Hes Mine


Published on Sep 6, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 12 Where's My Intro

While at the mall, Jamarion and Jeryn were having fun shopping, and talking to some girls but I was just lagging behind them thinking about Brandon. He called me before we left telling me that he was going to meet us but that was an hour and a half ago.

I walked in a store and picked a shirt off a rack but didn't see someone grabbing it at the same time as me.

"Um excuse me I had this first" the guy said. I looked up and saw the light skinned feminine black boy, who looked very attractive, but girly attractive.

"Sorry" I apologized letting go of the shirt and walking away. Two other boys came walking over to the boy and they whispered something to him as the three of them looked at me in disgust.

I turned my head and looked at some other outfits until the boy came over and followed me. I just kept looking back at him annoyed because it looked like he was trying to holler at me. I pretended to be looking at a pair of jeans on a rack and he came and looked at the ones across from me but on the same rack.

I looked up at him and he looked at me. I gave him a small smile and said "hi" but he only scrunched up his nose and rolled his eyes. After displaying that nasty attitude he walked away. Having enough of this bad karma I decided to walk into another store. My cell phone rang and I immediately picked it up after seeing Brandon's picture on my screen.

"Hi baby" I said excited.

"What it do, boo, where u at?" Brandon said back.

"Walking around in the mall, where are you?" I asked walking into Footlocker.

"I'm just walking in the mall, what store are you in?" Brandon asked.

"I want to talk to Jayse" I heard Corey ask.

"You brought Corey?" I asked excited.

"Yea I picked him up after taking care of somethings" Brandon stated upset.

"What kind of things?" I asked noticing his odd behavior lately.

"Something at the studio, boo" Brandon shouted back.

"Ok" I said, "I didn't mean to make you upset."

"Naw my bad, it's just that...somethin' happened today, that's all" Brandon said.

"Is it good news?" I asked worried.

"Boo don't sweat it, what store are you in? Walk up Corey!" Brandon shouted at Corey.

"I'm coming" Corey said walking behind Brandon.

"I'm at Footlocker, the one on the third floor" I said looking at some Air Force Ones.

"Can I help you sir?" A cute black boy asked walking up to me smiling.

"No I'm ok, thank you" I said looking at him.

"Ok let me know if you need anything, I'll be right over here" he said looking me up and down. I blushed and said ok turning my head back around to the shoes on the wall.

"Who was that?" Brandon asked.

"The sales guy" I said trying on some shoes.

"Why he askin' you all that?" Brandon asked.

"I don't know Brandon, I thought he was doing his job" I said getting frustrated by his attitude.

"I just asked you a question shawty, chill" Brandon said.

"I only responded to what you were asking" I pointed out.

"Yea but with a tone in yo voice" Brandon stated.

I sighed heavily and asked, "Brandon are you ok?"

"I'm cool" Brandon said.

"You sure because I'm feeling a lot of attitude today" I said replacing the shoes I had with some other ones.

"Those the right size for you, my man?" the sales guy asked walking back over scaring me.

"Yea they fine kidd" Brandon said walking in Footlocker with Corey holding his hands. They looked so cute together but Brandon was surely having a bad day because it showed all in his face.

"My bad, I was just..." the sales guy pointed out before Brandon cut him off.

"Naw we'll hit you up if we need somethin'" Brandon said making the guy walk away.

"Brandon! Baby what's wrong" I said limping over to him with one shoe on to hug him.

"Nothin'" Brandon said returning my hug back with little energy. I looked up in his face trying to find something but he wouldn't stare back at me.

"Baby are you sure, you look so upset. I'm not used to seeing you like this" I stated worried.

"Boo I'm gud, come on now" Brandon said.

"Then hug me like you miss me" I said staring at his upset face. Brandon hugged me again and squeezed me. I squeezed him back and he wanted to let go but I wouldn't unwrap my hands from around him. I wished that I could rub off some of his energy and take it away so he wouldn't be so upset.

"Jayse baby I'm fine" Brandon said in my ear returning to hugging me. I waited a few minutes and let go of him. I held his hand and walked him over to a nearby bench.

I hated seeing him like this. I missed his innocent smile and his sexy swagger. Don't get me wrong he was still turning me on, but at the same time it's not as much fun being turned on by someone when they aren't giving it back or appreciating your infatuation.

I stroked the side of his face but he wasn't looking at me he was looking at some shoes on the wall. I pinched his cheek and that made him jump.

"Oww boo what u do that fo?" Brandon asked pushing my hand away and grabbing his cheek.

"Because you aren't paying any attention to me" I stated putting my head on his shoulder

"I'm good boo, why you worryin' so much?" Brandon asked not looking at me.

"Because it's my job to worry about my baby" I said.

"But I told you I'm good" Brandon said again. After he said that it was an awkward silence between us until I looked and saw Corey.

"Hey Corey" I said getting up to walk to him.

"Hi Jayse" Corey said smiling at me.

"Are you having fun with your big brother?" I asked giving him a hug.

"No Brandon is being mean to me" Corey said sadly.

"I know I'm getting the same thing from him, you know why he's so upset?" I asked holding his hand and walking him back over to me and Brandon.

"No, he was ok until he got a phone call, then he started saying a lot of bad words" Corey said making me wonder what that was about.

"Well, I'm going to make sure you have fun today" I said making Corey smile wide.

"When are you coming to visit us?" Corey asked.

I looked over at Brandon who looked up at me and I smiled back to him and told Corey, "whenever your brother invites me over."

"Brandon can Jayse visit us soon?" Corey asked running to his lap.

"We'll see Corey" Brandon said softly, "what shoes you lookin' at?" Brandon asked looking up at me.

"Who me?" I asked surprised.

"Naw the dude behind you, yea boo, you" Brandon said making me punch him in the arm.

"I don't know these blue ones look cool" I said grabbing them.

"That's all you want?" Brandon asked.

"Are you about to buy them for me?" I asked blushing.

"I don't know" Brandon said looking around making me blush.

"That means yes" Corey said making me laugh.

"Be quiet" Brandon said to Corey.

"Are you?" I asked Brandon again.

"I don't know, I was just askin' a question" Brandon stated smiling getting up to look at the shoes on the wall. The whole time he walked I admired him and blushed the whole time. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was so sexy. He looked back at me and I gave him a face like "so" and he only laughed making me laugh too.

I shaked my head and looked at some more shoes on the wall while asking Corey for his input. Before you knew it I had five pairs of shoes, Corey picked out three and Brandon picked out three. When it was time to ring the stuff up I looked at Brandon and he only smiled back at me.

"Wassup?" Brandon asked.

"Are you really about to buy these shoes for me, because I got money but my parents got me on a limit" I said.

Brandon only smiled as the cashier rang the shoes up. I started blushing because this is the Brandon that I know. The one that is sweet and innocent who likes to flirt with me.

"You want me to add these too?" the cashier added making me look over at Brandon for a response.

"Yea add those too" Brandon said looking over at me winking. I only blushed and turned my head away from him. I caught the eye of the guy who was flirting with me earlier. Sorry buddy, I only have eyes for my man. I quickly turned my head back at Brandon as he pulled out his wallet. My mouth dropped as he opened it and all the money that was inside of it: $20s, $50s, $100s, nothing lower than a $20 basically.

Curiosity got the best of me as I wondered how he could be walking around with so much money but I quickly reminded myself that he was an up and coming rapper, who worked in his uncle studio.

After Brandon was finished paying the cashier, I reached for my bag, but he grabbed it and told me he had it. I smiled and gave him a wink as I grabbed Corey's hand and walked out the store.

The whole time Corey was talking to me I kept stealing glances at Brandon as he winked his eyes at me and blew kisses my way. I imitated everything he did but I wanted to put my own sexiness to it. I wanted to get wilder and poke my tongue out at him, but with all these people in the mall, I don't think so.

We went in almost every store in the mall to the point of Brandon carrying every bag from them. I laughed softly at the sight of him hauling all the bags, but how strong he was he wasn't struggling at all. I begged him to let me take at least one but I guess he wanted to prove something, or was just trying to be a gentleman.

"How does this look?" I asked Brandon and Corey as they sat in front of the fitting room of the last store we were going to look at in.

"It's straight" Brandon said sounding tired.

"I like it" Corey said happily with the heel of his foot hitting the bench.

"Thanks you sure these jeans aren't too tight" I asked spinning around trying to see if my butt was sticking out too much.

"Naw boo you good" Brandon said in between texting.

"But you aren't looking at me" I whined.

"Yes I am" Brandon said in his defense staring up at me from his phone.

I sucked my teeth and went back into the dressing room to try on my last pair of pants.

While I was in there, a guy came and told Corey hey to the point that I heard Corey give a small hi in return.

"What are you doing here?" Brandon asked upset. I wanted to come out but I was scared that maybe I should just stay in here.

"It's a mall Brandon, everyone comes here" the guy said with a feminine voice.

"Yea but I thought hoes liked to sleep during the day to make their money at night" Brandon responded back making me shocked that he would say something like that. I quickly tried the jeans on and took them off to see who this guy was that was making Corey and Brandon so upset.

"I know he didn't just tell you that?" another guy said.

"I can't believe he just told you that" another voice said.

"It's cool I would call him out but we're in the mall. I don't want to embarrass you" the first guy said.

"Kris ain't nobody gonna believe yo lyin ass anyway" Brandon said which made me pause in shock.

"Sweetie everything I say is the truth. You just mad cuz you can't have anymore of this" Kris said smacking his butt.

"Eww" Corey said out loud making me laugh in the dressing room.

"How you gonna talk like that in front of my little brother?" Brandon asked.

"Corey knows I'm just playin right Corey?" Kris asked bending down to face Corey. Corey immediately moved behind Brandon fearing his life.

"Brandon I want to go" Corey whined giving me my cue to come out. I grabbed my clothes as my heart beat fast in my chest. I was about to come face to face with the infamous Kris. I hope he is ugly, I hope he is ugly. Please, please, please be ugly!

I walked out the dressing room with my jeans in my hands just as Brandon was about to knock on the door.

"You good?" Brandon asked looking me up and down, reaching to grab my jeans out of my hands.

"Yea" I said looking at him and then turning my head to finally face Kris. This is the same guy I saw earlier. This was Kris! This is my competition. Talk about upgrading. Brandon must have been going through some things to hook up with this loser. The only thing Kris had on me was looks and Cover Girl was doing wonders on his face right now, so I didn't have anything to worry about.

"Who is this?" Kris asked Brandon instead of me.

Brandon didn't respond. He picked up our bags and we walked up to the cashier to pay and leave.

"C'mon Boo" Brandon said to me as I walked behind him.

"Brandon I know you heard me talking to you" Kris yelled behind us following us to the cashier as frick and frat came following too.

"Kris quit showin' off, man" Brandon said upset.

"I was just asking you a question, is this the trick I heard on the streets that you hooked up wit?" Kris said referring to me.

"Who are you calling a trick?" I asked surprised at my voice.

"Sweetie when I want to hear from you, I will talk to you directly" Kris said looking at me, then turning his head away. His two wanna bees were behind him laughing at the comment he made making me eyeball them hard. One of them cut their eye at me making me think in my head, who hates on someone that they don't even know? How immature!

"Kris why are you so worried about what I do. We ain't even kickin' it no more" Brandon said not turning around to face Kris.

"Boy stop! I just wanted to see what my competition was, but now that I do, I can sleep peacefully, because she ain't nothin' to worry about" Kris said turning his head back at me, "now sweetie your name is?"

"First you dog me, then you ignore me, next you want to know my name, who does that?" I asked feeling like this conversation is a waste of time.

"Baby just ignore him aight" Brandon said grabbing my shoulder, "excuse me can you hurry up and ring these jeans up please?" Brandon yelled.

"Brandon can we go please!" Corey whined tugging on Brandon's shirt.

"In a minute, Corey" Brandon said.

"Sweetie ask about me, if you don't already know" Kris said placing his hands on his hips.

"I didn't have too, your name was thrown around, just like you were" I said making Brandon smile.

"Excuse me honey, but whoever you got your news from they must have told you wrong. I'm feared on these streets" Kris said walking up to me. Ironically we are the same height, which made this battle that we were commencing start out as a fair advantage.

"By who? Those that haven't had your leftovers or those that have tasted it and it made their stomach turn" I said crossing my elbows. This time the cashier smiled and Brandon turned his head to our direction impressed by me speaking up. To be honest so was I, but if Kris thinks that I am going to be intimidated by some common slut, he has another thing coming.

Kris smiled and said, "Cute, but know this your having my leftovers."

"Then I should be happy that he isn't coming back for more, because obviously it wasn't that good" I said staring at Kris hard as he did the same thing to me. I'm not a fighter at all, and besides the little kid fights at home I've never been in one. Something in me wanted to punch Kris so hard and pimp slap dumb and dumber as well.

"C'mon boo, let's go" Brandon said walking over and grabbing my hand.

"This isn't over" Kris said as we walked away.

Brandon walked back over and said, "If you hurt him Kris, you better be scared of what I will do to you."

"Brandon, this kid is not your type" Kris said, "what can you do with him?"

"I can love da hell outta him, which is more than I eva did wit yo ass" Brandon said squeezing my hand. I stared at the back of Brandon's head and squeezed his hand back.

"Excuse me gentleman, but are we going to have a problem" the manager said finally coming from the back of the store.

"Naw homie we leavin'" Brandon said walking away and grabbing our bags. I grabbed Corey's hands and we walked out the store.

"See you around Jayse" Kris said, making me stop in my tracks and turn around. I looked up and saw the devil smiling wondering how did he know my name? What in the world did I get myself into?

Brandon grabbed my hand and we walked in the mall, all of us afraid to say anything. I finally met Kris and he was everything people said he was. Attractive but that attitude of his made him so ugly. How could I compete with that? I shook my head looked around at some of the people in the mall. I just want to go home.

"What time is it?" I asked out loud.

"Ten minutes to 4" Brandon said looking at his watch.

"I'm ready to go home" I said sadly.

"Why? You ain't havin' fun wit me and Corey?" Brandon asked worried.

"No I am, I just...I need to find my brothers" I said letting go of Brandon's hand.

"Boo what's up?" Brandon asked. I didn't answer him I just turned my back to him to dial my Jamarion's number.

"Hello?" Jamarion said.

"Where are you at?" I asked.

"Me and Jerry are at the food court" Jamarion said.

"Oh, ok" I said softly.

"You still shopping with Brandon?" Jamarion asked.

"How did you know that?" I asked surprised.

"We caught ya'll in a couple of stores. I was going to come and speak but I didn't want to start anything" Jamarion stated.

"Thanks but you still could have came by" I said softly.

"Why you sound so sad?" Jamarion asked worried.

"I'm not sad" I replied back.

"You sure Jayse? Did Brandon do something to you?" Jamarion asked getting defensive.

"No, Jamarion" I said whining with frustration.

"Hey what's wrong then?" Jamarion asked.

"Why does there always have to be drama between people" I said making Brandon look up from tying Corey's shoes.

"Jayse where are you?" Jamarion asked.

"Don't worry about it, I'll meet you guys soon" I said.

"Hey where are you, Jayse?" Jamarion asked.

"Never mind Jamarion, I'll call you back in a minute" I said hanging up.

"Jayse, Jayse..." Jamarion said as I hung up. I turned around to see Brandon and Corey waiting patiently on a nearby bench for me. Everytime I looked at Brandon I forget about being upset. He was so beautiful to me. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I walked over slowly to him, walking through the crowd of people.

"You good?" Brandon asked. I shook my head yes but Brandon wasn't having it.

"What's up boo?" Brandon asked grabbing my right hand and stroking my fingers.

"Nothing I'm fine" I said looking over at Corey who was in his own world playing with his feet.

"Why are you upset then?" Brandon asked.

"Brandon, I'm not upset" I whined trying to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let go.

"Aye" Brandon said looking up at me, "what's up?"

"It's Kris," I said making Brandon sigh and shake his head, "I'm not a fighter ok, and look at him he's gorgeous, why would you want someone like me?" I asked venting out all my hurt.

Brandon shook his head, kept stroking my fingers, and said, "you mean you really can't see why I can never love him?"

"But you were in love with him?" I asked.

"No, I was young. I cared about him a lot but I wasn't in love with him" Brandon confessed.

"But he was your first" I stated looking at him in his eyes.

"My first crush not my first love" Brandon said sincerely looking into my eyes.

"Then who was your first love?" I asked.

"Why you sayin' it like it was somebody in my past, why can't it be somebody in the present" Brandon said smiling.

"Who then?" I asked.

"You" Corey said throwing his hands up making me and Brandon laugh.

"If he can get it, I know you can" Brandon said.

"Is he right?" I asked.

"I don't know you tell me" Brandon said smiling.

"So I'm your first love" I said happily making Brandon smile hard.

"Yay Jayse!" Corey said. I laughed and pulled Brandon up from his seat and hugged him tight. I wanted to kiss him but with all these people in the mall, I was afraid. I squeezed him tight and placed my head in his chest to hear his heartbeat. I wanted this hug to last forever. I wanted this love to last forever. No one or nothing else mattered right now because my baby is my one and only. I sighed deeply feeling much better until Brandon broke the embrace.

"C'mon I want to show you something" Brandon said grabbing our bags.

"Ok" I said grabbing Corey's hand and following Brandon.

We walked to a jewelry store and my heart started beating fast again because if Brandon was about to do what I think he was then I was going to faint.

"How are you gentleman doing this evening" the salesman said walking over towards us from behind the counter.

"We're good sir, we were wondering if we could look at some of your rings" Brandon said. I was still in shock that we were over here and Corey was leading the way while I was still holding his hand.

"Certainly sir, we have some nice ones over here are you looking for any in particular?" the salesman asked.

"Well, we're kind of looking for promise rings with matching bands" Brandon said looking back at me smiling. I forced a small smile towards him, still in awe.

"These right here are on sale this week and selling fast" the salesman pointed.

"Naw I don't want something everyone else is getting. This is my baby and I want the best for him" Brandon said pointing to me and I politely waved to the salesman.

"Ah...I see" the salesman said nodding his head at me and smiling, "how high are you looking to go?"

"Sir not to sound rude but I did say the best" Brandon said.

"Brandon" I said running to him, "Baby you don't have to do this."

"What are you talking about boo? I want the best for you like I said" Brandon said rubbing my back.

"Yea but, can you afford this stuff? This place is expensive" I asked worried.

"Jayse, I got it, as long as you're with me, money is never somethin' you should ever worry `bout" Brandon said grabbing my hand and kissing it.

I smiled and looked into his eyes and let him continue to pamper me.

"This looks good right here" Brandon pointed in front of the glass case. I looked at the price and froze but remembered what he said.

"Certainly sir" the salesman said and grabbed the rings, we both tried them on and I loved it. It was a 14kt Gold Diamond Promise Ring. I looked at it and admired it so much that I didn't want to take it off. No one ever gave me jewelry before besides my parents.

I finally looked up from my ring to see Brandon, Corey and the salesman staring at me. I was so embarrassed and deep in thought at the ring that I didn't hear Brandon ask me if I liked it.

"Yea, yea, I love it" I said taking the ring off and feeling the emptiness. I rubbed the spot where it was and wished I could have that on forever.

"Good if I could just get your ring sizes and did the two of you want anything personalized on them?" the salesman asked from the counter writing everything down.

"Brandon and Jayse forvever" Brandon said to the salesman looking over at me smiling. I smiled back so hard that I felt the nerves in my lips shaking. I wanted to cry but I didn't. Instead I blew Brandon a kiss and he pretended to catch it and rub it on his face. God I loved this boy.

"Okay sir just sign right here and you can come and pick up the rings in about a week from today" the man said.

"Sounds good sir, thank you" Brandon said, "You guys ready?"

"I want a ring too" Corey whined.

"I'll buy you one later" Brandon said grabbing the bags, "Besides I gotta get you home."

"Thanks again sir" I said as we walked out of the store.

"My pleasure" the man said smiling.

As we walked out the store we were about three stores down when Jamarion and Jerry caught up with us.

"Jayse" Jamarion shouted my name from afar.

"What are you guys doing over here?" I asked when they finally reached us.

"Looking for you, you sounded upset" Jamarion stated out of breath.

"I'm fine. I told you I would call you later" I pointed out.

"Well whatever you sure you're ok?" Jamarion asked.

"C'mon man like I would let something happen to your brother" Brandon said upset.

"Brandon please not right now" I begged.

"Babe he always takin' shots at me yo" Brandon said angry.

"Look I just want to make sure my brother was ok, you obviously wasn't doing a good job of that earlier" Jamarion stated.

"Yo brother wuz doin fine, dawg, just chill" Brandon said dropping that bags on the floor.

"Brandon, Jamarion please stop this" I begged looking around as people were watching.

"Tell your little friend bye, we're leaving" Jamarion said.

"Little?" Brandon said dropping his bags.

"Not yet Jamarion, please" I whined.

"Look the mall is going to close in an hour anyway, so let's go" Jamarion yelled.

"Yo your brother said..." Brandon started before I stopped him.

"Brandon please!" I said grabbing his hand. He was breathing so hard and so was Jamarion. No matter how hard I tried these two would never get along.

"Ok I'm coming, but I want Brandon to follow us outside" I stated.

"Whatever" Jamarion said calming down.

"What's up Brandon?" Jerry said shaking Brandon's hand.

"I'm good lil' homie, how you doin? You ready fo school tomorrow?" Brandon asked softening up. Jerry was the only one that could get along with Brandon. Him and Jamie whenever he could pick a lane.

"Not really, the summer went by to quick" Jerry said waving at Corey as Corey waved back.

"I feel ya lil homie. Looks like you got some fresh gear fo the ladies to check you out in" Brandon said noticing the bags.

"I hope so" Jeryn said smiling.

"Ah man don't sweat it, it's a cute lil shawty out there for ya" Brandon said patting Jerry on the back.

"Jamarion this is Brandon's little brother Corey, Corey this is my big brother Jamarion" I said introducing the two of them.

"Nice to meet you Corey" Jamarion said walking over to shake his hand.

"Hi, all of you are brothers?" Corey asked.

"Yea and there are two more too" I said looking down at Corey.

"Wow that's a lot" Corey said making everybody laugh including Brandon and Jamarion.

"Well let's go before we get locked in here" I said. Brandon reached down and grabbed our bags as did Jamarion and Jeryn with theirs.

"Where are your bags?" Jamarion asked me.

"I got `em homie" Brandon said looking back at us.

"You can't carry your own bags" Jamarion asked me playfully but I thought he was being serious so I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes, trying to walk away.

"Hey, hey, hey Jayse I was just playing, calm down" Jamarion said behind me finally catching up with me.

We both followed behind everyone as I admired the way Brandon, Corey, and Jerry got along.

"I'm sorry for acting up back there" Jamarion said to me as we rode down the escalators.

"It's ok" I said.

"I'm really trying Jayse but that guy just gets on my nerves with that attitude of his" Jamarion stated.

"But I love him so you're going to have to get along with him" I said.

"I know, but I just don't want you to get hurt again" Jamarion said sincerely.

"I won't, just look at him through my eyes" I said making Jamarion jump back in disgust which made me laugh a little.

"Not like that peanut head, I mean see how well he gets along with Jerry, why can't you do that with him?" I asked.

"I try Jayse" Jamarion said.

"Well try harder" I said making Jamarion sigh heavily in defeat.

"All right, I'll try harder" Jamarion said.

As we walked to my mom's car Jerry told Corey and Brandon good bye and got inside. I gave Corey a big hug and waited to see what Brandon and Jamarion would do.

"Thanks for taking care of my brother today" Jamarion said throwing his hand up to dap Brandon.

"No problem, it's all I want to do" Brandon said dapping Jamarion up. I smiled at the thought of the two of them becoming friends one day.

"Here you go" Brandon said to Jamarion as he passed my bags over to him. Jamarion grabbed them, put them in the trunk and sat in the car waiting for me.

"Thank you for a lovely day today" I said walking over to Brandon smiling.

"The pleasure's all mine sweetheart" Brandon said.

"See you tomorrow at school?" I asked.

"Yea you want me to pick you up?" Brandon asked.

"I would love for you to pick me up" I said smiling and giving him a hug. He kissed my neck and I did the same to him as we said goodbye. I waved at him as he and Corey walked away waving back. I got in the car and sighed heavily thinking about when tomorrow comes, the drama begins.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 14

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