Hes Mine


Published on Aug 12, 2010



The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction.

Chapter 10 Brandon's POV (part 2)

Jayse was still looking at me with his eyes full of water and I placed my index finger gently under them letting the tears flow so I could catch them. He looked so beautiful to me and I just wanted him to know that.

"Well Brandon I really wasn't expecting to hear that" Mr. Grier said sitting up.

"I really do care about your son, Mr. Grier, and Mrs. Grier. I promise to do whatever I can to make him happy" I said looking them both straight in the eyes.

"That's a um, that's a huge promise Brandon, not to doubt your or anything sweetie but are sure you sincerely mean that?" Mrs. Grier asked me.

"Yes ma'am I just want a chance to prove myself" I said sincerely squeezing Jayse's hand into mine. I looked over at him and smiled while he gave me a small grin. I knew he was nervous about this but little that he knew I was about to make all his dreams come true.

"Jayse are you ok with all of this?" Mr. Grier asked Jayse while we all looked over at him.

Jayse nodded his head yes and looked into my eyes saying, "yes I trust him." I wanted to kiss him right there but I swear his parents were getting in the way of an intimate moment. I still had to gain their trust though.

"Well I guess we will let you too talk. It was nice meeting you again Brandon" Mrs. Grier said getting up and nudging Mr. Grier.

"Yes it was nice to meet you again Brandon but remember what I said" Mr. Grier said sternly getting up. As they walked out the room, my eyes followed them and then I looked at my boo.

"You good shawty?" I asked stroking Jayse's chin.

"Shawty? What happened to the proper speech?" Jayse asked lookin' at me.

"C'mon now. You know I had to correct myself round yo folks" I said laying back on the couch enjoying the soft feel.

"I guess" Jayse said looking down at the coffee table.

"What's up?" I asked sitting back up looking at Jayse's perfect baby skin.

"Nothing" Jayse said finally turning his head back around to me.

"Oh you think I'm bein' fake now huh?" I asked defensive.

"No I'm not" Jayse said turning his body towards me and grabbing my hands again. He started rubbing my shoulders trying to calm me down. "Why are you getting upset?" Jayse asked worried.

"Cuz you sound like you doubtin' me shawty" I said trying to keep my cool.

"Baby stop it. We just had a perfect moment. Why are you getting so upset?" Jayse asked turning my head to look at him. I stared deep into his big brown eyes and saw an innocent sweet boy. He looked so sheltered, so privileged from everyone else. Growing up with a silver spoon in his mouth, not that I envy him or nothing, but it's just that he is my perfect opposite. He completes me so well. He is like everything I'm not.

"I'm trippin' boo my bad" I said grabbing his hand and kissin' it. I looked up and saw him smile again and that made my rock hard heart melt. This boi seriously has a hold on me.

"So what do you want to do?" Jayse asked nervously.

"Whatever you up to doin" I said smiling. I heard someone coming down the stairs and looked up to see Jayse's big brother coming down. He mugged me the whole time he was walkin down the stairs and I got my game face ready to let him know what time it was. I quickly caught myself when I remembered where I was.

"Hey Jayse have you seen mom and dad?" his brother asked turning his head from me after he sized me up. I swear this dude is just beggin' for me to break him off one good time.

"They went into their room" Jayse said calmly. His voice brought me from 100 to 10 so quick just listening to its soft pitch.

"Oh well tell them I'm going to see Ebony right quick and then go shoot some hoops down at the court" Jamarion said about to turn away until Jayse cleared his throat.

"Jamarion" Jayse said tilting his head in my direction softly.

Jamarion rolled his eyes and nodded his head at me saying, "what's up Brandon." I looked over at dude surprised he was actually tryin to be civilized. I guess I could meet him halfway as well.

"What's good bruh" I said nodding my head up at him. I turned my head back to the tv while Jayse and Jamarion mouthed something to each other so I couldn't hear.

I looked over at Jayse and he did the whole scratch ya head when somebody catches you and shit so I looked over at Jamarion and he threw his hands up like "what's up." This dude didn't know whether he wanted to be cool or scrap. I just shook my head and kept my cool, he probably was doing that to Jayse anyway.

"All right I'm out" Jamarion said walking out the door.

"You did good baby" Jayse said rubbing my back gently.

"Whatchu talkin' bout, wit yo brother?" I asked causing Jayse to smile and shake his head. "I just don't want to mess yo parents stuff up" I admitted.

"He's trying baby. Why do you two have so much animosity between the both of you?" Jayse asked worried.

"Boo I don't have nothin against yo brother. Ever since we met he been giving me the cold shoulder" I stated upset.

"Well just try and get along with him for me, please" Jayse pleaded with the sexiest puppy dog eyes.

"How can I say no to that sexy face" I said leaning in to his face making our foreheads touch. We rubbed them against each other acting like the kids we are until Mrs. Grier came through.

"Sorry, sorry I just came to grab one of my sketch books" Mrs. Grier said tip toeing to the bookcase in the corner. Jayse and I looked at each other and smiled real hard embarrassed that we got caught for being cute.

"Do you want to go upstairs to my room?" Jayse asked me blushing after his mom left the room.

"Um...is it safe to go up there wit yo parents home?" I asked looking over my shoulder to see if his dad was going to come out next.

"We're just going up there to talk, silly" Jayse said smiling.

"I know" I lied embarrassed for thinkin somethin else. I watched as Jayse got up and walked across the living room. His butt filled his straight leg jeans on point. Man I wish those long legs were wrapped against my waist. He had an ass that would make girls go crazy for. It wasn't big but it poked out from his thin waist makin' it show a lot. The fact that he was tall and thin made just makes me wanna...

"Why are you still sitting down?" Jayse asked turning around.

"Oh I'm getting' up" I said trying to wait fo my hard on to die down.

"Well I kind of need to show you where my bedroom is" Jayse joked with his right arm resting on the hand rail of the stairs and his right leg up on one of the stairs. This stance made his cute lil butt poke out even more. I turned my head to look at one of their portraits hoping that one of them would help distract me.

"Bra-n-don" Jayse said in a sing song voice, I laughed because he was not making it easy for me. "What are you laughing for?" Jayse asked walking over to me smilin.

"Nothin boo" I said sitting up leaning over my hard on.

"Then come on" Jayse said grabbing my hand pulling me up.

"Wait, wait, wait boo" I said getting up showing my hard on.

"What?" Jayse asked turning around, but I turned my back to him so he wouldn't see big Brandon. Man I was at full mast too. I need to stop wearing boxers but I can't wear nothin' else because they don't fit me and big Brandon.

"Why are you acting so goofy?" Jayse asked walking behind me.

"I'm not acting goofy" I said looking down at my hard on.

"Yes you are come on, or do you want to stay down here?" Jayse asked from behind me.

"I got you. I just wanted to look at...this book right here" I said walkin over to the bookshelf.

"What book?" Jayse asked walkin behind me.

"This book right here" I said grabbin the first book I could find. Shit! It was a book about anatomy.

"I didn't know you liked anatomy" Jayse said walking beside me looking through the book with me. I was just flipping through trying to find something that would take my mind off of him, but nothing was workin.

"What you tryin' to say shawty?" I asked lookin down at him.

"Stop twisting my words all the time" Jayse said whining. Shawty please stop bein' cute for five seconds.

"I ain't twisting yo words" I barked back playfully.

"Yes you are. Everything I say you take offense too" Jayse said walking away. I quickly grabbed his arm droppin the book on the floor.

"Quit actin' up" I said playfully in his ear.

"I'm not doing anything. That's all on you" Jayse said leanin back on me. Shawty wanted this more than I did. I backed away from him so he wouldn't feel my bulge and bumped into the bookcase. Jayse turned around and asked me if I was ok.

"I'm straight" I said rubbing my shoulder from the hit.

"You sure?" Jayse asked worried. Please don't look down, I kept sayin to myself. He walked over and touched my shoulder softly where I was rubbin at. I couldn't hide it anymore and went full mast in my gym shorts. "How does that feel?" Jayse asked rubbin the spot more tenderly.

I couldn't respond I was feelin good just from the soft massage. I looked down in his eyes and he smiled at me. I smiled back and licked my lips seductively. Jayse caught on and licked his lips too. I waited to see if he wanted to make the first move but he looked like he wanted me too. I poked my lips out fo a quick second and drew them back in letting him know what I wanted. Jayse licked his lips again and smiled showing a cute dimple on his right cheek that I didn't even know he had. The mole above his top lip on his right side also showed more too, or I probably was just noticing it for the first time. It looked like a beauty mark but I don't know how I never picked up on it befo'.

He never broke his look on me and I didn't break mine on him. I cleared my throat and he cleared his after me makin me laugh at how cute he was tryin to be right now. I guess I got to take the intiative and moved slowly towards him. I took a small step but stepped right on the book causing me to trip a little.

Jayse looked down and saw what happened and said, "you should pick that up, it's one of my dad's books." He saw my bulge and blushed so hard that he walked away nervously.

Shit! I quickly bent down and picked up the book dusting my shoe print off of it and runnin with my hard on floppin in my shorts behind Jayse who was still shakin his head blushin. I couldn't look him in the eye cuz I was kind of embarrassed myself, so I just walked behind him. He stopped at the stairs and turned around towards me.

"You still want to come to my room?" Jayse asked

"Yea if you still want me to?" I asked smilin. Jayse smiled and walked up the stairs to his room. I admired the whole house that looked like somethin' out of a magazine. The stairs were wooden but had carpet in the middle. I tried my best to notice this and not look at my baby's butt in front of me. Fuck it! I looked up and saw the way his cheeks separated as he took each step and all I could do was lick my lips. I wanted to grab them so bad but I got the feelin he was nervous too so I would play it cool.

I still remember the feel of them in my hands when we danced that night. They were so soft and plump, God I had to have this boy. I feel like I'm going to explode, I'm so horny.

Though I do want to have sex wit Jayse I want it to be special and mean something to him. It will be his first time and I can't treat it like a one-night stand. I want him to not only remember the night but remember me. I'll be the first and only one to take him to ecstasy.

We walked down the hall to his room and I noticed all the paintings down the hall as well as how him and his brothers had their doors decorated. Each of them either had their name on it or something dealing with what they do or like. His little brother had his name along wit some pictures of beaches and stuff. I guess he loves the water or the islands. His older brother had pictures of basketballs and his name on his door. We passed a couple of other doors but I guess they were closets and other rooms. When we got to Jayse's room he had his name on the door along wit what looked like letter scrolls and books.

Jayse placed his hand on his bedroom doorknob and before he walked in, he looked back at me and I smiled at him. He smiled back and opened his door. The smell hit me as soon as he opened it, it smelled like lilacs or something. I guess some sort of flower but it was so soft. He had a queen size bed that had a baby blue comforter with matching wallpaper. I forgot he told me that blue is his favorite color.

He had everything so neat and in order, nothin' like my room. His room had a bookcase with books all around a desk wit his own computer, a stereo, and a flat screen TV on his dresser. It was only 24" but still it was a flat screen. All I could do was look around his room and I saw he had pictures of Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, Micheal Jackson, and some others. I noticed the black ones but there were some white ones too. I remember the faces but I don't recall the names.

"Who's this?" I asked staring at a middle aged black man.

"That's E. Lynn Harris!" Jayse said walking from his window.

"Who?" I asked confused.

"I can't believe you don't know E. Lynn Harris. He was one of the greatest writers ever. He gave me the courage to write about being openly gay" Jayse said stroking the picture on the wall.

"Fa real" I said still lookin' around his room, "I didn't know you write."

"I write a lot of stuff. Poetry, short stories..." Jayse said walking next to his bed.

"Maybe you can be my songwriter" I said walking over to his stereo checkin' out his cd collection.

"Maybe. As long as you don't want me to write any rap songs" Jayse stated.

"Shawty, I guess we gonna have a problem cuz all I do is rap" I said looking back at him with his cds in my hand.

"Well if you have a singer singing the chorus I might can write that" Jayse said lookin' at his phone.

"What you doin' wit all these oldies?" I asked clowin' on him.

"I love the oldies, they are the only ones that talk about real love" Jayse stated putting his phone on his nightstand.

"Oh so you can't hear that in rap songs?" I asked setting the cds down after I placed Donny Hathaway in.

"No all they want to talk about is killing people and freaking girls" Jayse stated crossing his elbows upset.

"Not all of them do, boo" I said walking over to his bed.

"Not all but the but a good percentage. I hope you don't do that in your songs" Jayse stated.

"My stuff is fresh, I bet you ain't heard that cd I gave you yet have you?" I asked laying down on his bed facing him. Jayse blushed. "Why you ain't play my stuff yet shawty?" I asked grabbing his feet and massaging them.

"I was going too, I was just busy lately" Jayse stated soundin' sincere.

"Listen to it now. Where's it at?" I asked lookin at him. Jayse smiled and asked me to close my eyes. "What I got to do that for?" I asked.

"Because I don't want you to see where it is" Jayse whined.

"Naw I wanna see where you put my joint at" I said lookin round the room.

"Please Brandon" Jayse whined.

"Naw shawty tell me where it is" I said getting up from the bed lookin round the room. While I was doin this I didn't notice that Jayse had pull the cd from somewhere. I looked at him and smiled thinkin that he probably threw it away. "Where did you have it at?" I asked grabbing the cd from him.

"Promise me you won't think it's silly?" Jayse asked.

"I won't think anything you do is silly boo" I said putting the cd in the stereo and laying back across the bed.

Jayse sighed and looked at me while I continued to massage his feet, "It was under my pillow." I smiled at him and asked "what."

"It was under my pillow" Jayse said again.

"Why did you have it under your pillow?" I asked.

"Because lately the only way I could sleep is thinking of you and with your cd next to me I slept better" Jayse confessed lookin' me in my eyes. I stopped massagin his feet and looked at him.

"Baby, that is the, aw man, nobody never said anything like that to me befo'" I said at a lost for words.

"Well I don't think you ever had someone that cared for you as much as I do" Jayse said. My dick sprung back to life and I know Jayse saw it jumpin in my shorts. I wanted to kiss him right there just for being beautiful and sincere.

"You care about me that much shawty?" I asked tryin not to blush. Jayse nodded his head in response but I wasn't having that I needed to hear the words. "Naw open yo mouth and talk" I said forcefully playin.

"Brandon" Jayse whined.

"Uh unh, quit whining and tell me" I said letting go of his feet and getting up to lean over him.

"Brandon quit before my parents come in" Jayse said trying to push me off of him but I was too strong for him.

"Naw not until you open yo mouth and say what I want you to say" I said leaning over him smellin his soft cologne. He started blushin mad hard and I knew I had him so I kept playin with him. I leaned down and kissed his neck. "C'mon boo say it" I said movin over to the other side of his neck. Jayse still wouldn't open his mouth. I looked at him and he looked at me. I gave him the face like say it and he only rolled his eyes and turned his head smiling. He want to be cute, I said to myself. I played in his hair smellin his vanilla shampoo and stuck out my tongue to the bottom of his left ear and licked all the way down to his shoulder.

"Brandon quit it" Jayse said tryin' to push me off of him, but I had other plans. I moved back to his ear and started suckin on it so hard, rubbin my tongue on the tip back and forth. I felt his dick rub against mine and just that quick I learned my baby hot spot. I kept lickin' his ear while he moaned softly. I placed my hands under his shirt feelin his soft skin in my hands. I rubbed up and down against his rib cage and lifted his shirt to his chest. I looked down at his stomach and saw his navel. I bent down and kissed it tracing my tongue around it before sticking it in. The whole time his dick was jumpin' up and down against my chest and that shit turned me on so much. I laced my fingers in his underwear and was about to pull them down when Jayse spoke.

"Ok, ok, yes I care about you a lot ok. I love you" Jayse said out of breath.

I looked up at him and said, "you act like that was so hard."

"Well I had to stop you. You're trying to lick my body up like a popsicle" Jayse said rubbin the ear that I was lickin on.

"You just can't handle all of this" I said taunting him.

"Yes I can" Jayse said looking at me.

"Please shawty you over there getting wet the whole time" I said makin Jayse blush.

"What about you, you've been hard since we were downstairs" Jayse said makin me blush. We both looked at each other and laughed knowing that both of us were hard blooded freaks.

"Just don't be givin' none of this cinnamon away, you hear me" I said slapping Jayse on the thigh.

"Just don't give my chocolate away" Jayse said smilin' at me.

"I ain't. Nobody can hold a candle next to you boo. You mine's now and forever" I said laying back down on his bed. I laid on my back with my head turned to Jayse. I could do this every night. Lay down after a long day just lookin' at my boo. Jayse's phone started ringing and he looked at it to see who it was.

"Oh it's only Max" Jayse said putting the phone back down.

"Why you ain't gonna answer?" I asked grabbing his leg.

"Because I told him you were over here with me" Jayse said.

"Oh he wanna be nosey" I said, "hand me the phone."

"Why?" Jayse asked worried.

"Just hand me the phone" I said reaching for it. Jayse looked nervous but handed me the phone anyway. I grabbed it, answered it and started talking to Max. "Hello" I said.

"Hello, is this Brandon?" Max said.

"Yeah what's up?" I said smilin' over at Jayse.

"Oh um nothing, I just wanted to talk to Jayse about something" Max said.

"Oh my bad Max, he kinda busy rite now" I said causin' Jayse to laugh. I placed my index finger to my lips signaling for him to be quiet.

"Oh ok, no problem I'll just hit him back later" Max said.

"He may be busy later to Max" I said still playin' with my baby's legs.

"Oh um, what ya'll doin?" Max asked.

"Nothin we just chillin" I said winkin at Jayse.

"Chillin' means ya'll gonna be that busy?" Max asked.

"Yep, that sounds bout rite" I said.

"Ok well just tell him I will talk to him tomorrow" Max said.

"Aight peace" I said hanging up the cell phone.

"Why did you do that?" Jayse asked embarrassed.

"Because we in the middle of somethin" I said pullin' his pants legs up and kissin his legs.

"Stop it Brandon" Jayse said smiling movin my head away.

"Quit playin shawty" I said playfully moving his hand away.

"No you quit" Jayse said still movin my hands and laughin.

"You play too much" I said layin down defeated. Jayse laughed throwing one of his pillows at me. I smiled and let the pillow rest on my face smellin it for his aroma. Damn he smelled good.

Jayse crawled on his bed over to me and asked, "hello is anybody under there?" playfully makin' me smile while my head was under the pillow. I didn't respond I wanted to see how enticing he could be. Instead of grabbin the pillow he let it stay on my face while he massaged my chest and abs. I know he saw my dick jump, but I just continued to lay there lettin' him feel me up.

Jayse lifted my shirt and rubbed my skin letting his hands slowly touch my body. He took extra time playin with my abs, rubbin his hands all over my six pack. He then moved his fingers back up and ran them over my nipples. He pinched them a couple of times and all I could do was bite my bottom lip.

Jayse then traveled his index finger feelin' my lightly haired body down to my navel. I have an outie and he was playin with it over and over and surprised me by kissin it. He paused for a minute because I didn't feel anything else. I moved the pillow from my face to see him blushin'.

"What's up?" I asked sittin up.

"Nothin" Jayse said calmly.

"Why did you stop?" I asked wanting him to do more.

"Because that's all I wanted to do" Jayse said smiling.

"I lick yo body up and down and all you want to do is tease me fo a few minutes" I said smilin.

"Well I guess we know who the freak is in the relationship" Jayse said turnin his head away smilin. I grabbed him and threw him back on the bed ticklin him, which I didn't know until just know that he was ticklish. He was laughin so hard and pushin' my hands away but I wasn't havin it.

I kept ticklin him lovin the sound of his laugh and his perfect smile and teeth. He was the sexiest kid ever. I finally stopped and looked down at him as he caught his breath. I placed my index finger under his eye lids and wiped his tears from laughin so much. We both just looked at each other while Donny Hathaway was still playin in the stereo. I placed my cd in but forgot to play it. His slow songs was settin the mood right perfectly. "You Were Meant For Me" by Donny started playin and as I listened to the words I realized that Donny was speakin' for me.

"This is our song" I said calmly.

"What happened to `Find Your Love' by Drake?" Jayse asked.

"That's our rap song this is our love song" I said lookin at him in his eyes.

"Do you think I'm meant for you?" Jayse asked.

"I think you were created for me" I stated honestly. Jayse blushed and his eyes started watering. "C'mon babe don't cry" I said reaching down to wipe his tears before they started.

"I'm sorry" Jayse said lookin at me, "you just make me feel so loved."

"Don't you think that you should?" I asked.

"Yea" Jayse said.

"Cool cuz startin today you're gonna feel this way forever" I stated. Jayse blushed hard and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to do it. I licked my lips real good and Jayse did the same. I didn't wait it out this time because I wanted to feel his lips right now during this moment while it was so good. I leaned down and placed my lips on top of his.

His lips were so soft. I tried to kiss him slow but I was enjoyin it too much and started to speed up a little. The whole time I had my eyes closed and I opened them to see that Jayse had his closed as well. Damn he looked fine. I closed my eyes again and slowed our kissin back down. All you could hear was Donny in the background and our kissin noises and a couple of moans escaping our lips. We both wanted this so bad and now I'm glad we waited this long.

This was cool but I wanted more. I started tryin to let my tongue slip in between his lips and Jayse got the message and let me in. I let my tongue glide around his and man, this kid could kiss. I was in control for a minute but he grabbed the back of my head and started whirlin' his tongue all around my mouth. I stroked his hair and followed his lead letting him call the shots and just enjoyed our minutes of heaven.

Our breathin' started gettin heavier and we were obviously givin signs that this is what we both wanted all along. I didn't want to stop and I was waitin for Jayse to pull away but obviously he didn't want to neither. I changed positions by rolling over and lettin him get on top of me as he straddled my hips. I grabbed his thighs as he grinded on my dick. I couldn't get over how much of a freak he was. I rubbed my hands up and down his thighs feelin' his soft skin wonderin if he shaved. I moved my hands back to reach for his butt and started massagin them like I did the first time we danced. I grabbed, squeezed, pinched, and kneaded that ass like it was dough. I couldn't get enough of it and neither could Jayse because the whole time he was moanin in my mouth.

We moved from French kissin' back to just regular kissin and soon to love pecks. I opened my eyes finally and saw my baby straddlin my hips. I moved up into him lettin him feel all of me and his eyes opened in amazement. I smiled while he looked down at me and smiled back. He pulled away and just stared at me.

"I love you Brandon" Jayse said sweetly.

"I love you too, Jayse" I said. I wanted to say boo but by sayin his name I wanted him to know that I did truly love him. We both paused fo a minute to catch our breaths until Jayse climbed off of me.

"Naw boo don't move" I whined tryin to get him to lay back on top of me.

"But my parents are home" Jayse whined back.

"I know but...never mind you're right" I said rememberin his parents. Speakin of parents I need to hurry up and go home myself. "What time is it?" I asked lookin down at my watch.

"Almost 9:00" Jayse said.

"Oh shoot boo I gotta bounce" I said rememberin I had to take care of some business, "I didn't know it was that late, I was over here fo a minute."

"Yea you were" Jayse said lookin at me as I climbed off the bed to fix myself up. I tried to fix my dick in my boxers but Jayse was muggin hard at it, I know he want it. I played around with it in front of him and he turned his head blushin.

"What you doin' tomorrow?" I asked.

"Going shopping" Jayse said.

"Look at yo closet boo, you got enough clothes" I said pointin to all the clothes in his walk in closet.

"I need more" Jayse said laughing. I laughed too and how spoiled he was.

"Well hit me up tomorrow spoiled brat I might want to tag along," when I said that his face just brightened up so quick, "Who are you going with anyway?" I asked.

"Um it was going to be the boys but they have to work so Jerry and Jamarion" Jayse said.

"Oh that's ok then" I said not wanting to impose on the family outing.

"No come with us" Jayse begged.

"Boo that's between ya'll I don't want to get in the way" I said sitting down on the bed.

"But you're not, I'm inviting you" Jayse said grabbin my hand.

"What if me and yo brutha get into it, I don't want to put you in the middle of that no more" I said.

"He's ok, I promise he won't do anything" Jayse said kissin my neck tryin to convince me to say yea.

"I'll see shawty" I said giving in which made him squeal in excitement. "That's not a yes."

"It's not a no neither" Jayse said getting up to walk me out. I pinched his butt and he yelped and pushed my hand away. We walked out the room down the hall and down the stairs. I was missin the place already. When we got to the front door Jayse turned around and said "thank you for coming over." I smiled and relpied, "you're welcome."

While we were walking down the steps I grabbed his hand. He looked over at me and smiled. We walked hand in hand letting the world see our new love in the making.

We got to my car and I got in while he leaned inside from my open window. I looked him up again and kissed him one last time for the night, still not getting enough.

"Love you boo" I said pulling away.

"Love you more" Jayse said. I turned the ignition and waited until he got back over to his front door. I watched that walk that killed me as he walked away. I smiled and shaked my head still not believing that the sexiest kid in the city was dating me. I went through the cds in my car but right now I was feelin no rap songs. I turned the radio on and found the XM station playin the oldies.

As luck would have it Donny was playin, "You Were Meant For Me" and all I could do was put my head on my steering wheel and laugh. I looked over at Jayse who was still standing at the door waitin for me to leave. I pulled down my windows since they were tinted and waved out at him. He blew me a kiss and I blushed mad hard abd he caught me. I pulled away still thinkin about my baby and our very first kiss. Damn I love that boi.

Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at jaypoet929@yahoo.com. Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.

Next: Chapter 12

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