Hes Mine


Published on Nov 26, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 17 Pressure

"Morning Jayse" Jamarion said to me as I walked past him in the hall. I really didn't want to talk to him because something is telling me that he was the one that told my dad about Brandon.

I continued walking as he called out to me from behind.

"What did I do now?" Jamarion asked sincerely but I kept on walking.

"Jayse, Jayse, Jayse answer me" Jamarion called after me following me down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen grabbing a bowl of cereal for breakfast before the bus came. Jerry was already in the kitchen sitting at the bar eating his oatmeal.

"Morning Jayse" Jerry said softly.

"Morning Jerry" I replied back just as soft.

"So you can talk to Jerry but you can't talk to me?" Jamarion asked standing in the kitchen with a tank top on and some gym shorts.

Today was Friday, the day of the back to school dance, and I still wasn't speaking to anyone. I didn't even know if I wanted to go to school. Jamarion was suspended for two days while Brandon was suspended for three. I haven't spoken to him since last night and I know that he was still furious with me, but I had nothing to do with it. I didn't even tell my dad about Brandon's lifestyle because I was still trying to wrap my head around it as well.

"Are you two fighting again?" Jerry asked growing tired of our back and forth battle.

"No I'm not. I think Jayse is fighting with me, even though I don't know why?" Jamarion stated as if I wasn't in the room. I continued fixing my breakfast and grabbed a seat on a stool nearby Jerry. Jamarion walked around the counter and sat beside me as I rolled my eyes upset.

"Jayse what did I do now? How can you be mad with me and not even tell me why?" Jamarion pleaded.

"You know why?" I finally spoke.

"No I don't" Jamarion replied confused.

"So you don't know why I'm upset?" I asked looking over at him.

"Jayse is it my fight with Brandon? I mean you said it yourself it was his fault for lying to you. I didn't do anything wrong. I was trying to protect you" Jamarion stated sincerely.

"I'm not upset about that" I said as the school bus tooted its horn and Jerry got up to leave.

"Bye guys" Jerry said grabbing his bookbag and walking out the front door. We both waved at him as he left from the kitchen.

"I didn't want to say it in front of Jerry but Brandon's whole drug dealing thing. How could you tell dad about that?" I asked looking over at Jamarion.

"Is that what you are upset about?" Jamarion asked surprised.

"Yes because I didn't want dad to know" I stated turning my head back to eat my cereal.

"Jayse I didn't tell dad a thing" Jamarion said.

"Jamarion stop playing" I said not looking his way.

"I'm not Jayse, listen I never told dad a thing I promise" Jamarion said.

"Then how does he know?" I asked worried.

"I don't know" Jamarion said getting up to get something to drink from the refrigerator, "maybe that's something you should ask him instead of catching attitudes with people for no reason."

I rolled my eyes at that statement and tried to eat my cereal fast to avoid saying something I would regret.

"See" Jamarion started out taking a sip of his orange juice, "if you had just told me what was up, I could have told you..."

"Jamarion please ok" I said getting up and placing my empty bowl in the sink, "I'm sorry for assuming that you had something to do with it."

"No it's cool. I'm used to you always pushing your anger on me" Jamarion said as I rolled my eyes and walked out the kitchen.

"Bye Jamarion" I said walking into the living room to grab my bookbag. Today would be my first day riding the school bus and I was not looking forward to it. My mom took me to school yesterday and on Wednesday we all know what happened then.

As I walked out the front door, a truck was pulling up into our driveway. It wasn't any truck it was Quentin's black F150. I sighed knowing today would turn out being a bad day already right after this. I walked over and stood in front of his truck as he got out with some flowers. I shook my head in disgust at his level of sincerity knowing that I didn't find this beautiful at all.

"Morning Jayse" Quentin said walking over to me, "these are for you."

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked shocked, grabbing the flowers and looking at them.

"I stay in the black and white house down the street" Quentin informed me.

"Really? I didn't know that" I said surprised.

"Yea I saw you and your brothers outside one time when I was driving pass" Quentin stated.

"Spy much?" I asked as Quentin blushed.

"No I wasn't spying I was just bored and driving around" Quentin said still smiling showing those pearly whites against his brown skin.

I looked at him at first and then at the flowers as I slowly put a fake smile over my face, replying with a phony "thank you for the flowers."

"You're welcome, they're my way of apologizing for Friday" Quentin said.

"Oh, well, it's ok, it's in the past and I'm moving on" I said trying to forget.

"Ok cool. Glad to hear it! You want me to take you to school?" Quentin asked.

"No I'm catching the bus" I said trying to look past his sexiness. He had a nice line up, evident that he just went to the barbershop last night, and his dreds looked like they were re-twisted as he had them tied back in a ponytail. He had on fitted T-shirt with jeans and his varsity football jacket on. He was screaming gorgeous.

"I could take you to school" Quentin stated but I shook my head no and walked towards the end of my driveway waiting for the bus. Some of the neighbor kids saw me and waved at me as I waved back. Just a few days in school and already I was popular.

"Why not Jayse?" Quentin asked walking behind me.

"Why are you trying to be nice all of a sudden?" I asked him turning around.

"What's so different now than what I've always been doing? I've always been nice to you Jayse" Quentin stated as I thought about it and it really was true.

"But you lied to me like everyone else" I stated.

"I didn't know you and Brandon were going together" Quentin defended himself.

"Hold up, were? How did you know that we still aren't talking?" I asked fishing for an answer.

"I just assumed, I mean are you?" Quentin asked sincerely.

I exhaled deeply and said "yes we're over." God the words hurt more than I thought they would.

"Well I just want to get to know you, Jayse. I mean you seem like a cool guy" Quentin stated.

"What makes you think that?" I asked as the bus pulled up.

"Because it's something about you that screams sincerity. I've never been exposed to it before. I want to know more about you. I'm not asking you to be my boy or anything. I just want to know more about you" Quentin said.

I looked at him and back at the kids walking onto the bus and contemplated which route to take. I didn't want to be with him after what he did with Kris but I guess he deserves a chance to explain himself. I waved the bus driver away telling him that I wasn't going with him as I turned around to face Quentin.

"Answer one thing for me?" I asked Quentin.

"Ok whatever you want to know" Quentin said.

"What happened between you and Kris? I just have to know and please whatever you do don't lie or I will chase that bus down" I said upset.

"Kris and I kissed and he was feeling up on me a lot and felt me in the right place. Before you knew it he was, you know, but I stopped him I swear" Quentin stated looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Quentin no guy is going to pass up a blow job" I stated walking away in disgust.

"You're right but I'm not any guy. I mean we were just chilling watching TV at my house and before you knew it he was trying to do other stuff" Quentin said walking behind me.

"Eww that's so gross. How can you let someone put their mouth on you and not even know a thing about them?" I asked turning around for an answer.

"I wasn't thinking clearly. I mean I was just fine with the kissing until he tried to do other stuff and by then I was disgusted" Quentin said.

"But you knew about Kris' history. I know about it and I've only been here a little while now" I stated.

"Yea Jayse but honestly nothing happened, I swear to you. I'm not like that at all" Quentin said.

"Excuse me for not believing you. I'm having a hard time believing anything anyone says anymore" I said looking away from him.

"Please try! I mean I'm not out to hurt you. Like I said I just want to know you" Quentin said.

"But there are other guys in the Grove" I informed him.

"I know" Quentin said putting his hands in his pocket.

"And you still want to talk to me?" I asked.

"I want to know you Jayse. I know you're just getting out a relationship. I don't want to put pressure on you. I just want to be a friend" Quentin said with pleading eyes.

"I'm done with friends" I said breaking our eye stare.

"Ok I'm sorry for bothering you then. Just keep the flowers and believe me when I say nothing happened" Quentin said taking his left hand out his pocket and rubbing my shoulders, "do you still want me to take you to school?"

"I guess I don't have a choice now" I said as I walked towards his truck. Quentin opened my door for me as I got inside and closed it behind me. I smelled the Black Ice aroma filling the truck and looked around at the cleanliness that was in it. He didn't have TV's and other stuff in his car like Brandon though from looking outside of it, you would assume.

"Anything in particular you want to listen to" Quentin said getting in his truck and starting the engine.

"No I'm fine" I said holding onto my bookbag on my lap.

"Ok, hey seatbelts little guy" Quentin said as he reached for his. My eyes bulged at his safety side. I was shocked to say the least. I reached for my seatbelt and let my bookbag slide down to my legs as they fell onto the flowers. Some of the petals got crumbled and some fell off onto his clean floor. I reached down to grab the bouquet as some more petals fell onto my lap.

"I'm sorry Quentin" I said as I was making a mess.

"It's ok" he said smiling.

"No I mean I don't like to mess up people's things and I'm ruining your gift and your truck.

"It's cool Jayse calm down" Quentin said laughing, "here let me take those from you." He reached over and grabbed the flowers from my hand and placed them on the backseat. When he reached for them his hands grazed mine and I shuddered at how thick his fingers were not to mention rough.

"You good now?" He asked turning around to face me.

"Yea I'm fine thanks" I said.

"Not a problem" Quentin said driving out of the driveway towards school, "there's my house right there." As I looked at it, I realized that Quentin was within walking distance from my house. We were this close and I didn't even know it.

The drive to school was mixed with silence and occasional conversation. I was talking but then I wasn't talking. My mind was just consumed with why his sudden urge to get to know me. He never stated interest before or maybe he did and I just didn't notice it.

As we pulled into the student parking lot I looked around at some of the kids as some of them stopped and looked at Quentin's truck. Thank God for tinted windows! I don't want anyone assuming we had something going on because after Daniel and now Brandon I don't know if I could put up with anymore lies.

"Thank you for the ride" I said unbuckling my seatbelt to get out of the truck.

"No problem Jayse" Quentin said turning the engine off. He reached in the back seat for his book bag and got out of the truck the same time I did. "You want me to walk you to class?"

"Um no that's ok" I said softly.

"Jayse we have the same homeroom. Are you that uncomfortable around me?" Quentin asked offended.

"No I'm not. I'm just worried that you may want something or you are hiding something like everyone else" I stated walking towards the entrance of the school.

"Jayse I just want to know you, we can be friends or not, we can do whatever you want to do, no pressure" Quentin said walking beside me.

"What I want is to just have someone tell me the truth for once" I said.

"Well if you're looking for it from him then keep looking" Kris said walking behind us.

"Kris I'm really not in the mood today" I stated not even turning around to face him.

"I'm not picking a fight with you today Jayse. I'm just stating the obvious" Kris said still walking behind us.

"Then why are you following us?" Quentin asked irritated.

"To make sure Jayse was ok. That was a lot to deal with on Wednesday and I was going to talk to you yesterday but you was in a rush all day and you skipped lunch" Kris said as I turned around to finally face him.

"I was actually having lunch with my mom and the reason I was in a rush was to avoid you" I said frankly.

"Well that's cool. I actually have some good news anyway. I have a date tonight for the dance" Kris said as my heart started racing at the thought of who it could be.

"Who cares" Quentin said as Kris threw his hand up in Quentin's face silencing him.

"No one is talking to you so mind yours" Kris said turning his head at Quentin and rolling his eyes.

"Oh ok well thank you" I said about to walk away.

"Wait a minute don't you want to know who it is?" Kris asked as Quentin and I both shook our heads no.

"Well I'll tell you anyway, it's Dantae!" Kris screamed in excitement.

"Who's Dantae?" I asked confused.

"Dantae Wallace?" Quentin asked as Kris shook his head yes in response.

"The one and only" Kris said sighing, "he'll be at school in a couple of hours."

"How are they going to let an ex con come to this school. This school is going under for real" Quentin said upset.

"He was in juvie fool" Kris said defensively.

"Same thing" Quentin said.

"Wait a minute who is this boy?" I asked still confused.

"He's Brandon's trouble-making cousin" Quentin informed me.

"He's not a troublemaker. He just had a hard time expressing himself" Kris explained.

"As a pyro, yea I think the whole town gets the picture that he's expressed" Quentin stated.

"Is he that bad?" I asked Quentin.

"The worst" Quentin responded.

"You know I don't like the way you are talking about my baby" Kris said as Quentin's eyes as well as mines bulged from excitement.

"Baby?" Quentin and I said together. "You really do get around, don't you?" Quentin asked looking at Kris in disgust.

"What are you talking about?" Kris asked playing with his hair.

"First me, now Dantae and all in one week I guess the rumors are true about you" Quentin stated in disgust.

"What rumors?" Kris asked looking at Quentin.

"The ones about you being a slut" Quentin said forcefully.

"Hold up a minute, I am not a slut" Kris said getting upset.

"Yea you're right because you didn't do anything with me, thank God. Who would want leftovers anyway after it has been played over" Quentin stated.

"Hold up are you saying nothing happened between us?" Kris asked and then looked over at me, "Oh I get it we are trying to play holy in front of our new boytoy, and you say that I get around. Hmmm, obviously you haven't witnessed the actions of this one here lately" Kris said sizing me up and smiling.

"We're just friends" I retorted back.

"Sure Jayse, whatever you say" Kris said turning around as I bit my bottom lip with anger.

"Apologize!" Quentin said grabbing Kris' arm and turning him around.

"Ow get your hands off of me" Kris said referring to the grip Quentin had on him.

"Not until you apologize to Jayse for implying that he's like you" Quentin said as I smiled inside.

"No" Kris said.

"Say it Kris quit playin'" Quentin said tightening up his grip on Kris' arm.

"Owww, ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry for saying that Jayse" Kris said whining.

"And tell Kris what really happened between us" Quentin said as I looked intently at the display. Other kids were walking by looking too.

"Not in front of all these people Quentin please" Kris begged.

"No you claim you're the hottest thing at this school go ahead. You got your audience" Quentin stated.

"Please Quentin" Kris begged again.

"Go ahead Kris. The sooner you say it the sooner you can go" Quentin said as, the bell rang and kids started to leave, "Ok no one is looking now but us say it."

"Ok but do you have to grip my arm so hard" Kris whined.

"Kris..." Quentin said getting annoyed.

"All right!" Kris said giving in, "nothing happened between us. I tried to do something to him but he wouldn't let me and kicked me out of his house. Happy?" Quentin looked over at me as I smiled finally believing him.

"Now do you believe me?" Quentin asked me looking into my eyes.

"Yes I'm sorry for doubting you" I said as Quentin let go of Kris' arm.

"I don't know what all these boys see in you but whatever it is you're lucky" Kris whispered to me walking away upset.

"What was that?" Quentin yelled.

"Forget it, let's just walk to class" I said as Quentin walked with me. I hope he didn't think that this was going to be it and I would start talking to him again. It takes me a long time to get over things.

After homeroom and the rest of my classes, I dreaded going to lunch. Tony tried talking to me in class and giving me notes telling me that he was sorry but I just balled them up and threw them in the trash. I guess I would have to have lunch by myself today without my so called friends. I found an empty spot and sat there alone until Quentin showed up.

"May I join you?" Quentin asked as I faked a smile growing tired of him trying so hard.

"You having the Salisbury steak that's good" Quentin said sitting down trying to make small conversation. I just smiled and returned to eating my food.

"Am I bothering you?" Quentin asked confused.

"No I'm just...I just have a lot on my mind right now. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as an introvert" I said taking a sip of my lemonade.

"No it's cool. I mean you have dealt with a lot these last couple of days.

"Yea well I'm ok. Nothing I can do about it now" I stated disappointed.

"Well I'm not going to tell you what to do because I'm sure you will do the right thing" Quentin stated.

"Thank you" I said smiling.

"You coming to see me play tonight when we go up against Wadesworth?" Quentin asked me excited.

"Um yea I was already coming or is that a personal invitation?" I asked blushing.

"More of a personal one, I mean I can get you good seats" Quentin stated.

"How can you do that?" I asked quizzing him.

"I'm the star linebacker" Quentin stated.

"But you just got back" I stated.

"Yea but coach loves me, so you know how that goes. It was supposed to be a surprise but they are going to announce it during the pep rally today" Quentin informed me.

"Really?" I asked surprised.

"Yea" Quentin said taking a bite of his sandwich, "I mean they were going to announce it at the game but they decided to do it this way instead."

"Sounds cool" I said wiping my face.

"You gonna be cheering me on in the bleachers" Quentin asked smiling looking into my eyes.

"At the game or at the pep rally?" I asked teasing.

"Both. I mean you're coming to both of them right?" Quentin asked.

"The pep rally I really don't have a choice but the game" I said waiting it out to see his expression, "yea I guess I can come."

"Yes my very own support system!" Quentin said blushing taking a bite out of his apple as I did the same.

"Please, you have the whole school behind you" I stated.

"Yea but only one person really matters to me" Quentin said looking up from his tray into my eyes.

"Your mom?" I asked teasing again.

"Her as well as my dad and sisters but someone else too" Quentin said low. I almost didn't hear him over the chatter in the cafeteria.

"Well whoever that person is I hope they realize how special they are to you" I stated.

"I'm trying to show them now" Quentin said grabbing my hand across the table.

"Quentin...I" I stammered feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm not trying to pressure you Jayse" Quentin said rubbing my hands and looking into my eyes, "but seriously I want to get to know you."

"Quentin that's the thing you kind of are" I stated removing my hand from under his. Quentin sighed heavily and stared down at his tray disappointed.

"I just wish I had the chance to prove myself to you" Quentin said softly.

"Quentin what is it about me that makes you want me so bad?" I asked confused.

"Isn't it obvious?" Quentin said looking up from his tray into my eyes again.

"No I'm asking because I really don't know" I said.

"Look at you Jayse. You're not like other guys here. You carry yourself in a unique way. You're smart, beautiful, charismatic, I mean the list goes on. You really can't find anyone like you anymore. You're the last of a dying breed" Quentin said speaking from the heart. I was in awe and didn't know what to say. I looked down at my tray and picked up my fork playing in my mashed potatoes, afraid to look Quentin in the eyes.

"I'm not just saying this to make me look good Jayse" Quentin said leaning into me whispering, "I just want a chance, just a small one. I feel like if I don't try as hard as I could, then I might lose you. I've never met anyone like you before. You're so real and genuine."

"I'm also the brunt of jokes around here" I stated.

"We were just trying to protect you. At least I know I can speak for myself. Ever since I saw your face that Monday all I could think about was you every day and every minute" Quentin whispered staring at me deeply.

"But...you don't" I said before Quentin cut me off.

"I know I don't know much about you but don't you see Jayse that's the beauty in it. I know so little yet I care so much" Quentin said, "I know everything I'm saying is cliché but I'm willing to wait for you as long as it takes for you to be mine."

I stopped swirling my fork around and looked up at Quentin as he stared at me intently. He never blinked his eyes and I think someone was calling his name but he ignored them. I felt like he was undressing me with his eyes but then that would seem like that's what he wanted. No, no he wanted more than that. It was all in the stare. Something about the way his brown eyes went through me made me melt. I sighed deeply and looked down at my tray again not knowing what to say or do. Why are these guys falling in love with me so quickly? First Brandon now Quentin, it was like something was in the water.

"Well aren't you going to say something" Quentin asked smiling that gorgeous smile.

"Um...um...will you excuse me for a minute I have to use the restroom?" I asked getting up needing some air.

"Sure I'll be right here waiting for you" Quentin said as I got up. I power walked out the cafeteria bumping into a couple of people and not even apologizing for it. Once I got inside the restroom and found myself alone I vented aloud letting everything out.

Why am I going through this right now? Is this nature's way of finding someone for me because of the thing with Daniel? I haven't even been here two months and already guys are flocking around me like buzzards. I guess it's a good thing but I'm not used to all this attention. Oh God help me. After Brandon and Daniel I really don't want to rush into another relationship. I can't take anymore lies I swear I don't know what I would do. I need help. I need someone to talk to and confide in. God please give me a sign that Quentin deserves a chance!

Just then the door opened and who came in, no one but Max, Tony and Eric. Very funny God! I fixed myself up in the mirror and was about to walk out when they blocked my path. I looked at them scared and lost not knowing how to fight but really not wanting to be around them.

"Jayse it's time to cut this foolishness out" Max stated, "Eric lock that door."

I looked over nervously as Eric walked over and locked the door. I looked at all their faces as my heart started beating fast. I didn't know what to do but I know that they wouldn't hurt me but still I always over exaggerate on everything.

"Look Jayse we're sorry for lying to you but the point of the matter is that we were trying to protect you" Tony said breaking the silence.

"Protect me! You guys were my friends I trusted you. More than anyone I ever did in my entire life" I said as my voice started breaking.

"It wasn't our place to tell you anything Jayse" Eric said.

"Yes it was" I said circling them, "you guys could have said something."

"Oh like what Jayse" Max said folding his arms, "the love of your life is a drug dealer, come on be reasonable. You know me better than that I would never hurt you."

"Sure that's what you say" I said softly.

"Jayse I am just as furious with Brandon as you are. He lied to me too. He told me that he wouldn't hurt you" Max said walking behind me.

"What I don't understand is if you guys knew about his history way before hand, why let me fall in love with him?" I asked them.

"Just because he does that doesn't mean he's a bad person Jayse" Tony stated.

"Have you even asked him why he's doing it?" Eric asked as I looked down to the ground embarrassed.

"Jayse you're over here mad with us, mad with Brandon and not even trying to hear anyone out" Max stated making me feel bad.

"Look at it from my side" I stated feeling betrayed.

"I understand little cuz but look at you. You're alone in a new city. It doesn't have to be like this you have friends and family. Don't push us away" Max said.

"You're more than our friend Jayse, you're our brother" Tony said walking over to me.

"We're sorry sweetie. We never meant to hurt you" Eric said walking over to me putting his arm around my shoulder as Tony did the same.

"I loved him so much" I said crying in front of them. I don't even know where the tears came from but here I was crying again over Brandon as the thought of my sweetheart leaving me was entered into my mind again. I cried and sobbed so hard as the guys consoled me and I never felt more safe in my life. Someone started knocking at the door and we ignored them at first until they started banging.

"Hey mofo we'll be out in a minute" Max yelled annoyed.

"Attitude!" Eric said looking at Max smiling.

"Well we're in the middle of something he can hold his bladder" Max said as we started laughing.

"I really missed you guys" I said.

"It's only been a couple of days, don't think you're getting away from us that easy" Tony said as I smiled.

"Eww fix your face" Max said as I punched him lightly in the arm and he handed me some tissues, "here you go."

"Nice shoes" Eric commented on Max's shoes.

"Thanks! Rich got them for me" Max said as Eric and Tony rolled their eyes.

"Don't hate" Max said defensively.

"You know what they say about someone buying you shoes?" Eric asked Max.

"That's just a myth, it's not true" Max stated.

"All right if you say so" Tony said agreeing with Eric as well.

"Um can we get back to me please" I said turning around.

"I'm sorry Jayse go ahead" Eric said.

"Quentin Mitchell" I said exhaling as they all started smiling, "wants to talk to me...but I'm not ready for that yet. I mean Brandon and I just broke up and I'm not ready to get back into the whole dating thing again."

"Well give him to me" Tony said as we all looked over at him, "kidding, kidding! Go ahead."

"I mean I just want to see what happens with it by starting off as friends but sometimes it seems as if he's rushing me or pressuring me to make a decision" I stated.

"Well Jayse just tell him how you feel" Max said wiping my face.

"I did but it's like he don't get it" I said turning around to look at my face in the mirror.

"Well how do you feel about him?" Eric asked.

"I like him a lot. At first I thought I was attracted to his looks but he's more than that. He's smart and sensitive but not too sensitive and he's so adorable. He got me flowers as a way of saying I'm sorry" I said as they all smiled, "I know they were beautiful."

"Well I say go ahead and see where his head is" Tony said.

"I agree" Max chimed in.

"And if it stays at the friend level then at least you know what could have been" Tony finished.

"I think he needs to respect your decision to just play it cool right now. If he's pressuring you then he wants something" Eric said.

"Yea he said he wants to be with me' but I'm confused on the be' part" I said rubbing my chin, "I don't know if that means sex or relationship?"

"Sex!" they all said in unison.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Because he's pressuring you, he wants an answer, it's obvious" Tony said.

"Listen to the slut, he knows. I agree that he wants something" Max stated as Tony rolled his eyes.

"Look just see what he wants first, we're just going off of what you said, but you'll know in his body language what he really wants" Max said.

"All men want something" Eric stated.

"Ok well I better go he's waiting for me" I said walking out, "thanks guys I'll call you later."

"See ya" they said as I walked out and into the cafeteria. I figured how long I was gone that Quentin would have left by now but I was surprised that he wasn't. He was sitting there by himself and he looked so cute waiting patiently for me. I saw a girl walk behind him and stroke his neck and I felt the blood boil in my veins.

Quentin looked back at the girl, smiled and shook his head no telling her that her wasn't interested. I smiled at myself but still not fully convinced. Maybe the guys were right. Maybe all Quentin wanted was sex. I guess I'm about to find out. I walked down to the table and sat in front of Quentin as he had this huge grin on his face.

"Hey" I said sitting down in front of my dirty tray, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing, just happy to see you. You've been gone a long time" Quentin said leaning into me.

"Sorry I had a lot to think about" I stated.

"And?" Quentin asked.

"Quentin what do you really want from me?" I asked staring at his face for a reaction.

"What?" Quentin asked confused.

"I mean why do you want to talk to me so badly besides my uniqueness? Is that all you want to do is talk or is there more?" I asked as Quentin placed his head down in embarrassment.

"Jayse I don't want sex from you" Quentin stated looking up at me, "why would you think that?"

"I don't know...a feeling I guess" I said feeling embarrassed.

"You mean more to me than that Jayse can't you see that?" Quentin stated.

"I don't know what I am seeing anymore" I confessed.

"Look Jayse if you want me to I'll chill a little but just don't forget about me, please" Quentin begged reaching for my hand. The bell rang but we both continued to stare in each other's eyes until some of the teachers broke us up and told us to get to class.

"I'll take this" Quentin said grabbing my tray and getting up. I followed behind him walking out the cafeteria trying so hard to stand my ground. I honestly thought Quentin was cute but I just don't want to get hurt again.

Quentin got stopped by some of his friends and explained that he was taking me to class but I told him that it was cool and I would see him later.

In my last class of the day, French, I was in and out of it as we watched a video about simple conversations in French. It wasn't long until Principal Bates came on the intercom telling us to report to the gym for the pep rally.

As I walked down the hall I walked past Brandon's locker and immediately felt my heart shudder again. I missed him so much but the way we ended our relationship was enough to kill me. I haven't called him and he hasn't called me. I want to hear his voice so bad.

As I walked into the gym for the first time I was shocked by the size. It was really big but you would probably consider that based on the size of the school. They told us that everyone was separated by class and I looked over to the senior side to see if I saw the crew. Once I found them I raced over there to get a good seat.

"Welcome to your first pep rally at Grove High Jayse" Tony said.

"Thanks it's noisy here" I commented barely hearing myself.

"You haven't seen nothing yet wait until tonight" Max said as Rich walked over to give him a kiss and sit next to him followed by Mario walking over to Eric. I looked at Tony who was sitting beside me and he smiled knowing what I was thinking. I smiled back knowing that he felt the same until Omar came up and gave Tony a look.

It wasn't like a bad look or nothing just a pleading look like I'm sorry' and I want you.' I looked at Tony's expression as he played hard to get until Omar sat down beside him. Omar was so sexy and his Latino heritage complemented him well.

Tony still ignored Omar while Omar gazed at Tony like he was the last thing in the world. Omar grabbed Tony's hand but Tony snatched it away and gave Omar a look of disgust.

Omar still looked at Tony with pleading eyes and tried again this time not letting go of Tony's hand no matter how much he tried to let go. Omar then reached in and planted a big kiss on Tony's lips while Tony tried hard to break it up at first but gave in.

I felt empty inside at the displays of affection but a part of me knew that I didn't want to be lied to again. I wish this thing would start so I can go home away from this.

"Ok guys quiet down" Principal Bates said into the microphone on the court getting started, "tonight is the kickoff of our football season and we are looking forward to another championship."

The crowd cheered loudly at that statement and I was amazed that it could get any louder.

"For some it's our first year and for some it's our last" Principal Bates said from his podium signaling to us seniors as some of them cheered and some of them groaned.

"However we will still make sure to represent Grove High's name to the fullest no matter what" Principal Bates noted as the crowd cheered.

"First we will have a performance from the marching band, then a performance from our cheerleaders and last but not least the infamous, soon to be undefeated, Grove High Panthers" Principal Bates screamed as the noise filled the gym with screams.

As the band marched in I was amazed at how beautiful they looked in their yellow, blue, and white uniforms. I was especially amazed by the saxophone players as that is my favorite instrument. I never played it but I love the sound coming from it. It screamed sexy. It had to be at least 50-60 of them including the flag girls, majorettes, and the drum major.

After their performance they left and the cheerleaders did their thing which was ok but it could have been great. I could tell by the look on the head cheerleaders face when they were done that somebody was going to get it.

The football head coach, Coach Armstrong, came out and got the crowd hyped as he started announcing the football players. We had a DJ as well playing songs as they came out which was nice. They just had their jersey tops on and jeans but I must admit that I didn't know our football teams how that many attractive players. I mean I wouldn't talk to any of them given my circumstances but they weren't half bad looking.

I didn't know Quentin's number but when the coach announced that he was getting to the linebackers I knew that he was coming up. He named a few of them and paused getting the crowd hyped up which meant one thing: Quentin.

"Now this next player left for a year but he's back to get another title under his belt before he graduates" Coach Armstrong stated as the crowd went wild and I must admit that I started to get excited myself, "he has plans of going off to college next year but we'll squeeze as much of him as we can before he leaves. His nickname is Que-Ball on the line but many of you know him otherwise as Q. Give it up for Grove High's own middle linebacker, the infamous QUENTIN MITCHELL!!!"

Kids stood up to their feet cheering Quentin on. Even the quarterback didn't receive this much recognition. The DJ played "Right above it" by Lil' Wayne and Drake and seeing Quentin come out and dance a little was so sexy. He waved at the crowd and I found his sex appeal so gorgeous at that moment.

He walked up to the players and dapped them up, doing some other weird handshakes with some. The crowd was still on their feet and started chanting "Q,Q,Q,Q," over and over again. The coach tried passing him the mike but Quentin acted so shy and bashful, which he kind of was at times.

Quentin still didn't want to grab the mike until Simuel, the quarterback, grabbed the mike and spoke first.

"Ok everyone since Q acting up rite now" Simuel said, "I guess I'll speak." Quentin playfully pushed Simuel as Simuel finished speaking.

"Tonight starts a lot of things for us like Principal Bates said. For us seniors this is it and for freshman's the beginning of a lot. One thing is for sure we will be getting a ring. You can bet on that" Simuel said as the football players and the gym went wild, "but in all seriousness though come out tonight and support us in our first game and make sure you stick around for the afterschool dance following. You ready to talk now man or you still shy?" Simuel teased Quentin, as Quentin picked up the mike.

"All right you guys got me speaking so here I am" Quentin stated as the crowd cheered, "um everything has been said but make sure that you all support us this season especially seniors."

The seniors started cheering and when Quentin said that he looked over my way and caught my eye.

"Um also one more thing before we wrap this up, I still don't have a date to the dance" Quentin said as the crowd said "aw" in disappointment. A couple of kids, boys and girls, started shouting "I'll go with you" but Quentin shook his head no.

"No I'm sorry I have my eyes on one special person and I'm not going to pressure them because I promise that I wouldn't but to let them know, I will be at the dance tonight and I hope that they come as well" Quentin said staring at me. A couple of people looked in my direction and I felt so put on the spot that I played it off as well by looking back.

"Anyway I'm going to wait for you, no pressure is all I'm saying" Quentin said handing the microphone back to Principal Bates.

"Thanks guys all right guys let's go out and win this thing tonight" principal Bates said as the team huddled up and did a chant. Once they were done Principal Bates dismissed us my classes, with us first and then juniors, sophomores and freshman.

I quickly ran out the gym trying to escape before Quentin came but he caught me.

"Hey Jayse you need a ride home?" Quentin asked me as I sighed, "hey seriously no pressure I promise. You don't even have to speak to me the way home."

"That would be mean of me to do that" I stated.

"Yea but I'm not trying to put any pressure on you Jayse" Quentin said grabbing my arm pulling me out of the main doorway of the gym. I didn't respond to him but held onto my book bag straps.

"Don't you have football practice?" I asked.

"Yeah but I have to go home and get something first" Quentin stated as I looked down uncomfortable.

"Oh I'm pressuring you again aren't I? I'm sorry Jayse" Quentin said disappointed, "look I'll just get up with you later ok? Take care."

I watched as he started to walk away and I hope he wasn't playing the sympathy card but I ignored the feeling and obliged to the offer. I called after him and told him he could take me home to which he smiled happily and reminded me as well that I had my flowers in his truck anyway.

We walked through the crowd to Quentin's truck as he opened the door for me again and I got in. I smiled at the gesture and he closed the door behind me. I looked out the window and thought I saw Brandon but I know he was suspended and had his leg in a cast.

"That's not who you think it is" Quentin said waking me up from my gaze.

"How did you know I..." I asked as Quentin smiled, "That obvious huh?"

"A little bit but that's Dantae. He looks just like Brandon except he has a birthmark on his left face cheek" Quentin informed me. I looked at Dantae and it was something so mysterious and dark about him that made me cringe. He was identical just like Brandon but he had this serious look about him as he sat cuddling up with Kris beside the fence of the parking lot. I shuddered trying to break the scary feeling I got from looking at him. I looked away as Quentin drove out the parking lot wondering why Brandon forgot to mention his mysterious convict cousin, I think I was about to find out why.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 21

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