Hes Mine


Published on Sep 7, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 13 First Day Of School (Part 1)

"Ok you boys eat up, you're going to need all your strength today" my mom stated as Jamarion, Jeryn and I ate our full spread of breakfast. Mom had, bacon, eggs, French toast, pancackes, sliced oranges, link sausages and orange juice waiting for us on the table when we got up.

"Mom it is too early to be this cheerful" Jamarion stated upset making me smile.

"I told you to go to bed early last night" my mom said pouring us all a glass of juice.

"I did but Ebony called me talking about a bunch of nonsense so I had to hear all of that" Jamarion said grabbing his glass of juice.

"How is Ebony?" my mom asked handing me and Jeryn our glasses.

"She's fine. The baby is fine. She was just talking about what clothes to wear and how she was going to be showing soon and blah, blah, blah" Jamarion said cutting his pancakes.

"Sweetie you should be happy she is calling you and letting you know how she is doing" my mother said sitting down at the table.

"I am mom, it's just that sometimes she just tags on my shirt tail too much" Jamarion stated taking a bite of his pancakes.

"Well if you are referring to freedom. Those days are over. It's time for you to start looking for a job and thinking about how you are going to support this baby" my mom said peeling her orange.

"Mom I know that, hold up job? This is the first day of school!" Jamarion stated.

"I know that but your father and I feel that we would help you out as much as we could but Jamarion, you're going to be graduating this year. You're going to be a father this year. You're practically a man now" my mom said taking a bite out of her orange.

"So that means when I graduate I'm getting the same treatment Justus and Jamie got?" Jamarion asked dropping his fork on his plate.

"Yes, after graduation, your bags will be packed at the front door" my mom said. Jerry and I both laughed at each other softly.

"No need for you two to laugh, because you're getting the same treatment. That's what happened to your father when he was your age and that's what happened to me" my mom said.

"Talk about feeding us to the vultures" I said after drinking my juice.

"Jayse, this is the way of preparing you guys for the real world. We're not saying that we won't help you, but supporting you after you graduate from high school is not an option" my mother said putting syrup on her French toast.

"I know mom but what if one of us doesn't want to go to college" I said looking over at her.

"Who doesn't want to go to college?" my mom asked looking at all of us sternly.

"I'm just speaking hypothetically, all of us want to go to college" I said taking a bite out of my pancakes.

"Well sweetie, there is the service or some other avenue, but staying with your parents is not an option" my mother said again taking a bite of her toast.

"But mom the country is in a recession, kids are moving back home because they can't find work" Jamarion stated.

"That's different they have went to school and tried, I'm talking about not trying at all" my mom said.

Jamarion and I both sighed because obviously mom was not hearing what we were talking about.

The bus horn blared outside and Jeryn got up to go catch it. I looked over at him in his uniform. He was still going to a private school while Jamarion and I begged to be transferred to a public school. We would be the only two ever to go to a public school, which scared me. The pro would be: never wearing uniforms again the con would be: different groups of kids.

"Have a good day sweetie" my mom said getting up to kiss Jerry on his cheek.

"Mom" Jerry said wiping his face and checking his hand for any lipstick.

"Be careful and remember everything I said" my mom said from the doorway.

"I will" Jerry shouted from the bus.

"I have to get ready to go and open up the shop I have two appointments today and I have some new fabric coming in" my mom said walking back into the dining room with us.

"Where's dad?" Jamarion asked with his mouth full.

"He had to leave early because of an early morning meeting" my mom said grabbing her plate and walking towards the kitchen.

"You guys work to hard" Jamarion stated.

"Well if you want a life of luxury, it comes with pros and cons" my mom said from the kitchen.

After finishing my breakfast I washed my plate and ran upstairs to finish getting ready.

My cell phone rang and I looked down to see who it was.

"Yes Max" I said trying to sound annoyed when in fact I was happy to hear from him.

"Ok so what is this I hear from Tony and Eric that you bumped into Kris yesterday" Max said.

"Well I tried calling you last night but you wouldn't pick up your cell phone and I needed someone to vent too" I said changing out of my pjs into my outfit.

"I was with Rich, long story" Max said laughing making me roll my eyes, "but anyway what all did that ho say to you? Max asked.

"Everything he could and more. I see what you guys mean, he is a handful" I said admiring myself in the mirror.

"Well just remember what we said, we have your back no matter what" Max said.

"Thank you. Where are you at anyway?" I asked combing my hair.

"On my way to pick you up" Max said.

"Oh no, no, no, no. Brandon is taking me to school today" I said running over to my window to see if he waiting outside.

"Oh is he now, well excuse me" Max said making me laugh softly.

"I'm sorry Max. See next time instead of getting busy just pick up your phone for your cousin" I stated grabbing my book bag out of my closet.

"I guess I will have too," Max said, "but sometimes it be calling and..."

"No thank you" I said cutting him off, "I don't need to know all of that."

"Ok, well anyway, I guess I will see you at school" Max said.

"Ok bye" I said hanging up.

"I'm leaving boys have a good day at school" my mom said from the hall.

"Yes mom, you too" I said placing my notebooks in my bag.

"Thanks sweetie" my mom said walking away.

I heard a horn blow and looked outside to see Brandon in the driveway. I got extra excited and ran to the mirror to check myself out. I grabbed my phone and my book bag and ran to the door.

"I'm leaving Jamarion" I yelled from his door.

"Ok see ya" Jamarion said from the other side.

I ran down the stairs to the front door and locked it behind me. I looked over at him and waved, smiling really hard. I walked down the walkway and looked over to see my mom backing up the driveway. She looked over at me and smiled. All I could do was blush.

"Morning Brandon" my mom said as she pulled down her passenger window.

"Good morning Mrs. Grier. You look beautiful this morning" Brandon said making my mom blush and me shocked.

"Thank you sweetie, take good care of my baby today" my mom said.

"Mom" I sighed in embarrassment as I got in Brandon's car.

"I will, you have a good day today" Brandon replied back.

"You two, bye boys" my mom said leaving out the driveway.

"Bye" we both said in unison.

"Now to admire you, I've been waiting to do this since yesterday" Brandon said leaning over and kissing me. I kissed him back admiring the fresh taste of Scope in his mouth. We French kissed for about ten minutes until the school bus came and blared it's horn behind us. We both jumped out of fear and turned around to see what it was. Once we found out it was the school bus we turned around and went back to kissing.

I heard Jamarion and some of the other kids come nearby come outside from their houses and I stopped out of fear.

"What's up Brandon" Jamarion said walking by.

"What's good witchu J" Brandon said back making me want to hug them both.

I turned my head back at Brandon and smiled.

"What?" Brandon asked smiling.

I responded him by kissing him deeply. I wanted to do this all day but remembered that school was going to start in 30 mins.

I broke the kiss and sat back down in my seat to buckle up my seat belt.

"So you just gonna kiss me like that and stop" Brandon said laying back in his seat.

"Yea because we need to get to school" I said.

"Well I'm kinda likin' what we have here" Brandon stated gazing over at me seductively. I blushed real hard and shook my head.

"We have all the time in the world to do this, right now school please" I said grabbing his right hand and placing it over the ignition.

"Quit boo, I just wanna look at you" Brandon whined.

"Brandon let's go" I said laughing.

"Naw I ain't ready yet" Brandon said playfully.

I reached over and cranked his car up while he looked at me smiling.

"You want me to drive?" I asked.

"Naw if you ready to get to school let me take you to school then" Brandon pouted.

"Baby stop it" I said stroking his arm.

"Naw don't baby me now" Brandon said moving his arm away as he backed out the driveway.

"I'm sorry, you want to stare at me go ahead" I said.

"Naw I'm good" Brandon said still pouting.

I looked over at him and even though he was mad with me, he was still cute.

"You can stop lookin' at me so hard, cuz I'm `bout to ignore you" Brandon said.

"I said I was sorry, baby" I said playfully reaching for his hand.

"No quit tryin' to butter me up shawty" Brandon said putting his hand in between his lap.

Without thinking, I reached over in between his legs and grabbed his hand while brushing up against something nice. My eyes got big and so did his as I pulled my hands away in embarrassment.

"See what happens when you keep playing" Brandon said making me blush.

I was so embarrassed that I didn't say anything for awhile.

"You know the guards here don't even ID me anymore when I pull up. They just let me pass everytime" Brandon said to me, while throwing up his hand to say hi to the guard, but I still wouldn't answer him. I was trying to contain myself and think of something else so that I wouldn't get happy neither.

"You hear me talkin' to you?" Brandon asked pulling out onto the highway looking over at me.

"Yea I hear you" I said.

"Then why are you so quiet over there?" Brandon asked me playing with his radio and driving at the same time.

"No reason just thinking about school" I lied. Just then I got a text from Terrence. How did he get my number I wondered. I read the message and it said: Hey Jayse, this is Terrence. I got your number from your brothers, I hope it's ok. Anyway I just wanted to wish You a happy day, on your first day back and You can text me back anytime, if you want too. Take care.

--- Terrence

I blushed at the thought of him thinking about me while he was away at college. I texted him back: Thanks for the text, Terrence. It's ok that you got my number from my brothers. I kind of wanted your number too but forgot to ask for it. Anyway, take care and I'll talk to you later.

--- Jayson

"Who are you over there texting?" Brandon asked bringing me back to reality.

"Uh, um, Max" I lied. Wait a minute why did I just lie to him? Terrence was only a friend to me so Brandon would understand, but then again was he?

"Tell Max chill, we are like 5 minutes away" Brandon said. Oh God I feel bad now that I lied to him. This is the first lie that I ever told him. I didn't want to start keeping secrets from him. I didn't want a relationship built on lies. Well I'll just tell him the truth.

"Brandon..." I started before his phone rang.

"Hold up boo" Brandon said picking up his phone.

"Yo...wassup Krush...ok...yea...ok...yea I was going to stop by after school...yea...ok...no problem...aight" Brandon said hanging up.

"Ok boo sorry, what wuz you saying?" Brandon asked me.

"Nothing it's not important, who is Krush?" I asked.

"A friend of mine" Brandon said.

"Oh you got plans after school?" I asked.

"Yea" Brandon said never looking over at me. He started sweating a little bit and inside the car was cold. I hope he wasn't telling lies too.

We pulled up at the school and I admired how big it was. It looked similar to a small college campus but from afar you would think that you were at a college instead of a school. We drove around to the student parking lot and Brandon parked in the back where some boys were waiting for him. I looked at them and they all had nice cars like Brandon but they looked like some hardcore boys you wouldn't see in schools.

I got nervous about getting out but Brandon looked over at me and asked me, "baby you ok?"

"Yea I am" I said lying once again. What is wrong with me today?

"You must be nervous about bein' at a new school? Babe it's cool, don't be scared" Brandon stated putting his arm around me.

I shook my head ok and grabbed my book bag. Brandon turned off his car and turned my head to the side and kissed me gently.

"I'm here for you ok?" Brandon said looking up at my face.

"Ok" I said unbuckling my seatbelt. Brandon reached in the back seat and grabbed his book bag and opened the glove compartment looking for something and closed it back.

"You ready?" Brandon asked me reaching for his door handle.

"Yea I am" I said reaching for my door handle.

As we both got out of the car, my cell phone which was sitting in my lap, dropped to the ground. I reached down to pick it up and I looked to the side of the seat and saw a gun under it. I immediately froze in panic and wondered what would Brandon need a gun for.

"You good boo?" Brandon asked walking over to my side of the car.

"Yea I just dropped my phone" I said reaching down to get it off the ground but Brandon picked it up for me.

"It's not broken, I guess that's good" Brandon said dusting my phone off.

"Yea I guess it is" I said grabbing the phone and looking at it. I saw that I had another text message but I decided to read it later.

"Hey baby, this is my crew, it's too many of them to name but you get the point, guys this is my baby, Jayse" Brandon said introducing me to the guys when they walked around to meet us.

"Wassup Jayse" they all said in unison. I waved at all of them, which looked to be about eight or nine. They all looked to be straight but in this day and age who knows.

I couldn't shake the feeling of being scared. I don't know if it came from the gun, first day jitters, the guys, or the fact that I have been lying all morning to Brandon. While Brandon was talking to his boys I started looking around the parking lot at all the kids.

I sighed heavily trying to space out when I saw my crew over on the other side. I smiled heavily and dialed Max's cell phone number.

"Hello" Max said picking up his phone.

"Turn around" I said waiting for him to turn around. Max took the phone from his ear to look at it and see who it was.

"Jayse? Where are you?" Max asked turning around looking for me.

"On the other side of the parking lot, near the gates" I said waving.

"Is that you waving?" Max said squinting his eyes to see.

"Yea" I said as Max waved back.

"Ok hold on we're on our way over there" Max said happily.

I hung up and saw Max, Tony and Eric walking over to meet me. They all looked so cute in their outfits. I'm glad I had friends like them. A red Benz with the top down came through the parking lot playing Rihanna and I looked over to see who it was. No one but the infamous Kris. I rolled my eyes and turned my back to him as he pulled into a parking space.

"Hey guys" Kris said as he got his car with the twins following.

Brandon and his friends looked at Kris and turned around again to each other without even speaking. I laughed softly and caught Kris' eyes glaring at me.

"Jayse" Kris said to me. I guess that was his way of speaking. I suppose he had somewhat manners so the least I could do is oblige.

"Kris" I said back. He got his book bag out his trunk and walked away hitting the alarm on his car as the twins followed. I can't wait until I got my own car.

"Jayse!" Eric said running over to me hugging me tightly.

"Hey Eric, how are you?" I said hugging him back.

"I'm good, you look good I like the outfit" Eric said standing back admiring it.

"This old thing" I said blushing, "Hey Tony"

"What's going on buddy" Tony said hugging me.

"I'm good like the hair" I said admiring Tony's Mohawk.

"Thanks" Tony said patting it.

"Please don't trick his head up" Eric said making me laugh.

"Whatever, don't hate" Tony said pushing Eric softly.

"These guys" Max said walking over to hug me, "how you doing? Are you excited about today?"

"Yea a little" I admitted.

"Don't let Grove High intimidate you, everyone hear is nothing but wanna be's" Tony said making me laugh.

"He's right you know" Eric stated, "some of these kids don't have nothing going on. They think high school is their life."

"Why is Ahmad looking at me so hard?" Tony said softly to Max, speaking of the one of the guys in Brandon's crew.

"I don't know, you better hope Omar isn't anywhere around" Max said back.

"Me and Omar are done" Tony said making Max and Eric roll their eyes.

"Well it's only September, I'll give you two Early November, Thanksgiving at the latest" Max said.

"I wouldn't even give them that long, before the end of the month" Eric stated.

"Whatever guys, say what you want, we're over this time" Tony said checking himself in Brandon's mirror.

"Wassup fellas" Brandon said walking over to us, with his crew following.

"Hey Brandon" Max, Eric, and Tony said together.

"Ya'll gonna take good care of my baby today?" Brandon asked.

"Of course, speaking of which let's go see whose homeroom you're in" Max said grabbing my hand and walking away.

"Later Brandon" Eric said walking behind us.

"Bye guys" Tony said walking away smiling and winking at Ahmad.

"Could you be any more of a slut?" Eric asked turning around and grabbing Tony's arm.

"Shut up. I was being polite" Tony stated.

"No you were being nasty" Max said to Tony.

"I'm single now I can do what I want" Tony stated.

"Ok if you say so" Max said.

We walked inside the school and looked on the junior side of the wall for my name but I couldn't find it.

"Well maybe you're on the sophomore side" Eric said walking over to the other side, "Excuse me, excuse me!" Eric screamed through the crowd. I was surprised at how vocal he was being.

"Rudeness" Tony said as I laughed.

"Please those little kids need to learn their place" Max said. Eric walked back over and shaked his head telling us no.

"Well I know you're not on the freshman list" Max said walking over to their wall.

"I'll go look on the senior wall" Tony said walking away.

"Don't panic sweetie" Eric said rubbing my shoulders, "we will tear this school apart if we have too." I laughed softly but deep down inside I was worried.

Max and Tony both walked back over and shook their heads no. My heart started racing hard. I thought mom and dad said that my credits transferred.

"C'mon we'll just go to the front office to see what's happening" Max said grabbing my hand walking me through the crowd to the front office.

Surprisingly Tony and Eric were following behind too. All I could do was smile at how loyal they were being to me, when they could have been talking to old classmates not to mention their boyfriends.

When we got to the front office the overweight secretary was on the phone with God who knows, never acknowledged us and we waited patiently for her to hurry up.

"I had enough of this" Tony said and began walking in the back to the principal's office.

"Excuse me young man you can't go back there" the secretary said from the phone.

"Oh so you do see us standing here" Eric said nastily while Max turned around and gave him a look.

"We need to speak with Principal Bates please" Max said turning back around to the secretary.

"About what?" the secretary said rudely with the phone still on her ear.

"My cousin just transferred here and can't seem to find his name on any of the rolls" Max said.

"What's your cousins name?" the secretary asked.

"Jayson Grier ma'am" I spoke up. She looked through some paperwork and told me to have a seat.

"The rest of you can go to class, the principal will be with him shortly" the secretary said hanging up and calling the principal over the phone.

"Bye Jayse" Eric said.

"See ya buddy, I hope everything is ok" Tony said.

"If you need me, you have my number" Max said as they all left the office.

I waited patiently hoping that nothing bad was about to happen. Maybe some paperwork got mixed up. Maybe they couldn't find my paperwork. Oh God please let everything go ok. The bell rang signaling to the kids that they had 5 minutes to get to class. After five minutes the bell rang again and I pouted in my seat at the thought of me missing classes already.

"Ms. Tatum, you can send the young man back now" Principal Bates said on the intercom of the phone.

"Yes sir" Ms. Tatum said, "you can go ahead in the back now, it's the last office on your right."

"Thank you ma'am" I said getting up to walk in the back. As I was walking in the back a young boy about my complexion, medium brown skin, came into the office. He was tall and built like a football player, wearing a fitted t-shirt and loose jeans.

"Can I help you son?" I heard Ms. Tatum ask the young boy. By this time I was walking away towards the principal's office and didn't catch his name.

I walked into the principal's room and found a heavy set black man sitting at his large oak desk.

"You must be Jayson, please come in" Principal Bates said.

"Do you want me to close the door?" I asked.

"No son it's fine" Principal Bates said. I sat down in a seat and waited as he thumbed through my files.

"Jayson your grades are phenomenal. Given that you excelled in your honors classes at your old school they were enough to place you in a higher grade level at this school" Principal Bates said.

I blushed and asked, "Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"

"Jayson congratulations! You get to graduate school early. You're officially a senior" Principal Bates said smiling which made me smile as well.

"The guidance counselors were a little slow with placing you ahead this year because we only have two until next month. Having 3,600 kids split between two guidance counselors is no easy task" Principal Bates said making me cringe at that many students.

"We apologize for the mix up and assure you that it won't happen again" Principal Bates said getting up from his desk.

"It's ok sir" I said shaking his hand.

"Well hurry along you don't want to miss too much of homeroom" Principal Bates said, "Ms. Knox will walk you to your class."

I looked back and saw a young white woman waiting for me. I walked behind her as the young boy I saw earlier came into Principal Bates' office behind me. I caught his eye and he caught mine but I didn't speak to him. I was already taken, I didn't need the drama. Then again, what's so bad about speaking? I turned my head around to catch a view of him but he was already in the office by then.

Ms. Knox and I walked down the quiet hall into my room. I was so excited that I was a senior. Now I had to think about college and graduating. This was the best day ever.

We walked up to my homeroom class, and Ms. Knox knocked at the door. After the teacher announced for us to enter, Ms. Knox walked in and I followed her.

"Mrs. Upton, this is Jayson Grier, he just transferred to the school this year but some of his paperwork was misplaced" Ms. Knox said.

"Ok Jayson just find an empty seat. We were just in the middle of introducing ourselves" Ms. Upton said. Before I walked away, Ms. Knox gave me my schedule as I walked to an empty seat. I sat behind this cheery girl who was so excited to see me for some reason or maybe she was just this perky.

"Hi" she whispered turning around to me.

"Hi" I responded back awkwardly.

"I'm Marcia" she said extending her hand for me to shake.

"Hi, I'm..." I said before she cut me off.

"Jayson I know" she said shaking my hand and squeezing it, "welcome to Grove High"

"Thank you" I said jerking my hand back. This girl was looney tunes.

"Okay class let's continue" Mrs. Upton said before someone knocked on her door again, "come in" Mrs. Upton said sighing.

"Ms. Upton I'm terribly sorry" Principal Bates said, "but we have another student to add to your homeroom. His name is Quentin Mitchell."

"Que" some of the boys started saying his name in class. I guess he was a familiar face.

I looked up at Quentin as he walked in the room with his dreds swinging. He was so muscular that he would put Brandon to shame. He was built similar to a line backer and had the biggest hands I ever seen.

"It's fine Principal Bates, we are all suffering from the budget crisis, I understand" Mrs. Upton said.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Upton. You have a nice day" Principal Bates said about to walk out of the room.

"I'll leave my door open in case you want to bring anyone else in" Mrs. Upton said laughing making Principal Bates laugh in return.

"No ma'am I think that is it, or at least I hope" Principal Bates said leaving the room.

"Ok Quentin, have a seat anywhere we were in the middle of introductions, um Chelsea Young you're up sweetie" Mrs. Upton said.

Quentin looked around in the room and there were only two chairs left: one behind me and one of the other side of the room. Of course he came to sit behind me and as he did he dapped a couple of guys he knew and waved at some girls too as I caught a whiff of his cologne while he walked by.

"Hi" Marcia said softly looking back at Quentin. I quickly rolled my eyes remembering the earlier scenario I endured.

"Wassup" Quentin said in his deep baritone.

"I'm Marcia" Marcia said making smile softly to myself.

"What's good, I'm..." Quentin started before Marcia cut him off as well.

"I know, Quentin" Marcia said, "Welcome to Grove High"

"Thanks but I've been here before" Quentin said.

"Excuse me guys we do have someone speaking, Chelsea please continue" Mrs. Upton said.

"Ok well when I graduate in June I want to go to Yale and that's it" Chelsea said.

"Thank you sweetie, next Jayson Grier, please come up" Mrs. Upton said.

I got up from my seat and walked to the front of the class. I looked around at the mixed faces some cute guys and girls. All of whom, who grew up with each other and had established connections. Now I had a year to make my own with them.

"I'm Jayson Grier, I just moved here from Sunset Valley about 3 or four states from here in the Midwest. Um, I have four brothers and no sisters, I like to write a lot in my spare time as well as shop and when I graduate in May I want to go to college but I haven't made up my mind on which one" I said as the class clapped for me.

"Very good sweetie, you should try out for the school paper, I know they have some openings now, ok last person Quentin Mitchell if you would, please" Mrs. Upton said writing his name and mine in the roll.

Quentin got up and walked to the front of the class. He looked around and nodded his head again at some familiar faces.

"Wassup ya'll my name is Quentin Mitchell, a lot of you already know me. I played football here a year ago but had to move. I'm back now hoping to lead the Bulldogs to another win this year" Quentin said making the class cheer in excitement, " I have 2 little sisters and after high school I hope I can play professional football, that's all." Quentin said followed by the class clapping for him again.

"Thank you Quentin, I thought you looked familiar. I do recognize the face. We lost the championship game last year but hopefully we can bring home another win this year" Mrs. Upton said.

"You can bet on it, Mrs. Upton" Quentin said walking to his seat.

"Well class the bell is about to ring. Here are you lockers and their combinations make sure they work, if they don't see me in your spare times. Also here are your school ID badges, make sure to have them on you at all times. You can also use them for your lunch cards and library cards. Congratulations to you all for being seniors this year! That is a tremendous feat" Mrs. Upton said making the class cheer loudly with excitement, "Enjoy the rest of your classes this year and your time at this school because after this the real world begins" Mrs. Upton said making everyone in the class groan.

"I know, I know, who wants to hear that early in the morning" Mrs. Upton said smiling as the bell rang, "have a good day."

As everyone got up to leave I didn't realize when I got up that I bumped into Quentin.

"Oh I'm sorry" I said backing away.

"No it was my fault, I just got up without looking" Quentin said.

"So did I" I said laughing with embarrassment.

"Well I'm the clumsy one. Two left feet" Quentin said looking down at his feet laughing while I laughed too.

"Ok well see ya" I said walking away.

"Yea see you around" Quentin said smiling.

I walked out in the hall looking for my locker. I tried the combination and it worked. I looked inside admiring the emptiness before I crammed it with books and pictures, and possibly junk.

"Guess who?" Someone said behind me, little that he knew I already knew it was him by his signature cologne. Nevertheless, I still decided to play along.

"Who is this?" I asked trying to tear his hands off of me. The person didn't answer so I played with them and said, "whoever you are you have some nice strong hands and you smell really good. I know you're not my boyfriend because he never smells this nice."

After I was finished saying this Brandon took his hands off my face and spun me around.

"I hope you wuz playin" Brandon stated worried.

"Of course I was do you think that I would have done that with anyone?" I asked. Brandon still looked upset and I kissed him softly on his cheek which made him smile.

"That's what I'm talkin' `bout" Brandon said trapping me in the corner of the hall and making out with me. I only stood there and let him have his way with me, but we only had like two minutes before some teacher broke us up.

"All right guys let's get to class" the teacher said behind us.

Brandon and I wiped our faces and started walking away.

"What class do you have next?" Brandon asked grabbing my schedule, "boo these are all senior classes!"

"I know" I said smiling up at him.

"You're a senior?" Brandon asked me smiling.

"Yea I just found out this morning" I said walking beside him.

"Babe this is good" Brandon said picking me up and spinning me around.

"I know now we will be seeing more of each other" I said as he let me down and we began walking again.

"Boo this is cool. Hold up let me see when your next class after this one is. Ok so we have 2nd lunch together. I'll see you then besides here is your class. Have fun. I'll meet you here when you get out" Brandon said as we walked up to AP Chemistry.

"Ok you have fun too" I said.

"It's Weightlifting of course I'm going to have fun" Brandon said bending down to give me a small peck on my cheek. He walked away as I walked into class.

I looked around and saw Quentin again and smiled to myself after noticing that he had the only spare seat in the class. I sat down beside him and smiled.

"We meet again" Quentin said smiling.

"Yea I guess so" I said looking around to see if I saw any familiar faces. I saw one of the trouble twins and felt a pouring cloud over my head. Oh well 1 class down, 3 more to go.

For all of my fans thank you for bearing with me and remaining loyal. I promise to keep the updates flowing but I wanted to sincerely apologize for having you wait so long for a new chapter

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 15

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