Hes Mine


Published on Sep 11, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 13 First Day of School (part 2)

"Good morning class I am Mr. Hill and I will be your Chemistry teacher" Mr. Hill said passing out some papers.

"These are our course objectives for the year, I expect you all to pass them if you want to pass this class" Mr. Hill said.

"Excuse me Mr. Hill can I please be excused to go to the restroom?" a kid asked.

"Son class has just started" Mr. Hill said.

"I know but I was trying to get here on time so I didn't miss out on anything" the kid pleaded.

"Go ahead, let this be a lesson to all of you. Please take care of these things before entering my class. I have no tolerance for interruptions. Could I have a volunteer to pass out the books?" Mr. Hill asked. No one raised their hands until Quentin volunteered.

"I'll do it sir" Quentin said raising his hand.

"Thank you son, and you are?" Mr. Hill asked.

"Quentin Mitchell, sir" Quentin said getting up and walking to the front desk in the room, grabbing some books and handing them out.

"Thank you Mr. Mitchell. Everyone please write your names down in the front of the book and when I call roll just tell me the last four digits at the top.

When Quentin got over to my side of the room, it was an ugly textbook that I thought he was going to give to me, however he gave it to the girl behind me and gave me the nice one under it. I smiled and said thanks which made Quentin reply back with a smile too.

The girl who got the ugly book whined and begged for another one which Mr. Hill replied that we didn't have any more. Quentin came and sat back down next to me and smiled again. The girl behind us was still fuming at the ugly book and gave Quentin the evil eye the whole time in class.

After the roll, the class just sort of dragged by with lectures and other stuff. I was busy doodling Brandon's name in my notebook wondering what he was doing. Once the bell rang, Mr. Hill dismissed us and Quentin made a joke about seeing me in the next class. I asked him what he had next which was French but French was my last class of the day. I said bye and walked to the door finding Brandon standing there waiting for me looking all sweaty.

"Hey boo" Brandon said.

"Hey! You are so sweaty" I said rubbing his forehead and wiping the sweat in my jeans.

"Yea coach had us doin' lifts and stuff fo a minute" Brandon stated.

"Wow could you get any sexier" I said admiring his torso, making Brandon blush.

"What are you doing on this floor?" Max came and asked me.

"I'm a senior now cuz" I said proudly.

"No way, you can't be serious" Max said shocked.

"Yea some of my paperwork got mixed up and here I am" I said smiling.

"Cuz this is great, best news I had all day" Max said as Rich came walking towards us.

"Hey baby" Rich said to Max, giving him a kiss.

"Hi sexy" Max said back, "look who's a senior now."

"What's up Brandon, hey Jayse congrats! You enjoying yourself so far?" Rich asked me.

"Yea so far so good" I said.

"Cool if you need anything let me know, c'mon baby we got to get to class" Rich said grabbing Max's hand.

"Ok see ya around you two" Max said walking away with Rich waving back at us as well.

"Those two are so cute together" I said out loud.

"Yea but we are cuter" Brandon said wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck.

"C'mon let me walk you to class. I'm mad we don't have any classes together" Brandon pouted.

"I know me too, at least we have lunch together next" I said.

"Yea I guess, well here's your next class boo, World History" Brandon said proudly. I'm glad he knew where these classes were. I would have been lost in this big school looking around for it.

"See you after class?" I asked gazing in his eyes.

"Yea I'll be here, I'm right next door anyway. Same subject different teacher. Be careful I heard Ms. Schuler is tough" Brandon warned me.

"Thanks see ya" I said walking away.

"Aye where my kiss at?" Brandon asked pulling me back over to him. I rolled my eyes playfully and kissed him on the lips before walking in class. While I was walking in my class, Kris was walking behind Brandon next door. I couldn't believe these two had a class together. I remained calm and threw out any jealous feelings I had as I looked around the class for a seat.

"Jayse?" I heard a voice that sounded like Tony's scream my name. I looked around to find him but the class was so big. Tony then threw up his hand waving for me to sit next to him. I smiled recognizing a familiar face and walked quickly to the seat.

"Oh my God, you're a senior?" Tony asked as I sat by him.

"Yea it was a screw up with my grades" I said smiling. Tony reached over and hugged me tight.

"I am so happy" Tony said. It seems like everyone was more excited about this class bump than me. I mean I was but I was thinking long term. I thought I had more time to enjoy high school now I only had 9 months until I graduated.

"You remember Ahmad, Ahmad you remember Jayse" Tony said introducing us again. Ahmad was sitting behind Tony while I was sitting on his left. Ahmad threw up his head telling me what's up while I just waved.

"This is going to be so fun. I can't believe you're a senior Jayse" Tony stated again. I smiled trying to let the excitement control me too but honestly I was still nervous.

"How you gonna introduce everyone else but not me?" a cute boy in front of Tony said.

"Because you're a nobody" Tony said.

"Whatever my name is DJ, you new here?" DJ said turning around to shake my hand. I had to admit he was very cute but I only had eyes for Brandon. He was black, kind of light brown skin with his hair braided. He was tall and skinny with brown eyes and he had his ears pierced with these big diamond studs in them. They did help out his appearance a lot.

"Yea I just moved here like 2 weeks ago, from the Midwest" I said.

"You mean like Arkansas and Kansas, Midwest?" DJ asked. I shook my head yea in response.

"Black people don't live in the Midwest" DJ said making me laugh.

"Shut up idiot" Tony said plucking DJ's ear.

"Ow what you do that for?" DJ asked holding his ear for the pain.

"Because you offended him" Tony stated.

"No I didn't I was making a joke, he was laughing" DJ said looking over at me.

"Yea I got it, it was funny" I said still smiling.

"Thanks Jayse at least some people know how to have fun" DJ said turning back around. I looked over at Tony who rolled his eyes at DJ and I had no other choice but to keep smiling.

"Good morning class and welcome to World History" Ms. Schuler said looking at the clock, "I believe in starting on time so after the roll, we will pass out your textbooks and begin on chap. 1."

The whole time in class Ahmad and Tony were busy passing each other notes and I believed that him and Omar really were over. DJ kept making jokes and looking back at me to see if I was laughing which I was but he wasn't my type. He was too much of a class clown and besides if I gave him too much ammunition I know Ahmad would go back and tell Brandon. I've seen those scenarios play out in movies. Always telling things that they think know, assuming the worst, but we all know the power of assumptions.

As the bell rang, I packed up my books and I was going to wait for Tony since he told me that we would be on the same lunch together, as well as the rest of the crew, but he was busy flirting with Ahmad so I left.

"See you around Jayse" DJ said leaving out of class.

"See ya" I said following behind him. I saw DJ dap up Brandon on his way out the door and I wondered to myself if he knew that he was just shaking the hands with the boyfriend of the guy he had a crush on. Ok now I'm assuming. I doubt DJ had a crush on me. Anyway my man is here now so I'm leaving all that nonsense to the birds.

"Hey baby, ready to get something to eat?" Brandon said as I met him at the door.

"Yea I was going to wait for Tony but he is busy flirting with Ahmad" I said.

"Fo real" Brandon said turning around to walk back in the class. When he saw the two of them he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"Nothin'" Brandon said walking with me down the hall.

"Yes it is something. What's so funny?" I asked wanting to laugh too.

"Nothin' just Ahmad gonna be heartbroken soon" Brandon admitted.

"Why you say that?" I asked as Brandon put his arm around me and we walked down the stairs to the lunch room. We were on the fourth floor which is the seniors floor and we had to walk to a whole separate building nearby which was the cafeteria. See what I mean about this school being big.

"Cuz Omar is my boy and Ahmad is my boy too, but Omar and Tony alwayz breakin' up and gettin back together" Brandon said as some boys walked by and shook his hand. I felt so popular having the cutest boy in school with his arm around me. Some people were smiling our way and some I could tell were a little intimidated.

"But Tony said that it was over this time" I said stating what Tony told me earlier.

"Aight mark my words, those two gonna be back together soon" Brandon said. I smiled remembering the claims that Eric and Max had earlier on Tony and Omar's relationship getting back together. I hope me and Brandon don't have a relationship like that. All that spelled was too much drama.

As we walked into the cafeteria I immediately paused at the size of it. It was so huge. You could get lost in this place alone.

"Boo come on this side, this is where the seniors go at" Brandon said as I followed him. I looked around to see what table Max and Eric were sitting at but I didn't see them.

Once I walked up to the food area I had to admit that I loved the way they had everything set up like a buffet area. At my old school we didn't have it this good.

"What are you havin' sweet pea" A cafeteria lady said to me. I looked around at all the choices and they all looked good. I hope it tasted good too.

"Everything looks so good I can't decide. Can I have a slice of pizza and some fries, please?" I said. The lady must have been taken back by my manners because she gave me 3 slices and another order of fries.

"Thank you ma'am" I said sincerely smiling at all the food.

"You're welcome sweetie, come back if you ever want seconds" she said. I looked at her badge and it said Dora. I made a note to myself to be extra kind to Ms. Dora every day.

"So you got old ladies giving you extra food now" Brandon asked me as I moved down to the dessert area.

"I was just being nice besides she probably felt bad for me seeing how thin I am" I said smiling.

"Naw you ain't thin, you thick in the right places that's fo sho" Brandon said glancing at my butt and walking behind me, "Don't let me have to put a leash on you" Brandon said as I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Once I walked up to pay the cashier, Brandon paid for the both of us. I smiled again and walked away still looking for my friends.

"C'mon let's sit right here" Brandon said pointing to an empty table, but then his friends were a table behind that one so I didn't know which one he was talking about.

"I was looking for Max" I said looking slowly through the mix faces in the cafeteria.

"You don't want to eat lunch with me?" Brandon asked pouting. I had to give it to him, the boy could work me over every time. I smiled and followed him to the table as he sat across from me.

"I pay fo yo lunch and this is the way you repay me" Brandon said smiling and shaking his head.

"Baby I'm sorry I thought you were pointing to your friends" I said speaking of them behind Brandon.

"I ain't worried about them. I can see them anytime" Brandon said pouring ketchup and mayo over his fries and the rest on his burger. The expressions he made on his face was like it was a science to get down pack to have the right amount of condiments on each thing. I blushed and watched him as he took a bite out of his burger.

"You are so cute, you know that?" I said out loud.

"Huh, what you said?" Brandon said to me with his mouth full.

"You heard me" I said smiling as he smiled back.

"What's so funny?" I asked opening my milk carton.

"Somebody just told me I'm cute" Brandon said chewing and licking the corners of his mouth.

"No one ever told you that before?" I asked grabbing my pizza.

"No one that mattered" Brandon said smiling at me.

"But people have told you that before?" I asked.

"Wanna be's and stuff but nobody important" Brandon said as he nodded his head at a dude that walked by.

"What do you think of me?" I asked blushing.

"You really want me to tell you?" Brandon asked flashing his dimples.

"Yes please" I said taking a bite of my pizza.

"I think you can put these dudes and gurls up in here to shame cuz you in a league of your own. You're beautiful, sexy, smart, funny, kind; just the right person that I want to be mine" Brandon said looking into my eyes.

"Baby I just asked for a small thing you went and gave me a line from a greeting card" I teased smiling.

"What you tryin to say? I ain't fresh now? My game is slippin?" Brandon asked smiling as I started laughing.

"Only you could find offense in anything I say" I said taking a sip of my milk. Brandon laughed at the comment I made and winked at me as I winked back.

I took another bite of my pizza and ate lunch at school with my baby for the first time. I know it sounds corny but it felt so good seeing him over there eating. The fact that he gave up sitting with his friends was another plus in my book. A couple of times they would interrupt us and ask Brandon a question but after a while Brandon got up and said something to them and they didn't bother us again. I couldn't get enough of this boy.

Brandon reached over and took some of my fries as I tapped his hand to get off.

"You should have been more nicer to lunch lady Doris" I said making Brandon laugh.

"Stop talking like you know her shawty, you still fresh meat here" Brandon said.

"I know but obviously it's working in my favor" I said. I looked over and saw that Brandon was almost done with his food, no wonder he was taking bites of mine.

I grabbed a fry and dipped it his concoction of ketchup and mayo and held it in his face. He got my drift and leaned over the table to take a bite of the fry. I watched his lips as they clamped over the fry and all I could do was cross my legs.

Brandon started blushing and asked me to feed him some more but I couldn't. That one fry turned me on so much. He grabbed a fry next and dipped it in his concoction but I wouldn't eat it.

"C'mon boo, stop playin" Brandon whined.

"I'm not playing. I just can't eat my fries like that" I stated.

"It's only ketchup and mayo" Brandon said putting the fry in his mouth, "you eat it on burgers all the time."

"I know but at least there are other things that separate them" I pointed out.

"My baby is a trip boy" Brandon said out loud laughing.

"Whatever you are too" I said making Brandon smile. We gazed into each other's eyes for a minute until we got some visitors.

"Hi guys" Kris said walking over and sitting next to Brandon, while the twins came and sat next to me.

"Kris what are you doin' yo?" Brandon asked looking over at Kris in upset.

"I'm having lunch" Kris said opening his milk carton and taking a sip, "ah that's good." I rolled my eyes in disgust.

"Out of all the tables in here you had to sit over here!" Brandon yelled. I reached across the table to grab his hand and calm him down.

"Brandon this is the only empty spot in the café. Trust me I wouldn't want to be caught with you two" Kris said taking a bite of his pizza.

"Yet you're still over here" Brandon said shaking his head, "c'mon baby, let's go." I followed behind Brandon as he grabbed our trays, threw them away and we went outside on the patio. I held his hand as we walked outside but I could tell he was still upset.

"Man that boy gets on my nerves" Brandon screamed.

"Just ignore him baby" I said rubbing his shoulder.

"Boo I can't. Every time we go somewhere or do something there he goes" Brandon said throwing his hands up in defeat. He sat down on a bench and I walked behind him as I started massaging his shoulders to calm him down.

"He knows when he is getting to you, that's why he's doing all of this" I said trying to remove the tension in his shoulders.

"Baby you just don't understand, the boy has no life" Brandon said.

"So what! Stop worrying about him. You have me now and that's all that matters" I said bending down to kiss him.

"I can get used to this" Brandon said lifting his head back as I kissed him.

"It seems like this is all we do" I said between kisses.

"I know but I like it tho" Brandon said grabbing my head and trying to stick his tongue in my throat. I opened my mouth and let his tongue glide all around against my own. Brandon grabbed my waist and pulled me over so that I would sit in his lap. I threw my arms around his neck as we made out in front of the whole school.

I must admit I was still new to this whole idea of making out in front of everybody but with Brandon, he washes away any fear or doubt that I might have. Two guys kissing is still taboo but it looks like the world is trying to evolve and accept it. That and maybe everyone was afraid to say something to Brandon being that he was so popular, muscular and had a crew of nine boys.

We broke our lip lock to stare at each other for a minute before I broke it by saying, "I love you Brandon."

"I love you too Jayse" Brandon said giving me a peck on my neck. I laughed because of the fact that I was ticklish and it felt like he was trying to give me a hickey.

"So he dodges lunch with his cousin and best friends to get some kisses during lunch" Max said walking up to me and Brandon as we fixed ourselves up.

"Quit all that hating" Brandon said looking up at Max smiling. I looked over at Tony and Eric as they were blushing at the sight of me and Brandon. I forgot that this was the first time they ever saw us together like this.

"I think it's cute" Eric said smiling.

"It's ok" Tony said causing me to fake kick him, "Unh uh" Tony said surprised at my actions.

"I want to take a picture of this" Eric said grabbing his camera. Everybody moaned including me and Brandon making Eric sad.

"Well fine then, if you don't want to treasure moments like this now. What about later in the future? What are you going to look back on then?" Eric said in his preaching mode. I looked over at Brandon and smiled. I honestly could see myself in a future with him. I just hate that lately I've been having these feelings that something is being hidden from me. It seems like it could be the other way around.

"Hey, hey, hey leave the lovebirds alone" Rich said walking over with some guy behind him.

"Thanks man" Brandon said dapping Rich up.

"You stay out of this" Max said turning around and pointing in Rich's face.

"Who you talking to?" Rich said grabbing Max by the waist and spinning him around playfully causing Max to scream, "Huh, huh, who you talking to like that?" The two of them played around with each other in the corner while Eric came and sat down by me on the bench.

"I'm ready to go home" Tony said.

"Why what you got planned?" Eric asked.

"Nothing, oh never mind I do have to work" Tony said.

"You have to work today?" I asked surprised.

"Yea" Tony said sighing.

"You still work at your dad's restaurant?" the dude that came with Rich asked.

"Yea it's family owned but little that they know I am not about to work in no restaurant all my life" Tony admitted proudly.

"C'mon yo fam got the best business in the Grove" Brandon stated.

"That don't mean it's a career that I want" Tony said crossing his arms upset.

"What do you want to do?" the guy asked.

"I want to model, and eventually become a fashion designer" Tony said proudly. I looked over at him and smiled I never knew his plans before they sounded good.

"That's good man with a face like that I'm sure you could wind up in any magazine" the guy said making Eric nudge me in the arm. Tony blushed and Brandon chuckled softly I guess at the forwardness of the guy. He was cute but he was nerdy cute like Rich.

"Thanks Mark but it's just a dream. Everybody wants to get out the Grove" Tony said looking away.

"I know that's right" Brandon said leaning back on the bench.

"B what you talking about, you almost out of here son" Mark said.

"Yea but I got to get to the right record company. My uncle is good but I want to go global man. Hear my voice around the world" Brandon said smiling. I smiled as well listening to his dreams.

"You want to be a part of all that?" Brandon said sitting up and leaning over in front of my face.

"Awww!" Eric said covering his mouth and making a sad face as if he was about to cry. Out of the two of us, I didn't know who the biggest bucket of water was: me or him.

"Cut that out" Tony said nudging Eric's shoulder playfully.

"Quit hating. You could have this too if you go back to Omar" Eric stated making Tony roll his eyes.

"Here we go" Tony said sighing heavily and about to walk away until Max and Rich bumped into him.

"Sorry" Max said laughing as Rich had his arms around Max's waist.

"Y'all need to cut that mess out" Tony said rubbing his shoulder where Max hit him at.

"Eww hating is not a good look on you" Max said looking into Tony's eyes.

"Whatever I'm not hating" Tony mumbled.

"Hey guys why don't ya'll leave Tony alone he obviously seems upset" Mark said. Brandon and Rich both looked at Mark and gave him a look like stay out of it. I was still new to the group and I knew to not say anything.

"Um..." Max started and laughed lightly, "Mark this is something personal within our group" Max said kindly.

"Babe not like that come on" Rich said signaling to Max about what he just said.

"I'm not saying it like that I just mean, never mind" Max said walking out of Rich's embrace and sitting next to Eric.

"What I do now?" Rich asked upset.

"Nothing" Max said turning his head to Rich. Rich sighed and scratched his head as a sudden moment of silence drapped over our group.

"What's up B?" a boy said walking up to us.

"I'm chillin' man, wassup wit u?" Brandon asked looking the boy up and down.

"Nuthin' much could I holla at you fo a minute?" the boy asked. Brandon looked pissed and glanced around at the group before getting up.

"I'll be right back boo" Brandon said to me touching my shoulder.

"Ok" I said as he walked away. I looked around at everyone's faces as they all had this expression like they knew something was up. I felt so awkward for a minute because I just thought that the boy wanted a cd from Brandon or something. Then I remembered the gun. I wanted to talk to Max in private without everyone around and ask him more about Brandon's past. I guess I should ask Brandon himself but I was afraid that I was going to hear something that could be bad.

I looked over at Brandon as he talked to the boy in the corner and the whole time Brandon was talking to the boy he looked pissed off. The boy looked pretty descent looking but no one that I would give a second glance too. Brandon must have felt my eyes on him because he glanced over at me, gave me a small smile and walked off some more with the guy. Before I knew it they were gone out of sight.

Eric must have seen something in my face because he asked me, "so Jayse you wanna hang out after school?"

"Um sure" I said waking up from my daze.

"Yea that sounds cool, we'll meet up at my house" Max said.

"I have to work" Tony said apologetically.

"Oh yea I forgot" Eric said.

"Well we'll just come by and see you" Max said cheering Tony up. I smiled once I saw the happiness come over on Tony's face.

"Cool" Tony said finally sitting down by me after standing up.

"Max I'm about to jet with Mark for a minute, I'll be back" Rich said walking over to Max. He bent down in front of Max and grabbed his hand kissing it. He rubbed it for awhile cheering Max up before walking away. Eric and I smiled while Tony rolled his eyes. Those two were so sweet.

"See ya guys" Rich said walking away as Mark waved bye too.

"God I love that boy" Max said watching Rich walk away.

"Aww that's so sweet" Eric said sighing.

"Where is Mario?" Tony asked looking over at Eric squinting his eyes from the sun.

"He's on first lunch" Eric replied sadly.

"Aww Eric I'm sorry" Max said patting his thighs.

"It's ok, I miss him though" Eric said looking at his picture in his phone.

"You talk like he's at another school, he's just on another lunch time" Tony said laughing.

"What is your problem today?" Max asked looking at Tony.

"You mean he's acting different today from any other day?" Eric asked sarcastically.

"I'm horny" Tony stated bluntly. I laughed softly while Eric and Max both shook their heads.

"I mean Omar and I have sex like rabbits and know I miss that" Tony said looking down at the ground.

"You miss that or him?" Eric asked.

"I don't know, y'all just don't understand Omar has a big attitude problem" Tony stated.

"And you don't?" Max asked.

"I do but not like him, we used fuss and fight all the time. The only thing good about it was the sex afterwards" Tony said reminiscing.

"Who wants to hear all of that?" Eric said upset.

"Like you and Mario don't have sex?" Tony asked looking at Eric who blushed.

"What a slut" Tony said playfully.

"Hey we don't have it every day, more like twice a week or something" Eric stated.

"What? Are y'all teenagers or an old married couple?" Tony asked loudly.

"We're busy, him with football and me with work and choir rehearsals and drama club" Eric stated.

Tony shook his head and said "Hmm I make time for the..."

"Do not finish that!" Max said out loud.

"How about you and Rich?" Tony asked smiling.

"Not telling" Max said.

"I told" Eric admitted but Max still shook his head no.

"Please" Tony begged.

"Ok about once a day sometimes two" Max said as we all screamed.

"Freaky! I knew Rich had it in him" Tony said out loud.

"Excuse me" Max said looking over Tony.

"Not like that I meant he's a preppy boy and most of them are freaks anyway" Tony said.

"Well what about you and Brandon?" Eric asked me. I looked at everyone's faces and got nervous.

"We haven't done anything yet" I admitted honestly.

"Really" they all asked together and I shook my head yes.

"I couldn't do it, but good for you" Tony said as I laughed softly.

"I think it's sweet" Eric said.

"Me too" Max said.

"How is it sweet?" Tony asked.

"Because they're waiting on the right moment" Max said as Eric agreed by shaking his head.

"Well I guess you two are the last of a dying breed. The true romantics" Tony said smiling at me. The school bell rang and we all got up to go to our last classes of the day.

"Oh god I want this day to be over" Eric said getting up and walking slow towards the door.

"Not me" Tony said stopping, "who is that?" Tony asked as we all stopped and looked over to see who he was talking about. I turned my head and noticed that he was talking about Quentin. All four of us just kind of paused and admired the sexy swagger of Quentin as he walked slow past us. When he looked our way we all blushed and waved after he waved at us.

"What's up Jayse" Quentin said to me as I blushed.

"Hey" I said back softly. I continued to watch him walk in the school and turned my head to see Max, Eric and Tony looking at me.

"You have some explaining to do?" Max said as I blushed. Did I really?

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 16

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