape her right in front of me. I'll never forget what he said to me, he said, `now I'm about to show your faggot ass how a man supposed to act.' He took off his belt and started unzipping his pants while my mom screamed for him to stop. I couldn't stand to hear my mom scream like that and went to the closet and grabbed one of my old baseball bats which was steel."

"Brandon...you didn't?" Jayse asked but he didn't have to finish. I knew where he was going. I looked at him with my eyes full of tears as he stared at me with the same expression.

"I had to stop him Jayse, he was about to rape my mom in front of me" I said as my voice started breaking. Jayse walked over to me and wrapped his right arm around me, trying to console me.

"Do you want to finish?" Jayse asked softly. I paused replaying the scene in my head and decided to finish.

"I gripped the bat in my hands as Eddie was lying over my mom. My mom told me to go into my room but I couldn't hear her voice. I blacked out! I just wanted to make that son of a bitch pay for the hell that he put us through. Nights my mom was at work he didn't feed me and Corey, he always taunted me in front of his friends, calling me names and shit...I just had enough. I wanted his ass gone! I walked over to him and he finally turned around and faced me. You ain't gonna do shit' he said taunting me again. you too scared, faggots can't fight! All they good for is acting like ladies. Go carry yo ass up stairs and let me take care of yo mom like a man supposed to do' and why did he say that. The minute he turned his back to me, I bashed him up beside his head."

"He went flying across the kitchen floor to the other side away from my mom as he layed there bleeding from his ears. I wanted to finish him off and turn his body into clay, but my mom grabbed the bat from me and pushed me away from him. He died instantly! My mom called the cops and explained to them that she was the one who hurt him saying that she was protecting herself because he was about to rape her."

"Did they charge her with anything?" Jayse asked.

"No they said that it was all in self defense and that she was just trying to protect herself. I just stood there by her side watching the paramedics haul Eddie's body away. It felt good to see him dead. I know I shouldn't say that but Jayse that man was evil, more evil than my dad" I said feeling relieved that it was all out in the open.

"So you let your mom take the fall?" Jayse asked.

"I had to, she wouldn't let me say anything. They started to charge her with murder but Q's dad dropped all of the charges. This was back when he was the chief of the department" I said.

"That was sweet of him" Jayse said rubbing my back.

"Yea I'm just surprised that Q didn't tell you all that" I said.

"This is not about Q, this is about us" Jayse said as I looked down at him. I reached down and kissed him softly on the lips enjoying feeling those lips again after so long. They were still soft and his breath smelled so good. This boy was more beautiful than anyone I ever knew.

"This isn't too much for you to handle?" I finally asked after we were finished kissing.

"No, I mean it's a lot but if you're asking me if I'm leaving you, then no. We all have a past baby. Yours is a little complex but I love you and nothing is going to change that" Jayse said smiling as I looked at him speaking.

"Really?" I asked as he shaked his head yes, "even if Q wants you back?"

"We were just friends, baby, nothing else happened other than that kiss. Q means nothing to me" Jayse said as I leaned in to kiss him again.

"You're so beautiful" I said kissing his neck and rubbing all over his body.

"Hmmm, so are you baby" Jayse said and then pushed me away.

"What's up boo?" I asked surprised that he pushed me away.

"We're still at a cemetery" Jayse stated as I looked around and remembered where we were. I grabbed his hand and looked down at Eddie's grave before walking away. I felt free of his hurt over me but at the same time felt like he was controlling me from his grave. I still felt like I had something to prove. I was out, everyone knew about me, but this lifestyle that I chose, I needed to break away from it, because he was the reason I chose it. As long as I am in the drug game, Eddie will still have control over me.

"What are you thinking about?" Jayse asked as we walked.

"Huh...uh...nothin'" I lied gripping his hands tight.

"Really because you had that expression on your face like there was something more" Jayse said.

"Naw...unless this is your way of asking me somethin'?" I asked.


Taking in everything that Brandon told me was a lot. I can't believe that he's a killer. He is fitting the total description of a thug. He's a drug dealer, he killed someone, what more could there be? I'm pretty sure that he told me everything but his expression as we left the grave said that he had more to tell me.

"So if you don't mind me asking, being that you're in the drug game, do you want to get out or are you content with what you're doing?" I asked as he opened the door for me.

"I want to get out, I'm tired of what I'm doin'. It's not me!" Brandon stated closing my door behind me.

"Then just leave" I said as he got in the car on the driver's side.

"I can't `just leave' boo" Brandon said sadly.

"Why not?" I asked confused.

"Because it's hard baby, I mean I'm in too deep. I've been in here for 5 years now" Brandon said.

"Brandon I've heard of guys that have been in the game for 20 years and left, do you really want to leave?" I asked putting more emphasis on the question.

"Yes Jayse! More than anything I want to leave!" Brandon said putting his head on the steering wheel.

"Then leave baby. They are only holding you back. You can have a promising career as a rapper, or an architect. It's hard because you're making it hard" I stated looking over at him.

"It's not that simple Jayse" Brandon said as I rolled my eyes.

"What is it then? Do you have a contract with these guys or something? Do they have a hold on your mom or Corey? What is it?" I asked as Brandon shook his head the whole time I was speaking.

"It's because I'm a hitman" Brandon said looking at me as I froze, "I'm a hitman baby."

"I thought you said you were a drug dealer?" I asked shocked as Brandon grabbed my hand.

"I am, I mean I was, but Krush promoted me last month" Brandon said searching my face for an answer, but I couldn't give him one. I looked away in disgust.

"How can you...what in the...who does...how many people have you killed?" I asked with my head still turned away from him.

"Including Eddie, or..." Brandon asked as I rolled my eyes frustrated.

"You know what I mean Brandon, how many people have you killed, including Eddie only 1" Brandon said as I breathed a sigh of relief. I thought he was going to say 10 or so. Even though it still didn't make it better, because killing one guy or 20 still made you a killer.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"This guy that owed Krush some money" Brandon said rubbing my hand trying to calm down.

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" I asked.

"It's the guy you met, when you and Max came to visit me" Brandon said as I removed my hand from his again.

"You mean this man knows how I look?" I asked afraid.

"Baby he stays right in your neighborhood, that big white mansion up the hill" Brandon said regretting opening his mouth.

"He stays there? I can't believe it...I can't believe it...I can't believe that you kept another secret from me, Brandon!" I screamed.

"Jayse I didn't..." Brandon started out saying as I stopped him.

"No!" I said stopping him, "do not say anything else!" I got out of his car and stood on the side of it as Brandon got out and walked over to me.

"Don't come over here!" I screamed.

"Jayse don't be like this" Brandon said upset.

"All this time, all these months, my life has been in danger and I didn't even know it" I said as Brandon responded back but I cut him off.

"The day we met, you weren't walking your dog, you were on your way to Krush's house weren't you?" I asked looking over at Brandon as he looked down.

"Oh my gosh it all makes sense! The calls, the disappearance, your rap career is just a cover up, my life was in danger the moment I talked to you! Better yet I was just a pleasant distraction!" I said shocked.

"Jayse you're overreacting" Brandon said walking over to me as I slapped him hard on the face.

"Take me home!" I said as Brandon looked up and rubbed his face.

"Jayse please let's talk" Brandon said pleading.

"No, I'm done talking, take me home, now!" I screamed hoping someone would hear me and save me.

"Listen to me Jayse" Brandon said walking over to me as I got my hand ready to slap him again. Brandon saw and kept coming towards me, "You can hit me all you want, you scream, spit, whatever, the fact is I love you. I didn't use you. You're life was never in danger. Krush knows to stay away from you" Brandon said as I scoffed.

"Please Brandon, I've seen his house, the man has money. You think he's going to listen to you" I said smiling at his stupidity, "no wonder you don't want to leave, the minute you do, I'm a liable target, oh scratch that, your mom or even Corey. He knows everything about you! I'm as good as dead!"

"What makes you think that Krush wants to kill you?" Brandon asked.

"Oh I don't know I'm turning you away from the game. Your family is too sacred so it's always the significant other" I said.

"You've been watching too many movies. It's nothing like that Jayse, come back in the car, it's freezing out here" Brandon said folding his arms to stay warm.

"Not as cold as my heart right now!" I said as Brandon looked at me just as snow started to trickle down.

"Jayse come on get in please!" Brandon begged. I shook my head no and stood leaning on the car as Brandon stared at me. I thought he was done with the lies. The more I talked to him the more lies I discovered. Maybe I was overreacting. He does have my best interest at heart. If he didn't then so many things would have happened by now. I looked up and saw Brandon still waiting patiently for me. He was willing to freeze in the snow just for me. I guess my new/old attitude depending on how you saw it was making things more complicated than good.

I turned around and opened my door, getting inside as Brandon ran and closed my door behind me. He ran and got inside on the driver's side and turned the car on. I waited until the car was warmed up to speak.

"No more secrets Brandon!" I said, "I can't take anymore! If there is something else that you have to tell me, tell me now because after this I'm not going to be as understanding anymore."

"I promise baby everything is out in the open. My lifestyle, my past, Eddie, everything is out there" Brandon said with a raspy voice.

"I'm sorry for overreacting I guess I'm just not used to all of this" I confessed.

"It's ok baby, I'm sorry for lying like this" Brandon said sincerely clearing his throat.

"I know, and I know you did it to protect me so I forgive you" I said smiling.

"Do you really?" Brandon asked smiling as well, "because you know you can't bring it into my face tomorrow."

"I know, I'm getting there it's just a lot to take in" I confessed as Brandon looked at me smiling, "but I love you, and I know that I'm in good hands."

"The best" Brandon said leaning over to me and giving me a kiss. This time the kiss was genuine and sweet. It lasted for awhile as we started with soft pecks that turned into French kisses.


I guess we must have missed each other because we couldn't stop kissing each other for nothing in the world. Before I knew it, Jayse got up and crawled over to me and sat on my lap. I started feeling his body up as he did the same to mine. I slid my hands under his shirt feeling his soft skin and pinching his nipples. Jayse started feeling under my shirt and gripping my pecks. He rubbed his hands along my abs and started peeling off my shirt. I followed behind him and took off his shirt as I saw his chest for the second time in my life. He had the sexiest nipples that I had to wrap my mouth around and start sucking.

In between time I would bite on them as Jayse cooed and threw his head back in ecstasy. I got hard instantly and it was wedged between Jayse's ass cheeks as he started grinding on top of it. I let my hands travel down his ass and cup them as I felt how soft they were. I unbuckled his pants and let my hands slip into his underwear as I felt his soft ass cheeks against my rough hands. My dick was jumping like crazy as Jayse knew what to do and unbuckled my pants to reach in my boxers and grab my dick. His hands were so soft and warm that I almost lost it that quick.

I leaned my seat back as Jayse laid on top of me and went back to kissing my neck and licking my ears. I reached a finger in between his ass cheeks and rubbed it along there feeling the heat coming from his ass. Jayse started moaning in my neck as I moaned out loud, still in awe of what was happening. This was a long time coming and I'm glad we waited this long.

Jayse sat back up and gripped my dick trying to jack me off. I guess he wanted to see it and fished my dick out of my boxers. I smiled and almost laughed at his expression when he saw how big my dick was. I made my dick jump in his hand and he looked at my face as I smiled at him. He smiled back and licked his lips as I knew what he was thinking.

"Go ahead" I said softly.

"But I never did it before" Jayse said sincerely.

"Just stick it in your mouth and lick on it but watch your teeth" I said as Jayse bent down trying to suck my dick. He found it hard to do so I tried moving my seat back as he crouched down but he looked so uncomfortable trying to get down in front of me. Jayse then went back to sit down and leaned over trying to suck me off but it wasn't working. It was kind of funny to see how determined he was trying to suck my dick but this was a sign that it wasn't meant to be right now.

"Hey baby it's ok" I said as Jayse looked up at me disappointed.

"But I want to make you feel good" Jayse whined.

"I know baby but there will be other times" I said as Jayse sat up poutin', "besides this is not what I want your first time to be like."

"But I don't care about all of that I want it now" Jayse whined.

"Jayse, you will always remember your first time. You really want to remember it in my car?" I asked as Jayse look disappointed, "hey look at me, it's not time yet, ok?"

"Ok" Jayse said as I stroked his face and kissed him on the lips.

"Besides I have something special for you anyway" I said reaching into my glove compartment.

"What?" Jayse asked smiling watching me open it up. I reached for a little box and sat it in his lap.

"I think right now is a good time to give this to you" I said as I cleared my throat and looked into Jayse's eyes, "Jayse these last couple of months have been...different for me in so many ways. I've never been so happy to have you in my life. You make me want to be different and for that I have but one thing to say. I promise that I will always protect you no matter what and I will always be your man. When you wear this and get upset anytime no matter what day it is or what you're doing, I want you to look at this and remember my promise to you."

I opened the box and showed Jayse our promise rings as he screamed out loud.

"What, did you forget about these?" I asked.

"Yea and no, I mean I know you didn't throw them away but I thought you probably just didn't get them again. You've been holding onto these all these months?" Jayse asked surprised.

"Yea, why wouldn't I?" I asked as I grabbed his left hand and placed the ring on his finger, "how does that feel?"

"It feels good" Jayse said looking at the ring smiling. As I was putting my ring on my finger, Jayse screamed no and said that he wanted to do it as I blushed.

"I want to make a promise too. These last couple of months have been different for me too but that's because I was in love with someone that made me laugh, that showed me affection and love beyond anything that I ever knew. For those reason alone I only have one thing to say. I promise that no matter what, I will always hold your heart very dear to me and will never let no one or nothing get in the way of what I feel for you. When you feel a level of frustration, doubt, or loneliness, I want you to look at this ring and remember my promise to you" Jayse said as I blushed mad hard. I never smiled so wide in my whole life.

"This night has been crazy and beautiful all at once" I confessed staring at Jayse.

"I know, but it's starting another chapter for us" Jayse said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"The best is yet to come right?" I asked as Jayse shook his head in response, "c'mon let's get you home."

I passed Jayse his shirt as I put mine back on and buckled my seatbelt up. I looked over at Jayse and smiled as we fixed himself up and got ready.

"What?" Jayse asked as he noticed me staring.

"Nothin' just staring at the most gorgeous man on the planet" I confessed as Jayse blushed and leaned in for a kiss. I kissed him softly on the lips and pulled out slowly of the graveyard.

Once we got to Jayse's house we noticed a lot of police cars surrounding it.


"What is going on?" I asked concerned.

"I'm sure it's fine baby" Brandon said trying to reassure me but I could tell he was worried too. I got out of Brandon's car and closed the door behind me.

"You want me to come in with you?" Brandon asked.

"No I'm fine" I said shaking but Brandon must have heard it in my voice because he got out and followed me.

I walked through the snow, up to the front steps, as I went through the front door to see my parents sitting down talking to some cops. When my mom saw me, she came running to my direction and hugged me tight.

"Oh baby, thank God, you're ok" my mom said.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?" I asked as she let go of me to see if I had any bruises.

"Why weren't you picking up your phone?" my mom asked. I reached for my phone in my pocket and realized that it was turned off.

"My battery died" I said trying to turn it back on.

"There you are, are you all right son?" my dad asked me. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was 15 minutes after 1.

"Dad I..." I said as I saw his eyes connect with Brandon.

"Your friend told us what happened" my dad said turning his head away from me and then to Brandon, "we thought this thug did something to you."

"Dad I'm fine!" I screamed.

"No you're not, he kidnapped you!" my dad said.

"What?" Brandon asked shocked.

"Dad are you serious?" I asked.

"As a heart attack, officer arrest this man please for kidnapping" my dad said.

"Is this true young man? Did you indeed kidnap Mr. Grier?" Officer #1 asked.

"How could I kidnap him he's right here!" Brandon stated pointing at me.

"You got scared and brought him back home" my dad said.

"Dad stop it!" I yelled.

"What's your name young man?" Officer #2 asked Brandon.

"Brandon...Wallace" Brandon responded as the officer wrote Brandon's name down on a notepad.

"Mom stop them!" I screamed.

"Jayson stop protecting this boy" my mom said in tears.

"Mom, Brandon didn't do anything" I said as Jamarion walked downstairs.

"Officer this is my other son, Jamarion Grier, he was supposed to pick Jayson up from work but he told us that a friend was bringing him home" my dad said.

"Is this true, young man?" Officer #2 asked Jamarion.

"Yea" Jamarion answered.

"Mr. Wallace, are you the friend that was promised to bring this young man home?" Officer #1 asked Brandon.

"I am, I mean, I volunteered but I told Jayse that I would bring him home" Brandon said.

"Then why are you bringing him home this late?" Officer #2 asked Brandon.

"Because I had to show him something..." Brandon paused.

"Something like what?" my mom asked.

"Something that would explain everything" Brandon said.

"Explain what?" my dad asked.

"Brandon don't!" I screamed not wanting him to go to jail for his past.

"Stop protecting him Jayse!" Jamarion stated upset.

"Stay out of this Jamarion!" I yelled.

"Sir if you give us the go ahead, we can arrest this man for attempted kidnapping, because clearly he had no grounds to pick up the party and doesn't have a reason why he picked him up" Officer #1 said.

"Dad don't do this please!" I begged. My dad looked at me and back at Brandon. He turned his head to officer and shook his head.

"Brandon Wallace, you have the right to remain silent..." Officer #1 said as Officer #2 started handcuffing Brandon.

"Noooo!" I screamed as my mom grabbed me.

"What are you guys doing to Brandon?" Jerry asked from upstairs.

"Jeryn go back to bed sweetie" my mom said still holding me and wiping her eyes.

"What's going on!" Jerry asked again, "Brandon's not a bad guy."

"Jeryn get in your room now!" my dad said.

"Dad, Mom stop this! He didn't do anything wrong!" I screamed as my dad tried to hold me back but I got out of his grasp and ran after the cops and Brandon, as they placed him in the squad car.

"Jayson get back here!" my mom said coming behind me.

"No, no, stop them, somebody please stop them!" I screamed crying falling to the ground as my hands met the cold snow. I watched as my tears melted in the snow and my heart broke in two.

"Jayse it's ok he won't hurt you anymore" Jamarion said from behind me.

"Hurt me?" I asked turning around to face him, "he never did hurt me, it was all of you guys. Don't you see what you are doing? You're standing in the way of true love!"

"Jayson get back in the house" my dad said.

"No leave me alone" I said staggering to my feet and running over to the squad car. I placed my hands on the window as Brandon did the same on the other side. I felt the heat from his hands through the window and looked into his eyes as he mouthed "I'm sorry." We stared at each other with deep sincere eyes both wishing that this was all a dream.

"Get him out of there!" I cried, "get my baby out of there he didn't do anything wrong!" I pounded on the glass trying to break it, not even caring if they hauled me to jail as well. They were arresting Brandon on stupid charges. My dad knew he didn't do anything wrong. Jamarion came and scooped me up as I kicked and screamed to be let go. I saw the squad car drive off as Brandon was hauled down to the police station. I punched Jamarion in the chest with my elbow as he let me go and I ran after the police car not really knowing how that was going to help, but the look on Brandon's face made me want to run after him. Jamarion caught up with me and stopped me from running any farther as I looked and saw Brandon staring back at me with pleading eyes from the squad car.

"Jayson" my mom cried for me in the distance but I just ignored her.

"Jayson come inside son" my dad pleaded running behind me as well.

I continued to cry and scream not really caring who heard me as Q came walking towards me from his house. I looked at him as he walked over to me with his arms extended for me to hug him. I looked at him and shook my head no, not wanting to be consoled by him right now.

I walked away from him and Jamarion as I passed by Brandon's car still in front of our house and cried. I leaned on it as my dad came and tried pulling me off of it.

"Get off of me! Don't touch me!" I screamed still upset with him. My dad walked away towards Q and thanked Q for telling him where I was.

I turned my head around so quick that I could have caught whiplash.

"You?" I asked walking over to Q, "you told my parents that I was kidnapped!"

"I didn't know what else to do Jayse. You wouldn't pick up your phone and when I went to see if you were still at work, I saw you get into Brandon's car as he sped off" Q confessed.

"You idiot, because of you my boyfriend is in jail, how could you!" I screamed running over to him ready to choke him when Jamarion grabbed me again.

"Let go of me!" I screamed, "he's the reason why Brandon is gone."

"Jayse I did it because I was concerned and because I love you" Q stated as I looked at him in disgust.

"You did nothing wrong son" my dad said patting Q on the shoulder, "go ahead home, Jayson's ok now. C'mon let's go inside"

"I don't want to go inside" I said upset.

"C'mon Jayse" Jamarion said walking with me. I didn't want to go but the snow was falling down pretty hard and it was really cold. I looked back at Q as he was still standing in the front yard looking at us.

Jayse and Brandon (together)

"I wonder what's going to happen now."

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 27

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