Hes Mine


Published on Feb 8, 2011



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 22 Come and Talk to Me (part 1)

"Can I have a napkin please" a woman asked me seated at her table.

"Excuse me my soup is cold" a man said at another table.

"I still didn't receive my wine yet sir" a gentleman said to me.

"Can I please talk to the manager?" a woman said frustrated that Yasmine and I weren't helping her.

It was just me, Yasmine, and Giorgio working in the restaurant during lunch hour. Three other waiters and waitresses called out. I'm starting to see that it really wasn't my personality that got me hired but the fact that they didn't have anyone.

I tried to help out Giorgio and Yasmine as much as I could but I felt like I was screwing things up. I gave a whole order to the wrong table and not to mention, it was on Giorgio's side and not Yasmine's. Two customers yelled at me, to which Giorgio and Yasmine both came to my defense as well as my manager Carla, who is very sweet.

Everyone was treating me nice even the busboys and cooks. I still felt bad and Carla must have noticed it because she sent me on an early break.

"It's okay Jayse, these things happen. You're doing a great job here" Carla said patting me on my back. Carla was a Caucasian woman who was about 5'5" with short curly hair. She always had a smile on her face and loves to hug people.

"Thanks Carla" I said going in the back to take off my apron.

"Cheer up Jayse" Carmine said who was Italian like Giorgio, following me in the back with his cart of dirty dishes. He was about my height and age but he went to a different school. Carmine was one of the busboys along with Derek and Monte, who were both black.

"I feel bad, I mean I'm messing everything up" I whined hanging my apron up.

"Look it's your first night, I mean, you're doing much better than some of the people that they have hired here" Carmine said as I cheered up a little.

"Really?" I asked as Monte came in with some dishes on his cart.

"Yea ask Monte" Carmine said leaving to go back out in the dining area.

"I know you're not still in here pouting" Monte asked me as I smiled.

"You want me to go and get some of my cousins from the hood to come in here and make you really cry?" Monte asked trying to cheer me up as well.

"No!!!" I screamed.

"Alright then we told you we got your back. You have to remember a lot of rich and successful people from the Grove eat here. They could care less about our feelings. All they want is something to eat" Monte said placing his dishes in the dirty dishes area.

"I know" I said realizing what everyone was trying to do.

"All right then unless you wanna be back here with Mac and Jesse scrubbing dishes all night?" Monte said loudly as Mac and Jesse both looked over at us and started joining in on the fun. They were both Caucasian guys, Mac was short and heavy while Jesse was tall and thin. I just watched as they slaved away in the kitchen with piles and piles of dishes, still they looked like they knew what they were doing, and were having fun.

"We can make room for ya back here" Mac teased as I shook my head no and smiled.

"Just a little steam, ain't gonna hurt nobody" Jesse joined in looking at me as I said no laughing.

"Look go out there sit down and enjoy yourself fo' a minute, things will get better. Like I said, we got yo back" Monte said pushing me out the kitchen.

"Yea let one of those fancy pants know that I can scrub their plates real good" Mac said laughing as Jesse and Monte joined in. I didn't get the joke so I smiled, turned around and left.

I watched Giorgio and Yasmine tackle the dinner rush as I walked out the dining area and towards the front desk. Terrence was off but told me to call him when I went on break. I started to call him but I was beginning to rethink this whole juggling three guys thing.

I walked towards the main doors as Stevie, the bellman, stood there waiting to hold the doors for someone. Stevie was Caucasian as well, a little older than me, tall, with brown hair and blue eyes.

"You off already?" Stevie asked me as I walked over his way.

"No I'm just on break" I said looking at my watch. It was 6:40, only 3 more hours until I got off.

"What time do you get off?" I asked making conversation.

"In about..." Stevie said looking at his watch, "4 more hours."

"Wow" I said.

"Yea, so how you liking it so far?" Stevie asked.

"It's cool. Everyone here is really nice" I said looking around as people casually walked in the lobby.

"Yea, this is a cool place to work" Stevie said smiling.

"How long have you worked here?" I asked folding my arms.

"About three years" Stevie said smiling, "I started out in high school and work the night shift while I take classes in the morning."

"Cool, what are you studying to be?" I asked impressed.

"A mechanic. I love to work on cars and shit, sorry" Stevie said referring to his language.

"It's cool" I said smiling, "well hope everything works out for you."

"I hope so too, I mean I like it here and all but cars are my passion, let me know if you ever need a hookup" Stevie said as some guests came in. I said ok and walked away as Stevie helped the guests with their bags. I sat down on one of the nearby couches in the lobby and waited for my break to be over as I looked at the news on TV.

"Someone looks all alone" Quentin said walking through the doors over my way.

"Q, what are you doing here?" I asked getting up surprised to meet him.

"Coach canceled practice early. The team we're playing this Friday isn't all that good" Q said smiling walking over to me.

"So you have that much confidence in yourself?" I asked as Q got closer to me.

"Yea, you don't think I wear it well?" Q asked licking his lips. I turned my head blushing as Q came and gave me a hug.

"What, I can't get anymore hugs now?" Q asked offended when I wouldn't hug him back. I wrapped my arms around him and smelled his intoxicating musk and let go of him before something happened.

"How's work going?" Q asked putting his hands back in his letterman jacket.

"It's going good" I said sitting down as Q came and sat next to me. I looked at him and started smiling as he did the same thing.

"You all the time smiling" Q said laughing at me.

"So are you" I stated.

"Yea but I only do it after you" Q said as I rolled my eyes, "and quit rolling your eyes every time I make a statement."

I rolled my eyes again as Q grabbed me in his arms and started tickling me. I started yelling and laughing trying to push him off of me, but he had a vice grip on my waist.

"Ahem" Mr. Tucker, the hotel's assistant manager said clearing his throat at me and Q. Mr. Tucker was a tall black guy, who was dark skinned, had a bald head and shaved all of his facial hair. I heard about him from all of the other employees. He was a real SOB whenever Mr. Libton, the owner of the hotel, or Mr. Hammons, the hotel manager, wasn't around.

"Since when was this hotel known as an establishment that had employees frolicking around nosily in the lobby?" Mr. Libton asked standing in front of me and Q.

"Um...I'm sorry Mr. Lipton, I was just..." I started out saying.

"Who are you anyway?" Mr. Libton asked rudely.

"My name is Jayson Grier, sir, I just started today" I said getting up nervous fixing my uniform.

"I see" Mr. Lipton said sizing me up. I felt like a mannequin on display.

"Let's see that we conduct ourselves properly Mr. Grier, this hotel has a reputation to uphold. This is not the Holiday Inn!" Mr. Lipton said sharply as I apologized. Mr. Lipton walked away as Q got up and apologized.

"Jayse I'm so sorry" Q said as Stevie and the people at the front desk stared at us.

"It's ok" I said embarrassed.

"No I shouldn't have came, you know what, I'll go" Q said leaving. I kind of wanted him to stay but I needed to get back to work anyway. I watched as one of the girls at the front desk stared at Q like she wanted him. I got upset but thought to myself why was I getting so offended? It wasn't like Q was my man...or was he?

"There you are" Yasmine said as I walked into the lobby of the restaurant, "I thought you may have went home."

"No I couldn't leave you like that" I said to Yasmine as she smiled. Yasmine was black and very pretty. She had long hair that she tied up so it wouldn't make her neck sweaty. She wore blue contacts that really brought out her face.

"At least it's starting to slow down now" Yasmine said handing me my apron as I tied it around my waist.

"Thank God" I said as Giorgio walked over to us.

"You all right Jayse?" Giorgio asked in his heavy Italian accent.

"Yea I'm fine thanks" I said checking to make sure I had my tablet and pen in the pouch of my apron.

"The night is almost over" Giorgio said, "I'm taking my break."

I looked at both Giorgio and Yasmine as they both smiled at my shocked expression.

"It's just you and me kiddo, and Carla too" Yasmine said smiling as Giorgio patted me on my back and walked away.

"Go get `em, Jayse" Giorgio said leaving.

"Don't worry I'm right here" Yasmine said, "Now look, you take sections 5 & 6, Carla and I will take 1-3 and 7-10. I will tell Olivia, to place as little people in your area as possible. Remember if you need me I'm right here."

"Ok" I said nervously as Yasmine smiled and went to Olivia, the hostess, and told her the situation.

"Did Yasmine already talk to you?" Carla asked walking over to me.

"Yea she did" I said nervously.

"Ok, remember if you need us, don't be shy, so far you have been doing good. We would never send people out like this if they weren't" Carla said making me feel good.

"But what about earlier" I whined.

"Jayse mistakes happen. I'm the manager and I say that it's ok" Carla said making me smile, "ok?"

"Ok, thanks Carla" I said.

"You're welcome, ok I gotta go to table 6, smile, be polite and patient. Remember: SPP" Carla said walking away.

I kept muttering the acronym in my head as Yasmine got called to one of her tables. I looked over at the hostess booth as I saw Brandon, an older woman with him, and his brother, Corey. Corey saw me and started waving as I waved back.

I saw Brandon point at me, as Olivia shook her head and seated Brandon and his guests at one of my tables. She gave me a look like I'm sorry and walked away. I sighed knowing what Brandon was up to but something was telling me that this was his mom with him. I walked over to their table and smiled as they got situated.

"Good evening and welcome to the Liberty Hotel, my name is Jayson and I will be your server this evening" I said passing out their silverwares to them and when I passed out Brandon's, he grabbed the silverware instead of letting me sit it down in front of him and touched my hand. I looked at him as we smiled lightly and I blushed.

"Good evening Jayson, what a nice name" the lady said to me.

"Thank you ma'am" I said removing my hand from Brandon's.

"Hi Jayse" Corey said smiling at me.

"Hi Corey, how are you?" I said as he reached over to me like he wanted to hug me. I walked over to him and squeezed him tight as he squeezed my neck.

"I miss you, why don't I see you no more?" Corey asked sadly.

"I didn't know you knew my son?" Brandon's mom asked surprised as my heart dropped. This really was Brandon's mom but she looked so young. She was beautiful and was short just like Brandon stated.

"Yes ma'am I know Corey through..." I said as Brandon cut me off.

"Through me ma, Jayse and I dated" Brandon said looking at me as I looked at him. He placed his head in his menu as I turned my head back to his mom.

"Yes ma'am I'm so sorry I wish I could have met you before..." I said as Brandon's mom extended her hand for me to shake.

"So you're the infamous Jayse" Brandon's mom said smiling at me, "I'm Brandon and Corey's mom, Lisa Wallace, nice to meet you."

I shook her hand and watched her eyes as she looked surprised to see me. She couldn't stop staring at me, probably wondering what happened with me and Brandon, if she didn't already know.

"It's very nice to meet you too, Ms. Wallace, I heard some good things about you" I said.

"Me too, Jayson, Brandon has told me some nice things about you as well" Lisa said looking over at Brandon, "I almost wonder why we were never introduced."

"Me too, Ms. Wallace" I said as Ms. Wallace and I both gave Brandon a look.

"What?" Brandon said looking at our expressions, "I wanted to introduce you guys but..."

Brandon didn't have to finish I knew why we never got the chance to be introduced. I looked down to the ground embarrassed by the way my family was acting towards the boy I loved and how it broke something beautiful.

"Well Jayson, why don't you come visit us sometime for dinner?" Ms. Wallace said as Corey smiled and Brandon looked at me waiting for an answer.

I paused unsure what to say as Brandon gave me pleading eyes. He looked so beautiful and I wanted to reach across the table and feel his lips against mine but I had to remain professional.

"Um...sure Ms. Wallace, I would love to" I said as she and Corey smiled. I looked over at Brandon as he gave me a wink and I started blushing.

"Great" Ms. Wallace said picking up her menu. Brandon and I were still playing eye stare as we gazed at each other seductively. Without missing a beat, I kept my eyes on Brandon and pulled my notepad from my apron pocket.

"So what can I get you guys?" I asked pulling my ink pen from my left ear.

"I want French fries" Corey said as I smiled.

"You have to get more than that Corey" Brandon said upset as he looked at me. I rolled my eyes at him for the way he was talking to his brother and he changed his tone with Corey.

"Get a burger too with your French fries" Brandon said in a softer tone as his mother and I looked at him.

"But I don't wanna" Corey pouted.

"Corey do as your brother says" Ms. Wallace said looking at her menu, "I'll have the grilled chicken Caesar salad please with Ranch dressing."

"Ma is that all you want?" Brandon asked as I wrote down her order as well as Corey's.

"Yea, I ate a little at work anyway so I'm fine" Ms. Wallace said handing me her menu.

"You sure?" Brandon asked looking over at her with concern in his eyes.

"Brandon I'm fine" Ms. Wallace said, "and please Jayse, can you get the burger and fries for Corey too."

I nodded my head and took Corey's menu as he kept pouting. I looked over at Brandon as he looked up at me. I gave him a look like hurry up as he looked at his menu and smiled. I had to smile a little too at how silly he was acting, especially in front of his mom.

"Brandon, don't be rude. Hurry up and order" Ms. Wallace said.

"I'm still thinking" Brandon said teasing me and stroking his chin at the same time. I rolled my eyes at his silliness as he cleared his throat.

"Are you ready now?" I asked after a minute passed, trying hard not to smile.

"Naw, I'm still thinkin'" Brandon said as Ms. Wallace told me what she and Corey wanted to drink. I asked Brandon what he wanted which I didn't really have to ask because he loved Grape juice, just like me. As I was walking away, I looked back to see Ms. Wallace whispering to Brandon and Brandon talking to her. Brandon then looked back at me and smiled as I bumped into Monte who was coming out the kitchen.

"Sorry" I said apologizing.

"It's cool" Monte said walking away to clear a table. I fixed the drinks and came back over to Brandon's table as he was still holding up his menu. As I was passing out everyone's drinks, Brandon did the same thing as before and reached for my hand.

"Are you ready now?" I asked blushing removing my hand.

"Hey! I'm still thinkin'" Brandon said playfully smiling at me. I rolled my eyes at him playfully as I gripped my pen and prepared to write his order. I looked back, saw a couple seated in my section and turned back to Brandon, giving him a look that said hurry up.

"Aight" Brandon said finally giving in, "I can't make up my mind why don't you surprise me." I looked at Brandon and smiled as he did the same to me. His mother and Corey just looked at us confused.

"Brandon, we have a wide variety of things" I stated holding my pen in my right hand and my notepad in my left.

"I know that, that's why I can't make up my mind. I need yo help" Brandon said looking at me with those big brown eyes. I blushed and looked down at the table trying not to get pulled in by his charm. He really was wrong for making me act like this in front of his mom.

"Well...um...why don't you try the duck? I heard it's good" I informed him still not looking at him.

"Is that yo opinion or the restaurants?" Brandon asked smiling.

"Brandon quit giving Jayson a hard time" Ms. Wallace said blushing at the way we were acting, "Jayson he'll have the duck." I started writing down the order until Brandon grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"No!!!!" Brandon said holding my arm.

"Brandon I have another table to get too" I whined.

"I know that" Brandon stated.

"Then let him get to work" Ms. Wallace said as I turned my head from her and back at Brandon. He looked up at me and finally let go of my arm.

"So you want the duck?" I asked as Brandon smiled. He still didn't respond but I had to get to the next table so I wrote something down and went to the next table.

"Good evening how are you folks doing tonight?" I asked passing out their silverware.

"Just fine young man" the gentleman said. As they gave me their orders I walked past Brandon's table as he looked at me seductively. I really had to get his order done so he could leave because it was starting to turn me on.

"Here you go" I said coming out the kitchen after a couple of minutes with their food. Corey's and Ms. Wallace's were already done but I had them make it again since Brandon took so long. As I passed everyone their dinner, I watched Brandon's face as he saw that I brought out ribs and fries and not the duck. I remembered that he liked ribs and the smile on his face was like Christmas morning. I don't know if that little game of cat and mouse was his way of seeing if I knew what he liked but I knew that I earned brownie points with this little number.

"What happened to the duck?" Ms. Wallace asked laying out a napkin over her lap.

"I...uh...just thought that he would prefer this instead" I said as Ms. Wallace blushed at how I was spoiling her son. Brandon was still smiling. I never seen him smile so much. Well that's sort of lie because I've seen that smile plenty of times but it always fascinated me how I could bring it out of him more than anyone else. He always worked hard keeping this thug image of his on display at all times and when I did something that totally surprised him, he would look less like a thug and more like a kid.

I reached in my apron and pulled out a bottle of barbeque sauce because Brandon loved for his ribs to be dripping from the sauce. He looked up at the bottle and blushed even harder. I had to admit that I had to blush from that face too. I looked over at Ms. Wallace as she had this look of amazement on her from seeing her son in this light.

"If you guys need anything else, just let me know" I said walking away. As I went into the back to grab the other tables order, Yasmine came in smiling.

"I saw you" Yasmine said smiling grabbing her order.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Hmmmmm" Yasmine said gleefully as I walked out the door behind her.

"Here's your order" I said giving the next table their stuff. After I was finished with them I gave Brandon and his family refills.

"Everything ok over here?" I asked pouring Ms. Wallace a fresh glass of tea.

"Wonderful Jayson thank you" Ms. Wallace said smiling.

"Here you go Corey, you can draw in this when you are done eating" I said handing him a coloring book with crayons as he smiled at me.

"How are your ribs?" I asked Brandon, as his face was covered with barbeque sauce. His mouth was so full that all he could was nod his head. I smiled and walked away with the pitchers of tea and juice in my hand into the kitchen.

"So that's all we need to do in order to get a smile on your face" Yasmine said behind me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked turning around to face her.

"The boy you were flirting with over there at your table" Yasmine stated with her hands on her hip.

"Oh, he's just a friend" I said laughing.

"Really? Because he looked like a whole lot more" Yasmine said walking away. I walked towards the doors of the kitchen and watched Brandon from the windows. I smiled as he practically murdered those ribs. I sighed to myself wondering what happened to us. I woke from my day dream when I heard some of the cooks announcing last call. I looked back at the clock and realized we only had an hour until we closed.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" I asked clearing the couple's table.

"No thank you everything was nice" the gentleman said, "may we have the check please?"

"Sure I'll be right back" I said walking away with the dirty dishes. After I gave them their check they left me a nice tip, which was actually my first tip of the evening. I blushed as Monte and Carmine came and cleared the table.

"C'mon Jayse we gotta go" Monte said shoving me playfully.

"Ok, ok" I said walking away.

"May I get you guys anything else?" I asked clearing Brandon's table.

"No thank you Jayse. I think we had more than enough. That meal was great" Ms. Wallace said.

"You're welcome ma'am" I said.

"Mommy I'm sleepy" Corey said sincerely.

"I know sweetie, um Jayson we'll take the check please" Ms. Wallace said.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back" I said leaving the table as Brandon watched me walk away. I shook my head and blushed walking to the register to print off their order.

"Here you go" I said setting down the bill on the table.

"I got it ma" Brandon said grabbing the bill fold.

"Ok well I'm taking Corey to the car. It was nice meeting you Jayson" Ms. Wallace said.

"Nice meeting you too Ms. Wallace, Bye Corey" I said taking the rest of the dishes off the table in silence. I watched as Brandon reached in his back pocket and pulled a lot of money from his wallet. His bill was only 90 something but the money he put on the table was $300, in $100 bills. He saw my reaction as I walked away and he grabbed my arm.

"Aren't you going to grab your tip?" Brandon asked looking in my eyes.

"Brandon what are you doing?" I asked.

"Hey set these dishes down, isn't there someone that does all this stuff?" Brandon said looking around for the busboys.

"Yea but I have to help them out, we're closing" I stated.

"I know that" Brandon said offended by my tone.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said apologizing.

"Naw of course you didn't" Brandon said letting go of my arm and sitting back down in his seat.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"You saw the money I had in my wallet, plus the money I just gave you and all of a sudden you freezin' up. You do this shit every time my job gets mentioned" Brandon stated angry.

"I do not" I said setting the dishes on the table.

"Yes you do Jayse! Don't try and play me" Brandon said as I looked down embarrassed.

"Brandon what you do...I don't know if I can be a part of it. I've never been exposed to this lifestyle until I started talking to you" I confessed.

"Sit down" Brandon said forcefully sitting up in his seat.

"Brandon I'm working right now" I stated.

"What did I say?" Brandon said loudly as I looked around to see if the few customers we had heard him.

"What did I say!" I barked back at him to which he looked at me surprised that I spoke to him like that.

Just then Monte came over and started clearing the table when Brandon yelled at him too.

"Aye homeboy we talkin' right now" Brandon said upset.

"What's yo problem man, I'm doin' my job" Monte replied looking at Brandon.

"Brandon stop it, you're causing a scene" I said as the last couple left.

"Ain't nobody in here" Brandon said looking up at me still angry.

"Hey Jayse is everything ok over here?" Monte asked looking at me. I looked at Brandon as he looked up at me.

"Yea Monte, everything is fine" I said never taking my eyes off Brandon.

"Jayse you ready to count your tips for the night, I'm sorry sir, but we're closing" Yasmine said walking over to us.

"Yea I'm just waiting on Jayse, I'm taking him home" Brandon stated as I looked at him shocked.

"Brandon..." I said before he cut me off.

"Jayse, I'll be waitin' in the lobby" Brandon said getting up and handing me the bill fold. At first I didn't grab it, so Brandon grabbed my left hand and placed the bill fold inside of it and walked off.

Monte and Yasmine both looked at us not really knowing what was going on as I watched Brandon walk into the lobby. My eyes never left his body as he strolled out with a swagger I haven't seen before. He was always temperamental but the way he talked to me just know, was different. I didn't know how to process it.

"Are you sure everything's ok?" Yasmine asked again waking me up from my daydream.

"Yea it's cool" I said again finally blinking my eyes.

"Yo Jayse who was that anyway?" Monte asked still upset with the way Brandon talked to him.

"Um...he's just a friend of mine" I said walking away as Yasmine followed behind me. We sat down at a far away table and counted our tips.

"Rough night for tips" Giorgio said surprised with the amount he had after counting it.

"Well it's because we were short of people" Yasmine said also disappointed with her share, "how about you Jayse?"

I placed the extra money Brandon gave me in my pocket so they wouldn't have noticed and joined in with the disappointment.

"Uh...same thing" I said lying.

"Well it gets better trust me" Giorgio said getting up.

"Yea it does" Yasmine said following behind Giorgio, "See ya tomorrow?"

"Yea I'll be here" I said getting up and taking off my apron. The busboys started leaving followed behind the hostess, then Yasmine, Giorgio and I. We left Carla, the dishwashers and the cooks as they still had stuff to do.

I walked into the lobby to see Brandon sitting down playing with his phone.

He looked up at me and asked, "you ready to go home?" I know he didn't mean it like that but it was something about the way he said it that made me melt.

"Yea I texted Jamarion and told him not to pick me up" I said.

"What did he say?" Brandon said getting up and grabbing his coat. I ignored him because I didn't want to start anything besides the text that Jamarion sent was really graphic.

We walked outside and I shivered from bringing my coat to work. Brandon draped his coat over my shoulders as he braced the cold alone. I smiled as he tried to be macho but I saw the way his bottom lip trembled that he was cold too. We walked in silence towards his car, with me thinking what was I doing and him, well God only knows. He opened the passenger door for me as I got in and took off his coat.

As he got in the first thing he did was crank up his car and turn the heat up. I smiled a little at his expressions as we waited patiently for the car to get warm. I waited for him to say something because I was tired of always saying something and getting yelled at. I looked over at him as he played with the buttons on his dashboard and fixed his air vents. He sensed me looking and looked over as I looked away, embarrassed that I was staring at him so hard. What could I say, he was gorgeous. I glanced back over and saw him blushing and knew that he had calm down a little. I turned my head so that he wouldn't see me blushing as well.

"I thought we were over the game of cat and mouse?" Brandon asked smiling.

"I'm not playing any games" I stated still smiling.

"Ok Jayse whatever" Brandon said smiling.

"I thought we weren't using that word" I stated remembering the time when he told me that he hated that word.

"I said that I hated you saying it, not me, I can say WHATEVER I want" Brandon said as I rolled my eyes. Just then my phone vibrated and I looked down to see that it was Q. I sent it to my voicemail and looked over at Brandon who looked upset.

"Brandon..." I started out saying getting ready to apologize.

"Jayse I'm just gonna be real, aight. I want you back. This shit you doin' wit Q gotta stop" Brandon said surprising me.

"Since when do you tell me what to do?" I asked as Brandon turned to face me.

"Since I became yo man" Brandon stated as my heart jumped.

"And when did this happen?" I asked.

"Jayse quit fuckin' playin'" Brandon said upset.

"I'm not playin' you're the one that left me remember" I yelled.

"Naw correction Mr. Know-It-All, it was you who left me first" Brandon said correcting me.

"That's because I found out about..." I said catching myself, not wanting to get into another argument.

"You're always bringing up the old stuff" Brandon said quietly.

"I didn't..." I started out saying until I got cut off.

"Naw Jayse let's go ahead and do this same damn routine. I fucked up! I lied about me sellin' drugs and shit. It's my fault! Everything is my damn fault! I'm the blame ok? It ain't you, never was you, never will be you" Brandon said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.

"Brandon I never said..." I said getting cut off again.

"Naw, let me finish. Everybody else gets forgiven but I lied to protect you. My past has no call getting mixed up with you. You weren't there so you shouldn't have to deal with it. You think I enjoy what I do? I hate this lifestyle but fuck Jayse, I'm in too deep. You have no idea how hard it is for me. You don't even have a fuckin' clue to know what life was for me so you can't sit there and judge me all the damn time" Brandon informed me as I stared into his eyes.

"Brandon, first of all I'm not judging you and second, since when have I ever blamed you for EVERYTHING! It's like you hear what you want to hear. We have the same argument all the time because of silliness. You think I enjoy having this argument all the time? No! It's exhausting! I just missed the times when we would talk and enjoy each other's company. I mean it sounds cliché but what we had, for the little while we had it, I thought it was something beautiful and the fact that we can't get back there means it's sacred. It was sacred! It was rare. Only true lovers could experience that moment of trust and love we had" I said as my voice started breaking. Brandon looked away and thought about what I just said.

"Then riddle me this, what's up wit you and Q?" Brandon asked as my heart dropped. I sighed heavily not wanting to talk about it but it had to be said.

"Q and I are just friends, always have been and always will be" I said still not facing Brandon.

"Why can't you look at me and tell me that?" Brandon asked as I turned my head and faced him, "because you still have feelings for him."

"Brandon we were just friends, nothing happened" I said.

"I didn't ask you if anything happened, I asked you if you still have feelings for him?" Brandon asked catching me, "so what happened?"

"Nothing we just kissed, that's all" I said as I saw Brandon grind his teeth together. He looked away and didn't say anything. I just wanted to get out of his car and go home. We sat in silence for awhile until my phone vibrated again.

"Tell Q we're busy" Brandon said as his phone started vibrating as well.

"It's not Q, it's Jamarion" I said correcting him as I looked over and saw him send his call to voicemail as well, but he got more upset after receiving it.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"None of your business" Brandon said upset.

"Oh so you want to know who I'm talking to but when I ask you who's blowing up your phone it's `none of my business" I said upset.

"You wouldn't understand" Brandon said softly still upset.

"You're right, more secrets. I guess I'll find out later from someone else" I said angry as Brandon rolled his eyes, "just take me home"

"No!" Brandon said after a moment of silence.

"What did you just say?" I asked confused.

"I said NO! You're not going anywhere until I tell you the truth, about EVERYTHING" Brandon said looking into my eyes.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 26

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