Hes Mine


Published on Dec 14, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 18 Walk On By

"You're going to a football game Jayse, not an art exhibit!" Max said as I was laying out my outfit on my bed to wear tonight.

"I know but..." I said catching myself before I said something I would regret.

"But what?" Max asked sitting up on my bed smiling.

"Nothing just drop it" I said walking back over to my closet from my bed with a pair of jeans on a hanger in my hand.

"No, no, no. What was that all about?" Max asked.

"Max please just drop it!" I begged turning around facing him from the closet. Max stared at me for a minute and sighed heavily before responding.

"Ok! All right, fine. I'll drop it. I don't know why you have adopted so much secrecy lately!" Max said agitated, getting up and walking over to my desk. He sat down in front of it and picked up some of my poems. Before I could realize it, Max started reading one of them:

"Pretty brown eyes, deep glazing stare, This is what I had, when you were here. Now you're gone and so is the care, What happened to the love that we shared?..."

I ran over and grabbed the poem from Max before he could finish it and knew who it was about.

"Um excuse you!" Max said.

"Excuse you?" I said back, "how dare you read my stuff?"

"Since when can I not?" Max asked.

"Since I said not to" I yelled back putting the papers in my desk drawer and closing it.

"Whatever" Max said getting up from my desk. I sighed and looked back at Max knowing I was acting up and decided to apologize.

"Max" I said softly clutching a sweater in my hands.

"Yes?" Max asked with an attitude. I sighed again and walked over to my bed, sitting down on it and patting on an empty spot next to it, for Max to sit and join me. Once he did I vented my hurt more.

"Hey I know you are tired of hearing this but..."I said staring down at my lap.

"But what Jayse?" Max asked looking at me.

"I, I, I REALLY miss Brandon" I said feeling my eyes water.

"Then call him" Max said.

"I tried. The first thing I did when I got home was run up here and dial his number" I vented getting up and pacing in my room.

"And?" Max asked.

"He never picked up" I said frustrated.

"Jayse maybe you guys need a break from each other. It sounds like you guys went through a lot" Max stated.

"In three weeks!" I yelled, "We haven't even dated a full month yet and we need a break? We still don't know enough about each other yet."

"Yea but cuz listen you both are just not ready for each other yet. Circumstances are getting in the way right now" Max stated.

"Like his occupation, my dad..." I stated still pacing.

"And Quentin" Max said as I stopped in my tracks, "what about him?" I played with my sweater and thought about the feelings that were developing between Quentin and I lately.

"I don't know" I replied, "I mean I think he's cute and smart and very romantic but so was Brandon. Don't you know that we were getting promise rings for each other and having them engraved?"

"Really? That sounds sweet" Max said smiling.

"Yea, I thought so too" I said staring off into space wondering what Brandon was doing, "I got it!"

"What?" Max asked as I threw the sweater on the bed and got my boots out my closet.

"Stay here I'm going to take a quick shower and get dressed" I said grabbing a fresh pair of underwear and socks to wear tonight.

"Jayse we still have 3 hours before the game starts" Max stated.

"I know but we are going to take a little trip" I said about to run out my bedroom door to the bathroom.

"Where are we going? To the mall?" Max asked.

"No to Brandon's" I stated.

"Oh no, Jayse I'm not getting in the middle of this" Max said.

"Please, please, please Max" I begged crawling over to him on my knees with my hands folded, "I have to try one last time."

"Jayse..." Max whined.

"I know, I know it's wrong of me to use you like this but I promise this is the last time" I begged with puppy dog eyes, "PLEASE!!!"

Max looked at me and looked back at the wall behind me, back and forth for a couple of seconds before giving me his answer.

"Ok but if we get in trouble I'm gonna hurt you" Max said as I grabbed his right hand and kissed it.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Max. This means so much to me you have no idea" I said getting up and running to the bathroom to take a shower. God please let this go ok.

Once I got dressed and we left my house we drove to Brandon's while the butterflies played tag in my stomach. My hands were nervous and sweating as I tugged at my turtleneck sweater feeling dehydrated.

"Stop fidgeting you're making me nervous!" Max said driving.

"I'm sorry" I said wiping my hands on my jeans, "do you think he's home?"

"I don't know but I guess we'll find out" Max stated as we drove into an unfamiliar neck of the woods. I looked around at the homes and they were descent but not the kind that I was accustomed too.

It resembled the kind of homes that you saw in movies and people called the ghetto but they really weren't. They were a step up from the ghetto but you can still tell that it's the working class part of town and not the middle class. I wonder if this is why Brandon never brought me over to his house. We pulled up to an apartment complex and Max drove in.

"Do you think it's safe" I asked worried.

"Boy you have been watching too many gangsta movies" Max said laughing at my ignorance. Max drove around to an apartment and I saw Brandon's car as my heart started racing faster. I would be lying if I didn't mention that I smiled a little, inside and out.

Max drove up to the front of the building and parked beside Brandon's car. I stared at it remembering the times we shared inside. I know it was only weeks but it felt like months.

"Are you going inside?" Max asked me waking me up from my daydream.

"Huh" I asked lost.

"Huh? Are you listening to me?" Max asked looking over at me as I stared back at him.

"Yea I am" I lied.

"Then what did I just ask?" Max asked me crossing his arms smiling.

"You said, um, you said, ok I wasn't paying attention" I said as Max rolled his eyes, "Can you come in there with me?"

Max sighed and looked at my face, unbuckling his seatbelt "Jayse come on." As we got out the car, I grabbed Max's hand still nervous.

"I don't know if I want to do this again" I said stopping as Max dragged my hand.

"I did not drive 15 minutes out of my way for nothing" Max stated. We walked up to the door and knocked without hearing a response. Max knocked again this time harder as we waited a couple of minutes. My heart broke as no one still didn't come and we waited for an answer.

"Ok let's go" I said turning around to walk away as the door opened. There he stood at the door wearing a white long johns top and some shorts with his hands on his crutches for support. I stared at him as he stared at me. Both of us lost in each other's eyes. Max must have felt uncomfortable because he cleared his throat after about 5 minutes of the eye stare contest me and Brandon had.

"Hey Brandon" Max said after the moment of silence, "You busy?"

"No" Brandon snapped breaking his eyes stare with me and placing knots in his forehead.

"Um, well, Jayse and I just wanted to check up on you" Max said pulling me back over. I smelled the inside of his house and it smelled just like him. I glanced up at his eyes every now and then and whenever I looked up at him he turned his head.

"Is that right?" Brandon asked.

"Yea, right Jayse?" Max asked hunching my shoulders.

"Yea we wanted to check up on you bab-I mean Brandon" I said looking in his eyes for a quick second before he rolled them at me.

"I'm good. Thanks for stopping by" Brandon said. He looked so upset with me and I could tell because he was giving me the cold shoulder big time but it wasn't my fault. I wish I could make things right again. I missed his arms wrapped around me. I looked up at his ears and saw that they were pierced.

"Nice earrings" I said.

"Thanks" Brandon said salty. I put my head down ashamed. He had to know that it was getting to me.

"Well we're going to go Brandon you don't seem like you're in the mood for company" Max said grabbing my hand.

"I'm in the mood for company!" Brandon said straightening Max out.

"Just not my company" I said looking back at Brandon as he turned his head away from me not answering me.

"Bab-Brandon, I didn't mean for it to end like this. I'm sorry. I fought for you as hard as I could. Why are you so upset with me?" I asked.

"What makes you think that everything is about you?" Brandon asked without looking at me.

"Because you won't look at me in the eyes anymore" I stated as he looked up from the ground.

"Jayse we haven't broken up for a week yet and already you're riding in someone else's car and walking around school with them?" Brandon asked upset finally staring into my eyes but still with those knots in his forehead. Even when he was upset he was cute.

"Brandon what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I'm talking about Quentin, don't play dumb with me" Brandon snapped at me.

"Bab-Brandon we're just friends" I said trying hard to stop calling him baby, "and how do you know about all of this?"

"Don't worry about all of that" Brandon snapped.

"Brandon quit talking to me like this!" I yelled as my eyes starting watering, "I know you are upset with me, but Quentin is just a friend honest!"

"Jayse I never cared about anyone like you before. You were supposed to be different from anyone else out here. Then I see that two days later you already forgot about me and moved on" Brandon said with hurt in his voice.

"How can I move on when you are all I think about, night and day!" I yelled.

"Jayse please!" Brandon snapped at me again.

"Please what?" I asked looking at him as Max got front row seats at our fight.

"Jayse just please leave alright" Brandon said as my heart broke.

"What did you just say?" I asked as a tear fell from my eyes but Brandon didn't respond back. I knew that he said it out of frustration but the point of the matter was that he still said it.

"Jayse maybe we should go" Max said behind me. I stared at Brandon in his face as he slowly turned his head in my direction. I was so hurt by the sight of him that I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Here I was crying my eyes out. I believed every word you said. You said that you wouldn't hurt me. You said you would never treat me like Daniel and here you go winning the battle with a ghost. You win Brandon! I give up. I'm not a fighter I never was. I give up easily and I know that I shouldn't but that's me, that's who I am. I'm not like everyone else because I'm overly sensitive and caring. I thought that's what you liked about me" I said as Brandon stopped looking at me and down to the ground, "You said I was special, and I thought you were too. If you think about it hard enough Brandon, then you know that I could never leave you like that but you don't care right now. You're hurt and you don't want anything else to do with me."

"I didn't mean to say that" Brandon pleaded.

"Too late" I shouted not even realizing my voice could get that high, "you got your wish. I'm going to leave you alone."

I walked over to Brandon and reached in my pocket for the poem I was writing. I reached out for Brandon's right hand and placed the letter inside his palm while leaning in and kissing his face.

"Read this if you want, if not then oh well we're over right?" I asked smiling nervously as another tear fell from my eyes. I shook my head trying to fight back the tears and didn't even realize that Brandon and I were still holding hands.

I looked down at the embrace our hands held together and rubbed my thumb along his hand letting him know how much I missed him. He looked down at our hands and looked up into my eyes and smiled softly. I walked over slowly to him, about to kiss him goodbye, when a car pulled in the apartment complex from afar with music thumping really loudly. Brandon broke our eyes stare and looked past me to see who it was. Once he saw who it was he told me to leave.

"Jayse get out of here!" Brandon said pulling his hand from mine.

"Why?" I asked turning around to see what had him so upset again all of the sudden.

"Just do what I said" Brandon said as I turned back around to see his face again. He looked nervous and upset at the same time. I wonder what had him so shook and scared.

Just then a car pulled up in front of his house, a Maybach to be exact, and a big dark skinned man walked out from the driver's seat and towards the back.

"Jayse get out of here!" Brandon yelled at me again.

"Not until you tell me why?" I asked again turning from the car back to him.

"Jayse let's go" Max whined grabbing my hand obviously recognizing the man getting out of the car. The man was this big heavy seat Cuban guy, with wavy jet black hair and a business suit on. He stepped outside of the car and fixed his suit coat while taking off his sunglasses. He walked over to our direction, with the big black guy following behind him and putting the alarm on the car.

"Jayse I'm telling you one last time to leave" Brandon whispered to me this time. I looked back at him as his eyes had a pleading look on them. I guess I could put one and two together and know exactly who this was now.

"Brandon, how are you doing this evening?" the guy asked walking over to Brandon and stopping to gaze at me and Max.

"I'm good Krush" Brandon said gripping his crutches tightly. I looked down at his hands and at him as he gave me a look that said `leave now.'

"Who do we have here?" Krush asked staring at me and Max.

"Just some friends of mine" Brandon stated.

"Well why don't you introduce us?" Krush asked looking back at Brandon. Brandon looked at Krush nervously and then over at me and Max. Max was still holding my hand and I could feel the sweat in his palms from his nervousness, he probably felt mine too.

"This is...Max and, and...Jayse, guys this is Krush" Brandon nervously.

"Nice to meet you gentleman, I'm a friend of Brandon's too. A friend of Brandon is a friend of mine" Krush said extending his hand out towards us to shake. We both shook his hands and smiled nervously.

"Well nice to meet you too sir, but I'm afraid we have to be going" Max said grabbing my hand again and pulling me away.

"Wait a second you look familiar" Krush stated looking at me as we stopped in our tracks.

"Who me?" I asked pointing at my chest. I looked over at Brandon who looked down at the ground shaking his head.

"Yea do you stay in Pinkett Way?" Krush asked me.

"Yea I do" I responded scared not knowing who he was.

"I do too. How you doin' neighbor?" Krush asked smiling. He resembled an evil villain in a Disney cartoon movie. His smile looked so mysterious.

"I'm fine sir" I responded back.

"Please, please, call me Krush" Krush said still smiling.

"Ok Krush" I said smiling nervously, "well it's been nice meeting you but we really have to go now."

"Am I interrupting something? Please don't leave on my part" Krush said.

"No sir we have to get ready to go to Grove High's game tonight" Max said.

"Oh yeah that's true. God I miss those days. Wait a minute, before you go, if you don't mind me asking how do you know Brandon here?" Krush asked me.

"Um...we're a...I mean we were...well I guess we just know each other from school" I stated not knowing what we were anymore and if Krush knew about Brandon, not that Brandon hides it when we were together. That's what I am going to miss most of all about him.

"Cool, ok well I'm not going to hold you guys up" Krush said walking over and shaking our hands one last time.

"Bye" Max and I said power walking to his car.

"That was Brandon's boss wasn't it?" I asked Max.

"Yea Krush, who brought guns and violence to our quiet town" Max said pulling out the parking lot. I looked over at Brandon as he looked at me sadly. I hope he wasn't in any trouble but now I know why he wanted me to leave so badly. Although we weren't together anymore I still wanted him safe.

Max drove home, changed and we stayed at his house for awhile before the game. Quentin was texting me the entire time with little love messages and jokes. He was doing a good job taking my mind off Brandon, almost too good.

When Max and I left for the game, 30 minutes after it started to be fashionably late, we made a big mistake. The stadium was packed and we almost didn't find a parking spot. We ran to the gates and paid our money to enter and walked inside towards the bleachers.

Walking through the crowd was a killer. People were so bunched up together trying to keep warm.

When we found Eric and Tony they were seated not too far from the team. I heard someone yell my name and I looked up to see Quentin, waving and smiling at me. He looked so cute in his uniform and it was hugging him in all the right places. He yelled for me to come over and I obliged climbing down the bleachers.

"Hi Jayse" Quentin said smiling running over to me.

"Hi Quentin" I responded smiling. We both were blushing in front of each other that people would have sworn we were together. I couldn't help myself, he was so gorgeous. Not like Brandon gorgeous or Terrance gorgeous. It was like he was a pretty boy/thug and he wore it well. I couldn't stop staring at him. I could smell his masculine aroma escaping his uniform and it turned me on so much.

"I'm glad you came out tonight, you look really good" Quentin stated.

"Thank you. I'm glad I came too" I said trying not to look down between his legs. I wonder if he was wearing a cup, focus Jayse, focus. "You aren't cold?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Naw I'm used to this" Quentin said smiling leaning over the gate trying to get closer to me.

"Stop smiling so much" I said smiling as well.

"You stop!" Quentin said laughing as I joined in, just then the crowd made a "oh" sound as the ball was intercepted by the opposing team. The player who intercepted the ball was tackled by our team and the referee blew his whistle signaling for the defense to join the field.

"Mitchell get yo ass out there" Coach yelled at Quentin.

"Damn I gotta go" Quentin said still blushing, "wish me luck?"

"Go get `em" I said blushing as he turned around and ran out into the field. I turned my head so I wouldn't stare at the wrong parts of him. Thank God it was cold and I was wearing jeans.

I walked up the bleachers and sat with the crew as they all looked over at me smiling.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"You are such a slut" Tony said as we all started laughing.

"All right Grove High let's give a big cheer as our defense team hits the field led by none other than our middle linebacker #55 Quentin `Big Dog Q' Mitchell." The crowd started yelling and the people sitting behind us were so loud that Max, Tony, Eric and I covered our ears from bleeding.

"I knew I should have brought my earmuffs" Tony yelled upset.

"I guess we'll have to bring them next time we come and support Jayse's new boyfriend" Eric yelled teasing as I punched him lightly in the lap. New boyfriend? I can't just drop Brandon like that and if I did what kind of person would I be. Regardless of how long we were talking I can't throw away my feelings like that. It took months for me to get over Daniel and we were together for a year almost.

I shook the thought out of my head as I focused on the game. The quarterback snapped the ball and right away Quentin got around the offense and tackled the quarterback. The crowd cheered again as Quentin and his linemen did victory dances.

The quarterback tried again and this time the running back got tackled gaining only five yards. I watched as Quentin flexed his arms and got hyped every time his squad did a good job. I wasn't even aware he had this much testosterone in him. I bit my bottom lip out of desperation as I continued my stare on the sexy specimen.

The quarterback for the opposing team tried again this time the wide receiver got a 10 yard gain as the home team booed. The coach called Quentin over and told him a play that he went back over to tell the team.

The quarterback snapped the ball and threw the ball right into the hands of one of our safeties as he ran the ball for a touchdown. The crowd cheered again as the horn from the announcers booth blared. The band started playing our theme song and I watched as Quentin and his friends celebrated. He looked over at the stands searching for my face and smiled as I smiled back. God I was trying to play it cool and not fall so easily but Quentin was anteing up his sexiness tonight. Maybe it was nothing different and I was just paying attention to it for the first time differently since I was single again?

The game remained steady ending at halftime with a score of 21 to 14. We were still in the lead but the opposing team was good. They were not about to let us go start a perfect season. People started walking off the bleachers to go to the concession stand while me and the boys stayed behind.

"I'm hungry" Tony shouted.

"Me too" Max said rubbing his stomach, "let's go get a hot dog, you guys want anything?"

"Nachos please with cheese and chilli" I said starving as well.

"I'll just share with Jayse" Eric said as Tony and Max got up and walked away. "So looks like someone is giving love a second chance" Eric said scooting over to sit by me.

"Eric..." I said shaking my head smiling.

"Jayse come on, I think it's cute" Eric said hunching my shoulders.

"I just don't want to seem like a slut" I stated honestly.

"We were just playing when we said that" Eric said smiling.

"I know but I kind of feel that way" I said.

"Jayse you haven't slept with any of them" Eric stated.

"I know" I replied.

"Then you're not a slut. A slut is someone that sleeps with the first thing they see, I just think you're looking for your prince charming" Eric stated as I looked at him smiling.

"Thank you Eric" I said.

"You're welcome. Stop being so hard on yourself and enjoy life" Eric stated.

"You're right, I have been hard on myself a lot lately" I said.

"Yes you have, but it's ok. I admire you for looking at love on a level way beyond what we see it as. I think you appreciate it and treasure it as if it is a gem or a diamond in a rough" Eric informed and though I hadn't realized it until now, I have been treating life like that which is why I am probably a Venus fly trap for men.

"Thanks Eric I needed to hear that" I said.

"Now that over there is a slut" Eric said pointing to Kris and Dantae. "Oooh child that boy is a trip!"

I looked over at them as they sat cuddled up on the bleachers. I wonder how long they were here and if they saw me and Quentin. I looked down at Dantae and it was something so scary about him that your heart started racing out of fear the moment you saw him. They were sitting pretty far from us and Dantae looked up at me and froze like a deer in headlights. It wasn't a look like he wanted me but a look like he wanted to hurt me. Kris saw his glazed look and looked back over to me as well.

The two of them looked like evil royalty. I turned my head away and watched the band perform as Eric began texting Mario. I looked back down to Kris and Dantae as Kris whispered something in Dantae's ear and got up to walk away. Dantae looked at me again and I turned my head as Max and Tony came back with the food and drinks.

"You guys got back quick" Eric said reaching for the nachos and handing them to me as he got our drinks.

"We had cut in line" Tony confessed and Eric looked at both of them shocked.

"What! Ain't nobody feel like waiting in those long ass lines" Max stated.

"Hmm, well I'm glad me and Jayse are the good guys compared to you two bad boys" Eric stated putting a nacho in his mouth.

"Jayse ain't worried about you he has Quentin on his mind" Tony teased but I was really worrying about why Dantae was looking at me like that.

"Well I would ignore people too with a man that fine looking" Eric said grabbing another nacho.

"Muscles and brain, OMG if you weren't my friend, boy..." Tony said fantasizing about Quentin.

"You ain't never lie and if I wasn't taken" Eric said high fiving Tony.

"Jayse do you hear these fools talking about your man?" Max yelled at me.

"Huh?" I asked snapping out my daydream.

"See told you he over there dreaming about him too" Tony said, "Just make sure you save some of him for me in that dream of yours."

I still wasn't paying any attention to Tony as Max and Eric both laughed.

"Are you ok Jayse?" Eric asked after drinking some of his juice.

"Yea, yea I'm fine" I lied grabbing a nacho and eating it.

After halftime the team came on the field for an exciting second half. I watched Quentin from the sidelines as he kept stealing glances of me. Every time he got on the field it seemed as if he was extra happy and pumped. I wasn't the only one because the announcer even commented on it.

At the ending of the fourth quarter our team scored the winning touchdown to a close game, 35-36. People started clearing the football stadium as me and the crew waited after the crowd.

Mario and Rich came strolling up the bleachers towards Max and Eric as Tony and I got up to walk away.

"I hope Omar doesn't come over here" Tony stated upset as we walked carefully down the bleachers to not fall down.

"Why I thought you guys were back together?" I asked sipping the last of my punch in my cup.

"He's trying to get back with me but I kind of have a crush on Ahmad" Tony blushed.

"I thought he was just a friend?" I asked laughing at my friend's complicated love life.

"He is but he called me last night and we were on the phone all night" Tony stated.

"Then what about the pep rally earlier?" I asked walking behind him.

"Ugh I don't know" Tony said, "he's just..."

"'Sup Tony" Omar said walking towards us.

"Hey Omar" Tony said salty as I brushed his shoulder signaling for him to be nice.

"'Sup Jayse" Omar said to me.

"Hi Omar" I replied.

"You guys getting ready to go to the gym for the dance?" Omar asked us as Rich, Max, Mario and Eric came walking by.

"Yea" Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Do you have a date Tony?" Omar asked.

"I told you earlier that I'm going by myself" Tony stated.

"Well I just thought I would ask you again" Omar said sincerely.

"No I haven't changed my mind" Tony said angrily.

"Alright then I guess I'll see you around" Omar said walking away.

"C'mon let's go" Tony said grabbing my hand as we walked to the gym.

"Why are you always talking to him like that?" I asked upset that Tony was treating Omar like that.

"Because you guys don't see Omar the way I do. Behind closed doors his attitude is just as worst as mines" Tony said putting his trash in a nearby bin.

"Well maybe but he looks like he's trying to do better" I stated as my mind trailed back to Brandon. Lately he and I have been resembling Tony and Omar alot.

"Let's just change the topic and go in here and have some fun" Tony said as I threw my trash away too.

"Cool, taking my mind off an ex is exactly what I need to do" I confessed.

"Me too" Tony said as we walked towards the doors of the gym. We gave our tickets to the kids standing at the door and went inside. It was packed, and the decorations were gorgeous. There were blue, black and white balloons and ribbons all over the place.

Tony grabbed my hand and we started dancing to Jazzmine Sullivan's remix to Hooked on you with Mary J. Blige. I was feeling good and wanted to dance the night away. After a couple of songs Tony and I went to sit down that is until Ahmad bumped into us. They both looked at each other and looked at me as I smiled and walked away.

I thought about joining the rest of the crew at the table but I didn't want to see them huddled up and kissing. I looked around the gym, searching for Quentin but I guess he was still in the locker room. I figured that because I didn't see any other players enter yet neither.

"Sitting all alone" Kris said walking over towards me as I rolled my eyes.

"Nope just getting up to get something to drink" I lied trying to run away from him.

"Well you look cute tonight" Kris said commenting on my outfit.

"Thanks I guess" I said rolling my eyes again as I grabbed a cup of punch.

"Yea I must admit you are pretty fashion forward or at least try to be" Kris said trying to get to me.

"Is there anything I could help you with?" I asked annoyed by his presence.

"No just wanted to keep you company but I'll go now" Kris said about to walk away.

"Thank God" I said out loud.

"Oh yea before I go I just wanted to say one thing, um what is it that I wanted to say oh yea, stay the hell away from my man!" Kris said with force in his tone.

"Excuse me?" I asked confused staring at Kris in the eyes.

"He told me how you were checking him out at the football game" Kris stated referring to the eye contact Dantae and I shared earlier.

"For your information I don't want your man" I said drinking my punch and throwing the cup away.

"Yea you shouldn't need to since you have all the boys in the Grove chasing you. I'm just shocked that you haven't tried to get with none of your friends' boyfriends yet" Kris said playing with his nails. He was really trying to get to me and was doing a good job.

"You know what Kris you are so desperate to be all in my business when you should be focusing on your image. I know you have heard what people are saying about you" I said facing him.

"It's not like any of it is true" Kris stated.

"You know what bugs me so much, you don't know nothing about me and yet you have this vendetta with me that I could care less about" I said crossing my arms.

"Sure you don't Jayse. You're just on a power trip since everyone is fascinated by you but keep in mind every reigning queen has to come down from her throne sometime" Kris said walking up towards me.

"Then I better count my blessings that I'm a guy. Excuse me" I said walking away from his sad attempt at starting a scene. That was just like Kris, wanting all eyes on him and wanting to cause the biggest scene in a crowd. He was so desperate that it made my skin curl.

I walked away as far as I could away from him and looked back for a second to see Dantae walk up towards him. They both looked at me and walked away with knots in their foreheads. I really know how to pick them.

Just then the DJ announced that the football team was coming in as the crowd went insane cheering them on. I waited patiently for Quentin as I saw him finally enter with another bouquet of roses. I blushed as he walked over to me with them in his hands, blushing as well.

"You gave me some of these earlier" I stated when he walked up to me.

"I know that but since you RUINED them before I thought that I would give a second one plus there's a card in these" Quentin said. I reached for the card and opened it as it said: "Thank you for giving me a second chance and for making me the luckiest boy in the world."

"Wow thank you Quentin" I said reaching up for a hug. I loved the feel of his muscles and though he was wearing a sweater as well I could still feel them. He wrapped his hands around my waist and squeezed me tight as I inhaled his fresh scent from his shower in the locker room.

"Come on let's dance" Quentin said grabbing my hand and walking towards the dance floor. We walked by my crew's table and I handed my flowers to Eric as they all smiled at me. I couldn't help it and smiled as well. It felt good to feel wanted again.

Quentin had some nice moves, which is no surprise since he is an athlete. The whole time we were dancing he had this big grin on his face and that just warmed my heart.

"Why are you smiling so much?" I yelled against the music.

"Because you're smiling" Quentin yelled back.

"Yea but you were smiling first" I stated.

"Why do you have to ask so much questions? Stop and enjoy yourself" Quentin stated grabbing my body with one hand and pulling me into him. I crashed into him with my hand resting on his chest, his heart to be exact, and I looked up into his face surprised by his strength as he blushed really hard.

I can't recall how long we were up there but before I knew it everyone was sitting down and they had the spotlight on me and Quentin as the DJ played a slow jam. I didn't even realize we were the only ones up there. There were a couple of people left standing but, in all actuality, the crowd was watching us. My eyes were closed the entire time and I felt safe in Quentin's arms. He was holding me so tight and I was doing the same to him as we danced in circles.

Once the music stopped playing we opened our eyes to a crowd cheering and applauding us. We were so embarrassed that all we could do was wave and blush in front of everyone.

Quentin grabbed my hand and we walked out from the spotlight and outside.

"I can't believe that that just happened" I said grabbing my chest from embarrassment.

"I know did you see everyone's faces" Quentin said placing his hands on his head from shock.

"Were your eyes closed?" I asked.

"Yea were yours?" Quentin asked me.

"Yea" I laughed as Quentin did the same.

"Wow! I guess we were lost in the moment huh?" Quentin asked staring at me.

"I guess we were" I said looking into his eyes as a moment of silence appeared.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get embarrassed like that" Quentin apologized.

"No it's ok" I said.

"I mean if I had known I would have stopped" Quentin continued.

"It's fine" I said.

"All those people just staring and the spotlight, I mean..." Quentin rambled until I walked over to him.

"Shh! Quentin it's fine, I had a good time" I said placing my finger to his lips silencing him. I looked up into his eyes and cleared my throat, backing away getting embarrassed again by what I just did.

"I had a good time too" Quentin said clearing his throat as well. "I just don't want to rush you Jayse. I know you're getting out of a relationship but I just want to start off as friends and we can move on from there if you want too."

"Yea that sounds good" I said smiling.

"Cool" Quentin said, "you want to walk with me?"

I looked down at his hand and got nervous for some reason. If I gave my hand then we would be saying that we're moving on from the past and forgetting everything. I looked into his eyes and he smiled that gorgeous smile. I gave in and gave him my hand as we walked away from the gym.

"Hold on" I said stopping.

"What's wrong?" Quentin asked worried.

"I forgot my flowers" I said, "don't go anywhere I'll be right back."

I ran into the gym and over to Eric who still had my flowers.

"Hey guys I'll be back" I said grabbing my flowers.

"Where are you going?" Max asked.

"Walking with Quentin" I stated as Eric and Max blushed as well as Rich and Mario.

"Eww nasties we aren't going to do that!" I defended.

"Be careful" Eric said.

"Have fun" Max said winking at me.

"Ok" I said nervously smiling. I turned around and ran to the door and covered up my flowers not paying attention to what I was doing when I bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry" I said to the person not realizing who it was until I looked in their face.

"It's cool" the voice said wearing a sweatsuit with the hoody covering his face but I recognized the face. I would notice that face anywhere.

"Brandon? What are you doing here?" I asked worried.

"Came to see something, glad I did though" Brandon said as he noticed the flowers in my hand.

"This is just..." I said stammering.

"Naw no need to apologize. I was here for a while. I saw the whole thing. Didn't take long huh?" Brandon asked making me feel bad.

"You were the one that shut me out" I stated.

"After you did the same to me" Brandon said upset.

"Because you lied to me" I said staring at me upset.

"To protect you" Brandon replied angrily.

"Brandon I hate secrets all you had to do was be honest with me and none of this would happen" I pointed out.

"Honest? You told me you and Q were just friends" Brandon stated clutching his crutches.

"We are" I replied.

"Since when do friends give each other flowers every time they see you" Brandon said embarrassing me again.

"Since they care enough about you to consider your feelings" I said.

"You forgive your friends and Q but not me. Not the guy that loved you" Brandon said.

"Hold up loved? So it really is over?" I asked shocked.

"You tell me?" Brandon asked as we both stared into each other's eyes.

I didn't even know what to say to him anymore. It felt like a tug of war every time we argued. I thought I was right and he thought he was too. I walked away not even giving him an answer as I walked out the gym to find Quentin waiting patiently on the steps.

He was gazing up at the moon, sitting down on the steps and once he heard the door close he looked back to see me. He started smiling the minute he saw me and I had no choice but to do the same.

Quentin extended his right arm out waiting for me and asked the same question as before but this time I heard something different in his voice as I contemplated my future, "you ready to take that walk with me?"

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 22

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