Hes Mine


Published on Oct 29, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 15 Brandon's POV (part 3)

I sat in bed with my right leg in a cast rested up on a pillow still texting Jayse but he never responded back. How could I be so stupid and lie to him the whole time? I sighed and dialed Jayse's number for the 11th time today and this started ever since school was out at 3:15. It was now 6:35. C'mon boo please pick up.

"Hi this is Jayse, I can't come to the phone right now but please leave a message and I will call you back because you're important to me. Take care bye" Jayse's voicemail said. I smiled to myself at how corny yet sweet it was. God I missed this boy. Sad but this is the only way I can hear his voice after the blow up yesterday.

"Hi this is Jayse, I can't come..." Jayse's voicemail said again before I hung up. I sighed hard and threw the phone against the wall. Fuck him! Fuck Kris! Fuck Quentin! Fuck Jamarion! Fuck all of them! Fuck my dad most importantly for making me choose this line of work and having me lose out on the best thing that ever happened to me.

Someone knocked at my door but I knew it was my mom so I didn't answer. I wanted her to think that I was sleeping so she would leave me alone.

"Brandon are you okay?" my mom asked entering into my room.

"I'm fine ma" I said turning my head to look outside the window at the night sky beginning to drape over the city.

"What was that noise?" my mom asked looking around in my room.

"I dropped something ma" I said quickly.

"Well what was it? You need me to get you something?" my mom asked concerned.

"No ma I'm fine dang" I snapped back annoyed.

"Excuse me! Who are you talking to like that?" my mom asked with her hands on her hip. I didn't answer because like I said my mom was a short little spitfire and I knew better than to talk back.

"That's what I thought. And why do you have all your clothes thrown about on this floor like this?" my mom asked picking up my dirty clothes and putting them in a basket.

"Ma I can't put them in my hamper because it's full" I stated finally looking at her.

"And whose fault is that?" my mom asked with one hand on her hip while she had the other one over the basket.

"I told you if you need your clothes washed to let me know. If you wasn't at that school fighting you wouldn't be laying up here with a broke foot" my mom lectured as I began to drown her out thinking about that day.

I should have just walked away like I started too but that punk ass Jamarion had to keep running his mouth. I whupped his ass though. Yea I held my own. What am I saying? I just beat up my baby's brother. Of course he ain't gonna want shit to do with me now. Fuck I'm dumb as hell!

"Do you hear me talking to you?" my mom asked snapping her fingers to bring me back to reality.

"Yes ma" I stated lying.

"Then what did I just say?" my mom asked. I looked around in my room trying to avoid eye contact until my eyes finally met hers and I saw how upset she was with me.

"No ma, what were u sayin'?" I asked.

"I asked what were you down there fighting for. You still haven't told me why?" my mom asked sitting on my bed. I sighed heavily knowing that she was probably going to yell and scream when she found out.

"It was about Jayse ma" I said.

"Why are you fighting over a boy that you haven't even brought over here yet" my mom said getting up to fluff the pillow under my broken foot.

"Because ma..." I said stopping in mid sentence.

"Because what?" My mom said putting her hands on her hip and standing at the foot of my bed.

"I love him" I said honestly.

"Son you guys haven't even dated that long yet. You don't even know that much about each other" my mom said breaking my heart in half.

"That doesn't mean anything" I said.

"Doesn't mean anything?" my mom asked.

"I mean I know it means somethin but I don't know" I said giving up knowing she wouldn't understand.

"No tell me" My mom said.

"No mom you wouldn't understand" I said lookin down.

"Brandon I'm just being honest son. After that whole thing between you and Kris, I don't want to see you hurt and I definitely don't want to hurt someone's child" my mom said walking around my bed to grab her basket full of clothes.

"Ma Jayse it's not like that, you just, you gotta see him for yourself" I said getting frustrated.

"I would have loved to but you never brought him over" my mom stated honestly.

"Ma I was going too. I just wanted our first time to be special. You meet him and his parents and vice versa" I said.

"Well son all I'm going to say is take it slow. I don't know much about this boy other than what you have told me and I'm sure that he's special" my mom said.

"But..." I asked knowing that she was going there.

"Just don't put all your faith in someone and expect them to be different" my mom said.

"Ma I..." I said before she cut me off.

"I know Brandon I'm just saying. You're talented, smart, and handsome. A lot of people would love to take advantage of that. I just don't want you to end up going down the wrong road" my mom stated.

"I'm good ma" I said annoyed.

"Good I'm going to get these clothes washed and head out to Yolanda's house for a minute. Your brother is over at your aunt Kym's house. She told me that Dantae is finally getting out of jail on Friday" my mom said referring to my cousin who was the same age as me and the spawn of Satan himself. I never really liked him because he was too cocky for his own taste.

"Oh that's cool I guess. Where is he going?" I asked just to look like I was interested.

"The judge agreed to let him come back to school and of course he's on parole so his time will be limited to do free stuff" my mom said looking at me.

"Well I hope you're not looking for me to be his tour guide or somethin' because we never got along since we were kids" I said.

"Brandon you boys are well up in age to not be fighting like this anymore and top of that you're first cousins" my mom stated.

"I know that ma, but Dantae is always smellin' hisself and messin' up my flow" I stated honestly.

"Brandon what are you talking about?" my mom asked.

"Nothin' ma" I said turning my head to her.

"Well if it's going to be that much trouble I guess just keep your distance. Just remember at the end of the day all you have is family" my mom said looking at me.

"Make sho you tell Dantae that when he gets out" I stated upset with my arms crossed over my chest.

"You need me to get anything before I go" my mom said reaching for my bedroom doorknob.

"No ma'am. I'm good. Have fun" I said looking over at her.

"I will. Take it easy on that foot" my mom said walking out my room. I sighed as I thought how boring the rest of this evening was going to be. I can't stay up in here. I'm not a home body. I gotta get out!

I dragged my right foot off of the pillow slowly and placed it on the floor. I didn't even feel one of the tables fall on my foot when I was fighting Jamarion. I just wanted his punk ass to shut up. Now here I am with a broke foot.

I limped over to the wall where I threw my phone slowly and bent down to pick it up. I dialed Shon's number hoping he wasn't busy.

"Yo" Shon said answering the phone.

"What's gud playboy?" I asked.

"Not a damn thing bruh. I was just on my way to see you man" Shon said.

"Wurd, that's wassup. Glad you was because I got something I need you to do fo me" I said limping over to my closet to grab a box.

"What's up?" Shon said as I heard him crank up his car.

"Yo I need you to take me somewhere" I said smiling as I looked down at the box.

"That's cool man I'm down fo whatever" Shon said as I smiled to myself even harder. That's what I loved about this boy, he was my riding partner we would do any and everything.

"Cool I need you to take me to Jayse's house" I said waiting for Shon's reaction.

"What you trying to go fo round two on big brother" Shon asked laughing on the phone as I did too.

"Naw I just gotta do something right quick" I stated.

"Is it legal?" Shon asked as I laughed into the phone.

"Hell yeah it's legal man" I said.

"I don't know bruh. You over there talking in riddles, what all you really tryin' to do?" Shon asked.

"I'm tryin' to go see Jayse because he's not answering my calls and I gotta explain everything to him" I said.

"Yo B, lil' man got you open like that?" Shon asked as I thought to myself.

"Yea, yea I guess he do. I can't lose shawty Shon, feel me?" I asked hoping he would be down.

"Aight man. I'm ten minutes away. I'll take you to go see him" Shon said as I smiled.

"Cool man thanks" I said finding something nice to go over there in, "hey the door will be unlocked just come on in."

"Aight" Shon said as I hung up.

I picked out a green hoody with some Enyce jeans and matching green timbs. I limped to the bathroom and wondered how I was going to take a shower with a broke leg.

I turned the water on, undressed and hoped in while slowly standing on my left side to the shower head so the water wouldn't fall in the cast. It was the most awkward shower I ever took in my life.

I heard a door close and assumed it was Shon so I quickly wrapped my shower time up and got out. I walked out the bathroom down to my room and got dressed contemplatin' if I should go through wit this or not. What if Jayse don't want anything to do with me? What if I already fucked everything up for good? I sighed and grabbed my phone about to dial Jayse's number for the 12th time today when I stopped myself.

Forget it! I'm wasting my time anyway going over there. Shawty don't want nothing to do wit me and I can't say that I blame him. One of my little soldiers texted me about the day's sale so far but I wasn't even worried about that right now. Nothing mattered since the one thing that kept me grounded for a month isn't there anymore. I sat on my bed in my towel when I heard the stairs creaking. I knew it was Shon but I hated to have him come over here fo nothing. He knocked on my room door and I told him to come on inside.

"Yo man you still want to do this?" Shon asked noticing me sitting on my bed still in my wet towel.

"I don't know dawg. I think I messed up this time" I said sadly.

"Man B cut that shit out. Look let's go over there so you can handle yours like a man" Shon said walking over to me and pullin me up from my bed.

"Yo Shon I don't feel like this man. I called him 11 times today and he ain't picked up once. If he wanna play games let him. I ain't doin this shit right now" I said sitting back down on my bed.

"So you gonna punk out like that?" Shon asked but I didn't even respond back.

"I mean you got a bad little shawty who no offense, I would talk to if I was gay too. You lettin' the one person you wuz callin me about and bragging to me about, dip out on you like that" Shon stated.

"Shit ain't easy Shon" I said laying back on my bed.

"Naw it's easy, you just punkin' out" Shon stated standing over me.

"I'm not punkin out Shon!" I shouted back.

"Then get yo ass up and fight fo that dude man!" Shon yelled.

"Man what if he don't want to talk to me. I never cared about somebody like this befo'" I said sitting up and looking at Shon.

"Try dawg. You don't know unless you go over there and see" Shon said.

"I don't know bruh" I replied.

"Aight if that's how you feel. Let another dude get yo man then" Shon stated tryin' to use reverse psychology.

"You right man" I said sighing and getting up to get dressed, "Since when do you care about me and my relationships."

"Since you finally got somebody that's good for you" Shon stated walking to my door, "now hurry yo ass up. I'll be downstairs."

After Shon walked out I put some smell good on and got dressed while checking myself in the mirror. I smiled and hoped that tonight works out. I grabbed my box and walked downstairs holding onto the banister for support.

"Yo you good?" Shon asked walking to the bottom of the stairs.

"Yea I'm good. Hey can we make a stop at Flora's" I asked as I got to the bottom of the stairs and grabbed my crutches.

"Dude she already closed for the night" Shon stated.

"Damn" I said wanting to pick up some flowers.

"I need to get something to say I'm sorry" I said.

"What's that right there you got" Shon asked pointing to the box I was holding.

"Nothin but a gift fo Jayse. I guess this will have to do" I said.

"Yea it's after 8 and everything's closed up unless you wanna stop in a grocery store or a drug store?" Shon asked

"Naw Jayse is too good for cheap shit like that come on let's go" I said walking to the front door. I locked it behind me and walked with my crutches to Shon's car. As I got in, I placed Jayse's gift tightly in my lap afraid to let the magic go away. I know it's corny but this gift was the only way I could get Jayse back.

The drive over to Jayse's was quiet. I mean Shon and I talked a little but I wasn't feelin' it too much. I wanted to save my energy and my voice for my boo. We got to the gate of Jayse's community and I poked my head on Shon's side to let the guard see me. Once he let us pass my heart started racing even more.

"You ready fo this?" Shon asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said nervous. I couldn't believe this boy had this strong of a hold on me. The things he made me do for him were out of this world. I never wanted to buy Kris any gifts until months after we started dating. Jayse and I haven't even dated a month and look at me now.

I still remember the last thing he said to me yesterday as he walked over to his brother, "we're done." Those words cut deeper than anything I ever heard before, more than my dad walking out on us. My heart still had a hard time processing what Jayse said but I still won't believe it. This cannot be the end for us.

"This is it right here" I said as we pulled up to Jayse's house. My heart tried escaping out my chest but I shaked it off and grabbed the handle for the door.

"You need me to go with you?" Shon asked scoping the place out.

"Naw man. I'll be aight" I said noticing that Jayse's mom and dad cars were home. Boy this is going to be good.

"Ok I'll be right out here" Shon said. I nodded my head cool and pulled the door handle but stopped in mid air.

"What's up B?" Shon asked.

"Dawg I don't know about this fo' real" I said closing the door back.

"Naw B, look you gotta do this man" Shon said, "look call him and tell him to come outside."

"But he ain't gonna answer" I said.

"B man c'mon" Shon said.

"Ok, ok" I said hating the way I was punkin' out. I dialed Jayse's number and waited as it rang. I shook my head knowing he would do this. Once his voicemail clicked on I hung up.

"Fuck it let's go" I said upset at the way he was acting.

"Naw give me yo phone" Shon said as I gave it to him. He looked at my phone and dialed Jayse's number off of it. As the phone started ringing I finally heard Jayse pick up and say "hello."

I snatched the phone from Shon as I replied back, "hello?"

"Hello?" Jayse asked.

"Yea Jayse it's me Brandon" I said.

"Brandon! What do you want?" Jayse asked.

"Baby I just wanna to talk to you" I begged.

"There is nothing to say" Jayse said about to hang up.

"Jayse please I'm beggin you don't hang up. I came all da way over here to see you" I said.

"You're over here? Where are you?" Jayse asked walking to his window as I saw his blinds peek open.

"I'm outside in front of your house" I stated looking at him.

"That's not your car" Jayse stated.

"I know it's Shon's. He brought me over here to see you" I said.

"What is Shon doing over here? Are you guys about to jump my brother?" Jayse asked worried.

"Naw boo. Shon brought me over here since my leg is messed up" I said.

"What kind of games are you playing Brandon?" Jayse asked irritated.

"None baby please, can you come outside?" I begged.

"I'm kind of busy" Jayse lied.

"Look I just want to give you something after that we don't have to speak no more I promise" I begged still looking at Jayse as he was peeking through the blinds. He paused and just stared at me as I stared at him. I know we couldn't see each other well but it felt like we were looking inside each other's souls or somethin'.

"Please Jayse I promise I didn't come over here to start anything I just want to see you" I said pouring out my heart.

"I made a mistake I know but I don't want to lose you, 5 minutes is all I ask" I begged, "then if you don't want to talk to me, I'm cool with that and I won't bother you no more, I promise."

I paused as I heard Jayse sniffle on the phone. I wanted to cry too but I had to man up since Shon was in the car. I saw the blinds close and my heart started racing at the thought of speakin' to Jayse again.

"Brandon I'm sorry I just don't want to see you right now" Jayse said as my hurt broke in a million pieces.

"There is nothing I can say or do to make you come outside?" I asked sincerely beggin' as I kept looking at the window. I waited a couple of minutes before hanging up to see if he would say something back. Jayse never responded but I saw the light to his front door cut on and the door opening. Jayse slowly walked outside and I quickly hung up Shon's phone and threw it at him. I grabbed my crutches along with the gift and raced to get out the car.

"B slow down man" Shon said laughing at me.

I stumbled to get out and race over to Jayse as he stood on the front steps to his house. He looked so damn cute even though he was in nothing but some jeans and a t-shirt.

I limped over to him and tucked the gift in my pocket. I couldn't help but blush the entire time but Jayse was still upset.

"Hey baby" I said as Jayse shot me a look, "sorry...hey Jayse."

"Hi Brandon" Jayse said crossing his arms looking at me. I stared in his eyes and tried to look past the hurt searching for my baby. He stared back at me but with so much scorn and resentment that it was hard to even try and go past it. I looked down disappointed that I could make him this upset with me. I almost didn't even know who I was talking to.

"You um, you look nice" I said gripping my crutches.

"Thanks" Jayse said sourly looking at his outfit. Silence came between us as we both didn't know what to say. To be honest I just wanted to stare at him and hold him like I used to. Smell his scent one more time and imagine that feelin' of us being together. This was going to be harder than I thought.

"Boo I'm sorry" I said after the long pause.

"Stop calling me that" Jayse said rolling his eyes walking away onto the front lawn.

"Why?" I said following behind him on my crutches, "that's who you are to me. That's who you will always be." I said walking beside him and stroking his chin. His skin felt so soft, more than you know.

"Brandon please" Jayse said walking away.

"Jayse hear me out. I know you're upset but you're not even trying" I said following him.

"I did try" Jayse yelled turning around to face me.

"No you didn't" I stated.

"Yes I did" Jayse said angrily.

"No you did not Jayse" I said with more bass in my tome.

"But Brandon..." Jayse said before I cut him off.

"No! I let you rant the whole time yesterday now listen to me" I said until Jayse walked away.

"Where are you going?" I asked hurt.

"So that's what I did yesterday rant" Jayse said walking around to the back of his house.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said behind him trying to catch up to him.

"I was hurt Brandon. I trusted you more than anyone" Jayse said turning around to me.

"I know" I said looking down at the ground.

"And you embarrass me like that. You could have told me about your past. I gave you many opportunities to tell me" Jayse said.

"Jayse if I told you, you wouldn't have stayed" I stated.

"You don't know that" Jayse said.

"Yes I do. If I told you about my past you would have left at the first chance you could get" I stated.

"Brandon I cared about you. Nobody is perfect. I loved you for you" Jayse said looking into my eyes.

I grabbed his hand and asked, "do you still love me now?" Jayse didn't respond but he didn't move his hand neither. I looked at him and placed my finger under his chin to make him look up at me.

"What's up boo?" I asked as he rolled his eyes, "I'm not going to stop calling you that. I told you now get used to it."

"Answer my question" I asked sternly.

"Yes" Jayse mumbled lowly.

"I didn't hear that" I said teasing him.

"I love you Brandon" Jayse said as I smiled and bent down to kiss him, "but I don't know if I want to date someone that doesn't trust me."

"Jayse come on we just had a moment" I said upset he was being difficult.

"Brandon what do you want me to do. This relationship is based on lies" Jayse stated.

"Look what do you want to know because I'm tired of you comin' on me like I'm the bad guy. Like I'm the only once that caused this thing between us" I stated.

"Hold up are you saying that I'm the cause too?" Jayse asked.

"Yea Jayse what's up wit Quentin?" I asked.

"Brandon he's just a friend. I didn't know you guys had a past" Jayse said turning his back to me.

"Look Jayse I don't want to argue aight. Let's just agree that we both caused this ok" I stated.

"Brandon I didn't cause anything" Jayse said turning around to face me as I rolled my eyes, "you lied to me from day one..."

"Ok you want me to say it then yea Jayse. It's my fault ok. I lied the whole time about my past. I didn't want to hurt you. I wanted to protect you from the stupid mistakes I made. I chose to do this for my family, to help my mom. I know it's messed up but I didn't like to see my mom struggling" I said pouring my heart out at Jayse as his eyes started watering.

"Brandon I" Jayse said.

"Yea you don't know what to say, of course not" I said back upset, "all I wanted to do was love you Jayse but you shut me out and wouldn't give me a chance."

"Brandon this could have been avoided if you would have told me" Jayse said.

"Jayse listen to me. I'm a drug dealer. I can't just spring that on you like that" I said.

"I know Brandon but it sounds like you never even had faith in me" Jayse said.

"I did Jayse but I cared about you so much that I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want you to feel anymore pain like you told me your ex did to you. I just care about you so much Jayse and the fact that you aren't even trying to hear me out...it hurts" I said feeling empty now that Jayse didn't want me anymore. I paused for a minute staring at him as he stared back at me.

"Where do we go from here?" I asked Jayse as he turned his head away and stared at the ground, "look at me baby." Jayse looked up at me slowly with tears in his eyes.

"Don't make me answer you" Jayse stated wiping his eyes.

"Why not?" I asked with my voice breaking.

"Because I don't want your ears to hear what my lips will say" Jayse said.

"Well what about your heart? What does it say?" I asked.

"I can't even hear the voice from my heart anymore" Jayse said truthfully.

"You want me to go?" I asked but Jayse didn't say anything.

"What do you want from me Jayse tell me?" I asked but Jayse just shook his head. I sighed heavily letting him know how disappointed I was.

"Well bye boo. I love you" I said waiting for him to respond.

I put my head down and looked at the ground afraid to look at Jayse. I wasn't upset with him. I was more upset with myself. I turned around to walk away not knowing what else to say. I gripped the handles on my crutches feeling my pain escape my fingers. I walked away slowly hopin' Jayse would stop me but he didn't. I stopped midway when I forgot that I didn't give Jayse his gift. I turned around to bump into Jayse. I didn't even hear him walkin' behind me.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said.

"No it's my fault" I said as Jayse laughed. His smile was so infectious that I had to smile too.

"I, I, was just about to" Jayse said stuttering. He didn't even have to tell me, I knew he was coming for me.

"Come here" I said grabbing Jayse and pulling him in for a kiss. He tried to break away but away but I grabbed him and placed my hands around his waist. My crutches dropped to the ground and I pushed Jayse up against his house while I balanced my weight on my left leg.

"Brandon wait" Jayse said between our kissing. I groped his body feeling his small frame and kept sucking on his bottom lip as much as I could.

"Brandon..." Jayse said again as I started kissing on his neck and sucking it as if I was trying to draw blood.

"Shh boo" I said still kissing him as I lifted him up in my arms and he wrapped his legs around my back. We started kissing and grinding on each other as if we were really doing the real thing.

Jayse started sucking on my neck and licking my ears as I sucked on his fingers enjoying my baby again. I squeezed his body trying to press him into me as if we could become one. I wanted to enjoy this for as long as I could.

We kept going at it for minutes until a cat came by and scared the shit out of us. We both laughed once it ran away and we discovered what it was. I looked at Jayse as he looked down at me. His hands were wrapped around my neck with his legs still around my back and my hands firmly on his ass. He looked at me nervously and when I leaned in to kiss him he turned his head.

"I should go" Jayse said trying to break free.

"Jayse come on" I whined still holding a good grip on him.

"Brandon it's late" Jayse whined.

"Why are you trying so hard to run away from me?" I asked looking up at him but he looked around his yard trying to not make eye contact with me. I smacked him hard on his ass as he yipped from the sensation.

"Answer me Jayse. Quit acting like that!" I stated growing tired of his attitude.

"Acting like what!" Jayse screamed.

"Shutting me out. I said I was sorry what more do you want from me boo. I love you" I said sincerely. He finally made eye contact with me and I looked into his eyes as they started to fill with tears.

"C'mon boo I'm sorry. Please, please take me back" I begged as a tear fell from my right eye.

"I don't want to have a relationship built on lies" Jayse said as his tears started falling down his face. I placed my head in his chest and cried knowing that I lost him forever.

"But I was only trying to protect you boo" I said between tears. I hated that he saw me like this and I never cried in front of anyone before but I couldn't hide it anymore. Jayse laid his head on my shoulder and cried as well. I felt his tears soaking on my shirt and all I could do was squeeze him even more trying to not let go of him.

"I love you Jayse" I said into his t-shirt which was filled with my tears. I don't know if he heard me or not so I said it again lifting my head up as he did the same.

"Please Jayse fight for me! Fight for us!" I begged staring in his tear filled eyes.

"I think you did enough fighting son" Jayse's dad said walking from behind their house to meet me and Jayse in our embrace. Jayse quickly fell down out my arms and I was so shocked that I put my weight on my right leg and fell to the ground.

"Brandon are you ok?" Jayse asked kneeling down over me.

"Jayson get away from him" Jayse's dad said sternly.

"But dad he's hurt" Jayse said.

"I said get up!" Jayse's dad said again.

"Mr. Grier I promise you we weren't doing anything back here but talking" I lied out of fear.

"I know you weren't. I trust my son, but let me say this loud and clear for you son. I don't want you over here anymore. I don't trust you!" Mr. Grier said as it cut my heart up even more to hear him say that.

"But sir I" I said.

"No I heard about you and your side job and my son will not be a part of it. Either stay away from my family or I'm calling the police the next time I see you" Mr. Grier said.

"Dad what are you talking about?" Jayse asked.

"Don't play dumb with me Jayse. I know everything. I know all about Mr. Drug Dealer" Mr. Grier said as I saw Jayse form knots in his forehead from anger.

"But sir you got it all wrong" I said.

"No it's perfectly right and it makes sense. Everything makes sense. The shiny car, the fancy clothes, and here I thought you were just a good boy" Mr. Grier said.

"But Mr. Grier" I said still laying on the ground.

"Get the hell out of my yard now!" Mr. Grier yelled.

I was about to say something but he looked like he was ready to break me in half any minute. I reached for my crutches and tried to pull myself up. Jayse tried to help me but his dad pulled him back. Once I pulled myself up I looked back at Jayse and he was crying hard now as I started shedding tears to. It was finally over before it even began: the love of my life gone forever. I limped back to the front of the car as Shon came and opened the door for me. I got in and Shon closed the door while running back to his side of the car and getting in.

"What's up? How did it go?" Shon asked smiling.

"Just drive" I said feeling a hole in my heart. I reached in my pocket and looked down at the present I had for Jayse. It was our promise rings with our inscription written on them.

"Brandon and Jayse-Always & Forever"

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 19

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