Hes Mine


Published on Oct 18, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 13 First Day of School (part 3)

I looked around at Max, Eric and Tony's faces as they searched mine for an answer.

"What?" I asked them.

"Lucy you got some `splaining to do" Eric said in an Italian accent.

"You damn right" Max said crossing his arms staring at me upset.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked about to walk away when Max grabbed my shirt and spun me around.

"You know what we talking about. What was that all about?" Max asked me.

"What?" I asked trying to avoid the topic.

"You know what Jayse, quit playin'?" Max said getting irritated.

"No I don't. What are you guys talking about?" I asked.

"Jayse if you don't want to say anything, it's cool" Tony said.

"No it's not" Max said jumping in.

"Jayse, Jayse, Jayse" Eric said shaking his head.

"Guys what are you talking about?" I asked again.

"Jayse who is that guy that you was making flirty faces with just now?" Max asked crossing his elbows.

"What guy?" I asked still playing around.

"The guy that just passed by" Eric said.

"Where?" I asked.

"Walking into the damn cafeteria, quit playin" Max screamed as I started smiling.

"That's Quentin, I met him today" I said giving in to defeat.

"Quentin who?" Tony asked curious.

"Quentin Mitchell" I said as all three of the guys looked at each other shocked.

"Quentin Mitchell?" Max said, "how do you know him?"

"I don't, I mean I do, I mean we have 2 classes together" I said fumbling through my words.

"Quentin looks so different" Eric said to Max and Eric.

"I think it's the dreds" Max said to both of them.

"Well they working in his favor because he lookin' nice" Tony said smiling.

"But what is he doing back here after the stuff that went down with his dad?" Eric asked.

"You're right! You think his dad got his job back?" Tony asked.

"Well if he did you know that could only mean one thing..." Max said as he looked at Eric and Tony. They both looked shocked and covered their mouths. Then all three of them looked at me.

"Jayse" Max said grabbing my hand, "we need to talk."

"Talk about what?" I asked getting nervous.

"It's about Brandon and Quentin" Max said.

"Oh my God, did those two mess around or something?" I asked.

"No cuz, it's worse than that" Max said looking sad. He looked back at Tony and Eric as they both looked sympathetic as well and then looked back at me while saying, "You see Brandon is..."

"Hey boo you want me to walk you to class" Brandon asked walking over and putting his arm around me.

"Yea, hold up right quick. Max what were you saying?" I asked looking at Max. I saw his face and for the first time saw him look at Brandon nervously. I immediately got nervous because as much as mouth as Max had for him to look at Brandon like that made me wonder. I looked back at Brandon to see if he was making a face but he looked just as confused as me.

"What's going on?" Brandon asked smiling.

I turned my head back around to Max and said, "Max was just about to tell me something about you and..."

"Jayse!" Max screamed, "I was going to say that you and Brandon make a lovely couple. I hope no one or nothing stands in the way."

After Max said that, Eric and Tony walked away grabbing Max's hands and whispering something to him. Max looked back at me and still looked nervous. One by one Tony and Eric did too with the same expressions.

"What was that all about?" Brandon asked grabbing my hand and holding the door open for me.

"Thank you" I said walking through the doorway of the school, "I don't know."

"Well anyway I got a surprise for you after school" Brandon said excited.

"What is it?" I asked looking up at him as we walked through the hall.

"You'll find out later" Brandon said smiling.

"Ok well what class do you have next?" I asked.

"Chemistry" Brandon stated nodding his head at some dude that walked by.

"Yo B you got any new mixtapes coming out?" a dude asked walking up to us in the hall.

"Yea check back wit me in a few weeks" Brandon said dapping the boy up before he walked away.

"I need to listen to your mixtapes" I said proudly.

"Yea trust me, you'll be a fan but I think you already are" Brandon stated looking over at smiling.

I rolled my eyes and was about to say something to him until we walked to my locker.

"Here Brandon" a girl said walking over handing Brandon a flyer.

"What's this?" Brandon said leaning by some lockers next to mine looking at the poster.

"The cheerleading squad are sponsoring a welcome back dance this Friday" the girl said excitedly.

"Yo school just started Callie and you guys are already planning a dance" Brandon said smiling.

"Hey everybody loves to dance" Callie said smiling, "Here you go Jayse" Callie said handing one to me too.

"Thank you" I said grabbing the flyer, "How do you know my name?"

"Please the whole school is talking about you guys. You're dating one of the most popular boys in school" Callie said smiling holding the flyers to her chest.

"Thanks Callie" Brandon said embarrassed.

"Anyway I'm Callie welcome to our school. See you around" Callie said walking away handing more flyers to kids.

I folded up the flyer and placed it in my bookbag while closing my locker door. I looked over at Brandon who was still looking down at the flyer and stroking his chin.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked as Brandon looked up from his daze.

"Nothin boo. Just thinkin bout something" Brandon said wrapping his arm around my neck as we walked down the hall.

"Must be something good if you don't want me to know" I said sarcatstically hoping he would tell me.

"Must be somethin unimportant if I don't want to talk about it" Brandon said mocking me. I blushed as we walked to his locker and some of his friends were around.

"Do these guys always travel in packs like this?" I asked.

Brandon laughed and said, "I know you ain't talking with you and chic-o-stick clique."

"Chic-o-stick clique?" I asked laughing, "Where did you get that from?"

"All of guys are tall and thin just like a chic-o-stick" Brandon stated making me think. When I finally realized I laughed harder.

"Cute" I said as Brandon grabbed his books and closed his locker door.

"Ay B what's going on man?" Omar said walking up to us.

"Nothin, wassup wit u bruh?" Brandon said dapping him up.

"Not a thing. What's up Jayse" Omar said looking at me.

"Hey Omar" I said looking at his face wondering if he was thinking about Tony. He looked ok but who knows.

"Yo you rolling through tonite?" Omar asked Brandon.

"I kinda got plans" Brandon said looking back at me, "but if I wrap it up early I'll hit you up."

"Ok cool" Omar said dapping Brandon up and walking to his locker beside Brandon. "Later Jayse."

"Bye" I said as Brandon grabbed my hand and we walked towards my class. As we were walking between his crew standing in the hall I felt uneasy. They knew me but I didn't know them. A couple of them nodded their heads at me while I looked up at them and some were just staring at me like I was a piece of meat. Brandon was saying some things to some of them but I just drowned him out until we were past his friends.

It may be because I hate crowds but this was only 9 guys, this was more like a group. I felt more free after we passed them and I think Brandon noticed it too.

"Why did you squeeze my hand back there?" Brandon asked looking down at me as we walked up the stairs.

I looked embarrassed and said, "No reason. I mean I was going to tell you something. I mean it's nothing important. I mean it is important, I mean..."

"Whoa baby what's wrong with you?" Brandon asked pushing me gently to the wall once we got to the top of the stairs. I didn't even realize it but I was breathing heavily and for what. I looked over and saw why. I caught a quick glimpse of Quentin and my heart started racing. I don't think he noticed us because he had his Ipod on and was reading something while he walked past us.

"Baby are you ok?" Brandon asked holding my shoulders.

I still wouldn't answer him I pretended to look around while I was just trying to get more glimpses of Quentin as he walked away. I just didn't want Brandon to see him. I couldn't believe that I was acting like this and lying to the guy I loved. I mean they already know each other but I wonder how? Why did Max stop when Brandon came over? I glanced down as Quentin reached the bottom of the stairs. What is it about this boy that I found intriguing?

The school bell rang signaling that we only had a couple of minutes to get to class. I finally slowed my breathing down and looked up at Brandon's face as he had concern and worry all over him.

"I'm fine" I said trying to catch my breath and smiling at the same time.

"You sho? You started panicking fo no reason!" Brandon stated still concerned.

"Yea I'm fine" I said walking away slowly. Brandon walked behind still worried about me, while I placed my hand on my chest to feel if my heart was finally starting to slow down.

"Where's my next class at?" I asked turning around to see Brandon with the same look on his face.

"It's a couple of doors down. Are you sho you ok, boo?" Brandon asked grabbing my hands and looking into my eyes deeply.

"Yes!" I screamed getting agitated. I tore my hands from his and spun around to start walking to my next class not knowing where it was.

"You know where you going?" Brandon yelled from behind me.

"No, but we're going to be late!" I yelled back causing some kids to look back at the scene we were having.

"I just want to make sho you ok, but if you wanna get to yo class so bad it's down here" Brandon said walking past me and ahead of me towards the class. I felt bad for screaming at him when he was only trying to help me. I tried to catch up with him in the midst of the crowd but I kind of got lost. When I finally walked up to a door I saw Brandon leaning on it and he pointed inside signaling that this was the room. I blushed at him but he still looked hurt. I walked up to him and grabbed his hand. Brandon still had his head down so I kissed him slightly on the neck as my way of apologizing. He looked up at me and smiled while kissing my hand (the one that was holding his).

The bell rang and Brandon said a small "bye" while breaking our hand lock to run down the hall. I walked inside the class of unfamiliar faces and picked the empty seat in the front of the class.

My teacher walked up from her desk in the back of the room to the front of the room. She started writing stuff on the board and one by one we all got our notebooks out and started writing down notes. She was a short stout woman with short hair and a medium tan. She wore glasses on the tip of her nose and had a big mole on the side of her face. I smiled at myself because she reminded me of a teacher I had in the Valley named Ms. Jacobs.

"Bonjour class" the teacher said finally turning around after ten minutes of writing notes. She looked around at the class like she wanted us to do or say something. We all looked at each other like `what did she want us to do.' The girl beside me whispered to me, "is she ok?" to which I responded by laughing softly.

"Bonjour class" the teacher said again and she waved her hands like she wanted us to say it back so with little direction we all said "bonjour" back. Wow this lady is nuts.

"This is French IV so I expect you all to be well ahead in your French conversations. With that said, I am Madame Wakers and we will be breaking off into partners to get to know each other." Madame Wakers said to us as everyone picked someone next to them.

I just picked the girl next to me and we introduced ourselves, in French of course, and carried on our conversation for 15 minutes until Madame broke everyone up. The girl I was talking to, her name was Lila and she was very pretty. She just moved here as well and like me her parents were from the Grove. We made small jokes to each other the entire period until it was over to stay awake through the boring lecture.

After the bell rang, I told Lila bye and I walked towards the door to find Brandon not there. I hope he still wasn't mad with me. I walked down the hall to my locker and got my books from my other classes. Long night of homework, I thought to myself. As I closed my locker door, I saw Kris and the twins walking my way. God please don't let them say anything to me! Please! I started walking towards their direction and Kris looked at me, then rolled his eyes. What was this kid's problem? One of the twins started laughing real hard for no reason and made a jump at me while they walked by. I thought the kid had Tourette's or something but I guess I was supposed to be scared or jump back. I shook my head and walked down the hall away from the wannabe's.

"Um Jayse" Kris said after he walked by me.

I started to ignore him but I turned around and answered him, "Yes?"

"Um have you seen Brandon lately?" Kris asked me walking up to me.

"No not since last period, why?" I asked getting offended that he was worrying about my man.

"Oh no reason" Kris said turning around and walking away as the twins followed. Are you serious? I thought to myself. God this kid has major problems.

I turned around and walked down the hall to the exit doors in front of the student parking lot. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed Brandon's number but it went straight to voicemail. I sighed heavily and began walking towards the direction of his car.

"See ya Jayse" Quentin said behind me.

I turned around and saw the sexy specimen and waved at him while he waved back. God he was so handsome. I kept walking and turning to catch quick glimpses of him as he walked towards his truck. It was an all black F150 with matching black rims on it and tinted windows. Once he got to his truck he turned around and caught my eyes. I quickly turned my head and kept walking afraid that he caught me. I turned back after a couple of minutes and saw him smiling at me so I smiled back.

I blushed even harder now and kept walking towards Brandon's car. As usual a crowd was around and I sighed with disappointment from the scene. Brandon was leaning on his car talking with some of his friends as I walked slowly towards the crowd.

"Hey Jayse" Max said running behind me.

"Hey Max" I said turning around to greet him.

"Where you going?" Max asked with his messenger bag wrapped around his body.

"Meet up with Brandon" I said disappointed, "he's taking me home."

"Oh" Max said looking over at the group of guys and noticing my expression.

"Why not come with me?" Max asked as I looked at him and looked back at Brandon who finally looked over at us. Once he saw us he walked away from his friends towards us. He looked so cute but I was still upset that we could never be alone anymore without his friends. A brown skinned boy came walking over behind Brandon and given my crushes lately, though he looked good, I wasn't thinking of him like that.

"What's up boo, sup Max" Brandon said walking over to us and grabbing my book bag from my shoulders.

"Hey Brandon" Max said.

"Baby this is my homeboy Shon, Shon this is Jayse" Brandon said as we exchanged handshakes.

"Sup Jayse. You the one got my boy nose wide open?" Shon asked looking in my eyes.

"Yea I guess so" I said looking back at Brandon as he was blushing. I had to blush myself because I had a feeling but didn't know until just know.

"Oh Jayse didn't know?" Shon asked looking back at Brandon.

"Shut up nigga" Brandon said punching Shon in the shoulder.

"Ok whatever, what's up Max, been a minute" Shon said shaking Max's hand.

"Yea it has, what happened to you today?" Max asked.

"I was around, just had different class times" Shon said licking his lips. I turned around back to Brandon who was winking at me and smiling. I smiled back at him and he nodded his head for me to get in the car.

"Max I'll get up with you later ok" I said walking towards the door of Brandon's car.

"Oh ok, look just text me when you free" Max said to me. I nodded my head and got into Brandon's car while Brandon got in as well.

"How did you like yo first day of classes?" Brandon asked looking over at me.

"It was good, I just wish I saw Jamarion. I didn't see him all day" I stated worried.

"I saw him a couple of times in the halls" Brandon stated.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked upset.

"You didn't ask me baby?" Brandon said upset back. I rolled my eyes and dialed Jamarion's cell number.

"Hello?" Jamarion said on the phone.

"Hey it's me" I replied.

"Hey how you doing?" Jamarion asked.

"I'm fine just leaving the hospital" Jamarion said.

"What!" I yelled in the phone as everyone looked back at me, "Why didn't anybody tell me anything?"

"Jayse calm down" Jamarion pleaded as I heard someone over the hospital P.A. system.

"Why are you at the hospital?" I asked as Brandon sat up in the driver's seat.

"Because Ebony called me saying she was having stomach cramps and I took her to the hospital" Jamarion said as he walked with her out the hospital.

"Is she ok?" I asked as my heart raced faster, "is the baby ok?"

"Yea, yea, Ebony is fine the baby is fine. Mom came by and her mom came by as well. Everything is good" Jamarion said.

"OK" I said as I sighed with relief. I looked over at Brandon as he had a worried look on his face but I just smiled and rested my head on the head rest with relief.

"Stop worrying so much, you're worst than mom" Jamarion teased.

"I'm not like mom" I said back smiling.

"You're exactly like mom" Jamarion said smiling back, "look Jayse everything is fine I'm going to ride with Ebony and her mom back to her house and I'll see you at home tonight."

"Ok. Tell Ebony I said hi and take care" I said back.

"No problem, bye" Jamarion said.

"Bye" I replied hanging up.

"What's up boo" Brandon asked.

"Jamarion had to rush Ebony to the hospital this morning" I said placing my cell phone on my lap.

"Wurd? Is she ok?" Brandon asked surprised.

"Yeah she's ok" I said looking up at Brandon's crew walking away to their cars and some of the other kids walking away as well. I didn't even notice when Max and Shon walked away.

"Cool. How, how's yo brutha?" Brandon asked trying to sound concerned. I blushed at my reflection in the window and looked at him. Brandon looked at me looking concerned and smiled after I did.

"He's fine" I said admiring him trying even though I know he and my brother didn't get along.

"OK" Brandon said as his phone rang. Instead of answering it, he looked at the screen and ended the call. I pretended to ignore it and waited to see where we were about to go.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked excited.

"Aww boo. I have to take a rain check on that. I'm sorry" Brandon said putting his phone between his lap and looking over at me with pleading eyes.

"But Brandon you promised" I whined as he grabbed my left hand and stroked my fingers.

"I know baby but I have to go do something" Brandon begged.

"How long is that going to take?" I asked not looking at him.

"I don't know, baby, that's why I was just going to holla at you later this evening?" Brandon stated.

"But Brandon I feel like days before school started you have been getting busier. Am I right?" I asked still not looking at him.

"Naw Boo, I haven't been that busy" Brandon stated as I snatched my hand away.

"Yes you have Brandon" I stated, "And you're always with your crew of friends. Why are you never by yourself? Or with one person or two?"

"Jayse baby I'm sorry it's just that..." Brandon stated until he paused in mid sentence. I looked over at Brandon finally and he looked so sympathetic.

"Brandon I just want to spend more time with you like we used too" I begged.

"Jayse I have been spending time with you. More time than anybody I've been with. Why are you jumping on me so much all of the sudden?" Brandon asked.

"I'm not jumping on you" I replied, "I'm just stating the facts..."

"Naw you've been jumpin' on me a lot lately" Brandon stated.

"Brandon if anything my tone may have been raised because of how hurt I am" I said looking into his eyes.

"Jayse, school shopping, dates, dinner at your parents house, what more you want from me" Brandon said throwing his hands over his face exhausted.

"So I'm exhausting you now?" I said reading between the lines.

"I didn't say that Jayse" Brandon said not looking at me.

"Then why aren't you looking at me" I asked.

"Because I don't know who I'm talkin' to anymore. Why are you changin' rite now, fo real?" Brandon asked.

"Don't change the subject" I said.

"I'm not changing the subject, you asked me a question and now I'm asking you one" Brandon huffed finally raising his voice at me.

"Ok, how have I been acting lately?" I asked.

"You snap at me, you don't want to sit wit me at lunch, I feel like you keepin somethin from me" Brandon stated.

"When have I done this?" I asked not realizing my new behavior.

"Today Jayse, all day man, I mean what did I do boo? Tell me what's up?" Brandon pleaded.

"Brandon nothing is wrong" I stated looking down at my lap.

"See? That right there too! You been locking me out lately" Brandon stated.

"Brandon I haven't been doing that" I pleaded looking at him.

"Sure Jayse" Brandon said turning his head away from me. I started to say something until he turned his head back around to me.

"Naw I ain't going out like that. If you wanna be mad at me you can, but know this I ain't did nothin' fo you to act like this" Brandon said angrily at me. Though he was upset with me, I still found him sexy.

"But Brandon...I" I said until he cut me off.

"Jayse you don't know how much I care about you man and then you do some sh__ you know what nothing.' Let me take you home befo I say something" Brandon said reaching for the keys in the ignition.

"But baby" I started saying and reaching for his arm but he pulled away.

"Naw Jayse, let me take you home because you don't feel like talking" Brandon said turning the ignition and grabbing the steering wheel. I sighed heavily and looked out the window and noticed that Kris and his crew was standing nearby smiling. I looked up towards the ceiling of the car and noticed that the window was cracked. Oh God how much of this did they hear?

I stared at Kris as he blew a kiss towards me and waved. I shuddered at whether that was meant for me or Brandon. I hope neither one of us, but I knew it was guided to Brandon. I looked at him while he was driving out the parking lot and the knots in his forehead were thick. My dream relationship was about to end right before my eyes. I had to fight to keep Brandon or lose him forever...over stupid crushes.

The whole way home we didn't say anything to each other. I wanted to glance over at him and see his expressions but I was too scared. His cell phone was ringing off the hook but he would only glance at it and end the call. I sighed heavily and shook my head wondering what happened to make us have our first fight.

When Brandon pulled up at my house I paused scared to get out. I didn't want to end the day on bad terms so I finally looked over at him. Brandon was still pissed. He had his left arm resting on the door with his left fingers stroking the beginnings of a goatee. I wanted to hug him but for the first time I was scared.

I felt stuck and I didn't know what to do. I patted my fingers on the passenger seat and gripped them every time he breathed heavily. He never would look my way and I knew he had an attitude problem but this was the first time I was at the end of it and feeling the wrath from it.

"Brandon" I said softly through my hoarse voice.

He waited for a minute and then responded without looking at me, "what?"

"I'm sorry for hurting you" I said staring at the right side of his face. He pressed his lips together and I saw his small dimple but that small love signal was overshadowed by the knots in his head.

"If I was acting so different then you should have said something" I said regretting that my brain took the place of my lips.

"Jayse you said that I was changing too and you didn't say anything. So how you gonna call me out like that?" Brandon stated looking out the window with his back to me. I felt the cold chill from that statement and didn't know what else to say.

I reached for the door handle of the car and grabbed my book bag with my other hand slowly in case he wanted to say anything. He still looked upset and I pulled the handle for the door to get out while my baby still didn't open his mouth.

"See you tomorrow?" I asked looking over at him and he sighed heavily and responded a low "yea." I fought back the tears and got out the car slowly and closed the door behind me. I saw my reflection on the dark tinted window and felt the chill even more since my eyes could see it painted now. I walked away towards my house feeling empty and cold and wondering what the outcome was going to be for our relationship.

I didn't even bother to turn around because I didn't want to feel anymore hurt than I already did. My phone beeped signaling that I had a text message and I looked down to see that it was from Brandon. I read the text and it said, "I luv u. Alwayz have N always will." I placed the phone at my heart and cried to myself as I slowly turned around to see Brandon drive away down the street. Oh Brandon, what are we getting ourselves into?

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 17

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