Hes Mine


Published on Nov 24, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 16 Terrence POV (Part two)

"Are you going to class today?" Lee asked me while staring at himself through the mirror that hung up on our dorm room door.

"I don't know" I said sulking, throwing a ball up in the air and catching it. I was lying in bed with just my boxers on and my afro unpicked. I was still thinking about Jayse even though he hasn't texted me back yet since Wednesday. We normally texted each other at least once a day but he hasn't sent me anything all today.

"Dude you can't be over there thinking about somebody that's not thinking about you" Lee stated tying his bow tie. He loved to go to class with the preppy look. I did too but some days I just wore fitted tees and jeans to show off my abs.

"Jayse isn't like that" I said defending him.

"You don't know that. You said yourself you barely know him" Lee said grabbing his books.

"I was saying I needed to get to know him more. Matter of fact what are you still doing here anyway? You better go before your girl calls here for you" I stated throwing the ball at the ceiling again and catching it.

"At least I have one" Lee said before looking back at me feeling sorry for saying that.

"Dude I didn't mean that" Lee said apologetically.

"It's cool" I said ignoring him.

"No man I'm really sorry" Lee begged.

"It's ok man really" I said ready for him to leave.

"Look Tee, you're my boy ok? I'm with you until the end. Whatever you do I'm here for you" Lee said sitting on his twin size bed across from mine making me think.

"You really mean that?" I asked looking over at him searching his face for an answer.

"Yea man! We boys till the end" Lee said as I smiled.

"Cool" I said sitting up, "Let's go to Grove High for the Back to School dance tomorrow."

"Dude that's kind of pushing it" Lee said.

"I know, but you know it's always this time of the year. Besides I kind of want to surprise Jayse this weekend" I said smiling.

"Tee are you sure man?" Lee asked concerned.

"Yea right after classes tomorrow" I said happily. I got up from my bed and went to my closet grabbing a suitcase.

"Ok I guess" Lee said looking around.

"I mean if you don't want to go, just let me know" I stated looking back at Lee from my closet.

"No if you want to go then I'll roll with you" Lee said getting up from his bed and putting his books in his book bag.

"Ok cool" I said happily opening my suitcase and laying it on my bed.

"I'll see you after class" Lee said walking out our dorm room.

"Ok" I said continuing packing. I thought about letting my parents know I was coming but I really didn't want to speak to my dad this weekend. This weekend was all about Jayse.

I picked up my phone but looked at the time knowing that he was still in school. I normally gave him little texts of encouragement early in the morning and he would send a smiley face back. This morning he didn't. I thought about what could have happened to him for him to be acting this way.

It was 12:30 so I guess I should take a shower and find something to do since I wasn't going to class. I grabbed something to change in, a towel, and a wash cloth as I walked out my dorm room into the communal shower.

I hated coming in here sometimes because guys checked each other out so much here even though I wasn't feeling none of them.

I walked into the restroom/shower and walked to the back where the showers were. It was empty, thank God! Everyone was probably out in class right now. The showers were separated as well so I guess I could be thankful for that as well. I walked into the nearest shower and turned the water on waiting for it to get warm. I heard the door of the restroom open but I figured that it was probably someone coming in to use the restroom or something. I got undressed and hoped in the shower ready to feel the hot steamy water cover my body. I let the water fall over my afro and drench my hair.

I started thinking about Jayse and his sexy body. Before I knew it someone woke up and I contemplated about doing what I wanted to do so badly. I massaged myself slowly, enjoying the pleasure I was giving myself while fantasizing Jayse in compromising positions.

I couldn't get enough of the images and forgot where I was. All I could think about was being with Jayse for the first time and making love to him the way he needed to be. The shower next to mines started running and I immediately jumped out of my dream state for fear that someone would catch me. I finished my shower and turned the water off, stepping outside of the area. I looked around making sure no one saw me and smiled to myself.

"What's up Terrance?" a classmate of mine said walking around the corner to take a shower. His presence shocked me so bad that I jumped and he picked up on it as well, "You ok?"

"Yea I'm fine, Andrew what's up with you?" I asked making sure my towel was wrapped around my waist.

"Nothing much. Just can't wait until I go home this weekend. I have a date" Andrew said winking at me, "Hopefully I get laid."

I laughed at myself knowing that sex was all he wanted. "Don't you want more than that man" I said walking around to the front to look at myself in the mirror and pick my afro.

"No" Andrew said as I shook my head in disappointment. "I mean I'm a guy. It's the only thing on my mind."

"Well I'm a guy too and I don't think about it that much" I said spraying my hair and resuming picking it again.

"With a girlfriend like yours, I would" Andrew said sitting on the counter with his towel wrapped around his waist and another around his neck.

"We're not together anymore" I said loving the sound of that.

"Really? What happened?" Andrew asked looking surprised.

"We just out grew each other you know. It's more fishes in the sea" I said looking in the mirror at my teeth.

"Yea I guess but she was fine man" Andrew said staring off into space probably fantasizing about my ex. I decided to change the subject since it was getting close to crunch time. Andrew still wanted to talk about my ex but I wasn't feeling that so after I brushed my teeth I decided to leave.

"Well I'm late dude but I'll talk to you when I get back" I said grabbing my stuff to walk out the bathroom.

"Hey where are you going?" Andrew asked as I placed my hand on the bathroom door.

"I'm going home to chill with my `rents for a while" I stated lying not wanting him in my business.

"Oh, well, tell your folks I said hello" Andrew said jumping down from the counter and checking himself out in the mirror.

I walked out the bathroom and went into my dorm room to see that I had a text. I looked at it and it was from Jayse:

"Sorry I didn't text U back but yesterday Was a disaster"

I texted back "r u ok" wondering if something may have happened to him. My heart started beating fast at the thought of him being hurt or worst. I packed up the rest of my things, changed and ran out the door. I ran down to the business department hoping to bump into Lee while he was walking out of class. Lucky me he was posted up on a wall talking to his girlfriend. I grabbed him by his arm and spun him around.

"Lee we gotta go now" I said sternly.

"Go where?" Lee asked.

"We got to go back home. I think something has happened to Jayse and I want to make sure he's ok" I said looking around to see if anyone heard me.

"Tee come on man I have classes I can't just leave like this" Lee said looking back from me to his girlfriend.

"I thought you said you was going to be down" I stated disappointed.

"Dude trust me I am it's just that it's too sudden I mean we're in college. We have classes, remember? We can't just up and leave every time something bad happens" Lee stated with a nervous grin. I shook my head and paced around before responding back.

"But if it were your girlfriend then you would jump up and do something but the fact that I'm into boys now you don't have my back anymore" I said realizing my friends true ways and forgetting that his girlfriend was standing right behind us.

"Tee what are you talking about?" Lee asked holding onto his bookbag straps and staring me into my eyes.

"I'm talking about just because I'm in love with Jayse you don't roll with me like you used too. All I had to do was say something and you would be down, now it's I have to check with my girl' or I don't know' or `are you really sure' the list goes on dude" I said venting my frustration as kids came and walked between us.

"Tee man I told you back at the dorm that I would always have your back" Lee said before I cut him off.

"Bullshit! That was just enough to get me to think you was down. I don't care anymore man. Do whatever you want to do but I gotta go" I said about to walk away until Lee grab my arm and spun me around.

"Tee listen to yourself. You are going crazy over a guy. You're the one changing not me. You claim you're in love with someone that may not even feel the same about you. You had Allyson and a perfect future but now you're throwing it away for a guy you just met. You're just going through a phase; a little experimental one at that. Experience what you need to and get back to school and work man" Lee said crushing my heart.

"Why are you talking about Jayse like that? Like he's a nobody or something. This isn't a phase Lee! I've been this way forever I've just been hiding it afraid of what people like you would say and now I could care less. Some friend you are" I said walking away.

"This is too a phase. Look at you" Lee said walking behind me, "You're dropping everything you have worked hard for, all for a guy."

"I'm not dropping anything" I said turning around to face him, "You're making it sound like I'm leaving school or something. I'm just going home to check on him."

"Think about this Tee. What would your parents say?" Lee asked.

"About what?" I asked searching to see where his heart really was, "School or my sexual orientation?" Lee didn't say anything afraid that I would see how much of a true friend he was. He looked at the ground and I shook my head at the coward I knew to be my friend for 17 years. I turned around and walked away wanting to forget that I ever knew him or even considered him a loyal friend.

I walked over to my car and loaded up the rest of my things inside driving out the school parking lot in search of the guy that held my heart. I wanted to text either Jamie or Justus to see if it was something that happened in the family but I just went ahead and ignored the urge.

I sped down the freeway towards the Grove letting my heart lead the way. A truck cut me off causing me to swerve and my heart dropped at the idea of getting in a wreck and dying. All I could think of doing was gripping the wheel and turning as much as I could to stop from hitting the car on the other side of me. This caused them to panic and they swerved causing a chain reaction of cars with wheels gliding all over the place. Once I gained control I got into the passing lane and tried to speed pass the car pile up that was about to commence.

I looked back in my rear view mirror as I saw two cars hit each other and swerve on the right shoulder. I panicked and felt bad for what I just did. My heart started beating even faster from the thought of whether or not I killed someone. I wanted to turn around and see the wreckage but I had to get to Jayse before something happened to him.

The thought of him in trouble or hurt was too much to bear. I picked up my phone and dialed my mom's job number letting out a heavy sigh at what was about to be said.

"Hello Viola Bernstein's office, how can I help you?" my mom's secretary Taylor said.

"Hey Taylor this is Terrance is my mom in today?" I asked while remaining cautious of another wreck.

"She just stepped out for lunch do you want me to leave her a message?" Taylor asked sincerely.

"Uh no thank you" I said, "hey do you know where she is having lunch at?"

"She was having lunch at the Liberty" Taylor said referring to the classy hotel in town that had an expensive restaurant in it to match.

"Ok thanks" I said hanging up. I started to dial my mom's cell phone number but decided to try Justus on his cell to see what was going on with Jayse.

"Hello?" Justus asked after picking up on the first ring.

"What's up, Justus this is Terrance" I replied.

"What's going on T?" Justus asked as I heard someone over a P.A. system in the back.

"Nothing much. Hey did I disturb you? Or you at work or something?" I asked worried I was intruding.

"No not really. I'm at this hospital doing my residency and stuff but it's cool. What's going on?" Justus asked again, probably sensing something in my voice.

"Well I just wanted to see if Jayse was ok. I haven't spoken with him in a couple of days" I stated.

"He's fine man as far as I know. I just spoke with him the other day" Justus stated.

"Yea me too but we text everyday and he hasn't hit me back up yet" I said. "Plus on top of that he gave me this weird text about something happening yesterday and that it was bad."

"No T, I mean if something bad did happen I know my parents would have let me know something by now but they haven't" Justus stated as my heart finally started to beat normally again.

"Ok cool" I said, "I was just worried."

"Probably some crazy thing with one of his teachers or his nutty friends or something but don't worry about it. Jayse tends to over exaggerate at times so get used to it" Justus said laughing causing me to laugh as well.

"Ok man thanks I feel better now" I said wondering if I should turn around or not. I already made it back into the Grove now so I might as well finish off with it.

"Hey I don't mean to get up in your business but how are things working out between you two?" Justus asked whispering.

"It's starting to progress. I mean I would love for it to be more than what it is but he's still with Brandon" I stated upset at the fact that Brandon was what Jayse wanted.

"Well I wouldn't worry too long. Something's telling me that Brandon will mess up his chances with Jayse. He's a thug! Jayse hasn't ever been with a guy like that before. I'm just waiting on him to expose himself like the idiot he looks like" Justus said sharply causing me to join in his frustration as well.

"I feel you Justus. I mean I care about your brother a lot. I just want the chance to show him that too" I said pulling into the parking lot of the hotel.

"You will man, I mean..." Justus started out before they called his name over the P.A. system. "Look T, I gotta go man but I'll call you if anything happened."

"Ok thanks Justus" I said before hanging up behind Justus. I felt better about the situation and at the same time still wanted to see for myself if Jayse was truly ok.

I sighed heavily and checked myself in the rear view mirror. I got out my car and walked slowly to the entrance of the hotel. While walking inside I saw some people from town that I knew but whenever coming into the Liberty Hotel you better make sure you have your money right because it was our version of the Trump Towers in the Grove. I felt underdressed walking inside with just a t-shirt and jeans on but ignored the looks that some people were giving me while walking past them.

I walked up to the maître' d and asked about my mom's table. He told me that she was with someone and that he would take me to her table. I followed behind him as I looked at some of the couples inside and imagined Jayse and I on our very first date. God I loved that boy! We walked up to the table and the butterflies in my stomach turned into dragon flies after I saw who was having lunch with my mother: it was my dad!

"Terrance! What are you doing home son?" my dad asked as my mother who had her back turned to me at the time, turned around in amazement at my surprising visit as well.

"Hi sweetie! I didn't know you were coming home?" My mom asked getting up from their booth and greeting me with a hug and kiss.

"Yea I thought I would surprise you guys" I said returning the hug to my mother and not even acknowledging my dad.

"Well it's a good gesture. Sit down have you eaten yet?" My mom asked returning to her seat and sliding down to make room for me to sit.

"Yea I ate something before coming here" I lied as my stomach growled lightly from the view of my parents' lunches.

"Well have some of this grilled Panini sweetie, you look famished. Are you sure you're eating over there? My mom asked concerned passing her sandwich my way.

"Mom I'm fine" I laughed nervously sliding the plate back over to her.

"Go ahead I'll order something else" my mom said sliding the plate back over to me and grabbing the waiter's attention.

"Yes ma'am, can I get you anything" the guy asked returning to the table.

"Yes please may I have the stuffed chicken and a house salad please with vinegarette dressing" my mom asked as the waiter wrote the order down on his tablet.

"And for you sir?" the waiter asked my dad.

"Nothing for me thank you" my dad said cutting into his chicken.

"And how about you sir, would you like me to bring another table setting?" the waiter asked me.

"No thank you I'm not staying" I said looking up after taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Where are you going son?" my dad asked.

"I came to see someone" I said avoiding eye contact with both of them.

"Who is it?" my dad asked.

"Just a friend" I answered shortly.

"You drove 45 minutes over here to see a friend?" my dad asked.

"Yea dad what's the big deal?" I asked still avoiding eye contact with him. My mom sensed the tension building up and decided to steer the conversation.

"Well are you going to be home all weekend or just today?" my mom asked.

"I don't know yet. I just came to check on him and then I'll see where it goes after that" I said taking another bite out of the sandwich.

"Is this friend in trouble or something?" my dad asked.

"I don't know dad, it's the reason I'm down here" I said regretting the statement.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute. You drove all the way down here on a hunch that something was wrong with a friend and don't even know what's wrong with him. Who is it?" my dad asked upset.

"No one" I answered shortly.

"WHO IS IT!" my dad asked again upset.

"It's Jayse dad" I said not wanting to cause a scene.

"Jeffrey's son?" my dad asked.

"Yea I just came to check on him" I said hoping he wouldn't read into it too much.

"Funny Jeffery didn't say anything about it to me. What's wrong with him? Oh I'm sorry I forgot you don't know" my dad said sarcastically making me turn red with anger.

"Son what made you think that Jayse was in trouble?" my mom asked.

"He texted me telling me that yesterday was crazy and something bad happened but he didn't say what" I explained wiping my face after finishing the sandwich.

"And that gave you reason enough to come over here?" my dad asked upset.

"Dad I was just going to check up on him and go right back to school" I yelled.

"Terrance keep your voice down!" my mom whispered looking around the restaurant surprised by my behavior.

"Son you're in college. You're studying to be a pediatrician. You don't have time to drop everything for friends who may or may not be in trouble" my dad said calmly but still with heavy emphasis.

"Dad I know that. I have a lot of friends and I don't come home for them the minute they are in trouble" I stated.

"Then what makes Jayse so important?" my dad asked.

I paused contemplating how to word it without him thinking anymore than the obvious but something told me to avoid saying anything more that would ultimately dig a grave for myself at this very moment.

"Here you go ma'am" the waiter said bringing my mom's salad and chicken to the table.

"Thank you so much" my mom said pulling the salad to her and spreading the dressing over it.

"May I get anyone something else?" the waiter asked picking up the empty plates.

"No thank you" my mom said as the waiter smiled and left.

"God that kind of stuff disgusts me!" my dad said.

"What are you talking about dear?" my mom asked mixing her salad with the dressing.

"That over there" my dad said wiping his mouth and pointing his head at two guys eating together, though it was obvious that they were more than just friends.

"Honey this is a new world. Everyone is entitled to being with whomever they want" my mom said as I started to get redder from anger at my dad's homophobic views.

"Well it makes me sick to my stomach. If Jeffery wasn't a good neurosurgeon I never would have offered him the job to be back here" my dad stated taking a sip of his wine.

"Honey are you serious? Why?" my mom asked shocked with disbelief.

"Viola, two of his sons are gay and he just accepts it like nothing else" my dad said shifting in his seat. I looked over at him with pure disgust wanting to punch him in his face.

"Bob, dear, nothing is wrong with someone's sexual orientation" my mom stated.

"Yes it is, it's wrong. It's not normal. How can you possibly be in love with someone of the same gender like yourself" my dad stated throwing his napkin on the table and getting red with anger himself.

"Well I don't have a problem with it. It's your choice who you want to be with. No one should stand in the way of love" my mom said.

"Love? You call that mess love? How can that possibly be love?" my dad asked folding his arms over his chest sitting back in his seat.

"I gotta go" I said finding myself upset with my father's childlike display of ignorance.

"Are you leaving now?" my mom asked as I got up from the table.

"Yea obviously I'm not wanted here" I said.

"What are you talking about son?" my dad asked.

"Dad please" I said disgusted with him.

"Terrence honey what is it?" my mom asked.

"Yea son tell us what's wrong?" my dad asked.

I took a deep breath and let the words flow like a river stream, "that right there is who I am" I said pointing at the two guys eating.

"Terrence..." my mom said surprised though she looked like she was putting on airs because she didn't look surprised at all.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying son?" my dad asked.

"Yea I am dad. I'm gay; always have been. I can't sit here and let you gay bash everyone not like you because of your ignorant views on what's right and what's wrong. I love Jayse. That's why I came down here. That's why I wanted to see him. You do crazy things when you're in love. I care about him regardless of the small amounts of time we share. It happened unexpectedly. That's love. It's not forced it springs up on you out of nowhere" I said as the two gay guys looked over at me and applauded as well as some other people. I felt good getting it off my chest for the first time. I looked down at my mom who was smiling signaling how proud she was that I was finally standing up to my dad.

"Sorry dad how ironic is it to hate gay people and have a gay son?" I asked about to walk away.

"Terrence you're not gay" my dad said still sitting down, "This thing you're experiencing is just a..."

"A phase?" I asked finishing his sentence for him, "I swear if one more person calls this a phase... you know what, forget it. I'm gone" I said walking out.

"Terrence" my parents called back to me in unison but by then I was already out the restaurant on my way to Jayse's house. I got in my car and sped out the parking lot feeling a weight lifted off my shoulders. I finally felt free for the first time and all I wanted to do now was let Jayse know how I really felt about him.

When I pulled up to the gate for Jayse's neighborhood, I let the security guard know who I was but he remembered my face already. He let me in and I drove up to my future lover's house wondering what his reaction would be when he saw me. No one's car was home but it was after 3 now so I know that he was out of school.

I got out my car and walked up to the front door and rung the door bell. I waited with anticipation at the thought of seeing Jayse after a couple of weeks. When the door opened Jerry was standing behind it.

"Hey Terrence!" Jerry said running over to me, giving me a hug.

"What's up Jerry! How's school going?" I asked as he backed away after our hug to let me in.

"It's ok" Jeryn said, "how come you're over here?"

"Well I wanted to see Jayse is he around?" I asked.

"Yea he's up in his room but he's kind of upset right now" Jerry stated.

"Really what's wrong?" I asked.

"Well..." Jerry started off until Jamarion came walking by.

"Who's at the door?" Jamarion asked with a huge band aid over his left eyebrow and his right arm in a cast. I looked at Jamarion in shock wondering what happened, "oh what's up Terrence?"

"Hey Jamarion what happened to you man?" I asked walking over to him as Jerry closed their front door.

"I got into a fight at school" Jamarion confessed.

"Really?" I asked surprised at his behavior but the guy did look like a middleweight champ though he was still in high school.

"Yea you remember Brandon right?" Jamarion asked.

"Yea I remember him" I said wondering if he was the one that Jamarion fought.

"Well we got into it and before you know it, we're fighting outside with tables and chairs all around man" Jamarion said recalling the incident.

"Wow I'm sorry man" I said.

"Don't feel bad for me. He's the one in worse shape but it was a long time coming" Jamarion said biting his lip smiling. No wonder Jayse was upset. I didn't know whether to stay or leave. He wouldn't feel like talking after his boyfriend and his brother just fought.

"Ok well I would say I feel sorry for Brandon but I don't like him neither so..." I said as Jamarion started laughing causing me to laugh too. The phone rang and Jamarion ran over to get it.

"Do you still want to see Jayse?" Jerry asked behind me.

"Um hey Jerry I don't think he feels like talking. I won't bother him" I said about to walk out.

"You're his friend I know that he will want to talk to you" Jerry said grabbing my hand and walking me up the stairs, "Come on."

I felt bad for ambushing Jayse like this when it was clear what he was upset about but it was no turning back now. This would be my first time going into his room though I wish it was under different circumstances.

Jerry knocked on the door of Jayse's room and we waited for him to answer.

"Come in" I heard his sexy voice from the other side. We walked in and Jayse was sitting at his desk writing with his curly afro picked and him sitting in the chair with shorts on and a tank top. I got aroused just staring at his nutmeg colored legs. They looked so smooth I wondered if he shaved. He had a pen in his left ear and one in his right hand. His pink lips were poked out from pouting and he had a small knot in his forehead from anger, probably over you know who.

He looked up at us and saw me and smiled heavily. He got up from his desk and ran over to hug me. I wasn't expecting it but returned the hug by wrapping my arms around his thin body. I smelled his hair and it had that vanilla aroma that he always had in it. His body smelled like peaches or it may have been his room. No his room smelled different because I got a whiff of it from entering inside. I can't explain that aroma though it was soft. I squeezed him tight not wanting to let go of him and enjoying his soft skin against mine.

I was starting to get aroused again but I didn't care, I was waiting for this forever. I was so lost that I didn't even hear Jerry leave or Jayse crying softly.

I broke our embrace and looked at his face but he turned his head before I could see.

"Jayse what's wrong?" I asked as he walked away over to his bed to grab a pillow.

He still didn't respond so I asked again, "Jayse what's wrong?" still no response.

I sat down beside him as he cried into his pillow frantically. I rubbed his back letting him know I was there but I don't think he realized it. I looked around his room and found a box of tissues on his nightstand. I grabbed them and tried prying his face from his pillow but he wouldn't break his hold of it.

"Jayse please I want to help you" I said in my sincere voice.

"C'mon please" I begged as he slowly removed the pillow from his face and I saw his sad puppy dog eyes filled with tears that were also streaming down his face. He had one of those expressions that made you want to cry as well. I placed the tissue on his left cheek and began wiping his tears. I rubbed softly against his skin admiring how soft his face was. Not a blemish or scar was evident.

I put that aside and grabbed another piece doing the same process until his left side was clean. Jayse was so still like I was painting him for a mural. He just looked deep into my eyes as I did the same to him while I tilted his head to the side and wiped his right cheek. When I was done I smiled at him as he smiled back softly. He reached by me to grab the tissues but I stopped him and grabbed them myself to throw them away.

I got up from the bed and looked for the trash can which was by the door and I threw the tissues away. I turned around to see Jayse still sitting there watching me as I blushed. I walked back over to his bed slowly and sat down beside him. We sat there in silence afraid of what to say to each other.

I knew who he was crying over and after my dad's rant about love I couldn't get in the way of what Jayse wanted with Brandon. Regardless of how much I wanted him for myself, I couldn't get in the way of this connection that may or may not be developing.

I looked around his room admiring the posters of authors and R&B legends as well as the bookcase surrounded by books. I could tell that he loved to read. He had GQ, Details and other magazines neatly tucked away in a bin and his closet door was opened as I saw his clothes neatly organized in a distinct fashion.

The more I spend with him, the more I become fascinated with his beauty and charm. I looked over at him as he was staring off into space somewhere. He must have felt me staring at him because he turned his head and his eyes instantly matched mine.

I stared deep into his eyes trying to find an inclining that I had a small chance of getting with him and saw something there. It was all in the way he was looking at me. Something about him seemed captivating and I wanted so badly to kiss him right there and right now.

I leaned over slowly hoping that he got the hint on what I wanted to do. He did and he closed his eyes preparing for it as he slowly moved over to me as well. We got close enough to the point of our noses touching until his phone rang. FUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned my head and dropped it knowing who it was. Jayse turned back and reached for his phone off his nightstand looking to see who it was. Once he saw it was Brandon he sent it to voicemail. I smiled and looked up at him knowing he didn't want to be bothered with Brandon right now.

I leaned in for another kiss but Jayse didn't look like he was in the mood again. DAMN BRANDON!!!

"So what brings you over here?" Jayse asked sitting on his bed in Indian style facing me. I sighed wishing I still had a chance to kiss him.

"I thought you were in trouble or something and I came over to check on you" I confessed from the heart.

"Really?" Jayse asked, "what made you think that?"

"In your text and the fact that you haven't texted me back in awhile" I stated.

"I'm sorry I wasn't in the mood to be bothered" Jayse said apologetically.

"It's ok I got the skinny from Jamarion and Jerry downstairs. Sorry you had to witness that" I said sincerely but Jayse looked annoyed.

"Can we talk about something else please?" Jayse asked wanting to change the subject as his phone rang again. Jayse rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone. He sighed heavily and placed the phone back on the nightstand.

"Sure whatever you want to do" I said.

"How's school?" Jayse asked.

"It's going" I said laughing as Jayse did the same, "how about you?"

"Same thing. Trying to get in the groove of things" Jayse said.

"Yea I hear you. Made any friends?" I asked.

"Next question!" Jayse said.

"Ok" I said thinking of something to ask.

"How about you?" Jayse asked after my pause.

"Next question" I said referring to my altercation with Lee.

"Family ok besides Jamarion fighting?" I asked.

"Besides my dad tripping all of the sudden, yea" Jayse commented.

"I hear you same thing here" I stated recalling the fight with my dad at Liberty.

"Wow we are doing great aren't we?" Jayse asked as I smiled.

"Could we be anymore identical" I stated as Jayse laughed and his phone rang again. I was beginning to get pretty annoyed by Brandon at this point.

"God I wish he would leave me alone" Jayse stated frustrated.

"Is it Brandon?" I asked playing dumb.

"Yea calling to apologize about the fight. I don't want to talk to him right now." Jayse stated as his phone rang again but this time it was a text message.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said reading the text out loud, "Is that really the best you could do?" Jayse threw the phone down on the nightstand and lied back on his bed frustrated. I paused thinking of what to say and just felt like I was disturbing him.

"Hey Jayse I'm going to go" I said.

"No don't leave" Jayse said sitting up grabbing my hand. God his skin felt so good against mine.

"No, no I should go. You need to be alone right now" I said getting up.

"But you came all this way for me" Jayse whined getting up as well.

"Yea but I'll be here tomorrow. I'm staying at my parent's house" I said.

"But I don't want you to go" Jayse whined and I had to fight every urge in me from kissing him because he was so cute at that moment.

"Jayse you just don't want to be alone right now but you need to be. Take a minute for yourself. You have a lot to think about. I promise that I will be back tomorrow" I said touching his chin to lift his head up.

Jayse sighed deeply and walked back over to his bed, "you're just like everyone else. Everyone wants to hurt me all of the sudden."

"Jayse I'm not out to hurt you" I said walking over to his bed and sitting next to him.

"Then why are you leaving when I need you the most. I thought you were my friend" Jayse stated playing with his fingernails.

"Look at me, look at me Jayse" I said lifting his head up, "I am your friend. I'll always be here for you."

"Then don't leave me Terrence" Jayse begged.

"Jayse if I stay then I'll be taking advantage of your heartache. You're too beautiful to use like that" I confessed as he blushed lightly, "I promise I'll be back tomorrow. Just promise me that you will relax and not stress yourself about anything tonight, ok?"

Jayse paused but shook his head, "yes I promise."

"Good walk me to the door please?" I asked as his phone rang again. This time Jayse didn't even look at it and walked me outside. I passed Jerry on my way out and told him I would be back tomorrow. Jamarion was still on the phone so I just waved goodbye to him as he did the same.

"Remember what I told you. Don't force yourself to do something you don't want to" I said as Jayse said ok, "Good now give me a hug"

As we hugged for the last time that night I savored the moment hoping it wouldn't be the last. I pulled away out of Jayse's arms and walked outside to my car waving at him as well. Jayse waved back and looked so cute in the process.

I drove home and pulled into the driveway to find my parents home already. I walked up to the front door and turned the lock to walk inside. I saw all of my stuff waiting at the door and wondered what was going on.

"Terrence sweetie I'm so glad you're ok" my mother said running towards me to hug me close.

"Yea mom why wouldn't I be?" I asked closing the front door.

"I saw your stuff and thought you were leaving without saying goodbye" my mom said wiping her tears.

"What are you talking about I didn't do any of this? What is all my stuff doing here?" I asked walking over to them.

"You mean you didn't pack up your things?" my mom asked.

"No mom I just got here" I stated.

"As did I" my mom informed me, "Then who..."

"I did it" my dad said walking towards us from the shadow in the hall.

"Bob what are you doing?" my mom asked.

"Isn't it clear? This thing isn't welcomed in my house" my dad said looking at me.

"Thing?" I asked shocked at his poor choice of words.

"Yea you heard me. You want to act like a sissy go take your sissy ass out on the street and do it, but not in my house" my dad said walking past me and grabbing my stuff.

"Bob please don't do this" my mom pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Shut up Viola! You made him this way with all your smothering and coddling. You did this!" my dad said grabbing my stuff and throwing them out on the front lawn.

"Don't blame mom. She had nothing to do with this" I stated as my dad continued to grab my stuff and throw them out.

"You can defend her all you want to but you're not living in this house" my dad said grabbing a suitcase with my clothes in it and throwing it outside as it bussed open and all the clothes came out if it.

"Bob stop it! Stop it now!" my mom screamed to the top of her lungs as she grabbed him from behind but my dad being a heavy guy pushed her off of him and she flew back against the wall.

"Mom?" I cried out in panic as I ran over to her checking on her. My dad looked down at her embarrassed for the way he acted.

"Viola I, I..." my dad stammered as I lunged towards him crashing him in the wall and punching him as hard as I could in the face and gut. He defended himself by throwing up his hand and then finding one of my boots and smacking me hard against the face.

I fell back on the floor grabbing my face and sliding my hand down to my lip after tasting blood to see if my lip was busted. It sure enough was. I looked up at my dad with so much disgust that I wanted to kill him. I got up wanting to get as far away from him as possible. I began walking to the door until my mom called out to me.

"Terrence, baby please..." my mom cried. I walked back over to her and hugged her close as a tear fell out my eyes. I squeezed her extra hard letting her know that I may or may not come back.

"Terrence son I reacted stupidly I'm sorry" my dad said. I finished hugging my mom and got up again to walk outside not even acknowledging my dad. I picked up my stuff off the lawn and threw them inside my car. Thank God I bought it with my own money otherwise I would have called a cab because I didn't want anything that had his name attached to it.

I walked back to the house and grabbed the rest of my things as my dad continued to apologize.

"You got what you wanted Bob, you don't have to worry about the `thing' ever again" I said, "oh yea one more thing." I walked back over to him and spit directly in his face letting it run down his cheek until he wiped it off.

"People like you make me sick!" I said walking away. I cranked up my car and sped out the driveway in search of a future away from my bigoted dad, problem is I didn't know what it was.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 20

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