Hes Mine


Published on Jul 12, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 2 Find Your Love

"Yo, are you ok?" he asked again, with his hand reaching out to me to pull me up.

"Yea I think so," I replied, "is this your dog?" I asked placing my hand in his while he pulled me up and knocked the dirt off of me. A couple of times his hand grazed my butt but I played it off thinking he was just being friendly.

"Yea this is Rocks," he said turning to pet him, "he didn't hurt you did he? You fell down pretty hard." Before I could respond my brothers came running over to check on me.

"Hey, Jayse are you ok?" Jamarion asked placing his hand on my back.

"Are you ok Jayse? Whose dog is this anyway?" Jeryn asked upset.

"Yea and why is the owner not out here with him?" Jamarion yelled, "What kind of neighborhood is this?"

"Yo chill kid, it's my dog aight and I was walking him until he got loose and ran over here" the young guy stated back at Jamarion.

"Oh yea, well he almost hurt my brother," Jamarion said taking a step forward, "and I would appreciate it if you would handle him next time." One thing I must admit is that my brothers were always defensive of me, maybe because I am very soft hearted and soft spoken and most of all gay. My older brother Jamie was gay too but everyone still felt the need to protect me, even Jeryn, and he was two years younger than me.

"Look lil homie, I already apologized to yo brother, now if you wanna do this rite now we could," the stranger said taking a step towards Jamarion. They were both the same height and build, but the stranger seemed to be a little rougher than Jamarion. That plus I knew Jamarion. His favorite hobby was boxing but he hated fighting unless he had too.

"Look Jamarion calm down ok," I pleaded, "this guy has already apologized and it's cool."

"Whatever, let's go," Jamarion said, grabbing me and Jeryn's wrists forcefully and walking us towards the house.

"Boys what seems to be the problem over here?" my dad asked meeting us in the yard.

"Nothing dad, Jayse just fell when a dog came running towards him, and me and Jeryn came to see if he was alright," Jamarion responded rubbing my head, "he fell down pretty hard too."

"I can speak for myself" I said, "stop speaking for me like I'm some little kid." I said pushing his hand down from my head.

"You got a voice now! You didn't say much when that guy was over here," Jamarion teased seriously. I rolled my eyes and looked back. Where did he go?

"Who was that guy?" my dad asked walking with us to the front steps.

"Some punk that wanted to act tough," Jamarion spoke confidently.

"He's not a punk" I retorted back sharply.

"Jayse stop taking up for someone you don't even know!" Jamarion yelled annoyed. "God! Not everyone is sincere all the time."

"I didn't say he was but you came running over like you were marking your territory or something. The guy apologized. It was a mistake alright." I said walking past him and into the living room.

"So I should have just left you over there with a stranger" Jamarion asked throwing his hands up.

" I didn't say that" I said getting tired of his bickering, "You are acting very immature right now."

"Keep on Jayse" Jamarion said, "you been on my case since we got here man, chill"

"Boys enough!" My dad shouted, "Jeryn, Jamarion go to the car and get the rest of the stuff. Jayse come over here and let me check your head for any bruises.

"But dad me and Jerry can't get all this stuff by ourselves..." Jamarion whined.

"You talking back to me, boy?" my dad yelled upset.

"No sir" Jamarion replied back, "let's go Jerry."

"You sure you're ok?" my dad asked turning his attention back on me by placing his hands thoroughly through my hair checking to see if I had any bruises.

"I'm fine dad...ow" I said when he touched a sore spot on my head.

"Sure...you're ok alright," he laughed, "let me go see if I have any bandages for that" my dad said and ran outside. I went to the blinds to look out and see if that boy was still outside but he wasn't. The only things I saw were my mom still talking, my brothers unloading the stuff from the SUV and the moving trucks pulling in. Yea I said it right trucks. We had three moving trucks outside but they weren't that big. It's not like we had that much stuff anyway but I guess with mom's business stuff, our personal stuff, and furniture, three trucks seemed about right. My dad came back in, bandaged my head and told me to rest in the back of the house out of the way while everyone brought the stuff in. I'm spoiled too what can I say.

I went walking outside and looked at the trees and flowers while I wished I had something to write on because I felt a poem coming on. I reached in my pocket to get my phone and check to see if I had any missed calls. Just two from my big brothers, so I decided to check my voicemail later; I looked to see if I had any texts but it was empty. It's been 5 months now. I guess Daniel didn't want to talk to me anymore. Not that I am shocked or anything because I knew that once he went off to college last year that things would change between us. He said they wouldn't but what would a college guy want with a high school boy anymore anyway. My fingers wanted so badly to text him but my heart and mind said to let it go. Yesterday would have made our two-year anniversary but obviously that meant nothing. It's almost like he just fell off the face of the planet. Everytime I asked people about him they said they didn't hear anything. His mom hated me and his dad was out being a drunk somewhere so that only left his brother who went to NY.

"I wish I could find out where my baby was" I said softly to myself.

"Hey baby are you ok?" my mom asked sitting down beside me on the steps.

"Uhh...Hey mom! I just wish I knew how to swim" I said hoping she wouldn't pick up on anything.

"There is always time to learn sweetie," she said, "but do you think that would impress Danny?"

"Mom, I don't wanna talk about him right now," I whined, "can we please talk about something else."

"I'm sorry Jayse" my mother said rubbing my back, "what do you wanna talk about? The new neighborhood, the big house, your new school or that cute boy you were talking to with your brothers? What's his name?"

"I don't know" I replied blushing, "you...you think he was cute too?"

"Of course sweetie, didn't you? Why didn't you get his name?" my mom asked playing in my hair.

"I wanted too but Jamarion and Jerry came over there messing everything up" I said pouting.

"Oh I see. So if your brothers didn't come to your defense then you would have known his name?" my mom asked.

"Of course" I replied.

"But they did so they were cramping your style?" she asked.

"What?" I asked confused. My mom got up to touch the flowers around the house while she asked me more questions.

"Your brothers are the cause for you not knowing who this guy was?" my mom continued.

"Sorta, he apologized for his dog attacking me" I said softly.

"So he introduced himself after apologizing right?" my mom asked quizzing.

"Mom are you hearing me? He only had time to apologize" I said out loud.

"Yes baby but obviously you're not keeping up" she said taking her shoes off her feet and dipping them into the pool, "You said that he apologized that's more than enough time to introduce yourself."

"You would rather him introduce himself than apologize?" I asked confused.

"No but if I threw something at you and said I'm sorry, then checked to see if you were ok afterwards to finally introduce myself then I am being formal, apologetic and opening up the conversation" she said kicking her feet up in the water.

"But mom, I asked him if it was his dog that attacked me" I said, grabbing my phone while it was vibrating. I looked at the screen but it was Jamie, my big brother, so I pressed END to send it to voicemail.

"So you steered the conversation to the dog?" my mom asked.

"Kind of, I didn't know if it was his dog or not" I said.

"But he responded and said it was?" she asked.

"Yes mom, where are you going with this?" I asked intrigued.

"Well Jayse it's simple. If he had time to introduce himself you would know his name." my mom stated.

"Mom I don't care about that" I said finding this both hilarious and annoying.

"Then why are you around here moping?" my mom asked finally looking at me in the face.

"Because...I'm, I'm not moping ok!" I said turning my back to her to grab my phone.

"Then why won't you look me in the eyes and say that" my mom said. Like any mother she knew when we were lying because my brothers and I all had the same tell, turning away and finding something to touch.

"Your phone is fine sweetheart, answer me?" my mom asked.

"I'm not moping because of Danny mom," I said softly through clenched teeth.

"I thought we were talking about the young man that was here" she said.

"Hey Jennifer where do you want this stuff to go?" my dad asked from the doorway, holding one of my mom's expensive vases.

"Coming sweetie" my mom said getting out of the pool, "Jayse you can't put your life on hold for someone that is not interested in you anymore. You're young, handsome and very talented. I'm not trying to make you feel bad sweetie, I love you, and I care about you. Give yourself a chance to meet new people."

"I know mom, I love you too." I said hugging her.

"Now let me go in here before they ruin the house already" she said walking into the house.

She was right, why didn't I ask his name and why didn't he offer? Why was I still thinking about him when this all took place an hour ago? He's not that important. Just another cute kid who is probably straight and wants nothing to do with me. I hate crushing on guys so quick. The product of my raging hormones I guess. I walked around the house to the front to help but Jamarion saw me and walked away.

"Jamarion I'm sorry...can I help?" I asked sincerely.

"Didn't dad tell you to go in the back and rest out of the way? Stop being difficult and do as your told" Jamarion barked back.

"Stop talking to me like that! You always treating me like a kid, Jamarion" I said defensively, "Why do you have to be so mean to me?" I asked grabbing a box from the moving truck.

"Because you're always doing and saying stupid things, Jayse" he retorted back sternly grabbing the box and placing it back on the truck.

"I give up. I'm tired of fighting with you over nothing" I said walking away.

"Whatever" he said and went back to working.

I looked around for Jerry but I couldn't find him. Dad probably has him doing something else. I wanted to walk around inside the house but I didn't want to get in the way so I just went back into the SUV, grabbed my Ipod and listened to Sade to calm me down. I grabbed my notebook and walked back into the back of the house on the deck and started writing.

New love was what I wanted, Young love was what we had, This love, you have to own it, Otherwise it will turn out bad

I cried for months but not anymore, These eyes were yours to adore, Now your lost to me and I miss you, Tell me Danny, what should I do?

I continued to write until someone placed their hands over mine. I jumped at first and tried to move them but they had a nice grip over me.

"Guess who?" I heard faintly because my headphones were still in my ear playing Soldier of Love by Sade.

"I don't know" I responded, although their hands were really soft and their voice was really soft.

"Who's your favorite cousin in the whole wide world?" the male voice asked loudly.

"Maxie!" I screamed out loud. I got up to see if I was right and I was. Maxwell, known to everyone in the family as Max is my best and closest cousin in the whole world. Our birthdays were a month apart, we almost looked identical, except Max had big eyes compared to my small ones and thin lips compared to my full lips. They weren't soup coolers but they definitely stood out. He had a Mohawk that wasn't bald on the sides. I guess the black version of Mohawks now. He had stars all cut in his head with red glitter all around which I later found out because of course he saw himself as one. Highly Conceited!

"What are you doing here?" I asked giving him the biggest hug ever.

"Your mom called me and told me to come over. Look at you I haven't seen you in forever cuz!" Max stated standing away to get a good look at me. Max didn't look to bad neither and the fact that he was just as skinny as me, people would really think we were twins.

"I was gonna call you later so that we could hook up but I forgot" I said trying to change the subject.

"Yea, sure, whatever. You likin' the south or are you missing the Midwest already?" Max asked sitting down next to me.

"It's ok, it's just so hot down here." I stated fanning myself.

"Yea I have to show you the spots where the guys are. I've been gettin' you to come down here for the longest but you too much of a divo for me." Max stated leaning back in the patio chair. "Auntie and uncle Jeff sure know how to live. I'm gonna be over here everyday."

"First of all I am not a divo, and you're the one to talk your dad is a judge and your mom is a journalist. I bragged about Aunt Priscilla all the time back home. My classmates couldn't believe that she was the one who interviewed Yung Child and made him come out on national television" I said while looking down at my phone.

"Yea my mom is brilliant. Living with a journalist and a judge can make you question everything you do. I swear they ask me for the third degree on everything. This new guy I am dating is from a rich family as well, but his mom is the local psychologist. Anyway, my mom is always trying to get me to act a certain way when I got to visit him and when I bring him to the house dad wants to know if he slings drugs and mom wants to know if he is really being faithful to me" Max said, "sometimes I just tell him don't come by let's meet up and he tells me the same thing."

"Aww, I wanna meet him. Is he cute?" I asked.

"Here" Max said as he gave me his phone with a picture of him and his boyfriend as a screensaver on his phone. "Ain't he cute?" Max asked blushing.

"Yea he is" I said thinking about Danny. "What's his name?" I asked handing Max his phone back.

"Richie Milton IV, but you can call him Rich. He's named after his dad" Max said staring at the picture in his phone. I remember that look. Gazing at the man you love.

"His dad's name is Richie?" I asked confused.

"No silly his dad's name is Richard but he hates that name so he asks everybody to call him either Richie or Rich. I just call him Rich because I think its cuter." Max stated blushing.

"Well on that note I will call him Richie" I said looking at Max and noticing that from far away you would have never guessed he was gay. He really was like me, slightly feminine but not too much that it showed a lot.

"So you and Danny still talkin'? You didn't mention anything about him last family reunion." Max stated.

"Next topic" I blurted out very quick.

"But Jayse...what happened?" Max said, finally looking up at me and closing his phone.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I said sulking "let's talk about something else."

"Forget that. Since you don't wanna talk let me show you around the neighborhood" Max stated happily.

"Max I am not dressed for going out" I said grumpy.

"You talkin' like we goin' to the club. I really just wanna introduce you to my two best friends and my boyfriend...and maybe some other people." Max said, "what you got on is good. You rich people are a trip."

"I'm not rich" I said blatantly.

"Whatever, grab your phone let's go" Max said as he grabbed me by my hand and dragged me off the patio. "We'll be back in a few auntie Jazz." We walked around to the front of the house when I stopped and gazed at his car.

"This is your car?" I exclaimed. It was a red 2005 clk Mercedees Benz 2 door coupe.

"Actually my sister, she gave it to me after she got a 2007" Max said walking up to the car.

"And you say that I am rich" I said as a matter of factly.

"You guys are living in the most expensive house on the block" Max said getting in.

"How do you know?" I asked placing my seat belt on.

"The last owners fixed the place up and rebuilt it before leaving" Max said between texting on his phone. He finally cranked the car up and we drove out the cul-de-sac.

"Who were they?" I asked looking out the window.

"Stop asking so many questions. Have you heard this song yet?" Max asked while playing a rap song I never even heard of.

"I don't listen to rap, but the girl singing the hook sounds good." I said bopping my head with the beat.

"Well I should have known that you probably didn't. It's this guy from the area named Brandon but his rap name is B-True. He and a couple of his friends and cousins got a rap studio downtown" Max said making turns on every street. I hope he knew where he was going.

"Oh well good for them" I said trying to change the subject.

"Ok first stop meet the gang" Max said as we pulled up to Al's Hangout. It was this local teen spot that was a diner and arcade mixed into one. A lot of teens were over here and I looked around to see if my mystery guy was anywhere near. No sign of him, I thought.

"Come on, I've been bragging about you forever. The guys want to meet you so bad." Max said unbuckling his seat belt and getting out the car. "Don't start that shy thing again."

"I'm not shy I just don't know these kids and I hate crowds" I complained unbuckling my seat belt and getting out the car.

"Well time out for all of that divo, for real. Let's go!" Max said forcefully and got out the car to walk around to me. We walked inside and Max shook a couple of kids' hands along the way. He almost looked like a celebrity, how popular he was with everyone. I never was popular at my old school. People knew me but not to the point that they stopped what they were doing and came over to speak to me. A couple of cute guys stopped and looked at me. One guy even got bold and walked up to me asking for my name and number. I just smiled and said I'm with someone.

"It's cool" he said walking away smiling, "I'll catch ya later, homie." He stood back with his friends scoping me out. I turned around a few times to look at him and he wasn't that bad looking neither. He dapped up a few of his homeboys and whispered something and started laughing. He then grabbed his bulge and winked at me while licking the bottom row of his teeth. God I loved thugs. I am so glad I attracted them more than I attracted pretty boys. No offense but though I am slightly feminine, I don't wear makeup or anything, but I notice some pretty boys are just too caught up on their looks for me. I like that rugged, masculine, good with his hands, deep voice, and manly man to come my way. He whistled at me trying to call me but I kept on walking. We walked up to a table in a corner with 4 guys sitting down and I immediately got nervous.

"Jayse these are my friends. This is Tony. Sitting beside him is his boyfriend Omar and over here is Eric and his boyfriend beside him Mario.

"Hey Jayse!" they all said in unison. They all seemed happier to see me than I was to see them.

"Hey guys" I said throwing my hand up, "nice to meet you all."

"Sit down," Tony offered sliding down for me to sit next to him, "Max told us a lot `bout you." Tony was very attractive. He was very light skinned, with pink lips and green eyes, probably contacts. He had a Mohawk like Max's but without the designs. His hair was curly like mine but my hair was sorta like a medium afro. He was very thin we nice bone structure and a small mole on the right side of his face above his top lip. His skin was baby smooth with no scars and his boyfriend was just as attractive. Omar was light skinned as well but a shade darker than Tony. He had his hair in corn rows to his back and his hair looked so soft like baby hair. I later found out that he was Puerto Rican. He had a thin mustache with long side burns that connected and a goatee. This made him look older than he was but I think that this is what he was going for. He was medium build wearing a tank top that showed off his cute pecs. I could see his brow nipples through the shirt and I go crazy over nipples.

"So I heard, I wish I could have known much about you guys too" I said looking around and taking my seat. Max sat on the other side of the table across from me by Eric and Mario. "Well Mario and I have dated the longest out of everybody here," Eric started, "we were friends in elementary school until middle school when I told Mario I had a crush on him. He got mad and stopped talking to me but a couple of days later apologized and said that he had one on me too, but didn't want to be gay."

I could tell that I would like Eric a lot because he talked the most out of the whole group. He was brown skin, almost the shade of mahogany, and had deep dimples that showed when he talked and poked in his face even further when he smiled. Also he had his hair in dreds that came to his shoulders and looked really good. This was the first time I ever seen a guy with dreds up close because in the Midwest there were very few black people to begin with. They actually looked neat as well and small not ugly like Lil' Wayne's. He had full lips like mine and the most perfect teeth I ever seen. He defined piano teeth. He was thin as well, and one of those people that loved to talk with their hands. Mario on the other hand, was fine. He had a bald head with thick eyebrows, with a beard and goatee connected. He was the same shade as Eric and so masculine. I loved how he was posted up on the seat with his arm around Eric and his deep brown eyes. I tried not to look at him because I didn't want to start any trouble but he was so cute. He licked his lips a couple of times, not at me, but just in general and that was always a turn on for me. Easy Jayse, calm down these guys may end up being your future friends. I turned my head back to Eric who was still going on about him and Mario while my hard on subsided.

"Ok that's enough of all of that," Max said stopping Eric, "Anybody seen Rich? He said that he would meet us all here but I thought he was here already."

"Naw shawtie, he ain't said nothing to me," Mario said. God, even his voice was deep and masculine. Please stop talking I thought to myself.

"I'm going to call him. I'll be right back Jayse I'm going outside." Max said as he got up.

"Ok" I said twiddling my thumbs looking around.

"He's in good hands. So are you enjoying the summer so far?" Tony asked looking at me in my eyes.

"Uh...yea" I said, "Sucks to be moving right in the middle of summer but oh well. How can you guys take the heat out here?"

"This ain't nothing, you should visit Brooklyn right now. It's crazy there son" Omar said with his deep accent.

"Is that where you are from?" I asked him.

"Yea my mom and dad got a divorce two years ago so I came down here with my mom to the durty south," he said kissing Tony on the cheek.

"We ain't durty. Stop saying it like that. This isn't the ATL" Tony said blushing.

"ATL isn't dirty neither. I have family over there" Eric defended.

"I don't mean like that. People consider ATL the dirty south and everything else just the south" Tony stated.

"Yea you're right. I wanna go to ATL one day. I haven't been there in years." Eric said playing with the salt shaker.

"You ain't missin' much trust me" Tony said looking around the building.

"Why, what's over there that ain't got your attention?" Omar asked.

"Seriously dude, right now?" Tony asked defensively looking over at Omar.

"Boo I just asked you a question, quit bugging" Omar said.

"You said it like I did somethin' over there. What you trying to say?" Tony asked sitting up looking like he was ready for an argument. I looked at Omar and Tony and then over at Eric and Mario and they looked like they were used to the couple fighting. So much that they just stared at them.

"Look here T, if you wanna act up you can, but I ain't down wit all that shit right now" Omar said sounding frustrated. I like his laid back attitude but could tell that this wasn't the first fight neither.

"Ok he's coming over right now. He had to get his little sister from his grandma's house. What I miss?" Max said sitting down and looking around the table at everybody.

"Nothing just the usual lovebirds squabbling at each other" Eric said sighing.

"Shut up Eric. We weren't fighting. Just clearing some stuff out" Tony yelled.

"You call that clearing stuff out" Eric asked.

"Yes Eric arguing doesn't entail fighting all the time besides this argument was important not some silly love squabble" Tony stated.

"Are you serious?" Tony...you guys were arguing about a city!" Eric screamed.

"Babe chill ok" Mario said pulling Eric back in his seat. Could Mario be any more adorable.

"At least I have a voice when it comes to relationships" Tony said looking at Eric and Mario. Eric looked at Tony very upset to the point of being betrayed. He obviously told him something that wasn't supposed to be said.

"Oh God I'm sorry Eric. Dude I am so, so sorry. Please forgive me! I didn't mean to say anything Eric. I am so sorry forget I said anything" Tony pleaded reaching his hands out across the table to Eric.

"Leave me alone" Eric snapped grabbing his hands away from Tony.

"Whatchu talking about shawty?" Mario said looking over at Tony and removing his arm from around Eric.

"Nothing forget I said anything" Tony said placing his hand over his mouth.

"Ok guys lets just talk about something else right quick ok. It's too much tension at this table right now. Besides this is my cousin first time meeting ya'll. Ya'll gonna run him back to the corn fields in Nebraska.

"Shut up Max" I said laughing and kicking him lightly under the table.

Mario paused for a minute still staring at Tony, "You're right Max. Everything is cool. You good babe?" he asked Eric placing his hand over his thigh.

"Yea baby I'm good" Eric responded fixing his hair, "I'm sorry Max and I'm especially sorry Jayse."

"Yea everybody I apologize for yelling." Tony said and then placed his arm around me, "I hope I didn't scare you off" he pleaded.

"No I'm good everybody. Thanks." I said looking around at the table. Boy did my cousin know how to put everyone in check or what. What kind of power did he have over these people and more importantly what was that whole thing between Eric and Tony. Something is telling me that I was soon gonna find out.

"Ooooh damn, that's my song" Max screamed when the DJ started playing Drake's Find Your Love, "C'mon ya'll let's dance." Max shouted getting up from the table and dragging me with him. I looked back and everybody got up and started dancing together. Eric and Tony reached over their boyfriends' shoulders and grabbed each other by the fingers smiling. I thought that was so cute. They must have made up I thought to myself smiling. I started dancing with Max but he started getting a little too loose for me besides a guy grabbed him and started grinding on him. I found out later that this was Rich. He really was cute. Almond brown skin like me with a low cut and wearing a brown fedora with a brown striped button down shirt and some khakis. Not to mention his shirt was open and his abs were screaming for attention. His look screamed preppy not to mention the square glasses but he pulled it off and made nerdy look really sexy. His eyes were small and when he looked over at me, smiled and waved I blushed at how cute he was. I read Max's lips saying "this is Rich." He gave Rich a deep kiss and before I knew it they disappeared in the crowd. I was dancing by myself for a minute until this guy tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was him, the boy from earlier today. He whispered in my ear and asked if I wanted company. I blushed and shook my head yea. For once I actually listened to the words of his song "Find Your Love." I looked the guy in his eyes and he looked in mine as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I looked deep in his eyes as if saying, I better find your love today or at least know your name.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 3

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