Hes Mine


Published on Jan 10, 2011



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 21 Playing With Fire

"I can't believe dad is sending us job hunting, we barely got to enjoy New Years Day before he shoved it down our throats" Jamarion complained as we scoped the mall looking for a job.

I was busy texting Brandon and Quentin at the same time and not even paying attention to what he was saying. I knew I was playing with fire but then again, I really didn't know who I wanted to date. Brandon was my first love in the Grove and Quentin and I never really defined what we were. Brandon has his sweet side but he only showed it to me and no one else. Quentin didn't care, he showed his sensitive side regardless and was a lot more romantic than Brandon.

Whereas Brandon was more protective and short tempered, Quentin was more sensitive and calming. Brandon looked like a twig compared to Quentin's muscular frame and his chocolate skin was sexier than Quentin's caramel complexion. Brandon displayed the roughneck thug persona while Quentin had the pretty boy masculine appeal shut down.

I guess I just had to decide which one I really wanted: a protector or a lover? Problem was they both had the same thing.

"Are you paying any attention to me?" Jamarion asked as I looked over at him.

"Yea I am" I said putting my cell phone in my coat pocket as it chirped letting me know I had another text message.

"You've been texting non-stop ever since we got out of school" Jamarion stated.

"Well...a lot of people want to talk to me" I said grabbing my phone and reading Q's text. I started blushing from the message and Jamarion peeked over to see what it said.

"Stop!" I screamed pushing him away.

"Who are you texting anyway?" Jamarion asked being nosey.

"None of your business" I said texting Q back and smiling. Just as I was doing that, Brandon sent a picture of himself in front of a mirror with his shirt off. I looked at the picture and closed it immediately thinking it was something else. I hope Jamarion didn't catch it.

He wasn't even paying any more attention to me anyway because Ebony called him right then as he picked up the phone hoping nothing was wrong with her. She was 7 months pregnant now and at home on bed rest. She was getting home schooled ever since she gave us all that scare 4 months ago.

"Hey baby, is everything ok?" Jamarion asked nervous, to which Ebony replied that it was. He walked over to a nearby corner and talked with her as I waited in front of a clothing store. My phone rang this time and it was Brandon.

"Hi" I said softly.

"Hey, did you get my picture?" Brandon asked.

"Yea, I did, you look good, I mean it's nice" I said blushing as Brandon laughed.

"Thanks but I don't look as good as you" Brandon said as I blushed some more. People were walking by and staring at me as I turned my back to them and stared at the mannequins in the display window.

"What are you doing?" I asked gliding my finger down the window, smearing it with my fingerprint.

"Um...getting started on some homework, then I have to go take care of something's" Brandon said as my heart dropped knowing what it was.

"Oh" I said disappointed.

"It's not that Jayse" Brandon said knowing what I was upset about.

"Then what is it?" I asked, "You know what you don't have to answer that."

"Naw Jayse, I just got to run to the studio" Brandon said as I was gearing up to hang up the phone.

"It's ok Brandon, you don't have to explain yourself to me" I said upset.

"Why you being like this?" Brandon asked as I ignored him, "you hear me talking to you."

"Brandon I don't feel like arguing" I said regretting that I answered the phone.

"Jayse who's arguing? All we're doing is talking!" Brandon stated as Jamarion hung up his phone and walked over to me.

"I gotta go" I said about to hang up.

"Wait a minute Jayse, where are you, I wanna talk?" Brandon asked.

"Brandon I gotta go" I said as Jamarion eyes glared once he heard Brandon's name.

"You're at the mall, aren't you?" Brandon asked probably discovering that from the noise.

"Bye" I said hanging up the phone.

"Who the fuck was that?" Jamarion asked upset.

"Watch your mouth!" I said surprised at his anger.

"Who were you talking to Jayse?" Jamarion asked again.

"C'mon let's go" I said grabbing his arm and pulling him.

"Was that Brandon?" Jamarion asked me as I kept pulling him to the escalators so we could go to the next floor.

"Stop pulling me and answer the damn question!" Jamarion yelled at me. No one heard him but I was still embarrassed.

"Yes...but please don't tell dad and keep your voice down" I begged.

"How long?" Jamarion asked looking down at me.

"How long what?" I asked.

"Jayse quit playing with me you know what I'm talking about, answer me before I call dad" Jamarion said reaching for his phone.

"Ok, ok" I said sighing, "since Christmas."

"I thought dad told you to stay away from him" Jamarion said.

"I did, but he came over Christmas and I couldn't say no" I said sadly.

"He was over at our house Christmas!" Jamarion shouted, "I thought you said that you were outside talking to Quentin."

"I was. I was talking to him and Brandon" I said staring at the floor.

"How can Q just let somebody run game on you like that, in front of his face" Jamarion said still upset.

"Because Q and I aren't together" I said.

"What about all that trash you were feeding us on Christmas Eve about how everything between you guys was starting to change?" Jamarion asked me.

"They are, I mean they were" I said confused.

"Then what happened?" Jamarion asked.

"I can't talk to you about this" I said walking away until Jamarion grabbed my arm and turned me around.

"You tell all your little friends about what's going on with you, you even confide in Jamie, but you don't tell me anything anymore" Jamarion said hurt.

"Because you're not the same, I miss telling you things, but now, I don't even know you since we moved here" I said looking into Jamarion's eyes as he held my arms.

"Well I'm starting to see the exact same thing about you" Jamarion said as I looked at him hurt as well, "the Jayse I know would never talk to two guys at once."

"I'm not talking to neither one of them, we're just friends" I stated.

"You sure Jayse, because I could have sworn at Christmas Q was thinking something else" Jamarion said letting go of my arms and walking away.

"When did he say this?" I asked worried.

"Outside to me and Justus. He said he felt something with you and thought you felt the same thing" Jamarion said sitting on a nearby bench. I walked over and sat with him, staring at the marble floor.

"I don't know, I mean I care for him but..." I said stopping myself.

"C'mon Jayse, Q is a good guy" Jamarion said.

"I know he is" I said looking over at him.

"Then why won't you talk to him?" Jamarion asked.

"Because...I can't shake my feelings for Brandon away" I said as Jamarion looked away upset.

"Give him another chance" I begged as Jamarion still had the back of his head turned to me.

"I just don't see what you see in that punk" Jamarion said.

"He's not a punk" I defended.

"Who sells dope for a living and claims that it's the only lifestyle that he could find" Jamarion said finally looking over at me.

"He does landscaping work too, and he only did it to provide for him, his mom and his brother. He had a rough lifestyle" I informed Jamarion.

"Don't you see what you are doing?" Jamarion asked me.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You're defending a thug" Jamarion said.

"I'm protecting him from negative assumptions coming from you and dad as well as everyone else" I said upset.

"Jayse we are just trying to protect you but if you want to give him another chance then fine, but he's going to break your heart again" Jamarion said getting up.

"How do you know that?" I asked following him as we finished walking in the mall.

"Because they are thugs and thugs don't want love, they just want to tear up the streets and wreak havoc on poor citizens" Jamarion said in front of me.

"Says who?" I asked.

"Says the world Jayse, grow up! You said that I am changing well so are you. Forget about that thug and focus on graduating in the next couple of months. Trust me that's the last thing on Brandon's mind" Jamarion said turning around to face me and then walking away again.

I got up and walked slowly behind Jamarion thinking about what he said and wondering if it was true. What if Brandon wasn't capable of love? What if thugging was all that he knew how to do?

The rest of the afternoon we went in and out of stores looking for a job and ironically it paid off...for Jamarion. He got a job at Footlocker while I was still looking.

"Do you have any skills?" the interviewer asked me as I sat in the office with her at the Liberty Hotel. I was trying to get a job as a waiter.

"No ma'am I don't but I learn very quickly and I can do the work" I said honestly with my fingers crossed in my lap.

"Well judging by your resume this will be your first job and normally we don't accept anyone without experience but...based on your references and your personality we would be glad to have you here" the interviewer, Rita, said as I stood up to reach across the desk to shake her hand.

"Thank you so much" I said smiling with glee.

"Can you start tomorrow?" she asked as I released her hand.

"Yes ma'am I can" I said happily taking my seat.

"Well come in tomorrow at 4:30, your trainer will be Yasmine, I just need to get your shirt and pants size, wear black shoes, make sure that your hygiene is in order and that you read this handbook before clocking in, and um, do you have any questions for me?" she asked.

"No ma'am I just appreciate the start" I said still smiling, knowing that I was working at one of the best hotels in the state.

"Ok if you follow me, I will give you a quick tour and you can be on your way" Rita said as she got up from her desk and showed me around. Everything in the hotel was so beautiful that you almost were afraid to touch it. A waterfall in the lobby, crystal chandeliers, gold staircases, marble floors, you name it this place had it.

It was amazing that some place like this existed in the south. As Rita gave me the tour, I looked at the front desk and noticed a familiar face.

"Terrence?" I asked as the guy looked up and over at me.

"Jayse?" Terrence said at the desk getting up to come and give me a hug.

"I didn't know that you worked here, I haven't seen you since Thanksgiving" I said.

"I know, me and my mom visited her family in New York at Christmas, I was texting you but you never hit me back up" Terrence said upset.

"I know, I just...there have been a lot of things happening lately. I'm sorry" I said apologizing.

"It's ok, your brothers have been keeping me informed about you" Terrence said and then making a face like he regretted saying that.

"Really? Since when?" I asked as Terrence looked embarrassed.

"Jayse..." Rita said.

"I'm so sorry Rita, hey Terrence I'll talk to you in a little bit" I said running after Rita as she finished giving me the tour.

Once the tour was finished, I thanked Rita, and ran back to the front desk to find someone else sitting in Terrence's spot. I asked the guy where did Terrence go and he told me that he went on break. I called Terrence's phone while it rang until I heard him call my name.

"Jayse" Terrence called me from the hallway leading to the lobby.

"Terrence, I was just calling your phone" I said walking over to him.

"Yea I left it in my locker I'm sorry" Terrence said walking near me wearing that gorgeous smile.

"Oh it's ok" I said as we met. We both stood there as Terrence was still smiling and I had no choice but to blush. I almost forgot how beautiful he was.

"You wanna have lunch with me and catch up?" Terrence asked me.

"Um...I would but I have to go" I said, "Jamarion is waiting for me."

"Oh do you have somewhere to be right now?" Terrence asked gazing at me with those beautiful green eyes.

"No, not really just homework" I said staring at Terrence.

"Ok well I can take you after my break" Terrence said sincerely looking at me.

"Um well...let me just tell my brother so he won't be waiting" I said giving in to his charm. I went outside to find my brother sitting in his car waiting for me in the parking lot.

"Hey Jamarion, I'm gonna have lunch with Terrence and he'll drop me off at home later" I said to him through the driver's window of his car.

"You sure?" Jamarion asked looking at me worried.

"Yea, Terrence is fine" I said as Brandon started calling my phone. I sent the call straight to voicemail, not wanting anything to do with him.

"Alright" Jamarion said cranking up his car to leave.

"Ok see you later" I said as Q sent me a text message. I walked towards the main entrance of the hotel reading the text as it read, "My heart is lonely without you."

I started blushing as I walked back into the restaurant of the hotel and saw Terrence waiting for me at an empty table. He immediately started smiling, got up from his table and pulled a chair out for me. I blushed and sat in it, as no one ever did this for me before.

"Thank you" I said as Terrence pushed me gently towards the table.

"How's that?" Terrence asked referring to my distance from the table.

"It's good, Terrence, thank you" I said looking up at him as he sat down in front of me.

"My pleasure, you look nice" Terrence said admiring my outfit.

"Thanks, but it's nothing new, just jeans and a shirt" I said smiling.

"Well you always look nice Jayse" Terrence said as I looked at him wondering if he was hitting on me. I always thought he was cute but he was straight and that's why I ended any possibility of us being together. Besides I think that my card is full right now trying to juggle 2 boys that want to date me.

"Um...thanks" I said blushing.

"No thank you for having lunch with me" Terrence said smiling. I looked at him and his dimples were showing extra hard almost as if he was sucking his cheeks in his mouth. Almost without noticing it, he winked his eye at me, but I ignored it, assuming that was something else.

"Well you seemed a little persistent earlier, so I had no choice but to oblige" I said as my phone rang. I looked down and saw that it was Brandon again. I shook my head and sent it to voicemail as the waiter came over to get our orders.

"Are you gentleman ready to order?" the waiter asked.

"Yea, Giorgio, I'll take my usual and what do you want Jayse?" Terrence said looking at me.

"Uh..." I said looking at the menu and seeing the prices. They were extremely high for my itty budget.

"Um, I'm not that hungry" I said closing the menu.

"Are you sure, I'll pay, my treat. Go ahead and order whatever you want" Terrence said as I blushed.

"Are you sure, I don't want to put you out" I said feeling bad for using him like this.

"Jayse it's cool. Consider it as my gift, for staying and having lunch with me" Terrence said.

"Ok" I said, looking through the menu again, "I apologize" I said looking up at Giorgio.

"It's ok, take all the time you need, do you want me to come back?" Giorgio asked.

"No it's ok. I made up my mind now" I said, "I'll have the Turkey and Ham grilled Penne with fries and a glass of lemonade."

"Hey that's my favorite" Terrence said smiling.

"Really?" I asked as Giorgio grabbed our menus and left.

"Yea I order that all the time. Also because it's the cheapest thing on the menu" Terrence said laughing as I joined in.

"Yea I agree, which is why I ordered it" I said smiling.

"Ah Jayse, I told you, order whatever you want. It wouldn't have cost much with my discount" Terrence said.

"Well I didn't want to put you out of your way" I said looking over at him.

"Nonsense you couldn't possibly do that" Terrence said smiling.

"Well in that case where is Giorgio, I want to order the lobster" I said joking as Terrence laughed.

"Ok, ok, not anything you want" Terrence said still laughing, "God, I missed you so much."

"Really?" I asked as I stopped laughing.

"Yea you were all I thought about over the holidays" Terrence said as I got worried and looked down at the table.

"I'm sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?" Terrence asked.

"No I just, don't know what to say" I said unfolding my napkin and placing it over my lap.

"It's ok" Terrence said, "I didn't mean to say all of that, I mean I did mean to say all of that but just not that way. Well yea I did mean to say it that way, but just not in that form, you know what, forget I said anything."

I looked over at Terrence as he started sweating really heavy and turned red all of the sudden. I was still at a loss for words because judging by what he's doing and what he just said, it almost sounded as if he had a crush on me. Naw couldn't be, he was straight!

We ate our lunch in peace with both of us afraid to talk. Occasionally we would look up and smile at each other but the bulk of the time was spent with us in silence.

"That was great" I said finally mustering up the courage to break the silence as I wiped my mouth with my napkin.

"Yea it was" Terrence said taking a sip of his lemonade, "thank you again for staying. Sorry I was so boring."

"You weren't boring Terrence, why would you think that?" I asked worried.

"Because you didn't say anything the entire time and I think it was because of my blunder earlier" Terrence said sadly.

"Not at all, Terrence" I said reaching over to touch his hand to cheer him up, "I had a great time."

Terrence looked down at our hands and looked up at me smiling as I looked down at our hands and smiled nervously too.

"Sorry" I said pulling my hand back.

"No it's me. I know I've been in a funk lately but it's just because I dropped out of school, my parents are divorced now, I'm back home living with my mom and my best friend and I aren't talking" Terrence said with his head down.

"Terrence I had no idea, I'm so sorry" I said sadly.

"It's cool, I just wish I had someone to talk to" Terrence said.

"Well what about me?" I asked pouting.

"Jayse I couldn't do that to you" Terrence said, "besides you're in school, and you have your friends and family you don't need to worry about me."

"But I thought we were friends?" I asked still pouting.

"We are..." Terrence said quickly looking over at me.

"Then friends should be there for each other, besides you're just as important to me as any of my other friends" I said making Terrence smile.

"Thanks Jayse I appreciate that" Terrence said.

"No problem" I said looking at my watch, "well your break will be up soon, are you sure you will be able to take me home?"

"Sure you don't stay that far" Terrence said getting up from the table. He rushed to pull my chair from the table as I blushed at how much of a gentleman he was.

"Thank you Terrence" I said as Terrence blushed. I waited for him as he paid the bill, left it on the table and we walked out the hotel. He looked so cute in his uniform and it hugged him very well.

He must have been working out lately because he didn't have the small swimmer body anymore, his arms and legs were a little bigger and so were his hands.

I walked through the front doors as he held them open for me and we walked to his car. He opened the door for me as I got in and admired it.

"This is my first time riding in your car" I stated.

"I know, my car probably feels like it is in the presence of royalty right now" Terrence said as I blushed. His car smelled good. It had the light fragrance of wild berry and it was clean too.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" Terrence asked getting inside.

"It's your car so whatever you listen to, is ok with me" I said as Terrence rolled his eyes playfully.

"C'mon Jayse, you can tell me" Terrence said.

"I like neo soul, oldies, jazz and smooth R&B" I said looking over at him as he smiled.

"Thank you" Terrence said laughing as I joined him. He started playing Nora Jones as I melted in my seat.

"Is this good?" Terrence asked looking over at me and licking his pink lips.

"Perfect" I said trying hard to resist his charm.

As we drove to my house, we caught up some more and I remembered why I was smitten with Terrence in the first place. Everything about him said beautiful. His smile, his laugh, his posture, his physique, his mind, his heart, he was almost too perfect; but then you mix in the fact that he is going through some things and you realize that he does have flaws so he's not that perfect.

Still I can't shake off the feeling that he has been flirting with me all afternoon. I mean I may be a little rusty but he has been sweet to me, not that he hasn't ever been sweet to me, it's just that today has been perfect.

Once we pulled up in front of my house, Terrence turned off the engine and opened his door.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"About to come and open your door" Terrence looked at me worried.

"It's ok, you have to get back at work" I said.

"Well then let me walk you to your door" Terrence said about to get up when I pulled his uniform.

"Terrence it's ok, you have done enough today. Thank you but I'm fine" I said opening my door.

"Well, ok" Terrence said disappointed as I looked at him and felt bad.

"I really don't want you to be late for work" I said trying to cheer him up.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to be a gentleman" Terrence said sadly as I pondered on that statement.

"You were and I appreciate that. I had a lot of fun today" I said as he cheered up.

"Me too, I'm glad you did. We should get up sometime and do this again, now that I'm back home" Terrence said.

"Well we can do it again tomorrow. Tomorrow is my first day of work" I said as Terrence smiled even harder.

"Yea you're right...I can't wait, I mean you're going to like it there" Terrence said blushing at his slip up as I blushed as well.

"Ok, well thanks again and you should get going" I said about to walk away.

"Ok...uh Jayse?" Terrence called out to me.

"Yea" I said turning around to face him.

"Can I call you tonight, instead of our usual routine of texting" Terrence asked sympathetically. I looked at his face as he looked at me with the deepest eyes, full of sincerity.

"Sure" I said as Terrence gave me the biggest grin.

"Ok I should get going" Terrence said turning his car back on.

"Yea you should" I said as he smiled.

"See ya" Terrence said as I waved bye to him. He drove away and watched me the whole time as I was walking towards my front door. Just when I placed my hand on the door knob I got a phone call. I was praying that it wasn't Brandon or Q.

"Hello?" I asked not even looking at my phone as I grabbed it from my pocket.

"Are you home?" Tony asked.

"Yea" I said walking through the front door to find Jerry and Jamarion watching a college football game on TV.

"OK can you call your security guard and ask him to please let me through I need the notes from History class today?" Tony asked.

"Yea sure no problem" I said as I hung up with Tony and called Pete at the front gate.

"Hi Jayse" Jerry said as I walked over and hugged him.

"Hi Jerry, how was school?" I asked sitting on the opposite side of the couch from him.

"Good, everyone was busy talking about what they got for Christmas, it was weird" Jerry said.

"How was it weird?" I asked confused.

"Because all the cool kids bragged about their new clothes, while the nerds bragged about their new computer games" Jerry said.

"Well I guess you fall into both categories" Jamarion said as Jerry threw a pillow at Jamarion. All I could do was laugh as the doorbell rang.

"Who is that?" Jamarion asked.

"It's Tony coming over to borrow some notes from class today" I said. I went to the door and let Tony in and picking on him since he had to get braces today.

"Don't even start" Tony said upset as I started laughing at him, "I went over to Max house and he asked me what time does the train get in."

"Wow Tony has braces, finally something to shut you up" I said laughing as Tony played like he was about to hit me.

"That's funny, I mean hi Tony" Jerry said from the couch.

"Hi Jerry" Tony said cheering up and walking over to sit between Jerry and Jamarion. Tony was so hilarious every time he got around Jamarion, because Jamarion didn't want him, but Tony was determined to turn my brother.

"How are you doing?" Tony asked Jerry.

"I'm fine" Jerry said smiling.

"How was your Christmas?" Tony asked.

"It was good, I got some clothes, games and a new phone" Jerry bragged.

"Wow more than I ever got when I was your age" Tony said as I agreed.

"Hi Jamarion" Tony said giddy as I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Tony, how you doing?" Jamarion asked still lying back on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table.

"I'm ok, just getting adjusted to these braces" Tony said trying to persuade Jamarion to be sympathetic.

"I'm sorry to hear that" Jamarion said as I cleared my throat.

"Um...Tony don't you wanna go get those notes now?" I asked.

"No, I'm good right here" Tony said still gazing at Jamarion. I went over and pulled his arm, dragging him upstairs to my room as I saw Jamarion finally breathe.

"Get in there" I said throwing Tony in my room and closing my door behind us.

"Jayse your brother is so fine!" Tony said falling on bed, "Lord why did he have to be straight. All the sexy ones always are."

"Stop falling for my brother" I said grabbing my notebook from my book bag.

"Jayse you have no idea, to me, your brother is the sexiest guy at school! Ebony is so lucky" Tony said as I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Eww I don't want to hear that" I said throwing my notebook over to him.

"Well it's the truth" Tony said grabbing my notebook and copying my notes.

"I don't want to hear that" I said again looking for some black pants to wear tomorrow.

"Honestly I'm telling you, all he has to do is say the word" Tony said still going on.

"Tony!" I yelled as Tony laughed at me being uncomfortable.

"Ok I'll change the subject, how are you doing with determining who is going to win your heart" Tony said kicking off his shoes and lying on my bed, on his stomach, still copying the notes.

"I don't know. I'm starting to regret talking to Brandon on Christmas" I said trying my pants on.

"Why?" Tony asked not looking at me as he continued writing.

"Because I'm having second thoughts, not to mention me bumping into Terrence today" I said checking myself in my mirror.

"What does Terrence have to do with this equation, unless..."Tony said as his pen hit his notebook. I froze knowing what he was thinking but was afraid to face him.

"Jayson Grier, is this true?" Tony asked behind me as I still was afraid to look at him. Tony got up and walked over to me spinning me around as I looked down at the ground.

"Look at me Jayse" Tony said trying to pull my head up.

"Stop Tony" I said walking away and sitting down on my bed.

"Since when? I thought your crush on Terrence went away" Tony stated.

"It did, but today he was so sweet that, I honestly don't know what to say. He was flirting with me the entire time, and it's not like I'm cheating because I'm not with anyone right now, but it feels so wrong to have crushes on these guys, I feel like I'm playing with fire" I stated honestly.

"Well sadly you're talking to the wrong guy because I've been in your shoes but I think I chose the wrong one" Tony said walking over and sitting next to me.

"Omar is not that bad" I said as Tony rolled his eyes.

"We'll agree, to disagree, but the point of the matter is, you're going to have to find out which guy you ultimately want" Tony said as if I didn't know that already.

"I know Tony, but they each bring something different to the table" I said going through their numbers through my phone.

"No Jayse you hear me but you don't hear me. Which guy do you really care about? Which guy makes you the happiest out of Brandon, Quentin and Terrence?" Tony asked me as I continued to play with their numbers in my phone. Just then my phone rang and my face lighted up, to which Tony recognized and commented on.

"I think he may be the one" Tony said as I took a deep breath and answered my phone.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 25

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